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Compiled by:

Yohana Eunike Silaen




1.1 Backgorund
Mental health is a health related to a condition, emotion, and psychic of a person.
Mental health is also an important component in every human life level, from childhood
to adulthood. In fact, mental conditions in childhood can affect the development of a
person's psychiatric until the mature later. In general, mental changes may occur when
we are dealing with demands or expenses that exceed our abilities. For example, work
overtime or work up to hours or experience financial problems (such as debt or poverty).
In the family environment, mental health is very important rule to create a harmonious
and comfortable family environment.
Therefore, it is important for us to follow the webinar "Building Mental Health in the
family environment" held online.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the web host of "Webly Infant Health In the Environment" is to invite
parents and children who care about mental health in the family, to participate as
participants by sharing experience and adding persistry insight as well as the resource
1. Evi Junita, M. Psi., Psychologist (Child Clinical Psychologist)
1.3 Execution Time
Webinar "Building mental health in the family environment" is carried out on
Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 16:00 to 18.00 WIB, in each place online through


Webinars who present Evi Junita, M. Psi., Psychologist (Child Clinical Psychologist)
are quite interesting. Not only gives the material through PowerPoint, but the participants are
given the opportunity to be able to ask. In addition, participants can also share their
experiences with the Resource person. The coverage of the materials includes healthy mental
conditions and also tips in maintaining mental health.

Mental health is very important in a family. There are several family features and
mental health members, such as:

 Coping with normal life pressure

 Be able to work productively
 Being able to contribute to society
 Recognizing potential and potential
 Be confident when dealing with new situations or people
 Optimism
 Avoid blaming yourself
 Being able to set goals
 Have good self-respect
 View yourself in a positive way
 Learning ability
 Is able to feel, express and manage positive and negative emotions
 Being able to create and maintain good relationships with others
 Being able to cope with and manage changes and uncertainties

Evi junita also described the 3 frequent mental-health complaints in the family. First,
stress. This is indeed the most frequent problem in everyday life. Among adults, work-related
stress is very common. But for children, stress occurs when they are not able to cope with
difficult, threatening or painful situations, such as the thought or feeling negative about
themselves. Starting with stress, there are adverse effects that affect physical health problems,
such as sleep disorders, fatigue, headaches, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart problems,
headaches, and some other problems. Secondly, anxiety disorder. It is a condition when a
person experiences constant and difficult control over excessive anxiety, adversely affecting
his or her daily life. For some normal people, anxiety usually arises on a given occasion, such
as when facing a school test. But in people with anxiety disorders, anxiety often arises in
every situation. Physical symptoms that may be associated with anxiety disorders are
insomnia, trembling body, strained muscle tone, heart palpitation, fatigue, upset stomach,
headache, dizziness, mouth, and tingling sensation. Third, depression. It is a mood disorder
that causes constant grief. In contrast with the usual grief that usually lasts:

 Lose interest or motivation to do something

 Continuous sadness, even continuous weeping
 Feel very guilty and worry excessively
 Being unable to enjoy life because of losing confidence
 Decision-making difficult and easily offended
 Indifference toward others
 Have a mind to hurt yourself or kill yourself

Based on symptoms of depression, it can affect physical health, such as sleep disorders,
weakness, speaking or moving more slowly, changes in menstrual cycles in women, libido
falling and constipation, a drop in appetite or a dramatic increase, pain or pain, and other
physical ailments.

Evi junita tips on having a mentally healthy family. First, get used to living healthy
together. This can be done with sufficient rest, a hearty meal, a reduction of fatty and sweet
foods, exercise or active motion, and a good morning's rest. Second, stay connected. Social
connection can be an illuminating point in one's life. Taking time also is vital to our attention
by speaking and listening to a loved one, as well as by improving our sense of well-being.
Identifying and opposing likes and observing changes in the interests of family members is
also vital. Third, requesting backup. This is possible only when a bru occurs a negative or
event that has a potential for trauma and a potential problem is unavoidable in a superior
status. Feel resources are not sufficient to address problems on their own, so it is important to
seek help from family members.


3.1 Conclusion

The material featured in this discussion will greatly help parents to understand the
mental health that may arise within the family circle. The source is also very good at carrying
the material in easy language to understand. It is with this twinkle that we learn that mental -
health disorders such as stress, anxiety as well as depression can have a high impact on
human physical condition. Many human physical conditions suffer as a result of a common
mental disorder. Mental health can also be experienced not only by adults but also by

3.2 Enclosure

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