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Contents ▘State Summaries -- pg 33

The following pages contain supplemental rules for the
Savage Mass Effect Campaign Setting. They are presented
▘Starship Rules -- pg 34
in the following order:

▘Getting Started -- pg 2

▘Characters -- pg 3

▘Races -- pg 4 Getting Started

Here’s what else you need to begin your journey…
▘Traits -- pg 6

▘Skills -- pg 7 Dice
Savage Worlds uses traditional gaming dice: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,

▘Hindrances -- pg 11 and 20-sided. You also need a special “Wild Die,” a d6 of a

different color explained in Chapter Three. Dice are
▘Edges -- pg 11

▘Rules -- pg 18
▘Powers -- pg 21
available from your favorite local gaming store, or online

▘Drones -- pg 24 directly from Pinnacle.

We abbreviate the different dice as d4, d6, d8, d10, d12,
▘Equipment -- pg 25 and d20. If you see something like 2d6 + 1, that means to

roll two six-sided dice, add the two together, then add 1 to Hindrances

the total. Hindrances are flaws, drawbacks, or dark secrets drawn

from a character’s backstory. You can take up to 4

The Action Deck advancement points of Hindrances. A Major Hindrance is

Savage Worlds uses a standard deck of playing cards with worth 2 advancement points, and a Minor is worth 1. A

the Jokers left in. Cards are used for initiative in combat hero could thus take two Major Hindrances, four Minor, or

and to help keep things moving fast and furious. Look for any combination that adds up to 4 points. (You can take

official Savage Worlds Action Decks for both the core game more Hindrances if you want but the maximum benefit is 4

and most of our Savage Settings! points!). These points don’t increase your Rank.
Taking Hindrances not only helps you defne and roleplay

Bennies your hero, but also gives you additional points you can use
Tokens of some sort represent “Bennies” (American slang to start with additional attribute or skill points, or Edges.
for “benefits”). These can be used to reroll dice, prevent See the Advancement section below for details.
damage, and much more, all described on page 89
Characters are defined by attributes and skills, collectively
called “Traits,” and both work in exactly the same way.
Attributes and skills are ranked by die types, typically from
d4 to d12, with d6 being the average for adult humans.
Higher is better!

cters Attributes
Every character starts with a d4 in each of five attributes:
Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor (see page XX)
You then have 5 points to increase your attributes.
Great heroes are more than a collection of numbers, but in Raising a d4 to a d6, for example, costs 1 point. You’re free

a game system this is certainly where they begin. to spend these points however you like, except that no
attribute may ever be raised above a d12 unless a racial
Race ability says otherwise (such as Attribute Increase, page 18).
You can choose to play any race available in the Savage If it does, each increase beyond a d12 adds a +1 modifier.
Mass Effect campaign setting, listed on page 9. Increasing a d12 Strength two steps, for example, is a
Strength score of d12 + 2.

Skills Parry is equal to 2 plus half your character’s Fighting die
Skills are learned abilities such as firing weapons, hand-to- type (a total of 2 if a character doesn’t have Fighting), plus
hand combat, scientific knowledge, professional aptitudes, any bonuses for shields or certain weapons. This is the
and so on. Skills in Savage Worlds are very broad to keep Target Number (TN) to hit your hero in melee combat.
the action simple and straightforward. The Shooting skill, For Fighting skills higher than d12, such as d12 + 1, add
for example, covers all types of guns, bows, rocket half the fixed modifier, rounded down. For instance,
launchers, and other ranged weapons. Fighting d12 + 1 grants a Parry of 8, while Fighting d12 + 2
Core Skills: Five skills are marked with a red star in the results in a Parry of 9.
list that begins on page 29: Athletics, Common Knowledge, Size: A hero’s default Size is 0 unless altered by racial
Notice, Persuasion, and Stealth. These are “innate” abilities abilities, Edges, or Hindrances. It cannot be less than -1 or
most adult adventurers have. Unless a racial ability (page more than +3. Toughness is your hero’s damage threshold.
18), Edge, or Hindrance says otherwise, your character Damage rolls that equal or exceed this number cause harm
starts with a d4 in each of these five core skills. (explained later in Chapter Three).
Buying Skills: After core skills are assigned, you have 12 Toughness is 2 plus half your hero’s Vigor, plus Armor
additional points to raise core skills or buy and raise new (use the armor worn on his torso—see page 69). Vigor over
skills as you see ft. Each die type costs 1 point (starting at a d12 is calculated just like Parry, above.
d4) as long as the skill is equal to or less than the attribute Cyber Implants is a unique Statistics for Savage Mass
it’s linked to (listed beside the skill in parentheses, in the Effect, and is half your Spirit. This number determines the
list starting on page 58). If you exceed the linked attribute, number of implants you can safely install.
the cost becomes 2 points per die type.
Skill Maximums: Skills may not be increased above d12 Gear
during character creation. If the skill starts with a d6, Savage Mass Effect uses a separate set of rules for starting
increase her maximum to d12 + 1. For example, Quarians gear, as well as purchasing gear later on. See the sections
start with a d6 in Repair, which means their repair skill may below on Encumbrance, Wealth, and Equipment for details.
be increased to d12 + 1.
Background Details
Derived Statistics Finish your new hero by filling in any additional history or
Your character sheet contains a few other statistics you background you care to. Ask yourself why she’s where she is
need to fill in, described below. and what her goals are. Where does she live? Does she
Pace is how fast your character moves in tactical have any close friends or family who might be relevant to
situations like combat. Standard Pace is 6, which means six the game? Or just start playing and fll in these details as
tabletop inches per game round. Each inch is two yards in they become important and you walk around in her shoes a
the real world. Movement is explained in detail on page 92. bit.

You also want to talk to the other players. Maybe your ▘Spirit: Inner strength and willpower.
characters know each other right from the start. Or you ▘Strength: Raw muscle power.
might collectively decide to optimize your group a bit and ▘Vigor: Endurance, health, and constitution.
ensure you’ve got a good assortment of skills and abilities.

Advancement ▘Academics (Smarts): Academics reflects knowledge of the

One of the many great aspects of role playing games is social sciences, law, history, archaeology, and similar fields.

advancing your character, watching her grow from a Novice ▘Athletics (Strength): Used for powerful physical feats

to a Legendary hero. (climbing, swimming, jumping), as well as running.

Each advance gives you 2 points that lets a character do ▘Biotics (smarts): Used for biotic power rolls with Edge.

one of the following. Remember that no Trait may be raised ▘Battle (Smarts): Used for strategy and tactics while

above its racial maximum (usually d12). commanding squads, troops, or ship crew.
For 1 advancement point you can:
▘Common Knowledge (Smarts): General Information about
• Gain another skill point
local culture and important people, places, and events.
For 2 advancement points you can:
▘Engineer (Smarts): Use for creating and repairing ships,
• Raise an attribute one die type (This option may only be
machines, robots, armor, weapons, etc.
taken once per Rank)
▘Fighting (Agility): Used for close-combat.
• Choose an Edge
▘Healing (Smarts): Used for treating wounds, injuries, and
• Increase a skill that is equal to or greater than its linked
diseases, and conducting forensic analysis.
attribute one die type.
▘Intimidation (Spirit): Used for tests of will and coercion.
• Permanently remove a Minor Hindrance, or reduce a
▘Notice (Smarts): Useful for spotting, searching,
Major Hindrance to a Minor (if possible). With the GM’s
observation, and tracking.
permission, and if it makes sense, two Advances may be
▘Persuasion (Spirit): Used for gaining allies with charm,
saved up and spent to remove a Major Hindrance.
guile, or earnest debate
Sum ▘Piloting (Agility): Used for piloting and maneuvering small
mary RTrait
craft and vehicles
Summary ▘Research (Smarts): Used for researching new information.
Attributes Trait
▘Science (Smarts): Those with this skill have studied
▘Agility: Nimbleness, dexterity, and overall physical
various hard sciences such as geology, xenobiology,
coordination of muscles and reflexes.
chemistry, astrophysics, or other “hard” sciences.
▘Smarts: Raw intellect, perception, and ability to sort and
▘Ship Ops (Smarts): Used for operating ship crew
make use of complex information.
stations .▘Shooting (Agility): Used for ranged combat

▘Stealth (Agility): Used for Hiding and Infiltrating Drell

▘Taunt (Smarts): Used for tests of will, or distraction. The drell are a reptile-like race of refugees that were

▘Tech (Smarts): Used for operating, hacking, and rescued from their dying homeworld by the Hanar. They

programing computer devices or cybernetic machines. Can are often found among urban populations across the

use for Tech powers with Edge. galaxy.

▘Eidetic Memory: Drell can recall memories with perfect

Races clarity, able to relive a previous experiences many times

over. They start each session with an additional benny.

▘Dense Muscle Tissue: Start with a d6 in Fighting. This

increases their maximum Fighting to d12 + 1.

The Mass Effect Campaign setting dozens of different ▘Refugee: Drell have the Streetwise Edge
species, though not all are fit for a life of adventuring. When ▘Limited Education:. Drell start with 10 skill points.
making a character, you may select one of the following:
▘Humidity Aversion: Drell must wear environment sealed
Asari suits in humid regions or become diseased.
The first race to achieve spaceflight, the asari are the most
▘Traumatic Recall. Whenever a drell character rolls a 1 on
well respected race in the galaxy. They are known for their
their wild die, they take a -2 to all trait rolls for 1 hour. The
elegance, diplomacy, and biotic aptitude.
duration can stack, but the penalty remains at -2.
▘Natural Biotic: Asari are able to utilize biotics without a Geth
bio-amp implant. They start with the Biotics Edge. The Geth are a networked AI that rebelled against their
quarian creators. Freed from the control from the reapers,
Batarian they are at a ceasefire with the rest of galactic society.
A race of four-eyed bipeds, the batarians are a disreputable ▘Synthetic: The Geth are not organic, and don’t suffer their
species that chose to isolate themselves from the galaxy. limitations. They add +2 to recover from being Shaken,
They are mostly found among crews of pirates and slavers. ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don’t breathe, and are
▘Strong Willed: Batarians are cunning negotiators, and immune to fear, disease and poison. Wounds are mended
stubborn diplomats. Gain the Strong Willed Edge via the Repair skill. Each attempt takes one hour per

▘Sentry: Having four eyes, Batarians rarely miss anything. current Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour”.

Batarians gain +2 to Notice that utilize vision. ▘Networked AI: In linking to a collective, Geth have to a

▘Arrogant: Gain the Arrogance hinderance large array of information that can be shared in an instant.
Geth gain the Jack of All Trades Edge.

▘Limited Autonomy Geth characters start with only 8 skill
points, and do not start with any interests.

▘Artificial Body: Geth’s cyber limit is increased by 3.

▘Artificial Mind: Geth cannot use Biotic powers.

▘Artificial Culture: Geth subtract 2 from Common

Knowledge, Persuasion, Intimidation, and Taunt rolls.

▘Power Cells: A Geth must recharge its reserve power

every 24 hours. During this time, it powers down into
‘Standby’ mode. It is only able to make Notice rolls, and
must take an action to re-activate. A Geth must spend a
number of hours equal to half its Vigor die to recharge.

Human ▘Scrapper: All Quarians have some training with repairs.
Humans are the newest species to enter galactic Quarians start with a d6 in the Repair skill. This increases
civilization, and have risen quickly among the galactic the maximum Repair to 1d12 + 1.
circles of power, especially after the reaper wars.
▘Spaceborn: Quarians have the Spaceborn edge.
▘Adaptable: Humans carry more diversity than any other
▘Cyber Adept: Quarians increase their cyber limit by 1.
race in the galaxy, and gain one additional Novice Edge at
▘Immune Deficient: Quarians’ immune systems cannot
character creation.
handle foreign bacteria. Quarians have the Anemic
▘Ambitious: Start with a d4 in one skill of their choice.
Hinderance (though any environmental suit they where
▘Outsider: Gain the Minor Outsider Hindrance protects them from most infections while functional).

▘Frail Body: Quarians bodies have deteriorated over the

years. They subtract 1 from all Vigor rolls.
Krogans are a race of large bipedal reptiles that were
uplifted by the salarians and utilized as soldiers before
Salarians are a race of amphibious bipeds that possess an
rebelling and surviving a galactic plague.
amazing intellect, and low life expectancy. They are known
▘Powerful: Krogans are incredibly strong, have multiple
for their creativity and aptitude for research and
organs, and are able to survive brutal conditions. They start
with both a d8 Strength AND a d8 Vigor instead of d4s. This
▘Photographic Memory: Salarians start with a d6 in Smarts
increases their maximum Strength and Vigor to d12 + 2.
instead of a d4.This increases maximum Smarts to d12 + 1.
▘Large: Krogans are also bigger than the average foe.
▘Fast Thinker: Salarians can process a lot of information
Their size (and therefore toughness) are increased by 1.
quickly and calmly. They have the Quick Edge.
▘Dim: Krogan are far from the brightest. They subtract 2
▘Small Frame: Salarians are physically weak. They subtract
from all Smarts rolls (but not linked attributes).
1 from all Strength rolls (but not linked attributes).
▘Simple: Krogan start with only 10 skill points.

