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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 11 in Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.

Anthropology and the Study of Culture

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, learners are expected to:
1. explain anthropological perspectives on culture.
2. identify and define the subdiscipline of anthropology as well as the different types of
culture, and
3. appreciate our own Filipino culture.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Anthropology and the Study of Culture
Materials: Visual Aids, Chalk, Board and Flashcards
References: Module

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
* Prayer
I would like to ask everyone to please stand up as we pray. In the name the father...amen
*Greetings or Classroom Arrangement
Good morning everyone, my name is Geraldine Ending but, you can call me miss Ge.
Before you take your seats can you please pick up the pieces of paper under your seats
and put it in the trash Bin.
* Attendance
Who are the absent today? Can someone else write all that is present today, please. Secretary
can take in charge of the attendance today please.
What was your last topic yesterday? Yes -------------?
Okay, very good, who can give me the idea of anthropology?
Thank you very much.

B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson let’s play a game called “Word Scramble”.
To start off, let’s create a group. Count 1 to 6. all 1 will be group one and 2 will be group 2 and
so on.
Go to your respective groups and write your names on one half sheet of paper.
“Mechanics of the game”
I will give you a scramble letters then you’re going to arrange it. Write the correct words in your one-
half paper with the meaning of it. Afterwards, look at the meaning on the board then put the arranged
words to their corresponding meanings. The first group who can give their papers to me will be
considered as the winner.
(After 5 minutes every group already presented their answers)
Group 1: Applied Anthropology
Group2: Cultural Anthropology
Group 3: Linguistic Anthropology
Group 4: Culture is Adaptive
Group 5: Culture is learned
Great work everyone!

C. Presentation
Let us now proceed with our discussion. What is anthropology? In your own words.
When we say anthropology, it is the study of humans or humans studying humans. What
does it mean?
It means to say that when a person studies about either human's culture, languages,
biological development and so on. This study is considered anthropology. It derived from the
Greek word anthropos which means human and logos means study.
Moreover, anthropology promotes holistic study of humans. What does it mean?
Thank you!
It is holistic since it studies not only the biological characteristics of a human, but it includes the
social creatures as well.
Another reason why it is considered holistic is because of their research time frame.
It can also be defined as the study of people and their origins. Development and contemporary
variations, whenever and whoever they have been found on the face of the earth.
Five subdiscipline of anthropology
1. Archeology – examines the remains of ancient and historical human populations to
promote an understanding of how humans have adapted to their environment and
2. Cultural anthropology- promotes the study of society culture through their belief system,
practices and possessions.
3. Linguistic anthropology- examines the language of a group of people and its relation to
their culture.
4. Physical anthropology- investigates the biological development of humans and their
contemporary variation.
5. Applied anthropology- attempts to solve contemporary problems through the application
of theories and approaches of discipline.
Now, let's move on to culture,
What is culture in your own understanding?
Yes Mr____? Very good!
Who else have a better idea?
Ye, Ms._____? Thank you!
Culture refers to peoples learned and shared behaviors and beliefs. It also refers to something
ethinc: some people think of it as an encompassing term that separates humans from the rest of
the animal kingdom.
There are 7 characteristic of culture
1. Culture is everything that a person learns as a member of a society. It is what a person has,
does and thinks as part of the society. This implies all of a person's belief system, set of
behaviors, and material possessions.
Yes Mr_____. Can you explain? Very good!
2. Culture is learned. Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices that an individual leams
through his or her family, school, church and other so social institutions.
Enculturation -- the process of learning your own culture
Acculturation -- the process if learning other countries culture
Deculturation --where the reason for the culture has been lost and even the cultural trait itself is
in the process of being forgotten.
3. Culture is shared- the set of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that is communally owned and
practiced by members of a society.
4. Culture affects biology -- humans are born into culture that have values on beauty and body.
As such, they alter their bodies to fit into the physiological norms that are directed by culture.
5. Culture is adaptive -- culture is a tool for survival that humans use in response to the
pressure of their environment. Both material and the non material parts of culture are influence
by the goal of humans to address their needs as directed by their environment and their biology.
Example: the Inuits of the Arctic region are well known for building igloos during fishing and
hunting expeditions. These dome-shaped homes provide temporary shelter for the mobile group.
During summer, they use tupiqs, which are tents made of animal skin, as their temporary homes.
6.Culture is maladaptive -- problem can also cause problems for the people who subscribed to
it. These problems arise when the environment has changed and culture has remainined the
Example: the "car culture" present in most societies is getting maladaptive as the environment
gets more polluted.
7. Culture changes -- the final characteristic of culture is that it is never static. This dynamism
of culture is due to the changing needs of humans as they Interpret and survived in their
environment. As such, culture is continuously reinvented by people. From the clothes that we
wear to the food that we eat, culture can be seen as ever changing.

D. Application
With the same group, create a role play that shows the different characteristics of a culture.
It consist at least 3 to 5 characteristics. I'll give you 10 minutes to do it.
(After 10 minutes) ( Every group will present their role play from group 1 to 6)
Great job everyone, so far everyone did a good job and got the main point.

E. Generalization
Again, what is anthropology?
What are the 5 discipline of anthropology?
Yes Mr __? Very good!
What is culture? Very good!
Give me the different characteristics of culture with its corresponding meaning.
Great job everyone!


Test I.
Get 1/2 crosswise and answer the following
1. Enumerate the 5 disciplines of anthropology and write its corresponding definition based on
your own understanding
2. Enumerate the different characteristics of culture and write it's corresponding definition based
on your own understanding.

Test II
1. What is anthropology?
2. How can a culture be both adaptive and maladaptive?
3. How culture is important to us a member of a society.

V. Assignment
In 1 whole long bond paper draw anything that shows or symbolizes the different culture of our

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