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W E D N E S DAY, M A RC H 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 t h e e d g e m a l ay s i a . c o m
ISSUE 740/2024

CEOMorningBrief HOME: Keyfield International eyes new vessels amid growing demand from O&G sector p6
MOT unveils licence application framework for motor vehicle inspection p7
Shahrol: Najib had ‘absolute power’ in SRC decision-making p15
WORLD: Baltimore bridge collapses after being hit by S’pore-flagged ship p16
Cocoa breaks US$10,000 record, with pricier chocolate to follow p18

Court rules The Edge did not defame KomarkCorp

in article on manipulation of penny stocks
Report on Page 4.

Yinson’s major shareholder

acquires 50.2% stake in
Icon Offshore; triggers
MGO at 63.5 sen per share
Report on Page 3.
w e d n e s d ay m a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 2 TheEdge CEO morning brief

the edge ceo morning brief published by publisher + . Ho Kay Tat


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sam fong/The Edge

KK Mart founder,
wife and supplier
charged with
wounding religious
feelings over ‘Allah’
socks issue; plead
not guilty
by Izzul Ikram
KK Mart founder Datuk Seri Dr Chai Kee Kan Directors of Xin Jiang Chang Sdn Bhd —
SHAH ALAM (March 26): KK Super- (right) and his wife Datin Seri Loh Siew Mui KK Mart’s former vendor — Soh Chin Huat,
arriving at the Shah Alam Sessions Court who is looking down, and Soh Hui San,
mart & Superstore Sdn Bhd (KK Mart),
on Tuesday. who is his daughter.
its founder and executive chairman Datuk
Seri Dr Chai Kee Kan, his wife Datin Seri
Loh Siew Mui — a KK Mart director — vid Gurupatham, Datuk RS Sodhi, Datuk reaction from various quarters, with some
and four others were separately charged Theng Book and James Ee, while depu- calling for a boycott of the KK Mart stores.
with intentionally wounding the religious ty public prosecutor Datuk Masri Mohd Three days later on March 16, Chai
feelings of Muslims over the display of Daud prosecuted. publicly apologised, saying he also could
socks bearing the word “Allah” at a KK not accept the sale of socks bearing the
Mart 24-hour convenience store. Supplier charged with abetment word “Allah”.
The case will go to trial after Chai, 57, in pursuance of conspiracy Xin Jiang Chang’s Chin Huat had pre-
and Loh, 53, pleaded not guilty to the KK Mart’s former vendor Xin Jiang Chang viously said that the socks were obtained
charges after it was read before judge Mu- Sdn Bhd, which supplied the socks to KK in a bundle from China which arrived in
hamad Anas Mahadzir at the Shah Alam Mart, three of the company’s directors — a batch of 1,200 pairs at their facility in
Sessions Court on Tuesday. Soh Chin Huat, 61, his wife Goh Li Huay, Batu Pahat, Johor last year.
Both individuals were granted separate 62, and the pair’s daughter Soh Hui San, He said that the socks were sent out
bail of RM10,000 with one surety. The 36 — were charged with conspiring to to various KK Mart premises on Jan 29
judge fixed mention of the case on April 29. commit the offence. and claimed that KK Mart employees had
The charges were framed under Section As a result of their complicity in the “Al- made the mistake of not scrutinising the
298 of the Penal Code, for wounding the lah” socks offence, they were charged un- socks. The stocks have since been recalled
religious feelings of others and if convicted, der Section 109 — an offence committed from all the stores nationwide.
the pair faces a jail sentence of one year, in consequence of abetment in pursuance KK Mart on Monday filed a lawsuit
a fine, or both. of the conspiracy — read together with against Xin Jiang Chang at the Kuala
KK Mart and the pair are accused of Section 298 of the Penal Code. Lumpur High Court, alleging sabotage
deliberately intending to hurt the religious Likewise, the three directors were also of its business in the supply of the socks.
feelings of Muslims by displaying socks granted separate bail of RM10,000 with In the suit, KK Mart, the sole plaintiff,
printed with the word “Allah” on a sales one surety. Xin Jiang Chang and the trio named Xin Jiang Chang and Chin Huat
display rack at a KK Mart in Bandar Sun- were represented by lawyer Lau Yi Leong. as defendants.
way, Petaling Jaya which was seen by a Similarly, if convicted, they face one
31-year-old man at 6.30am on March 13. year in jail, a fine, or both.
The pair was represented by Datuk Ra- The “Allah” socks incident on March 13 Read also: Petrol bomb hurled at
jpal Singh, who was assisted by Datuk Da- was posted on social media, stoking a frenzied KK Mart in Bidor — report



KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Yinson ment, Syed Yasir Arafat added.
Holdings Bhd’s major shareholder has trig- “With the investor’s track record and
gered an unconditional mandatory takeover financial stability in the O&G industry, we
offer for the remaining shares in Icon Off- consider the transaction to be a win-win
shore Bhd after purchasing a 50.2% stake opportunity, mutually beneficial for both
in the offshore support vessel (OSV) pro- Ekuinas and Icon Offshore shareholders.
vider for RM172.2 million, or 63.5 sen per “This strategic divestiture is certainly a
share, in cash. reflection of our commitment to maximise
Singaporean trading and logistics firm Yinson’s major shareholder value and one that leaves Icon
Liannex Corporation (S) Pte Ltd is the Offshore in capable hands to chart their
ultimate offeror in the takeover offer. It shareholder next level of growth,” he added.
also serves as a private vehicle for Lim Han Icon Offshore has established itself as an
Weng and his spouse Bah Kim Lian, who acquires 50.2% OSV provider in Malaysia and Southeast Asia
are the parties acting in concert, accord- that primarily serves the Malaysian and Bru-
ing toYinspn’s exchange filing on Tuesday. stake in Icon neian coasts with a total of 19 active OSVs.
Lim is the group executive chairman at In FY2023, it recorded an active utili-
Yinson, a floating production storage and Offshore; triggers sation rate of 75%, with an estimated or-
offloading vessel (FPSO) and OSV provid- derbook of over RM300 million.
er, with a 23% indirect shareholding and a MGO at 63.5 sen For the full-year of FY2023 (FY2023),
1.5% direct stake in the company. Icon Offshore’s net profit plunged 97.13%
He acquired the 50.2% stake in Icon per share to RM4.86 million, from RM168.92 mil-
Offshore from Ekuiti Nasional Bhd, the lion in FY2022, while revenue dropped
state-owned private equity firm also 29.52% to RM199.79 million, from
known as Ekuinas. BY JUSTIN LIM RM283.48 million during the same period.
Following the 50.2% acquisition, Lim The weaker earnings were mainly due
through Liannex also extended its offer to to a decline in gain on disposal of property,
acquire the remaining shares it does not Icon Offshore’s 2023 annual report that plant and equipment of 99.68% in FY2023
own, consisting of a cash offer of 63.5 sen Ekuinas has a total of 56.03% stake in Icon at RM649,861, compared to RM206.33
for a 49.8% stake in Icon Offshore and Offshore via Hallmark Odyssey Sdn Bhd as million in FY2022.
100% of its warrants or 130.90 million at March 30, 2023. In 2022, Icon Offshore disposed of its
warrants for 0.1 sen. Following the transaction, Ekuinas’ sole jack-up rig to Saudi Arabia-based
The 63.5 sen offer price represents a shareholding in Icon Offshore is set to ADES Arabia Holding for RM381.65 mil-
discount of 13% to Icon Offshore’s clos- reduce to about 5.83%. lion, which resulted in a gain of disposal of
ing price of 73 sen on Tuesday. Its 0.1 sen In a separate statement, Ekuinas chief RM196.3 million, significantly boosting the
offer price for warrants showed a whop- executive officer Syed Yasir Arafat Syed group’s financial performance in FY2022.
ping discount of 42.86% from its warrants’ Abd Kadir said that the private equity firm On Tuesday, Icon Offshore’ share price
closing price of 0.175 sen on the same day. has made a cumulative realised gain of over closed up 3.5 sen or 5% to 73 sen, bringing
The new shareholder intends to main- RM500 million, derived throughout Ekui- the group a market capitalisation of RM395
tain Icon Offshore’s listing status. nas’ holding period of more than 10 years. million.Year to date, the stock has gained 28%
Notably, Ekuinas has held the majority The transaction places Ekuinas as Yinson’s share price settled eight sen
stake in Icon Offshore for over a decade, one of the few investors within the O&G or 3.3% lower at RM2.35 for a market
since its investment in 2012. It is stated in sector to successfully realise its invest- capitalisation of RM7.2 billion.

KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Malay- ucts, machinery, and parts from South Korea.
sia and South Korea on Tuesday officially Malaysia, Trade relations between Malaysia and
resumed negotiation on a free trade agree- South Korea “has existed for over four dec-
ment to boost bilateral trade and invest- South Korea ades, and we also hope to leverage on this
ment between the two countries. to help us move our target industries up the
The Malaysia-Korea Free Trade Agree- restart free trade global value chain in sectors such as E&E,
ment is expected to cover areas on digital medical devices, pharmaceuticals, the green
economy, green economy, supply chain, agreement talks economy and chemicals”,Tengku Zafrul said.
and bioeconomy, the Ministry of Invest- In terms of investment, South Korea
ment, Trade and Industry (Miti) said in a has been one of Malaysia’s top sources of
statement. Negotiations between the two BY JASON NG foreign direct investment for the manu-
countries were suspended in 2019. facturing sector. There were 390 projects
In the last few years, bilateral trade worth about RM40 billion have been im-
between Malaysia and South Korea “has Trade Agreement and the Regional Compre- plemented as of December 2023.
shown an upward trend that we must con- hensive Economic Partnership Agreement. Most of these investments were in
tinue to build on”, said Miti Minister Teng- In 2023, total trade with South Korea chemical and chemical products, basic
ku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz. totalled RM111.1 billion with Malaysia ex- metal products, E&E, petroleum prod-
South Korea is Malaysia’s eight-largest porting electrical and electronic (E&E) prod- ucts and food manufacturing products.
trading partner while Malaysia is South Ko- ucts, oil and gas, metal manufactures, and There are also around 500 South Ko-
rea’s 12th biggest trading ally. Both countries scientific equipment. Malaysia also imports rean companies operating in Malaysia, ac-
are already parties to the Asean-Korea Free petroleum products, E&E, chemical prod- cording to Miti.
w e d n e s d ay m a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 4 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Court rules
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26):The High is not defamatory,” Hayatul Akmal said.
Court on Tuesday ruled that The Edge “The authorities are going after a group

The Edge did

Communications Sdn Bhd did not defame of individuals behind stock price manip-
KomarkCorp Bhd in an article about pen- ulation, asset shuffling, and other unlaw-

not defame
ny stocks nearly three years ago. ful activities using the listed companies,
KomarkCorp had failed to prove its case including the plaintiff, as their vehicles.

on a balance of probabilities, said judge In that context, it cannot be considered
Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz in delivering defamatory of the plaintiff,” she added.

in article on
her decision. The legal burden lay on the Further, Hayatul Akmal said Komark-
plaintiff throughout the proceedings to Corp had failed to justify all three essential

manipulation of
prove its claim, she noted. elements of defamation, namely, wheth-
“It was all a matter of truth, and that er the statement is defamatory in nature;

penny stocks
until and unless the plaintiff has discharged does the statement refer to the plaintiff;
the onus to prove its case, on a balance of and, has the statement been published to
probabilities, the burden did not shift to a third party.
the defendant, no matter how unbelieva- In construing the statement in the arti-
ble the defendant might seem,” she said. by Chester Tay cle, Hayatul Akmal stressed that “it is nec-
“When the plaintiff failed to prove his essary to consider the actual words used,
case, it would not avail him to turn around and the context in which it was used” and
and say that the defendant has not estab- whether it was libellous in nature.
lished his,” Hayatul Akmal said. “The de- “I find on the balance of probabilities,
fendant can say ‘It is wholly immaterial the plaintiff has failed to prove its case,
whether I prove my case or not, you have and it should be dismissed with costs,”
not proven yours’.” she said, and fixed a cost of RM35,000
In its lawsuit against The Edge, Komark- payable within 14 days.
Corp was seeking damages and an injunc- The trial for this lawsuit proceeded for
tion to restrain the publication from pub- two days on Feb 5 and Feb 7 this year, with
lishing the same or similar words arising the decision delivered on Tuesday.
from the article in 2021 which it consid- During the trial, The Edge CEO and
ered to be defamatory to the company. publisher Datuk Ho Kay Tat and edi-
The article was a follow-up to an earlier tor-in-chief Kathy Fong testified for the
one entitled Special Report: Hidden hands publication, while KomarkCorp executive
behind penny stock surge published in 2020. group of individuals suspected of using director Roy Ho Yew Kee testified for the
Hayatul Akmal also found that the 2021 the plaintiff and other companies for un- self-adhesive label company.
article entitled Hidden hands behind pen- lawful purposes. The Edge was represented by Messrs
ny stock surge under scrutiny does not re- KomarkCorp is listed as one of the ve- Kanesalingam & Co while KomarkCorp
fer to KomarkCorp, but instead was re- hicles the alleged individuals used. was represented by Messrs Chong +
porting about authorities investigating a “In my considered view, it (the article) Kheng Hoe.


KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Econo-

my Minister Rafizi Ramli reassured that all

All Padu data

data on the central database hub (Padu)
is encrypted to protect it from unauthor-

encrypted, Rafizi
ised access.
With encryption in place, Rafizi said,

even if hackers manage to steal data from
Padu, they would still need to go through
the decryption process.
“Unless hackers possess a supercom-
puter capable of decrypting the data, all by Choy Nyen Yiau
information in Padu remains gibberish due
to encryption,” Rafizi told Parliament dur-
ing the question and answer session on
Padu, launched by Prime Minister Da-
tuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 2, aims to cy have been raised by leaders from Sabah Standards and Technology.
enhance distribution of resources, especial- and Sarawak, prompting the Sarawak gov- He also said the system successfully
ly government subsidies and assistance to ernment to halt the registration process withstood approximately two million cy-
deserving individuals. in the state, pending improvements to its berattacks per day during the first month
The government has set a deadline for implementation. after its launch, with no data breaches.
Malaysians to register and update their de- In response, Rafizi reiterated that “Based on the cyberattacks we record-
tails on Padu on March 31, with no plans the Padu system strictly adheres to in- ed, many originated from abroad, which is
to extend this deadline. ternational standards such as OWASP why we decided to implement geo-fenc-
Concerns over data security and priva- Top Ten and the National Institute of ing,” Rafizi added.
w e d n e s d ay m a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 5 TheEdge CEO morning brief
w e d n e s d ay m a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 6 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Oil and gas However, Kee said the biggest challenge
(O&G) services firm Keyfield International for the group is to find suitable vessels at the

International eyes
Bhd, which primarily charters accommoda- right price, as it faces a shortage of suitable
tion vessels, plans to acquire new vessels to vessels that meet its tender requirements.

new vessels amid

ride on growing demand from local oil and “We are very aware of the opportunities [in
gas firms, subsequent to its initial public offer- the industry]. At the same time, we are very

growing demand
ing (IPO) that would raise up to RM188.06 careful about what we want to do in terms
million. of fleet expansion. We don’t want to blindly

from O&G sector

Group chief executive officer Datuk Dar- buy good vessels at high prices just to fulfil
ren Kee said the company aims to strengthen our orders,” he told the press after the pro-
its market share through the expansion of its spectus launch.
fleet, in addition to broadening its service of- Furthermore, Kee noted that the group
ferings, which include the chartering of an- by Hee En Qi faces some resistance from banks in terms
chor handling tug and supply vessels. of financing to acquire vessels, partly due to
Keyfield International has already ac- the last round of downturn. He said the ac-
quired a vessel earlier this year, he told the ficer Eugene Kang told the press after the commodation vessels from the company can
press, adding that it is still eyeing two more prospectus launch. still be used for other activities, even though
vessels to meet the growing demand from The company saw an estimated market it primarily serves the O&G sector.
local firms. share of 23.7% for FY2023, based on the total Keyfield International’s IPO is priced at 90
Keyfield International currently possess- number of days per annum Malaysian-flagged sen apiece and consists entirely of new shares,
es eleven vessels and has witnessed steady accommodation work boats were chartered. according to its prospectus.The company al-
increase in utilisation rate since 2021. For In comparison, the company saw a market located 40 million shares to the public, 24
9MFY2023, the company registered a uti- share of 20.1% in FY2022 and 16.2% in million shares to eligible persons, and 144.96
lisation rate of 82%, as compared to 62.4% FY2021. million shares to Bumiputera and selected
in the previous year’s corresponding period. On the financial front, it posted a net profit investors through private placement.
Its own vessels contributed 67.5% of its of RM83.35 million or 10.4 sen per share for The existing shares are not for sale, Kang
RM310.92 million total revenue during the 9MFY2023, more than double the RM36.05 told The Edge at the sidelines, as the compa-
same period, while third-party vessels con- million or 4.5 sen per share logged in the pre- ny remains confident in its growth potential.
tributed 32.5%. vious year’s corresponding period.This trans- Applications for the IPO will close on April
“After we repay the various instruments lates to a price-to-earnings ratio of 8.7 times 3 and listing has been scheduled for April 22.
used to buy the few vessels in the past [with based on the IPO price of 90 sen per share.
the proceeds], we will be in a good position The company reported an outstanding or-
to generate cash from our order book and derbook of RM662.6 million as at Feb 29, Read also: Keyfield International begins
we intend to use part of that to potentially 2024, with the tenure of contracts ranging taking orders for IPO to raise up to RM188
look at the new vessels,” chief financial of- between several months and three years. mil

KUALA LUMPUR (Mar 26): Bank Negara Takaful fund assets grew 11.6% in 2023
Malaysia (BNM) has not issued any direct Takaful industry Earlier, MTA chairman Elmie Aman Najas
instruction to the takaful industry to repat- said takaful fund assets expanded 11.6% year-
riate its overseas investment income in order says no directive on-year to RM55.7 billion in 2023, outpacing
to help strengthen the ringgit, according to that of the overall insurance sector.
the Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA). from BNM to Meanwhile, a total of RM8.74 billion in
MTA chief executive officer Mohd Radzuan benefits and claims was distributed by takaful
Mohamed said this may be because takaful repatriate overseas operators in 2023, representing a 24.4% in-
operators generally do not have a significant crease compared to 2022, Elmie said.
overseas exposure in their investment portfolio. investment income Family takaful accounted for 77.69% of
“So far from the association’s point of that, or RM6.79 billion, while general takaful
view, we have not received any direct instruc- paid out RM1.95 billion.
tion from BNM for us to repatriate [over- by Emir Zainul “The importance and benefits of takaful are
seas investment income],” he said at a media gaining greater traction, as evidenced by the
briefing on Tuesday. consistent inforce certificates following a strong
“Most of our assets are placed locally in laysian businesses from all sectors to repat- year in new certificates in the previous year.
Malaysia. Typically, we use overseas funds to riate their overseas investment income and “This signifies that participants continue
spread our risk so that in the long run our convert export proceeds back to the ringgit to fulfil their contribution obligations, indicat-
asset and liability is much more balanced. to support efforts to manage short-term pres- ing a sustained awareness of financial planning
It’s just a matter of diversification rather than sure on the local currency. and retention among participants.The indus-
really looking for profit making,” Mohd Rad- Then on Monday, the Federation of Ma- try-wide awareness initiatives are translating to
zuan added. laysian Manufacturers revealed that BNM tangible outcomes, with takaful products con-
On March 20, BNM said it found rising also held an engagement session with cham- tinuing to be a preferred option,” Elmie said.
foreign currency holdings among Malaysian bers of commerce, business councils, trade Looking ahead, he said MTA expects the
corporates, exporters and importers, result- associations and chief executives of Malay- takaful industry to maintain steady momentum
ing in an imbalance that weakened the ringgit sian companies to tell them to defer new in 2024, reflecting the forecast for Malaysia’s
in the short run. investments and hedge investments abroad overall economic expansion.
On top of the call to state-owned compa- as part of a “whole-of-nation approach” to
nies, the central bank “strongly urged” Ma- help prop up the ringgit. Read the full story


MOT unveils
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): The After an applicant is deemed eligible,
Ministry of Transport has unveiled a the Transport Ministry and Road Trans-

licence application
framework for interested parties to ap- port Department (JPJ) will provide an in-
ply for a motor vehicle inspection licence terim approval that spans 24 months, as a

framework for
starting June 1, which would pave the way period of preparation and development of
to breaking a current monopoly held by the service offerings, said Loke.

motor vehicle
Puspakom Sdn Bhd. “Any party that within this period of
The detailed guidelines will be made time is found to have failed to complete

available by April 15, and a briefing session all the preparation processes will have the
with stakeholders on conditions required interim approval revoked and will not be
to apply for the licence is scheduled on granted a licence,” he said.
April 23, said Transport Minister Anthony Parties that successfully complete all
Loke Siew Fook in a statement on Tuesday. BY CHESTER TAY the development processes and is certified
Applicants are required to be companies by JPJ to be capable of starting operations
with a minimum paid-up capital of RM10 will be granted a licence to carry out the
million and equipped with working capital function of motor vehicle inspection for
of at least RM5 million to ensure sustain- ZAHID IZZANI/THEEDGE a maximum period of 10 years, with the
ability of operations, said Loke. ability to continue for another period to
Licence holders are only allowed to car- be determined later.
ry out inspections under the Road Trans- During the entire licensed period, suc-
port Act 1987, and are not allowed to offer cessful applicants are required to pay a de-
services that involve vehicle repair, mod- posit of RM250,000, or equivalent to 5%
ification, sale of spare parts, or sale of ve- of the minimum working capital.
hicles itself or any related transactions, to Puspakom, a wholly owned unit of
avoid conflict of interest. DRB-Hicom Bhd, has been the only
In terms of locations, Loke said it will comprehensive national vehicle inspec-
be solely determined by the Transport tion company appointed by the Malay-
Ministry, and every licence-offering will sian government since 1994.
come with a pair of locations — one each Puspakom’s concession is slated to ex-
for urban and rural areas. pire on Aug 31, 2024. Parties interested
“Applicants are required to develop and to attend the briefing on details of the
operate both locations simultaneously.The vehicle inspection licence application on
list of locations will be made known during April 23, can register their attendance at
a briefing session,” he said.

