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Sachin Belgaonkar, 1Reasearch Scholar, 2Ujwal Gawai, 2Assistant Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering ,1JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering ,Pune,India

applications. But the unprecedented growth in

Abstract— The Electronic device with electronic devices and constant striving for high
increasing processing power, smaller size and power small devices is demanding an effective
greater mobility have aided in replacing thermal management system. Electronic devices
mechanical device system in many emit large quantities of heat as waste energy this
applications like clock etc but at the same problem has only grown severe with ever
time led to a ever increasing challenge to increasing high powered small size devices The
manage their thermal load in a good, stable & traditional cooling techniques are no longer
cost effective way. These Electronics work sufficient for modern electronic devices which
best when maintained at a optimal have become more powerful and small at the
temperature range if the electronic device same time. The challenge is to quickly takeaway
temperature gets too high above the safe heat from the device without letting the device
operating temperature and design temperature of Tj – Junction temperature to get
temperature the device will fail which will in to high. Modern Electronic device like IC’s ,
turn cause failure of the machine it was Mosfet , Amplifiers are so powerful and small
controlling. In this paper we will analyze that they will burnout within minutes or seconds
design consideration of Phase Change of switching on without thermal cooling
Material (PCMs) used as heat sink to increase provided by either heat sink or heat pipe. Also
its temporary thermal storage capacity and these devices may not necessarily run at high
maintain fairly stable temperature during the temperature all the time but intermittently. But
operation of electronic device We will study for heat sink calculation process the heat energy
the addition of fins in heat sink alongwith loss or Ploss is considered as the maximum
PCMs to increase the thermal conductivity power loss or heat loss that the electronic device
and allow faster heat transfer between the may experience during its operation. Phase
heat sink and PCM which will reduce the change embedded heat sink on the other hand
thermal gradient between the two and help can be designed for average heat loss expected
maintain temperature within the operating by calculating the heat loss across a cycle and
range. In this paper we will analyze the design then averaging it.
consideration required for PCM based heat
sink and the criteria used for selection of Traditional warfare included throwing of
PCM, the criteria for determining the volume projectile propelled by a high pressure gas
of PCM required, the optimum ratio of fin generated by explosive charge in a barrel at high
volume to PCM volume, the temperature speed on enemy installations. The Target where
distribution along the PCM material in the the projectile will hit was calculated prior to
cavity as it is melting and the temperature launching of the projectile based upon distance ,
graph vs time vs heat energy . The results parabolic trajectory , wind speed and direction
showed that using PCM material in heat sink and other factors. Notably once the projectile is
lead to enhancement of cooling performance, fired from the artillery there is no control over it
better temperature control. and it will follow a set trajectory till it hits the
location. Modern warfare has become much
Index Terms—ICs, Phase change material, more advanced and the enemy targets now have
Enthalpy the capability of Early warning system via Radar
, infrared, ultrasonic, optical scanners and other
technology they can either deploy
I. INTRODUCTION countermeasures or incase of mobile platforms
change the location to avoid getting hit. The
The Electronic devices are increasingly finding
Modernization of defence forces is majorly on
there way in our day to day life. They have been
electronic front werein with use of advance
a significant part of modern civilization as we
powerful , small electronic devices the weapons
know today from domestic, industrial, military,
have become more autonomous and precise in
medical, transportation to various other there operations.
Missiles are a complex peace of weaponry in a direction it is heading which can either be
sense it is an aircraft with autopilot that will hit achieved by gimble control of jet/rocket nozzle
its desired target with payload even if the target or aerodynamic surfaces like wings , canards ,
deploy countermeasures or changes its location. gills controlled by computer via actuators.
For this reason missiles are categorized as guided
airborne ranged weapon that is self propelled c) Warhead
either by a rocket engine or jet engine. The Nazi It is generally a Explosive projectile which is
Germany in World War II developed the first designed to destroy the enemy target
operational missile system which were the V-1
flying bomb & V-2 rocket which used d)Engine : The missile systems generally have
mechanical autopilot for guidance to keep the engine which is either Solid/Liquid fuel rocket
missile flying along a predefined trajectory. engines or Jet Engines designed to last for
Missiles are of different types like surface-to- specific range and speed.
surface and air-to-surface missiles (ballistic,
cruise, anti-ship, anti-tank, etc.), air-to-air The main outcome of reviewing the entire
missiles, surface-to-air missiles (and anti- missile system is that we can understand that in a
ballistic), and anti-satellite weapons. Missiles are modern guided missile be it of any type
an integral part of modern weaponry of any Two/Three systems out of 4 systems are
defence forces. It is used in all three dimensions controlled by a on board computer which can
of land ,water , air and soon space. work as a standalone unit or can work in unison
Missile typically have have four system with ground based units. The Modern guided
