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NFS Carbon - Extra Options

v3.0.1.1338 (Build 3; Rev.01)

Source Code:

Wiki (Work in progress) :

You can find translations for this file in our Discord server, #read-me-
translations channel:
(Some options are disabled by default. Don't forget to check the
'NFSCExtraOptionsSettings.ini' file out.)

+ Lap, Pursuit Time (for Pursuit Tag) and Opponent Controllers

> You can have from 0 (which makes the race unlimited) to 127 (Really long
races) laps/minutes.
> You can have from 0 (forever alone) to 29* (the biggest race wars) opponents.
* The game loads maximum 29 bots in a race. Selecting more than 19 may cause
crashes, be careful.
* When crew member enabled, maximum 6 opponents can be spawned.
! You can now select any number of opponents for Race Wars Circuits, too!
> (New!) You can let AI opponents select more cars!

+ Show Special Vinyl Category

> You can enable VIRUS category from Xbox 360 version.
> You can enable SPECIAL category to install some fancy vinyls.
> It also removes vinyl-car dependencies, so, you can use Cross' vinyl on a
! These vinyls will be locked. To unlock them, use "Unlock All Things" option.
(See below)
! (New!) Aftermarket and Manufacturer logo vinyls can now be painted!

+ Change Splash Screen Time Limit

> 30 seconds aren't enough? Make it a minute, an hour, maybe a day!

+ Use Drift Camera Angle Everywhere

> Birds eye free roam? Yeah, it's here!

+ Augmented Drift with E-Brake

> Enable the option, go outside and take a corner using your handbrake.
> Your car will drift like the cars in an in-game (NIS) cutscene.
! This option will not affect Drift races.

+ Change Maximum Multiplier for Drift

> They're not enough for you? You trust your drifting? You want to multiply
your drift more and more? Get your highest multipliers here!

+ Drift Race Collision Threshold

> You don't want to lose your score when you crash? You can increase the
threshold value now!

+ (New!) Drift Physics

> Make your ricer a drift machine, with a single key press! Just press "K"!

+ Unlock All Things

> This will unlock everything in game. Like a season pass, but it's for FREE!
> You can enable or disable it anytime, just press "F5"!
+ Remove Barriers
> Locked area barriers or route indicators, remove if you don't want them!

+ Enable Subtitles for English

> German, French, Spanish, all have subtitles. Why not English?
> You want to know what they talk about, but you can't understand what do they
say? This is for you!

+ Enable Language Select Screen

> It'll appear when the game starts.
! Now with all the languages!

+ Toggle Headlights and Cop Lights

> Press H to toggle headlights.
> Press O to toggle cop lights.

+ Show More Race Options

> You can set cops' Heat Level (density, not the x1-10 one) directly from where
you select laps, difficulty and stuff!
> You can add AI opponents in Tollbooth races.
> You can now add some traffic into your Drift or Canyon races!
! When you enable this option, "Tracking Mode" and "Record Shadow" options will
be removed to fix a crash.

+ Save/Load Hot Position

> You can save your place in the world and teleport it when you want.
> Press 'LShift + 1-5' to save, 'LCtrl + 1-5' to load.
> Hot positions are stored in "NFSC\TRACKS\" file. You can
open it with any text editor.

+ Show Debug Car Customize

> Enable the option from config file. It will add CAR(DEBUG) option to Main
> Press 3 to save the car you see on the screen into your save game. (Make a
backup, please) (ONLY FOR EXPERTS)
> Press 1 to use the car you see on the screen on free roam.
! Be careful. This option can mess with your stock cars, so always add them to
My Cars menu before doing anything.

+ Garage Camera Hacks

> Rotate it down to flip that garage upside down.
> Zoom it out to see where you are.
> Enable camera movement on any menu, so you can rotate your car around while
you're tuning it.
! When infinite zoom is enabled, your keyboard controls for In-Game Photo Mode
will work too slow. (It was required to fix a bug with mouse wheel).
! Mouse wheel doesn't work in In-Game Photo Mode.

+ Smart Look Ahead Camera Mode

> Is that feature, which focuses your camera to turns, annoying for you? Just
disable it.
> Or you want to move that useful feature to everwhere? You can do it, too.
! This option will not affect canyon races.