Govt awaits
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Any It aims to regularise illegal immigrants
decision on the reopening of the foreign as legally employed foreign workers under

unused foreign
worker quota will be made only after the qualified employers, subject to stringent
government obtains complete information conditions determined by the govern-

worker quota
on unused quotas by May 31, says Human ment through collaboration between the
Resources Minister Steven Sim. Malaysian Immigration Department and

info, RTK2.0
Additionally, the government will con- the Ministry of Home Affairs. Qualified
sider the outcomes of the Workforce Re- employers include those in sectors such

outcome before
calibration Programme 2.0 (RTK2.0), as manufacturing, construction, agricul-
which concludes on June 30. ture, plantation, mining and quarrying,

deciding on
Citing the Immigration Department’s and security.
records, Sim mentioned that there are ap- Meanwhile, the government has ad-

reopening them
proximately 2.17 million foreign workers vanced the deadline for the entry of
in the country. foreign workers to May 31, shifting it
“At the moment, the government is from the previous deadline of Septem-
maintaining the freeze on new quotas for ber 2024. Additionally, any unused for-
foreign workers as the number of migrant BY CHOY NYEN YIAU eign worker quotas will be cancelled by
workers has almost reached the target out- March 31.
lined in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP), On a separate note, Sim mentioned that
which aims to keep them below 15% of and upon the conclusion of the RTK2.0 a joint committee between the Ministry
the total workforce by 2025,” Sim told programme,” Sim added. of Human Resources and Home Ministry
the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday. He said that any unused quota will pri- decided on Jan 16 to implement a more
Sim said that based on findings from oritise critical sectors requiring manpow- systematic and less bureaucratic recruit-
regulatory agencies by sector, the estimat- er and those capable of generating a high ment process, including reducing the re-
ed workforce required is 308,570. impact on the country’s economy. cruitment process of foreign workers from
“Thus, the consideration for new quo- The RTK2.0 Programme, initiated by 29 months to 15 months.
tas will depend on the remaining balance the government, serves as a targeted em- “This new policy will commence once
from the projected 15% of the workforce, ployment strategy to address the demand the government lifts the freeze on the new
after updating details on the active ones for foreign workers. quota,” he said.
w e d n e s d ay m a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 8 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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KUALA LUMPUR (March 26)):The De- and align with international best practices.
wan Rakyat on Tuesday passed the Income Dewan Rakyat Apart from that, the implementation of
Tax (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the La- capital gains tax is also important to sup-
buan Business Activity Tax (Amendment) passes Income port fair and equitable tax reform in line
Bill 2024. with the aspirations relating to the principle
The bills were approved after the third Tax, Labuan of social justice, which is a cornerstone of
reading by Deputy Finance Minister Lim the Madani government.
HuiYing after the committee considered the Business Activity Meanwhile, the Labuan Business Ac-
proposed motion without any amendments. tivity Tax (Amendment) Bill 2024 aims to
Earlier, Minister of Finance II Datuk Tax (Amendment) amend the Labuan Business Activity Tax
Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan presented the Act 1990 (Act 445), involving two clauses.
Income Tax Bill aimed at amending the Bills 2024 These amendments are deemed to have
Income Tax Act 1967 (Act 53). come into effect on Jan 1, 2024.
It involves sections 1 to 9 to implement Clause 1 contains the short title and
amendments for the improvement of tax Bernama commencement of the proposed Act,
policy and administration. Among them, while Clause 2 aims to amend subsec-
section 2 aims to replace the definition of enactment of this Act. Sections 5 and 6 tion 22da(6) of Act 445 to require elec-
“capital asset” in subsection 2(1) Act 53, are deemed to have come into effect on tronic trading platform providers to issue
and section 3 aims to amend section 15c Jan 1, 2024, while section 7 will come into self-billed invoices according to the terms
of Act 53 to clarify the disposal of shares effect for the 2024 assessment year and and specifications determined by the Di-
in a controlled company. subsequent assessment years. rector-General.
These amendments to sections 2, 3, 4, Lim said the intention of implementing Both bills will not involve the govern-
8, and 9 will come into effect upon the capital gains tax is to broaden the tax base ment in any additional expenditure.


Malaysia Gold Increased food prices

Association calls for at Ramadan bazaars
higher threshold, due to higher rental
lowest tax rate for cost, not SST — PM
gold jewellery in Bernama
high value goods tax KUALA LUMPUR (March 26):The in-
crease in food prices at Ramadan bazaars
by Luqman Amin the evolving volatility of the precious met- is not due to the implementation of the als market worldwide due to geopolitical sales and service tax (SST), but rather
tensions, as well as the ongoing econom- the high rental cost of bazaar lots, Prime
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26):The Ma- ic challenges in Malaysia, the association Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said.
laysia Gold Association (MGA) is propos- is inclined to take up important roles to Anwar said the high rental costs are
ing that the government impose a higher maintain the stability and survival of the partly due to some traders renting the
threshold of RM50,000 and a tax rate of gold industry in the country. lots from agents, who take advantage of
5% — the lower end of the proposed range In addition to this, MGA also pointed out the situation, instead of renting directly
— for gold jewellery in the implementation that with the mandatory implementation of from the local authorities.
of the high value goods tax (HVGT). electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) from Aug “I acknowledge there is a slight in-
MGA said that this is crucial to ensure 1 onwards, conventional jewellers may face crease in the prices, but I don’t think
the survival of thousands of gold jewellers difficulty adhering to the new ruling. it’s because of the service tax because
and traders in the country and to minimise “Some conventional jewellers may have according to the Statistics Department’s
the impact of the tax regime on the gold difficulties due to challenges in adapting to survey, the increase is only around 0.2%,
jewellery industry in Malaysia. new technologies, integrating e-invoicing and Ramadan bazaars have no direct
The HVGT, formerly known as the lux- with existing systems, and ensuring staff pro- relevance to the SST,” he said.
ury goods tax, is slated to be implemented ficiency in this digital transition,” MGA said. Anwar said this in reply to Datuk
on May 1 this year — less than two months Beginning Aug 1, taxpayers with an an- Seri Takiyuddin Hassan (PN-Kota Bha-
from now. The tax rate is in the range of nual turnover exceeding RM100 million ru) on the government’s plan the plans
5% to 10%. will be mandated to comply with the e-in- to mitigate the hike in food prices and
Currently, details regarding HVGT are voicing requirements under the first phase Ramadan bazaar operational costs fol-
scant. The government has yet to define of the initiative. lowing the increase in the service tax
what would fall under “high value goods” E-invoicing will be implemented in from 6 to 8%.
and the threshold in which the items will phases for different revenue groups and The prime minister explained that if
be subjected to the tax. by July 1, 2025, all taxpayers undertaking the government does not implement the
The newly re-elected president of commercial activities will be required to SST, it is feared to have negative effects
MGA, Datuk Wira Louis Ng, said with adopt the e-invoicing system. on the economy and national revenue.
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KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Plan- RM4,898 per tonne and FFB RM920
tation firm Kim Loong Resources Bhd’s Kim Loong’s 4Q in FY2023.
net profit for the fourth quarter ended On its prospects, the management tar-
Jan 31, 2024 (4QFY2024) fell 32.09% net profit falls to gets to achieve at least 5% higher FFB
to RM24.87 million, from RM36.61 production for the current financial year
million a year ago, on weaker palm oil three-year low on ending Jan 31, 2025 (FY2025), after tak-
prices. ing into account the better age profile of
This is the weakest quarterly earnings weaker palm oil young palm productive area and on-go-
in three years since 4QFY2021 when it ing replanting programme.
delivered a net profit of RM10 million. prices, declares The group has targeted to replant
Earnings per share for the quarter about 1,000 hectares in FY2025.
under review came in at 2.56 sen against five sen dividend For palm oil milling operations, the
3.79 sen in 4QFY2023, the group’s management targets to achieve a total
bourse filing showed. processing throughput of 1.6 million
Quar terly revenue also dropped by Justin Lim tonnes of FFB. It also expects its biogas
15.44% to RM365.16 million, from plant at Telupid, which has commenced
RM431.82 million a year before. supply of power to grid since December
The planter declared a second inter- Kim Loong attributed the weaker an- 2023, to contribute positively to revenue
im single tier dividend of five sen per nual performance to a sharp decline in as well as profit from FY2025 onwards.
share, payable on May 15, 2024, tak- both the average selling prices of fresh “Based on the above, we expect
ing the total dividend payout to 13 sen fruit bunches (FFB) and crude palm the group to perform satisfactorily for
for FY2024, versus 15 sen in FY2023. oil (CPO), which fell by 23% and 22% FY2025,” it added.
For the full year, net profit dipped respectively. On Tuesday, Kim Loong closed un-
8.97% to RM147.71 million from For FY2024, the average selling price changed at RM2.17, valuing the group
RM162.26 million a year earlier, as (ASP) for CPO stood at RM3,819 per at RM2.12 billion.
full year revenue declined by 20.02% tonne, and FFB at RM712. Over the past one year, the stock has
to RM1.53 billion from RM1.91 million. In comparison, CPO’s ASP was gained 23%.

KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Glomac out concurrently,” the group added in a
Bhd’s net profit jumped by over 800% Glomac’s 3Q net statement accompanying its results.
to RM3.81 million for its third quarter For the first nine months of FY2024,
ended Jan 31, 2024 (3QFY2024), from profit surges on Glomac’s net profit was down 52% to
RM419,000 a year earlier, driven by higher RM8.36 million from RM17.41 million
revenue from its property development and higher property in the same period of FY2023, amid lower
property investment business. contributions from the property develop-
Quarterly revenue increased 35.38% development ment segment and higher finance costs,
to RM89.35 million from RM66 million the group said.
last year, the real estate developer said in revenue Nine-month revenue slipped 2.22%
an exchange filing on Tuesday. to RM205.26 million from RM209.93
On quarter-on-quarter basis, the million.
group’s net profit saw a similar surge by Anis Hazim “Revenue for the period was driven by
from RM483,000 in 2QFY2024, while steady construction activities at the group’s
revenue rose 60.14% from RM55.8 mil- ongoing development projects namely, 121
lion, thanks to improved sales from its Residences, Plaza@ Kelana Jaya and ongo-
completed projects. ing phases at Saujana KLIA and RUMA
Glomac said it had during the quarter Glomac’s quarterly financial 33 at Saujana Utama 5,” said Glomac.
under review launched Allamanda, the lat- performance Commenting on its outlook, the group
est phase of double-storey terrace houses said that it is cautiously optimistic about
at Saujana KLIA, with a total estimated Net profit/loss Revenue improvement in the property market.
gross development value (GDV) of RM35 (RM mil) (RM mil) “Despite growing concern over infla-
million. 15 131.1 150 tion, we can see a pickup in sales and sta-
“The highly successful Saujana KLIA bility in labour supply and interest rates,”
township has continued to enjoy strong 12 120 it noted.
take-up rates, with all previous phases of 89.4 Meanwhile, the group will remain fo-
9 78.4 90
terrace houses and shop offices fully sold. 65.5 cused on the affordable and mid-market
This includes the preceding phase, Prim- 6 60 residential segments, where it has suc-
rose which has been completed, and suc- 66.0 60.1 55.8 cessfully built a strong brand with quali-
cessfully handed over to buyers in Janu- 3 30 ty, innovative and digital lifestyle concepts
ary 2024. 5.19 11.8 0.4 13.9 4.1 0.5 3.8 products.
“Keys at Lakeside Residences compris- 0 0 Glomac’s share price closed up 1.5 sen
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q
es 98 semi-detached houses with a total or 4.23% at 37 sen on Tuesday, with a
FY2023 FY2024
estimated GDV of RM234 million. The market capitalisation of RM296.03 mil-
first release of 42 units met with strong in- Source: Bursa Malaysia
lion. The stock has risen 19.35% in the
terest. New units are expected to be rolled past one year.
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KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Hong

Leong Investment Bank Bhd (HLIB) and Research houses UWC Bhd
Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd have kept their
calls on UWC Bhd after the group’s first- maintain calls 10
Vol (mil) RM
half results missed expectations.
HLIB noted that UWC’s 1HFY2024 despite UWC 1H 8
core profit after tax and minority interest
(Patami) of RM5 million missed expecta- results missing 6 RM3.25
tions due to a lower-than-anticipated rev-
enue and earnings before interest, taxes, expectations 4
depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) *RM3.15 3.0
Despite the stagnant RM120 million by Isabelle Francis
order book, it cited UWC’s optimistic busi-
ness outlook, as it increases capacity for 0 2.5
front-end semiconductor work and electric rialise in 2HFY2024,” said the bank while Mar 27, 2023 Mar 26, 2024
vehicle (EV) projects. maintaining a “hold” rating but cutting *As at 11.48am on Mar 26, 2024
Source: Bloomberg
“It targets to complete Phase 2 of its the target price to RM2.99, citing risk-re-
new facility in Batu Kawan Industrial Park ward fairness.
by December 2024, while the new Taip- Meanwhile, Phillip Capital cut its fore- Overall, 6MFY2024 core net profit of
ing facility is ready for fabrication works. cast on UWC’s earnings in 2024 by 24% RM5.5 million (-88% year on year) missed
It has commenced mass production for due to a protracted recovery and high- our and consensus expectations, account-
one of its EV battery tester models and er-than-expected costs in the second ing for 10% and 6% of respective estimates.
expects two more in the pipeline to mate- quarter. “The deviation against our forecasts
was due to slower-than-expected sector
Analysts’ calls on UWC post-2QFY2024’s earnings recovery affecting revenue and margin dis-
appointment,” it added.
Broker Recommendation Target price (RM) Despite the challenges, the house reiter-
Phillip Capital Buy 4.31 ated a “buy” rating and a 12-month target
HLIB Hold 2.99
price of RM4.31, while noting possible
risks such as an extended market recov-
Source: Bloomberg, research note
ery and consistent customer order delays.

KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Analysts Holdings Bhd and Malaysian Resources
have maintained an “overweight” rating Analysts keep Corp Bhd (MRCB).
on the construction sector owing to on- Other contractors with exposure in
going government projects such as the ‘overweight’ on Sabah (including the supply of pre-cast
Sabah Pan Borneo Highway and flood products) include Gabungan Aqrs Bhd,
mitigation works. construction Gadang Holdings Bhd, Bina Puri Hold-
CIMB Securities Sdn Bhd (former- ings Bhd, and TRC Synergy Bhd.
ly known as KAF Equities Sdn Bhd) sector, favours “From a risk perspective, we highlight
said that tender activities for Phase 1B that the project’s margins may be com-
of Sabah Pan Borneo Highway seem to key players in Pan pressed amid stiff competition for the
be picking up with the award of several soon-to-be-awarded work packages un-
new contracts. Borneo project, der Phase 1B. On the contrary, we pos-
The Sabah Pan Borneo Highway Phase it that it is still possible for some of the
1B portion — collectively worth RM15.7 flood mitigation cost-competitive contractors to emerge
billion — involves 20 work packages with as multiple winners when the tenders
about RM785 million per package, ac- close,” it added.
cording to CIMB Securities. by Anis Hazim
“The four packages have been awarded Flood mitigation projects in focus
on March 22, with physical works poised On the other hand, RHB Investment Bank
to start on April 1. As for the balance of far — most, if not all of the appointed Bhd kept its “overweight” call on the con-
16 packages, the tender exercise should contractors for Phase 1A and the first struction sector on the back of the govern-
be wrapped up by this month [physical four packages of Phase 1B are private- ment’s RM11.8 billion flood mitigation
work by May],” CIMB Securities said in ly held entities. However, we expect the projects across 33 high-priority projects.
a note on Tuesday. listed contractors to be at the forefront of “Flood mitigation projects remain a
The stockbroking firm noted that 300 the remaining bids, as the project’s fund- crucial aspect for the country’s infrastruc-
companies have applied for the Phase 1B ing mechanism becomes clearer,” it said. ture. This should benefit contractors with
tender, and it expects that it would take In the meantime, CIMB Securities a track record in flood mitigation works,”
a few months to shortlist the candidates. advises investors to focus on contrac- RHB said in a note.
“There is a noticeable absence of list- tors with a good track record in Sabah
ed construction proxies involved in the and possess a strong balance sheet such
construction of Pan Borneo Sabah thus as Gamuda Bhd, IJM Corp Bhd, WCT Read the full story
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news In brief

Over 300 cops sacked from

2022-Feb 2024, Senate told TIME dotCom CFO Shahnaz
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): A total Farouque resigns to pursue other
of 302 policemen have been sacked for opportunities
various offences between 2022 and last KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): TIME
month, the Dewan Negara was told on dotCom Bhd said its chief financial officer
Tuesday. Deputy Home Minister Datuk (CFO) Shahnaz Farouque Jammal Ahmad is
Seri Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah said the resigning from the position effective May
Royal Malaysian Police (PRDM) would 15 “to pursue other career opportunities”.
not compromise with any officer or Shahnaz, 49, was appointed as the internet
member who violates regulations and services group’s CFO in October 2021.
laws. “We have the Inspector General of Prior to that he served as the CEO of CIMB
Police’s Standing Order (PTKPN) and the group’s wholesale banking, and before that since July 2023, has diverse experience
Independent Police Conduct Commission as the banking group’s CFO, noted TIME in accounting, finance and investments,
(IPCC). PDRM is serious about ensuring in a bourse filing on Tuesday. Shahnaz is the group said. Her past experiences
that officers and members maintain high also an independent and non-executive included corporate finance director
levels of discipline and integrity. “Officers director of Touch ‘n Go Sdn Bhd and TNG at Edotco Group Sdn Bhd and vice
and members found guilty of offences are Digital Sdn Bhd. TIME said it has appointed president and M&A lead at Axiata Group
subject to disciplinary procedures and its deputy CFO, Karen Ding Ming Nyuk, as Bhd. Shares in TIME closed one sen, or
existing laws. All decisions and penalties the group’s acting CFO, effective May 15 0.19%, lower at RM5.17 on Tuesday,
are based on the facts of each case by “to ensure continuity of the office”. Ding, valuing the group at RM9.56 billion.
the PDRM Disciplinary Board and the 50, who has been the group’s deputy CFO — by Anis Hazim
Home Ministry,” he said when replying to
a question from Senator Datuk Seri Ti Lian
Ker. — Bernama SSF returns to profit in 3QFY2024, declares half sen dividend
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Furniture retailer SSF Home Group Bhd announced its
Scientex 2Q net profit climbs 33% maiden dividend of half a sen per share or RM4 million, as the group returned to profit in
as billings rise, new launches help its third quarter ended Jan 31, 2024 (3QFY2024) on better revenue. Quarterly net profit
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Malaysian came in at RM2 million or 0.25 sen per share, on a revenue of RM37.71 million — up 20%
property developer and packaging quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) from RM31.32 million in 2QFY2024 — on higher sales during
company Scientex Bhd’s net profit festive seasons. The group booked losses of RM3.64 million or 0.57 sen in 2QFY2024.
climbed 33% in the second quarter from The latest quarter pushed SSF back to profit for the nine-month period ended Jan 31
a year earlier thanks to higher progress (9MFY2024), with a bottom line of RM988,000 or 0.15 sen on revenue of RM108.34
in billings and sales from new launches. million. The group opened two retail outlets in the Southern region and one retail outlet in
Net profit for the three months ended Jan the Northern region respectively in the fourth quarter of last year. SSF, which was listed on
31, 2024, rose to RM141.01 million from Oct 12 last year, has earmarked 70% from the RM50 million raised in its IPO for the setup
RM106.29 million a year earlier, Scientex of six retail outlets each year across a three-year period. The group currently operates 43
said in an exchange filing. Revenue for retail outlets with the latest additions. Shares of SSF closed half a sen or 1.8% lower at 28
the quarter increased by 12% to RM1.09 sen, giving it a market capitalisation of RM224 million. — by Adam Aziz
billion from RM978.39 million. Looking
ahead, Scientex remains optimistic about
the resilient demand for affordable homes Bursa Malaysia appoints Redza Goh and Sharifatu as new directors
in FY2024, as the group aims to achieve KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Bursa Malaysia has appointed Redza Goh Aik Meng and
the completion of 50,000 affordable Sharifatu Laila Syed Ali as independent non-executive directors, effective Wednesday.
homes by 2028 across seven states. In a statement on Tuesday, the exchange said Redza brought to the board 39 years of
“As part of our cross-border expansion experience in information technology and digitalisation, while Sharifatu is rejoining
strategy, we are committed to expanding the board with her experience in investment management and capital markets.
our affordable property presence across Redza previously served as the executive director of Dialog Group Bhd’s subsidiary
the country, currently spanning seven Infodasia Sdn Bhd, and as the vice president and group chief information officer at
states, with ongoing strategic land Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), where he led significant digital and information
acquisitions expected to contribute technology initiatives, said Bursa. Redza was also previously the country managing
positively to future performance,” its director of Accenture Malaysia and managing director of Accenture Greater China.
CEO Lim Peng Jin said in a statement. At present, he does not hold any directorships in public companies and listed issuers.
Scientex’s ongoing implementation of Meanwhile, Sharifatu currently serves as an independent non-executive director of YTL
solar photovoltaic systems across its Corporation Bhd. She has held key positions in notable Malaysian financial institutions,
factories will help off-set high energy including at Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB), the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and
costs while advancing its sustainability Lembaga Tabung Haji, said Bursa. Sharifatu was also previously the managing director
efforts, Lim said while flagging a of ValueCap Sdn Bhd, an investment holding company equally owned by Khazanah
challenging operating environment for Nasional Bhd, Retirement Fund (Inc) (KWAP) and PNB. She is returning to Bursa after
the company’s packaging business due to resigning as the exchange’s public interest director and independent non-executive
rising costs. No dividend was declared for director in August 2023 “to pursue other interests”. — by Hee En Qi
the quarter. — by Syafiqah Salim
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KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): The gov- “This is being worked on more serious-

PM says flagging
ernment will continue to focus on training in ly,” said the prime minister.
the field of Science,Technology, Engineering Besides, Anwar said that in all his meet-

interest in
and Mathematics (STEM), especially at the ings with foreign companies that intend
highest levels, to boost foreign investments in to invest in Malaysia, he always empha-

STEM worrying;
the country, Dewan Rakyat was told. sised the importance for those companies
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibra- to have their centre of excellence located

Malaysia must
him said the country’s current weakness in Malaysia to provide skills training to
lies in training in mathematics, science, professionals and local students.

not lose out on

engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), “There must be training here because
and Technical and Vocational Education we currently lack engineers. The engi-

skilled workforce
and Training (TVET) at the highest level. neers that we produced, although good
“We can do it if we give full focus and and well-received, are still considered to
additional allocation (to training in the be lacking at the highest level of skills or
STEM field),” he said during minister’s efficiency.
question time on Tuesday. Bernama “So there is a gap about the required
Anwar said this in reply to Jimmy Puah niche. Therefore, this focus on TVET and
Wee Tse (PH-Tebrau), who wanted to engineering needs to be given attention...I
know the government’s efforts to ensure agree that if Malaysia does not do something
that the investment momentum obtained immediately, we will be on the losing end.
last year, amounting to RM329.5 billion, “This is because the focus now is no
continues to increase in the years to come. longer on the low-end industry but on the
Anwar, who is also finance minister, admit- high-end industry which requires higher ef-
ted that the interest of students in STEM is ficiency than what is available now,” he said.
declining and that is a matter of great concern. In that regard, Anwar said he had asked
He said the Ministry of Education and local universities, starting with Universiti
other educational groups have taken vari- Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), to establish
ous steps to urge parents to encourage their an AI Faculty that should coordinate their
children to engage in STEM education at activities with all universities that conduct
the secondary level. AI to meet their needs in that field.

the edge

(March 26):Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s “We did ask, ‘What is the investigation

Mahathir’s sons
two eldest sons said Malaysia’s anti-graft on my father about?’ and they were not
agency ordered them to assist with an in- able to furnish us with that information,”

say 98-year-old
vestigation into their father, revealing for Mokhzani said. “Can you imagine you’re
the first time that a months-long probe is being asked to provide information to be

father is target
targeting the 98-year-old former prime used to prosecute your parent?”
minister. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who finally

of probe
“My father is the primary suspect,” became prime minister in 2022 after falling
Mokhzani Mahathir, 63, said in a March short of the top job for decades, is a former
23 interview in Kuala Lumpur. “We are protege of Mahathir who was seen as his suc-
witnesses to whatever it is that they’re in- cessor but later fell out with him. Mahathir
vestigating.” by Netty Ismail, dismissed Anwar from all government posts
In January, the Malaysian Anti-Cor- Niluksi Koswanage & Tom Redmond in 1998 and Anwar was later imprisoned on
ruption Commission (MACC) ordered Bloomberg corruption and sodomy charges, which he
Mokhzani and his elder brother Mirzan, denied. The developments shocked the na-
65, to declare their assets dating back to tion and turned Anwar into an opposition
1981, the year Mahathir became prime figure who pushed for democratic reforms.
minister. The orders are part of investi- Anwar’s government faced criticism
gations into offshore business records re- from opposition parties and civil-society
vealed by a journalism consortium, the groups last year after the attorney gener-
MACC said at the time, without mention- al withdrew 47 criminal charges against
ing that the main target was Mahathir. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ah-
Tan Sri Azam Baki, the anti-graft mad Zahid Hamidi, a key ally in the ruling
agency’s chief, declined to comment on coalition. Anwar has denied interfering in
Mokhzani’s remarks when asked by report- Mokhzani Mahathir — former PM Tun the case or in the MACC’s investigations.
ers at an event on the outskirts of Kuala Dr Mahathir Mohamad's son Anwar’s press office declined to comment.
Lumpur on Tuesday. “Let me check the
facts first,” he said. Mirzan joined by video call. Both have re-
Mahathir’s office hasn’t responded to ceived two extensions of the original Feb- Read the full story
a request for comment. ruary deadlines for compliance.
The brothers are assisting in the inves- The MACC hasn’t provided the broth-
tigation, but the task is onerous and tak- ers with any details of the investigation into Read also: MACC chief mum on claims
ing time, they said in the interview, which Mahathir, according to Mokhzani. by Dr M’s sons father target of probe
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Shahrol: Najib
KUALA LUMPUR (March 26): Datuk make any decision over the RM4 billion.
Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi, a former “All the important decisions involv-

