A Comparative Study On Recent Trends and Applications in Cloud Computing," IC-IsCN 2019

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A Comparative Study on Recent Trends and Applications in Cloud Computing Jaishree Tawade, Vikas Kaul Department of Information Technology, Thakur College of Engincering, Mumbai Abstract—Cloud computing is a storage technique which Stores most of our data onto cloud ic internet. Cloud provides ‘on demand service to the users. The cloud service provider ives access fo users to store data on to their platform and use it whenever required. Cloud computing is changing our lives by contributing to society in all sectors like Agriculture, Banking, Military, Business, Web Applications, Health Care, Home security et. In this paper we discussed application of cloud computing in daily life and how itis changing our lives tnd the concerned security issues. Keyword: Cloud Computing, On Demand Service, Security 1, INTRODUCTION = Fig 1. Cloud Computing ‘As per the definition provided by the National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) “cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access toa shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be’ rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort oF service provider interaction” {3] A. Cloud service models: Software-as-2-Service (SaaS): It isa software distribution model ‘where a third-party provider bosts applications and makes them Available to customers over the high-speed intemet connection. Platform-as-2-Service (PaaS): Its « middle layer which gives ‘the organizations, institutions or companies a freedom and ffamework for developers to develop ther ov applications and deploy them and make customers within their company to access the resources Infrastructure-asa-Service (Iaa8): Inffastructue is most vital among the three service models because it is the basic need to launch the organizations services over the intemet in a cloud platform, to make their services available to clients and applications to run them smoothly. B. Cloud computing deployment models: Public Cloud: The cloud services are easier to install and less expensive or even charge fee, the applications, hardware and bandwidth are provided by he service provider, and are sealable, ‘he user avail ean only those services that they are interested. Private Cloud: As the name suggests, ts services, inftastructure is solely operated and maintained by an organizatioa, The services are made available on proper authentication, priority is being aiven towards the client's data security ‘Community Cloud: Here the cloud resources are shared by an ‘organization which is of common interest for every participant ‘which is being par of « community, whose needs are simi Hybrid Cloud: It is a combination of two or more cloud Smart farming: Smart firming is_new revolution in the traditional agricultural system which uses modem technologies like GPS, Cloud, Internet of Things, Sensors, Soil Scanning, Data ‘management and Precision ele which increase quality and ‘quantity of food. According to Wolski] The agriculture industry faces tremendous pressure to inerease crop production and yields to meet future consumer demand for food. This problem is compounded by the population growth of the plane, severely S10 A Comparative study on Kecent [rends and Applications in Cloud Computing limited natural resources (arable land and water), unpredictable weather pattems, te requirement of sustainability, and climate ‘change, among other variables Srna Se ros Engines Fig. 3. The UCSB Technology In an effort to make farms more productive, farmers are increasingly wming use computing technologies for environmental measurement snd data analysis. Computing systems can eutomete this process to facilitate faster problem agnosis, more accurate outcome prediction, and proactive ‘decision making. ‘Smart farming is intelligent farming system help the farmers to keep an eye on thei farms remotely. The UCSBII is an on-going project which is introducing a new software application an App store as shown in fg3 which includes % Open souree, secure, on-premise (private) cloud % Easy to use, Self managing, lights-out automation > Linking disparate sensor technologies and analysis engines > To give farmers actionable insights, alerts, accurate prediction UCSB SmartFarm Technologies + Private cloud is API compatible with Amazon and Google Clouds = Any application or service that executes in public cloud can also ‘execute in on-farm without modification = Facilitated via AppScale and Eucalyptus private cloud systems ~ Hybrid configuraSons + Move computation to the data on-farm; control all data that Teaves farm ~ Precision farming “app store” + Orperform computation in the public cloud; shared datasets and + Leverages emerging Internetof:things (JOT) & big data technologies ‘Unified data ingress from disparate sensor systems ‘Images and data = Machine leaming and data mining