▘Slow: Krogan gain a -1 to Pace and running rolls. Turian

▘Ornery: Subtract 1 from Persuasion rolls. Turians are a race of militaristic avian bipeds, known for
their disciplined and imperial culture. They are honorable,
Quarian though rigid, and provide most of the security in the galaxy.
The quarians are a race of nomadic spacefarers,
▘Turian Discipline: Turians are taught to serve the greater
engineers, and technologists who were forced from their
good. They start with a d6 in Spirit instead of a d4.This
home, Rannoch, by their own AI creations, the geth.
increases maximum Spirit to d12 + 1.

▘Civil Service: Turians gain a d4 in one skill of your choice.

▘Swift: +1 to Pace and Athletics rolls to Run

▘Loyalty: Gain the Loyalty hinderance

▘Restrictive Diet (Quirk): Turians require food compatible

with their dextro-amino based genetic code, and will enter
anaphylactic shock if they ingest levo-amino acid based
food eaten by other biological forms.

The volus are a short bipedal race from Irune. Known for
the aptitude with finance and mercantilism, they serve as a
client race to the turian hierarchy, and other citadel races.

▘Client-Race: Start with the Connections Edge

▘Resourceful: You start with a d8 Wealth die, and you gain

a +1 bonus to Wealth rolls.

▘Sturdy: +4 to resist high-gravity and/or pressure..

▘Small: Volus stand only barely over 3 feet tall. They

decrease their size by 1

▘Maladapted: When not in their own environment or in a

pressurized environment suit, they become diseased.

▘Stunted: Volus have a pace of 5, and subtract 1 from

Athletic rolls to run.

she can take before she can’t go on. It is most often used to

Traits resist Fatigue effects, and as the basis for the derived stat
of Toughness.

Using Attributes
Characters are defined by their “Traits,” attributes and skills Attributes are used to:
ranked by die types. A d6 is average, while higher die types • Determine how fast skills increase during Advancement.
reflect much greater ability. • Limit access to Edges (SWADE page 37).
Attributes are primarily passive or innate abilities used • Derive statistics such as Toughness or melee damage.
for resisting effects like fear or supernatural attacks. • Resist effects such as being grappled or counter powers,
Skills are used to actively do things or affect others. or social attacks such as Taunt or Intimidation.
Exceptions occur, but these are the foundational Skills
differences between the two concepts. Heroes have 12 points to buy skills during character
creation. A skill that’s below the linked attribute (noted in
Attributes parentheses beside the skill name) is cheaper to increase
Attributes don’t directly affect skill rolls. Savage Worlds than one that’s at or above it. See page 55 for Character
treats learned knowledge and training as the most relevant Creation and page 54 for Advancement.
and direct factors. A high attribute allows one to increase a Core skills are marked with a red star, and start at d4 for
skill faster and opens up options to Edges that greatly player characters (see page 10). Characters can attempt
differentiate two characters with the same skill. skills they don’t have but it’s more difficult. See Unskilled
Every character starts with a d4 in each of five attributes: Attempts on page 89.
Agility is a measure of a character’s nimbleness, dexterity, Power skills are marked with a blue diamond, and start at
and general coordination. a d4 after a character takes the associated background
Smarts measures raw intelligence, mental acuity, and edge. These skills are used exclusively for power rolls.
how fast a heroine thinks on her feet. It’s used to resist
certain types of mental and social attacks.
Academics (Smarts)
Spirit is self-confidence, grit, and willpower. It’s used to Academics reflects knowledge of the liberal arts, social
resist social and supernatural attacks as well as fear. sciences, literature, history, archaeology, and similar fields.
Strength is physical power and fitness. It’s also used as If an explorer wants to remember when the Mayan
the basis of a warrior’s damage in hand-to-hand combat, calendar ended or cite a line from Macbeth, this is the skill
and to determine how much he can wear or carry. to have.
Vigor represents an individual’s endurance, resistance to
disease, poison, or toxins, and how much physical damage

✭ Athletics (Agility) synthetic, or starship stations and modules. It also covers
Athletics combines an individual’s coordination with the use of demolitions and explosives.
learned skills such as climbing, jumping, balancing, biking, How long a Repair roll takes is up to the GM and the
wrestling, skiing, swimming, throwing, or catching. complexity of the task. Fixing a wound on a basic electronic
Characters who rely on physical power more than ship part may take an hour, but repairing a complicated
coordination can take the Brute Edge (page 38) to link this robotic mech may take 8 hours.
skill to Strength instead of Agility. Success means the item is functional. A raise on the
Repair roll halves the time required.
Battle (Smarts)
Batle is an individual’s command of strategy and tactics. It
Fighting (Agility)
can be used for general military knowledge and is critical Fighting covers all hand-to-hand (melee) attacks, whether
when commanding troops in Mass Battles (see page 131) it’s with fists, omni-blades, or martial arts. See Chapter
Three for the combat rules and a list of various maneuvers.
✦ Biotics (Spirit)
Biotics is unique skill learned by a small subset of highly
Healing (Smarts)
trained individuals. Most biotics users are military Healing has multiple uses, from treating Wounds to
operatives or soldiers, and are able to control dark matter diagnosing diseases and analyzing forensic evidence.
to create mass effect fields during combat. See page 96 for rules on mending and treating Wounds,
and page 128 for treatment of disease or poison.
Bureaucracy (Smarts) Forensics: Healing can also be used to analyze evidence
Bureaucracy represents your ability to maneuver effectively that relates to anatomical trauma, including cause and time
in administrative systems and political institutions, such as of death, angle of attack, etc. Success provides basic
arguing law, or reviewing contracts. Bureaucracy is crucial information and a raise increases the details uncovered.
for dealing with civilized society.

✭ Common Knowledge (Smarts) Intimidation (Spirit)

Characters roll Common Knowledge to know people, Intimidation is the art of frightening an opponent so that he
places, and things of their world, including etiquette, backs down, reveals information, or flees.
geography, culture, popular technology, contacts, and Intimidation is an opposed roll resisted by the opponent’s
customs. Spirit. In combat, this is a Test (see page SWADE 108). Out of
combat, a successful roll means the foe backs down for the
Engineering (Smarts) most part, reveals some information, or slinks away when
Repair is the ability to take apart and/or fix mechanical
the opportunity presents itself. A raise might mean he backs
gadgets, vehicles, weapons, and electronic systems,

down for the remainder of the scene, spills all the beans, or Success conveys basic information—the character hears
runs away as fast as he can. movement in the forest, smells distant smoke, or senses
In or out of combat, a Critical Failure means the target is someone isn’t being completely truthful.
immune to this character’s Intimidation attempts for the A raise grants more detail, such as the direction of a
remainder of this encounter! sound or odor or what topic a person is avoiding.
Networking: Intimidation can also be used as a “macro”
skill to simulate several hours of working the streets. See
Networking on page 133 to see how to crack some heads
for favors or information.

✭ Notice (Smarts)
Notice is a hero’s general awareness and alertness. It’s used
to sense sights, sounds, tastes, and smells, spot clues, detect
ambushes, spot hidden weapons on a foe, or tell if a rival is
lying, frightened, happy, etc.

✭ Persuasion (Spirit)
Persuasion is the ability to convince others to do what you
Piloting (Agility)
want through reason, cajoling, deception, rewards, or other Piloting allows a character to maneuver airplanes,
friendly means. Persuasion isn’t mind control. It can change helicopters, jet packs, or spaceships. Rules for Chases and
someone’s attitude but not their goals. A bandit may let you vehicular combat can be found in Chapter Four. A being
keep a sentimental piece of jewelry with a good Persuasion with the innate ability to fly (he has wings, for example)
roll but still takes all your other goods. uses Athletics instead.
When used to Support allies (page 106) it’s an unopposed
roll. If the target is resistant, it’s an opposed roll vs. the
target’s Spirit. The GM should modify the roll as she sees ft
based on roleplaying, any pertinent Edges or Hindrances
that affect the conversation, and the circumstances.
Reaction Level: How much a person is willing to
cooperate depends largely on their attitude toward REACTION TABLE
whoever’s talking to them. The Game Master can decide 2d6 System

how nonplayer characters feel based on the setting, or roll Hostile: The target is openly hostile. He may attack if
possible, or otherwise betray, report on, or hinder the party
on the Reaction Table (see sidebar) if she has no 2
at the first opportunity. He doesn’t help without an
preconceived notions. overwhelming reward or threat of some kind.
Only one roll should generally be allowed per interaction Unfriendly: The character isn’t interested in helping unless
unless the situation chances (new information is revealed, a 3 he has little choice and/or is offered a substantial payment
or reward
a substantial reward is offered, etc).
Uncooperative: The target doesn’t want to be involved
Success improves the target’s attitude one level and a 4-5
unless there’s a great advantage to himself
raise improves it two. Further increases aren’t generally
Neutral: The character has no particular attitude toward the
possible in the same encounter—it takes individuals a little 6-8 group. He expects fair payment for any sort of favor or
time to adjust their biases. information.

Failure means the target won’t change his mind this Cooperative: The character is generally sympathetic. He
helps if he can for a small fee, favor, or kindness.
scene or until the situation changes in some important way.
Friendly: The individual goes out of his way for the hero.
A Critical Failure also reduces the target’s attitude two
11 Does simple tasks for very little, and willing to do more
levels. dangerous tasks for fair pay or other favors.
Networking: Characters can also use Persuasion as a Helpful: The target is anxious to help the hero and probably
“macro skill,” simulating a few hours or an evening’s time does so for little or no reward.

hobnobbing and socializing to gain favors or information.

See Networking on page 133.
Research (Smarts) Ship Ops (Smarts)
A character skilled in Research knows how to make good Abbreviated for Shipboard Operations, this skill is used for
use of local and network data archives to find intel. managing an array of different electronic and mechanical
The amount of time this takes is up to the GM and the systems onboard a starship. While not encompassing,
situation. Finding something on the extranet might be stations and modules that don’t require other specialized
possible in a combat round. Looking through compressed skills (such as Science or Piloting) will likely use Ship Ops.
data archives, or digging up background information on an A successful Ship Ops roll is determined by the different
individual may take hours. station and action being performed (see Starships).
Success finds basic information and a raise provides more
detail. Failure means the researcher doesn't do anything. Shooting (Agility)
A Critical Failure might mean the researcher finds Shooting covers all attempts to hit a target with a ranged
plausible but incorrect information, triggers the notice of weapon such as a bow, pistol, or rocket launcher (thrown
some opposed entity or faction, or she might even weapons use Athletics, page 29). See Chapter Three for
accidentally destroy the source. The GM is encouraged to details on ranged combat.
be creative when such a mishap occurs, perhaps forcing the
party to approach the situation in a different way. ✭ Stealth (Agility)
Related Skills: If a character has a skill that relates Stealth is the ability to hide and move quietly. A success on

directly to the subject he’s researching, he can use that a Stealth roll means the character avoids detection if

instead of Research. An explorer with Academics d10 and enemies aren’t particularly alert. If the character fails the

Research d6, for example, rolls a d10 when investigating roll, the enemy realizes something is amiss and begins

Prothean texts at a ruin. If he later searches for the location actively searching for whatever roused them.

of artifacts from that site, he rolls his Research instead. Once foes are alerted and active, Stealth is opposed by

Note: Research may only provide the clues, especially in Notice (a group roll if there are many foes, see page 89).

a mystery-heavy game. Putting the clues together from the The GM should apply any penalties to Notice rolls for

information gathered is up to the players darkness, cover, noise, distractions, and powers. Sneaking
through dry leaves might subtract 2 from the Stealth roll,

Science (Smarts) for example, while spotting someone in the dark uses the
Those with this skill have studied various hard sciences Illumination penalty listed on page 102 (-4). Don’t apply the
such as biology, xenobiology, chemistry, geology, same modifier to both rolls, however. If Stealth is at -2 for
engineering, or any other “hard” science. the leaves, don’t give Notice a +2 for them as well.
A successful Science roll reveals basic information about a Sneak Attack: Sneaking up close enough to make a melee
topic, and a raise grants more details. attack always requires an opposed Stealth roll versus the

target’s Notice, whether the guard is actively looking for Hacking: Hacking is the skill used to create programs and
trouble or not. If successful, the victim is Vulnerable (page “hack” into secured systems. Use of this skill requires an
100) to the attacker, but only until the attacker’s turn ends. Omni-tool or other computer interface of some sort.
With a raise, the attacker has The Drop (page 100) instead. Most tasks are a simple Hacking roll. The amount of time
Movement: In combat, characters roll Stealth each turn it takes is determined by the GM, from a single action to
as a free action at the end of their move or any action the hours, days, or even months depending on the complexity
GM thinks might draw attention. of the project. Success means the attempt works as desired
Out of combat, the distance moved depends entirely on and a raise halves the time required. Failure usually just
the situation. The GM might want a roll every minute if the means the hacker must try again, while a Critical Failure
group is sneaking around the perimeter of a defensive may mean the system locks the user out, issues an alarm, or
position, or every few miles if they’re trying to quietly walk enacts another countermeasure of some sort.
the path through a dark forest without alerting the Tech Powers: While many creatures know how to utilize
creatures that live there Omni-tools and simple electronics, characters with the
Battle Tech edge can utilize Tech Powers (pg XX), using

Taunt (Smarts) their Tech skill die.