+ (New!) Debug Camera

> Press Backspace to toggle Debug World Camera.
! You can also tweak Turbo and Super Turbo speeds.
- NUMPAD 8, 2, 4, 6 -> Move
- NUMPAD 3, 9, 0, DEL(.) -> Rotate
- NUMPAD 1, 7 -> Raise / Lower camera
- NUMPAD - -> Turbo
- NUMPAD + -> Super Turbo
- \ -> Drop Car

> Press PageDown to toggle Debug Watch Car Camera.

- NUMPAD + -> switch to next car.
- NUMPAD - -> switch to previous car.

+ Game Speed
> Set game speed!
! It doesn't affect menus.
! Too low and high values will corrupt car physics and control responsiveness.

+ World Animation Speed

> Those trees are waving so fast? Try this option!

+ Starting Cash
> Start with a specified amount of cash. Get rich easily from the start!
! Don't worry, you can still earn 10,000 as Collector's Edition bonus!

+ Weather Options
> Open the .ini file and go to the [Weather] section. Set it as you like!
> (New!) You can also enable fog from there!

+ Windowed Mode
> Run the game in a window instead of full screen.
> Bordered or borderless options are available.

+ Disable Sound/Music
> Mute any game sound, just with 2 ini options.

+ (New!) Pause Screen Blur

> You can now get console-like blur on pause menu!

+ (New!) Disable HUD Shake

> If you don't want shaking HUD to annoy you, you can disable it!

+ (New!) Show Hidden Tracks

> Open the .ini file. In the [Menu] section, enable ShowHiddenTracks option.
> It will show hidden tracks in Quick Race mode.
! Be careful! You may need to change race type and region options to see the
hidden races, because of some limitations.

+ (New!) Show Event ID

> If you are having a hard time to find the event you are looking for, enable
this option and the game will tell its ID on upper right corner!

+ (New!) Force-enable Collector's Edition features.

> Just enable ForceBlackEdition option from the .ini file and you're good to

+ (New!) Remove Busted Screen Pixelation

> If you want to see the Player in Busted screen uncensored, this option will
help you.

+ Load Every Save Game

> You don't need to fix the checksum or CD-Key, or revert back to unmodded game
files. Just copy them in and load.
! (New!) Removed 10 save games limit!

+ (New!) Pursuit Action Mode! (Roadblocks and Support Units in Quick Races)
> Police units in races are now equal with the units in free roam!
> As a result, pursuits in races are now harder!

+ Change Car Model Size (FOR FUN)

> RC Cars on Rockport? Yeah, it's possible now.
! Light dummies and collisions won't be affected.
! Semi trucks with trailers will look strange.

+ Advanced Traffic Density Controllers

> You can now change traffic density values for Low, Medium and High settings.

+ Fixed Some Vanilla Game Bugs

> You can use open-wheel cars now! Disappearing wheels issue is fixed.
> You can load the game without crashes now! Save game loading crash is fixed.
> (New!) Fixed 0 bounty for x10 and higher heat levels.
> (New!) Fixed infinite mass of some vehicles and objects.
! Some of these fixes can be disabled from .ini file. Other ones are enabled

+ Auto Drive
> Press F6 and your car will go on its own.

+ Debug and UNLOCALIZED (2?) Car Categories

> One category has Boss cars, one has Crew Members' cars.
! Cars may vary between save games.

+ Change Challenge Series Bin Index (ONLY FOR EXPERTS)

> Change the ChallengeSeriesBlacklist option from .ini and you'll get race
events of any blacklist as challenge series.

+ Ultimate Force Heat Level Hack

> Press F7 to enable heat level override, which will change minimum* and
maximum* heat level limits and let you get up to x10!
! This option can be force-enabled from .ini file.
> Press PageUp to change your heat level if you want.
> (New!) Press Scroll Lock to enable/disable cops on the fly.
* See the config file.
! x0 doesn't appear on HUD.
! Don't get busted while Heat Level Override is enabled. It may crash your

+ (New!) Disable Light Streaks in Garage

> If you don't want to see those annoying lines in menu, we let you disable it!

