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Soc 20 RI-3


When people started thinking of themselves as nations they

realized that working together for the good of the nation would
benefit everyone inside that nation. In this a national
consciousness was created.

Now that we are increasingly seeing ourselves as a global

community, we need to decide how much we want to cooperate
with this global community. Thus were are creating our global

Internationalism refers to the belief that all members of the

global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world and that
the motives of nations and nation-states must be respected in the search for solutions.

Keeping this in mind, some things to consider:

● Opinions on internationalism may vary from person to person and from nation to nation.

● Each nation-state will strike a balance between its national and international interests and
the emphasis placed on each can change over time.

● Internationalism may be pursued by individuals, groups, and nations in many ways and for a
variety of reasons.

● Sometimes pursuing internationalism can be seen as serving the nation’s interests.

● Emphasizing internationalism can decrease the level of sovereignty felt by a nation-state.

● Involvement in international affairs can have positive and negative effects.

● Governments must re-evaluate their foreign policy priorities to promote the interests of
citizens while also maintaining their reputation in the world community.

Internationalism can be promoted in a foreign policy through ways such as:

● Membership in international organizations.

● Peacekeeping activities.

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

● Humanitarian missions and foreign aid.

● International law

The rest of this unit will be primarily self-directed, it is important that you complete the work
in order to participate in discussion and other assignments

Create and complete a chart like the one below:

International Organizations
Organization Characteristics Example of it in Issues
The UN(general)

UN Peacekeeping (229)

International Court of Justice


NATO (261)

World Trade Organization


Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

The European Union (258)

Arctic Council (259)

La Francophonie (260)

UNESCO (251)

World Health Organization


Chapter 10: Foreign Policy & Internationalism (p223-241)

Part A: Definitions:
● Economic sanctions

● Collective security

● Gross national income

● Tied aid

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

Part B: Collecting Data

1. Examine the picture 10-3 on page 225. In your opinion which of the three groups illustrated
on the diagram should have the greatest influence on Canada’s foreign policy? Why? Explain.

2. Explain how foreign policy has changed since the end of WWII and how it relates to

3. What are some of the difficulties that can arise when taking an internationalist approach to
solving problems?

4. What are the three key ways that countries can use foreign policy to promote
internationalism? Summarize them.




5. What is a sanction? Why are sanctions considered controversial?

6. What is the role of the United Nations Security Council?

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

7. Is taking an internationalist approach to foreign policy often challenging to a country?

Provide an example of how national and international interest can create conflict.

8. Summarize each of the following international agreements:

A. International Law of the Sea
B. International Agreements on the Arctic

9. Explain how each of the following can be used to promote peace in countries facing political
and/or economic instability:
A. Economic sanctions

B. The UN security council

C. Peacekeeping forces

10.What is the 0.7 Per Cent Solution and how does it promote internationalism?

11.What are some problems with foreign aid policy?

12.How does Canadian foreign policy try to balance national interest and internationalism?

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

13.How is it in Canada’s national interest to promote an international ban on landmines?

14.How does Canada’s leadership on the issue of landmines show its commitment to

Chapter 11: Internationalism and Nationalism (p245-263)

Part A: Definitions:
● Global Village

● Voluntary Balkanization

● Responsibility to Protect

● Common Human Heritage

● Trickle-down effect

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3
Part B: Collecting Data:
A)What benefits and risks might nation-states face when buying and selling weapons on
the international market?

B)Should the arms trade be regulated? If so, who should be responsible for regulating it?
If not, why not?

2. Why can’t many challenges be confined and dealt with within the borders of a single
country? Explain and give an example.

3. Explain how each of the following conditions has promoted the need for internationalism.
A) Global Communication

B) Voluntary Balkanization

C) Technology

4. According to the UN report “A More Secure World”, when should an intervention in the
internal affairs of sovereign states occur?

5. Why is the recommendation to change the UN’s tradition of staying out of internal conflicts
considered controversial?

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3
6. Examine Figure 11-6. If the United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan,
North Korea, and possibly Israel already have nuclear weapons is it fair to stop Iran from
developing them? Explain your answer.

7. What is UNESCO and what are its goals? How does it promote internationalism? How does it
relate to nationalism & sovereignty?

Chapter 12- Internationalism and Global Issues (p264-284)

Focus Reminder:
● Your prediction on whether or not global issues will be solved using an international

Part A: Definitions—Please define:

● Absolute Poverty

● Odious Debt

Part B: Collecting Data:

1. Create and complete a chart like the one below:

Global Issues Key Facts How Internationalism Possible Challenges to Using
Can Help Solve the an International Approach to
Problem Solving the Problem
Climate Change
Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

The Spread of

Access to & Control

of Water




2. What are the UN’s millennium development goals? Have they been reached?

3. Explain why international trade is often regarded as the solution to the world’s problems. Do
you agree? Why or why not?

4. Read the section The View from Here on page 283. Answer the following questions:
a. Which of the speakers do you agree with? Why

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?
Soc 20 RI-3

b. Which do you disagree with? Why

5. Examine the cartoon on page 284. What is the artist’s message about the state of the world
today? Do you agree? Why or why not?

Soc 20 RI-3: To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?

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