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Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers


Polygons are plane figures that satisfy the following conditions:

1 consists of a number of points (called _______________ ) and

an equal number of straight line segments (called ____________ ) joining

the consecutive pairs of points.

2 No three consecutive points are collinear

which means no three points will form a __________________

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and complete the table below.

Number of Number of
Name of the polygon Name of the polygon
sides sides

3 Triangle 7 Heptagon

4 8

5 9

6 10

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg24)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers

 Sum of interior angles of polygons

No. of No. of
Name of
Polygon Sides of Triangles Sum of Interior Angles
polygon formed

Triangle 3 1 1 × 180 = 180

Quadrilateral 4 2 2 × 180 = 360

Pentagon 5

Hexagon 6

Heptagon 7

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg25)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers

No. of No. of
Name of
Polygon Sides of Triangles Sum of Interior Angles
polygon formed

Octagon 8

Nonagon 9

Decagon 10

n – sided n

The sum of interior angles of an n–sided polygon

where n is the number of sides on the polygon

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg26)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers

 Exterior Angles of Polygons

Click here to explore the exterior angles of a polygon

Draw the exterior angles of each of the following polygon






Sum of all the exterior angles of any convex polygon

add up to _____________.

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg27)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers

 Regular Polygons

A regular polygon is a polygon with equal _________ and equal __________ .

____________________ is a
regular three-sided polygon.
____________________ is a
regular four-sided polygon.

The sum of the interior angles of an n–sided polygon is ________.

So how do we use this information to find one interior angle of a regular n – sided polygon?

An interior angle of a regular n–sided polygon is

The sum of exterior angles of any polygon is ________.

So how do we use this information to find one exterior angle of a regular n – sided polygon?

An exterior angle of any regular polygon is

What is the relationship between an

interior angle and its corresponding
exterior angle in a polygon?

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg28)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers



Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg29)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers



Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg30)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers


Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg31)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers

Click this link or scan QRcode
to understand about line symmetry and rotational symmetry

 Line symmetry
Click this link h ps:// or scan QRCode
to find out how to determine the order of rotational symmetry of a figure.

Draw the line of symmetry for each of the following shapes.

You may check your answer via the video link.

How many lines of symmetry does each shape have?

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg32)
Resilient Problem Solvers · Self-Directed Learners · Critical Thinkers

 Rotational symmetry
Click this link or scan QRCode
to find out how to determine the order of rotational symmetry of a figure.

Determine the order of rotational symmetry for each of the following shapes.
You may check your answer via the video link.

Do note that if a plan gure maps on itself only once in a 360 rotation about its

 its order of rotational symmetry is _______ .

 This figure has ______ rotational symmetry.

Prepared by Mrs Soh Sok Hoon 1Exp Chapter 11 Polygons and Geometrical Constructions Lesson Notes (pg33)

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