Streaming (think Storm) and batch processing (think Hadoop’Spark) AppScale is an open source distributed runtime system that makes in very easy to write and deploy network-accessible applications (Gncluding, mobile device back-ends) in high level languages AppScale is commercially supported, fcely available, and is API- compatible with Google's cloud platform App Engine. ‘This ‘means that applications that run on App Engine, also rus on ‘AppScale and thus SmartFarm, without modification. AppScale runs on public cloud infrastructures (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (£2), Google Compute Engine, Mierosoft Azure) or on local cluster resources within virual machine instances over Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus isan open source cloud infrastructure that runs on local cluster resources and provides highly available, fault folerantvirwal machine management. Eucalyptus is APT compatible with Amazon EC2 and Simple Storage Service ($3) so that any EC? instancelservice ean run on Eucalyptus without ‘modification, AppSeale and Eucalyptus together im SmartFarm provide us with a produetion-ready, highly availabe private cloud system and our users with a vast ecosystem of frely available cloud software from Google and Amazon, ‘As areslt they have developed a Smart Farm app for wine grape rowers called RootRApp. RootRApp employs anthocyanin sampling via Near Infrared (NIR) sensing in combination with (Ordinary Kriging to implement automated differential harvesting This use of sampling and Kriging constitutes an example of statistical analytes used as a control mechanism since the harvester uses the Kriging interpolations to separate grapes asi picks them into two different quality batches automatically > Smart Transportation: Fig. Sims Transportation ‘As the number of accident is increasing, according 10 a survey USA is having highest frequency of accidents; the STS ie "System fora smart transportation” gives futurist transportation systems. ‘Smart transportation uses advanced technologies such as wireless MULTICON-W: IL-ISCN-2019 4 0T sensor networks, disuibuted system architectures, cloud computing, sensing and actuating, control and detection in ‘multiple types of automobiles on roads to improve safely ofthe passengers, optimized service ofthe transportation system and real lime trafic situation. STS is coming fast towards the integration ‘of virtual technology and cloud computing in the transportation field Fig 6, Smart Driving Car “The Paper(2) explore new possiblities to enhance the framework ‘of the STS toa valuable cloud computing system, which includes both machine side and client side. The author has proposed techniques which consider an internet enabled STS system which ‘can play a very crucial role through using Cloud computing to ‘enhance accident prevention/monitring and control. The STS system find the destination of Accident and send information to ‘concerned people using cloud which support permaneat services Tike computing, amateur radio, aviation ete “The Fig shows the architecture of STS where four layers is presented from cloud computing to end-user (Vebicle). The ‘communication layer contains a transportation stratum for sharing of information between end-user via an ad hoc network of to & ‘loud server in the event of an accident. In the trantporiaion stratum, if we have a Wi-Fi module and a Bluetooth module ‘connected using their respective interfaces to the processor. Here, there are two processors for processing the dat. First isthe main ‘processor and the second one isthe subsidiary processor. The main ‘processor will ust share the data (video, audi, information about the location using GPS/WiFi et.) to the clients inthe range of ad hoe network orto acloud-based server using Interet services. The last partis the conventional cloud which is responsible of data collector satum, It consists of various modules for colleting and ‘tansferring data and information like camera modules for rear and font, LCD module, GPS Module, pressute sensor for accident detection, temperature sensor for protecting the data which could be destroyed from excessive temperature, proximity sensor for vehicular lane change detection, and speed sensor FFigS. Shows a STS system where we can see the information is collected using the collectors namely font and rear camera module for recording the pre and post-accident data. The information gathered is processed using a processor. The information is simultaneously sent to the end users who are neatby the adhoc network without any intervention ftom third party electronics ‘device so that they can receive the news about the nearby vehicles and the drivers then decide for themselves whether to overtake the preceding, ars or not In the event of accent, the video recorded using the collectors and the information about the location specitied by the GPS module are transferred to a Wi-Fi-based server so thatthe concemed authorities