SOM 111 Unit 1 School Plant

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al Resources of the School . Physic School Plant and School Complex Introduction School facilities consist of all types of buildings for academi, and non academic activities, areas for sports and games, landscape, farms and gardens including trees, roads and paths, Others include furniture and toilet facilities, lighting, acoustics, storage facilities and packing lot, security, transportation, ICT, cleaning materials, food services, and special facilities for the physically challenged persons. These facilities are emotional needs of the staff, pupils and students of the school, Physical Resources of the School Physical resources stands for the physical facilities of the school. It is referred to buildings, grounds, furniture and apparatus along with equipments essential for imparting education, daily activities much quicker and e, According to Irfan, “ ji n, “Physical : Te: are available to business or, sources are resources that anization i, Aicties machineries needed wition in the form of buildings the organization,” for the day to day running of ‘asier, Physical resources are all the st, i system apart from hus Structures found in a sc facilities which include al obs: Physical resources are sansa facilities, Nstructional and nor-instructionay tp itn VB choo! ~ School Plant and School Complex M jding to Encyclopedia of Education, “The school Arnot only the physical structure and the variety of fact ystems, such as mechanical, plumbing, electrical -; telecommunications, security, and fire suppression and power juded in Physical resources.” systems are gchool Plant School plant refers to everything within the school premises shich includes the site, buildings, equipment and all essential tures, permanent and non-permanent as well as machines equipment and others. w struc and laboratory School Plant refers to the material provisions of the school. Theschool campus, building, playgrounds, library laboratories, class-rooms, furniture, equipments, hostels, common room, canteen—all these put together mean the same thing what the school plant management stands for. The school plant is of great importance because of its impact on the educational processes and programmes. Minimum Requirements of School Plant Operation We may include so many items in the school plant. All technical requirements may not be met within our schools, however, various minimum requirements of school campus are as under. Classrooms: The school should have sufficient number of classrooms, depending upon its strength. Each classroom should be spacious. Care should be taken that there is no over- crowding in the classrooms. A pupil requires a minimum of ten square feet ground area, to sit in the room without suffocation. So, for a classroom of 50 to 60 students, we require about 500 Sq.ft. of floor, The class-rooms should be well-ventilated. There should be adequate light in the classrooms. Staff Room: Every schoo! building should have @ staff *0om. In the room, the teachers can st in their free period. 7hey al do correction work or prepare their lesson. A lavatory ae be attached to it. If the class is co-educational, there Ould be separate lavatories for the male and female staff. Sehoot Organ nent | Orantoation and Manage” Headmaster’s Office: There should p, near the staff room and the school office sit in his office and attend to the headmanter’s office Headmaster may various programmes and plans ete. Auditorium: A good schoo! must have an auditorium, This is essential {o organise various school functions like dramas, debates, extension lectures, ete, It is a place to hold assembly of students for a purpose. Though an auditorium costs much, but the amount spent on it is well spent. ‘Toilets: In ai oe students. They should not be allowed to urinate anywhere e the school. In a co-educational school, there should be separate toilets for boys and girl lets should be adequate in number, depending upon the strength of the school. There should be flush latrines. hool, there should be separate toilets for the Playgrounds: It is impossible to think of a good school without grounds. There should be spacious playgrounds so almost all the students can play there. These playgrounds should be well maintained. Store Rooms: The schoo! should have some store-rooms to preserve school Property. Things should not lie here and there in want of store-rooms. Lawns: A gi ‘| eos ee also have beautiful lawns, The refreshments there Sane ste le big! ee oon oar ape 7 es the lawns A activities of the school, are used for certain _ Canteen; Every school IS neat and tidy. It should eatables, In the absence of such certain canteen for stale eatable: Special Rooms: to be used as The school should hav history ’ © special rooms i Pi : ibrary room, laboratory, art room, craft room, ©om, geography room ete. Equipment: More important than the building is the “quipment schools. Class rooms should be well-equipped. Sea tess of the School Schoo! Plant and Sehoot Coy ih Phy nplex 13 poards etc. should be suitable, Th se jovisual aids. There should be enna b ratory, etc. Sports materials shoulq also equi © Number uipment in th labo be sufficient. gchool Complex e concept of school complexes was d A Crmission Report (1964-66). It is based a Kothari that High and Higher Secondary Schools have better eae and library facilities, which can be utilized by the pri oratory middle schools. primary and These schools have also better ualifi it teachers; they have larger and ee seman” and games materials. Five or six primary and upper prima schools, as per convenience, may form a complex and Bat their academic and administrative support from the nodal secondary/senior secondary school. The attached schools in the complex, may arrange co-curricular activities, give better exposure to their students at the thus formed school complex rather than taking up the matter at block or district level. In case of temporary absence of the teacher due to illness, the school complex head can provide a substitute from a neighbouring school. ped playgrounds A large number of academic issues and problems can be discussed at the school complex level by arranging a meeting ofall the teachers or otherwise. Thus many states have evolved their own guidelines and formed school complexes. Features of School Complex The significant features of School Complexes are described as under. 1. The Management model may be that of local college, in high school or group of high schools and the associated middle and primary schools coming together an cluster. The complex may work in coordination with valdevelopment Panchayati Raj institutions as well as local developmen Voluntary ot Government. and social welfare agencies at versity may help in the development of the The een h its faculty, students and technica} une eas could be a memorandum of eer ees the complex and the university ee ea and the complex and the local body, one “other The complex will follow its own self, ane system. The complex should be provide with adequate intellectual resources as well. 2. The management of education in the complexes should be the job of professionals, ie. the teaching community, various aspects like curriculum, syllabi, content and process, evaluation, monitoring, teacher training and modes of delivery of education to different segment of the society will be the responsibility of the teaching- community itself. In discharging this responsibility, teachers will closely interact with the community, where they are serving. In this arrangement, the quality of education will not be determined by a body of Inspectors or functionaries external to the educational system. Consequently, education being directly in the hands of those for whom it is a matter of day-to-day concern, its quality should Significantly improve. The Educational Com, registered societies in si Conclusion plexes should be autonomous tructures, ee and apposite Tesources are y: °F a school. The Proper Manager putees will not only boost the m iM © coordinates other activities j SO ensure the attainment ital in the administration ment and use of these ‘orale of human resources n the school system but Ment effe, jal Resources of the School - School Plant and School Comper 15 Physic enhancing the output of the education ¢ administration leads to efficient ing will yield a quality output Properly organised educational complex can admirably serve the purpose of cloger supervision, upgrading the quality of education, better Utilisation of resources, both men and materials and improvement of human relations and professional consciousness of all workers, system. Effective school structional process which “9

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