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• Crimes against National Security & the Law of Nations (Art. 114 - Art. 123)
• Crimes against the Fundamental Law of the State (Art. 124 - Art. 133)
• Crimes against Public Order (Art. 134 - Art. 160)
• Crimes against Public Interest (Art. 161 - Art. 189 [superseded by RA 8293])
• Crimes Relative to Opium & Other Prohibited Drugs (Art. 190 - Art. 194 [repealed by RA 9165])
• Crimes against Public Morals (Art. 195 [Art. 195-199 repealed by PD 1602] - Art. 202)
• Crimes Committed by Public Officers (Art. 203 - Art. 245)
• Crimes against Persons (Art. 246 - Art. 266)
• Crimes against Personal Liberty & Security (Art. 267 - Art. 292)
• Crimes against Property (Art. 293 - Art. 332)
• Crimes against Chastity (Art. 333 - Art. 346)
• Crimes against Civil Status of Persons (Art. 347 - Art. 352)
• Crimes against Honor (Art. 353 - Art. 364)
• Quasi-Offenses (Art. 365)
• Final Provisions (Art. 366 - Art. 367)

RA 9346 has suspended the implementation of death penalty. In which case, only the penalty of reclusion perpetua may be imposed.
* Asterisk symbol placed on the crime means that it is now considered as an act of terrorism under RA 9372.
Act/s Punishable or Inherent Circumstances
CRIME ELEMENTS Present Offender/s Penalty
When is it Committed? that either Qualify or Aggravate
TREASON 1. Levy war against the government - Committed only in times of war or actual Evident premeditation, superior strength
( Art. 114) 2. Adhere to the enemies, giving them aid and hostilities & treachery (Inherent aggravating Filipino citizen
comfort circumstances) Reclusion Perpetua to Death
EVIDENCE required for conviction:
Breach of allegiance to the Resident alien and a fine not exceeding Php
ADHERE to enemy means to favor/harbor 1. testimony of at least two witnesses of the It is a CONTINUING crime
government 100T for Filipino citizens
sympathies disloyal to the country’s policy overt act NO Complex crime of treason with
To levy war means that there is an AID or COMFORT means to strengthen the 2. confession of guilt in open court murder because it is inherent in giving Suspended allegiance Reclusion Temporal to Death
actual assembly of man to execute a enemy of the government or tends to weaken the aid and comfort to the enemy.
Two-witness rule applies is not a defense and a fine not exceeding Php
treasonable design of force power of the government
Filipino can commit treason outside the 100T for resident aliens
Adherence and giving aid and comfort TRAITOR
NO need for a formal war declaration Allegiance – the obligation of fidelity and Philippines, but an alien must commit
must concur together
obedience which the individuals owe to the treason within the Philippine jurisdiction
government under which they live or to their
sovereign, in return for the protection they
1. Entry inside a warship, fort, naval, military - the information or data should be relative - in the first act of committing
establishment or reservation without any to the defense of the Philippines, or espionage, it is not necessary that the Private individual Prision Correccional for
( Art. 117)
authority (private individual) national security offender succeeds in obtaining the private individuals
Act of gathering, transmitting, or
information Public officer or
losing information respecting the 2. Disclosure of the contents of a confidential - The intent or reason is to use the employee who has Prision Mayor for public
national defense, with intent or data in his possession to a representative of information to injure the country or to the - WIRETAPPING can be a means in custody or possession officers or employees
reason to believe that the information foreign country (public officer) advantage of the foreign country committing it if the purpose is connected of the information
is to be used for the injury of the
or related to the country’s defense
Philippines or advantage of the
foreign state.
1. Conspiracy to commit treason – 2 or more Mere agreement and decision to commit If there is acceptance of the proposal, it Filipino citizen or a
persons come to an agreement to commit acts treason is punishable becomes conspiracy resident alien Prision Mayor and a fine not
punishable by treason and decide to commit it in exceeding Php 10T for
( Art. 115) Mere proposal even without acceptance If the acts of treason are committed
time of war. Suspended allegiance conspiracy to commit treason
to commit treason is punishable after the conspiracy and proposal, the
Refer to the principle of Conspiracy is not a defense Prision Correccional and a
2. Proposal to commit treason - a person Mere proposal and agreement are crime will be TREASON and conspiracy
. fine not exceeding Php 5T for
commits any of the acts punishable by treason punishable because the existence of the or proposal will be treated as means of
Two-witness rule does not apply proposal to commit treason
and proposes its execution to other person/s in state is endangered committing treason
time of war.