can have a look at the evidence stored, Therefore the roliaility is redundant resource utilization and availabilty can be understood asthe possibility of attaining the resources whenever they are needed with the consideration 10 the time it takes for these resouroes to be provisioned, respective of employing architectures “having Atiibutes for high reliability and availability, the services in cloud computing can experience in Denial of service attacks, Performance slowdowns, Equipment outages and natural disasters, In order to remove FUDD (fear, uncertainty, doubt, and disinformation) probably the reliability, availabilty and security fare important. The level of reliability and availability of cloud resources must be considered as a serious problem in the ‘organization's planning to sel up the cloud infrastructure inorder to provide effective services to the consumers. ‘The paper{S] mainly focus on STS based on reliable cloud networks especiallyin vehicular safety of drivers while driving on highways roads. This system is going to support various services such as economy, traflie congestion, pollution and comfortable Smart Mobile Banking: Cloud computing hat changed the way of communication between banking and its customers. large numberof hanks are snow adopting cloud technology to fulfil ther needs ineluding ess budget, effectiveness business, green Information Technology (IT business and time saving uSing Mobile banking(7] Cloud computing provides some services in Banking sector as [BPaaS, SaaS, Pua, [aaS. The BPaaS stands for Business Provess- asa-Service use Cloud computing in business as in terms, including billing, payroll. The SeaS stands for Software-as-s Service including accounting, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Enterprise Resouree Planning(ERP), invoicing now PaaS stands for Pltform-as-a-Service is Fulfil platform for applications, interface and it decrease IT cost & Secrease the number of hardware & software and hosting environment. Now th last one is laS stands for Infrastructure as- a-Service allows a business to buy those resources as a fully ‘outsourced service that purchasing servers, software's datacenter space and network equipment. ‘Mobile Banking using cloud computing can be explained as away whereby the bank customers communicate with a bank by 2 ‘mobile device and use e cloud computing as growing technology ais A Comparative study on Kecent Lrends and Applications in Cloud Computing {or instance, mobile phone with intemet or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), Mobile Banking is used by smart phone and other ‘devices such as tablets to perform online banking tasks including Jkxowing account balance, transferring payments, and funds between two accounts and locating an ATM (Automated Teller Machine)(6} ‘The general architecture of CMB (cloud mobile banking) is shown in figute7. Mobile devices are connected to the mobile ‘operators via base station including access point or satelite that ‘contol the connections and functional interfaces between the ‘mobile devices aad mobile network operator. Mobile users requests and send information such as ID and location ate ‘ransmitted tothe central processors that are connected to servers providing mobile network services. The financial sectors like hanks, both are connected to Internet Service Providers (ISPs). ISP provides intemet connections to the world community Subscribers and banks request are delivered to acloud through the jntemet. In cloud, the cloud controlers process the request to provide mobile user and banks with the corresponding cloud services, Mobile user can take the banking feciligyffom cloud ‘computing as corresponding, bank details are residing on data ‘centres of cloud computing! Benefits: Uuilzatoa of Time: We can use Mobile Banking through cloud ‘computing 24°7 hours so itis very convenient and most easy and 4 great choice for operates financial services for most mobile ‘phone owners in ural areas cause everywhere i cloud. Increase Adaptability: Using cloud computing, banks will enjoy upgrade adaptability ratios and operating leverage. Using cloud ‘computing technology and business operations can be much more effectively aligned, the cloud gives to mobile banking a golden ‘opportunity to decline complexity Mobily nle™eg Mobile ator seep ies SR femme ol gy ir A ove gf i - | Financial Sector (BANK) Fig 7. Start Mobile Baking System > Smart Military Security: Leaking of personal information, secret government document, confidential secrets about our country defense, military secret is now & day big serious problem facing today. Uploading an information on cloud can now easly hacked by hackers However, the problem comes to military usrs if scientist develop ‘4 new weapon for military and he want to send a launching code to military admirals chiefs through cloud, how he can trust cloud that he’s codes will be safely delivered to admirals. Fig Smart Miltary Weapon Detection