Taunt attacks a person’s pride through ridicule, cruel jests,
or one upmanship.
Taunt is an opposed roll resisted by the opponent’s
Smarts. In combat, this is a Test (see page 108).
Out of combat, success means the defender backs down,
nces E
slinks away, or starts a fight. A raise might leave the victim
cowed for the remainder of the scene, or make her storm Hindrances
Hindrances are character flaws and physical handicaps that
out of the area fuming or even in tears, or atack her
occasionally make life a little tougher for your hero. The
tormentor recklessly (perhaps with a Wild Atack on the frst
following are additional Hindrances available in the Savage
round of combat).
Mass Effect Campaign Setting.
A Critical Failure means the target is immune to this
character’s Taunts for the remainder of the encounter
Cyber Intolerance (Minor)
Your body can ́t take much cyberware. Subtract 2 from your
✦ Tech (Smarts) Cyber Limit.
Tech is the ability to manipulate computer-based
technology - ranging from network data, AI software,
cybernetics, and omni-tool modules. There are two special
aspects of the Tech skill:
Debt (Minor / Major) Edges

You owe a huge debt to someone who intends to collect, Below is a list of Edges available for the Mass Effect

one way or the other. If it is a minor debt, have a -2 to campaign setting. The Edges are grouped by type to help

wealth rolls, but you still have time to repay the debt or can during character creation. Unless an Edge specifically says

persuade the debtor not to collect immediately by doing otherwise, it may only be selected once.

favors or working the debt off. As a major hindrance, you ► Requirements: Below each Edge are any skills and Rank
have a -4 to resource rolls, and the payment date is long required to take it. A Novice character can’t buy a
overdue. There may be a bounty or a warrant to arrest you Legendary Edge, for instance. A character may always
for your debt. Someone is actively looking for you. purchase an Edge of a Rank lower than his.

► Improved Edges: Some Edges have improved effects if

Organization Dependent (Minor/Major) you purchase additional “levels” in them, such as Attractive
You are a member of or dependent on the support of a and Very Attractive, or Rich and Filthy Rich. To buy an
specific organization. While that might have some positive Improved Edge, you must have all previous versions.
effects it has also many bad ones. You are required to
dedicate time to the organization and carry out orders
Background Edges
given by your superiors. As a minor hindrance the time
These Edges are hereditary and background advantages or
required is minimal and you will only occasionally be asked
learned responses that develop in a character after
to accept jobs from the organization. Not completing these
prolonged training or exposure to certain events. Players
tasks can lead to serious consequences. As a major
can choose these Edges after character creation but the
hindrance, neglecting your duties can lead to disastrous
Game Master might require a little more rationalization. An
and possibly life threatening consequences.
individual might choose the Attractive Edge, for example,
by cleaning herself up, getting a makeover, and generally
Space Sick (Minor / Major) paying more attention to her looks.
You become ill and disoriented when in Zero-G
environments. Whenever you enter an area without gravity
Advanced Hardware
you become Shaken. Once you are unshaken you still suffer
Requirements: Geth, Novice, Vigor d8+, Smarts d6+
a further -1 to your rolls during combat in the following
Geth often have specialized sub-routines for tech software..
rounds. As a Major hindrance the penalty is -2
Reduce the Multi-Action Penalty for your tech roll by 2.

Alliance Training
Requirements: Human, Novice, Smarts d6+

Alliance training helps hone specialist training. Increase While not a powerful as Asari, Drell biotics are adept at
wild die of you racial skill of your choice to a d8 utilizing biotic power with little concentration. Reduce the
Multi-Action Penalty for your biotics roll by 2.

Armitage Legion
Requirements: Turian, Novice, Spirit d10+ Cyber Tolerance
Requirements: Novice, Spirit +d6
Turian legionnaires excel at operating under fire. You can
take one action at a -2 on any turn that you shaken. You are much more resilient to Cyberware than the average
person. You increase your cyber limit by 2.
Asari Huntress
Requirements: Asari, Novice, Spirit
d8+, Biotics d8+
Requirements: Novice, Strength and Vigor d6+
Asari Huntresses are formidable
You’ve been conditioned to operate with additional loads
biotic warriors. Your hero adds a +2
and little rest. You may ignore up to three points of fatigue
bonus to damage rolls against
or encumbrance penalties.
targets that are either Lifted or
Flotilla Pilgrim
Requirements: Quarian, Novice, Smarts d6+
Batarian Enforcer
Requirements: Batarian, Novice, Quarians are seasoned spacefarers, and are highly efficient

Smarts d6+ starship mechanics. They may ignore up to three points of

penalties to Ship Ops or Repair rolls as a result of
Batarians are highly valued for
insufficient crew, or Critical Hit malfunctions.
sentry duty. You can make a Notice
roll at -2 to avoid being surprised
by an attack.
Requirements: Novice,
Agility d6+
The hero’s Pace is increased
Requirements: Novice, Special
by +2 they gain a +2
You gain the ability to use Biotic powers, and may utilize
Athletics rolls while running.
the Biotics skill. You learn 2 powers of your choice when
you first gain this edge.
Irunian Merchant
Requirements: Volus,
Biotic Mercenary Novice, Smarts d6+
Requirements: Drell, Novice, Spirit d8+, Agility d6+
Many off-world Volus are well connected with merchant
consortiums and trade associations. You gain the Rich Edge.
In addition, you gain a d8 Wealth Wild die.

Irunian Auxiliary
Requirements: Volus, Novice, Vigor d8+, Spirit d6+

Volus auxiliary are trained to engage in subterfuge and

misdirection prior to turian reinforcement. You gain a +2 to
Stealth and Taunt rolls as well as Smarts-based Tests.

Krogan Battlemaster
Requirements: Krogan, Novice, Smarts d6, Biotics or Tech
d6+, Krogan Berserker

Some krogan can utilize powerful abilities while in a blood

rage. You can use biotic/tech powers while berserk, and
may spend 3 power points to start or end berserk.

Krogan Berserker another level of Fatigue and the rage ends. She may also
Requirements: Novice, Krogan, Spirit d6+ choose to end her rage at any time by making a Smarts roll
Krogan Berserkers become wild and nearly uncontrollable (as a free action; possibly avoiding Fatigue if she manages
when the “blood rage” takes them, but they are deadly to end her rage before it’s incurred!). Start the count anew if
killing machines as well! she goes berserk again, even in the same battle.

Immediately after suffering a Wound or a Shaken result

(from physical damage only), your must make a Smarts roll
or go Berserk. You can choose to fail this check if you’d like.

Going Berserk has the following effects:

▘FURY: The character’s Strength increases a die type and

every melee attack must be a Wild Atack (see page 109).
She cannot use any skills that require wit or concentration

(GM’s call). She may scream out threats and use

Intimidation, for example.

▘ENRAGED: Adrenaline and rage fuel the berserker’s

muscles, adding +2 to Toughness. She ignores one level of
Wound penalties (this stacks with any other abilities that
reduce Wound penalties).

Anytime a berserker rolls a
Critical Failure on a Fighting
check, she hits a random
target within range of her
atack (not the intended
target), friend or foe. If there
are no applicable targets, the
blow simply misses, smashes
nearby objects, etc.

After five consecutive

rounds of berserk fury, the
hero takes a level of Fatigue.
At ten rounds, she takes

Melding Salarian Specialist
Requirements: Asari, Novice, Spirit d6+ Requirements: Salarian, Novice, Smarts d8+

Asari are capable of unifying their nervous systems with Salarian operatives often have a field of expertise that they
other species. After completing a melding, your hero adds can leverage. Choose two interests you have. You gain a +2
+1 to support rolls with that creature, and others you’ve bonus to knowledge rolls related to those interests if they
melded with add +1 to support rolls with you. are generic, or +4 if they are specific.

N7 Marine
Requirements: Human, Novice, Vigor d8, Athletics d8+
SIU Agent
You gain an addition level of fatigue (your maximum Requirements: Batarian, Novice, Smarts d8+, Agility d6+
penalty is now -3).
Batarian SIU agents are trained and/or brutalized to
remove hesitation and uncertainty. Gain the Level-Headed
Quarian Machinist
Edge and you may keep up to two initiative cards at any
Requirements: Quarian, Novice, Smarts d8+, Hacking d8+,
time. When you take a turn, you may play any card in your
Repair d8+
hand, and during the next round, draw back up to max.
You gain a +2 bonus to Hacking and Repair skills related to
Synthetics, as well as damage against Synthetic creatures.
Specialized Platform
Requirements: Geth, Novice,
Resistance Vigor d6+
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+
Many geth have alternative forms,
This individual is particularly resistant to powers (Choose
constructed to fulfill specialized
either Biotic or Tech when you gain this Edge). She acts as if
rolls. Choose one of the following:
she had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing
▘Juggernaut: Your size (and
powers, and adds +2 to his Trait rolls when resisting
therefore toughness) increases by
opposed powers. You may choose this Edge multiple times,
1. You also gain a +1 bonus to
each time choosing either Tech or Biotics.
Strength rolls.

▘Stalker: Gain +2 to Athletics rolls,

Improved Resistance
and you may move at half your
Requirements: Novice, Resistance
pace along any vertical or
As above but Armor and resistance are increased to 4.
horizontal service.

▘Hunter: You gain a +2 bonus to Hacking, Stealth and
Notice rolls. Spaceborn
Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+

You are very adapted to living in space and do not receive

STG Agent the -2 modifier to physical actions when in Zero-G.
Requirements: Salarian, Novice,
Smarts d8+, Research d8+ Tech

Salarian STG agents always Requirements: Novice, Special

know more than they let on, You gain two Tech powers and may utilize the Tech skill.

and are able to leverage the

agencies knowledge base for Total Recall
almost any mission. When you Requirements: Drell, Novice, Spirit d6+

spend a benny to reroll a Drell operators often have an uncanny ability to recall
smarts-based roll, you can critical memories at moments of dire need. You may spend
make a Research roll, and use a benny to add a +2 to a roll, even after it has been made,
that result in its place. but before you know the result of that roll.

Turian Veteran
Requirements: Turian, Novice, Spirit d8+

Turian soldier discipline allows them to act quickly, even at

a disadvantage. You may spend a benny to act first in
initiative for the round, regardless of your action card.

Combat Edges
These edges are designed to enhance your ability to deal
damage, as well as take it, with weapons, powers, or other
items you might have available.

Requirements: Spirit d8+, Biotics d8+

Whenever you gain a raise on an Biotics roll, you can

reduce the power point cost by 1.

Adrenaline Rush Medic
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+ Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d10+, Healing d8+, Tech

You may spend a benny to ignore up to two points of Multi- d6+

Action penalties for the rest of the round. You may heal wounds on characters within Smarts x 5’ (you
must still have tools and/or medigel available). You can
revive a character if you can heal one wound within 1 round
of the characters death.

Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d10+, Nemesis
Biotic d8+ or Tech d8+, Vigor d6+ Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d10+, Biotics d8+,

You may use your biotics or tech die when you make a When you make a biotics roll, you may spend up to three

Shield roll. In addition, you may spend 4 power points in additional power points and increase to total result by 1

place of a shield point to attempt to soak with shields (you per power point spent. You cannot use this feature to

must have at least one shield point left). improve a critical failure.

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d10+, Notice d8+,
Shooting d8+

You may take the Aim action on

the same turn as you take the
Shooting action, as long as you
remain still.

Requirements: Smarts d8+,
Tech d8+

Reduce the maintenance

penalty on tech powers by 1.