1. Concealment of any knowledge of conspiracy Offender owes allegiance to the
to commit treason or against the government government of the Philippines and not a Offender is an accessory to the crime Prision Mayor and a fine not
(Art. 116)
foreigner of treason but a principal in misprision of exceeding Php 100T
It is a crime by omission by failure to 2. Failure to disclose any knowledge of treason. Filipino citizen The penalty for an accessory
disclose to the authorities, or to conspiracy to commit treason or against the A person may report the existence of
treason to any of the following: governor, is 2 degrees lower from that
conceal knowledge of any conspiracy government to the authorities to where he/she Existence of Art. 115 on conspiracy to of the principal
to commit treason. resides provincial prosecutor, city or municipal commit treason is a requirement
mayor, and city or municipal prosecutor
VIOLATION OF NEUTRALITY Violation of any regulation issued by competent There is a war but the Philippines is not There is a regulation issued in order to
(Art. 119) authority for the purpose of enforcing neutrality involved enforce the country’s neutrality. Anyone Prision Correccional
Neutrality is the policy of a nation not It is committed only in time of war
to participate in war The offender violates the regulation
Offender attempts to flee or go to the The country is involved in war. Mere Filipino citizen, or a
FLIGHT TO ENEMY’S COUNTRY Attempt to flee, or going to an enemy state enemy’s country. The going to enemy attempt to flee consummates the crime resident alien owing Arresto Mayor
(Art. 121) despite government prohibition country is prohibited. No prohibition means Prohibition of flight makes the act allegiance to the
no crime committed punishable, government
INCITING TO WAR or GIVING Performance of unlawful or unauthorized acts - Intent of the offender is immaterial Any person and Reclusion Temporal for public
MOTIVES FOR REPRISAL (Art. 118) which provoke or give occasion for a war Performance of unlawful/unauthorized acts - Committed in time of peace Public officer or officers or employees
involving or liable to involve the Philippines, or The act/s might disturb our friendly - It is penalized even if it is a mere employee in inciting to
relations with another state imprudence war
Reprisals are not limited to military expose Filipino citizens to reprisals on their State - reprisals Prision Mayor for private
action, but also include economic, or persons or property individuals
denial of entry in another state
Reclusion Temporal if the
CORRESPONDENCE with HOSTILE information is useful to the
COUNTRY (Art. 120) Correspondence with an enemy state or territory There is a war that involves the Phils. or - Notice or information might be useful enemy and offender intended
Correspondence means occupied by enemy troops such as: there is a hostile state to the enemy to aid the enemy by giving
communication through written - correspondence to the public officials of Any person such notice
means or through letters 1. acts prohibited by the government the enemy state even if the officer is related - Offender intended to aid the enemy
Prision Mayor is carried on
2. carried on using ciphers or conventional signs to the offender
CIPHER is a method of hiding or using ciphers, or
3. containing notice or information which might be - It still applies even if the
keeping the secrecy of messages by If CIPHERS are used, no need for conventional signs
useful to the enemy correspondence contains innocent
using symbols, numbers or any other prohibition
matters Prision Correccional if
means. It may also be formula or a
correspondence is prohibited
by the government
PIRACY in GENERAL & MUTINY - Attack or seize a vessel in high seas or -Vessel is on high seas or Philippine * If the attack/seizure of the vessel is Art. 122 Piracy –
ON THE HIGH SEAS OR IN Philippine waters waters committed by crew or passengers, the offender is a stranger,
PHILIPPINE WATERS * - Offenders are not members of the crime is Robbery in High Seas or not a member of the
(Art. 122) - Seize the whole or part of the cargo of the complement or passengers, or crew crew of a vessel within Reclusion Perpetua for both
vessel, its equipment, personal belongings of - Piracy in high seas is within the Philippine waters and piracy and mutiny
High sea refers to the international its complement or passengers (strangers to INTENT TO GAIN (animo furandi) is an jurisdiction of any court where the in high seas
waters or waters of the sea coast the vessel) essential element of piracy offenders were found or arrested Reclusion Temporal in its
which are outside of the boundaries PD 532 – offender is a
It is a robbery or forcible degradation on medium and maximum
of the low water mark although such - Piracy in Philippine waters is within crew or passenger of
Compare with: PD 532 (Anti-Piracy & the high seas or Philippine waters without periods for PD 532
waters may be in the jurisdictional the jurisdiction of Philippine courts the vessel within
Anti-Highway Robbery Law) lawful authority done with animo furandi
limit of another state. Philippine waters but
and intention of universal hostility not in high seas PD 532 is applicable
- Aiding the pirates of abetting of piracy punishes PIRACY is an attack from the outside.
