Motawa Integrated Change Strategy

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Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368 – 377

An integrated system for change management in construction

I.A. Motawa a,⁎, C.J. Anumba b , S. Lee c , F. Peña-Mora d
Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt
Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA
Accepted 25 July 2006


Change management in construction is an important aspect of project management, as changes constitute a major cause of delay and
disruption, and it is widely accepted by both owners and constructors that change effects are difficult to quantify and frequently lead to disputes.
The development of change management systems should consider many elements of the project processes and address all internal and external
factors that influence project changes. This paper presents an integrated change management system developed to represent the key decisions
required to implement changes and to simulate the iterative cycles of concurrent design and construction resulting from unanticipated changes and
their subsequent impacts. The system integrates a fuzzy logic-based change prediction model with the system dynamics model of the Dynamic
Planning and control Methodology (DPM), which has been developed to evaluate the negative impacts of changes on construction performance.
The developed system can be used in managing change scenarios on projects and also in evaluating change effects depending on the available
information at the early stages of projects.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Change management; Fuzzy logic; Dynamic planning

1. Introduction Some of these consequences can be relatively easy to measure,

while others are more difficult to quantify. Change management
Changes in construction projects are common and likely to is considered an integral part of project management. This paper
occur from different sources, by various causes, at any stage of a presents the development of an integrated system for improved
project, and may have considerable impacts. Based on time, change management. The following section reviews the work
change could be anticipated or emergent, proactive or reactive, done on this topic.
or pre-fixity or post-fixity. Based on need, change could be
elective or required, discretionary or non-discretionary, or pre- 1.1. Literature review
ferential or regulatory. Based on effect, change could be bene-
ficial, neutral or disruptive. Change management relates all the Research on modelling the change process in construction
internal and external factors that influence project changes. It has tended to focus on the identification of factors affecting the
seeks to forecast possible changes; identify changes that have success of a change process, and resulted in guidance for best
already occurred; plan preventive impacts; and coordinate practice in change management. Examples of such guidance
changes across the entire project [1]. Inconsistent management include: a concept for project change management [2], best
of the change process can result in many disruptive effects. practices for managing change efficiently [3], a generic
procedure for issuing a change order request [4], an analysis
method to reduce the overall rate of construction change orders
[5], a best practice guide to present best practice recommenda-
⁎ Corresponding author. tions for the effective management of change on projects [6],
E-mail address: (I.A. Motawa). and an advanced project change management system [7].
0926-5805/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377 369

