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The second creation

Article in Nature · May 2004

DOI: 10.1038/429348a

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1 author:

Graham Farmelo
Institute for Advanced Study


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Virus: The Co-Discoverer disease, established its main genotypic diverts attention from the more interesting
determinants, and found an effective and important aspects of the book. Montag-
of HIV Tracks Its Rampage treatment—an amazing record in the field of nier peppers the book with criticisms of US
and Charts the Future virology. With such an enormous amount of investigators and institutions, particularly of
Luc Montagnier, Stephen Sartarelli information, which includes several journals Dr Robert Gallo from the National Institutes
(translator) devoted exclusively to the virus and its of Health. These criticisms come out of the
related conditions, the history of HIV is well controversial debate, widely publicised in
W W Norton, £18.95, pp 224
ISBN 0 393 03923 4 documented. So who better to write the the media, about which group was the first
definitive story than the man who discov- to identify the virus and the serological test
Rating: ★★ ered it, Luc Montagnier? to detect HIV infection
Virus is a detailed account of the work of The most compelling story in Virus is
the investigators at the Pasteur Institute in the chronological account of the race
their search to find the cause of AIDS. Mon- against time to identify the cause of an
tagnier gives his personal insights into HIV emerging, rapidly spreading, and lethal
epidemiology, treatment, and prevention, disease. The story has an upbeat ending,
including vaccine development. He also dis- which counterbalances the difficulties faced
cusses future directions in HIV research and by Montagnier and his team of laboratory
measures that should be taken to curb the researchers. As the author points out,
spread of the virus in developing countries. researchers have to fight constantly against
But beyond the scientific discussion lies

IV has generated a huge amount of disappointment, since most of their experi-
literature in the relatively short an autobiography. The author discusses ments come to little or nothing.
period of time since AIDS was first some episodes of his childhood, his initia-
described. Investigators quickly discovered tion into research, and his extraordinary Julio Collazos department of infectious diseases,
the aetiological agent of this new and deadly career. The personal account, however, Hospital de Galdakao, Spain

The Second Creation of Britain. Yet, despite our everyday familiar- first animals cloned from spleen or colon
ity with them, popular culture persists in cells be called? I think we should be told.
Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell, Colin Tudge Why is Dolly important? We don’t need
seeing clones as some sort of semi-human
Headline Books, £12.99, programmable zombies. After all the hype, fancy technology to make lots of sheep—this
pp 362 weekend the Lake District was full of frisking
we need to get back down to earth. In this
ISBN 0747275300 lambs, all strictly organic. Dolly refuted the
book the science writer Colin Tudge joins
Rating: ★★ Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell in a careful common belief that adult cells are irrevers-
explanation of how Dolly was cloned, why ibly programmed. Technically, she points the
way to genetic engineering of animals.
she was cloned, and what it might mean.
“Pharming”—making animals that produce
The authors work hard at stripping away
valuable proteins in, say, their milk—
the hype—so hard that they risk stripping
becomes much more controllable if they can
away the interest as well. After the witty pas- be cloned from cells manipulated in vitro.
tiche of Leonardo da Vinci on the dust Dolly was the only success out of 277
jacket, I struggled through pedestrian expo- attempts, and some cloned animals have
sitions of basic genetics and cell biology. unexplained abnormalities, so the technol-

found the media reaction to Dolly the One of those adult cartoon books would ogy still has some way to go. But now we
sheep decidedly depressing. As a pub- have put it over so much better. However, know it can be done the problems will surely
licly funded scientist in a democratic when the story moves on to the cloned be solved.
society, I acknowledge my obligation to sheep—Megan and Morag cloned from fetal As for human cloning, no doubt
explain what I am doing. If I worked on somewhere in the poorly regulated US com-
cells, Dolly cloned from an adult mammary
quarks or black holes—things far beyond mercial sector, laboratories are already
cell, and her successor, Polly, cloned from a
normal human experience—I would expect working to give spurious immortality to
genetically engineered fetal fibroblast—the
some odd comments about my work. But some self obsessed billionaire. Sooner or
surely not clones? Everybody knows a pace and interest pick up. The authors have
good fun at the expense of journalists who later they will succeed. So what? I pity the
human clone. Half a million walk the streets clone, but no more than I pity any child of
wrote stuff like: “when you do something to
anger her, she looks at you with those ambitious parents who think they can
The BMJ Bookshop will endeavour to obtain programme its life. Actually, the clone might
intense red eyes—eyes full of hate.” Once
any books reviewed here. To order contact the well have the last laugh. Suppose he did
again, as in every public pronouncement
BMJ Bookshop, BMA House, Tavistock Square, resemble his self centred progenitor. Would
London WC1H 9JR. from Wilmut et al, they stress their
he meekly follow a predetermined blueprint
Tel: 020 7383 6244, Fax: 020 7383 6455 opposition to human reproductive cloning. for his life? Surely he would turn on his pro-
email: One thing I learnt from the book is that grammers with intense red eyes, full of hate?
Online: Dolly, as an expression of remarkable mam-
(Prices and availability subject to change by
mary potential, was named after Ms D Andrew P Read professor of human genetics,
Parton. This raises the question, what will the University of Manchester