had ‘absolute
director of SRC International Sdn Bhd, ing such a colossal sum of money, ie the
told the High Court that Datuk Seri Na- RM4 billion loan from KWAP, were made

power’ in SRC
jib Razak had “absolute power” in deci- by Najib,” he said of his nine-and-a-half-
sion-making in the state-owned company, month tenure as SRC director from Au-

as all matters brought to the board had in gust 2011 to May 2012.
fact been approved and endorsed by the According to the witness statement,
ex-prime minister. Shahrol claimed that Nik Faisal had told
Shahrol, in his witness statement be- him that the RM4 billion loan to SRC was
fore the court testified that Najib was “ac- by Timothy Achariam for investments in coal mines in Indone-
tively controlling” and “administering” sia and Mongolia, which turned out to be
SRC through former CEO Nik Faisal false and misleading.
Arif Kamil. Fund Inc (KWAP) loan which was dis- “Najib and Nik Faisal made false and
He outlined that Nik Faisal would usu- bursed in the second half of 2011 and misleading representations to SRC direc-
ally table papers or proposals to SRC’s first half of 2012 to SRC. As reported tors including me, regarding the true na-
board of directors for their approval. He in this trial, a sum of RM3.6 billion was ture and purpose for the disbursements
said Nik Faisal would also follow up on immediately transferred out when the of the RM4 billion funds from the KWAP
action for SRC’s projects and report di- funds came in. Shahrol had also previ- loans,” he said, adding that he denies any
rectly to Najib. ously testified in Najib’s 1MDB-Tanore wrongdoing on his part.
Shahrol said that he and other SRC di- criminal trial. SRC International filed the US$1.18
rectors were “obliged under the law and by Prior to this, two other witnesses — billion suit against Najib and Nik Fais-
practice to comply and implement” Na- former BSI banker Kevin Swampillai and al in May 2021. Initially, the suit also
jib’s decisions which were represented in liquidator for SRC BVI Angela Barkhouse named Datuk Mohammed Azhar Osman
board meetings via Nik Faisal. — had testified that the monies had been Khairuddin, Shahrol,Tan Sri Ismee Ismail,
“All the directors are compelled to com- transferred to questionable fiduciary funds, Datuk Suboh Md Yassin and Datuk Che
ply and implement the decisions and in- resulting in losses. Abdullah @ Rashidi Che Omar as defend-
structions of Najib as represented by Nik Shahrol, who also served as former ants, but they were subsequently dropped,
Faisal (to the board) through letters or CEO of SRC’s parent company 1Malaysia only for Najib to bring them back again
documents signed by Najib. Whatever our Development Berhad (1MDB), said that as third parties.
comments are, Nik Faisal will tell us that Najib had “absolute power’ with regards SRC International has obtained a
the projects or matters had already been to decisions and directions for the use of judgement in default against Nik Faisal,
approved and endorsed by Najib and/or the RM4 billion loan. who was named as Najib’s proxy.
the government,” he said, adding that Nik “He had absolute power to make all de- In the opening statement for the trial,
Faisal was the proxy between Najib and cisions on the direction, administration and lead co-counsel Datuk Lim Chee Wee said
SRC’s board of directors. operations of SRC International, including that out of the total KWAP loan of RM4
Shahrol was testifying at the SRC In- how the RM4 billion from KWAP (Retire- billion, a sum of US$120 million made its
ternational civil suit, where the company ment Fund Incorporated) would be utilised way to Najib’s bank account.
is suing Najib and Nik Faisal (currently and disbursed. As one of the many directors The trial is before High Court judge
at large) over a RM4 billion Retirement of the board, I did not have the power to Datuk Ahmad Fairuz Zainol Abidin.

Apex court
PUTRAJAYA (March 26): The Federal nal court has no jurisdiction to grant the
Court has dismissed Datin Seri Rosmah declaratory reliefs sought by Rosmah.

denies Rosmah’s
Mansor’s bid to challenge the validity of the She then filed a fresh application to dis-
late Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram’s appoint- qualify the former Federal Court judge via

bid to nullify solar

ment as the lead deputy public prosecutor in a judicial review.
her solar hybrid project graft trial, and hence, The High Court dismissed her leave

project graft trial

a declaration that her trial be deemed as void. application in August 2022, after allow-
A three-member panel, led by President ing the AGC and Sri Ram’s preliminary
of the Court of Appeal of Malaysia Datuk objections that her application was filed
Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim, dismissed out of time.
Rosmah’s leave application, as they found by Tarani Palani She then appealed at the appellate
that there were no novel issues of public court, which later dismissed her applica-
importance in it. tion in June last year, on grounds that there
“We are unanimous in our view that Jalil and Datuk Nordin Hassan. was no merit.
this application does not meet the thresh- The court awarded the cost of RM30,000 Rosmah went on to file a leave applica-
old under [the Courts of Judicature Act to the Government and the Attorney Gen- tion to appeal the Court of Appeal’s de-
(CJA)]. There is no novel issue that has eral’s Chambers (AGC) on Tuesday. cision. In civil cases at the Federal Court,
been shown that would merit further ven- Rosmah’s previous attempt to disqual- leave or permission has to be granted be-
tilation,” he said, adding that there were no ify Sri Ram and nullify the solar trial has fore the merits of the case is heard, as to
issues of public importance that deserve already been dismissed by the Criminal ensure that the application is not vexatious.
further consideration by the court. High Court, the Court of Appeal (COA)
The others on the bench were Federal and the Federal Court. In brief, the COA
Court judges Datuk Abdul Karim Abdul and Federal Court found that the crimi- Read the full story


Baltimore bridge collapses

after being hit by S’pore-flagged ship



BALTIMORE (March 26): A 948-foot

container ship smashed into a four-lane
bridge in the US port of Baltimore in dark-
ness early on Tuesday, causing it to collapse
and sending cars and people plunging into
the river below.
Rescuers pulled out two survivors, one
of whom remains hospitalized, and were
searching for more in the Patapsco River
after huge spans of the 1.6-mile (2.57km)
Francis Scott Key Bridge crumpled into
the water.
“The preliminary investigation points
to an accident,” Maryland Governor Wes Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott de-
Moore said at a briefing, and there was no Tuesday’s disaster may scribed a scene of twisted metal shooting
credible evidence of terrorism. be the worst US bridge into the sky. “It was something out of an
Eight people were on the bridge at the collapse since 2007 action movie. It was something you never
time of the collision and six remain unac- when the I-35W bridge thought you’d see,” he said.
counted for, the state’s transportation sec- in Minneapolis collapsed Kevin Cartwright, the spokesperson for
retary saidhours after the collision, which into the Mississippi Baltimore City Fire Department, earlier
closed one of the busiest ports in the Unit- River, killing 13. told Reuters that as many as 20 people could
ed States. be in the river along with cars and possibly
The US Coast Guard reported the col- a tractor-trailer.
lapse at 1.27am and it deployed crews for “This is a mass-casualty, multi-agency
an active search and rescue mission after Traffic was suspended at the Port of Bal- event,” he said. “This operation is going to
the Singapore-flagged container ship forced timore until further notice, Maryland trans- extend for many days.”
the trellis-like bridge up into a mangled portation authorities said. It is the busiest A live video posted onYouTube showed
mass of metal. US port for car shipments, handling more the ship ploughing into the bridge in dark-
Work crews had been repairing potholes than 750,000 vehicles in 2022, according ness. The headlights of vehicles could be
on the bridge at the time of the collapse and to port data. seen on the bridge as it crashed into the
sonar detected vehicles under the water, The closure of one of the US East water and the ship caught fire.
which was about 50 feet deep at that point, Coast’s major ports threatens to disrupt
said Paul Wiedefeld, Maryland Secretary supplies of goods from cars, to coal and Rare event
of Transportation. other commodities like sugar. It could cre- Tuesday’s disaster may be the worst US
The bridge was up to code and there were ate bottlenecks and increase delays and bridge collapse since 2007 when the I-35W
no known structural issues, Moore said. He costs on the Northeastern seaboard, ex- bridge in Minneapolis collapsed into the
said the vessel’s crew members notified au- perts say. The port handles the most car Mississippi River, killing 13.
thorities of a power issue on board before imports and is among the largest for coal It was the first major collapse of a bridge
the crash. exports. from a ship impact in about 40 or 50 years,
President Joe Biden was being briefed on David Knight, a specialist at the Institution
the collision, the White House said. Major thoroughfare of Civil Engineers, told Reuters.
Jayme Krause was in the midst of another The Francis Scott Key bridge was the main The National Transportation Safety
night shift at her workplace on shore when thoroughfare for drivers between NewYork Board was sending a team to investigate.
the cart of packages in front of her shook and Washington who sought to avoid down- Moore, the governor, declared a state
violently at around 2am. A coworker told town Baltimore. It was one of three ways of emergency to quickly deploy federal re-
her the bridge had collapsed and she ran to cross the Baltimore Harbor, with a traf- sources to deal with the emergency. The
out to look. fic volume of 31,000 cars per day or 11.3 FBI in Baltimore said on X its personnel
“I went over there, and sure as anything, million vehicles a year. were on the scene.
it was gone, the whole bridge was just like, The ship was identified as the Dali,
there was nothing there,” she told Reuters in owned by Grace Ocean Pte Ltd and man-
an interview. “It was a shocking sight to see.” aged by Synergy Marine Corp. Synergy Read the full story
The ship “lost propulsion” as it was leav- said the Dali collided with one of the pillars
ing port, and crew on board notified Mar- of the bridge and that all its crew mem-
yland officials they had lost control of the bers, including the two pilots, had been Read also: Singapore Port Authority
vessel, ABC News reported, citing an un- accounted for and there were no reports to cooperate with US Coast Guard on
classified US intelligence report. of any injuries. Baltimore bridge incident


China calls
BEIJING (March 26): China on Tuesday APT31 information submitted by the Brit-
urged the US and Britain to stop politicis- ish side. It clearly shows that the evidence

ing the issue of cybersecurity, slandering provided by the British side is insufficient
and smearing China and imposing unilat- and the relevant conclusions lack profes-

allegations by
eral sanctions on the country. sionalism,” said Lin.
“It is pure political manoeuvring for the “Regrettably, however, the British side

US, UK ‘political
United States and the United Kingdom has not responded further since then,” he
to rehash the so-called cyberattacks car- added.

ried out by China and to sanction Chinese Britain has also accused Chinese hackers
individuals and entities,” Chinese foreign of trying to break into email accounts of Brit-
ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said at a ish lawmakers who were critical of China.
regular press briefing. Lin said China has made solemn rep-
“China is strongly dissatisfied with this BY YEW LUN TIAN resentations to all relevant parties, “and will
and firmly opposes it,” he said. Reuters take necessary measures to safeguard Chi-
US and British officials on Monday filed na’s legitimate rights and interests.”
charges, imposed sanctions, and accused REUTERS Several other countries have also lobbed
Beijing of a sweeping cyberespionage cam- hacking and cyberattack allegations against
paign that allegedly hit millions of people. China, all of which the country has denied.
Authorities on both sides of the Atlantic On Tuesday, the New Zealand govern-
nicknamed the hacking group Advanced ment said it had raised concerns with the
Persistent Threat Group 31 or “APT31”, Chinese government about its involvement
calling it an arm of China’s Ministry of in a state-sponsored cyber hack on New
State Security. Zealand’s parliament in 2021.
The Chinese Embassy in London called And earlier this year, the US said it
the charges “completely fabricated and launched an operation to fight a pervasive
malicious slanders.” Chinese hacking operation that compro-
“Previously, China had made technical mised thousands of internet-connected
clarifications and responses to the so-called devices.