+ (New!) NFSU2-Styled Look Back Camera

> If you enable this option, HUD won't disappear when you look back.

+ (New!) More Stock Cars in New Save Games

> You don't need to hack your game to get these fancy cars!
> Just toggle ShowAllCarsInFE option and start a new save game.

+ (New!) No Catch Up (EXPERIMENTAL)

> This option aims to disable catch up.
! It's experimental and needs confirmation.
+ (New!) No Rev Limiter
> Achieve better top speeds! Squeeze the most juice from your powerful engine
when using Automatic transmission!

+ (New!) Selectable Marker Count

> If 2 isn't enough for you, you are not alone. Set the count of markers you
get after boss races as you like.

+ (New!) Speedbreaker Tweaks

> You can now set the fill speed limit, fill time and mass for your

+ (New!) Change Radar Range for cops in Minimap

> See further and change your path to avoid cops!
! You can also show or hide pursuit/non-pursuit cops!

+ (New!) Infraction Speed Limits

> You can now set the limits for Speeding, Excessive Speeding and Reckless
Driving infractions.

+ (New!) Multiple Instances

> You can now multiple instances of the game at the same time, without needing
to copy the executable several times!
> This may be useful if you are trying to replicate cars in your other save
games and stuff.

+ (New!) Skip NISs

> You can now skip some of the NIS scenes! (Scenes that aren't movies)

+ (New!) Freeze Camera

> You caught a nice angle and don't want to lose it? Press Scroll Lock and it
will lock the camera for you!

+ (New!) HUD Update Rate

> Refresh rate, but for your HUD instead!

+ (New!) Idle Camera Timeout

> If idle camera is annoying you, you can give it more time to switch. Or the
other way around, if you like it! It's up to you!

+ (New!) Quick Race Background Camo

> Select a new background for your Quick Race menu!

Also check out:

> Extra Options playlist on YouTube:


! Before installation, make sure you're using v1.4 NFSC.exe (6,88 MB (7.217.152
If not, just search "NFS Carbon NO DVD Crack UNLEASHED" on Google, Bing or any
search engine you like.

! If you need further help, just check this video and its description out:

Now you can install the Extra Options. Just follow these steps:

1) Open "Main Files" folder.

2) Select everything.
3) Copy them to your NFSC Installation Folder. (Use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V / Cmd+C, Cmd+V /
Strg+C, Strg+V; Right-Click > Copy; via xcopy command on CMD; or how do you like
4) (Optional) Edit the NFSCExtraOptionsSettings.ini file.
5) Run NFSC.
6) And do whatever you want!

Note: If you cannot change any setting from NFSCExtraOptionsSettings.ini, run your
game as administrator or take ownership of your game folder.

Changelog: (+ Addition, * Change, ! Attention, - Deletion)

v3.0.1.1338 (Build 3; Rev.01) :

* Fixed an issue with Drift Race Collision Threshold option.
* Edited comments of some features in .ini file.

v3.0.1.1337 (Build 3; Rev.01) :