components classified as missile systems have very powerful CPU which
a)Targeting/guidance system can do a lot of processing of input data from
b)Flight control system sensors and control the Trajectory of the missile
c)Warhead actively. Now were there is a Electronic Device
d)Engine like CPU or other system there will be waste
heat generated which has to be dissipated.
a)Targeting/guidance system The Thermal heat management of missile system
Mostly guidance system use some form of poses a significant challenge due the operating
radiation, like radio waves infrared or lasers or to condition of missile and its design. Unlike
guide the missile to its target. The target might ground based electronic systems which have the
emit this radiation like the radio waves from an luxury of space, weight and access to air or
enemy radar or the heat of an engine or it may be liquid cooling the electronic system in the
by the missile itself like a radar, or may be missile have very limited options .
generated by a friendly platform like the radar or Now in a CPU the entire electrical power input is
laser of the launch vehicle . Incase of radiation converted into heat It's the changing from 0 to 1
from the target it is often known as fire-and- and back (which ultimately is what a computer
forget as they need no further support or control does) which consumes the energy, because
from the launch vehicle. Another system is a TV charge has to be moved from one place to
guidance, with a optical or infrared picture another, and it's this current (moving charge)
generated in order to see the target. The video through resistance which causes heat. P=I^2 x R
might be used by a operator who steering the so if the CPU has a wattage rating of 70 W it
missile onto its target or by a computer autopilot means it will generate 70 Watts of heat per hour
programmed to destroy enemy targets which needs to be dissipated somewhere or the
The targeting system will work on the principle junction temperature will exceed the design
of knowing the actual location of enemy targets temperature which will lead to the failure of the
and the missile is guided to this location by using CPU. CPU generally have a maximum operating
a autopilot which will be a electronic device that temperature of 70 C above which it will lead to
will gather input data like the target location degraded performance or failure now since these
,current location and designed trajectory with missile cost multiple of million dollar it would
help of systems INS(Inertial Navigation System ) be very unfortunate if the missile fails to hit
, TERCOM (Terrain Contour Matching) and target or worse attacks wrong location all
satellite guidance like GPS (Global Positioning because of poorly designed heat management
System) system
Electronic components typically have three
b) Flight control system package ratings Commercial, Industrial and
The missile system whether it is using Guidance Military. The primary difference between these
or Targeting or both will need to control the is the type of environment the component is
designed to operate in. The commercial Current missile electronic cooling techniques are
environment is the most benign while the at the outer limits of usefulness and are not
Military is the most severe, with Industrial being sufficient for the next generation. If we are not
somewhere between the two. Historically, careful, the lack of electronic cooling technical
military grade components have been used in will at best limit future missiles or at worst make
missile. But recently there has been a push to use the desired future missile impossible.
COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) components.
This push and world-wide demand for II. LITERATURE SURVEY
commercial grade components have made [1] A novel design of heat sink with PCM for
military grade components less financially electronics cooling M. Jaworski, R. Domanski
lucrative and as'a result are becoming harder to In this paper the author discusses about the
find. Modem electronics in current missile challenges of modern electronic components
demand more power than those in the past while which emit high amout of heat as loss during
keeping the same volume as 10 to 20 years ago. their operation. It describe the use of PCM in
But these electronic components are designed for hollow tube which are arranged in array on the
a commercial environment, not for some of the base of heat sink. The heat sink manages to
harshest environment on, under or outside of maintain very good temperature control despite
earth varying heat load.the fluctuations in heat loss is
absorbed by the PCM in the tubes and
The primary cooling technique for missiles has temperature is maintained at fairly stable
been conduction and thermal capacitance. That condition
is, waste heat is extracted from the heat source, is [2] A numerical method for PCM-based pin fin
then conducted into the surrounding mass. If the heat sinks optimization R. Pakrouh ,M.J.
aero heating environment is favorable, this heat Hosseini
can be transferred to the ambient environment. In this paper the PCM heat conductivity is
This technique is possible only because the flight enhanced by using extended surfaces or fins . the
mission is short. Since the flight is short, the design of fin is optimized like the height , width
system never reaches steady state. In fact, most and length of fins for achieving maximum heat
missiles could not survive if the mission were transfer to the PCM at the same time increasing
longer because the thermal capacitance of the the operational period of time for the PCM
system is insufficient to cool the electronics. The before all the solid melts and the PCM embedded
ability to release waste heat into the environment heat sink operates in sensible heat region which
is becoming more of a challenge because the will lead to increase in temperature . for the
modem missiles are asked to fly faster and purpose Phase change material selected is
longer. If a speed is sufficiently fast, the RT44HC.
electronics have to be shielded from the [3] Approximate analytical model for