UK judges delay
Julian Assange
appeal decision

(March 26): Julian Assange’s wait to discover

whether he can appeal his extradition lin-
gers on after London judges delayed their
decision, asking the US to give assurances
over his right to use freedom of speech as a
defence against criminal espionage charges. Two London judges ruled on Tuesday that WikiLeaks founder julian Assange can appeal the UK’s
Two London judges ruled on Tuesday decision to extradite him if the US does not give 'satisfactory assurances' to the court over his First
Amendment rights given that he is an Australian national.
that Assange can appeal the UK’s decision
to extradite him if the US does not give
“satisfactory assurances” to the court over If the US does not offer assurances, don since 2012, as he fought attempts to
his First Amendment rights given that he lawyers for Assange will only then get the send him to face criminal charges first in
is an Australian national. They include that chance to fully appeal the extradition or- Sweden and then in the US. The Swedish
he must not prejudiced at trial, is afforded der. A previous judge initially blocked his case against him was dropped, but the
the same protections as US citizens and extradition over concerns he would kill US government in 2019 charged him
the death penalty is not imposed. himself if sent to a high security prison. under spying laws for his role in releas-
“If those assurances are not given, then Assange is charged with criminal espio- ing hundreds of thousands of pages of
leave to appeal will be given and there will nage for leaking classified documents. His law- classified documents via WikiLeaks, with
then be an appeal hearing,” the judges said yers argue that sending him to the US would the help of US Army intelligence analyst
in a summary of the judgment. A further breach his human rights while other support- Chelsea Manning.
hearing will take place on May 20 where ers say it would be an attack on free speech. The Department of Justice and repre-
judges will hear any more arguments over The 52-year-old has been in prison sentatives for Assange didn’t immediately
the First Amendment. or in the Ecuadorian embassy in Lon- respond to requests for comment.


Cocoa breaks
(March 26): Cocoa futures surged above an “When we’re at this price, it’s hard to
unprecedented US$10,000 (RM47,205) tell whether these prices are justified,”

a tonne, extending a historic rally that’s said Paul Joules, an analyst at Rabobank
already seen prices double this year and in London. “Whenever we have a dip in

record, with
which is raising the cost of chocolate. the market, it seems to shoot straight back
The market is being rattled by poor up, which is more to do with the commer-

pricier chocolate
crops in key West African growers that cials, they’ve been net buyers.”
has put the world on course for a third Cocoa’s advance is bad news for con-

to follow
straight annual supply deficit. The in- sumers if chocolatiers keep passing on
dustry is grappling with the legacy of costs or sell bars that are smaller or have
poor returns paid to cocoa farmers and less chocolate in them. The looming East-
fears are mounting about being able to er holiday is a peak period for chocolate
source enough beans. BY MEGAN DURISIN & ÁINE QUINN consumption, and the lag between com-
As well as concerns about scarce physi- Bloomberg modity and retail markets mean the brunt
cal supplies, pressures are also building in of the impact for shoppers still lies ahead.
the financial market, where some traders There’s a risk the supply situation may
have sold futures to hedge against physical worsen. Incoming European Union rules
holdings. But as they wait for the contracts Cocoa’s advance — aimed at stopping products that destroy
to mature they need cash to meet margin is bad news for forests from being sold in shops — may
calls on losses on derivatives, and in a ris- consumers if make it even harder for the bloc’s choco-
ing market can be forced to close out short chocolatiers keep late makers to secure supplies.
positions, helping to fuel the rally. passing on costs or
Futures jumped as much as 4.5% to New harvest
US$10,080 in New York on Tuesday — a
sell bars that are Focus is now turning to West Africa’s up-
level that seemed unthinkable only a few
smaller or have less coming mid-crop, the smaller of two an-
months ago. The rally has pushed a tech- chocolate in them. nual harvests. Top grower Ivory Coast’s
nical gauge of prices into overbought terri- regulator expects that to shrink this season,
tory for much of the last couple of months, Bloomberg has reported.
though cocoa has continued to soar. “The West African supply situation re-
mains extremely tight going into the start
of the mid-crop harvest next week, and that
continues to underpin cocoa prices,” The
Hightower Report said in a note.
Other growers, like Brazil and Ecuador,
are seeking to ramp up production, but it
takes a few years before newly-planted co-
coa trees bear beans — delaying the relief
to strained global supplies. A ratio of stock-
piles-to-grindings will fall to the lowest in
more than four decades this season, the In-
ternational Cocoa Organization has forecast,
reflecting the market’s precarious position.
Cocoa was up 3.5% at US$9,991 in
New York on Tuesday. In other softs mar-
kets, raw sugar rose 1% and arabica coffee
edged higher.
In London, most-active cocoa futures
have also more than doubled this year.

GENEVA/BEIJING (March 26): China dies] are in fact contingent upon the pur-
has initiated dispute settlement proceed- China opens dispute chase and use of goods from the United
ings against the US at the World Trade Or- States, or imported from certain particular
ganization (WTO) to safeguard its interests against US atWTO regions,” the Chinese mission said.
in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, the In Beijing, a spokesperson for China’s
Chinese permanent mission to the WTO over ‘discriminatory Ministry of Commerce said it urged Wash-
said on Tuesday. ington to “promptly correct discriminatory
China said it was contesting “discrimi- subsidies’ industrial policies, and maintain the sta-
natory subsidies in nature” under the US bility of the global industrial and supply
Inflation Reduction Act it said resulted chains for new energy vehicles”.
in the exclusion of goods from China and BY EMMA FARGE, There was no immediate response from
other WTO countries. GABRIELLE TÉTRAULT-FARBER the Office of the US Trade Representative
“Under the disguise of responding to & BERNARD ORR in Washington to a request for comment.
climate change, reducing carbon emission Reuters There was no immediate comment from
and protecting environment, [these subsi- the WTO.



(March 26): Alibaba Group said on Tues-

day it was offering to buy the 36% of
Cainiao it does not already own for up to
US$3.75 billion (RM17.7 billion), aban-
doning plans for an initial public offering
(IPO) of the logistics business in Hong
In the Chinese e-commerce giant’s lat-
est U-turn of its restructuring plan, Alib-
aba, which holds a stake of around 64%
in Cainiao, said it was offering to acquire
the remaining stock.
“Given the strategic importance of
Cainiao to Alibaba and the significant long-
term opportunity we see in building out a

Alibaba to buy
global logistics network, we believe this is “The management reorganisation re-
an appropriate time to double down,” said sulted in more nimble and efficient deci-

Cainiao stake
Alibaba group chairman Joe Tsai. sion-making, and we have seen a major posi-
Tsai in a recent earnings call said all tive impact on our business.We are confident

for up to
Alibaba’s planned IPOs, including Cain- that the effects of this reorganisation will be
iao’s “were subject to market conditions”. reflected in Alibaba’s operating and financial

US$3.75 bil as it
“Market conditions currently are just metrics in the future,” Tsai said.
not in a state where we believe we can Cainiao first filed the IPO paperwork to

drops IPO plan

really truly reflect the true intrinsic value the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Sep-
of these businesses,” he said at the time. tember. Tuesday marked the last day of
In a statement, Alibaba said on Tuesday a six-month window before which it was
that it is offering minority shareholders of required to update its listing status. No
Cainiao an opportunity to sell all the out- BY CASEY HALL & RISHAV CHATTERJEE timeline had ever been publicly disclosed.
standing shares for US$0.62 per share. Reuters Alibaba also said it would hold a con-
Alibaba has had a tumultuous year since ference call at 9:30pm Hong Kong time to
announcing the biggest shake-up in its 25- discuss the Cainiao announcement.
year history by splitting into six units. It
has installed a new CEO, announced and
then abandoned listing its Cloud division Read also: Tencent’s next big gaming bets
and refocused on its core businesses. draw on viral craze ‘Palworld’


(March 26): The founder of China’s ment doing away with national subsidies at

CATL to keep
world-beating battery manufacturer is the end of 2022. Around that time, Tesla
pressing ahead with expansion in the face Inc fired the opening salvo in a price war

expanding in the
of a global slowdown in electric-vehicle that’s squeezed profit margins for many
sales growth. manufacturers and put others further into

face of slower
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co the red.
Ltd isn’t worried about overcapacity and, “Some companies may fall behind, and

EV growth, says
in fact, will crank up the output of its more naturally there will be consolidation,” Zeng
technologically advanced products, said said.

Robin Zeng, president and chairman of the CATL supplies batteries to almost every
company better known as CATL. In his major automaker, including Tesla,Volkswa-
first interview with an international news gen AG and Toyota Motor Corp.The com-
outlet since 2020, he said his company pany based in Ningde, Fujian province,
has found solutions to get battery-charge Bloomberg generated RMB400.9 billion (US$56 bil-
times down to 10 minutes and is working lion) in revenue last year, roughly eight
on reducing them even further. times its 2020 total.
“It’s a necessary process,” Zeng said CATL’s shares gained as much as 4.5%
of the dynamics playing out in China’s CATL chairman on Tuesday, the most in over a week and
electric-vehicle industry. “The Chinese EV Robin Zeng outperforming a gauge tracking Chinese
market, unlike policy-driven overseas mar- growth stocks.
kets that are still stuck at low penetration While consolidation among EV man-
rates, is now market-driven.” ufacturers could lead to a shrinking of
Zeng offered his survival of the tech-sav- battery makers’ customer bases, CATL’s
viest assessment Monday from Hong technology development gives Zeng
Kong, where he delivered one of the key- confidence.
notes at a sustainability conference. His
view that market forces are taking hold in
China is reinforced by the central govern- Read the full story



Asian economies in a bid to ensure there’s no repeat of the

crisis that began in 1997, when a run on

have ‘robust’ several currencies spread more broadly

across other financial markets and trig-

crisis shields, BOJ gered deep recessions.

Emerging economies in the region more

official says than tripled their combined reserves be-

tween 2000 and 2008, even after adjust-
ing for inflation, the Asian Development
Bank estimated.
Bloomberg There’s been a steep increase in ad-
vanced-economy interest rates over the
(March 26): Asian countries are much bet- past two years. In the past, that kind of
ter positioned to weather economic storms move would often push Asian countries
than they were in the past, thanks to strong into deep crises but there’s much greater
foreign reserves and sound financial-mar- resilience now, Shimizu said.
ket development, a top Japanese central One reason for the change is that “thirty
banker said. years ago there were almost no local cur-
“The current Asian economy is so ro- rency-denominated bond markets”, she
bust,” Bank of Japan assistant governor said. “Nowadays, many Asian countries
Tokiko Shimizu told a panel session on have developed those”, helping to reduce

South Korea
Tuesday at the Boao Forum in southern maturity or currency mismatches that are
China. “Even though the US and Euro- “always the source of crisis”.

pean countries have faced high inflation What’s more, the swelling of the region’s
and high interest rates, Asian countries are foreign-exchange reserves since the Asian

almost all in good shape.” financial crisis “means we defend ourselves
Many Asian central banks have boosted based on those very strong FX positions,”

drops on
their foreign reserves over recent decades Shimizu said.

worries about
Japan’s mixed food inflation
TOKYO (March 26): Japan’s busi-
ness-to-business service prices continued

inflation picture
to rise steadily but a key measure of trend
inflation slowed in February, painting a

complicates BOJ
mixed picture on the price outlook that BY JIHOON LEE
may complicate the central bank’s interest Reuters

rate hike path

rate hike path.
The services producer price index, SEOUL (March 26): South Ko-
which measures what companies charge rea’s consumer sentiment dropped
each other for services, rose 2.1% in Feb- in March on growing worries about
ruary from a year earlier, data showed on BY LEIKA KIHARA higher agricultural prices, a central
Tuesday, unchanged from January, in a Reuters bank survey showed on Tuesday, two
sign companies continued to pass on la- weeks ahead of the country’s legis-
bour costs, thanks to prospects for sus- REUTERS lative election.
tained wage gains. The consumer sentiment index
The data underscores the Bank of Ja- fell to 100.7 in March from 101.9
pan’s (BOJ) view that rising service prices in February, posting the biggest
will replace cost-push inflation as a key monthly drop since October, in the
driver of price gains, and help sustain in- Bank of Korea’s monthly survey of
flation around its 2% target. consumers.
But separate data released on Tuesday The fall came as consumers’ in-
showed Japan’s weighted median inflation flation expectations for the next 12
rate, which is closely watched as an indica- months rose for the first time in five
tor on whether price rises are broadening, months, to 3.2% from 3.0%.
slowed to 1.4% in February, from 1.9% In the survey, 63.4% of respond-
in the previous month. ents said agricultural prices would
The trimmed mean inflation rate, which drive inflation in the next 12 months,
excludes the 10 highest and lowest tail of sharply up from 51.5% in the pre-
the price distribution, hit 2.3% in Feb- historic shift away from decades of mas- vious month.
ruary, slowing from 2.6% in January and sive stimulus that was aimed at reviving South Korea’s consumer inflation
marking the lowest year-on-year increase the economy. accelerated in February, after three
since September 2022, the data showed. BOJ governor Kazuo Ueda has said that months of easing, due to supply-side
The BOJ ended eight years of nega- the timing of future interest rate hikes will pressures, mostly from higher agri-
tive interest rates and other remnants of depend largely on whether trend inflation cultural prices.
its unorthodox policy last week, making a will move closer to the bank’s 2% target.