* Changed version system (from Build X.Y; Rev.Z-W to vX.Y.Z.W) for GitHub.
+ Added an option to unlock everything.
- Removed Unlock Series Cars & Upgrades.
* Unlock Series Cars & Upgrades hotkey changed to toggle Unlock All Things. (Also
changed from F8 to F5).
* Replaced "Advanced Force Heat Level" hack with "Ultimate Force Heat Level" hack.
+ Added toggle cops option for Ultimate Force Heat Level hack.
+ Added Freeze Camera option.
* Changed defaults for some settings.
* Changed cop lights and headlights methods with more proper ones.
- Removed brightness settings for them.
+ Fixed 0 bounty for x10 and higher heat levels.
+ Added game state check for some functions and their hotkeys.
+ Added an option to show hidden tracks.
+ Added Debug World Camera and Debug Watch Car Camera.
+ Added NFSU2 Style Look Back camera.
+ Added options to change Debug Camera Turbo and Super Turbo speeds.
+ Added an option to change HUD Update Rate.
+ Added an option to change Idle Camera Timeout.
+ Added Starting Cash option.
+ Added an option to force-enable Collector's Edition mode.
+ Added an option to change quick race background camo.
+ Added an option to have traffic and cop cars in car lot with new save games.
+ Added an option to let AI opponents select more cars.
+ Added an option to skip NIS scenes.
* Fixed disambiguation between "Headlights" and "HeadLights".
+ Added an experimental option to remove catch up. (Needs confirmation)
+ Added an option to remove rev limiter. (Better top speeds!)
+ Added an option to change Drift Race Collision Threshold.
+ Added an option to change Selectable Marker Count.
+ Added a fix for immobile collisions / infinite mass of some objects.
+ Added options to show/hide pursuit/non-pursuit cops on minimap and to change
their radar range.
+ Added options to tweak infraction speed limits.
+ Added bordered windowed mode.
+ Added EventID prints from development build.
+ Added Pursuit Action Mode.
+ Added Physics Switcher. (Drive and Drift)
+ Added an option to disable light streaks in FE (garage).
+ Added Fog option.
+ Added Pause Screen Blur option.
+ Added Maximum Unique Opponent Cars option.
+ Added an option to disable HUD shaking.
+ Added toggles for some bug fixes.
+ Added AI opponents options for Checkpoint races.
* You can now disable Save/Load Hot Position hotkeys.
- Removed 10 save games limit.
* Fixed up some limiters to loop instead.

v2.0.1.1337 (Build 2; Rev.01) :

+ Added "Show More Race Options" option.
+ Added "Unlock All Things" option.
+ Added Traffic Density Controllers.
+ Added an option to modify Smart Look Ahead Camera (Drift Camera Movement).
+ Fixed disappearing wheels bug.
+ Added a fix for Save Game loading crash.
+ Added Garage Camera Hacks.
+ Added an option to change Game Speed. (ONLY FOR EXPERTS)
+ Added an option to change World Animation Speed.
+ Added car model size modifiers. (FOR FUN)
+ Added "Augmented Drift With E-Brake" option. (FOR FUN)
+ Added "Show Debug Car Customize" option.
+ Added "Hot Position Saver/Loader".
+ Added hidden vinyls to vinyl selection menu.
* Fixed overwrite issue of Misc options.
* Maximum opponent controller limit has changed from 28 to 29.
* Changed string replacement method to fix a crash with Additional Copyright Text.
(Copyright will be in English.)

v1.0.2.1337 (Build 1; Rev.02) :

- Removed Crew Member fix for maximum opponents. (It limits everything to 10.)

v1.0.1.1337 (Build 1; Rev.01) :

+ Initial release.

ExOpts Team:

Main Developer:
- nlgzrgn

- 379Felipe
- ArturoPlayerOne
- Dennis Stanistan
- Dz3n
- golfstationwagon
- nfsu360
- osdever
- SpeedyHeart
- Xan1242
- 379Felipe
- ArturoPlayerOne
- BloodyThunderX (HGCentral)
- ctrl
- Bounzer
- Dennis Stanistan
- Dz3n
- elaymm4
- golfstationwagon
- KuruHS
- Neon
- nfsu360
- osdever
- Osuletz
- Reeezzz
- snach
- SpeedyHeart
- That Diamond
- Ti-Sonic
- trackmaniamatt
- Vector X
- Xan1242

Thanks to:
- Aero_
- Berkay2578
- Eclipse 72Rus (CorvetteZ06)
- gnagna2000
- heyitsleo
- MWisBest
- samfednik
- ThirteenAG
- thelink2012
- @everyone in ExOpts Discord server
...and others (if we've forgotten any) for other stuff.
Final Notes:

This mod is licensed under GNU/GPLv3. So, you can use the source code and improve
it, but don't forget to credit "ExOpts Team" as the original creator.

If you find any issue, just post it here:

You can also send your improvements from GitHub as well:

Don’t try to steal our mod in any way.

If you will upload this archive somewhere else; you can add a read me and customize
the .ini comments (Texts after “//”) for your language.
But please don’t delete any file from this download.

See ya!
©2018 ExOpts Team - No rights reserved. ;)

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