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ENTRY TEST (2023-2024)

1.HIV is classified as:

a) bacteriophage b) oncovirus c) retrovirus d) icosahedral virus

2.How does a virus cause disease:

a) It releases toxic chemicals b) it destroys healthy body cells c) it takes over the normal activities of a cell d) it takes a cell's nutrients

3. Which of the following is not related to enveloped virus?

a) They survive for a short time b) their envelop is sensitive to sunlight c) they are tolerant to antibodies d) enveloped is derived from host

4. Reverse transcriptase is used to make copies of:

a) Host RNA b) viral RNA c) Host DNA d) viral DNA

5. Mad cow disease is caused by:

a) virion b) prion c) viroid d) virus

6. Induction is a process in which a viral DNA:

a) enters into bacterial cell and attached with bacterial DNA b) detached from bacterial DNA c) destroys the bacterial DNA d) multiply with
bacterial DNA

7. When a bacteriophage in its lytic phase carries some of the bacterium’s partially digested chromosome with it to another Host cell the
process is called:

a) conjugation b) Transduction c) transformation d) None of these

8.which one is true for pox virus?

a) RNA enveloped b) DNA enveloped c) DNA non enveloped d) dna naked virion

9. Polio viruses are:

a) tadpole shaped b) spherical shaped c) rod shaped d) spring shaped

10. Viral inflammation of parotid gland is commonly associated with:

a) mumps b) herpes c) small pox d) Influenza

11. Which enzyme is responsible for integrating the HIV genome into the host cell’s DNA?

a) Reverse transcriptase b) Integrase c) Protease d) RNA polymerase

12.What is the primary target of HIV within the human body?

a) T lymphocytes b) B lymphocytes c) Macrophages d) Neutrophils

13.Which of the following is NOT a method of HIV transmission?

a) Blood transfusion b) Vertical transmission from mother to child c) Saliva exchange d) Unprotected sexual intercourse

14.Which cellular component of the immune system recognizes and destroys HIV-infected cells?

a) Helper T cells b) Cytotoxic T cells c) B cells d) Natural killer cells

15.In bacteriophages, which structure is responsible for injecting viral DNA into the host bacterium?

a) Capsid b) Tail fibers c) Tail sheath d) Tail spikes

16.What is the process by which bacteriophages release newly formed viruses from the host cell?

a) Lysogeny b) Lysis c) Lytic cycle d) Transduction

17.What is the function of the protein coat (capsid) in bacteriophages?

a) Protects the viral genome b) Facilitates viral attachment to host cells c) Provides enzymes for viral replication d) Helps the virus evade the
host immune system
18.virus can only survive and reproduce in a :

a) animal cell b) bacterial cell c) living cell d) non living cell

19. The genome of Influenza virus is made up of:

a) single stranded RNA b) double stranded DNA c) single stranded DNA d) double stranded RNA

20. Which one of the following is not an opportunistic disease related to HIV infection?

a) destruction of body immune system b) Pulmonary Tuberculosis c) recurrent pneumonia d) toxoplasmosis

21. Which virus that infects human has no vector and is unable to survive outside the human body?

a) mumps virus b) polio virus c) chicken pox virus d) None of these

22. HAV is transmitted through:

a) Blood b) serum c) fecal-Oral route d) syringes

23. The filter able agents were first purifies in 1935, when Stanley was successful in crystallising the:

a) polio virus b) herpes virus c) TMV d) Influenza virus

24. An icosahedral capsid consists of_____________.

a)Hexagonal capsomeres b)Pentagonal capsomeres c) Triangular capsomeres d)Both a and b

25. Viral genome inserted to the bacterial DNA is termed as_______.

a)Lysogeny b) Prophage c)Lytic cycle d)Virulent phage

26. A fully formed infectious viral particle is called _________.

a)Virion b)Viriod c)Capsid d)Virusoid

27. Which of the following statements are true about the viruses?

a)Free-living b)Obligate parasites c)Both (a) and (b) d)None of the above

28. The viral envelope is made up of _______.

a)Proteins b)Glycoproteins c)Lipids and Proteins d)All of the above

29. Which of the following are the main functions of the capsid?

a)Determines the antigenic specificity of the virus b)Protects genetic material from nuclease attack c)Both A and B d)None of these

30. The spike-like projections on the viral capsid are known as

a)Viriod b)Proteomes c)Peplomers d)Capsomeres

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