UBS to boost
Asia assets, sees
growth from
wealth and asset

HONG KONG (March 26): UBS

plans to increase assets sourced
The Galaxy Macau casino and hotel in Macau. Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd and MGM Resorts from clients in Asia with wealth
International have been studying potential opening of casino resorts in Thailand as a hedge against and asset management sustaining
uncertain prospects in Macau. its growth model, chief executive
Sergio Ermotti said on Tuesday.
casino resorts in Thailand as a hedge against Assets sourced from the region
Thailand can lift uncertain prospects in Macau. would be up to 20% in five-six
Thailand’s planned entertainment com- years, from around 15%, accord-
tourism revenue plexes in designated areas will not only house ing to Ermotti who spoke at the
casinos but also five-star hotels, restaurants Milken Institute Global Investors’
by legalising and other tourist attractions, Julapun said on Symposium held in Hong Kong.
X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. The Swiss banking giant cur-
casinos, says study “The goal is to establish a comprehen- rently manages US$5.2 trillion
sive entertainment venue and to promote (RM24.5 trillion) assets globally.
tourism in a new way to increase income for “Wealth management and asset
BY SUTTINEE YUVEJWATTANA the country and solve the problem of illegal management in general are two in-
Bloomberg gambling,” Julapun said. dustries that are likely to continue
The Southeast Asian country, already to grow because of the needs of peo-
(March 26): Thailand can lift tourism rev- a major draw among tourists for its pris- ple to save and invest for retirement,
enue by about US$12 billion (RM56.22 tine beaches, Buddhist temples and nation- for planning.
billion) by legalising casinos housed within al parks, has a target to more than double “So wealth creation is a secu-
large entertainment complexes and tack- foreign tourist arrivals to 80 million by 2027. lar trend that sustains our business
le chronic illegal gambling, according to The industry contributes about 12% to the model,” he added.
a study. nation’s US$500 billion economy. The bank’s wealth operation, the
Average tourist spending may surge 52% The fast-growing global fun economy in- largest in Asia according to its annu-
to 65,050 baht (RM8,530) per trip once dustry is worth about US$13.7 trillion with al report, aims to hit a US$5 trillion
the entertainment hubs are built, netting the integrated entertainment venue business globally assets target by 2028 from
an additional earnings of as much as 448.8 forecast to grow to US$2.2 trillion in four US$3.8 trillion from end-2023.
billion baht, according to a study by a panel years from US$1.5 trillion in 2022, Julapun The integration of UBS and
of lawmakers that’s due to be submitted to said.Thailand can earn billions of dollars in Credit Suisse is going to offer an
parliament on Thursday. The extra income taxes and tourism revenue if it successfully ability to capture a greater share
generated can bolster the country’s gross builds such facilities, he said, citing exam- in many businesses and geographic
domestic product growth by 1.16 percent- ples of other Southeast Asian countries such areas where the Swiss bank oper-
age points, it said. as Singapore, the Philippines and Vietnam. ates, he added.
The report may prompt the House of Though most types of betting is illegal in The comment was made just one
Representatives to push ahead with a bill Thailand — a majority Buddhist and con- year after UBS, in a rescue mission,
to legalise casinos and other forms of gam- servative society — any opening of casinos moved to merge its embattled cross-
bling. The panel of lawmakers headed by will be in line with its recent embrace of a town rival Credit Suisse, which
Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amorn- more liberal landscape to revive its tourism broadened the bank’s reach while
vivat has recommended a number of safe- industry from the pandemic blow. In 2022, resulting in consolidation and job
guards to prevent Thais from getting ad- Thailand became the first country in Asia cuts around the globe.
dicted to betting. to decriminalise cannabis though it’s now The merger allows UBS to se-
With Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, moving to ban its recreational use, and is cure an “expanded presence in
who has been aggressively pushing policies set to become the first in Southeast Asia to North America and Asia” in asset
to attract foreign direct investment, backing legalise same-sex marriages. management business, the bank
the move, it may clear parliamentary hurdles said in its latest annual report,
with relative ease. Galaxy Entertainment through which it ran US$1.6 tril-
Group Ltd and MGM Resorts Internation- Read also: Thai February export growth lion assets by end of last year.
al have been studying potential opening of slows, misses forecasts



in February from the previous month, of-

Japan’s land
ficial data showed on Tuesday, following a
revised 1.2% fall in January.

prices rise at
In late February, Hong Kong removed
all additional stamp duties for foreign and

fastest pace
second home buyers, as well as on those
selling flats within two years of buying

since 1991
them, in a bid to boost the city’s depressed
real estate market, and the property mar-
ket immediately celebrated with a jump
in transactions.
Mainland Chinese are also snapping up BY KAORI KANEKO

Hong Kong homes in Hong Kong, accounting for up Reuters

to a third of new property sales, property

February home developers and agents said, after a pan- TOKYO (March 26): Japan’s land
demic-induced lull spanning more than prices rose at the fastest pace in 33

prices ease for three years. years in 2023 and returned to the
For primary sales of luxury residential level seen before the coronavirus cri-

the 10th month, properties worth more than HK$30 mil- sis, a government survey showed,
lion (US$3.84 million), the percentage was another sign of an improving eco-

down 1.7% even higher, accounting for around 70%, nomic outlook as the nation plots a
JLL said on Monday, rebounding from path out of years of stagnation.
less than 50% before the curbs removal. The rise was helped by the eco-
The realtor expected mainland Chinese nomic recovery and return of for-
BY CLARE JIM buyers to remain active. eign visitors after the pandemic, the
Reuters Housing prices have plunged more than survey released on Tuesday found.
20% from their 2021 peak due to higher Average nationwide land prices
HONG KONG (March 26): Hong Kong mortgage rates, an outflow of talent and rose 2.3% in the year through Jan-
private home prices fell for the tenth month a weak market outlook. uary 1, the strongest pace of growth
in a row to the lowest since September Even though sales have risen, analysts since a 11.3% gain in 1991 when
2016 in February, and they are expected expect prices to remain suppressed, as de- land prices started weakening with
to remain suppressed even after the gov- velopers offer discounts to clear inventory. the bursting of the late 1980s asset
ernment recently removed the decade-long S&P Global Ratings estimated that trans- bubble.
curbs for the property market. action volumes this year will recover only “The upward trend of land pric-
Home prices in one of the world’s most moderately from 2023, as interest rates es has strengthened,” said an offi-
expensive property markets dropped 1.7% remain high. cial at the land ministry. “Move-
ment towards the end of deflation
is spreading”.
The positive land price growth

Australia bank
SYDNEY (March 26): Australia’s hous- joins other key economic condi-
ing shortage may be driving prices higher tions — surging stocks, robust wage

CEOs call for a

but is locking out first-time homeowners growth and annual consumer infla-
and migrants needed to fill skills shortag- tion staying above 2% for well over

fix to housing
es across the country, the chief executive a year — that led the Bank of Japan
officers of Australia’s three largest banks to end negative rates last week in a

said on Tuesday. landmark shift away from decades
After years of ultra-low interest rates of monetary stimulus.
pushed home prices higher, Australia faces Residential land prices rose 2.0%
a long-term drop in the number of younger for the year, also the fastest pace
people buying homes, which could mean BY BYRON KAYE & STELLA QIU since 1991, following a 1.4% gain
more people retiring in weaker financial Reuters in the previous year.
positions, according to a 2023 govern- Housing demand for urban areas
ment report. Westpac CEO Peter King said that pric- and places with good transportation
At a banking conference in Sydney, the es will go up when you have a supply-con- continued to be solid, while foreign
heads of Commonwealth Bank, National strained market, but that the current home demand for vacation home and con-
Australia Bank and Westpac, Australia’s prices “from a societal perspective, it’s too dominium in resort areas such as
top 3 lenders, blamed a housing supply expensive”. northern Furano city in Hokkaido
shortage and urged local governments to He, however, added he was “positive helped boost prices.
speed up planning approvals. on the housing market” citing “the fun- Commercial land prices ad-
“For the younger cohort, I think it’s damentals of ‘we need more houses de- vanced 3.1%, up for the third
really a significant problem,” CBA CEO veloped’.” straight year, and the same rate of
Matt Comyn told the AFR Banking NAB CEO Ross McEwan told the rise seen in 2020, the survey showed.
Summit, when asked about a housing event the country needed migrants but
market with some of the worst afforda- “we’ve got to get the impediments out
bility in the world by a measure of debt and get the tradies (tradespeople) in and Read the full story
to income. get building”.


Fed officials still betting on inflation

slowdown, but caution rising
WASHINGTON (March 25): Federal Re- BY HOWARD SCHNEIDER & back to target,” Goolsbee said, arguing that
serve (Fed) officials said on Monday they LINDSAY DUNSMUIR the months of steady inflation decline last
still had faith that US inflation will ease, Reuters year were probably not “just random”.
with housing price increases in particular Others, however, have begun to have
expected to help pull down the headline their doubts.
pace of price increases, but also acknowl- In comments to reporters late Friday
edged an increased sense of caution around Though investors still afternoon, Atlanta Fed President Raphael
the debate. are betting the Fed Bostic said he was “definitely less confi-
“Although housing-services inflation will start cutting rates dent” than he was in December about con-
remains quite high, the current low rate in June, policymaker tinued progress on the inflation front, and
of increase on new rental leases suggests projections issued had trimmed his policy outlook from two
that it will continue to fall,” Fed Governor expected quarter-percentage-point cuts
Lisa Cook told an event hosted by Harvard
last week showed this year to just one.
University in which she endorsed a “cau-
a seeming drift “We’ve got to stay on top of this to make
tious” approach to easing monetary policy. towards less monetary sure we understand what these dynamics
In an interview with Yahoo Finance, easing this year. are,” Bostic said, noting that the share of
Chicago Fed President Austan Goolsbee items with prices increasing by outsized
said the persistence of housing inflation rates were “reminiscent” of what was seen
continues to surprise him, but that he also when inflation jumped to 40-year highs in
felt it would ebb. 2021 and 2022.
Noting the slowed progress on inflation centage-point rate cuts this year.
overall this year, after a steady decline in Goolsbee said he was in that median Treading carefully
2023, “the main puzzle has been about group, showing continued faith among Though investors still are betting the Fed
housing”, Goolsbee said, a major compo- Fed policymakers that inflation will de- will start cutting rates in June, policymak-
nent in the consumer spending basket that cline enough in the coming months for the er projections issued last week showed a
has accounted for a large share of recent monetary policy easing to proceed. seeming drift towards less monetary eas-
headline inflation readings. But the rhetoric and the substance of ing this year.
“We’ve got to get housing inflation com- the debate have begun to shift since the Though the median stayed the same, it
ing down closer to where it was before the steady decline of inflation last year gave did so only barely, with nine of 19 policy-
pandemic,” he said. “I do think the mar- way to a slower pace of progress. makers seeing a higher policy rate of in-
ket rents show that there is progress to be “We’re in a little bit of a murky period,” terest at the end of 2024 than the 10 who
made, but we have yet to see that in the Goolsbee said, though in general he said determined the median. In addition, poli-
overall data.” he agreed with Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s cymakers’ risk assessments shifted slightly
The Fed last week held its benchmark characterisation last week that the overall towards concern about higher inflation.
overnight interest rate steady in the 5.25%- “story” of a continued decline in inflation New inflation data is due to be released
5.50% range, and in new quarterly eco- had not changed. on Friday.
nomic projections showed the median “It doesn’t feel to me like we’ve changed Asked whether he thought that data
policymaker still expects three quarter-per- fundamentally the story that we’re getting would confirm steady downward pro-
gress, Goolsbee said “well, it better, and
REUTERS let’s hope we even start speeding up the
improvement. We have to,” given that cur-
rent inflation is “well above our target”.
The personal consumption expendi-
tures price index excluding food and en-
ergy, which the Fed considers a good in-
dication of underlying inflation, rose 2.8%
in January. Economists polled by Reuters
expect it to have increased at the same
pace in February.
While Cook did not specify her policy
expectations for the year, she agreed the
Fed should tread carefully as it considers
easing monetary policy.
“The risks to achieving our employ-
ment and inflation goals are moving into
better balance,” she said. “Nonetheless,
fully restoring price stability may take a
cautious approach to easing monetary pol-
icy over time.”


