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2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)

Designing the MIMO SDR-based LPD Transceiver

for Long-range Robot Control Applications

Grigoriy Fokin, Dmitry Volgushev, Artem Kireev, Danil Bulanov, Vladimir Lavrukhin
Research and Education Center for Wireless Communications
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg University of Telecommunications
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Abstract— There is a huge growth in robot control In this paper we show that by using dual-antenna transmit
applications over the past years. One of the main challenges in diversity techniques based on Alamouti Space-Time Block
such applications is the radio link between a control point and a Coding (STBC) [3] telemetry exchange can be performed
robot. To improve the range of the link most available control reliably.
systems use 433 MHz Low Power Devices (LPD) band for
communication. Required distance between a robot and control To assess the performance of the given system we used
point for our application is 10 km. Achieving this distance is a intensive simulations to evaluate BER for MIMO 2x2
challenge when multipath propagation is present. Our Matlab Alamouti scheme that is intended to achieve 10 km range.
simulation demonstrates that 2*2 Multiple Input Multiple Then we defined Eb/N0 threshold value and compute radio link
Output (MIMO) Alamouti scheme allows to gain more than budget. To verify the system performance we developed a
10 dB comparing with Single Input Single Output (SISO). Link testbed based on Agilent hardware and software. It offers a
budget calculations show that we can achieve even more than real time visualization of the signal travelling through the
10 km distance using 2*2 MIMO scheme. High precision Agilent radio channel.
hardware and SystemVue software were used for performance
evaluation of the radio link and system architecture. To This paper is organized as follows. In the Section II we
prototype the system we used USRP B210 Software Defined present an analysis of commercially available SDR solutions
Radio (SDR) hardware due to huge variety of supportive and a short overview of Ettus Research B210 hardware
platforms and convenient type of connectivity. capabilities. Section III describes the simulations to evaluate
bit error probability for MIMO 2x2 Alamouti scheme. Section
Keywords— SDR, 433 MHz, LPD, MIMO 2*2, Robot control IV contains Radio Link Budget calculation. Section V
describes the Agilent testbed used for performance evaluation
I. INTRODUCTION of the radio link. Section VI shows USRP B210 board design
and implementation of MIMO 2x2 Alamouti scheme. The last
This paper describes the current University research and
two sections present a future work and conclusion.
development (R&D) project. The main goal of the project is to
develop the 2x2 MIMO SDR-based 10 km distance
transceiver in the 433 MHz ISM UHF frequency band. II. SDR HARDWARE ANALYSIS
Current research activity analysis has shown the absence There are only few commercially available MIMO SDR
of available MIMO SDR-based long-range transceivers in 433 solutions in the world (Table 1). Most of the hardware has a
MHz ISM UHF band. That is why this field of R&D appears 2*2 MIMO transceiver. Supported frequency range is wide
to be quite perspective. Most of existing 433 MHz band enough for our aim. All the boards support 433 MHz LPD
transceivers have a discrete component design. But we use the band and have a bandwidth of tens MHz. The given hardware
SDR solution to make the cognitive radio design possible in has the similar technical characteristics. Therefore to
the future. prototype the system we have chosen the most popular and
supportive Ettus Research USRP B210 platform.
A small section of the ISM 70-cm band near 433 MHz is
available for license exempt wireless communication using USRP B210 has two receive chains and two transmit
low power devices (LPDs) [1], also called short-range devices chains [5]. It uses Analog Devices RFIC AD9361 single chip
(SRDs) [2]. direct conversion transceiver as an integrated RF frontend. It
is a cost-effective experimentation platform. B210 uses both
We use Ettus Research B210 Universal Software Radio signal chains of the AD9361 providing coherent MIMO
Peripheral (USRP) hardware to achieve 10 km range for low capability, which makes it possible to develop MIMO 2x2
rate telemetry exchange in robot control applications. Such a Alamouti scheme using the common USRP Hardware Driver
telemetry system requires only several kbps data rate to (UHD) framework.
control the robot movement and has to be zero tolerant to
information errors and losses [4]. UHD is an open source, cross platform driver that can run
on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It provides a common API

978-1-4799-5291-5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

978-1-4799-5291-5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 456

2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)

that is used by several software frameworks such as GNU and then a modified version of these symbols in the second
Radio [6]. symbol period.


