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Spring 2024
EEE141: Electrical Circuits I

Attach your cover page and also this Question paper
Book: Introductory Circuit Analysis by Boylestad 11th Edition

Total 17 Math Problems. Total Marks: 66+4=70

Submission offline/class time before mid exam
Add Cover Page, Question Paper, Write down all the questions and Redraw all
the circuits with proper voltage polarity and current direction. Additional 4
marks for overall format.
1. Find the applied voltage E necessary to develop the current specified in each circuit. [4]

2. Using the information provided, find the unknown quantities. [4]

3. Using the information provided, find the unknown quantities. [4]

4. Determine the current I and its direction for each network. Before solving for I,
redraw each network with a single voltage source. [4]
5. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, find the unknown voltages. [6]

6. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, find the unknown voltages. [4]

7. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, find the unknown voltages V1 and V2. [4]

8. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, find the unknown voltages V1 and V2. [4]
9. Using the voltage divider rule, find the indicated resistances. [2]

10. Using the voltage divider rule, find the indicated voltages. [2]

11. Using the voltage divider rule, find the indicated voltages. [4]

12. Using the information provided, find the unknown quantities. [2]
13. Using the information provided, find the unknown quantities. [2]

14. Using the voltage divider rule or Kirchhoff’s voltage law, determine the unknown
voltages for the configurations below. [8]
15. Determine the voltages Va and V1 for the networks. [4]

16. For the network in Fig.determine the voltages: [4]

a. Va , Vb , Vc , Vd , Ve
b. Vab , Vdc , Vcb
c. Vac , Vdb

17. For the network in Fig. determine the voltages: [4]

a. Va , Vb , Vc , Vd
b. Vab , Vcb , Vcd
c. Vad , Vca

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