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ww 0 4002 First Semester (3 Year) LL.B. Examination, March/April 2021 CONTRACT -! Duration : 3 Hour Max, Marks Instructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each question carries 10 mari ‘Answer any five questions from group (b) each question carries 6 marks. ‘Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Define ‘proposal’. Explain the circumstances under which it lapses. io to ‘B' by letter received by 'B' on jed his acceptance letter on d ‘A’ on 3% March 2021 is acceptance by aletter posted on Is Mear 3" March 2024 a na" Mar bound to buy the radio ? Marks fanesh Mohan for Fi Gopal in mall. Ci ? Explain the rules relating to contract. to have ni h agreed to 1a kept up her promises, 2 institutes a suit again xd amount. Decide. ovina rks : 10 Marks : 6 t Marks : 6 AW 4002 Q.No.5. (2 2 doct Marks : 10 Ramesh prom Radhika after the death of his father. Howeve e of his father, Ramesh marr sti suit against R 2 ontract. Decide. Marks : 6 Explain the law relating to the time and place of p of a contract Marks : 10 Write a short note on discharg act by agreement. Marks : 6 nC Marks : 10 ‘A’, a trader, leaves his bag containing fruits in the house of ‘B' by mi eats those fruits. ‘A’ claims price o' the fruits fron Marks Explain the remedies available for breach of Ashok, due to mistake of law, pays income tax, is not bound to pay. Can he recover the same ? wn What is Injunction ? Unde Marks : 10 Avinash is the uilding. Satish from that building by Advice Avina By whom and against whom a specific pert contract can be claimed ?

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