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The letter shows about……

a. Spending time in summer
1. What is a personal letter? b. Someone who meet her friends soon
a. A letter to express regret towards a past c. The poor students in summer vacation
action or occurance. d. How to finished summer vacation
b. An official letter which is written for e. Missing old friend summer vacation
official reason and different purposes.
c. A letter that is used for private purposes 6. What does the writer do on the weekdays?
and it relates to a private matter between a. She is getting a nice tan.
individuals. b. She spends her time with working.
d. A letter from one company to another, or c. She play lot of volleyball and surfing.
between such organization and their d. She builds a nice collection of sea shells.
customers, clients and other external e. She drives an ice cream truck around and
parties. sells ice cram.
e. A document that persents a formal
request for the presence of an individual, 7. Hows long does the summer vacation left?
a group of people or an organization at an a. 1 week
event. b. 2 weeks
c. 3 weeks
2. The following are structure of personal letter, d. 1 months
except…… e. Half week.
a. The heading
b. The greeting Read the letter to answer questions numer 8 to
c. The body 10.
d. The complimentary open Jl. Jambu 129
e. The signature Bandung
30 January 2017
3. Which statement does show greeting?
a. I am looking forward to seeing to seeing Dear Fred, it was a real sorrow that I heard
you. this morning of your great lost. For your
b. I can’t wait to see you soon. brother told me several weeks ago, I knew
c. I can’t wait to hear from you. your mother was ill. However, as he said to
d. Best regards. me at that time, not seem to think the illness
e. Dear, Tiara. was very serious. The news of your mother’s
death came to me as a chock. You have my
Read the letter to answer questions number 4 and sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear
7. fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it
Dear Marisa, deeply, for you always thanks so much of your
It feels like such a long time since the last time mother and loves her so truly. I feel it also as a
I saw you. I realize it’s only been several personal lost to myself, for your mother was
weeks since I saw you. So far, my summer has always very kind to me. Her death must be a
been great! trerible grief to your father, too. Please assure
I spend my all weekends at the beach. I him of my sincere sympathy.
have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing Words, I knw, are poor comforters. “The
and building a nice collection of sea shells. heart knows its own sorrow”, and I such
Just this past week-end, I took second place in sorrows we are always alone. However, it is
a sandcastle building contest. not mere words when I say thaat I feel with
I hope the usmmer have been going well you in your sorrow.
for you too. There’s only a month and a half
left in summer vacation. After that it’s back to Your sincere friend,
school. Would you like to meet up some time
before school starts? Jack

Your friend, 8. What do we know about the letter?