Frequency Noise
Name (Vendor) MIMO Range, Figure, FPGA
MHz dB
Maveriq™ Xilinx Spartan 6
2*2 100 — 6000 8
(Epiq Solutions) LX150T
bladeRF x40 40KLE Altera
2*2 300 — 3800 n/a
(Nuand) Cyclone 4 E
bladeRF x40 115KLE Altera
2*2 300 — 3800 n/a
(Nuand) Cyclone 4 E
2*2 400 — 3800 n/a Xilinx Spartan 6
EBZ 2*2 70 — 6000 <2,5 none
(Analog Devices)
USRP B210 Xilinx Spartan 6
2*2 70 — 6000 <8
(Ettus Research) XC6SLX150

The onboard signal processing and control of AD9361 is

performed by Spartan6 XC6SLX150 FPGA connected to a
host PC using SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface. Fig. 1. MIMO System Concept

Two consecutive symbols x1 and x2 are encoded with the

III. MIMO 2X2 SIMULATION following space-time codeword matrix [3]:
Multipath fading is a significant problem in radio
communications. When the signal power drops dramatically,
the channel is in a fade condition, which leads to high bit error ª º
x −x *2 »
X =« 1
rates (BER).
MIMO technology significantly improves the link « x x1* »¼
performance and reliability, especially in non-line-of-sight 433 ¬ 2
MHz robot control application environment.
Under the assumption that the channel experienced by
Utilizing multiple element antennas (MEAs) both on
each transmit antenna is flat fading and independent from the
transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) sides of the communication
channel experienced by other transmit antenna, each
link reveals exploitation possibility of both transmit and
transmitted symbol in (1) gets multiplied by a randomly
receive diversity schemes which yields a high quality of
Rayleigh varying complex number hij which is assumed to
reception in terms of BER with a simple maximum likelihood
remain constant over two symbol periods:
(ML) decoding algorithm.
Let us evaluate the performance of MIMO 2x2 Alamouti
coding scheme with BPSK signal modulation in the case of
slow Rayleigh fading channels when we have perfect
ª y11 º ª h11 h12 º ª n11 º
« 1» « « »
knowledge of the channel at the receiver.
« y 2 » = « h 21 h 22 » ª x1 º « n12 »
» +
» «¬ x 2 »¼ « n12* »
The functional diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1. (3)
This system consists of a transmitter (Tx) and a Receiver (Rx). « y12* » « h12*
−h11 *

Each of devices includes two antennas. There is a wireless « 2* » « * » « 2* »

channel between Tx and Rx. The relationship between the Tx ¬ y 2 ¼ ¬ h 22 − h *21 ¼ ¬n 2 ¼
and Rx is given by (1).
where y11 and y21 are the received information at 1st symbol
period on 1st and 2nd receive antenna respectively; y12 and y22
y=Hx+n (1) are the received information at 2nd symbol period on 1st and 2nd
receive antenna respectively; hij is the channel from ith receive
where y is a received signal vector, x is a transmitted signal antenna to jth transmit antenna; n11 and n21 are the noise at 1st
vector, H is the complex channel matrix and n is a noise symbol period on 1st and 2nd receive antenna respectively; n12
vector [12]. and n22 are the noise at 2nd symbol period on 1st and 2nd receive
The Alamouti coding scheme involves a space-time block antenna respectively.
which has a pair of symbols sent in the first symbol period, The diversity analysis is based on ML signal detection at
the receiver side. Complex orthogonality of the Alamouti code

2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)

in (2) allows to simplify the ML receiver structure. Matlab 2*2 MIMO Alamouti transceiver for a 10 km distance is
simulation was executed [7]. Figure 2 shows the MIMO 2x2 feasible.
Alamouti STBC performance in terms of BER.