Sytem ‘The paper[S] proposed a system which use. steganography, watermarking, image encryption and visual cryptography schemes to protect military weapons data in clouds. Steganography allows users to hide the weapons launch code in {mage captcha, Visual eryprography shares the image eaptcha in shares which is depend on number people in group in military Image eneryption will apply on cach share of captcha, After this ‘watermarking is apply on each shate for authentications between users and cloud. For receiving the launch code receivers have to from —de-watermarking, image decryption then visual cryptography to get captcha and launch code, Our studies show that the proposed approach achieves good security performance and securing the future of county ‘The Application willbe able to generate weapons launching code Wwhied is in text format will hide ia image captche, Atter this ‘mage captcha, wll beaks into shares. After making shares using visual cryptography. after this watermarking is applied on each pixel of image shares. Image encryption 8 applied to encrypt mage shares afterall his process shares are send through ema ‘When i's come to receive mail, decryption is applied on each share then De watermarking is applied after this visual cryptography is done to collet share and generate orginal image. ‘Then stenography is used to get hidden weapons launching codes from image captcha, > Smart Health care system. ig 9, Smart Health Care Sytem Ex: ClearDATA, Dells Secure Healtheare Cloud, IBM Cloud ‘According to paper (8) the problem under study consists of improvement in health care system using cloud. They patsionatcly dedicated to help medical fraternity to find health Status of vital organs of the patient's hody at early stage that support effective treatment by introducing innovative and high Gquilty hand cared non-invasive health care systems and devices. Cloud based Health Care is the integration of cloud computing and health monitoring. The computing device enables MULITICON-W: IL-ISCN-2019 419 the delivery of accurate medical information enytime anywhere bby means ofinteret. Cloud based healtheae system consists of a computing device and number of sensors mounted on patient's body. In this paper we present a Cloud based Intelligent ealtheare Monitoring System (CHIMS), which can provide medical feedbackisssstance tothe patient through cloud (if data already available) or hospital The suitable sensor isare tobe used tw obtain adequate data related to patient’ disease. In this paper}, the author presents a cloud based health ‘monitoring system that uses ‘The Wearable sensors for collecting data ftom patients, data may be tempura, BP, ECG, ftom patients those data send to the server ‘through sensor gateways, cloud for storing/mining the data and intelligently predicts patient's health status, It also provides feedback to patent through ‘the computing device ‘The physician then can attend on patient directly or send necessary procautions to petient via communicating. device. Moreover, so farther is no automated medical server used in the field of healthcare as it requires large number of specialists to ‘monitor the patins health status data. That motivated to work for a cloud based intelligent medical server for health care applications that will aid the specialists in the healthcare. In ‘addition simulated the novel cloud computation model where each doctor's cell phone or PDA is considered as node. The data ‘fom patient and physician will be collected and stored on cloud. ‘The cloud is equipped with computation module. The computation module accepts the new data from patient and processes it, then compares the obtained result with the existing result IF found suitable, the patient will be communicated with feedback. In case if the suitable record is not found, the appropriate physician will be intimated via phone call or sms, ‘The physician ean get the information about patient from cloud ‘The physician may perform various procedures to diagnose the disease and send the report to the respective patient. Figure.9 lustrates overall functioning of mobile healthcare system. The steps being carried out areas follows: > The patient is provided with wearable sensors > ‘The signal ftom the sensor is eaptured in a Node called sink through which data will be forwarded to cloud via WiFi or Bluctooth where the data is stored for furtaer processing or future reference. > The dala is then forwarded to CILIMS's physician via phone PDA (CIHMS system). > The CIHMS ‘system allows ubiquitous aceess to patient's data and medical information in real-time. » "The medical data is stored & processed in CITMS's server where database about different patient’ health ‘conditions will be maintained, and cam be used for establishing diagnoses and treatments. > CTHMS server contealises the received data from body sensors and makes it available globally. ‘The paper discusses the simulation of primary health care system ‘on