environment. Under this condition, waste heat solidification in a finite PCM storage with
builds up inside the missile and eventually internal fins. Piia Lamberg Kai Siren
destroys the electronics. In this paper the solid – liquid interface is
studied which is result of either melting of solid
Thermal solutions are the key to technology or the solidification of liquid PCM . As the phase
advancements. When thermal solutions are change occurs the solid liquid interface also
available, they are only technology enablers. But travels. It is very essential to calculate the
thermal solutions are not available, they are position of this interface to have a better study of
system limiters. For the future (actually on the behavior of PCM under heat load. The author
drawing boards today), electronic cooling has presented a simple analytical solution to the
solutions need to be developed, proven and made PCM solid liquid interface at the time location
robust to meet the requirements of missiles that and temperature gradient of the fin.
will go faster and stay aloft longer. These [4] Thermal Performance of Phase Change
"future" missiles are hypersonic and remain Material (PCM) based Pin-Finned Heat sinks for
aloft, at high speed, for minutes to hours (unlike Electronics Devices: Effect of Pin Thickness and
flight times of seconds for current missiles). PCM Volume Fraction
Remember, the cooling solution for current Adeel Arshad, Hafiz Muhammad Ali, Muzaffar
missiles work primarily because either the flights Ali, Shehryar Manzur
are short in duration or the heat can be ejected In this paper the author has done experimental
into the ambient environment. This thermal study to determine the performance like
capacitance cooling solution will not work for operation duration time and temperature. PCM is
the faster, long-duration missiles of the future. selected as paraffin wasx for this study. As
Paraffin wax is kown to have low thermal to store thermal energy for some duration of time
conductivity it needs TCE Thermal conduction typically which can either be in minutes ,
enchancing to work effectively. The TCE used is seconds or some time hours. The major benefit
rectangular shape fins by this author. The result of integrating PCM is that it will maintain its
is obtained by comparing the volume fractions of melting temperature during the phase transition.
different fin configuration to obtain the optimal Depending upon how much PCM is in the
configuration which will give highest operational system and the power being applied to it heat
time and temperature within operational limit. sink storage capacity can be a couple of seconds,
[5] Numerical method and model for calculating minutes or even few hours
thermal storage time for an annular tube with
phase change material III a) BASICS
LIU Fan-han, 2, XU Jian-xin, 3, WANG Hui- The main property of phase change materials is
tao2, WANG Hua the latent heat of energy which is heat energy
For calculating the thermal storage time for an absorbed/emitted by the material during melting
annular tube with phase change material (PCM), process/solidification process. PCM typically
a novel method is proposed. The method is can absorb multiple order of magnitude of more
suitable for either low-temperature PCM or high- heat than a single phase material.
temperature PCM whose initial temperature is
near the melting point. The deviation fit is
smaller than 8% when the time is below 2×104 s.
Comparison between the predictions and the
reported experimental data of thermal storage
time at same conditions is investigated and good
agreements have been got.. Results show a linear
relation between the maximum amount of stored
heat and thermal storage time, and their ratio
increases with the height of the thermal storage
unit. As the thickness of the cavity increases,
natural convection plays an increasingly
important role in promoting the melting behavior
of paraffin. When the thickness of the cavity is
small, natural convection restrains the melting
behavior of paraffin. The graph 1 explains the effect .The temperature
is plotted on Y axis and Heat Q plotted on X
[6] Latent Heat Storage Through Phase Change axis. The inclined shows sensible heat that
Materials causes direct temperature increase. The black
Akanksha Mishra, A Shukla and Atul Sharma line shows temperature distribution of PCM.
Energy requirement is increasing day-by-day for When the PCM reach its melting point it
all of us. Though the major demand comes in the maintains almost constant temperature as per its
form of electrical energy for domestic as well as nature. It maintains that temperature range until
the industrial sector, some of this demand can be all of the PCM is melted, then it will return to the
reduced by appropriately utilizing thermal sensible heat regime
energy available via solar radiation. Phase III b) Benefits of using PCM
change material (commonly known as PCM),  Temporary heat storage
which has become an attractive means to store  Less weight than equivalent heat sink
thermal energy, has a wide range of applications without PCM
in today’s world. This article explains the  Compatibility with various heat sink
PCMbased technology, its principle and its materials
numerous applications in everyday life.  Functions reliably over many heating
III. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW and cooling cycles
As it is obvious by the name PCM operates by
 Completely passive requires no moving
using phase change. PCM has high latent heat of
energy which it absorbs while melting or release
while solidification to the surrounding during Some challenges that need to be addressed is
phase transfer. This enables the temperature to very low thermal conductivity of these materials
be controlled very finely to melting temperature particularly paraffin wax which is widely used in
of PCM. During the phase transition a materials different applications and relatively high cost of
latent heat increases dramatically which allows it
high purity PCM although low cost low purity
PCM are also available.