Fig. 3. Pathloss versus distance

Fig. 2. BER plot for 2 transmit 2 receive Alamouti STBC

It is shown in figure 2 that the BER performance for 2 TABLE II. RADIO LINK BUDGET CALCULATION
receive Alamouti STBC is much better than 1 receive case. # Radio link budget parameter Denotation Value, dB
For BER=0.0001 required (Eb/N0)req =10 dB (line 14 in 1 Transmitter power (dBW) Pt -20
table II). 2 Tx antenna gain (dBi) [10] Gt 12
3 EIRP (dBW) EIRP -8
4 Pathloss (dB) LS 150
We calculated the radio link budget (table II). 6 Rx antenna gain (dBi) [11] Gr 6
7 Received power (dBW) Pr -152
Main loss contribution in the radio link is path loss that 8 Noise figure (dB) F 8
was determined using Okumura-Hata Model [8] and plotted in 9 Noise temperature (Ʉ) T = 1540 K
Fig 3. We have chosen Ls = 150 dB (line 4 in table II) as an 10 Noise spectral density (dBW/Hz) N0 -197
operating point for rural area, because this is a primary area 11 Received Pr/N0 (dB-Hz) Pr/N0 45
for our robot control application. 12 Bitrate (dB-bit/s) R = 1,2 kbps 31
13 Operating (Eb/N0)oper (dB) (Eb/N0)oper 14
Hardware gains include B210 transmitter power 14 Required (Eb/N0)oper (dB) (Eb/N0)req 10
Pt = -20 dBW (10 mW) (line 1 in table II), selected Tx antenna 15 Margin 4
gain Gt = 12 dBi [10], selected Rx antenna gain
To verify the simulated 2*2 MIMO Alamouti system and
Hardware losses include B210 receiver noise figure
evaluate the system architecture we use our laboratory
F = 8 dB (line 8 in table II). Noise temperature [9] is
facilities. The laboratory complex consists of two vector signal
computed according to T = (F-1)·290 = 1540 K (line 9 in
generators, two spectrum analyzers, channel emulator and
Table II). Noise power spectral density is computed according
SystemVue software.
to N0 = k·T = -197 dBW/Hz (line 10 in Table II), where k is
Boltzmann constant. SystemVue is an electronic design automation
environment for electronic system-level design. It works
Bitrate required for robot control application telemetry together with measurement equipment. It is possible to upload
transmission is set to R = 1,2 kbps (line 12 in Table II). It is the simulated signals from software into the vector generator
enough for transmitting a simple movement control
or channel emulator and to play signal on the given radio
commands, e.g. right, left, accelerate, stop.
frequency. The channel emulator has several built-in radio
Operating (Eb/N0)oper value is defined from Pr/N0 value effects: calibrated additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN),
according to (Eb/N0)oper = Pr/N0/R (line 13 in Table II). fading, multipath and Doppler. These options give us a unique
opportunity to simulate the radio channel and move closer to
Communication system feasibility in terms of link margin the real radio channel in highly dynamic changing
(line 15 in Table II) considering (Eb/N0)req point on the BER environment. Therefore algorithms and architecture of the
curve is defined according to designing device can be tested before first prototype is made.
It helps to find bugs in algorithms and optimized parameters
M = EIRP + Gr – (Eb/N0)req –R – N0 – L0 (4) on early stages of design process.

Resulting radio link budget margin is positive (line 15 in

table II) which means that designed 433 MHz LPD

2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)

Fig. 4. Test-bed functional diagram; MXG – vector generator, EXA – spectrum analyzer, PXB – channel emulator, VSA – software for vector analyze, VSA files
– recorded signal

The general conception of the performance evaluation of

the radio link and system architecture, consist of three steps. A. B210 Overview
Fig. 4 shows realization of this conception. Block diagram of the USRP B210 board consists of three
main parts (Fig 5):
The first step is modeling the system architecture of the
future device in SystemVue software. It provides the • AD9361 Transceiver;
simulated signal, which will be very similar to the signal in the
real physical device. It is possible to check the performance of • Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA;
algorithms and plot the following characteristic: constellation • Cypress FX3 USB3 Controller.
diagram, BER, eye diagram, impulse response, spectrogram.
First part is based on AD9361 transceiver from Analog
The second step include a connection of the SystemVue to Devices. This block is responsible for RF front-end processing
the measurement equipment, uploading simulated signal into using two receive and two transmit channel. Processing
the generator, and playing it on the radio frequency through a combines RF-to-zero-IF conversion and backward (down/up
cable or an antenna. conversion), gain, filtration, ADC/DAC and
The third step is uploading the simulated files into channel decimation/interpolation. The AD9361 is connected to FPGA
emulator, adding the channel effects: noise, Doppler shift and via Digital Data Interface which operates in CMOS or LVDS
multipath. All effects are added to the baseband layer. mode. For data transfer between AD9361 and FPGA I\Q
format is used.
At the second and third steps the spectrum analyzer with a
vector analysis and demodulation features makes the output Second part is based on Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA and
signal control. Spectrum analyzer records signals to files represents the digital signal processing blocks. List of blocks
(VSA-type). These files can be then moved to the SystemVue is determined by the developer and depends on the specific
software for digital signal processing and demodulation, for problem. Since RF part combines 2RX and 2TX channels it is
example, for counting bit error rate. possible to create a 2x2 MIMO system. To achieve this
developer must realize MIMO encoder/decoder. To work with
wide range of standards (such as FM and TV broadcast,
VI. USRP B210 BOARD IMPLEMENTATION cellular, Wi-Fi, ISM, and more), developer have to implement
Section A below presents USRP B210 hardware a specific modulator/demodulator and encoding/decoding
development framework for MIMO 2x2 Alamouti scheme. scheme.
Section B contains results of the trial radio link test we have
obtained after Matlab and Agilent test-bed simulations with
BPSK/QPSK demodulation using UHD.