intranet, Itaiso discussed the multidiseiplinary endeavour such as cloud for healtheare systems that provides greater henefits for patients and hospitals. n this paper introduces a novel cloud ‘computing, model that can efficiently compute the data from healtheare devices and dynamically diagnose the disease also, an intelligent way of saving only crucial data. The cloud based health ‘care systom using bio-sensor network places forward some fare ‘works such as finding the most effective mechenism for ensuring security forthe data[8) > Cloud storage: ‘The number of cloud storage providers online seems to grow every day. Fach competing over the amount of storage they can provide to elents, Right now, Dropbox is the clear leader in streamlined cloud storage allowing users to aceess files on any device through its pplication or website with up to I terabyte of fee storage Google's emsil service provider Gmail, on the other hand, provides unlimited storage on the cloud, Gmail has revolutionized the way we send emails and largely responsible forthe increased, usage of email worldwide, acchooktis amix ofthe two, in that tcan store an infinite amount of information, images, and videos on your profil. They can then bbe easly accessed on multiple devices. Facchook goes a stop further with their Messenger app, which allows for profiles to exchange data longer) coeaen 2 Se ale ale Fig. 10 Cloud Storage System > Marketing Cloud Platforms Ex: Maropost Marketing Cloud, Hubspot, Adobe Marketing Cloud ‘A marketing cloud i an end-to-end digital marketing petform for clients to manage contacs and target leads, Maropost Matketing Cloud combines easy-to-use marketing automation and hyper targeting of leads, At the same time, ensuring emails actually arrive in the inbox, thanks to its advanced email deliverability capabilities. In general, marketing clouds fulfill @ nced for personalization ‘This is important in & market that demands messaging be “more human.” That's why communicating that your brand is here to help, will make all the difference in closing, > Cloud Computing in Education: Ex: SlideRocket, Ratatype, Amazon Web Services Education is increasingly adopting advanced technology because students already are. So, in an effort to modemize classrooms, educators have introduced elearning software like SlideRocket SlideRocket is a platform that students can use to build presentations and submit them, Students ean even present them 480 A Comparative study on Kecent Lrends and Applications in Cloud Computing through web conferencing all on the cloud. Another tool teachers use is Ratatype, which helps students lear to type faster and ‘offers online lyping tess to track their progress. For school administration, Amazon's AWS Cloud for K12 and. Primary Education features a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDD solution. Through the cloud, allows instructors and students 10 access teaching and learning software on multiple devices. > Cloud Computing for Government Uses: IT consolidation, shared services, citizen services ‘The U.S. government and military were carly adopters of cloud computing. The US. Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, introduced under the Obama administration, was institued 10 accelerate cloud adoption in all departments [According to the strategy: “focus will shift from the technology itsolf to the core competencies and mission ofthe agency.” The US. government's cloud incorporates social, mobile and analytics technologies. However, they must adhere 10 strict compliance and security measures (FIPS, FISMA, and Fed RAMP). This is to protect against cyber threats both domestic and abroad, Cloud computing isthe answer for any busines struggling to stay ‘organized, inerease ROI, or grow their email ists. Maropost has the digital marketing cloud solutions you neod to transform yout business, MLCONCLUSION Cloud computing is the fastest growing field of IT providing enormous benefits ro Business of all sizes also playing 2 vital role in our daily life improving our lifestyle in more systematic and sophisticated way. Cloud Computing. is ‘contributing in all fields like Farming, Military, Transportation, Health care, Education etc. Amazon, Azure, Google and IBM ‘Cloud platforms are the fastest growing network environments Security in clouds is a key challenge, much vulnerability in cloud Still exits and hackers costinue to exploit hese security holes. So ‘more concentration is needed on security challenges. REFERENCE (1, improving Agricuture Sustainability Using Modem Information Technology UCSB Tech” Report 2016-01 May 2016 by Chandra Krntz, Rich Wolski, Nevens Golubovic, Benji Lampel, Vacus Kulkan Dept of Computer Science UC Sonia Bacbara Balai Set huramasimyraiae, Brace Roberts Dept of industrial Technology Dept of Plant Sciences Fresno Sule University Bo Lis Dept. of Blo Resource apd Agricultural Engineering Cal Poly. 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