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Migrant Birds

"Good morning, everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about something really
exciting - Migrant Birds! These are the birds that travel from one place to
another at different times of the year."

What are Migrant Birds?

"Migrant birds are like travelers or adventurers. Imagine you go on a holiday

to a place with nicer weather; these birds do the same! When it gets too cold
or too hot, or when they can't find enough food, they fly to a better place."

Why Do Birds Migrate?

"Birds migrate for a few reasons. The main reason is to find food. In winter,
it's hard for them to find food in cold places. So, they fly to warmer places
where there is plenty of food. They also migrate to find the best places to
have their babies, where it's safe and warm."

How Do They Know Where to Go?

"This is really interesting. Birds use the sun, stars, and even the Earth's
magnetic field to find their way. It's like they have their own map and
compass built in!"
Migrant Birds Coming to Sri Lanka

"In Sri Lanka, we are lucky because many birds choose our beautiful island
as their holiday spot during migration. Let's talk about some of these special

• The Blue-tailed Bee-eater: "This colorful bird with blue on its tail and
green on its body comes to Sri Lanka from places like India. They are
amazing to watch as they catch bees and other insects in mid-air!"

• The Eurasian Curlew: "This bird has a really long beak that curves
down. It comes from faraway places like Siberia and Northern Europe
to enjoy the lagoons and wetlands in Sri Lanka. They use their long
beaks to find food in the mud."

• The Barn Swallow: "You might have seen this bird with its long tail
streaming behind it. Barn Swallows travel from Europe to Sri Lanka to
escape the cold winter. They are very friendly and often build their
nests near humans."

• The Indian Pitta: "Known as 'Avichchiya' in Sinhala, this bird visits

Sri Lanka from India. It's very colorful, with a mix of blue, yellow, and
green. They like to stay hidden in the undergrowth, so you have to be
lucky to see one!"

• The Osprey: "This powerful bird is a fish-eater, coming all the way
from Europe. It has sharp talons and hovers over water before diving
to catch fish. Watching an Osprey fish is an incredible sight!"
"These birds travel thousands of kilometers to come to Sri Lanka. They come
here because of our warm weather and rich habitats that offer them plenty of
food and safe places to stay. When they are in Sri Lanka, they might visit our
parks, lagoons, and even our backyards!"

Challenges They Face

"Migration is not easy. Birds face many challenges like bad weather, getting
lost, and predators. They also face problems because of pollution and losing
their homes due to trees being cut down."

How Can We Help?

"We can help these amazing travelers by keeping our environment clean and
safe. Planting trees and protecting their natural habitats are great ways to
help. Remember, every small action can make a big difference to these
incredible birds."

"Thank you for listening to my presentation on Migrant Birds. I hope you

found it as fascinating as I do. Let's all do our part to help these amazing
adventurers. Thank you!"

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