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Q. Central Bureau of Investigation is set up under which Union Ministry?

ক োনট ো ক ন্দ্ৰীয় মন্ত্ৰোলয়ৰ অধীনত ক ন্দ্ৰীয় তদন্ত োৰী ব্যুটৰো স্থোপন ৰো হয়?

[A] Ministry of External Affairs

[B] Ministry of Home Affairs
[C] Ministry of Defence
[D] Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Central Bureau of Investigation is a premier investigative

উত্তৰ - D agency set up under the Ministry of Home Affairs on April

1, 1963. The CBI was then formed by a resolution of the
Home Affairs Ministry. The Ministry of Personnel, later on,
took over the responsibility of the CBI and now it plays the
role of an attached office.
• The CBI was established in 1963 by a resolution made by the Ministry
of Home Affairs.
• It was established on the recommendation of the Santhanam
Committee on the prevention of corruption (1962 -64)
• CBI attributes its powers to the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act
of 1946.
• CBI is the major investigating agency of the Central Government and it
performs an integral role in the prevention of corruption.
• The Director of CBI is responsible for the administration of the
• CBI now works under the Ministry of Personnel, Pension & Public
Grievances, Government of India, and coordinates the investigation on
behalf of the Interpol Member countries.
Q. World's largest meditation center Swarveda Mahamandir is
located in which place?

বব্শ্বৰ সব্ব্ৃব হৎ ধুোন ক ন্দ্ৰ স্বটব্দব মহোমন্দিৰ ক োন ঠোইত অৱবস্থত?

A. Varanasi
B. Gaya
C. Pune
D. Bangalore
উত্তৰ - A
Q. Which institute's school textbooks will use the word Bharat instead of

ক োনখন প্ৰবতষ্ঠোনৰ স্কযলৰ পোঠুপযবিত INDIA সলবন ভোৰত শব্দট ো ব্ুৱহোৰ

ৰো হ'ব্?

B. ICAR NCERT - National Council of Educational Research and Training
Established – 1961
C. UPSC Headquarters – New Delhi
D. NAAC Director - Dr. Dinesh Prasad Saklani

উত্তৰ - A
Q. Which state government has changed the name of its jails to ‘Sudhaar
Grah’ or ‘Reform Homes’?

ক োনখন ৰোজ্ু চৰ োটৰ বনজ্ৰ কজ্লৰ নোম সলবন বৰ ‘সযধোৰ গ্ৰহ’ ব্ো
‘বৰফম কব হোমছ’ বৰটছ?

D.Uttar Pradesh

উত্তৰ - D
Q. By what name will the landing site of ‘Chandrayaan-3’on the
Moon be known ?

চন্দ্ৰত ‘চন্দ্ৰযোন-৩’ৰ অৱতৰণ স্থোন ব নোটমটৰ জ্নো যোব্ ?

A. Vikram- power Point

B. Wisdom Power Point
C. Chandrayaan-3 Bindi
D. Shiv-Shakti Point
উত্তৰ - D
Q. Which village in Assam was recognized as the Best Tourism Village of
India for 2023 by the Ministry of Tourism?

অসমৰ ক োনখন গোাঁটৱ পয ব ন মন্ত্ৰোলটয় ২০২৩ চনৰ ব্োটব্ ভোৰতৰ কেষ্ঠ

পয ব ন গোাঁও বহচোটপ স্বী ৃ বত লোভ বৰবছল?

A) Biswanath Ghat
B) Shining Green Ashiana
C) Kishore Hazarika
D) Ritutpaul Bordoloi

উত্তৰ - A
Q. What was the objective of the "Amrit Brikshya Andolan"
movement initiated in Assam? অসমত আৰম্ভ কহোৱো "অমৃত ব্ৃক্ষ
আটিোলন" আটিোলনৰ উটেশু ব আবছল?

A) To establish a new record for the most trees planted in a day

B) To celebrate Prime Minister Narendra Modi's birthday
C) To advocate for environmental conservation in Assam
D) To cultivate one crore saplings of commercial trees

উত্তৰ - C
Q. Which cultural troupe from Mizoram performed at the North
East India Festival in Milan, Italy? ই োলীৰ বমলোনত অনযষ্ঠষ্ঠত
উত্তৰ-পূব্ ভোৰত মটহোৎসৱত বমটজ্োৰোমৰ ক োনট ো সোাংস্কৃবত
দটল অনযষ্ঠোন পবৰটৱশন বৰবছল?

A) Mizoram Heritage Troupe

B) Senhri Folk & Cultural Troupe
C) Mizo Fusion Troupe
D) Mizoram Melodies Troupe
উত্তৰ - B
Q. Which teacher from Assam received the 'National Awards to
Teachers' during the Teachers' Day celebrations in 2023? ২০২৩
চনত বশক্ষ বদৱস উদযোপনৰ সময়ত অসমৰ ক োনজ্ন বশক্ষট
‘বশক্ষ ৰোষ্ট্ৰীয় ব্াঁ ো’ লোভ বৰবছল?