In designing a PCM heat sink a very critical
parameter is of selection of PCM itself the key
attribute is selection of a PCM that has a melting
point at a temperature acceptable for device
efficient operation
 Essential properties to consider
 Melt temperature range
 Compatibility with base metal
 Type of PCM
 Purity of PCM desired

Capacity of temporary thermal storage required

Once the potential materials have been identified Hydrated salt are another category of PCM that
they should be evaluated for storage capacity have high latent heat of energy for given volume
including fin thickness, required PCM volume and weight and have good thermal conductivity
and weight. for nonmetals and less volume change between
PCM Melt temp range Fin volume% Latent phase PCM mass
change (Solid Heat storageThey are not
and Liquid).
(Celcius) heat commonly (Kg) used as they(KJ)are highly corrosive and
KJ/Kg long-term reliability is bad Other PCM materials
A 58-62 10 240 2.1organic paraffin
like non 504 and metallic and liquid
B 61-63 10 230 - gas 2.0 460
phase change materials are available but
C 60-62 10 260 tend to1.8
be used for this468
Table no :1 Different heat storage values for
types of PCM IV b) Paraffin wax
In the table above you can see three different As mentioned earlier paraffin waxes are the most
types of PCM (values only for representation) widely used PCM because they are chemically
having approx. same melting temperature range compatible with wide range of metals as well as
and same fin volume density. The heat storage is non-metals. They have large latent heat capacity
different for every type of PCM due to different and can be used for wide temperature operating
latent heat value. range
IV a) Types of PCM A table no - 03 below shows some paraffin
There are several factors while selecting a PCM. waxes along with chemical formula being used
An good PCM will have a high latent heat of in electronics application due to melting
energy, good thermal conductivity, specific heat, temperature range being favorable.
density and high reliability during repeat thermal
cycles and predictable freezing pattern.
In table no-2 green shows attractive feature and
red indicates drawbacks. There are several types
of PCM like Paraffin , Non-Parrafin Organics,
Hydrated salts, Metallics. Paraffin waxes are the
most commonly used pcm because they have
higher Latent heat per unit kg, have a large
melting point range, provide reliable cycling and
PCM heat sink modules are sealed leak tight and
are not corrosive, chemically inert although they
the internal fin design is critical to operation. We
have a drawback of low thermal conductivity
will discuss on optimizating the fins for proper
which can be managed by proper heat sink
melting of PCM and void & pressure
design with internal fin in PCM cavity. When
considerations. In the first step to design a PCM
designing the Paraffin PCM Heat sink void
embedded heat sink we have to firstly calculate
management is important because the volume of
the heat loss by the device or Ploss which can
solid increses by approx. 8-15 percent during the
either be given by the device manufacturer or
phase change.
calculate by determining the efficiency of the
device and what percentage of input energy is
being converted into heat energy. The variation
of heat loss w.r.t time should be considered and
an average value of heat loss should be
considered also its is desirable to have some
temporary thermal storage time which will act as
buffer before the PCM heat sink gets to hot and
reduces the performance of electronic device or
totally shuts it down. By factoring all the
parameters the temporary thermal energy storage
duration should be determined. Once the
required time is calculated then the suitable
material should be selected as per the
temperature range and the volume of PCM
required should be determined.
The flowchart for designing of PCM embedded
heat sink is given with steps. The first step will
be by determining the heat loss Ploss from the
device to calculate the volume of PCM required.
This will help in determining the required Fig no – 03 Schematic of PCM filled cavity
volume of the PCM which is based on temporary
thermal storage time required and heat flux from
the electronic device.As the PCM is known to
have less thermal conductivity . It is necessary to V.a) CALCULATIONS :
have extended surfaces or fins for additional heat The main objective of a heat sink is to reduce the
conduction to the PCM and reduce the junction temperature of the electronic device to a
conduction resistance to the PCM. This will help temperature range which is optimal for its
in reducing the heat gradient of the heat sink. A performance and life .
thermal analysis is required for to determine the Problem statement : To maintain the temperature
heat transfer between heat sink and PCM and to of CPU in Brahmos missile below it critical 67.2
track the solid-liquid interface. As PCM is C for the entire flight time .
housed in a sealed cavity . the pressure in the Missile specification as follows
cavity rises as a result of temperature increase …(source )
this makes it a pressure vessel by design the Name : BrahMos
structural design of PCM embedded heat sink is Manufacturer : BrahMos Aerospace Limited ,
crucial for safe operation. India
Operational range : 600 Km
Speed : Mach 3 , 3700 km/h ,2300mph , 1.0km/s
Average : 3000km/hr
Flight Ceiling: 15000m , 15 Km
Accuracy : 1m
Mass : 3000 kg
Warhead capacity : 200kg
In a PCM embedded heat sink the major Diameter : 0.6m
challenge is of open space or void management . Length : 8.4m
As we already know that PCM expands while Maximum Flight time : 12minutes
absorbing latent heat . So it is necessary to
provide some space for the PCM to expand Since missile processor details are not in public
freely. This space is generally 8- 15 % of volume domain due to National Security As per COTS
of PCM which depends on the material used. It is (commercial off-the-shelf) consideration one of
crucial to have just the optimum amount of space most powerful and reliable processor from Intel
or void to avoid high thermal gradient in case of corporation will be taken with specs as follows:
large void space and structural failure if the void
is small. The angle of inclination or the Processor Name : i7-975
orientation of the heat sink w.r.t gravity should Core Frequency : 3.33 Ghz
be taken into consideration while designing void Thermal Design Power (W) : 100W
space. TCASE_MAX (C) : 62.2