a. Fred is the only chld in his family.
Astri. b. Jack had known Fred’s mother before.
4. Where does the writer spend her weekend c. Jack sent letter to Fred several weeks
mostly? ago.
a. At her house. d. Fred’s mother was not ill before her
b. At the beach. death.
c. At the seashore. e. Jack was ery sorrowful to send the letter
d. At summer vacation. to his mother.
e. At her friend’s house.
9. “You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, a. Reach
my dear fellow, in your sorrow.”’(Paragraph 1) b. Predict
what is the closest meaning of the underlined c. Escape
word? d. Success
a. Real e. Underestimate
b. Caring
c. Honest 14. The letter tells us about….
d. Curious a. Giving a solution to a friend
e. Generous b. Having extra lesson at school
c. Preparing for tha national examination
10. What is the possible relation between the d. Asking for a friend to teach Mathematic
sender and the recipient? e. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve
a. Friends a problem
b. Siblings
c. Relatives Read the letter to answer questions number 15 to
d. Employers 17
e. Employees Jl. Plamboyan No. 89 Jakarta
2 February 2024
Read the letter to answer questions number 11 to
14. Dear, Indah.
Jerowaru, 1 February 2019 Indah, sorry I haven’t written to you for so
long. We moved into a new apartment last
Dear, Nathan. month and we’ve been really busy getting
How are you? Hope everything is okay with settled.
you. I’m all right here. It’s a nice apartment. It is bigger than
We are going to have the national our old one. It’s big so there are a lot of rooms
examination, aren’t we? Are you well to work in. it has a big living room, two
prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I just have bedroom and two bathrooms. Another thing I
some difficulties in preparing for it, especially like is the kitchen.
in Science. There are extra lessons in my The apartment is on a quiet street in a
school and I take them all. But, I feel that they good neighborhood. There’s also a shopping
don’t help. I’m still confused in solving center just down the street with a supermarket,
Mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I some quite good restaurants and some stores.
fail the national examonation. Do you have We really enjoy living here. Do come
any suggestion for me? I really appreaciate over and have a look next time you are in the
your help. town. I’ll wait.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your buddy.
15. What is the letter about?
11. Why is Rendy worry that he may fail the a. The letter tells about Shelly’s room.
national examination? b. The letter tells about Shelly’s business.
a. He appreaciated Ivan’s help. c. The letter tells about Shelly’s new
b. His friends have more preparation. apartment.
c. There are extra lessons at Rendy’s d. The letter tells about Indah and Shelly’s
school. apartment.
d. He will have the nTaional examination e. The letter tells about shopping centre
soon. near Shelly’s apartment.
e. He is confused in solving Mathematic
problem. 16. Why hasn’t Shelly written a letter to Indah
for so long?
12. “I’m still confused in solving Mathematic a. Because she was reluctant.
problems.” The underline word means…… b. Because she lived in an apartment.
a. Unable to think clearly c. Because she was busy getting settled.
b. Unable to speak fluently d. Because she enjoyed living in an
c. Unable to perform well apartment.
d. Unable to read quickly e. Because she had to move into an
e. Unable to behave politely apartment.