Infiltrator Requirements: Strength d8+, Biotics d8+
Requirements: Smarts d8+, Agility d6+, Tech d6+ While maintaining a biotic power, you gain a +2 to your
You are not shaken when you roll a 1 on a Tech power roll. pace, as well as your fighting and strength rolls.

Operative Power Edges

Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d10, Tech d8+ Mastery of Biotics or Omni-tool Tech allows characters
When you spend power points to boost an Electronics access to powerful combat and utility abilities. These
power, reduce the cost by 1. powers can often help turn the tide in decisive
engagements, or provide an advantageous boon.

Requirements: Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Biotics d6+, Tech d6+ New Power
If you start a turn with no power points, you immediately Requirements: Novice, Tech or Biotics Background

gain 2 power points. You may learn a new power when you choose this edge
that is available to your background. you may take this
Shock Trooper edge multiple times.
Requirements: Seasoned, Vigor d10+, Spirit d6+, If you choose to learn the same power again, you may
Intimidate d8+ choose to utilize its Evolution feature.
You may spend a benny to gain the Hardy ability until the
start of your next turn. Improved Capacity
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+ or Spirit d8+,

Soldier You increase your maximum power points by 5

Requirements: Vigor
d8+, Agility d8+, Rapid Recharge
Athletics d6+ Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+ or Spirit d8+,

Reduce the Multi- This edge allows you to gain 1 additional power point
Action Penalty for whenever you perform the recharge action.
Running, Athletics,
Shooting, and Fighting
Improved Rapid Recharge
rolls by 1 Requirements: Veteran, Smarts d10+ or Spirit d10+,

Rapid Recharge

This edge allows you to gain 2 additional power points Soak rolls for any vehicle or vessel they control, using
whenever you perform the recharge action, instead of just 1 Piloting. Each success and raise negates a wound.

Power Mastery Bounty Hunter

Requirements: Veteran, Smarts d8+, Spirit d8+] Requirements: Smarts d6, Research d6+, Hacking d6+

When you take this edge, you no longer lose power points Bounty Hunters gain a +2 to all Common Knowledge,
when you fail a Tech or Biotic roll. Research, Hacking rolls relating to their current target, as
well as +2 to Persuasion and Intimidation rolls made while

Power Surge Networking. You can only have one target at a time. The

Requirements: Biotic or Tech Edge, Biotic or Tech d8+, bonus lasts until the target is found or captured.

This hero regains half their total power points when their
action card is a Joker. This may not exceed their usual limit.
Requirements: Spirit d8, Persuasion d8+, Intimidation d8+

While in command, your starship gains +2 to Spirit rolls to

recover from being shaken.
Professional Edges
Professional Edges are very special abilities that reflect
Requirements: Smarts d6+, Notice d6+, Persuasion d8+
many years of practicing a particular trade.
You receive +2 to Persuasion rolls and +2 on Notice rolls to
Players may purchase Professional Edges after character
determine if someone you are talking to is worried, lying,
creation, perhaps roleplaying the achievement by
hiding something etc. NPCs react better to you so you
practicing the affected trade during downtime or in
receive +1 on reaction
between adventures.
table rolls.
► Stacking: Bonuses to the same Trait from different
Professional Edges do not stack. Apply only the highest.
Engine Chief
Requirements: Smarts d8+,
Repair d8+, Ship Ops d8+
Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+
You’re adept at extracting
Aces are special pilots who feel more comfortable behind
maximum power from
the throttle than on their own two feet. Aces ignore two
starship engines and power
points of penalties to any Piloting rolls and Ship Ops rolls
reactors. You gain one free
when at the Helm, and may spend their Bennies to make
reroll on rolls related to
Engineering stations. While

on a ship, you may spend a benny to make a engineering
roll at -4. On a success you can negate a Critical Hit for an Helmsman
engagement. Requirements: Smarts d6+, Ship Ops d8+, Science d8+

Your hero as adept at handling a multitude of various

Gunny starship subsystems. You gain one a +2 bonus on Ship Ops
Requirements: Smarts d8+, Ship Ops d8+, Battle d8+ rolls or Science rolls regarding ship systems (such as signal

While operating a gunnery station, you can attempt a interpretation or astrogation).

called shot. When you make a ship attack roll, you may take
a -4 penalty. If you deal damage, and inflict a critical hit, Bridge Officer
you can choose the location. Requirements: Smarts d8+, Ship Ops d8+, Battle d6+

You add 1 to the bonus gained from support rolls from

crews under your command while operating a starship


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Hacking d8+

You are adept at retrieving electronic information from

otherwise secure networks, given time. You may use
Hacking in place of Research, as well as Persuasion and
Intimidate rolls while Networking.

Cyber Implants

Rules Characters have the option to install implants that allow

them to increase their base functionality and provide them
with additional functionality. A character can have a

In addition to the normal Savage Worlds Adventure Edition number of implants installed equal to half their Spirit die.

rules, the following options have been added, or in some Installing an implant is a costly and time consuming
cases altered for the Savage Mass Effect Campaign Setting. process, requiring a surgeon and a facility.

A character with at least one implant is considered

Encumbrance Cybernetic, and may suffer additional effects against
In the Mass Effect Setting, many small items characters certain attacks (see Shock and Depleted).
might need are nearly always accessible or crafted with Running
built in Omni-tools. As such, Encumbrance is usually only an Characters that choose to run roll their Athletics skill rather
issue with combat gear, or specialized utility items. In order than a d6 (this is still an action).
to simply this weight tracking, any item with measurable As this is now a trait roll, they can roll their wild die.
weight has a Bulk rating. Regardless of the result, a character cannot move more
A Character can stow a number of items with a Bulk than twice their pace in a round (except through other
equal to yourhalf Strength die. It takes an action to access enhancements).
any item that is stowed, though you can ready up to two
items as free actions on your turn. (see page 105). Interests
In addition to the knowledge skills (Academics, Battle,
Very small items do not count against your encumbrance
Common Knowledge, and Science) characters begin
limit. Other small items can be packed together in bulk, and
interests equal to half their smarts die.
treated as a stowed item. Particularly large or unwieldy
items may count as multiple items as listed in their When you make a knowledge check related to your

description or at the GM’s discretion. interest, you can gain a +1 bonus if the interest is general,
or a +2 bonus if the interest is specific. At the GM’s
Each Bulk stowed beyond your maximum imposes a -1
discretion, you may gain these bonuses when using certain
Encumbrance penalty (subtracting 1 from your Pace,
other skills (such as healing, security, or engineering).
Athletics rolls, Agility rolls and all linked skills, Vigor rolls
made to Resist Fatigue, and Power rolls). You cannot carry Characters can spend advancement points to gain extra

more than 3 points of Encumbrance beyond your maximum. interests, at a rate of one per interest. You can have a
maximum number of interests equal to your Smarts die.

Kinetic Shields Afterward, the defender rolls on the Suit Malfunction
Many characters and combatants in the Mass Effect world Table (see below), and suffers the listed penalty until the
are armed with Kinetic shields, composed of small emitters armor can be either repaired or replaced. Suit Malfunctions
in armor (see gear) that produce mass effect fields to take 4d6 hours to repair, and require proper tools.
reduce the damage done by high velocity projectiles.

When a character takes a wound, they can make a shield

Suit Malfunctions
roll with their Shield die and their wild die. For each success 2d6 System
(and raise), they take one less wound and instead deplete OMNI-TOOL: Your suits omni tool malfunctions, impacting
their shields by one level per wound negated. (see several subsystems. Roll 1d6:
(1) Glitched: You suffer a -2 to rolls with Omni Equipment
depleted). A character can make a shield roll against any
(including attack and damage rolls with Omni
number of attacks, as long as they have at least one shield
2-3 weapons, and Tech Powers), You also reduce the RoF
point remaining. Any wounds that are not shielded can then for Firearms by 1.
be soaked by spending a benny, using the normal rules. (2-5) Damaged: As Glitched, but penalties are increased by 1.
(6) Broken: Omni Equipment Disabled, cannot use Auto Fire,
Extras can have shields, but only ever have one shield point.
Burst, or Suppressive Fire.
► Recharging Shields: A character can also attempt to
POWER CELLS: Your power cells are damaged. Roll 1d6:
recharge their shields. On their turn, a character can use an (1) Shorted: -2 to Shield rolls
action to roll either their Biotic, Tech, or their Shield die, (2-5) Leaking : As Shorted, and shield points reduced by 1.
6) Drained: You are Depleted, and cannot soak with shields..
plus their wild die for recharge rolls only. For each success
AUXILIARY UPGRADE. One of your suits subsystems is non-
and raise, a character regains one shield point.
6-8 responsive. You ignore the benefits (but not penalties) of one
► Critical Failure: Whenever a character rolls a critical of your suits upgrades at random.
failure on a shield roll, the shields become disabled, and HUD: Your visor’s scanning and tracking systems are

unusable until the end of the character’s next turn. malfunctioning. Roll 1d6:
(1-3) Distorted: You suffer a -1 to Notice and Shooting rolls.
Suit Malfunctions
(4-6) Faulty: As Distorted, but penalties are increased by 1.
Combat armor in the Savage Mass Effect is composed of
LIFE SUPPORT: Your suits basic life support systems are
multiple electronic and mechanical components. When down, and you suffer the following effects while in a hostile
creatures take damage from attacks, there is a chance that environment. Roll 1d6:
(1-3) Recyclers: Your filtration systems are damaged, gain a
a critical component could be damaged.
11-12 level of Fatigue ever 2d6 hours.
When an attacker scores a raise on an attack roll against (4-5) Air Leak: Your oxygen supply begins leaking, and you
you, you can choose to negate that raise, and suffer a suit begin suffocating in 2d6 hours.

malfunction instead. If so, the attacker and defender first (1) Rupture: Suffer both Recyclers and Air Leak
calculate the damage inflicted and any injuries that are
suffered, per the normal rules.

spend Bennies when checking it, get their Wild Die, and

► Called Shots: An attacker can also choose to target a benefit from allies’ Support. However, unlike a normal skill,

specific device, and inflict a suit malfunction directly. your wealth die cannot be advanced (but see Rewards).

Depending on the suit device in question, the attacker When a hero wants to buy something mundane (cost up
makes a Called Shot attack, with a penalty determined by to half your wealth die), she does so—no roll is required. In
the GM. Ona hit, the attack deals no damage, but instead order to purchase a major item though, you must make a
immediately inflicts a suit malfunction. Wealth roll. A major purchase is any item with cost between

On a raise, the attacker inflicts damage as if they had hit one-half and two-times your Wealth die (e.g. With a Wealth

with normal attack, and then inflicts a suit malfunction. of d6, a major purchase is any item with a total cost
between 3 and 11). A character can generally only attempt
► Hot Fix: As an action, a character can attempt to
to make one major purchase in-between adventures (Ask
repair the damage with their omni-tool (unless that is
the GM if more than one is possible).
damaged). The character treats the severity of the damage
as one step higher for up to 1 hour. The GM should add bonuses for savings or deals, subtract
penalties for expensive purchases, or rule out all-together
purchases beyond the character’s means.
You suffer a -2 penalty to all Strength and Agility based Critical Failure means the buyer can’t scrape up the

skills, as well as spirit rolls to recover from shaken. If you needed funds at the moment but may try again the next

roll a 1 on your trait die, regardless of wild die, you have week, or after he obtains one or more Rewards (see below).

lost control over your body and begin to tumble in three With a regular failure, the buyer can either forgo the

dimensions. You count as shaken. While shaken, you move expense, or go broke to purchase the item. Alternatively,

in a random direction (roll a d12 for direction, and a d6 for you may gain the Debt Hindrance to purchase an item,

distance). Hitting an obstacle bounces you back in the depending on your available resources (GM’s call).

opposite direction. Success means she purchases the item but her Wealth is
reduced a die type until the GM feels her finances are
restored by time or Rewards. A raise means she buys the
item without reducing her Wealth.
Given the fluid nature of currency in Savage Mass Effect,
the campaign setting uses the following rules for tracking
credits, loans, and other asset transactions. Going Broke
If a hero’s Wealth would be reduced below d4, she’s dead
Buying Things broke. She has basic food, water, and shelter (unless the GM
Each character starts with a d6 in Wealth, which represents and the situation dictate otherwise), but otherwise can’t buy
average, middle class resources for the setting. Players may luxury foods, transportation, or even ammo. If necessary, a

hero can choose to gain the Debt Hindrance if they need to
make a purchase while broke.
If an item isn’t commonly available, finding it on the black

Poor Or Rich Characters market, via a private dealer, or in an extra-net chat room

Wealth is only permanently increased by Rewards or the requires the Research skill or Networking (page 133). The

Rich Edge. It’s decreased through use and the Poverty GM can also simply decide the item isn’t available or she

Hindrance. Those with the Poverty Hindrance have a d4 can assign a modifier to the hero’s roll as she sees fit.

