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Modern History ntagram- esecprearaling YE Growth of Poliial Tdens_# Graanisateny From L064 1B ks Atter the revolt of 185%, Indian Natfonatom wo at th peak Tt que. ieto a no-of political, iden. —> Trdian National. Congres by A Se a Ie - Fstabblishiment * 98 Dec: 1985, 1preridlent : “hO- Hume (Mlavian Octavian Hume) L Gonqrers word suqgeatfon. by: Dadabhai Navofi G vieroy at time cf wealon af INC: Jord baton 4% conjorente: Bombay sescton (sanskrit college) {chairman + WC Banerjee te 4 Mualinn president of INC: Badrudldin Tyagi om 4st Forelgh chairman of INC? Greorge. Yule. + splitting at nin Nato. orgs time + 190+ geestons’ Surat sestion (2 Seecton led by? Rasbihart Boe Result: congrest waar divided into le by GK dokle teal by fal Bahr i Ms, mn chandra. Pal Bal Gongadtor Te ‘ok § ; * G 4 female chofirman of INC: Annie Besant codvarst fn KolKata_seseton 1913) G In 1916, Lucknow secsion rue was led Ambika choran Majoorndar where es league andl congress come. together Tn 1924, Belgaum sescon wae led bi Mahatma Gandhi whith ts the only seseton of ING led by him. Tr 1425, Th Kanpur aeseton, 12° Tndlion porate beaure, president of-INC wholéd who wae Ae engl, foto, (106) " G tragos, Bengal a oa Peeled io nd sat: b-l 3 of part on tre == baste of religion ‘a C done. bys Lord uirzar og a ummlert ‘against. Bengal, partittan. ie As a reault to proert agai part guadeshi vement Was G En swacleahd movernent every Trion ung boyctting the. "English lish gocds"and started, wa bon on jie. ety the poole at suth large sale, Brits government feyertech their Bengal partitod deviston. G But stnee, th “ uegled two religfons and divided them, '20 it gaye, rive. to a neo political. party — Mun | league in 1906 t Muctim League. (106) " Establishment : £906 place : Dhaka (sinte Bengal u was 19 divided) te Founder: Aga Khan IP, salimulloh khan. Now ,there were, 02, ( each ther: INC aia LG In 1944, the kin ng. George came, with the Queen to India and Delhi Darwaza war decorated and soon after thet the Capital of India war chitled to Delhi. Kolkata Lethe eV. aay tn 4941 7D G eo at the. Hime 6 of ed Tene Kolkata fo° Delhi : honing i iF was the. 4 time Naltonad Anthem "Jan-Gon- Man’ wes any at Delhi fn 1491p ae ing war running ‘emooth but star Troliano he geruttnices i Bie 0 in 4946, Indians, oak e fr the. gtdime alter | revoli of 4A5F + creating an piganixaton He Home Rule. fea ye a, Home Rule league. (1916) C Established * 1946. - By Anrie Besant and Ral cop Tilak Atl Home. Rule. league. Indian er league. n _tn Madras tr Pune G Buk this Home Rule longue not vey clty as the: Brikishérr’ cid Noe Pay Oy hel this ond iniHaked. Rowlett. Ac ie a Rowlett het ck (19). (ee Kniovrt a8 Black, Ack? tn pitide 1 Brough ht by viceroy ' lord’ cherlsterd According. to Hus, any peiron could be detain ov arveslact without.warrant tf they gather” on social gates. This act nok Baan Tria. \ & punjab leader were ourected) due, to- Rowlatt Act. To show protect, people gathered at Jalianwale Bagh at Amritsar the formal. protest in order to get the leaclere relented. viceroy at time et Jallianwala Bagh be K Talionwala Bagh, Masnere, (4) Tneident + [3Apetl 1914 G General wor! General, Dye smee. there war only one entry, peo le could not es ot brutal cated by Fa ¢ G Later Ldhom ging Killed General. Dyre and war later exeuuled to Delhi. L. ofyiaal casualtter: $507 Modern Histor uy Linstoqam -@ sscpre aration Ganelhian. Era ‘ : ‘ Retum of Gardhifi ~ 1415 to India (hom SA} 1s Aehram in Kowbacha “Then he shifted to Sabarmalt , thindabad politcal Guru of Mahatma Gandhi on whore requect Gondhiji come to India + Gopa kee Gokha : Afer the Jtnunla, Bagh Tnedent ty Gandhi quit his Htle, * Kesar-e- Hird? é ii) Rabindranath Tagore. quit his He ‘xnighthoed G Rick names of Gandhi’ i> Bapu —r Subash chandra. Bose i> Mahatrna — Rabindranath: ligne Why father of Nation — $C Bese : * Gandhtan. Movements + Sa setyagiahe (1) 1%*satyagraha movement c In 19.44 