Detaild Lesson Plan in Profed 11

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, each learner will be able to:
a. Define integrating 21st century skills in teaching-learning process.
b. Understand the importance of 21st-century skills and how they can be integrated into the
teaching-learning process.
c. Apply the 21st century skills in the teaching-learning process to their learning.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Integrating 21st Century Skills in Teaching-Learning Process
Reference: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum Textbooks
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, using cartolina and manila paper, illustration, and images.
Skills: Creating, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Identifying
Values Integration: Obedience, Cooperation and Collaboration
Strategies: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

III. Methodologies/Procedure
Teacher's Activity Learner's Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings

“Good afternoon class” “Good afternoon, Ma’am!”

“I am Allysa Avelino and Michellane
Abong, and we will be your teacher for
today's discussion. But before that…”

2. Prayer

“Kindly stand for the opening prayer. Mr. (Mr. Milano will lead the opening prayer.)
Milano, kindly leads the opening prayer.”

3. Checking of the attendance

“Do we have any absentees today? Ms. (The class monitor checks the attendance.)
Abadesa, kindly list down the names of
the absentees.

4. Motivation

“How are you today? Okay. Good to “I'm fine, Ma’am!”


“Before we proceed to our discussion, let

us play a game. So, this is called PAPER
BALL RELAY. This crumpled paper
contains questions by layer. You are (Students actively participate)
going to pass this crumpled paper to your
classmate while singing the song “tatlong
bibe”. When the songs stop the person
who’s holding the paper ball will answer
the questions.

“Is everyone happy? Okay. Thank you for “Yes, Ma’am”

being so cooperative.”

5. Review

“Before we start our discussion today. So, “The previous lesson is all about…”
what was our previous lesson? Anyone?
Okay. Mr. Ardales.
“Thank you. Very good!”

B. Lesson Proper

Learning Task 1 – Activity

“Now class, let us first group activity. I will “Yes, Ma’am”

divide you into two groups. Are you
familiar with “4pics one word”?

As you can see, I have here a picture

where you will identify what 21st century
skills are illustrated, and you will guess
the words. After you find out what 21st
century skills are in the picture, you’re
going to apply 21st-century skills in
teaching and learning. Present it to the

“Are you ready class?” “Yes, Ma’am”

“Okay, you may now start.”

Learning Task 2 – Analysis

The students will present their group

activity in the class.

“Let's begin with the group 1.” (Group 1 representative will present their work)


“I will apply critical thinking in teaching and

learning …...”

“Very good. Thank you group 1. You’ve

got the correct answer.”

“Clap hand for them!” (students will clap their hands)

“Next is group 2. You may now present “TECHNOLOGY LITERACY”

your work.”
“I will apply technology literacy in teaching and
learning …...”

“Very good. Thank you group 1. You’ve

also got the correct answer.”

“Clap hand for them!” (students will clap their hands)

“Good job everyone. Everyone in the

group provided the right responses. You
seem to have a thorough understanding
of the lesson.”

Learning Task 3 – Abstraction

“Now, let us start our discussion. So, our

topic for today is the Integrating 21st
Century Skills in Teaching-Learning
Process. But first, what do you mean
integrating 21st century skills in the
teaching-learning process? Based on
your prior knowledge.”

“Yes, Mr. Ombao?”

“I think the Integrating 21st Century Skills in
Teaching-Learning Process ….”

“Very good. That’s correct”

When we say…

Integrating 21st century skills in

teaching-learning process refers to the
incorporation of skills such as critical
thinking, problem-solving, collaboration,
communication, creativity, and digital
literacy into the classroom environment.
This approach emphasizes the
importance of equipping students with the
necessary skills and knowledge to
succeed in today's rapidly changing (Students listen attentively)
world. By incorporating these skills into
the teaching-learning process, educators
can help students develop the
competencies they need to thrive in the
21st century workforce and become
responsible citizens. This approach also
encourages the use of technology and
other innovative tools to enhance the
learning experience and create a more
engaging and interactive classroom

The 21st Century support systems.

1. 21st Century Standards

1.1 Focus on 21st Century skills, content

knowledge and expertise.

1.2 Build understanding across and

among core subjects, as well as 21
Century interdisciplinary themes.