Wealth. Rich characters have a d8, and Very Rich heroes Most weaponry gear is not sold openly in the Mass Effect
have a d10. world, however individuals with reasonable research or

Heroes with the Fame Edge add +1 to their Wealth rolls networking skill can often find vendors. Depending on your

or +2 if they’re Famous. Not only do they tend to have more success though, determines the range of goods available, as

money, but people love to give discounts to celebrities. well as the risk in dealing with a particular supplier.

Support Rolls Rewards

Other characters may Support a hero’s Wealth roll, but Getting paid for a job or finding treasure increases the

assume the same risks as the buyer (losing a die type in characters’ Wealth die one step for an average task, two for

Wealth with success, for example). a particularly lucrative reward, or three for a very great
reward. Rewards and cost of living are relative, so the
increase lasts only for a month of game time or until the
GM thinks the party’s lifestyle, carousing, or general living
expenses restores it to normal.

Starting Equipment
When building a new character, you may make a number of
of Major Purchases equal to your starting wealth die. You
do not need to roll for wealth, and your starting wealth is
not reduce at character creation.

During this time, you may purchase items with cost greater
than twice your wealth die (up to three times your die), but
each such item counts as two purchases.

Additionally, you may use one Major Purchase to acquire

any two items whose cost is each less than your wealth die.

You may take the Rapid Charge or Improved Rapid
Trade Credits Charge Edges to increase the power points you regain.
Trade Credits are separate currency used to track funds for ► Maintenance: You don’t need to spend additional power
a large private assets (usually a ship or station). For easy points to maintain powers, but each
conversion, a single trade credit is equal to 5 rewards for a power you maintain inflicts a penalty
single character. If a party of five exchange that TC and to additional power rolls you attempt
cash it out, each would gain a reward, increasing their equal to half the power’s cost
wealth die by one step. (rounded up).

► Boost: When you spend power

points to activate a power, you can
choose to boost its effect. Spend the
amount listed after the initial cost

when you activate the power. If you
do, you gain the boost benefit of the
power in addition to the powers
normal effect.

Powers ► Evolution: When you learn a new

The Savage Mass Effect Campaign setting has two types of
power (with the New Power Edge), you
powers: Biotic and Tech. Each utilize a different skill, but may choose to instead enhance an
share the same pool of power. A character may learn to use already known power, and use it’s
one or both types, with the appropriate edges. Evolution effect.
► Power Points: When you take the Biotics or Tech Edge,
► Backlash: When a character rolls a critical failure on a
you gain 10 power points to utilize these powers. If you take
power roll, they become shaken and all currently active
both Edges, you do not gain any additional power points.
powers instantly terminate.
You may take the Improved or Greater Capacity Edges to Biotic Powers
increase your maximum number of power points. Biotic characters are able to harness the power of mass
► Recharging: While resting, Power Points recharge very effect fields controlled via mental synapse implants. The
quickly, at a rate of about 1 per minute. following are a list of available biotic powers.

During encounters, a character may take an action to

recharge their power points. The character makes a power Barrier
roll, and regains 1 point for each success and raise. Cost: 2/2 (M) | Range: Self

Effect: You gain a +2 to shield rolls (or +4 on a raise).

Boost: For the duration, you also have medium cover. Slam (Evolution): As an action, you may deal 4d6 damage to

Nova (Evolution): While maintaining this power, you can any target that is Lifted by this feature. Afterwards, the

end its effect early and force all targets within 5’ of you to target is no longer Lifted.

make an opposed strength roll. On a failure, they take 2d8 Sphere

damage, and are pushed and knocked down. Cost: 5/2 (M) | Range: Spirit x 5

Effect: You create a 10’ radius biotic shield around you. The
Charge shield blocks projectiles and powers, has toughness 10 (12

Cost: 2/1* | Range: Spirit x 5 on a raise), and ignores aced damage. The Barrier sphere
counts as a shield, and can take two wounds before it
Effect: You move in a straight line up to a point within
dissipates. For the duration, you are entangled.
range. Immediately afterward, one creature of your choice
within 5’ must make an opposed strength roll (at -2 on a Boost: For the duration, you can move at half your pace.

raise) or take 2d8 damage and be pushed 10’. Annihilation Field (Evolution): Any number of creatures of

Boost: For each additional power point, you can target one your choice within the sphere are considered Vulnerable.

additional creature (or object) at the end of your move.

Recharge (Evolution): When you use this power, you also Singularity
immediately regain one shield point. Cost: 5/2 (M) | Range: Spirit x 5

Effect: Targets within 10’ of a point you choose within range

Focus that start their turn or enter the area must make an
Cost: 2/2 (M) | Range: Self opposed agility roll (at -2 on a raise). On a failure, the

Effect: You use biotic energy to reinforce your skin and targets are Lifted until the start of their next turn. The

muscles, and you increase your armor by 2 (or 4 on a raise) victim is considered Depleted while Lifted.

for the duration. Boost: You increase the radius of the singularity to 15’.

Boost: Your parry also increases by 2 for the duration. Collapse (Evolution): While maintaining this power, you

Biotic Synergy (Evolution): You also deal +2 damage with may end this effect to force every character in range to

biotic powers for the duration. make an opposed strength check. On a failure, they are
pulled to the origin point and take 3d6 damage.

Cost: 2/2 (M) | Range: Spirit x 5 Shockwave
Cost: 3/2 | Range: Line (Spirit x 2)
Effect: One target within range must make an opposed
agility roll (-2 on a raise) or become Lifted. Effect: Targets in the line must make an opposed agility roll
(-2 on a raise) or take 2d6 damage, be pushed 10’ and
Boost: You choose a point within range, and all targets
knocked prone. If the push would result in the target hitting
within 5’ are affected.
an obstacle, they take an additional 1d6 damage.

Boost: Targets that are shaken by this power are Distracted.

Flare (Evolution): When you use this power, you can choose Tech Powers

to target every creature or object within 15’ of you instead. Tech powers utilize additional energy stored in omni-tools
and powered armor to create powerful blasts of energy, or

Stasis subvert electronic hardware in a local area.

Cost: 3/2 | Range: Spirit x 5

Effect: One target within range must make an opposed Cryoblast

strength roll (-2 on a raise) or held in stasis and Stunned. If Cost: 2/2 | Range: 20/40/80
the target takes a wound, or would become shaken from Effect: Target takes 2d8 damage (or 3d8 on a raise) and is
physical damage, the Stunned effect ends immediately. Chilled.
Boost: You can choose any number of targets within 5’ of a Boost: You create a blast that hits targets within 10’ of the
point you choose within range. target center OR a 30’ Cone from your origin.
Vulnerability (Evolution): When targets in stasis take Snapfreeze (Evolution): While a target is chilled, it is also
damage, they immediately make a Vigor roll to end the bound..
effect (damage does not automatically end the effect).
Defense Matrix
Cost: 2/2 | Range: 20/40/80
Cost: 2/2 (M) | Range: Self
Effect: One target within range is must make an opposed
Effect: You gain a +2 ( or +4 on a raise) to shield rolls.
strength roll or be pushed 10’ (20’ on a raise) and knocked
prone. Victims who strike a hard object (such as a wall) take Boost: While maintaining this power, you also have medium

2d6 damage (or 3d6 on a raise). cover (Shooting rolls subtract 2 to hit you).

Boost: You may target all creatures within 5’ of a point you Amplification (Evolution): You also deal +2 damage with

choose within range. Tech powers for the duration.

Pull (Evolution): When you target a creature with this

power, you may choose any direction (including up). Drone
Cost: 5/2 (M) | Range: Smarts

Warp Effect: You can activate one of the following drones, if you

Cost: 3/2 | Range: 20/40/80 have a functional drone module within range: Decoy, Sentry
Turret, Recon, or Combat. You can direct the drone’s action
Effect: One target within range takes 2d8+4 (or 3d8+4 on a
on your turn, and control the drone from any distance as
raise) biotic damage and is Warped.
long as you can communicate electronically with it (GM’s
Boost: You create a field that targets each creature and call). On a raise, the drone gains the Hardy ability.
object within 5’ of a point you choose within range.
Boost: You increase one of your drone’s skill die by one
Reave (Evolution): Targets take a -2 to both shield rolls and step.
Vigor rolls to soak damage against this power.
Upgrade (Evolution): Your drone can activate one upgrade
depending on its type (see drones for details).
Submission Net
Incinerate Cost: 3/2 | Range: Smarts x 5

Cost: 3/2 | Range: 20/40/80 Effect: The target must make an opposed Agility roll. On a

Effect: Target takes 2d8+4 damage (or 3d8+4 on a raise) failure, they take 2d6 damage (3d6 on a raise) and are

and is burning. This attack counts as a Heavy Weapon. entangled.

Boost: You create a blast that hits targets within 5”’ of the Boost: The target is depleted as long as it is entangled.

target center OR a 30’ Cone from your origin. Electric Field (Evolution): Anyone within 5’ of the target

Vaporize (Evolution): While a target is Burning, it is also must make an opposed agility roll or take 2d6 damage.

Tactical Cloak
Overload Cost: 5/2 (M) | Range: Self
Cost: 2/1* | Range: Smarts x 5 Effect: You mask your electronic, heat, and visible signature,
Effect: One target with within range must make an opposed becoming invisible. You can attempt to hide in plain sight,
smarts roll. On a failure, targets are Shaken and Depleted. and you gain a +2 (or +4 on a raise) to stealth rolls. If you
On a raise, the target is also Stunned. take any action except a free action, the effect ends

Boost: For each additional power point, you may choose immediately after you take that action.

one additional target, within 15’ of the previous. Boost: For the duration, you can take the Run action

Energy Drain (Evolution): When a target fails a smarts roll without breaking the power’s effect.

against this power, you immediately gain one shield point. Shadowstrike (Evolution): You can take one action at a -4
penalty and then make a Stealth roll to remain cloaked.

Cost: 3/1* | Range: Smarts x 5 Tactical Scan
Cost: 2/2 (M) | Range: Self
Effect: One target within range must make an opposed
Smarts roll. On a failure, the target takes 4d6 damage Effect: You gain +2 to notice rolls, and you gain a +1 to

(or 5d6 on a raise). If the target is Cybernetic, or Synthetic, Shooting rolls (+2 on a raise).

the damage dice increase to d8’s. Boost: For the duration, you deal an additional +2 damage

Boost: For each additional power point, you may choose with ranged weapons.

one additional target, within 10’ of the original. Assassinate (Evolution): When you take the Aim action, you

Hack (Evolution): One Synthetic target becomes Hacked by gain a +2 bonus to Shooting rolls.

you if the damage would cause it to become shaken.

Tech Armor
Cost: 2/2 (M) | Range: Self

Effect: You utilize your omni-tool to reinforce your armor,

increasing it by +2 (or +4 on a raise).

Boost: For the duration, you gain a +2 bonus to melee
damage rolls.

Detonate (Evolution): While maintaining this power, you

can use a free action to end the power’s effect early, and
force each creature within 5’ of you to make an opposed
strength roll. On a failure, they take 2d8 damage, are
pushed 5’ and are knocked prone.

