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"Health Is above Wealth"

Health and wealth are two of the most common responses when people are asked what they
need to be happy. Both are unquestionably essential for happiness. But, if you had to choose just
one, which would it be?
To begin with, wealth is meaningless unless it is accompanied by good health. To understand
this, we must first realize why people tend to accumulate wealth. The goal is to be able to meet
our daily needs while also allowing ourselves to indulge occasionally. No matter how much
money a person spends on material possessions, he or she will not be able to appreciate them to
their full potential if they are not healthy. As an example, even if he could go wherever he chose
and lived in a large and magnificent home, a sick person would be unable to enjoy all of the
blessings that wealth can give you. As a result, health takes priority over wealth, because wealth
is meaningless if it is not accompanied by good health.
Another argument in favor of health is that being healthy allows you to accumulate wealth. If a
person has a strong and healthy body, he will be able to obtain work or make investments that
will make him wealthy in the long run. It is not possible to do the opposite. For example, even
the best medical care money can buy may not be enough to restore a person's health, as
Hippocrates once said “Health is the greatest of human blessings”. This aspect alone strengthens
the fact that health is above wealth.
To summarize what has been said thus far, health is more important than wealth, although
having both is the perfect scenario. However, health comes first, even if money can
buy whatever you want, it cannot buy health.

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