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Recruitment involves identifying and selecting qualified individuals for positions within a

n organization. A recruitment policy is created to ensure a transparent and effective hiring

process that reflects the values of the organization and encourages a diverse and fair
workforce.The recruitment policy covers all steps in the process, guaranteeing uniformity and
openness. This policy should demonstrate a strong dedication to opposing racism and
promoting diversity and equity, regardless of individuals' background, race, ethnicity, gender,
age, or any other legally protected characteristic.),
Recruitment should focus on creating a work environment where all individuals feel
appreciated, respected and empowered to share their distinctive viewpoints and abilities
Job analysis and jobdescription are crucial components in the recruitment process. Having a
comprehensive job analysis is always recommended. Before starting the recruitment process,
it is necessary to finalize specific job details such as roles, responsibilities, required
qualification, experience range, location, and mode of work. And budget. Approval from the
relevant head or lead must also be obtained.

Sources of Recruitment

The method an organization chooses for recruitment might vary with regard to the type of
industry, the business and the scope of operations.

Below are the various sources of Recruitment

 Internal Sources
 External Sources

Internal sources:

Internal resources include employee referrals, promotions, previous applications and


External sources

External sources include Advertising, Social media Platforms, Agencies or consultancies,

Campus recruitment and Employment exchange.

After determining the recruitment source, the subsequent step is to begin accepting
applications for the designated job vacancy. It is necessary for us to establish specific require
ments regarding the application process for candidates, whether they are required to submit
their resume and coverletter via email or apply for the job by attaching their resume on the
company's careers page or through a job portal. The application received and the information
provided by the candidate will be handled with the highest level of confidentiality and in
accordance with the company's regulations. The relevant team will commence the initial scre
ening process as applications are received, evaluating those that meet the required criteria.

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