A) Kumud Kalita
B) Netai Chandra Dey
C) Ningthoujam Binoy Singh
D) Dr. Purna Bahadur Chhetri
উত্তৰ - A
Q. For what contribution was Dr. R. Ravi Kannan awarded the
2023 Ramon Magsaysay Award? ব অৱদোনৰ ব্োটব্ ড° আৰ ৰবব্
োন্নোন ২০২৩ চনৰ কৰমন কমগটছটছ ব্াঁ োটৰ সন্মোবনত ৰো
A) Pioneering surgical techniques
B) Groundbreaking cancer research
C) Revolutionizing cancer treatment through people-centered
and pro-poor programs
D) Development of advanced medical technologies

উত্তৰ - C
Q. First Muslim invader in India was________.

ভোৰতৰ প্ৰিম মযছলমোন আক্ৰমণ োৰী আবছল________।

(A) Muhammad Ghori

(B) Muhammad-Bin-Qasim
(C) Mahmud of Ghazni
(D) Qutbuddin Aibak

উত্তৰ – B
Q. Mahmud of Ghazni plundered Somnath temple in Kathiawar in which year?

গোজ্নীৰ মোহমযটদ ক োন ব্ছৰত োষ্ঠঠয়োৱোৰৰ কসোমনোি মন্দিৰ লযণ্ঠন বৰবছল?

a) 1020 A.D.
b) 1025 A.D.
c) 1030 A.D.
d) 1029 A.D.

উত্তৰ – B
Q. In which vedic text the term ‘Varna’ is found referred for the first time?

ক োনট ো হব্বদ গ্ৰন্থত ‘ব্ণ’ ব শব্দট ো প্ৰিমব্োৰৰ ব্োটব্ উটেখ ৰো কপোৱো


(a) Rigveda
(b) Atharvaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Samaveda

উত্তৰ – A
Q. The first Tarian war took place in which year?

প্ৰিম োবৰয়োন যযদ্ধ ক োন ব্ছৰত হহবছল?

a) 1191 A.D.
b) 1193 A.D.
c) 1195 A.D.
d) 1197 A.D.

উত্তৰ – A
Q. Originally the Mahabharata was known as?

মহোভোৰত প্ৰিটম ব ব্যবল জ্নো হগবছল?

(a) Brihatkatha
(b) Brahmins
(c) Brihatsamhita
(d) Jayasamhita

উত্তৰ – D
Q. Which is the first country in the world to land in the south pole of the

চন্দ্ৰৰ দবক্ষণ কমৰুত অৱতৰণ ৰো বব্শ্বৰ প্ৰিমখন কদশ ক োনখন?

(a) India
(b) Russia
(c) USA India has become the first country to
(d) France successfully land a spacecraft on the
moon's south pole and only the fourth
country ever to land on the moon. The
other three countries are the U.S., Russia
উত্তৰ - A (including the former Soviet Union), and
Q. In which style has the Ram Temple complex, been designed?

ক োন হশলীত ৰোম মন্দিৰ মটেক্স, বডজ্োইন ৰো হহটছ?

(a) Nagar
(b) Dravid
(c) Weser
(d) None of these

উত্তৰ - A
Q. Recently, which of the following organizations ended its armed conflict
and signed a peace agreement with the Central and Assam governments?
কশহতীয়োক তলৰ ক োনট ো সাংগঠটন সশস্ত্ৰ সাংঘোতৰ অন্ত কপলোই ক ন্দ্ৰ
আৰু অসম চৰ োৰৰ হসটত শোবন্ত চুন্দি স্বোক্ষৰ বৰটছ?

(a) United Liberation Front of Barak Valley (ULFBV)

(b) United Democratic Liberation Front Army (UDLA)
(c) United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA)
(d) None of these

উত্তৰ - C
Q. Which of the following has recently been included in the World Heritage
List by UNESCO?

কশহতীয়োক ইউটনস্ক’ৰ দ্বোৰো বব্শ্ব ঐবতহু তোবল োত তলৰ ক োনট ো

ব ৰো হহটছ?

(a) Shantiniketan
(b) Hoysala temple
(c) Both
(d) None

উত্তৰ - C
Q. When is Partition Horrors Memorial Day celebrated?

বব্ভোজ্ন ভয়োন স্মৃবত বদৱস ক বতয়ো পোলন ৰো হয়?

(a) 12 August
(b) 14 August
(c) 11 September
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, also
(d) 18 September known as Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas, is
an annual national memorial day observed
on 14 August in India, commemorating the
victims and sufferings of people during the
উত্তৰ - B 1947 partition of India.
Q. Under Suryodaya Yojana, provision has been made to provide how many
units of free electricity to 1 crore houses?

ব কযোজ্নোৰ অধীনত ১ ক োষ্ঠ ঘৰত ব মোন ইউবন বব্নোমূলীয়ো
বব্দযুৎ কযোগোন ধৰোৰ ব্ুৱস্থো ৰো হহটছ?

(a) 500 units

(b) 200 units
(c) 100 units
(d) 300 units

উত্তৰ - D
Q. Who is the author of the book "Why BHARAT Matters"?

"ভোৰত ব য় গুৰুত্বপূণ"ব গ্ৰন্থখনৰ কলখ ক োন?

(a) Shivraj V Patil

(b) S. Jaishankar
(c) Shashi Tharoor
(d) Shatikanta Das

উত্তৰ - B

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