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Recruitment is the process of recognising and hiring the right talent .Recruitment policy is
designed to establish a fair, efficient, and inclusive hiring process that upholds the values and
promotes a diverse and equitable workforce in an organization. Recruitment policy
encompasses every stage of the process, ensuring consistency and transparency. This policy
should reflect the unwavering commitment to anti-racism, diversity, equity (regardless of
their background, race, ethnicity, gender, age, or any other characteristic protected by law.),

Recruitment process must aim foster a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected,
and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and skills. Recruitment process should
uphold ethical practices throughout the entire process flow, promoting fairness, and
eliminating biases or discriminatory practices.

Job Analysis & Description

In the process of Recruitment, job analysis & Job Description (JD) plays a vital role. It is
always advisable to have a thorough job Analysis. Job specific details pertaining to roles &
responsibilities, competency mapping, accurate no of candidates required for the particular
role, qualification, job location, experience range, mode of work & budget etc., should be
finalized and required approval must be obtained from the concerned head/ lead before
proceeding with the recruitment process.

Sources of Recruitment

The method an organization chooses for recruitment might vary with regard to the type of
industry, the business and the scope of operations.

Below are the various sources of Recruitment

 Internal Sources
 External Sources

Internal sources:

Internal resources include employee referrals, promotions, previous applications and


External sources

External sources include Advertising, Social media Platforms, Agencies or consultancies,

Campus recruitment and Employment exchange.

Process Flow:

After selecting the method of recruitment, the subsequent step is to begin accepting
applications for the specified job role. It is imperative that we establish specific guidelines for
the methods that candidates must adhere to when submitting their application, including
whether they are required to include their resume and coverletter in an email or simply apply
for the job by attaching their resume on the company's careers page or any relevant job
portals. The application and information submitted by the candidate will be handled with the
level of confidentiality and in accordance with company policies. When applications are
received, the relevant team will begin the initial screening process to identify those that
meet the requirements.


The subsequent stage in the process involves shortlisting profiles. Recruiters or the relevant
team leader will carefully scrutinize the applications received; selecting those profiles which
best match the requirements or appear most suitable for further consideration. The candidates
who have been selected for consideration will be contacted to participate in the initial
interview round. The invitation to the interview may be conveyed through a telephone call or
sent in the form of an official invitation email.

The candidate who appears and qualifies in the initial round will be considered for the
upcoming rounds. The no of rounds to crack the requirement depends on the role requisition
and could be company specific role

Post offer follow up:

Advantages of Post offer

o Improves candidate experience

o Helps address candidates concern.
o Reduces turnover rates
o Enhances referral Rates
o Provides Valuable feedback
o Fosters long term relationship
o Demonstrates organizations commitment
o Improved diversity &inclusion
o Provides insights into candidates need and preferences

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