966 BMJ VOLUME 321 14 OCTOBER 2000


Global Challenge of the objective was to extend health insurance This lists the questions that politicians do
coverage while deciding what services pub- not wish to address in most developed
Healthcare Rationing lic insurance would cover. The Oregon countries. Who decides that care should be
Eds Angela Coulter, Chris Ham experience with priority setting is, to my denied to a population group? What are the
Open University Press, knowledge, the only case in the world where consequences of denying care? What are the
£19.99, pp 288 the exercise has been brought to its logical societal consequences of creating a two tier
ISBN 0 335 20463 5 conclusion: funding healthcare services medical system?
according to priority ranking, assessing the The presence of a chapter on priority
Rating: ★★★
effects of this policy, and adapting it in setting in developing countries makes the
return each year—for five consecutive years book complete but is a bit awkward because
to date. the issues differ so vastly. The chapter does
The rest of the book focuses on papers raise the issue of whether policymakers
presented at two international conferences should decide on healthcare priorities
on priority setting. These papers were given within a fixed budget or be permitted, as in
by academics and not those presently in Oregon, to trade off healthcare budgets
charge of health services, with the exception against other budgets like those for defence,
of the Israeli authors, which is both an asset housing, or road infrastructure.
and a liability. The advantage is that we can

n 1995, when Alain Juppé, the French The topic of priority setting is likely to
prime minister, tried to reform the enjoy the good quality of research presented remain important for a long time, as new
healthcare system and to introduce here and its completeness, particularly in the medical technologies provide consumers
explicit rationing, the country went on strike chapters that describe techniques for prior- with the means of getting closer to their
for five weeks and was almost totally ity setting. On the other hand, the articles goal of eternal life and health, though at
paralysed for that time. Healthcare rationing perhaps do not give enough consideration increased costs. This means that today’s
is indeed a challenge for policymakers, and to the practical difficulties of implementing conferences are likely to be followed
few dare to do it explicitly. rationing and dealing with the reality that by others, which should include more poli-
The Global Challenge of Healthcare some people will be denied some kind of ticians and heads of sickness funds, private
Rationing presents a clear inventory of care. This may be because, apart from the and public. I look forward to reading the
what healthcare rationing means and of state of Oregon, only Israel has actually car- sequel.
why and how it should be done. The ried out a rationing scheme at a state or
introductory chapter refers to the Oregon country level. Isabelle Durand-Zaleski chief of public health,
experiments, which dealt with explicit Implementation of rationing is dis- Santé Publique, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil,
priority setting rather than rationing. Here, cussed in a chapter on ethical dilemmas. France

Tobacco War: Inside the Edith Balbach, director of the Community players, they reach a logical conclusion. The
Health Program at Tufts University, Med- only way to effect policy change, they argue,
California Battles ford, Massachusetts. is by turning to the public, where support for
Stanton A Glantz, Edith D Balbach The apparent focus of their book is tobacco control is both evident and politi-
University of California Press, Proposition 99, the Tobacco Tax and Health cally potent. In short, it is necessary to adopt
£12.50, pp 496 Promotion Act, a 1988 California ballot ini- “outside” rather than “inside” strategies.
ISBN 0 520 22286 5 tiative that would raise over $600m a year Equally important, the authors say, is
for health education and medical treatment. that the change of one key player can mean
Rating: ★★★
Proposition 99 garnered 58% of the vote, everything. For several years after the
passage of Proposition 99, funds were
despite the tobacco industry’s 13 to 1 spend-
illegally diverted from smoking prevention
ing advantage ($21.4m to $1.6m) over
by Republican Governor Pete Wilson,
pro-99 coalition forces. However, the adop-
abetted by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown,
tion of Proposition 99 proved not to be the a Democratic party politician heavily
resolution of a Manichaean conflict between financed by the tobacco industry. When Mr
lily white public health professionals and the Brown left office, the victories of the pro-99
dark forces of the tobacco industry. In fact, forces finally translated into funding for
Glantz and Balbach relate the voting results appropriately aggressive advertising and
in one undramatic sentence and, in an educational campaigns.