Drones Synthetic: Drones add +2 to recover from being Shaken,
A character with the Drone Tech power and a drone don’t breathe, and are immune to fear, disease and poison.
module can create an autonomous drone to assist them for Mimic: Produces a holographic image of another creature.
a short period of time. Drones are extras, and Upgrades: The following upgrades are available for the
have a d6 for their attributes unless indicated combat drone, if using the Upgrade Evolution:

otherwise. ▘Proximity Scanner: Allies gain a +1 bonus to notice and

shooting rolls, against enemies within 30’ of the drone.
▘Shield Amplifier: Allies gain a +1 bonus to shield rolls
Combat Drone
while within 60’ of the decoy.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8
▘Jamming Signals: Enemies subtract 1 from notice and
Skills: Notice d8, Shooting d6, d6 Shields
shooting rolls while within 60’ of the decoy.
Pace: 0 | Parry: 2 | Defense: 8 | Size: -2
▘Self-Destruct: Range (Self), Damage (5d6), Notes (MBT,
Special Abilities: The combat drone has the following: Push, Drone is destroyed)
Mechanical: All Toughness is treated as armor
Synthetic: Drones add +2 to recover from being Shaken,
Recon Decoy
don’t breathe, and are immune to fear, disease and poison. Attributes: Agility d10
Flight: The Drone has a flying pace of 5” Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d8,
Gear: The combat drone has the following gear: Hacking d6, Shields d8
▘Zap: Range (5/10/40), Damage (2d6+2), Pace: 8 | Parry: 2 | Defense: 12 | Size: -4
Notes (Stun, Shock) Special Abilities: The combat drone has the following:
Upgrades: The following upgrades are available for the Mechanical: All Toughness is treated as armor
combat drone, if using the Upgrade Evolution: Synthetic: Drones add +2 to recover from being Shaken,
▘Pulse: Zap gains a RoF of 3. don’t breathe, and are immune to fear, disease and poison.
▘Shock: Range (5/10/40), Damage (2d8+2), Flight: The Drone has a flying pace of 8”
Notes (Shock)
▘Rocket Launcher: Range (10/20/80), Damage (4d8+2), Upgrades: The following upgrades are available for the
Notes (Snapfire, SBT, HW, Ammo: 1) combat drone, if using the Upgrade Evolution:
▘Self-Destruct: Range (Self), Damage (5d6), Notes (MBT, ▘Proximity Scanner: Allies gain a +1 bonus to notice and
Push, Drone is destroyed) shooting rolls, against enemies within 30’ of the drone.
▘Shock: Range (5/10/40), Damage (2d8+2),
Holographic Decoy Notes (Shock)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4
▘Cloak: Recon drone becomes invisible (-6 to notice).
Skills: Taunt d8, Intimidate d8, Shields d10
▘Self-Destruct: Range (Self), Damage (5d6), Notes (MBT,
Pace: 2 | Parry: 2 | Defense: 16 | Size: -4
Push, Drone is destroyed)
Special Abilities: The combat drone has the following:
Mechanical: All Toughness is treated as armor

Sentry Turret Notes
Attributes: Agility d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Notice d8, Shooting d8, d8 Shields Ammunition
Pace: 0 | Parry: 2 | Defense: 10 | Size: -2 Most weapons in the Mass Effect setting do not require
normal ammunition—instead, general purpose Omni-gel
Special Abilities: The combat drone has the following:
can be manufactured from most nearby inorganic minerals
Mechanical: All Toughness is treated as armor
and converted into ammunition in the field.
Synthetic: Drones add +2 to recover from being Shaken,
However, these weapons will generate heat, especially if
don’t breathe, and are immune to fear, disease and poison.
overclocked (see overclock). If overheated, a character
Gear: The combat drone has the following gear:
must either wait for the firearm to cool down (a full turn), or
▘Gauss Rifle: Range (50/100/400), Damage (2d8+3), RoF (3)
may use an action to reload a new thermal clip.
Upgrades: The following upgrades are available for the However, special weapons do have limited ammunition,
combat drone, if using the Upgrade Evolution: either in ordnance or power cells. Once fired, the user must
▘Scram Rail: Range (100/200/800), Damage (2d10+4) use an action to Reload the weapon.
▘Flamethrower: Range (10/20/80), Damage (3d8+4), Notes
(Scatter, Burning, HW) Armor
▘Rocket Launcher: Range (10/20/80), Damage (4d8+2), This is the amount of Armor provided by the equipment,
Notes (Snapfire, SBT, HW, Ammo: 1) listed in parentheses beside the wearer’s total Toughness.
▘Self-Destruct: Range (Self), Damage (5d6), Notes (MBT, Armor in Mass Effect is full-bodied armor, including a
Push, Drone is destroyed) helmet and provides all around protection. Also included in
every suit is a built-in Omni-tool, a HUD (Heads-Up
Display), Environmental Skin Suit, Shield Emitters, and a
Power Cell.
Armor can be upgraded with more powerful shields, as
well as one specialty module, listed in Upgrades.
t When you score a raise on an attack (or when a victim fails
With the advent of the Omni-tool, most tools and items a trait test) with a weapon that has the Burn property, you
have been made redundant. Electronics that cannot be can choose to deal an additional 1d6 damage or cause the
manufactured with omni-gel are often built into skin suits target to gain the Burning status. If you score two raises,
and powered armor, becoming a seamless extra-sense for you can choose both options.
the wearer. The remaining few items needed by the
wandering adventurer are usually limited to high powered Burst
weapons and industrial or scientific equipment. Weapons with the Burst property can choose to fire a small
► COST: An items cost represents the TN needed on a burst as a single attack. When not using Auto-Fire, they gain
Wealth roll in order to purchase the item. a +1 to Shooting and Damage on their attack.

d4 damage instead of d4 + d8. Also, if the user’s Strength is
Cryo less than its Minimum Strength, he doesn’t benefit from any
When you score a raise on an attack (or when a victim fails
of the weapon’s positive abilities such as Reach or Parry
a trait test) with a weapon that has the Cryo property, you
bonuses. He still retains any penalties, however.
can choose to deal an additional 1d6 damage or cause the
▘RANGED WEAPONS: The user suffers a −1 attack penalty
target to gain the Chilled status. If you score two raises, you
for each die step difference between his Strength and the
can choose both options.
weapon’s minimum.
Damage Weapons with Light property can be wielded in one hand
Damage is listed in terms of dice. Projectile weapons have
(normally weapons require two hands to use).
fixed damage (such as 2d6). Melee weapons have damage
based on the wielder’s Strength die plus another die, as
listed under individual weapon entries. An Omni-blade, for When you score a raise on an attack (or when a victim fails
instance, inflicts Str+d8 damage. a trait test) with a weapon that has the Lift property, you
can choose to deal an additional 1d6 damage or cause the
Daze target to gain the Lifted status. If you score two raises, you
When you score a raise on an attack (or when a victim fails
can choose both options.
a trait test) with a weapon that has the Daze property, you
can choose to deal an additional 1d6 damage or cause the
target to gain the Distracted status. If you score two raises,
An object with the Omni property is built into a character’s
you can choose both options.
Omni-tool. You cannot be disarmed, and it is considered
having no weight or bulk. However, any effect that
Heavy weapon (HW) deactivates an Omni-tool renders this item unusable.
The weapon can affect vehicles, mechs, or other devices
with Heavy Armor (see page 82).
Weapons with a Rate of Fire of 2 or
Minimum Strength more can be “Overclocked” when
Certain items have a “Minimum Strength” required to use
using Autofire, increasing their RoF by
without penalty.
1 until the end of their turn. Afterward,
▘ARMOR/WORN GEAR: Each die type difference between
the weapon cannot be fired until the
the character’s Strength and the item’s Minimum Strength
end of the following turn, unless a
inflicts a −1 penalty to Pace (minimum of 1″), Agility, and
character takes an action to reload a
Agility-related skill rolls. This is cumulative for those weak
thermal clip.
but determined adventurers who wear or use multiple
items too heavy for their build.
▘MELEE WEAPONS: A thrown or melee weapon’s damage
The weapon adds the bonus to the
die is limited by the user’s Strength die. If a scrawny kid
character’s Parry score. If a character
(Strength d4) picks up a long sword (Str+d8), he rolls d4 +

wields a weapon in each hand, penalties to Parry stack but Shock
bonuses do not (unless she has the Ambidextrous Edge). When a character scores a raise on an attack roll (or the
victim fails a trait test) against a with a weapon with a

Push weapon that has the Shock property, they do not deal an
When a character scores a raise on an attack roll (or the additional 1d6 damage. Instead, the target is Depleted. If
victim fails a trait test) against a with a weapon that has the you score two raises, you can choose both options.
Push property, they do not deal an additional 1d6 damage.
Instead, the target must make an Strength (or Athletics) roll. Shield Piercing (SP)
On a failure, the victim is pushed 1” per bonus listed. If you Damage from Shield Piercing weapons are harder to soak
score two raises, you can choose both options. with shields. When a target takes damage from a weapon
with the Shield Piercing property, they suffer a penalty to
Range the shield roll equal to the bonus listed. If a weapon has
This lists the weapon’s Short, Medium, and Long Range. multiple instances of Shield Piercing, penalties stack.
Extreme Range is up to 4 × its Long Range. See Ranged
Attacks on page 93 for Shooting modifiers and more details. Snapfire
Ranges are listed in feet. If you expect to use table top Certain weapons, such as sniper rifles, are very inaccurate if
grids, divide the ranges by 2.5 to get the number of fired from the hip rather than using their sights, scopes. If a
inches/squares a weapon can target. character moves in the round he fires a Snapfire weapon, he
suffers a −2 Shooting penalty.
Rate of Fire
This is the number of shots that may be fired by this Stun
weapon in a single action. See Ranged Weapons in SWADE Weapons with the stun property cannot lethal damage.
page 93. When you score a raise on an attack (or when a victim fails
a trait test) with a weapon that has the Stun property, you
Scatter cause the target to gain the Stunned status. If you score two
Weapons with the Scatter property fire a spread of raises, you can choose both options.
ammunition and therefore do more damage at close range
where more of the shot hits the target. Because of this, Suppressive Fire
Scatter weapons add +2 to the user’s Shooting rolls and A character can use the suppressive fire option with any
cause 3d6 damage at Short Range, 2d6 at Medium, and 1d6 weapon with a Rate of Fire of 2 or greater. Doing so counts
at Long, but may not be fired at Extreme Range. as Overclocking the weapon (see overclock), but the user
doesn’t gain any additional increase in the rate of fire

Equipment Tables
Presented in the following sections are a list of the most common equipment you can expect to buy and sell as an adventurer in the Mass
Effect Campaign Setting. Many everyday items are often cheap enough to either purchase without a wealth roll, or else simple to
minifacture using an Omni-tool and omni-gel. If you think of an item that may be hard to find, and is not listed in any of the sections Below

is a list of the most popular Manufacturers and Vendors for Technology and Firearms in the Mass Effect Setting:

----------------------------------------Common Manufacturers----------------------------------------

❏ Aldrin Labs Human manufacturer, standard issue armor, omni-tool, and shields

❏ Ariake Technologies Human electronics, data, and artificial intelligence developer

❏ Armali Council Asari electronic and biotics manufacturer

❏ Armax Arsenal Elite Turian armor and weapons manufacturer

❏ Batarian State Arms Batarian government manufacturer, specializes in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons and Armor

❏ Cerberus Skunkworks Specialist black ops manufacturer, specializes in power resistant armor

❏ Devlon Industries Citadel based basic arms manufacturer

❏ Elanus Risk Control Turian Private security company and arms developer, specializes in riot control, 'incident' resolution

❏ Elkoss Combine Terminus based Volus Manufacturer, produces high-end 'knockoff' arms and military gear

❏ Kahne-Kedar Earth-based General Arms manufacturer, primary supplier for System's Alliance, above average armor

❏ Kahne-Kedar Shadow Works HK subsidiary, specialises in innovative defense arms for special operatives

❏ Hailiat Armory Turian Arms Manufacturer, high quality stock weapons and armor

❏ Jormangund Technology Human base [Experimental and High energy weapons, and hazard armor.

❏ Kassa Fabrication Human based High-End Armor manufacturer

❏ Rosenkov Materials Citadel licensed, human based Weapons and Armor Manufacturer

❏ Serrice Council Asari based premium bio-am, tech, and armor developer

❏ Sirta Foundation Human based medical manufacturer

Melee Weapons
Melee weapons consist of both Omni-Weapons and more conventional weapons. Due to their slower movement, but higher mass - ALL melee weapons
ignore shields, and cannot be soaked with shields.

Type Damage Str. Req Bulk Cost

Omni-Blade Str + d8 +2 d6 -- 4
Note: Light, Omni

Omni-Shield Str + d6 d6 -- 4
Note: Light, Omni, Parry 2, Cover (provides Light Cover)

Omni-Claw Str + d6 + 1 d4 -- 4
Note: Light, Omni, Parry 1, Balanced (+1 to Fighting rolls when wielded in the Off-hand)

Omni-Conduit Str + d6 + 1 d4 -- 5
Note: Light, Omni, (Choose Either: Burn, Cryo, or Shock)

Guardian Shield --- d8 2 6

Note: Parry 2, Cover (Provides Medium Cover, or Heavy Cover if you haven’t moved during your turn)

Monomolecular Blade Str + d6 + 4 d6 1 8

Shock Baton 2d8+1 d4 1 6

Note: Stun, Light

Biotic Lash Str +Bio + 1 d8 2 9

Note: Push, Reach (May attack foes up to 10” away), Biotic (wielder uses Biotic die for damage)

Thunder Hammer Str + d10 + 1 d10 2 8

Note: Push, Daze

Ranged Weapons
Many Ranged weapons are holstered in magnetic clips, and collapse into more durable forms when not in use.