1.3 Emphasize deep understanding rather

than shallow knowledge.

1.4 Engage students with the real-world

data, tools and experts they will
encounter in college, on the job, and in
life; students learn best when actively
engaged in solving meaningful problems.

1.5 Allow for multiple measures of


2. Assessment of 21st Century Skills

2.1 Supports a balance of assessments,

including high-quality standardized testing
along with effective formative and
summative classroom assessments.

2.2 Emphasizes useful feedback on

student performance that is embedded
into everyday learning.

2.3 Requires a balance of technology-

enhanced, formative, and summative
assessments that measure student
mastery of 21st Century skills.

2.4 Enables development of portfolios of

student work that demonstrate mastery of
21st Century skills to educators and
prospective employers.

2.5 Enables a balanced portfolio of

measures to assess the educational
system's effectiveness in reaching high (Students listen attentively)
levels of student competency in 21st
Century skills (AACTE, 2010)

3. 21st Century Curriculum and


3.1 Teaches 21st Century skills discreetly

in the context of core subjects and 21st
Century interdisciplinary themes.

3.2 Focuses on providing opportunities for

applying 21" Century skills across content
areas and for a competency- based
approach to learning.

3.3 Enables innovative learning methods

that integrate the use of supportive
technologies, inquiry- and problem-based
approaches, and higher-order thinking

3.4 Encourages the integration of

community resources beyond school
walls (AACTE, 2010)

4. The 21st Century Professional


4.1 Highlights ways teachers can seize

opportunities for integrating 21st Century
skills, tools and teaching strategies into
their classroom practice and help them
identify what activities they can

4.2 Balances direct instruction with

project-oriented teaching methods

4.3 Illustrates how a deeper

understanding of subject matter can
enhance problem-solving, critical thinking,
and other 21st Century skills.

4.4 Enables 21st Century professional

learning communities for teachers that
model the kinds of classroom learning
that best promotes 21st Century skills for

4.5 Cultivates teachers' ability to identify

students' particular learning styles,
intelligences, strengths, and weaknesses.

4.6 Helps teachers develop their abilities

to use various strategies (such as
formative assessments) to reach diverse
students and create environments that
support differentiated teaching and

4.7 Supports the continuous evaluation of

students' 21st century skills development. (Students listen attentively)

4.8 Encourages knowledge sharing

among communities of practitioners using
face-to-face, virtual, and blended

4.9 Uses a scalable and sustainable

model of professional development
(AACTE, 2010)

5. The 21st Century Learning


5.1 Create learning practices, human

support, and physical environments that
will support the teaching and learning of
21st Century skill outcomes.

5.2 Support professional learning

communities that enable educators to
collaborate, share best practices and
integrate 21 Century skills into classroom

5.3 Enable students to learn in relevant,

real-world 21 Century contexts (e.g.,
through project-based or other applied

5.4 Allow equitable access to quality

learning tools,
technologies and resources

5.5 Provide 21st Century architectural and

interior designs for group, team, and
individual learning.

5.6 Support expanded community and

international involvement in learning, both
face-to-face and online (AACTE, 2010)

Implications to Educators

1. successfully complementing
technologies to content and pedagogy
and developing the ability to creatively
use technologies to meet specific learning

2. aligning instruction with standards,

particularly those that embody 21st
Century knowledge and skills

3. balancing direct instruction strategically

with project- oriented teaching methods

4. applying child and adolescent

development knowledge to educator
preparation and education policy
(Students listen attentively)
5. using a range of assessment strategies
to evaluate student performance and
differentiate instruction (including but not
limited to formative, portfolio-based,
curriculum- embedded and summative)

6. participating actively in learning

communities, tapping the expertise within
a school or school district through
coaching, mentoring, knowledge-sharing,
and team teaching

7. acting as mentors and peer coaches

with fellow educators

8. using a range of strategies (such as

formative assessments) to reach diverse
students and to create environments that
support differentiated teaching and

9. pursuing continuous learning

opportunities and embracing career-long
learning as professional ethics (AACTE,

10. establishing a conducive learning

environment where learners can freely
express themselves and explore their
potentials and capacities
Implications to Pre-service Teacher

Instructional models. Instructional

models are an important component of
any teacher preparation program. AACTE
(2010) pointed out that the integration of
innovative and research-proven teaching
strategies, modern learning technologies
and real-world resources and contexts
are all imperative in:

1. Integrating "teach for

understanding" principles. When pre-
service teachers can prepare and present
lessons that can develop students'
essential concepts and skills with the
integration of technologies, the latter can
reciprocally demonstrate critical thinking
and problem-solving in class.

