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1. An introduction ✅

2. A body ( with all three bullet points)✅

3. A conclusion✅
Step 2: Introduction

1. Is the introduction clear enough to understand? ✅

2. Is there any grammatical mistakes?✅

3. Is there any pronunciation mistake?✅

Step3 :Body

1. Are there enough3 main ideas (as in 3 bullet points)?✅

2. Does the speaker develop each main idea?✅

3. Does the speaker link the ideas? ✅

Step 4 :Body
1. What are 3 main ideas?
-Japan will be a fantastic country.
-The speaker wants to go with his girlfriend
- There are many activities the speaker want to do

2. What are the supporting ideas for each main idea? ✅

- His uncle showed him pictures of Japan, which were beautiful picture
-He will have a great time with his girlfriend
- The speaker will take many pictures, attend the cherry blossom festival, and try dishes at the

3. What are the linking words that the speaker used?✅

Example : Example: So, absolutely, to be honest, if, when, in my opinion, moreover. firstly, secondly,

4 Is there any irrelevant ideas ✅

+ I’m an advented person
Step 5: Body

1 Is there any frequent grammatical mistake ?✅

-Japan will be a fantastic countries. It should be “country”.
-Uncle show me a lot of pictures, instead it will be “ showed me”
-There are many activity. It should be “activities”.
-Enjoy many cuisine many cuisines
-Go a lot of restaurant . It should be “restaurants”

2. Is there any vocabulary that the speaker misused? ✅

-I’m an advanted person. It should be “ Adventurous person “
3. Is there any pronunciation mistake? Is it frequent? ✅
Examples : Uncle, picture, attractive, famous, especially, festival, cherry blossom, cuisine, reason, is,
-The speaker added ending sound in unnecessary words “t”, “s” : Japan, finally, now, country or no
ending sound: that, restaurants, activities, cuisines.
4. Did the speaker use a lot of linking words or just basic ones?
The speaker just uses basic linking words : So, absolutely, to be honest, if, when, in my opinion,
moreover, firstly, secondly, finally.
Step 6: Conclusion
- The speaker does not mention the conclution.
Step7. Overview

1. Is his speaking interesting and attractive?✅

I don't think so, because the speaker often stutters, pauses, and has little impressive vocabulary,
sometimes with incorrect vocabulary.

2. Does the speaker try to emphasize the words? ✅

-The speaker does not emphasize words.

3. Is he very good or not very good or not very good?✅

-He's quite fluent. He is also trying to use linking words to make sentences coherent.

4. Is his speaking within the required limit time (1-2 mins)?✅

-The speech is about 2:35 minutes long beyond the required limit time.

My name is Mong Thi Van, my student code is 22702142

For the introduction is quiet easy to comprehend : “ Today i will talk about the country i want to go if
i have a chance
For the body :
-Where :Japan
-Who go with : His girlfriend
-What he does: Taking many photos, attending festival, go to a lots of famous restaurants to review
delicious foods
Overall, he is speaking quite fluently

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