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Immigration is one of the fundamental building blocks that help make America the unique

nation that it is. But the debate over border security and immigration has become toxic
because politicians have put politics before principles and reasonable Americans find
themselves trapped between zealots on both sides.
For over two centuries, the United States has welcomed millions of people from every corner
of the globe and today we lawfully admit over 1 million people every year. That is more than
any other country in the world.
But, the debate is not about whether we should allow immigration, it's about how we should
do so in a way that protects American sovereignty, respects the rule of law and is beneficial
to all Americans. So, what does a thoughtful agenda for American immigration reform look
like? Here are four guiding principles.
No. 1, we must respect the consent of the governed. That is the will of the people.
Individuals who are not citizens do not have a right to American citizenship without the
consent of the American people. That consent is expressed through the law of the United
States. Through those laws, we the people, invite individuals from other countries under
certain conditions to join us as residents and fellow citizens.
No. 2, we cannot compromise national security and public safety. Every nation has the right,
recognized by both international and domestic law to secure its borders and ports of entry
and control what and who is coming into its country. A disorganized and chaotic immigration
system encourages people to go around the law and is a clear invitation to those who wish
to take advantage of our openness to harm the nation. Secure borders, especially in a time
of terrorist threat, are crucial to American national security.
No. 3, becoming a citizen means becoming an American. We must preserve patriotic
assimilation. The founding principles of this nation imply that an individual of any ethnic
heritage or racial background can become an American. That's why we have always
welcomed immigrants seeking the promises and opportunities of the American dream.
Patriotic assimilation is the bond that allows America to be a nation of immigrants. Without it,
we cease to be a country with a distinct character, becoming instead just a hodgepodge of
different groups. If we are to be a united nation, living up to our motto of e pluribus unum—
out of many, one— we all must understand and embrace a common language, history and
civic culture. And that not only benefits America, but also those immigrants and their families
who aspire to prosper here.
No. 4, our lawmakers must respect the rule of law and immigration is no exception. Failure to
enforce our immigration laws is unfair to those who obey the law and follow the rules to enter
our country legally. Those who enter and remain in the country illegally should not be
rewarded with legal status or other benefits. When politicians condone such behavior, they
only encourage further illegal conduct. Based on these principles, immigration reform should
include transitioning to a merit-based system.
We should end practices like chain migration, birthright citizenship, the visa lottery, arbitrary
per country immigration caps, and any form of amnesty for those here illegally. We must
close loopholes that prevent enforcement of our laws and have overwhelmed immigration
courts, allowing illegitimate asylum claimants and other law-breakers to remain in the U.S.
indefinitely. And we must take on these issues one by one. A comprehensive deal subjects
the fate of policies with universal appeal to the fate of the most controversial topics. The key
is to begin by working on the solutions on which most Americans agree.
We must and can address this issue in a manner that is fair, responsible, humane, and
prudent. This is too important an issue to not get right and too important an issue to be
driven by partisan agendas. Let's stay focused on what is best for the welfare of all
Americans, both those of today and those of the future.

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