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Final campain :


The Chiến Dịch Hồ Chí Minh, also known as the Ho Chi Minh
Campaign, was a major offensive launched by the People's Army of
Vietnam and the Viet Cong in 1975. It was a decisive effort in the
Vietnam War, ultimately resulting in the fall of Saigon, the capital of
South Vietnam.
Goals and Objectives
1 Unification of Vietnam
The primary goal was to reunify Vietnam under a
single communist government, uniting the north and
the south.

2 End of Foreign Influence

An important objective was to end foreign influence in
Vietnam, asserting independence and sovereignty.

3 Toppling the Saigon Regime

Another key objective was to overthrow the US-backed
Saigon regime and establish communist control.
Strategy and Tactics employed
Guerrilla Warfare Strategic Mobilization Psychological Warfare

The Viet Cong and North Strategic use of resources, Propaganda and
Vietnamese Army utilized infiltration, and coordination psychological operations
guerrilla tactics, including led to the ultimate success of were employed to weaken
hit-and-run attacks and the campaign. the morale of enemy forces.
Key Battles and events
1 2

Battle of Ban Me Thuot Fall of Saigon

The battle resulted in the collapse of the The capture of Saigon marked the end of the
South Vietnamese defensive line, a war and the reunification of Vietnam under
significant turning point. communist rule.
Involvement of Different Military Units
1 People's Army of 2 Viet Cong 3 Support from
Vietnam Known for their
Soviet Union and
The primary force extensive underground
leading the campaign, network and use of Received vital support
employing both regular unconventional tactics from both military and
and guerrilla forces. against the enemy. political aspects from
these communist allies.
Role of Political Leadership
Hồ Chí Minh Le Duan
The iconic figure and revolutionary The Secretary-General of the
leader who laid the groundwork for Communist Party who led the
the unification vision. strategic planning for the campaign.

Vo Nguyen Giap
A brilliant military strategist who orchestrated the campaign's key tactics and
Impact and Significance

National Unity Global Impact End of Vietnam War

The successful campaign It had a significant impact on Marked the end of a prolonged
brought about the long- the global balance of power and devastating conflict,
awaited national unity of and anti-imperialist bringing peace to Vietnam.
Vietnam. movements.
Legacy and Historical Importance

Memory and Symbol of Resistance Educational Importance

Commemoration It became a symbol of strong It continues to be a subject of
The campaign left a profound resistance against foreign study and historical
and enduring memory in the occupation and imperialism. importance globally.
hearts of the Vietnamese

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