Research has also been undertaken on evaluating the change dency, especially for multi-disciplinary causes and effects, and
effects on certain project elements. These studies dealt mainly planning such iterative tasks.
with a single factor or a single project element such as: con- Some of the IT systems developed for change management are
struction change order impacts on labour productivity at the integrated systems that represent design information, record de-
craft level [8], effect of the size of change and its impact time on sign rationale, facilitate design co-ordination and changes, and
a project [9], a linear regression model that predicts the impact notify users of file changes. These systems were developed
of change orders on labour productivity [10], the risk of changes mainly to deal with reactive changes, particularly design changes.
to safety regulations and its effect on a project [11], and decision The research presented in this paper focuses on both proactive and
tree models to classify and quantify productivity losses caused reactive changes. Reactive changes represent the events when a
by change order impacts [12]. change occurs and the project team starts to take actions to remedy
Change management has been the focus of different IT the consequences of this change. While the proactive changes
systems. For example, an integrated environment for computer- represent the events when a change is likely to occur in a later
aided engineering was developed by Ahmed et al. [13], which is stage and the project team plans to minimize the disruptive effect
a blackboard representation that integrates a global database, of these changes. Because the effect of changes always concern
several knowledge modules, and a control mechanism to sys- practitioners, the concept of change effects in the proposed system
temize object changes. Peltonen et al. [14] proposed an is presented in the following section.
engineering document management system for changes that
incorporated document approval and release procedures. Spoo- 1.2. Change effect on project life cycle
ner and Hardwick [15] developed a system with rules for coor-
dinating concurrent changes and for identifying and resolving Studying the life cycle of changes and their impact on
conflict modifications. Ganeshan et al. [16] developed a system construction performance during actual execution shows that
to capture the history of the design process, initiate back- construction projects are inherently complex, dynamic, and
tracking, and determine the decisions that might be affected involve multiple feedback processes [23]. The uncertainty and
when changes are made in the spatial design of residential complexity of design and construction projects are usually
buildings. Krishnamurthy and Law [17] presented an interesting driven by these feedback processes. There are only two types of
change management model that supports multidisciplinary feedback processes: reinforcing (that generates other changes or
collaborative design environments. Another change manage- makes errors) and balancing (that resolves such changes and
ment system was proposed by Mokhtar et al. [18] for managing errors). Dynamics in a system arise from the interaction of these
design change in a collaborative environment. The model is two types of feedback processes among the components of the
capable of propagating design changes and tracking past changes. system, not from the complexity of the components themselves
Soh and Wang [19] proposed a constraint methodology based on a [24]. Fig. 1 shows the basic simultaneity of the reinforcing and
parametric technique to coordinate design consistency between balancing feedback in design and construction projects. The
different geometric models and to facilitate managing design control actions to address changes can have the intended effect
changes. Hegazy et al. [20] introduced an information model to of resolving the issues that initiate the control actions, if the
facilitate design coordination and management of design changes. decision is correct and well implemented. At the same time,
Important dependencies between building components were re- they can produce a side effect that may create some unintended
presented by this model to help identify the ripple effect of problems, if the decision is incorrect, not well implemented,
changes between components. Also, a reporting system was used exceeds the time frame of its effectiveness or if a project
to view the history of all changes made by all disciplines. A more manager does not realize the impact of the control actions on
generic ITsystem was presented by Karim and Adeli [21] which is other related activities.
an object-oriented (OO) information model for construction In addition, the reconciliation of the gap between the initial
scheduling, cost optimization, and change order management. work scope and the actual work scope can also result in these
Charoenngam et al. [22] developed a Web-based change order feedback processes. After the project starts, the actual work
management system that supports documentation practice, com- scope may be increased, since additional work is often added to
munication and integration between different team members in the project scope in order to deal with changes. Moreover, these
the change order workflow. unintended effects become more detrimental when concurrent
The above literature on change management and evaluation engineering techniques are applied. This is because the decision
mainly focused either on the identification of the change to take control actions against unanticipated additional work has
process, best practice recommendations for managing change to be made within the complex inter-relationships of activities,
during the project life cycle, or on the evaluation of the change even with a lack of complete information about predecessor
effects on a single project parameter. Much of the discussion is activities [25].
presented in categorical ways with little attention being paid to Based on this concept, the research presented in this paper
modelling the dependent data or simulating the iterative cycles integrates the work done on the stage of “Change identification”,
of concurrent design and construction that result from unanti- shown in Fig. 1, and the work done on simulating the uncertainty
cipated changes and their subsequent impacts on project per- resulting from feedback processes caused by change.
formance. Therefore, there is a clear need in the construction A generic change process model was developed to give full
industry for research work to focus on modelling this depen- definition for the change over the time of its occurrence and to
370 I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377

Fig. 1. Multiple feedback processes caused by changes.

represent the key decisions required to implement changes. A should also define the relevant
simulation system was also developed to address the uncertainty project processes and departments
resulting from changes. The Dynamic Planning and control affected by the change or involved
Methodology (DPM) has been adopted to assist in the prepa- in the change decision. The change
ration of robust construction plans and to provide policy management process model re-
guidelines to handle changes [25,26]. The system provides im- quires project teams to keep
proved co-ordination and control over changes, thus helping to records of all relevant information
increase the consistency and productivity of the overall project on change cases to build a case
process. The following sections present a generic change process base for future use. Analysis of
model and a fuzzy-based model for predicting the likelihood and change options is required for
impact of changes. decision-making – whether to go
ahead with any of the change
2. Generic change process model options or to undertake further
investigations. The criteria re-
The developed model is based on a synthesis of the change quired to carry out this analysis
process models reviewed in the literature and the process models may include tangible and intangi-
adopted on a number of case studies undertaken during the ble criteria. The evaluation steps
research project. The process model, shown in Fig. 2, is a generic include options evaluation, impli-
change process model that can be applied to different change cations assessment and optimum
categories, such as pre- or post-fixity changes. The process selection of change options. Dif-
model has four main sections, as shown in Fig. 2. These are: ferent models and decision support
systems can be used to help
Start up: At the “Start Up” stage, the generic decision-makers select an op-
process defines a set of proactive timum solution and evaluate the
requirements that are essential for change options using quantitative
effective change management. and qualitative criteria.
These requirements enable the Approval and propagation: Client approval is an important step
project team to respond readily to in the process while different out-
change, to manage change effec- puts are expected, as shown in
tively, and to facilitate contingency Fig. 2. The client needs to review
plans for any unanticipated change. potential changes against the project
Details of such requirements are baseline using tangible and intangi-
presented elsewhere [27]. ble criteria. In many cases, clients
Identify and evaluate: Change identification should cover need to use decision-making techni-
change causes, types and effects. It ques for evaluation and comparison
I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377 371

Fig. 2. Generic change process model.