13. “I’m just worried that I fail the national 17. What is the purpose of the letter?
examination.” What is the antonym of the a. To ask for advice.
underlined word? b. To tell a problem.
c. To give an opinion.
d. To give information. 22. The writter was taken care at hospital
e. To ask for information. for……
a. Four days
Read the letter to answer question number 18 to b. Five days
20. c. Six days
Banjar, April 2, 2018 d. Eight days
e. Seven days
Dear Annisa,
Hello Paula, how are you? Its been two weeks Read the letter to answer questions number 23 to
since I last heard from you. Well I just wanted 28
to inform you that I was in a hospital last One evening last week my and I were
week. According to the Doctor, I was infected sitting quietly at home. Suddenly, we heard a
by denge fever. At first, I felt my body became loud bang. I supposed that the old lady in the
weak then fainted when was studying in the flat above ours was moving the furniture
classroom. I had a fever after that. Then, I was about. My wife was afraid that the noise
taken to the hospital because of the fever. would wake the baby. She turned the TV and
At the hospital, I was brought into the moment later we heard someone calling for
emergency unit. The Doctor gave me some help.
treatments immediately. At the end, I had to I run upstairs. The old lady’s door was shut
stay there for one week for the recovery. The but I could see smoke coming through the
Doctor kept me on a drip everyday. At the letter box and under the door and smell
seventh day, my condition was getting better. something burning “Ring the fire brigade.” I
After the final check, the Doctor gave me shout down to my wife. I banged on the door
permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and but the old lady took a long time answer. I was
became of my ill ness, I am now more careful turning over in my mind the idea of breaking
about keeping in my house clean especially the door down when she finally appeared.
my mom. I don’t want to get sick anymore. “I was having a bath,” she said, “When the
Ok, think that’s all from me, write to me water heater in the kitched blew up. And I was
soon ok? getting dressed when you knocked.”
I took her down the stairs to our flat.
Regards Smoke was pouring out of the kitchen and the
heater was in flames. Just then I heard a fire
Tira. engine arriving outisde and the heavy
footsteps of the fireman on the stairs. “It’s
18. The topic of the letter is….. here,” I shouted, “You turned up promptly, I
a. Sickness must say.”
b. Getting fever When I got back to our flat, my wife was
c. Went to hospital making the old lady a cup of tea, soon
d. The doctor recipe afterwards, the fire chief came in to ask a few
e. Doctor’s treatment questions. It turned out that the fire was not
very serious and the firemen were already
19. What did the writer do when she felt her putting it out. When thy left, my wife went up
body became weak? with the old lady to help her clean up the
a. She did nothing mess.
b. She sent a letter When she returned, my wife remarked;
c. She went to hospital “It’s all right now. Nothing was damaged
d. She brought medicine except the water heater. But wasn’t it lucky
e. She took rest all day that baby slept through the noise?”
She took the tecups into the kitchen and I
20. The writer’s diseaase is….. heard her scream and the cups crash to the
a. Stomach floor. When I got there, water dripping from
b. Headcahe the ceiling and forming a pool on the floor.
c. Toothache The baby woke up at least and began to cry.
d. Dengue fever
e. Influenza 23. What is the story about?
a. A confused old lady.
21. Why did the writer go to the hospital? b. A surprising evening.
a. She got high fever c. A disastrous accident
b. She got diarrhoea d. A fire brigade in action.
c. She got headache e. A small accident in the kitchen.
d. She got broken bones
e. She got toothache 24. The writer suspected something was wrong
a. There was a loud noise
b. There was a cry for help a. Jane will be away when Avril comes
c. His wife was afraid of the noise b. Avril will go to Ben’s house to buy some
d. Furniture was being moved about fresh eggs
e. He saw smoke coming through his letter- c. Avril won’t be in her villa when jane
box. comes
d. Ben will be waiting for Jane in Avril’s
25. Which of the following statement is TRUE? villa
a. The old lady hurried to the door when the e. There are not any eggs left in the fridge
writer knocked.
b. The noise in the old lady’s flat didn’t Read the letter to answer questions number 30-
disturb the baby. 32
c. The witer kicked the door open to save Indralaya, 25 january 2008
the old lady’s life.
d. There was great damage in the flat often Dear Jerry,
the fire. Little brother and sisters can be annoying.
e. The old lady immediately called the fire Here is some advice that may help you.
brigade. First, talk to your moter about your feelings
so that she understands how upset you are. Do
26. “Turning over in my mind” in paragraph 3 this at a time when you are not angry with
means. your little sister because you will make more
a. Chancing sense when you speak.
b. Reminding Next, ask your little sister nicely to share
c. Repeating TV with you. She may cooperate as a result of
d. Considering your polite behavior. However, if she doesn’t
e. Supposing want to talk with you, don’t be angry. There
would be no point arguing with her. Instead,
27. After readin the whole story, we know that… just walk away.
a. The old lady was good at house cleaning Finally, instead of having your friends
b. The baby was startled by the some of the coming to your house, go to their place. I hope
fire engine this advivce improves your life with your little
c. The fire occurred because the old lady sister.
had been careless
d. The old lady always enjoyed having tea Good luck
with the writer’s wife
e. The fire had caused a leak in the ceiling Lisa
of the writer’s kitchen
30. Lisa sent a letter to Jerry because she……
28 which of the following statement is not a. Learns how to make more sense when
TRUE? she speaks
a. The baby woke up a long while after the b. Is very nice and plans to be nicer with her
fire. little sister
b. The writer and his wife were at home c. Wants to get along with her annoying
watching TV that night sister
c. The fire engine didn’t arrive as quickly as d. Doesn’t want to live together with her
the writer had thought sister
d. The writer’s wife was so started that the e. Has many annoying brothers and sisters
cups fell from her hands
e. The writer’s wife didn’t expect to see a 31. “First, talk to your mother about your
pool of water in her kitchen feelings so that she understands how upset you
are.” The underlinesd word was almost the
Read the letter to answer questions number 29 similar meaning as……
Dear Jane, a. Passion
There us a lot of milk and food in the b. Good
fridge. Key to the back door under the mat. c. Excellence
Hot water from imersion heater. If you want d. Sad
fresh eggs, see Ben next door. e. Happy
Happy stay.
32. The following statements are the writer’s
Love advice, Except……
a. Make an argument with the little sister
Avril b. Talk to the mother about the situation
c. Talk to the little sister
29. The reason why Avril wrote this letter to d. Walk away
Jane is probably because…… e. Go to your friend’s house

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