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Name: Novi Jamm A.

Course/Year/Block: BS Architecture - 2A

West Philippine Sea Territorial Dispute

(This picture was taken on June 4, 2022)

"I just wish we could fish freely in Scarborough without anyone shooing us away," Marvin
Mayo said, a Filipino fisherman referring to Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. Among
the fundamental sectors in the Philippines, fishermen have the highest poverty rate. They are
the most marginalized of the vulnerable sectors, living primarily in high-risk places such as
mangroves, rivers, and coastal zones. They endure harsh weather on open waters, harm from
the sea's wrath during the monsoon or the dry season's intense heat, and cold nights while
spending days or weeks apart from their loved ones. The only solace they find is that they can
return with enough fish to last their families a week or two before they head out to sea once
more. But the continued presence of Chinese vessels, as well as the constant blocking of
Filipino fishermen, has harmed both the fishing industry and the livelihoods of Filipino families
who rely on the sea for fishing.

The Philippine government, regardless of system, lacks foresight. It has failed to

appreciate the fact that we are a maritime nation. We have a lot of resources to nourish and
protect in order to keep our economy going. Now, this picture shouts in support of the call of the
Filipino fishermen to respect, protect and defend their fishing rights in the maritime regimes in
general and even in the West Philippine Sea in particular.

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