Type Range (ft.) Damage RoF SP Str. Req Bulk Cost

Light Pistol 25/50/100 2d6+1 2 -- d4 1 5

Note: Light, Burst, Balanced (reduce offhand penalty by 1)

Heavy Pistol 30/60/120 2d8+2 -- -- d6 1 6

Note: Light
Submachine Gun 20/40/80 2d6+1 3 1 d6 1 6

Note: Light, Burst

Assault Rifle 100/200/400 2d8+2 3 1 d8 2 7

Note: Burst
Shotgun 15/30/60 1-3d6+1 -- 2 d6 2 6

Note: Scatter
Sniper Rifle 250/500/2000 2d10+4 -- -- d8 2 8

Note: Snapfire
Omni-Bow 15/30/60 Str+d6+2 -- 20 d6 -- 6

Note: Light, Omni


A Ranged weapon can have up to two different base upgrades (below), and one ammo upgrade (see Ammo Upgrade Table). Most upgrades
can be purchase as part of the weapon (add upgrade cost to base weapons cost) or separately aftermarket..
Die: Whenever an entry says (+/-die), you increase/decrease the original die entry for that weapon by one step (e.g. 2d6 becomes 2d8).

High Caliber Barrel -- +die -- -- +die -- 5

Advanced Capacitor +1 -- -- -- -- 4

Magnetic Rifling -- -- -- +1 -- -- 4

Scram Rail +50% +1 -- +1 +die +1 6

Superior Heat Sink -- -- +1 -- +die -- 4

Note: Only available on firearms with RoF of 2+,
Kinetic Stabilizer -- -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Gain +1 to Shooting Rolls when using the Aim Action

Recoil Dampener -- -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Reduce penalty with Auto Fire or Suppressive Fire by 1

Improved Sighting -- -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Improved Sighting: Reduce Range penalty by 1.

Laser Sights -- -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Reduce Called Shot penalty by 1.

Combat Sensor -- -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Reduce Concealment penalty by 1.

Ultralight Materials -- -- -- -- -die -1 5

Note: If Light, also gains the ‘Balanced’ Property (reduces penalty in off-hand by 1).
Low Caliber Barrel -- -die -- -- -- -- Special

Note: Purchased with firearm only, Reduces total cost of firearm by 50%
Bulky -- -- -- -- +die +1 Special

Note: Loses ‘Light’ property. Purchased with firearm only, Reduces total cost of firearm by 50%
Integrated Heat Sink -- -- -1 -- -die -- Special

Note: Only available on firearms with RoF of 2+, Cannot use Overclock, Purchased with firearm only, Reduces total cost of firearm by 50%

Ammo Upgrades

A weapon can only have one ammo upgrade installed at a time. However, a weapon can change its installed ammo upgrade as an action.

Type Damage SP Cost

Kinetic Rounds -- -- 3

Note: Push
Tungsten Rounds +2 -1 3

Shredder Rounds -2 +1 3

Note: Target suffers a -2 to Vigor Soak roals

Incendiary Rounds +1 -- 3

Note: Burn
Cryo Rounds -- +1 3

Note: Cryo
Disruptor Rounds -- +2 3

Note: Shock
Warp Rounds +1 3
Note: Warp
Toxic Rounds -- -- 3

Note: Daze
Explosive Rounds -die 4
Note: HW


A grenade consists of a high-tech explosive enclosed in an aero-dynamic disk with a small element-zero emitter. It generates a low-power
mass effect field, allowing it to be thrown great distances. Their cost and bulk are for bundles of 5.
Area of Effect: All items with a Burst of Small or larger are (Area Effect Attacks, page 97), and may be Evaded (page 100).
Upgrades: Grenades can also be be upgraded, increasing the cost of a bundle by 2. You may only have one of the following upgrades:
▘High Explosive (Increase the damage die type by 1) ▘Proximity (can set grenade to trigger when creature approaches within 10’)
▘Cluster (Reduce the damage die by 1, but increase Blast Template by 1 step) ▘Armor-Piercing (reduce damage die by 1, gains HW)

Type Range (ft.) Damage SP Blast Bulk Cost

Frag 20/40/200 3d6 + 2 -- SBT 1 6

Note: Push
Homing 20/40/200 3d6 1 SBT 1 6

Note: Targets take -2 to Agility rolls to evade

Flashbang 20/40/200 4d6 20 SBT 1 5
Note: Stun
Smoke 20/40/200 -- -- MBT 1 5

Note: Concealment (Creates an area of medium concealment in the area, lasts for 1 minute
Inferno 20/40/200 3d6 + 1 -- SBT 1 7
Note: Burn
Cryo 20/40/200 3d6 20 SBT 1 7

Note: Cryo
Arc 20/40/200 3d6 2 SBT 1 7

Note: Shock
Lift 20/40/200 2d6 -- SBT 1 8
Note: Lift

Listed below are the most common consumable items used by star-faring adventurers, though this is not an exhaustive list. The Count lists
the number of each item sold for the cost listed, and how much bulk they take up.
Stimulants: After using a stimulant, they must make a Vigor roll when the effect ends. On a failure, they gain a point of Fatigue.

Type Count Bulk Cost

Thermal Clip 5 1 2

Note: Used to quickly cool down a firearm after using overclock or suppressive fire.
Medi-Gel 3 1 4

Note: Can be used to gain a +4 bonus to a Healing roll to heal wounds

Power Cell 1 1 4
Note: Can be used to regain 1 shield point, and gain a +2 to shield rolls until the start of your next turn.
Nerve Dampener 1 -- 5

Note: Stimulant, You may reduce wound penalties by 2. Lasts 1 minute.

Neural Stabilizer 1 -- 7
Note: Stimulant, You gain a +1 bonus to Spirit rolls to recover from shaken. Lasts 1 minute.
Shock Suppressor 1 -- 5

Note: Stimulant, You gain a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls when Incapacitated. Lasts 1 hour.
Adrenal Booster 1 -- 7

Note: Stimulant, You can reduce any Multi-Action Penalties by 2. Lasts 1 minute.
Drone Module 1 1 4
Note: Basic module needed to utilize the “Drone” Tech power, expended only if Drone is destroyed
Kinetic Barricade 1 1 6
Note: Creates a 4’ x 4’ Kinetic barrier, provides Heavy Cover for 1 minute. Deployed as an Action
Shock Barricade 1 1 8
Note: As Kinetic Barricade, creatures that touch barrier make a Smarts roll as a free action, or take 2d6 damage and be Depleted.

Special Weapons
Ammo: Special Weapons have a limited Ammo (or Power) supply. After a character makes a number of attacks equal to the weapons
Ammo rating, it must be reloaded (as an action). The second set of numbers after Bulk and Cost are for purchasing/carrying extra Ammo.
Area of Effect: All items with a Burst of Small or larger are (Area Effect Attacks, page 97), and may be Evaded (page 100).

Type Range (ft.) Damage RoF SP Blast Ammo Str. Req Bulk Cost

M-210 Cobra ML 50/100/500 4d6 -- -- SBT 1 d6 2/1 12/4

Note: Snapfire, HW
M-580 Hydra ML 50/100/500 3d6 4 -- SBT 4 d6 2/1 12/5

Note: Snapfire
M-541 Firestorm 10/20/40 3d8 + 4 -- 20 Cone 10 d6 3/1 13/4

Note: Burn, HW
Geth Spitfire 30/60/300 3d6 + 2 5 4 -- 100 d8 4/2 14/6

M-350 Scythe 30/60/300 3d6 + 2 4 3 -- 100 d8 3/2 12/4

Note: Snapfire
M-130 L-Thanix 200/400/2000 3d8 + 5 -- 5 -- 3 d10 4/2 16/6

Note: Snapfire, HW, Single Shot (Can only fire once per turn)
M-631 Rime 25/50/300 3d8 + 1 -- 20 SBT 3 d8 3/2 16/5

Note: Daze, Cryo

M-171 Zeus 25/50/300 5d6 + 1 -- 20 -- 3 d8 3/2 16/5

Note: Shock

The Armor amount listed is added to the wearer’s toughness to create their defense. All Armor comes with a skin suit, omni-tool, and
shields built in, along with other features (see Armor).

Type Armor Shield Str. Req Bulk Cost

Environmental Skin Suit 2 -- d4 -- 4

Scout Armor 5 d6 d4 -- 6

Tactical Armor 7 d6 d6 1 8

Raider Armor 6 d8 d8 1 11
Note: You gain an additional shield level (your maximum shield penalty is still -3)
Assault Armor 9 d8 d8 1 11
Sentry Armor 8 d8 d10 2 14
Note: You suffer a -1 to Pace, but you gain an additional shield levels (your maximum shield penalty is still -3)
Siege Armor 11 d8 d10 2 14
Note: You suffer a -1 to Pace and Athletics rolls.
Upgrades can be purchased as part of a piece of armor, or as an aftermarket addition (see Upgrades). Armor can receive up to three
upgrades: one for shields and any other two of their choice. When upgrading shields, use the highest die listed (do not combine).

Type Armor Shield Str Req Bulk Cost

Moderate Shields* -- d8 d4 -- 1
Advanced Shields* -- d10 d4 -- 2

Hardened Shields* -- d12 d6 1 3
Dampening -- -- -- -- 3
Note: You gain +2 Armor and +2 to trait rolls to resist Biotic or Tech Powers (choose one)
Plating +3 -- -- -- 2
Note: You suffer a -2 to Shield rolls
Capacitors -1 -- -- -- 2
Note: You gain a +2 to Shield rolls
Auxiliary Battery -- -- 1 3
Note: You gain an additional shield level (your maximum shield penalty is still -3)
Life Support -- -- -- 2
Note: You gain a +1 bonus to Vigor rolls (except to soak damage)
Exoskeleton -- -- -die -- 2
Note: You gain a +1 bonus to Strength-based rolls (including skills and melee damage)
Medical Seals -- -- -- -- 1
Note: You gain a +2 to Vigor rolls to soak damage.
Thrusters -- -- -- -- 3
Note: You add +2 to your pace and Athletics rolls. You may spend 1 shield point to hover until the end of your next turn.
Thermal Masking -- -- -- -- 2
Note: You gain a +1 bonus to Stealth rolls
Motorized Joints -- -- -- -- 1
Note: You add +1 to your Parry and Fighting Rolls
Hazard Shielding -1 -- +die -- 0
Note: You add +4 to resist Radiation, and Extreme Temperature
Blast Armor -- -- +die 1 0
Note: You are treated as having the Hardy ability against Explosives/Blast Weapons

Cybernetic Implants

Characters with sufficient time and resources can have cybernetic implants installed, improving some of their core abilities and traits. A
Character can only have one of any type of Implant. Each Implant takes several hours of surgery to install.
Cybernetic: A character with at least one implant is considered Cybernetic, and suffers and is more vulnerable to some times of attacks.
Cyber Limit: A character can have a maximum number of Implants equal to half their Spirit die.

Type Note Cost

Synapse Regulator You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Agility roll 10

You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Strength roll. Also treated as having a
Skeletal Carbon Graft Strength die one step higher for the purpose of weapons and armor. 10

Organ Nano-Mesh You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Vigor roll 10

Neural Lace You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Smarts roll 10

Ocular Interface You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Shooting roll 10

Steroid Auto-Injector You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Athletics roll 10

Muscular-Cortex Accelerator You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Fighting roll 10

Dermal Camouflage You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Stealth roll 10

Sensory Amplifier You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Notice roll 10

Cerebral Data Link You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Research roll 10

Adaptive Bio-Amp You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Biotics Power roll 10

Integrated Power Cells You may roll a d8 Wild die when you make an Tech Power roll 10

Fortified Ligaments You increase your Parry by 1 7

Metabolic Enhancer You increase your Pace by 1 6

Subdermal Armor You increase your Toughness by 1 (this stacks with Armor) 8

Body Sculpting You gain a +1 bonus to Persuasion or Intimidation rolls (choose one). 6

Hemophagic Filter You gain a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls against toxins and poisons 8

Medi-Plasma Dispenser You gain a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out (see page 95) 8

Nutrition Reservoir You gai a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls to resist Fatigue due to Hunger/Thirst. 6

Nerve Insulator You gain a +2 bonus on rolls against effects that inflict depleted status 10

Artificial Eezo Nodule You gain a +2 bonus on rolls against effects that inflict lifted or warped status 10

You are considered armed with either a Light or Heavy Pistol (chosen upon installation),
Integrated Firearm this weapon is invisible to normal senses while not in use. 12

You gain an artificial eye to replace damaged eyes (Negates Bad Eyes/Blind Hindrances).
Artificial Eye May be included with Ocular Interface or Sensory Amplifier 4

You gain an prosthetic limb (arm or leg) to replace a damaged or missing one (negates the
One arm/ One Leg Hindrance). May be Included with Skeletal Carbon Graft, Steroid Auto-
Prosthetic Limb Injector, Muscular-Cortex Accelerator, Fortified Ligaments, or Integrated Firearm 4

State Summaries

Distracted & Vulnerable

DISTRACTED: The character suffers −2 to all Trait rolls until the end of his next turn.
VULNERABLE: Actions and attacks against the target are made at +2 until the end of his next turn. This doesn’t stack with The
Drop (page 100)—use only the highest.

