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1. Goood morning ARIO , how are you?

2. Hello , Good morning BRYAN , i`m fine thanks,, and you
how are you?
3. I`m fine too
4. and how did you spend your vacation ARIO?
5. I had a great time on my vacation, I worked and studied.
6. And how did you spend your vacation?
7. On my vacations I have studied and I have also learned to
make desserts
8. Excellent
9. And has it been somewhere on your vacation?
10. yes I have gone to Paracas with my family
11. And tell me what you studied on your vacation?
12. I have studied the mathematics and history course
13. very Good
14. and what are your goals for this year?
15. my goal is to study and work
16. and what are your goals?
17. My goal is to improve my studies also to enter
18. excellent I hope you TAKE CARE
19. Take care of yourself too See you later

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