2. Creating rich practice teaching

experiences. Strong practice teaching
experiences allow pre-service teachers to
connect theory and practice.

3. Creating dynamic learning

communities and peer mentoring
networks. Pre-service teachers benefit
greatly from service-learning as part of (Students listen attentively)
their experiential learning courses. It
provides time to reflect on relevant
pedagogic strategies that enhance 21
Century skills in classroom practice.

4. Examining the role of content,

pedagogy, and technologies in
developing higher-order thinking
skills. The ability to teach for content
mastery is a challenging task for most
pre- service teachers. Teaching for
content mastery (1) supports a range of
high-quality standardized testing along
formative and summative assessments;
(2) emphasizes useful feedback on
student performance; (3) requires
balanced technology- enhanced,
formative, and summative assessments;
(4) enables development of student
portfolios that demonstrate mastery of 21
Century knowledge and skills; and (5)
enables a balanced score card to assess
the educational system's effectiveness.

Teacher preparation programs can play a

vital role in developing education leaders
who understand and can influence current
trends in assessment through: (1)
research and evaluation test for
innovative approaches; (2) 21st Century
knowledge and skills assessment
strategies; and (3) mastery of a wide
range of student assessment methods.

Learning environments. The learning

environment within the teacher
preparation program is a key component
of any systemic reform initiative.
Determining the enabling structures,
policies and strategies that can best
support 21st Century skills acquisition
among pre-service teachers is a step
towards creating a kind of environment
that will promote 21st Century learning.

The following are initiatives in creating

21st Century teacher education learning
environment: (1) Establish a 21st Century
vision for learning environments in the
program and the university; (2) Ensure
that the physical infrastructure supports
21st Century knowledge and skills; (3)
Practice flexibility in time for project-
based work and competency-based
assessment; (4) Ensure technical
infrastructure that sufficiently supports
learning; and (5) Strengthen networking
engagement in the learning environment.

Partnerships. Partnerships are

extraordinarily important in the work of (Students listen attentively)
transforming 21st Century teacher
preparation programs. Along the line,
teamwork within the program and the
institution is imperative for sustainability
and development. The partnership forged
with community leaders, business
industry, professional associations,
government agencies, non-government
organizations, other institutions, parents,
other stakeholders, and the community
creates high impact outcomes.

The powerful partnerships are created

through strong collaboration towards
enabling innovation in the teaching and
learning for the 21 Century.

Continuous improvement. Continuous

improvement represents willingness to
commit to revisiting the process over
time. For AACTE (2010), any
implementation effort should include
continuous improvement steps. To wit: (1)
Clearly identify measurable goals; (2)
Track progress regularly against these
goals; (3) Communicate progress to all
stakeholders; and (4) Engage all
participants in refining and improving
success over time (AACTE, 2010).

“Did you understand class?”

Learning Task 4 – Application “Yes, Ma’am”

“Before we end our lesson, I have
questions. As a future educator, how can
you apply the 21st century skills in the
teaching-learning process to their

“Anyone? Okay. Ms. Aycocho”

“As a future teacher, I will apply the ….”

“Very well said Ms. Aycocho”

Since we have already done and

understood the lesson. Let’s have an

IV. Evaluation

Answer the following question in an essay.

1. How can the integration of 21st century skills in the teaching-learning process benefit
students in terms of their academic and career success?
2. What role do technology and digital resources play in integrating 21st century skills into
the teaching-learning process, and how can educators ensure that these resources are
used effectively to enhance student learning?
3. What are some practical strategies that educators can use to ensure that students are
developing 21st century skills throughout the teaching-learning process?

V. Assignment
Write a reflection on what is the importance of Integrating 21st Century Skills.

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