= x +

= 43.9 x 100 + 25

The package components shown in Figure = 4390 + 25

include the following: = 4415
• Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS)
• Thermal Interface Material (TIM) As we can clearly see the junction temperature is
• Processor core (die) at 4415 C without a heat sink way above TDP
• Package substrate of 85 C with the processor assembly just
exposed to atmosphere in still air which shows
that the processor will instantly burn up and get
destroyed as it is turned or without heat sink or
the thermal management system fails.

Case II :
Design PCM filled heat sink to absorb the heat
from the processor for designated time while
maintaining the junction temperature below T
case Max of 85 C.

As the use is in missile system which means the

processor has to work only for a finite amount of
time after which it gets destroyed with the entire
missile . The time of operation will be equal to
flight time of the missile during which the
1. Figure is not to scale and is for reference only. processor will act as autopilot and steer the
2. B1: Max = 45.07 mm, Min = 44.93 mm. missile to the target accurately.
3. B2: Max = 42.57 mm, Min = 42.43 mm.
4. C1: Max = 39.1 mm, Min = 38.9 mm. Step 1 : To calculate the maximum heat output
5. C2: Max = 36.6 mm, Min = 36.4 mm. and total heat output during the entire duration of
6. C3: Max = 2.3 mm, Min = 2.2 mm flight
7. C4: Max = 2.3 mm, Min = 2.2 mm Since our processor will be running at maximum
capacity for the whole flight time the maximum
Case 1 : heat output will be equal to average heat output.
Consider the electronic device has no heat sink
of any form Then we need to find out junction Heat loss by Processor = 100 Watts/hr
temperature Tj …. Source
Given Data : PCM name: Paraffin Wax C25H52
= 100 Watts Melting temperature Tf: 54.0 oC ….
…. Source ( EPA DSSTox)
= 43.9 Latent heat : 220 J/g
Ambient : 25 C Specific heat Cp : 2.9 J/gK
ρ/(kg·m−3) 800
c (solid/liquid)/(kJ·kg−1·K−1) 1.8/1.5
λ (solid/liquid)/(W·m−1·K−1) 0.24/0.2
β/K−1 0.0015
Tempertaure solidus Ts/K 330
Temperatuer liquidus Tl/K 333
μ/(Pa·s) 0.03