ie For Indigo Farmers ' cei on cuggeston by ae AY Namdaback Mill Movement, (291) Ct 18> (ond gqtyageaha. movement” Car Mdolbed mull workers Us Hime. fasting was done in India tn ee Kheda, Movement (1216) teas AA RRATAA A ae ? CG ats ees movement C, for Gu) (, tn 3 vat formers ae ae a}er Aandaod Mil movement 4yKhilofat Andolan ( 1918- '4) This wae started by. At? Brothers e AY Brother: Shukot Ati Reason: Khalifa THe was taken back fn “Turkey in 4918-19 But tn 1939, Roulatt Ack was also passed $ then the: Jaianwala Bagh, Mascatre 20 Gardhj ‘thought starting a big movernent this time and hente. he, infreduced Nori cooperation Move by Nen-cooperaction. Movement (1020) Ue started on st hgu 4900 onthe. death anniversary of Ganged hor Tilak. Himelut muslim unity, eg S movement ond impactful: movement (y ended on: 1922. with chow? chore Jhuident K chau. chawre creldet, (1922): i Non cooperaton movement was at it peak. Suddenly there war a Clack blu police and ae due to some, reason. Asa result, crowd set police station on fire whee many policemen, buint and died. ‘Total reaponsibit uso on MM Gandhe smite. he wx leadling the Alon coroperaton. movement: G Gondnif freaked Mauch Ce Resutt: Era of Non coepeatin pice hit led and also the Now See a meer war stopped 30, Nee qrovemrents had to be started In_order to show the Britishers and row] 8 j was formed. just after that fn 03. Ff 3wara Party (2023) Fourder + Chittranjan Da’ (chairman) Molilal Nebr (seeretary CG Aim: to demand for swore / sel). governance. G Britishert clea: th did net pay on oof tapos ae er | | Hindustan Republic -Associat ‘Ascoctalfon. ne, (4925) PO ae founded int 125 Aim: To show Britishere, who due Indians !!! ¢ to make ‘the Coun blic. by Hook. | or By creck’ (Rea! NaBonall Hexoey Ce Founders +_Charedra shekhar Head : Saehinanand Sanyal Ashfag, wllah, Khan a “unr sot UJ Be C, Fourded n+ fonpur The HRA made, a. plan to loot a brittth tain which was uth! of Trdlane Which war Known ae kali coneptraty BIS - Kakort Tran conepl rat a on Te August 1925 at Hindustan Republic Association looted ‘the train. C ba Put some traitors revealed the tnformatton, about the whdle © oe ct ag taken. Cy Asa result, Rapla a nand 1 pot : Titel a Ook si ge were, sentenced to Death power odo xy from the place and eecaped . G AMer £2 i eng. 20 many revolub ancl fhovbitent: Builshers decided to br etic Simon commiscfor’ x0 Se as to cheek on India and th revplullorary achiities. ¥ gtmon simon commtscton. (4928) {+ boy Brought: in sein, Tria _besnber 12 Total, members + 8 G gs F4 1 (Clim Mee) who lake became the E prime ime minister ot OK in 1944 No Indians tn simon. commiscton . (, inte, there ere wore no: Indian. membere th the Simon. commission , Inobians totally boycotted the act by resin slogans. “Go! son! qo!” fad bys bale laa « Go back | simon” ie 4 Bl * simon Go Back” are th Bhagat stgh mole G Srnve. tala. Lajpat Rai was leading the movement , Britishert latnichorged on the entie crowd and hit on the. Head of Loda toyppak Rout due to whidr later he succumbed to the Iny unter and soon died a9 ny martyr of our Tnolian land. . G New, remember when thandrashekhou~ Aang. escaped he made, anew party nat Brilfshert Known a Hindustan Socialist Hic Litndiustan goes Republican, forty (928) “e Unaast C Founded tn: Ferozshah Kotla, Dethi CL Aim* Since British General JP. Sandert Killed Lolo es Rai in Lothicharge = wanked to tale revenge Bhagab singh “padlGura® teed, —> [ean Sulth Dew G A}er that, to surtender for the same, Bhagat Singh ond Bhatuk Duct threo crude. bombs tn Lahore Assembly anc. tome leaptele to reprerent the. right a freedlems of Tnditane ( Then ,all of them were arrected . Ce Gandhi-Jromn pact wi atyned by Mk Gandhe ard Lord Jnoin m 3981 to exeeuke them for their killing on JP Sonderr. Cy fhe areoult, on 23° March 1981, Bhagat shngh + Guru and sukhdev wore hanged smiling the county... C, put they brought @ neu revolution, Trdependente.

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