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Total analysis of the food record: C:\nutrisurvey2007\ayling.

energy 1765.8 kcal
water 8.5 g
protein (11%) 45.3 g
fat (43%) 83.9 g
carbohydr. (46%) 193.4 g
dietary fiber 18.9 g
alcohol (0%) - g
PUFA 3.9 g
cholesterol 360.3 mg
Vit. A 558.6 µg
carotene 151.4 mg
Vit. E (eq.) 4.0 mg
Vit. B1 0.4 mg
Vit. B2 0.7 mg
Vit. B6 0.8 mg
tot. fol.acid 136.2 µg
Vit. C 392.0 mg
sodium 1103.0 mg
potassium 1251.3 mg
calcium 141.4 mg
magnesium 117.0 mg
phosphorus 461.2 mg
iron 4.1 mg
zinc 4.0 mg

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