372 I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377

in order to decide on a change

option. The rest of the process stages
in Fig. 2 involve integration between
documentation and communication
Post change: When dispute resolution is applica-
ble, it requires the investigation of
direct and indirect causes of change.
In this situation, the analysis of the
effect of multiple change causes
could be prepared.

This process model has been studied further. The study paid
much attention to the link between project implementation and
the role of change. From this study the term ‘stability’ has been
defined. Change depends on the stability of the given initial
scope of an activity. Stability indicates the degree to which the
given work scope would be performed without a request for
change. High stability means that only a small number of Fig. 3. Application logic of the system.
changes would be expected during the execution of a particular
activity, while low stability represents the possibility that a great
number of changes would be requested. for a project. This prediction will also help in taking appropriate
The internal iterative sub-processes entailed in the imple- actions to minimize the disruptive effects of changes. To develop
mentation of the generic change process, as shown by the bold this component, it was important to identify what project char-
links in Fig. 2, increase the effects of change on the project life acteristics lead to change causes and what these causes are, and
cycle as denoted above for the feedback processes in Fig. 1. then to understand how these causes are related to effects. Some of
Identified changes are usually approved based on their the key questions were: How does one factor relate to another?
feasibility in the project through the claim and change manage- What are the internal mechanisms by which a particular factor
ment process. For instance, if the identified change is perceived causes a change in another factor?
to require a significant investment or there are other options to Fig. 4 gives an example of how the change prediction system
replace it, it can be rejected. If a change is approved, the relates these factors to one another for a change case. Multiple
corresponding additional work scope is introduced to that causes can lead to a change case, and the effects of this change
particular activity. A rejected change may either become a case cannot be added linearly (i.e. different causes of change
permanently rejected change or it can be designated as a latent may be responsible for a certain effect or a set of effects). In
change in terms of its potential for reconsideration later in the other words, the effect of a change cause C1 and C2, occurring
process, as shown by the bold links in Fig. 2. together, may in general result in more or less impact than the
Based on the above change concept, an IT system has been sum of the effect of change cause C1 occurring on its own and
developed to help in managing the change process effectively. the effect of change cause C2 occurring on its own. An analysis
This paper presents two main functions of the system. The first is required to find out the possibility of occurrence of each cause
aims to predict the level of stability, defined above, by predicting of change (Cm) with respect to each project characteristic (Fn).
the likelihood of change occurrence. The second function aims Multiple causes of change are a complex issue to determine the
to simulate the potential iterations that may occur during change corresponding impacts (El) on projects. Lists of Fn, Cm, and El,
implementation. The level of stability, determined by the first were identified through case studies, details can be found else-
function, is among the basic data required to run the simulation where [28]. This helps project teams check their project against
system, developed to implement the second function. Fig. 3 these lists.
illustrates the application logic of the system, which shows how Fuzzy systems were found more suitable to describe the
the system components, presented in this paper, work together. relationship between the above variables for the following reasons:
The following sections describe how the system operates
conceptually. • The information, if available, for the change cases is always
vague. When little or no information is available, fuzzy
3. Change prediction system systems are appropriate to represent the human perception on
a specific issue based on a variety of assumptions which may
The main purpose of this component is to help in estimating be numerically or linguistically formatted.
the level of stability defined above. The estimation is based on • Change consequences might lead to dispute, therefore, de-
investigating the information available at the early stages of tailed analyses and investigation of the change causes and
projects and using such information to predict change events. effects are required. This needs close observation for the
Aggregating such events will help in defining the level of stability simulation route of cause–effect relationships.
I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377 373

the values for “Fn” will be given a weight on this scale to

represent its contribution, then the Rij will have another weight
on a 0–10 scale to represent the sensitivity of the change cause
to variations in the Fn and so for the Rjk.
The system enables the user to estimate the level of stability
of the studied project, i.e. the degree to which the given work
scope would be performed with changes. Fig. 5 shows an
example of the system output.