Note: For purposes of the only to Philippine
Anti-Fencing Law, piracy is part of the person as an accomplice in the crime of No intent to gain in mutiny because it Art. 122 Mutiny –
MUTINY is an attack from the inside. waters
robbery & theft. piracy (Sec. 4, PD 532) constitutes a resistance against the members of the crew
authority of a higher officer or complement
QUALIFIED PIRACY (Art. 123) - Attack or seize a vessel in high seas or offender is a stranger,
Philippine waters * Seizure of the vessel by boarding or or not a member of the
Also includes QUALIFIED MUTINY firing upon the same crew of a vessel within Reclusion Perpetua to Death
Purpose of piracy is to rob or forcibly - Seize the whole or part of the cargo of the Philippine waters and for both qualified piracy and
degrade the vessel and the properties vessel, its equipment, personal belongings of * Abandonment of victims without in high seas qualified mutiny
of the passengers and crew, because its complement or passengers (strangers to The same with Art .122, except on the means of saving themselves
of the intent to gain by the offenders PD 532 – offender is a
the vessel) presence of qualifying circumstances
coming from the outside. For mutiny, * If piracy or mutiny is accompanied by crew or passenger of
the purpose is unlawful resistance to murder, homicide, rape, or physical the vessel within
Note: Any person who aids or protects pirates
a superior officer against his authority, injuries Philippine waters but
of abets the commission of piracy shall be liable
so that there is no intent to gain when not in high seas
as an accomplice.
the attack was made from the inside. Note: The accompanying crimes of Art. 122 Mutiny –
murder, homicide, rape, or physical members of the crew
BOTH are QUALIFIED by the injuries must have been done or or complement
circumstances on the fourth box to committed on the passengers or on the
the right complement of the vessel

1. Compel to change in the course of the flight, destination of Philippine registry, or seize or usurp control
Aircrafts for transport while it is on flight
Public utility aircrafts 2. Compel an aircraft of foreign registry to land in Philippine territory, or seize or usurp control while it is in Passenger or
the said territory members of the crew
RA 6235
3. Ship, load, or carry in any public utility aircraft within the Philippines any explosive, flammable,
Note: an aircraft must be corrosive or poisonous substance or materials
Anti-Hijacking Law * registered with the Air
Transportation Office ACTS PUNISHABLE (1 & 2) can be QUALIFIED by:
(ATO) a) Firing upon the pilot, crew or passenger of the aircraft
b) Exploding or attempting to explode any bomb or explosive to destroy aircraft
c) If accompanied by murder, homicide, serious physical injuries or rape

Not less than 14 yrs & 8 mos but

Motor vehicle , or any not more than 17 yrs & 4 mos
vehicle propelled by any 1. Taking of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latter's consent (ordinary carnapping regardless of
power other than 2. Taking of a motor vehicle belonging to another by means of violence against or intimidation of persons Any person, with the value of the car when committed
muscular power using the intent to gain who without violence or intimidation of
RA 6539 3. Taking of a motor vehicle belonging to another by using force upon things
public highways committed any of the persons, or force upon things)
acts punishable
Anti-Carnapping Law Not less than 17 yrs & 4 mos but
Note: Motor vehicles
not more than 30 yrs (by means of
must be registered with
violence against or intimidation of
the Land Transportation
any person, or force upon things)
Office (LTO)
Life Imprisonment to Death (when
the owner, driver or occupant of the
carnapped motor vehicle is killed in
the commission of the carnapping)

Piracy applies only to acts

committed in Philippine PIRACY - Any attack upon or seizure of any vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part thereof or its Any person including Reclusion Temporal in its
waters cargo, equipment, or the personal belongings of its complement or passengers, irrespective of the value a passenger or medium and maximum periods
thereof, by means of violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon things, committed by any member of the shall be imposed.