CPO RM 4,228.00-8.00 OIL US$ 86.42-0.33 RM/USD 4.7205 RM/SGD 3.5120 RM/AUD 3.0926 RM/GBP 5.9722 RM/EUR 5.1233

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
TWL HOLDINGS BHD 96.7 0.000 0.030 0.00 169.5
SAPURA ENERGY BHD 67.3 0.010 0.050 11.11 918.8
FITTERS DIVERSIFIED BHD 63.4 0.000 0.055 10.00 128.8
LAMBO GROUP BHD 52.3 0.000 0.030 50.00 46.2
TCS GROUP HOLDINGS BHD 50.6 0.065 0.195 44.44 83.7
WENTEL ENGINEERING HOLDINGS 50.5 -0.020 0.330 0.00 379.5
SIME DARBY PROPERTY BHD 49.8 -0.005 0.915 46.40 6,222.8
VELESTO ENERGY BHD 49.2 0.000 0.290 26.09 2,382.5
SP SETIA BHD GROUP 46.6 0.070 1.420 77.50 6,323.7
MINETECH RESOURCES BHD 42.3 0.010 0.160 10.34 285.6 World equity indices
MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORP BHD 38.9 0.030 0.665 49.44 2,970.9 (%) (%)
INGENIEUR GUDANG BHD 35.5 -0.005 0.165 26.92 250.2 DJIA * 39,415.39 101.75 0.26 INDONESIA 7,365.66 -12.10 -0.16
YNH PROPERTY BHD 34.1 0.055 0.540 -87.29 285.4 S&P 500 * 5,231.47 13.28 0.25 JAPAN 40,398.03 -16.09 -0.04
TDM BHD 34.1 0.010 0.285 58.33 491.0 NASDAQ 100 * 18,331.15 54.09 0.30 KOREA 2,757.09 19.52 0.71
ECONPILE HOLDINGS BHD 31.3 0.040 0.515 68.85 730.0 FTSE 100 * 7,917.57 8.65 0.11 PHILIPPINES 6,898.17 45.07 0.66
MY EG SERVICES BHD 30.9 -0.005 0.790 -3.07 5,893.0 AUSTRALIA 7,780.23 -31.71 -0.41 SINGAPORE 3,233.33 35.23 1.10
SECUREMETRIC BHD 28.7 -0.020 0.190 31.03 109.6 CHINA 3,031.48 5.18 0.17 TAIWAN 20,126.49 -65.76 -0.33
PAN MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 27.1 -0.015 0.190 100.00 176.5 HONG KONG 16,618.32 144.68 0.88 THAILAND 1,377.23 4.74 0.35
CIMB GROUP HOLDINGS BHD 25.9 0.000 6.500 12.32 69,323.2 INDIA 72,470.30 -361.64 -0.50 VIETNAM 1,282.21 14.35 1.13
Data as compiled on Mar 26, 2024 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Mar 26, 2024 * Based on previous day’s closing Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
BORNEO OIL BHD 0.010 100.00 10,686.4 -33.33 119.9 METRONIC GLOBAL BHD 0.015 -25.00 2,274.3 0.00 23.0
TCS GROUP HOLDINGS BHD 0.195 50.00 50,585.6 44.44 83.7 XIDELANG HOLDINGS LTD 0.025 -16.67 773.6 0.00 52.9
SC ESTATE BUILDER BHD 0.015 50.00 741.2 -3.57 48.3 BSL CORP BHD 0.025 -16.67 321.5 -44.44 48.3
MLABS SYSTEMS BHD 0.015 50.00 1,244.5 0.00 21.7 ABM FUJIYA BHD 0.320 -13.51 117.7 -13.51 57.6
ZEN TECH INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.020 33.33 947.6 0.00 58.5 BARAKAH OFFSHORE PETROLEUM 0.035 -12.50 190.6 0.00 35.1
PDZ HOLDINGS BHD 0.045 28.57 1,369.9 -10.00 26.5 GE-SHEN CORP BHD 3.250 -9.72 931.5 180.17 398.2
ALAM MARITIM RESOURCES BHD 0.025 25.00 1,087.3 -16.67 38.3 SECUREMETRIC BHD 0.190 -9.52 28,707.5 31.03 109.6
SAPURA ENERGY BHD 0.050 25.00 67,253.8 11.11 918.8 NI HSIN GROUP BHD 0.100 -9.09 1,605.2 -13.04 52.4
REACH ENERGY BHD 0.030 20.00 145.1 -25.00 63.9 EURO HOLDINGS BHD 0.050 -9.09 309.1 -41.18 64.2
COMPUTER FORMS MALAYSIA BHD 0.150 15.38 6,354.3 -14.29 40.1 FLEXIDYNAMIC HOLDINGS BHD 0.215 -8.51 1,712.4 7.50 64.4
OLYMPIA INDUSTRIES BHD 0.085 13.33 1,312.9 6.25 87.0 INDUSTRONICS BHD 0.055 -8.33 4,510.0 10.00 38.9
TAN CHONG MOTOR HOLDINGS BHD 0.960 12.94 15.0 -1.03 625.7 KANGER INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.055 -8.33 274.5 -15.38 40.2
CHINA OUHUA WINERY HOLDINGS 0.045 12.50 102.8 -18.18 30.1 HO HUP CONSTRUCTION CO BHD 0.175 -7.89 583.8 -30.00 90.7
PROGRESSIVE IMPACT CORP BHD 0.090 12.50 10,096.4 -5.26 59.0 SEREMBAN ENGINEERING BHD 0.650 -7.80 26.2 -5.80 51.8
CLASSITA HOLDINGS BHD 0.045 12.50 336.2 0.00 55.5 TRIVE PROPERTY GROUP BHD 0.060 -7.69 29.0 -25.00 75.8
YNH PROPERTY BHD 0.540 11.34 34,136.2 -87.29 285.4 HEITECH PADU BHD 2.180 -7.63 4,046.4 147.73 220.7
CABNET HOLDINGS BHD 0.295 11.32 3,913.2 28.26 52.7 DFCITY GROUP BHD 0.305 -7.58 0.4 -14.08 32.2
PERMAJU INDUSTRIES BHD 0.050 11.11 263.0 0.00 97.4 PAN MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 0.190 -7.32 27,106.9 100.00 176.5
MTOUCHE TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.050 11.11 270.1 0.00 46.3 WARISAN TC HOLDINGS BHD 1.040 -7.14 0.5 7.22 67.7
JOHAN HOLDINGS BHD 0.055 10.00 179.0 -15.38 64.2 ZELAN BHD 0.065 -7.14 1,517.1 -18.75 54.9
Data as compiled on Mar 26, 2024 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Mar 26, 2024 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES 30.980 0.800 256.7 9.86 6,162.8 UNITED PLANTATIONS BHD 24.300 -0.400 457.4 36.52 10,079.3
DUTCH LADY MILK INDUSTRIES 28.020 0.440 50.3 20.98 1,793.3 GE-SHEN CORP BHD 3.250 -0.350 931.5 180.17 398.2
CHIN TECK PLANTATIONS BHD 7.730 0.230 18.1 2.26 706.2 HONG LEONG FINANCIAL GROUP 16.360 -0.280 301.7 -0.49 18,736.2
AYER HOLDINGS BHD 7.080 0.200 16.5 4.89 530.0 PPB GROUP BHD 15.600 -0.240 1,819.3 7.73 22,192.6
LPI CAPITAL BHD 12.300 0.200 40.2 2.84 4,900.1 UWC BHD 2.990 -0.210 4,321.4 -15.06 3,294.8
VSTECS BHD 2.560 0.190 1,910.3 93.94 912.8 HEITECH PADU BHD 2.180 -0.180 4,046.4 147.73 220.7
PANASONIC MANUFACTURING 18.180 0.180 105.2 1.00 1,104.4 AJINOMOTO MALAYSIA BHD 18.560 -0.140 26.4 16.73 1,128.4
MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 3.430 0.170 6,887.8 113.04 2,411.2 SAM ENGINEERING & EQUIPMENT 4.930 -0.120 424.5 23.50 3,337.5
TECK GUAN PERDANA BHD 1.880 0.140 477.4 9.30 75.4 YTL POWER INTERNATIONAL BHD 3.750 -0.110 23,620.2 47.64 30,386.8
KLCCP STAPLED GROUP 7.500 0.120 22.1 5.78 13,540.0 HEINEKEN MALAYSIA BHD 23.200 -0.100 112.1 -3.89 7,008.7
MISC BHD 7.710 0.120 3,378.5 5.76 34,415.5 FRASER & NEAVE HOLDINGS BHD 29.400 -0.100 76.8 5.03 10,783.3
HENGYUAN REFINING CO BHD 3.120 0.120 1,669.4 1.63 936.0 NESTLE MALAYSIA BHD 117.900 -0.100 160.6 0.26 27,647.6
TAN CHONG MOTOR HOLDINGS 0.960 0.110 15.0 -1.03 625.7 KESM INDUSTRIES BHD 6.180 -0.100 49.3 -12.59 265.8
MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS 9.630 0.110 12,341.9 30.84 16,068.2 APOLLO FOOD HOLDINGS BHD 6.950 -0.090 141.0 20.66 556.0
GUAN CHONG BHD 2.470 0.110 12,763.7 34.97 2,901.1 WARISAN TC HOLDINGS BHD 1.040 -0.080 0.5 7.22 67.7
UNISEM M BHD 3.780 0.100 1,181.7 14.20 6,097.4 YINSON HOLDINGS BHD 2.350 -0.080 5,181.3 -6.00 6,831.6
YOONG ONN CORP BHD 1.930 0.100 124.3 20.63 306.2 IGB BHD 2.430 -0.070 4.1 10.45 3,273.8
IJM CORP BHD 2.440 0.090 19,358.1 29.79 8,555.0 MAXIS BHD 3.400 -0.070 5,475.8 -11.69 26,629.1
SCIENTEX BHD 3.910 0.090 1,325.7 2.62 6,065.5 YTL CORP BHD 2.580 -0.070 20,817.2 36.51 28,293.3
QUALITY CONCRETE HOLDINGS 1.110 0.080 2.0 0.91 64.3 SUNWAY CONSTRUCTION GROUP 2.900 -0.070 5,141.4 49.48 3,739.1
Data as compiled on Mar 26, 2024 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Mar 26, 2024 Source: Bloomberg

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