2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the USRP B210 board

The USRP B210 uses USB3.0 Interface under Cypress transmission results in the form of high-resolution
FX3 control for PC connectivity. This controller has a 32-bit constellation diagrams and spectrums. Since, GNU Radio
RISC ARM926 processor. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is supports UHD, we could control several parameters of zero
used as a serial control interface to configure all of the intermediate frequency tract, such as operational frequency,
AD9361 digital and analog blocks. The ARM processor sample rate, gain, low-pass filter corner frequency, decimation
executes FX3 firmware code, which processes instructions factor and more. To get correct results on the screen of
from/to PC and translates them into SPI commands to/from spectrum analyzer, we faced some problems with adapting
AD9361 SPI control registers. The SPI lines pass through the parameters between GNU Radio and Agilent. For example,
FPGA, where they are level translated, and then head to the scheme of transmitter in GNU radio consists symbol rate
AD9361. parameter and Agilent software has sample rate parameter and
matching of these dimensions caused difficulties in getting
At the early stage of the project to explore the possibilities constellation diagrams.
of the B210 application, all of the modulation\demodulation
blocks were implemented in software using GNU Radio [6]. All in all, hardware experiment consisted of PC with GNU
radio transmitter block scheme connected with B210 board by
B. B210 hardware experiment USB cable and Agilent Spectrum analyzer with proper aerial
It was essential to spend a few test experiments to create for receiving signal. As a result we have got spectrums
SDR applications development methodology based on B210 (Fig. 6, 7) of BPSK, QPSK and FSK modulations.
and GNU Radio. Choosing between Linux and Windows we
decided to use Linux as the host operating system due to full VII. FUTURE WORK
support for Ettus Research USRP devices. We had to check In the future work we will program the Xilinx Spartan 6
several Linux distributions before one was found that fitted FPGA to make the MIMO 2x2 Alamouti
perfectly with B210. Ubuntu 12.04 was chosen because of modulator/demodulator and encoding/decoding scheme. After
stable work with combination of GNU Radio and UHD (B210 that we will continue laboratory tests to choose the best
board). modulation and coding scheme. Then we will make a field
First, we realized transmitter using standard blocks of trials in a rural area.
GNU radio library that can generate signals with different
types of modulation (BPSK, QPSK and FSK). Spectrum
analyzer by Agilent technologies was applied to check

2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)

In the paper we proposed high precision Agilent hardware

and SystemVue software test bench for performance
evaluation of 2*2 MIMO radio link.
We presented USRP B210 hardware development
framework for our MIMO 2x2 Alamouti scheme and
conducted trial radio link test with BPSK/QPSK
demodulation. We used UHD capabilities in conjunction with
GNU Radio software on the USRP B210 hardware. We
verified the system on the proposed Agilent test bench.


Fig. 6. BPSK Constellation Diagram and Spectrum [1] ETSI EN 300 220-1 V2.4.1 (2012-01), "Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Radio equipment to be used in the
25 MHz to 1 000 MHz", ETSI, 2012.
[2] ERC Recommendation 70-03 relating to the use of Short Range Device
(SRD), European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications
Administrations, CEPT/ERC 70-03, Troms, Norway, rev. 2014.
[3] Alamouti, Siavash. "A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless
communications." Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on
16.8 (1998): 1451-1458.
[4] QoS Performance requirements for UMTS. Nortel Networks (2001).
[5] “Ettus Research”, [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: Jul. 31, 2014].
[6] “GNU Radio”, [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: Jul. 31, 2014].
Fig. 7. QPSK Constellation Diagram and Spectrum [7] “Alamouti STBC with 2 receive antenna”, [Online].
antenna/ [Accessed: Jul. 31, 2014].
VIII. CONCLUSION [8] Recommendation ITU-R P.529-3 (1999-10), "Prediction methods for the
The aim of this paper is to show the design process of terrestrial land mobile service in the vhf and uhf bands",ITU-R,1999
433 MHz LPD band transceiver for long-range robot control [9] Sklar, Bernard. Digital communications. Vol. 2. NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.
applications up to 10 km distance. [10] “Polaris 433-7”, [Online]. Available:
We suggested 2*2 Alamouti scheme for transceiver. We [Accessed: Jul. 31, 2014].
also computed the radio link budget for given distance. The [11] Polaris 433”, [Online]. Available:
results show that the communication system is feasible
meeting all the requirements of the LPD band (especially low [Accessed: Jul. 31, 2014]
transmit power). [12] Bialkowski, K. S., et al. "2x2 MIMO Testbed for Dual 2.4 GHz/5GHz
Band."Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2007. ICEAA 2007.
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