Note: the vessel or ship person, including a passenger or member of the complement of said vessel, in Philippine waters, shall be complement of said Reclusion Perpetua if physical
must be registered with considered as piracy. vessel injuries or other crimes are
PD 532 the Maritime Industry committed as a result or on the
Authority (MARINA) occasion thereof.
Anti-Piracy Law * Mandatory penalty of Death shall
Highway robbery applies be imposed, if the act is qualified,
Anti-Highway Robbery Law * to robbery committed
along any road, street,
passage, highway and
Highway Robbery is also
bridges or other parts
thereof, or railway or Highway Robbery/Brigandage -The seizure of any person for ransom, extortion or other unlawful Any person The penalty of reclusion temporal
railroad within the purposes, or the taking away of the property of another by means of violence against or intimidation of in its minimum period shall be
Philippines used by person or force upon things of other unlawful means, committed by any person on any Philippine imposed.
persons, or vehicles, or Highway. Reclusion temporal in its medium
locomotives or trains for and maximum periods if physical
the movement or injuries or other crimes are
circulation of persons or committed.
transportation of goods, Penalty of Death shall be imposed,
articles, or property or if the act is qualified,


Act/s Punishable or Inherent Circumstances
CRIME ELEMENTS Present Offender/s Penalty
When is it Committed? that either Qualify or Aggravate
Arresto Mayor (max) to
1. A public officer or employee who has the * A public officer or employee has the Prision Correctional (min)
ARBITRARY DETENTION authority to make an arrest or detention detains authority to make an arrest or detention * The detention of another was without Public officer or detention did not exceed 3
( Art. 124) another person without legal grounds legal ground employee days
* Such officer detains a person
Deprivation of a public officer of the Prision Correctional (med &
liberty of a person without any legal 2. Private individuals who conspired with a public * The detention is illegal or does not have * The offender is vested with authority to Private person who max) detention continued
ground officer or employee will be held liable for arbitrary any legal ground arrest or detain a person conspired with a public more than 3 days but did not
detention and not illegal detention officer or employee exceed 15 days
Compare with the crimes against * DETENTION IS ILLEGAL FROM THE
Prision Mayor if detention
personal liberty and security, on Exceptions: Those legally confined because of VERY BEGINNING Usually police officers
continued for more than 15
ILLEGAL DETENTION the commission of a crime, confinement because or other public officers
days but not exceed 6
(Art. 267-271) of communicable diseases, insanity or any with authority to arrest
- committed by private individuals ailment requiring compulsory confinement of and detain any person
patient in hospitals or any other institution. accused Reclusion Temporal if
detention exceeded 6 months
* A person is legally detained or for some
DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF Failure to deliver the detained person to proper legal grounds * Failure to observe the periods in the
DETAINED PERSON TO THE judicial authority within the following periods: * This may be waived if a preliminary proper delivery of detained person Public officer or Arresto Menor for light
PROPER JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES investigation is asked for employee penalties
(Art. 125) a) 12 hours, for crimes/offenses punishable by * This does not contemplate actual * Filing beyond the required period
light penalties or their equivalent physical delivery, but at least, there provided by law is tantamount to the Usually police officers Arresto Mayor – Prision
The crime means delay in filing the b) 18 hours, for crimes/offenses punishable by must be a complaint or information filed commission of the offense or other public officers Correctional for correctional
necessary information or charging of correctional penalties or their equivalent with authority to arrest penalties
person detained in court c) 36 hours, for crimes/offenses punishable by * Filing in court beyond the prescriptive * Offender must have the power or and detain any person
afflictive penalties or their equivalent periods makes a public officer liable, and authority to detain and deliver the said accused Prision Mayor to Reclusion
Length of the waiver: subsequent filing does not cure the person to proper judicial authorities Perpetua for afflictive
Light offenses – 5 days Note: Public officers may ask the accused to illegality of defect. penalties
Serious/Less Serious – 7-10 days execute a waiver of Art. 125, under oath, and * DETENTION IS LEGAL FROM THE
with assistance of a counsel. This does not BEGINNING BUT BECOMES ILLEGAL AT
Note: a private individual will be liable violate the constitutional rights of the accused THE TIME OF THE EXPIRATION OF THE
for illegal detention if he/she is the SPECIFIC PERIODS to deliver a detained
offender or made the delay person to the proper judicial authorities.