arl von Clausewitz wrote: “War is otherwise impeccably researched book, California has a population of 33
nothing more than the continua- actually get the date wrong by a decade. million, more than Canada or Tanzania and
tion of politics by other means” (On For the authors, the divided loyalties and just less than Poland or Argentina. The
War). The dictum is faultless, but its applica- internecine feuds among tobacco control lessons from its ongoing tobacco war may
tion can be problematic. The devil, as always, advocates are as central to the story as are apply to as broad a range of countries and to
is in the detail. many public health issues. In the case of
their battles with the tobacco industry. The
Normally, a war’s protagonists are well tobacco control advocacy, the central mes-
book’s most shocking episode is the notori-
identified, and the combatants carve their sages are simple: the tobacco industry lies,
ous “Napkin Deal,” a 1987 pact whereby the
bloody path from the political chambers to nicotine is addictive, and secondhand smoke
California Medical Association aligned its
the battlefield. The usual presumptions do kills. In other areas of public health the mes-
not always apply, however, a point that is interests with those of the tobacco industry.
sages may differ, but the same strategies are
forcefully argued in Tobacco War by Stanton Glantz and Balbach are unstinting in their
effective. Glantz and Balbach argue that we
Glantz, lead author of The Cigarette Papers criticism of the association for its opposition
should keep the public engaged and should
and a professor of medicine at the to Proposition 99 and similar initiatives.
not be afraid of controversy.
University of California, San Francisco, and The authors analyse the differing
War may be hell, but some battles are
approaches of the American Heart Associ- worth fighting.
ation, American Lung Association, and
Ratings are on a 4 star scale, 4=excellent American Cancer Society. Relying on Stan Shatenstein editor, Tobacco News Online,
exhaustive interviews with the principal Montreal, Canada

BMJ VOLUME 321 14 OCTOBER 2000 967


Ethnicity: An Agenda For assembling a coherent picture from this col- treatment vary much more widely than do
lection. Many of the individual contributions rates of morbidity. In other words, linguistic,
Mental Health are thorough and well written, but they vary cultural, political, and socioeconomic factors
Eds Dinesh Bhugra, Veena Bahl widely in aim and scope—from research probably have a greater influence on how
Gaskell (Royal College of presentations to clinical discussions to people present to and interact with the
Psychiatrists), £25, pp 240 policy recommendations. Topics addressed healthcare system than they do on the
ISBN 1 901242 15 range from specific epidemiological issues, nature or symptoms of mental disorders. As
Rating: ★★ such as postnatal depression among suggested by several of the chapters,
Japanese women giving birth in England, to planning and policy must focus on remov-
broader discussions of health policy. Some ing language specific and culture specific
contributions resemble case studies of barriers to effective treatment. Improve-
particular UK ethnic communities, such as ments in availability and acceptability of first
Gujarati children in Manchester, while line treatments might reduce the need for
others take a much more general view. “late stage” treatments, which are typically
Unfortunately, the organisation of this more restrictive and coercive. Reconciling
volume makes the diversity of topics and the need for diversity with the need for
perspectives a barrier rather than a strength. accountability will be a central challenge for
For example, data from the fourth national mental health providers and administrators
survey of ethnic minorities, a key to in multiethnic societies.