Total heat output of processor : x Time of

: 100 x
: 20 Watts boundary will keep moving away from the
: 72000 surface of casing. Hence where the firstly the
Joules heat transfer between the Aluminium casing and
Amount of PCM required : PCM was conduction later going forward the
effect of convection becomes more and more
pronounced. The heat transfer co-efficient is
: given by a constant Nusselt number which is
found to be 45.19 W/ m2 K as calculated during
Amount of PCM required : 327.27 g approx. the solidification of Paraffin wax
328 g Nu = 0.133
Ra = Rayliegh number
Above is the amount of PCM required to absorb = Thickness of storage material
the heat from the processor at maximum L = Fin Length
continuous output for 12 min . As the PCM has low heat transfer co-efficient
which cannot be increased by increasing the flow
Step 1 : Design Heat Sink for holding the PCM or Reynolds number as it is sealed from
and which will be attached to the processor. atmosphere. Extended surfaces needs to be used
in the cavity to increase the heat flow between
The amount of PCM in system is 328 grams by the casing and the PCM. The PCM has a
weight we need to find the volume it will acquire characteristics that when it reaches melting
. temperature it will hold that temperature till all
the PCM is melted thus acting as a heat sink and
Density of PCM C25H52 is 0.7785 g/mL the convection law can be applied upon it based
source Alfa Aesar 30880 on the assumption that it is fluid which will act
as a heat sink.
Volume = Density x Weight The Fins that will be used are rectangular fins
with insulated tip as the tip is going to be
Volume = 328/0.7785 exposed to still air in the cavity that will act as a
= 421.32 ml / cm3 Approx 422 cm3 insulation and the rectangular tip will be also
= 0.000422 m3 coated with insulation.
With 10% Fin Volume & 10% air gap the Rate of heat loss Q = √ ( ) tanh (
internal cavity for holding PCM will be 120% of mL)
designed fin volume at 506 cm3 Here ,
The Design of the Heat sink will be based on the P = Perimeter of cross-section of fin = 0.144m
Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) whose maximum H = Heat transfer co –efficient = 45.19 W/m2K
dimensions are B1 = 45 mm and B2 = 42.5 mm K = Thermal conductivity of fin = 230 W/mK
with a maximum height of 100mm considering A = Cross section area of fin = 71 x m2
the packaging constraints. = Base temperature of fin
Inside cavity for holding PCM is 71mm x 71mm = Temperature of PCM = 57 C
x 100mm a symmetrical design will ensure even L = Length of fin
distribution of heat in all directions.
Cavity Volume 7.1cm x 7.1cm x 10cm First we have to calculate m = √ =
: 505 cm3 = 505 cm3
Selection of Fin design : 11 Fin Rectangular √ = 19.96
emerging from base all the way to the top barring
0.85mm clearance gap for air. 12 compartments
of 5mm width is created and fin size 7.1cm x Total Heat to be absorbed = n x (heat transmitted
7.1cm x 0.85cm by the fins) + Heat transmitted by the unfinned
To maintain the T Case Max of 85 C the
thermal gradient of the heat sink needs to be Q = 10 x (√ ( ) tanh ( mL) ) +
reduced. Although Paraffin C25H52 has good h ( )
latent heat property it lacks thermal conductivity Q = 11 x (√
which is 0.2W/mK as opposed to thermal ( ) tanh ( 19.96 x 0.0915) ) +
conductivity of Aluminium which is 230W/mK. 45.19 ( )
Heat transfer co-efficient 100W = 3.5859( ) + 1.47 ( )
As the PCM absorbs energy and gets heated the =( )
solid PCM near the aluminium casing interface
= 19.77 +330
will first melt and the solid-liquid phase
= 349.77 K or 76.77C
The junction temperature thus obtained is 76.77
C which is in our limit of 85 C as per
theoretical calculations. The junction
temperature can be dropped further by increasing
the number of fins and contact area with the