The offender, without any good reason delays: Public officer or
* there is a (1) judicial or court order, or * There is a delay in the service, employee
a) the service of notice of such order to the (2) executive order for the release of a
DELAYING RELEASE (Art. 126) performance or proceedings upon a Apply the penalties provided
prisoner prisoner or detention prisoner, or there is a petition for the release without any for ARBITRARY Detention
b) the performance of judicial or executive order
good/valid/legal cause or reason (Art. 124)
to release the prisoner
This does not apply to the passage, c) the proceedings upon a petition for release of (3) proceeding upon a petition for the Wardens & jailers are
hearing, or approval of any such person liberation of such person the persons most likely
legislation * the act of the offender constitute a delay to violate this provision
1. Maliciously obtaining a search warrant Search warrant maliciously obtained: * Search warrant is maliciously or
SEARCH WARRANT 2. Abuse in the service of a warrant legally * Offender procures a search warrant illegally obtained, no just cause or Public officer or
MALICIOPUSLY OBTAINED, AND obtained (abuse/excess of authority) * Such warrant has no just cause unjustified employee Arresto Mayor max – Prision
ABUSE IN THE SERVICE OF 3. Any use of unnecessary severe act by the Abuse in the service of warrants legally Correctional min, and a fine
THOSE LEGALLY OBTAINED public officer in executing a legally procured obtained: * Search warrant legally obtained but Mostly police officers not exceeding Php 1T
(Art. 129) warrant * Offender legally procures search warrant there is irregularity in the execution or as they usually
* There is excess in authority , or uses abuse and use of unnecessary means execute or serve
The search is limited to what is Exception: Warrantless searches or searches unnecessary severity in executing the to carry out or execute the warrant. warrants
described in the warrant with incidental to a lawful arrest same
* The offender is armed with a valid search * Absence of the mentioned witnesses Public officer or
SEARCHING DOMICILE WITHOUT Searching the domicile, papers or other warrant will constitute a crime if the offender employee Arresto Mayor from medium
WITNESSES (Art. 130) belongings of any person in the absence of the * He searches the domicile (dwelling), proceeds to search or execute the valid to maximum period
owner, any member of his family, or two papers or other things belonging to another search warrant Mostly police officers
Order of those who must witness the witnesses residing in the same locality, although * The owner of the domicile, any family as they usually
search: (1) homeowner, (2) members the search warrant was legally procured member, two witnesses residing in the Note: VALIDITY OF THE SEARCH execute or serve
of the family of sufficient age, (3) same locality are absent/ not present WARRANT CAN BE QUESTIONED OR warrants
responsible members of the CONTESTED in the court where the
community case is pending
Acts against the will of the owner: Special aggravating circumstances that
VIOLATION OF DOMICILE The offender is not authorized to enter the increase the penalty: Public officer or Prision Correctional min –
(Art. 128) 1. entering the dwelling dwelling and make search for papers and a) Nighttime employee med and max
2. searching papers or other effects other effects b) Papers or effects not
Compare to Art. 280 (Trespass to 3. Refusing to leave the premises after required constituting evidence for a
Dwelling) to leave Note: Judicial Order is the Search Warrant
crime and not returned

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