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(0 UM A 2083/2082 IVI Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2019 LABOUR LAW ~ II (2016 ~17 Batch) Duration : 3 instructions : 1. Answer Q.No. 9 and any five of the questions ies 20 marks andtheremaining questions should be written either in English date and the influence of ILO rkers’ Social Discuss the object an ‘ones Act, 200! Q. No. 4 le authorized deductions in wage: tof Wages Act, 1936. 2083/2082 2 (OU Define sexual harassment. Explain the redressal mechanism provided under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, 2013 Explain the salient features of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. eQnabeb, 1972 d Explain the salient features of inter-state Migration of Workers Act, 1979. 19793 dxine Write short notes on any two of the follow Marks : 2x8=16 Reasons for child labour in India. Decent work Agenda Registration procedure under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961 (a) Kusuma from Kasaragod aged 13 year was taken to Kodagu by her uncle Ajith. He left her with one Mr. Ponnappa to take care of his aged mother. But, she was forced to work as Domestic worker in the house without pay and she was neither allowed to go out nor see her relatives for 15 years. She was rescued by one Mrs. Sadhana social activist. Advice Kusuma. (0 0 TE 2083/2082 Miss Meena’ is sexually harassing her. She wants to complain about this, harassment. Explain to her the rights available under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, d Redressal) Act, 2013. Mr. Ravi could not attend the work due to Bharat Bandh on April 11% and April 12" of 2019. The employer of Mr. Ravi consider it as absence from duty and deducted his jes for April 11 12%. Advice Ravi. AN A 2083/2082 IV Semester/VI Semester 3 Years LL.B. Examination, June/July 2019 (2016-17 Batch) LABOUR LAW - II Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions, 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answer should be written in English or Kannada completely. Q.No. 1. Discuss briefly the various labour standards adopted by International Labour Organization (ILO) for the protection of industrial workers. How far has India ratified such standards in its labour legislations ? Baan’ moored sodgps Gxctood O8, wesors Rorjoso embalachadds Bom) Mars Sradownday sosgown wera. wrdds) ot anadodvay xe abut dy sonore eoaassrv9, ememprioead ? Q.No. 2. Elucidate the objectives of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. tomanrd (ALF og abay Aoddoxes) wHAcdAd, 19860 wudiesriviy, DBHCGOAD. Q.No. 3. Explain the registration procedure and authorities under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961. sears worianeh absy anedgrie mBBIS mo}, 19613 eBod, Raeodes Bi,0% moe my Qrodriday ABAD. Marks : Marks : Marks : 16 16 16 P.O. 2083/2082 2 CA A Q.No. 4. Explain the various Central Government Schemes provided under the Unorganized Workers, and Social Security Act, 2008, to overcome the problems faced by unorganized workers. eAopes mavedd Aakrirday Nevosu wows wodordcd soe mained Yds eHdodad, 2008 sao, aedoonddss BORIS Boa) odoednvay, DOL. Q.No. 5, “The Fundamental Rights and Directive principles of state policy are the backbone of Industrial Jurisprudence in India.” — Elucidate. “qed8a0, aonored aeyried abey Toryheka Aderae dete Beigend sohedg deen wid” — agoceoa, Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of ‘Bonus’. What is the quantum of maximum bonus ? How is it calculated ? Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 ‘epedas’ Si cidatdy Scr. eaesag row dosodvead 7 ada, Ber ASrorersys 7 Q..No. 7. Define the term “Wages” under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and explain the various deductions which are authorized by the Act. Marks : 16 Seedmnss wQnodad, 1936dacbd, “segs” ss adeky, mba) eQRatsadaY, vabsbsdenncdal SeddcOS somber, BOAO. Q.No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 sonar, cine adel, Wales wdcD0: Objectives of Special Economic Zones Act, 2005. dveR wore Boor’ eHRoirsd, 2005d evddearich. a) b) Duties of District Magistrate and Vigilance Comittees under Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976. wes moored Bqs (AdleD) wok, 1976cRddg, zen, BomQmored aba) emis AoDarY Wraireb. Employer's responsibility under Protection of Women Against Sexual Harrassment Act, 2013. gone scoters O03, mhavodd Notes SHRodad, 2o1scaEdY; Doinenes wranes. °) CM * 2083/2082 Q.No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20 Sendgrvd, odnajie acaba, ZOOAO: a) The gratuity amount of a workman was not paid by his employer on the ground that he has caused great loss to the management, due to his negligent activities. Can the workman. recover his gratuity amount ? Advice. miorta gq dorysod Saaesod ormadann 3x, Rost agg Saipaow sra@ds sodeonN Aoseewta eat SB BE, (TRUE) sda, Dede Dodsordsad. mado sad 38n Homobendennds ayeng gGdcda axed anaingparde 2 dost Nee. b) *X’ was employed in an Industry and regular wages were paid to him. The Industry got heavy profits during the year. ‘x’ and others demanded bonus. Advice ‘X’ and others. erQebato X eays marr sday Aoinendrtevach, edan adogdann aed mnaitainrdgey. wwdgbomo aderd tort sai BO, mea, onatdy embgdh x abey evdeh locetayt weatodar, qabsd, walort How |eBd. °) A settlement arrived at between the management and the employees, for the variance in the payment of remuneration between male and female employees performing the same work and work of a similar nature. Women employees question the legality of settlement. Advice them. works Roses wales sore ahey Beds dads words napa cagg@rdinodnt gual aoey sive sedc> Radel xetns Song gan Aeind Adosid donk] extort Syed geld aces andoinmogd, 3 eAane des arorteemagabay, adtovo SPudch wapbeic>. estort Row! a20. | int a 4015 Third Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, March/April 2021 LABOUR LAW - II Duration : 3 Hours x. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each question carries 10 marks. 2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each question carries 06 marks. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. (a) Articles 23 and 24 of Indian Constitution are w to encompass various aspects of rights of labo Dis Equal pay for equal work. Explain the provisions relat registratio establishment employing inter nt work under The Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act, alating to eligibility for bone jor bonus under Payment of Bonus Q.No. 4. (b) ee tl id pu be a isconduct. Whethe scover that amount on the ground that adjustment under the Act, Decide tified medical pract Q.No. 10. 4 mite inder new economic 10 Write about the Composition of National Social Security Board for unorganised workers under the Unorganised Workers Social Security A Marks : 10 20083 Objectives of Karnataka Shops and Commer Establishments Act, 1961 4015 Ill Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, April/May 2022 (Dec. 2021) Duration : 3 Hours LABOUR LAW - II Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. Q.No. 1. Q.No. 1. Q. No. 1. Q. No. 1. a) a) b) b) 2. One essay type and one short note/Problem is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Answer should be written either in English or in Kannada completely. UNIT -1 Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution are wide enough to encompass various aspects of rights of labourers — Discuss. woos Xonqnass wares 23 adsy 24 maFI Dag BYrsdartedypay, DOD, wsr ao. OR/e@= Explain the provisions relating to the registration of establishments employing inter-state migrant workmen under the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979. sosdnet, Bor PROF BoD, 19790 s@obd sosdmy, Bod mined Acdecminaoans Romane Saconesnr BowoHAad Dobatrivay BOAO. Write a note on equal pay for equal work. BARS tong, Ads Besss BOs esaed wdond, OR/ega Employers responsibility under Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment Act, 2013. Bons soosoe 2003 eosodod modes eQaobs, 2013dacddd, Aosmentd waowOry wos) esaied wdodo. Max. Marks : 80 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 P10, 4015, Q. No. 2. Q. No. 2. Q.No. 2. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 3. 2. UNIT ~ II a) Discuss the provisions relating to the payment of gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 THU, OdoH mss HAGA, 19720 wad, myxh,cto1s RISA Aowooacs evaiworrivat, DOA. OR/egam a) What is minimum wages ? Explain the procedure for fixation of minimum wages. Bag, Sess dorided 7 eda, anoxers Bs ccaday, DBOAD. b) Write a note on the provisions relating to eligibility for bonus and disqualification for bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. toes ams eHaabsd, 19650R0DO, elect ears moria decitmn easirek RowoGAd evstwodrivay DBORO. OR/ega b) ‘A’ was employed in an Industry and regular wages were paid to him. The Industry got heavy profits during the year, ‘A’ and others demanded bonus. Advise ‘A’ and others. “eam = madoFBD ~— wom wogsbhood, tox Rodrewsasnnad, » eat ddosdaeA sess moss Rnaswrbys, eri evQeboko word sini, mea, cidatita rieabgd. ‘e' bey avec daedufl esetdodaty BRT. ‘6 sx asdor Rewoday Hao. UNIT - III a) Elucidate the objectives of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. TEN wdor ds (Ratbos;eo ad) OBS) EORo‘AD, 19700 wodesrivay, QIOeONO. OR/e@s Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Q. No. 3. Q.No. 3. Q. No, 4, Q.No. 4. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 4. b) b) a) a) b) b) 3 What are the objectives of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. WMO RAs (QWEOP Bey Howog,r9) wHdaidsd, 19863 endear) ? Write a note on the Advisory Boards under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. MEN PDFS (Dowdog,r0 ay os) eGdodso, 19708B0O, Hom Soweris wo% bated wdot00. OR/egaa Write a note on causes of child labour in India and how it can be prevented ? YRUSAO, wmowmswrs soar QS Teri BOS DBOAO Borin eBay Berd sdocwaoad 7 UNIT —IV Explain the benefits available to women under Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. wor Bs, ehdobad, 19615 wacdd, dvi ans Poyrea QBOA0. OR/exis Define contribution. Examine the law relatingtocontribution by the employer and employees under the Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952. Bosrterday m,an,O%. 19520 Yds, AH mckedAcbd, Bndete sore mdr soon Bosriodd wri acs moxteday, words. Write a note on ‘Maternity Leave’. ‘BOR de2’ HOB taxed don. OR/ema Write a note on “Employees” under the Provident Fund Act, 1952. 19520 Bas, OO moiobBobOs “maors"s work, uabes wdotd. 4015 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 4015 Q. No. 5. Q. No. 5. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 5. a) a) b) b) UNIT-V Discuss the “Social Welfare Legislations in India under new economic policy”. “Bas SAFE Aesohd, wodsd Ave seo,c9 soxarie’” BOB weir AO. OR/ema Write a note on the composition of National Social Security Board for unorganised workers under the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008. eropes moored mainee goss eGdcbdsad, 20080 eAodO, exiogess seximadorMn vageot zoatnetd woz mow? Rookmend sod ewes wdoDd. Effects of privatisation on Indian Industry. wDBseob wGsbe shea anshedoead Dorsostrieo. OR/eman Objectives of Karnataka State Shops and Commercial Establishments, Act, 1961. Bars woriared stay svocdes, Roms weQnabdad, 1961 3 wmadewrivay 23620. ‘AON Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 (A 4015 Ill Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2019 LABOUR LAW - II (2018 and 2019 Batch) Max. Marks : 80 Duration : 3 Hours Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written either English or Kannada completely. UNIT —1 Q. No. 1.(a) “The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State (a) (0) (o) ) Policy are the backbone of the Industrial Jurisprudence in India”. Elucidate. (~~ “gRdaY AowoyWes weprieh adey Taww,DEBOI Ader se: spe Bole, chs me, odmeAs sxooww snd”. LIOOA. OR Explain the objectives of the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. Mane BeSs B030,1976 F evBewreay NBOAO. Write a short note on International Labour Organization (ILO) Standards. AY sonore odes eabsloroacoa! sinacoriy wos oo aipd wdom0. oR Write a short note on Duties of the District Magistrate and Vigilance Committees under Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976. eS TdoFTS DHS (Daler) mobo, 1976 Gawd, wep, Bomohwodried ada wor,8 ADoSNe soodde rly Boos waBo wees wdond. Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 2 UNIT - II Q. No. 2.(a) Define the term minimum wage and explain the procedure (a) ) ) for fixation of minimum rates of wages laid down under Minimum Wages Act, 1948. . ~~ Boal seas aicistaty om, a79,0% morte Bday siege moods, 1948 dace, toa Seed Bdaay, ANOreezda B38, odscdoAy, axon, OR Explain the concept of ‘Bonus’. How is it calculated ? ‘doesay, Bi BABA OBO. diay Bert AB oreorbyT 2 The gratuity amount of a workman was not paid by his employer on the ground that he has caused great loss to the management due to his negligent activities. Can the workman recover his gratuity amount ? Advice. MAoFsad Sq DOE, ,Sxd Sedsesod comma sq, soz wus BA PALL AVBWHH Mdm dojoewemo esa pce BY, (7a 2th, t3)oddaty Dede DOETOsDaD. wade eA Bar AomobaneerAds Rew Pca, Axwd Bnmnwde 7 FOB HBO. OR ‘A’ was employed in an industry and regular wages were paid to him. The industry got heavy profits during the year. ‘A’ and others demanded bonus. Advice ‘A’ and others. ‘A’ des wodde dad word eased, sory AcsmensoawAcy, SNK AdosdaA sess TBS Snaooro$z9. Sirk erQgioaino 200d Bair OO, me, cogisity, Nexsga. ‘A’ aosy esdco daedan weatoday amsspd. ‘A’ ads) adorn seaoida, dea. Marks.: 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 CAN + UNIT = Ill Q. No. 3.(a) Elucidate the objectives of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. wo wdoFS (HFG sia Nowdos,t0) EHDotds, 1986 o crores, DBACBON. OR (a) Write the essential features of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 BdVdd BN (Doddow, 29 as 3033) eQdabad, 1970 Fenss oscars, DBORO. ( children. moegag org, AcdweaAos Hose (woAxS) Hoddsog, £08, Aowo@acdos tales wdo00. OR Write a ee Regulation of conditions of work of (0) Write a note on the Advisory Boards under Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. Boodd BOT (Acsvog,c9 aos Gas) EHDabad, 1970 Modo Ros sbordery tos taiedacday, wwdetd9. UNIT -IV Q. No. 4.(a) Define contribution. Examine the law relating to contribution by the employer and employees under the Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952. Bosroday, 59, c02,02. 1952 0 BowAD Row ehachd, ardeddd TN MEIFeO0D Posted wri adds soaesay, BOesA. a OR Discuss the mode of recovery of money due from the employer under the EPF Act, 1952. Ped what OO eQPodal, 1952 J eBobd RnOekoos wos ads Brainy, BAVa Ren Qos AGANVaL, wesFAO. (a) 4015 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 4015 es (b) Write a short note.on object and scope of the Maternity (b) Q. No. 5. (a) (a) (b) (0) ) Benefit Act, 1961. et Booky, 1961 8 evces aos a,dow dogod tsahed wodono6. OR Write a note on “Maternity eee the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. BOR Por, e@doweb, 1961 C@odYp “Work oz" Hos esaied w80028. UNIT-V Explain the various Central Government Schemes provided under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act, 2008 to strengthen the unorganized workers. eenoBUS wdIFES ADA esy AsDONeD eXOHESS mao edd sbsy mane tio} y eOdadab, 2008 acted aecdeoncs 80d, xwoFUG DOG cdneestridsy, DsiON0. OR Explain the registration procedure and authorities under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961. taor tt son@ned az) 2) moedE, NY Ass Bot, 1961 DSBobg, Acordes 38,08 aos) ae, Qnoorah, OORD. Write a note on objectives of Special Economic Zones Act, 2005. O8eax VOFE Hvoire eHArodsmd, 2005 3 codes? soe wo Easx5 w3dON. OR Write a note on hours of work and annual leave with wages under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961. ‘BaF eB CONT shsy aesey ne, mpgs toad, 1961 daobex, BORD SIH Dorin mars SesaAnoNS velo Homa esaied wdon8. Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Xt Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6

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