3.1. Simulating the iterative cycles caused by changes

Based on the level of stability obtained, the impact of iter-

ative cycles caused by changes on construction performance is
Fig. 4. A dependency diagram for a change case. estimated by the Dynamic Planning and control Methodology
(DPM) [26,29]. DPM aims to provide policy guidelines for
unexpected events by supplementing network-based tools with
Two different fuzzy approaches were investigated; namely mechanisms to represent the dynamics of a project.
building a fuzzy rule-based model to simulate the cause and To identify the impact of iterative change cycles on
effect relationships of a change event or establishing fuzzy construction performance, the DPM incorporates the system
relations between the prediction elements of change. The first dynamics based design and construction process model [29], as
approach is part of any general fuzzy logic system which, in seen in Fig. 6. It aims to address the iterative change cycles, their
addition to the fuzzy rule base, includes fuzzy inference process, settlement through Requests For Information (RFI), the change
fuzzification process, and defuzzification process. Developing a decision process, and the corresponding work amount increased.
fuzzy rule-based system requires identification of different rules Managing changes in design and construction usually have
that link the prediction elements in IF–THEN format. The main two major components, the Scope Management (SM) process
difficulty in this approach is about the complexity of the prob- and the Claim and Change Management (CCM) process. The
lem in hand, as the list of prediction elements collected for the SM process is the review process and the CCM process is the
proposed model initially includes: 30-elements of project decision making process for change adoption o rejection.
characteristics, 20-elements of change causes, and 29-elements Specifically, before the execution of a task, the SM process is
of change effects. A further approximation may be used to applied to WorkToDo (WTD) stock, as denoted by A in Fig. 7.
simplify building such rule-based system. This is by assuming The SM process aims to make sure that the given scope of work
predefined fuzzy-sets to fire the IF–THEN rules. This is also a and the corresponding work setting are the same, as planned.
controversial solution and the justifications for such assump- Thus, if this WTD stock differs from the originally planned
tions are always questioned. Therefore, the proposed system WTD stock, those tasks in WTD stock are sent to the stock of
adopted the fuzzy relation approach considering the most WorkAwaitingCCMGDecision (WACCMGD – B in Fig. 7),
appropriate methods for improving the model accuracy. This which needs the decision or analysis of Claim and Change
approach gives flexibility for the practitioners to express their Management (CCM) group.
belief about the problem with limited calculation assumptions. However, some potential changes may not be identified (i.e.
The relationship between the elements are formed and latent changes) during the SM process. In this sense, Scope
combined to produce the cumulative relation, as shown by Eq. Management THoroughness (SMTH) is defined as the degree to
 Xk¼l i¼n;
 j¼m; X j¼m
f Fi ; Rij ; Rjk ¼ Fi 4Rij ο Rjk ð1Þ
j; k¼1 i; j¼1


n no. of the project characteristics

m no. of the change causes
l no. of the change effects
Rij the sensitivity of a change cause ( j) occurrence to
variations in the project characteristics (i);
Rjk the sensitivity of the change impact (k) to variations in
the change causes ( j).

All units used to quantify the variables in Eq. (1) are based
on a 0–10 scale. It is assumed that all variables have the value of
“0” when no change occurs. In case of predicting a change case, Fig. 5. Output of the change prediction system.
I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377
Fig. 6. Design and construction process model [based on Pugh–Roberts Associates; Ford and Sterman, 1998].
I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377 375

Fig. 7. Modelling change management with system dynamics.

which the potential changes have been identified during the SM however, in this case, with additional work generated by this
process. Based on SMTH, changes could be identified (i.e. approved change (E in Fig. 7). The detailed model structure is
identified change) or not (i.e. latent change). In the model, tasks presented elsewhere [29].
that flow from WTD stock to WACCMGD stock are identical to An example of the simulation results generated by the DPM
identified changes (C in Fig. 7). Then, these identified changes is presented in Fig. 8. The typical relationships between
can be approved (i.e. approved change) or rejected (i.e. rejected activities, such as the finish-to-start (FS) relationship between
change), based on the decision of the CCM group. In the model, final design activity and the shop drawing submittal activity in
if a change is rejected, tasks that have been suspended would Fig. 8, do not make the following construction activities start
flow back to WTD and will be performed (D in Fig. 7). If a until the design activities are completed. While in concurrent
change is approved, tasks would also flow back to WTD, design and construction processes, the design work may be

Fig. 8. Simulation results generated by the DPM.

376 I.A. Motawa et al. / Automation in Construction 16 (2007) 368–377

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