Gned10 - L6

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MEDIA 6. online video streaming.

● a channel or system of
communication — the means by
which information (the message) ● the process by which individuals
is transmitted between a are taught how to socially
speaker or writer (the sender) behave in accordance with their
and an audience (the receiver). assigned birth sex, which is
● Singular form is Medium assigned at birth based on their
● Also known as Channel sex phenotype
● Use to send message in many
● refers to the relationship between
media and gender, and how
representations of the different
1. PRINTED MEDIA genders are created for by the
● any written or pictorial form of mass media (Dutta, 2018)
communication produced
mechanically or electronically GENDER STEREOTYPING
using printing, photocopying or
digital methods from which multiple ● defined as over generalization of
copies can be made through characteristics, differences and
automated process. attributes of a certain group
1. Newspaper - a serial based on their gender.
publication which ● reflects how we assume
contains news on current different members of different
events of special or groups actually behave.
general interest.
2. Magazine - a periodical GENDER STEREOTYPING CAN
publication which is ● Creates a widely accepted
printed in gloss-coated judgment or bias about certain
and matte paper. characteristics or traits that apply
3. Books - a written or to each gender.
printed work consisting of ● Creates a glass ceiling for many
pages glued or sewn who generally do not fall into the
together along one side broad categories of stereotyping.
and bound in covers. ● When gender inequality occurs
on the background of gender
2. ELECTRONIC MEDIA stereotyping, this is called
● media that use electronics or sexism
electromechanical means for the
audience to access the content.
1. television,
3. the Internet, WOMEN AND MEN
4. fax,

● Typically men are portrayed as
active, adventurous, powerful, THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN GENDER
sexually aggressive and largely AND DEVELOPMENT
uninvolved in human
● Gender equality in the media is
important not only to secure
● Women are portrayed as
women's right to freedom of
significantly younger and
expression but also to promote
thinner than women in the
diversity and plurality in the
population as a whole, and most
media, which are essential if the
are depicted as passive,
media are to play their appointed
dependent on men, and
role in democracy.
enmeshed in relationships or
● Media can perpetuate gender
inequalities, but also have the
● Mass media paints pictures of
power to address and challenge
how each gender is “supposed”
them. There is an enormous
to act and manipulates the mind
potential for media to show more
into the individual that the
balanced, inclusive and diverse
opinions on gender depicted on
portrayals of gender, thereby
television, radio, film, etc. are
contributing to a more just society.
the “correct” outlook on gender.


● Women are frequently exposed to
messages in mass media that
objectify them, depict them as
victims, and the notion that
women are responsible for the
upkeep of the home and
domestic duties.
● Men are frequently shown in media
as being superior and dominant
to women.
● Many men may be afraid to be
emotional and compassionate due
to how frequently mass media
depicts men as macho and strong
● Colors and patterns are
commonly used for distinction of
the type of products sold and
what group they are being
catered to.
● Colors and patterns are often
unnecessarily gendered in

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