Adjectives 2

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1-subtle :güç algılanan,zeki,kurnaz 26-abundant :bol miktarda

2-decisive:kararşı 27-intrinsic:esas , gerçek,hakiki
3-implicit:dolaylı , imalı 28-regrettable :üzücü
4-ingenious:becerikli,zeki 29-aggressive:Saldırgan
5-stagnant:durgun 30-indispensible:vazgeçilmez
6-predictable:tahmin edilebilir 31-primitive :ilkel
7-scarce:nadir,az,kıt 32-hazardous:tehlikeli
8-infinite :sonsuz 33-affluent :zengin,refah dolu
9-immense:devasa , büyük , kocaman 34-incorrect :yanlış
10-explicit:açık , belirgin 35-abrupt :ani
11-notorious:kötü şöhretli 36-recurrent :tekrar eden
12-susceptible:hassas , savunmasız 37-indefinite:belirsiz
13-selective:seçici 38-coherent :uyumlu,kolay anlaşılır
14-persuasive:ikna edici 39-contaminated:kirletilmiş,bozulmuş
15-anxious:endişeli 40-stressful:stresli
16-deceptive:aldatıcı,yanıltıcı 41-ignorant :cahil
17-sizeable:büyük 42-desirable:arzu edilen , çekici
18-vulnerable :hassas savunmasız 43-noticeable :farkedilebilir
19-outrageous:şoke edici,acımasız 44-proven:kanıtlanmış
20-nutritious:besleyici 45-redundant:gereksiz
21-preventive:önleyici 46-annual :yıllık
22-protective:koruyucu 47-poor:kötü , fakir
23-negligent :ihmalkar 48-bright :parlak,muhteşem
24-rigid:sert , katı 49-improbable:imkansız
25-reputable:saygın 50-clear:Açık , net
1-subtle :güç algılanan,zeki,kurnaz 1- Malaria is transmitted from person to
2-decisive:kararşı person by certain species of Anopheles
3-implicit:dolaylı , imalı mosquito breeding in ………… water.
5-stagnant:durgun A)subtle
6-predictable:tahmin edilebilir B)decisive
7-scarce:nadir,az,kıt C)implicit
8-infinite :sonsuz D)ingenious
9-immense:devasa , büyük , kocaman E) stagnant
10-explicit:açık , belirgin
11-notorious:kötü şöhretli 2-Whereas life forms in the world’s cold and
12-susceptible:hassas , savunmasız icy lands are ………. , marine life in the seas
13-selective:seçici surrounding Antarctica is rich and diverse.
14-persuasive:ikna edici
15-anxious:endişeli A)predictable
16-deceptive:aldatıcı,yanıltıcı B) scarce
17-sizeable:büyük C)infinite
18-vulnerable :hassas savunmasız D)immense
19-outrageous:şoke edici,acımasız E)explicit
21-preventive:önleyici 3- This new science, the study of biological
22-protective:koruyucu rhythms in human beings, is called
23-negligent :ihmalkar chronobiology, and the evidence supporting it
24-rigid:sert , katı has become increasingly ……….. .
26-abundant :bol miktarda A)notorious
27-intrinsic:esas , gerçek,hakiki B)susceptible
28-regrettable :üzücü C)selective
29-aggressive:Saldırgan D)persuasive
30-indispensible:vazgeçilmez E)anxious
31-primitive :ilkel
32-hazardous:tehlikeli 4- It has been discovered that amaranth is a
33-affluent :zengin,refah dolu highly ………. food whose seed is high in
34-incorrect :yanlış protein, and contains an important amino acid
35-abrupt :ani called lysine.
36-recurrent :tekrar eden
37-indefinite:belirsiz A)deceptive
38-coherent :uyumlu,kolay anlaşılır B)sizeable
39-contaminated:kirletilmiş,bozulmuş C)vulnerable
40-stressful:stresli D)outrageous
41-ignorant :cahil E) nutritious
42-desirable:arzu edilen , çekici
43-noticeable :farkedilebilir 5- Arab governments have been …….. of their
44-proven:kanıtlanmış social responsibility because the current oil
45-redundant:gereksiz boom has not benefited the average Arab
46-annual :yıllık citizen at all.
47-poor:kötü , fakir
48-bright :parlak,muhteşem A)preventive
49-improbable:imkansız B)protective
50-clear:Açık , net C) negligent
1-subtle :güç algılanan,zeki,kurnaz 6-some more understanding was needed of
2-decisive:kararşı the physiology of the brain’s ……… activity.
3-implicit:dolaylı , imalı
4-ingenious:becerikli,zeki A)abundant
5-stagnant:durgun B) intrinsic
6-predictable:tahmin edilebilir C)regrettable
7-scarce:nadir,az,kıt D)aggressive
8-infinite :sonsuz E)indispensible
9-immense:devasa , büyük , kocaman
10-explicit:açık , belirgin 7- as scientists have explained, the theory that
11-notorious:kötü şöhretli the area is a feeding ground for great whites
12-susceptible:hassas , savunmasız may be…… .
14-persuasive:ikna edici A)primitive
15-anxious:endişeli B)hazardous
16-deceptive:aldatıcı,yanıltıcı C)affluent
17-sizeable:büyük D) incorrect
18-vulnerable :hassas savunmasız E)abrupt
19-outrageous:şoke edici,acımasız
20-nutritious:besleyici 8- Living in a small town is, in my opinion, far
21-preventive:önleyici less ……… than living in a crowded city
22-protective:koruyucu because you will be far from the noise in a
23-negligent :ihmalkar crowded city.
24-rigid:sert , katı
25-reputable:saygın A)recurrent
26-abundant :bol miktarda B)indefinite
27-intrinsic:esas , gerçek,hakiki C)coherent
28-regrettable :üzücü D)polluted
29-aggressive:Saldırgan E) stressful
31-primitive :ilkel 9- The adolescent, with his passion for
32-hazardous:tehlikeli sincerity, always respects a parent who
33-affluent :zengin,refah dolu admits that he is wrong, or ………. , or even
34-incorrect :yanlış that he has been unfair or unjust.
35-abrupt :ani
36-recurrent :tekrar eden A) ignorant
37-indefinite:belirsiz B)desirable
38-coherent :uyumlu,kolay anlaşılır C)noticeable
39-contaminated:kirletilmiş,bozulmuş D)proven
40-stressful:stresli E)redundant
41-ignorant :cahil
42-desirable:arzu edilen , çekici 10- The dialogue is colourful, spirited and
43-noticeable :farkedilebilir credible; but the plot is weak and …………. .
45-redundant:gereksiz A)annual
46-annual :yıllık B)poor
47-poor:kötü , fakir C)bright
48-bright :parlak,muhteşem D)improbable
49-improbable:imkansız E)clear
50-clear:Açık , net

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