he chapters in this book attempt to
address several timely questions: Are understanding differences in treatment For those with a specific interest in these
diagnostic categories developed in rates, are not presented until the penulti- issues, this collection will be an important ref-
Britain and the United States appropriate mate chapter. Solutions are sometimes pro- erence. Newcomers to the subject should
for other national or ethnic groups? Why posed before problems are clearly stated or probably look elsewhere for an introduction.
are certain ethnic groups overrepresented explored.
in secure inpatient facilities and underrepre- Given these shortcomings in the book’s Gregory Simon Investigator, Center for Health
sented among those receiving outpatient organisation, what can we conclude about Studies, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, USA
care? How can the demand for diverse and the larger questions addressed? Several
non-traditional mental health services be chapters mention the problem of “category
reconciled with the mandate to provide fallacy,” in which diagnostic categories
services proved in randomised controlled described in Britain or the United States
trials? simply do not apply elsewhere, but available These articles scored the most hits on the BMJ’s
While the questions motivating this epidemiological data show more diagnostic website in the week of publication
book hold great theoretical and practical similarities between countries than differ-
interest, most readers will have difficulty ences. It seems safe to conclude that rates of
1 ABC of breast diseases: Breast
cancer—epidemiology, risk factors, and
Smuggling tobacco Antitobacco campaigners have always been enthusiastic web 2000;321:624-8
28 473 hits
users: witness the tobacco control archives hosted at
2 ABC of breast diseases: Breast cancer
tobacco/ which gives pride of place to its archive of internal memoranda from
the tobacco company Brown and Williamson. This week an article in the BMJ 28 086 hits
reviews evidence suggesting that the tobacco companies export cigarettes 3 ABC of breast diseases: Screening for
WEBSITE knowing that they may be illegally re-imported and sold untaxed. Much of the breast cancer
OF THE reference list of this paper is to materials on the web, such as Action on 2000;321:689-93
Smoking and Health’s (ASH) content rich site at 19 165 hits
Unfortunately this page initially caused my browser to redraw the 4 Recent advances: Complementary medicine
page endlessly, which was irritating. 2000;321:683-6
14 797 hits
On the Mac, control-clicking over a
5 Recent advances: Palliative care
frame brings up a menu that offered
“open frame in new window” (on a 13 864 hits
Windows PC you right-click). 6 Using the internet to access confidential
Selecting this, I left the troublesome patient records: a case study
javascript behind. Information in Practice 2000;321:612-4
This minor technical hiatus 9444 hits
exposes some interesting learning 7 Regular review: Improving the care of
points for would-be web adepts. Of patients with genital herpes
course, all webpage authors should 7147 hits
test their work on a variety of
8 Clinical governance in primary care:
browsers and platforms, but campaigns on tight budgets might not be able to Improving quality in the changing world of
do it all themselves. Cogent reporting of bugs is one way to show you care primary care
about a site: use email, include the URL (web address) that gave you a problem, General Practice 2000;321:551-4
details of your browser and operating system, and a brief description of the 7038 hits
errant behaviour. 9 Clinical governance in primary care:
I wouldn’t take the trouble to do this for any of the many websites that offer Organisational development for clinical
cigarettes for sale over the web (for example,, but the examples
General Practice 2000;321:679-82
I could find seemed to be legitimate mail order businesses. Not surprisingly, 6765 hits
finding “duty not paid” cigarettes seems harder, though the Hong Kong 10 ABC of oral health: Dental emergencies
BMJ government has obligingly posted a list of the streets where the trading of 2000;321:559-62
dcarnall@ contraband is common ( 6652 hits 1202106.htm).

