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Week 2 Journal

Akashdeep Singh


NY - Introduction to Tourism Indust: TO1S2

Week 2 Journal

Due Date: September 22, 2021

Week 2 Journal

The private sector can be referred to as the citizen sector. This sector of business is operated by

individuals or group of individuals as a mean of gaining profit and activities of this sector is focused on

earning money. The private sector is not controlled by the state. The public sector, on the other hand,

can be defined as the sector in the control of governments and publicly funded agencies to deliver goods

and services. Both of these sectors have their roles and contributions in the tourism industry.

The private sector plays a vital role in the development and growth of the tourism industry. The

main role of the private sector is an investment of time and finances to improve the tourism industry.

Most of the destinations all around the world take the help of the private sector to promote the

destinations by conducting events, concerts, launching training or development programs. This way,

destinations also generate revenues with the help of organizations of the private sector. One example of

this is British Airways sponsoring the Olympics, Emirates sponsoring Arsenal Football Club etcetera.

The public sector provides basic services to the tourism sector. These basic services include

public utilities such as water, gas, power, transportation etcetera. For example, to move tourists from one

destination to another, public transportation is used. Government channel its funds to improve these

services and make tourism better. These funds are being used to maintain roads, highways, constructing

bus terminals, railway stations etcetera.

Both of these sectors are contributing towards the betterment of the tourism industry. Each of the

two sectors has its advantages and disadvantages but, in the end, it is required to come up with ideas in

which both sectors can efficiently contribute and can work together as a team to achieve a common goal,

to make the tourism industry more efficient.

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