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Measures must be taken to prevent unemployment rate from increasing.

In this language course, we focus on fluency and accuracy.
The cooperator operates a continuous assessment.
There is no fixed career path for a qualified journalist.
A good architectural structure should be usable, durable and beautiful.
A massive accumulation of data was converted to a communicable argument.
The vocabulary that has peculiar meanings is called jargon.
Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space.
Audition of the university choir will be on hold until the next week.
Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.
Medical researchers have focused on the causes of diseases and treatments.
The island is located at the south end of the bay.
The year when the ship of artifacts was wrecked interested historians.
Time and distance are used to calculate speed.
The post office will be closed on Monday and Friday afternoons.
Today a number of students have volunteer jobs.
Reading histories involves a level of careful selections.
There is a point between chemistry and other sides of subjects.
The best student has an opportunity to acquire a scholarship.
The department was doing some crucial work on climate change.
Formal conclusions could be established through rigorous experiments.
A new article was published regarding the university last week.
Firm conclusions can be established through rigorous experiments.
Social psychology has been considered by human behavior.
Too much information may be avoided by good research design.
Muscles make parts of the body close together.
Physical health can be improved by regular training.
A visit to the designed museum is of great value.
Most of these features were part of the previous system.
DICTATION (240224)
The plight of wildlife has been ignored by local developers.
The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.
The curriculum needed to be adjusted for the current development.
Protective clothing must always be worn in the laboratory.
More graduate training is often needed after the university study is finished.
The city's founders created a set of rules that became laws.
The extent of advertising for children is open to much debate.
Plants are able to continue growing throughout their lives.
DICTATION (270224)
Renovation work is currently being undertaken throughout the whole building.
He was regarded as the foremost economist at that time.
Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together.
Extracurricular activities can help students to develop more talents.
Marine environment has been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable
I thought it was thrown in a small meeting room.
You must hand in your essays by midday on Friday.
We should never underestimate the power of creative design.
You need to put these books on the table over there.
The university theater group will be performing in the concert hall.
Trees benefit the city by absorbing water running off-road.
We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.
New materials and techniques are changing the style of architecture.
The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.
Rivers provide habitats and migration pathways for numerous aquatic species.
Universities should invest in new technologies designed for learning.
Continuing students will be sent necessary application forms.
Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.
Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language.
Students requiring an extension should apply sooner rather than later.
Please note, submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.
This advanced course requires a basic knowledge of economic theory.
Accountancy students need to submit their dissertations this week.
Writing an essay is easy once the research is finished.
New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live.
Classical mechanics is sometimes considered as a branch of mathematics.
Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer.
A group meeting will be held tomorrow in the library conference room.
Economic development needs to be supported by the government.
The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment.
A celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.
Education and training provide important skills for the labor force.
Good nutrition is crucial to the general health and vitality.
Plants are the living things that can grow in land or in water.
The results of the study underscore the discoveries from early detection.

Peer group pressure has a great effect on young people.
A person's educational level is closely related to his economic background.
The integration of archeologists' studies with community projects is widely
The posters are on display at the larger lecture theater.

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