968 BMJ VOLUME 321 14 OCTOBER 2000



What happened to plain wickedness? Staying put

ast Friday someone burnt my house doesn’t want to go back there. Mothers She had had what is known in the trade
down. He was not a patient of mine, are understandably protective of their as a “fair innings.” It was 15 years since
nor even an acquaintance. I can only babies. my predecessor first raised the
guess at his motive. I suspect it was a result of Someone who knows me slightly—he suggestion that she would be more
something going on inside his own head heard me speak at a meeting of the comfortable in a residential home. She
rather than anything to do with me or my Libertarian Alliance, a fringe political group had resisted. Long before it became a
family. As far as ownership of the property is of peace loving anarchists—has pestered me standard package option for
concerned, I anticipate that it could just as and my family and all sorts of other people octogenarians, she had negotiated
easily have been your house that was for the past five years. He is convinced that I with a mortgage company to release her
torched to the ground as mine. was involved in the murder by the KGB of assets, and paid for home adaptations
Nobody died or was injured. Even the his sister and his aunt. and a long string of live-in helpers.
cats got out. We are “fully covered” by insur- I did not know that he had a sister or an Today, she was dying—in a triumphant
ance, although our broker has already told aunt, let alone that they were murdered. I sort of way.
us of inevitable discrepancy between theory cannot imagine what connection there Five years ago, she had moved the
and practice. could ever be between me and the KGB bed downstairs into an alcove in the
I weep for my books, my wife’s loss of except that I am so far on the other side that front room. From here, she could see
her mother’s cut glass, and we might meet up in some through the French windows into her
all the family photographs topsy-turvy Smileyesque little garden. When I came to visit, she
and trinkets. And the water- The metal frame scenario. (I have patients in always talked me through the plants’
colours. And the little dolls of the piano looks Bywater Street, where Smi- latest ailments before starting on her
our daughter made by ley lived.) own.
painting faces on wooden bizarre without its The incessant tele- Towards the end, I began to share
clothes pegs when she rosewood case phone calls and letters and her concern that she would outlive
was 8. offers “to resolve the issue the clematis, which had never really
It’s strange seeing the once and for all” are a picked up since the winter frost. Her
upstairs in the downstairs. Not that any of it nuisance, but I was not particularly con- gardener was kept busy to the last, and
is recognisable apart from the occasional cerned when he reported me to the General when I told her she had pneumonia—
candlestick, a couple of Delft-ish vases on a Medical Council, Scotland Yard, and the “That might be it, is that what you’re
window sill (the window has gone and so FBI. Professional colleagues (he got their saying, doctor?”—she made sure she put
have all the walls and roof above it). The names from the brochure of our treatment an extra fiver in his envelope.
metal frame of the piano looks bizarre with- centre) have been warned about their Her parlour was modestly but
out its rosewood case. My mother’s chair is association with me. One American profes- comfortably furnished, with three
simply a memory. The ground floor walls, sor was surprised to receive the warning in separate coffee tables and a selection of
nine inches of solid heaven knows what, the middle of the night when his informant not quite matching armchairs. Various
still stand as they have for the past four forgot the transatlantic time difference. I friends and neighbours gathered in
hundred years. Some of the principal hope that he was also surprised by the con- silence, reading her magazines and
beams, old ship’s timbers, survived although tent of the conversation. The internet is now drinking her tea. They knew they didn’t
they look rather lonely, silhouetted against peppered with information about me in feature in her will—she’d announced
the sky. support of the accusation. I can live with long ago that she intended to leave it all
We shall, of course, rebuild and also take that. to charity—but when you have lived in
the opportunity to put on a small extension What disturbs me about these two men the same cul-de-sac for 40 years you
for a ground floor bedroom is the clinical diagnosis that turn up to pay your last respects. At
and bathroom. Both my I understand each has been one stage, I evicted them all into the hall
parents lived into their 90s,
The internet is given: depression. Granted on the pretext of wanting to listen
we ourselves have lived and now peppered that psychiatric diagnoses to her chest, and asked if she would
loved in the cottage for the are merely convenient prefer to be alone. “No, thank you,
past 32 years, so we might
with information labels, rather than verifiable doctor,” she gasped. “But can you make
just as well take this oppor- about me in facts, none the less it seems sure they wash the cups up after I’ve
tunity to plan for our own to me that even the concept gone?”
old age.
support of the of “psychotic depression” is The vicar came and went, twice,
That should be the end accusation a fudge, deliberately water- and I popped in and out between
of this distressing episode. ing down a diagnosis that surgeries. Some distant nieces and
But I doubt it. In a couple of years the might be considered politically rather than nephews phoned up. At 5 pm she asked
perpetrator will more than likely be back in clinically incorrect. Did paranoid schizo- for tea in her beaker and sucked on
the community, after “treatment,” and he phrenia disappear with the first whiff of some toast. At a quarter past she
might do it again. genetic inheritance? For that matter, what- breathed her last.
I weep for my son Robin. He, of all our ever happened to just plain wickedness? The undertakers nodded a greeting
children, has loved the cottage all his life to me and began to load her up on their
Has the pendulum of psychiatric diagnosis
with an unswerving passion. But the other portable stretcher. “Nice place,” they
swung so far that patients are now abused as
object of his desire has said that she muttered, indicating the view from the
much in one direction as they were
window. “Did well to stay put, didn’t
previously in the other? Are the concepts of
protection of disturbed individuals and pro-
If you would like to submit a personal view please
tection of society necessarily in opposition
send no more than 850 words to the Editor, BMJ,
BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H to each other? Trisha Greenhalgh general practitioner,
9JR or email
Robert Lefever, general practitioner, London

BMJ VOLUME 321 14 OCTOBER 2000 969

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