VI Numerical modeling
The solid melting model is conducted using a
fluent software. The Fluent uses enthalpy
porosity method instead of tracking the solid
liquid interface. The liquid solid zone is is
assumed to be porous zone with porosity equal to
the liquid fraction(Amount of liquid PCM)
We assume that a) Properties of PCM Paraffin
wax remain constant ideally b)The PCM is a
ideal Newtonian non-compressible fluid.
Energy Equation.
The enthalpy of PCM is tracked and it is Sum of
Sensible enthalpy (h) and the latent heat
Total heat/ Entalpy = h +
h= +∫
where = reference enthalpy
The PCM can be seen in the diagram . It starts
= reference temperature melting near the wall of the casing and slowly
= Specific heat at constant pressure. progresses towards the inside away from the
In Enthalpy porosity method liquid fraction of wall. The solid liquid interface moves away from
amount of liquid in PCM mixture is tracked by the wall. Ideally without the gravity
= Temperature at which PCM is consideration as in figure a1 it would be parallel
completely solid for Paraffin wax – 330 K to the wall but since gravity will play a role with
= Temperature at which PCM is density and since density of liquid paraffin wax
completely liquid for Paraffin wax – 333 K is less than solid it tends to rise upwards and we
By Tracking the termperature of PCM see accumulation of liquid PCM at the top . the
macroscopically we can calculate the liquid liquid PCM also has elevated temperature than
fraction at any given temperature (T) with a solid PCM. This modeling helps us to understand
formulae how the solid liquid interface moves in a PCM
= storage while melting. Initially the heat transfer
rate is slower due to low thermal conductivity of
Here = 0 T< PCM but as the liquid PCM fraction increases
=1 T> so does the convective heat transfer and overall
The latent heat at any given temperature can be heat transfer.
calculated by
= L where L is Experimental Setup :
latent heat of energy The Entire system includes a thermal storage
For Solid –Liquid Model the energy equation system unit ( heat sink with PCM ), a
can be written as temperature measuring device like Laser
thermometer or thermocouples placed to take
key temperature reading of Integrated heat
H is enthalpy Spreader IHS , Heat sink side panel readings at
= density Bottom and Top center also PCM temperature.
v = fluid velocity
S = Source temperature
relatively higher melting temperature than
ambient the IHS will be initialized and brought
upto the melting temperature and hold in a
steady state for 6hrs and taking readings at the
interval of every 15minutes .We will then make
contact of thermal storage system with IHS and
the melting can start .We record the temperature
at interval of 30 Sec till all the PCM is Melted
and T > T liquidus.
As per the experiement the Temperature are
found to be.

Sr Time Temper Heat Heat Heat Hea Top Paraffin

no (m) ature of Sink Sink Sink t surf wax
IHS Side Side Side Sin ace Temp
Temp A B C k Te C
C (B1) (B2) (B1) Sid mp
Tem Temp Tem e C
p C C p C D(
1 12 84.5 81.2 81.8 82 80. 79. 62
6 5

The thermal Storage Unit (heat sink with PCM)

has Exterior dimensions of 75mm x 75mm x VII Results and Conclusion :
104mm and 2mm thickness made up of The readings in experimentation show a increase
Aluminium 6061 material . The Heat Sink has 11 in junction temperature as compared to heat
fins with 1mm thickness evenly spaced and transfer calculation . The calculated value for
extending to a height of 91.5 mm . The exposed IHS and PCM ideally is 76.77 C but the average
sides of the heat sink as shown in diagram are recorded temperature is 81 which is 5.5% more.
insulated adiabatically with small holes on This is due to the less than calculated heat
insulation exposing the bare heat sink so as to transfer coefficient of the Paraffin Wax and
provide access to taking temperature reading. although in calculations Radiation and
The sides of heat sink are insulated so as to Convection loss from the outer surfaces is
direct all the heat generated by the processor neglected the the recorded temperature is thus
towards the PCM. slightly lower than actual temperature due to this
The experimentation has four Steps : heat losses from the surface. Though a error is
a) Injecting liquid paraffin in the cavity of heat present it can be actually used to calculate the
sink of precise amount junction temperature of the Electronic device
b) Allow it to fully solidify with slight based on which the number and size of Extended
subcooling to ensure 100% solidification. surfaces can be increased or decreased to achieve
c) Initializing Temperature field suitable operating temperature.The Pin fin
d) Melting volume at 18.11% w.r.t to the Volume of PCM.
In Injecting liquid paraffin the right amount of
paraffin is melted and poured into the cavity of VII. REFERENCES
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