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Wudassie Hospital Construction Meeting Minutes

Date: 27/03/24
Selected venue: Akkoo (Post office)
Attendees: Wudassie from Wudassie Group
Yosef from Consultant
Teddy from Contractor
John from Contractor
Yared from Wudassie Group

Subject: Project Discussion and Action Items

During our first weekly meeting, various points were raised regarding the project:
1. Constructive Input from Stakeholders:
All stakeholders actively participated in the meeting, sharing their valuable insights and
suggestions to expedite the construction site project. This collaborative approach fosters a
proactive environment conducive to project success.
2. Establishing a Communication Channel:
It was emphasized that a communication channel should be established, involving all
stakeholders. This channel will facilitate transparent and effective communication throughout the
project, enhancing coordination and minimizing delays.
3. Timely Information Exchange by Client's Engineer:
Concerns were raised regarding the lack of timely information exchange by the client's
engineer. This issue has led to delays and hindered project progress, underscoring the importance
of improving communication practices.
4. Contractor's Schedule Provision:
The contractor was noted for not providing a detailed schedule for project activities. This
absence of scheduling has posed challenges in project planning and coordination, necessitating
prompt action to address the issue.
5. Water Accumulation Issues:
Discussion centered around water accumulation issues on-site, necessitating a thorough
assessment. It was proposed that a detailed assessment be conducted to determine the causes of
water accumulation and recommend suitable dewatering systems to mitigate the issue effectively.
Action Items:

• Establish a communication channel involving all stakeholders to facilitate seamless

communication throughout the project.
• Address the issue of timely information exchange with the client's engineer to ensure
smooth project coordination.
• Follow up with the contractor to obtain a detailed schedule for project activities.
• Engage a consultant engineer to conduct a thorough assessment of water accumulation
issues on-site and recommend suitable dewatering systems.
The meeting concluded with a focus on addressing the identified project issues and
implementing necessary actions to ensure project success.

Minutes Prepared By: Yared T.

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