Group 2 - Asch and MIlgram's Experiments

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group 2
1. Introduction
2. The Asch’s Studies of Group
Contents 3. Milgram Obedience experiment
4. Ethics of Milgrams experiment
The Asch’s Studies of Group Pressure

Purpose: Investigate the

influence of group pressure on
individual judgment.
Participants: 50 naive students
in the experimental condition,
37 participants in the control
Confederate Responses: Naive Participant Responses
Line Task: Observe if naive participants
1. Participants presented with Confederates initially answered conformed to incorrect group
lines, asked to match them. correctly, later intentionally gave
wrong answers.
the result of this conformity experiment showed that
nearly 75% or participants chose to copy the other
members answers to avoid judgment and to satisfy the
desire of wanting to fit in

Factors That Influence
Further Findings by Asch:

Conformity tends to Conformity increases

increase when more GROUP SOCIAL when other members of
people are present. SIZE STATUS the group are of a higher
social status.

Conformity also TASK PRIVATE Conformity tends to

increases when the task DIFFICULTY RESPONSE decrease, however, when
becomes more difficult people are able to
respond privately.
one of the criticisms on this experiment is that theres a
possibility that the outcomes won’t be relevant to actual real
life situations

_ 01
The Milgram Experiment

Types of Social Pressure

A person's change in behavior or A person is influenced,
A change in behavior in
attitude which’s brought by the desire persuaded, or urged to do what
response to the commands or
to follow the beliefs or standards of someone else wants them to do,
requests of someone with
other people to fit in. following his or her request.
power like an authority figure.
Ex: Not all people boycott Starbucks Ex: Sephora salesperson
Ex: Child cleaning their room
because they believe in it, some do it encouraging you to buy a
after mom tells them to.
to fit in the new social norms. product.
Milgram Obedience experiment

Designed to test people's willingness to
obey authority, even when that obedience
causes harm to others.

The study involved three participants: the
experimenter, the learner, and the teacher.
Ethics of Milgrams
usual concerns
The use of deception
The lack of protection for the participants who were involved
Pressure from the experimenter to continue even after asking to stop, interfering
with participants' right to withdraw
severe emotional distress and exposure to physical or psychological harm 04
The potential risks to participants outweighed the value of knowledge we can gain.

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