Entangled & Bound

ENTANGLED: The victim can’t move and is Distracted as long as he remains Entangled.
BOUND: The victim may not move, is Distracted and Vulnerable as long as he remains Bound, and cannot make physical actions
other than trying to break free.

FATIGUED: The victim subtracts 1 from all Trait rolls. If he takes another level of Fatigue, he’s Exhausted.
EXHAUSTED: The victim subtracts 2 from all Trait rolls. The victim subtracts 2 from all Trait rolls.
RECOVERY: Unless otherwise specified by the source, Fatigue and Exhaustion improve one level per hour.

INCAPACITATION: Characters may not perform actions but are still dealt Action Cards to track power e ffects or in case they
SHAKEN: Shaken characters may only move and take free actions. At the start of their turn, characters automatically make a
Spirit roll to recover from being Shaken as a free action.
STUNNED: A Stunned character is Distracted, falls prone, can’t take actions, or move. Attacks against him get The Drop (page
100). At the start of each of his turns thereafter, he automatically makes a Vigor roll as a free action to revive. Success means he
revives but is Distracted and Vulnerable; a raise means he recovers with no ill e ffects.
WOUNDS: The hero has been injured, making her actions more difficult. Each Wound reduces her Pace by 1 (to a minimum of 1 ″)
and inflicts a −1 penalty to all Physical Trait rolls (to a maximum of −3). Wounds beyond the character’s limit Incapacitate her.

BURNING: At the start of each of his turns, the victim automatically makes a Vigor roll as a free action. On a failure, they take
2d6 damage, but on a success, the status ends.
CHILLED: The victim suffers a -1 to its pace, parry, toughness, and all trait rolls. The status can stack multiple times, to a
maximum of -6. At the start of each of her turns, she automatically makes a Vigor roll as a free action. On a success, the status

ends (removing all stacks).
DEPLETED: The victim suffers a -2 to to shield rolls until the end of his next turn. If the target is Cybernetic, it is also Distracted as
long as it is Depleted. If Synthetic, it is instead Vulnerable as long as it is Depleted.
HACKED: If the victim is synthetic or mechanical, its actions are determined by the character that has hacked it. The victim is
Distracted as long as it remains Hacked.
LIFTED: A victim that is lifted is Entangled, and must use Agility (instead of Strength or Athletics) to break free. While lifted,
attacks against the target ignore up to 4 points of penalties from cover.
WARPED: At the start of each of his turns, he automatically makes a Vigor roll as a free action. On a failure, they take 2d8
damage, but on a success, the status ends. A character can attempt shield test against this damage
Every ship module takes up a certain number of slots, and
the total number of slots available on a ship are set by its
Strength die, as well as any Edges or Flaws.
While modules can be modified, doing so can be
expensive. The GM has the ultimate call on how much it
costs to modify a module, but generally, exterior modules
are easier to modify than interior rooms and stations.
Heroes will often find themselves involved in encounters on Finally, modules must be slotted into a location on a ship,
or with other starships, and sometimes they’ll be in control. which also has a slot limitation (see ship locations). Certain
The following rules deal with the building, repairing, and modules need to be in the same location as other stations,
use of Starships in the Mass Effect setting. so plan accordingly when building a new ship.

Starship Rules Starship Stations

These rules are primarily for non-capital starships (shuttles, Starships have four types of stations: Science, Engineering,
patrol cutters, up to small frigates), and presume a total Tactical, and Helm. During encounters, characters are
crew ranging from one or two up to around thirty. Capital assigned to one of these stations, and gain access to ship-
ships or small fighters are not covered by these rules. based actions while at a station (see starship actions).
Ships can have one or more instances of each station,

Starship Modules Each station has a location on a ship, and may have certain
Starship modules represent the basic equipment that modifiers based on the specific station module installed.
enable various ship actions as well as what resources are Hacking, Research, Piloting, and Engineering
available while onboard. Modules include stations, ship
weapons, shields, as well as interior rooms like medical
bays, barracks, or living quarters.

Officers Ship AI
Each station must be lead by at least one officer, who All ships have some limited AI assistance, with more
actually takes ship actions, and is usually a Wild Card. advanced ships able to operate nearly autonomously. In
During a ship encounter, all station officers receive one addition to determining Crew Factor, a ships Smarts die
action card to take ship actions. Depending on the modules also gives it access to one or more skills.
installed, an officer can take one or more ship actions During an engagement, a ship can use each one of its
associated with their station (suffering a multi-action skills once per round to replace an officer or support crews
penalty, per the normal rules). roll at a station, with the following limitations:
▘OTHER ACTIONS: Passengers and crew not at a station ● The skill must be linked to that station action (see
(see below) can also receive an action card, but they cannot starship actions).
take ship actions. Typically, they are useful for repairing ● The roll doesn’t suffer from penalties based on
breakdowns, treating injuries, or fighting off borders. Crew Factor, nor does it gain any bonus.
Starship Locations
The location of ship crew and components are essential
Support Crews
In addition to the officer, stations also have capacity for when access to damaged systems means life or death. The

support crew and ship-based AI to assist the station officer. rules below provide a system for tracking characters’

Depending on a ships general AI (determined by its Smarts), location on a ship without a physical map or layout.

it may require more or less assistance to function at its full

potential. This need is reflected by a ship’s Crew Factor. Assigning locations
For each member below a ship’s crew factor, an officer Each station and module, once installed, is assigned to a

suffers a -1 penalty to station rolls. Conversely, for each location on a ship. Each ship has a number of locations

crew member above that value, the officer gains a +1 bonus equal to its Strength die, and can be named whatever the

to their rolls instead. crew decides. Locations also have a number (1 through 12).

Most support crew onboard a ship will be an Extra’s run When a ship suffers a critical hit, you use this number to

by the GM. If desired, support crew can take the Support refer to a random location.

action on the officer’s action (as they don’t get action cards Each location has 10 module slots. When creating a

of their own), to assist the station officer. starship, each module (including station modules) are

▘LARGE CREWS: For larger ships, you can group support assigned to a location, and takes up one or more of those

crews into just a couple of units, and make a single roll per slots. A ship’s modules/stations cannot exceed the ships

station (using the highest trait die), adding 1 to the initial total slot limit, even if they still have location slots open.

support roll for each additional member. If a unit has a Wild

Card, use their trait roll (and wild die).

Spacewalks, especially during combat, are extremely
Moving Locations dangerous and risky. Whenever a ship makes maneuver
During engagement, crew on a ship are considered to be in
(except flying), or takes damage, any character that is on the
one location at a time.. If a character wishes to perform an
exterior must make an Agility roll. On a failure, they are
action linked to a different location, or needs to access a bucked off the surface, and must take an action next round
certain module for repairs, they must move to its location. attempting to get back to the ship.
On a character's turn, they can use their action to make Assuming they have a tether, they can attempt to pull

an Athletics roll, (with a penalty equal to half the ships themselves back (or fly back with jet boosters, if available). On

Strength die), to change locations. On a success, the a critical failure, any tether they have breaks, and they are now
free floating in space! (and likely need to be rescued).
character spends the rest of the round moving, but arrives
at the new location and act at the start of the next round.
Starship Combat
On a failure, the character is too slow, or is blocked by
Starship engage in combat similar to characters, though a
damage or poor layout within the ship, and is considered
few rules are modified, as listed below.
“In transit”. At the start of their next turn, they must make
another roll to attempt to reach their destination. Ships
with certain Edges, Flaws, Modules, or even Breakdowns Ship Actions (Initiative)
At the start of a round during an encounter, each officer is
can modify the roll to move between locations,
dealt an action card. Officers can then take actions based
representing efficient or bulky designs in ship design.
on their current station. (see Starship Actions).
▘IN TRANSIT: Characters “in transit” are between
▘SHIP COMMAND: At the beginning of a round, the
locations, and cannot access modules or stations. A
Captain (as well as an Executive Officers designated by the
creature that starts its turn “In transit” can make an
captain) can choose to make a Battle roll, drawing an
Athletics check to arrive at a location, and gains a
additional action card for each success and raise, which can
cumulative +2 bonus to Athletics rolls on their next roll,
then be distributed to any officer of their choice This counts
until they succeed.
as an action for the character, and inflicts a -2 penalty on
any other rolls they make during the round.
Any officer that receives an extra action card can choose
to use either their original card, or the one they receive
from the captain or XO (discarding the others).
Occasionally, a character may need to transit on the outside of
a ship, either due to damaged doors or to repair a module on
Heat Points (HP)
the ship exterior. To ‘space-walk’ a character makes an
During encounters, ships generate heat from accelerating
Athletics roll, as normal, but suffers from the effects of Zero-G
at high speed, performing complex maneuvers, or firing
(normally a -2 penalty to trait rolls).

weapons. If not controlled, this heat can build up causing similar to characters. Ships can also spend bennies, or use
system malfunctions and injure or kill crew members. shields to soak wounds, if available.
This heat is tracked by Heat Points (HP). A ship normally A ship has wounds just like a character does. Wounds
has capacity for 10 HP, modified by Edges, Hindrances, or inflict penalties to Ship vigor rolls, and engineering rolls, up
certain modules. A ship that does not gain any heat during to the ships maximum wounds (see Vigor).
a round loses it instead. Otherwise, heat can be manually Each time a ship suffers a wound, the ship immediately
vented by Engineering stations during engagements. makes a vigor roll modified by the ships repair mod and
A ship takes -1 to all trait rolls for each point above its wound penalties, applying an effect below:
maximum. Characters on a starship with excess heat must ▘CRITICAL FAILURE: If the ships current wounds exceed its
make a Vigor roll (at -1 per point over the maximum) or maximum, the ship is destroyed. The crew has 2d6 rounds
gain a point of fatigue. Also, opposed rolls that target the to evacuate the ship before it explodes. Otherwise, treat
ship (i.e. Scan, Shooting) gain +1 bonus for each point over this result as just a failure.
the maximum, due to its clear sensor signature. ▘FAILURE: Roll on the Critical Hit table. The Ship suffers a
severe breakdown. Severe breakdowns cannot be repaired

Ship Attacks until all wounds have been repaired (see ship repairs).
Starships attack and deal damage just like characters. ▘SUCCESS: Roll on the Critical Hit table. The Ship suffers a
Tactical Officers roll Ship Ops to activate weapon modules limited breakdown. Limited breakdowns last until they are
and deal damage. If you have an AI Module installed, the repaired while the is docked or powered down.
ship can roll Shooting to fire, or support an officer. ▘RAISE: Roll on the Critical Hit table. The damage is
Most Ship based weapons, such as Mass Accelerators, are temporary, and can be repaired at any time, even during
treated like standard ranged attacks, such as having a base encounters, with the appropriate tools and resources.
Target Number of 4, and suffering penalties for range, etc. Shaken
Some weapons, like Missiles, instead target a ships While Ships can be shaken, they aren’t incapacitated like
signature, which is a seperate defense value, (similar to individual characters. While shaken, a starship AI cannot
parry). Details for ship weapons are detailed in the Ship utilize its own skills, or assist officers and crew.
Equipment under ‘Creating a Ship’ section below. Instead the ship counts as an unstable platform and all
player and crew actions suffer a -2 as long as the ship

Ship Damage & Critical Hits remains shaken. At the beginning of a round, the ship
When one starship scores a successful hit against another makes a Spirit roll to recover from being shaken.
ship, the first deals damage. If the weapon’s damage roll Note: ships that would become shaken again instead
beats the target ships defense (Vigor + Armor), the target suffer a wound and critical hit, just like characters.
ship becomes shaken and may suffer one or more wounds,

Ship Repairs Ship Movement
Ships suffer damage both in terms of wounds, and Starships are always considered to be in motion, even
debilitating Breakdowns, usually caused by Critical Hits. relative to each other, and it can take time to alter speed
Depending on the damage, repairs can either be made and direction. To track movement on a tabletop, we use a
during combat, or while powered down and docked. simple compass heading indicator and acceleration
▘WOUNDS: Ship Wounds cannot be repaired during an indicators for N/S and W/E (we do not track the Z-axis).
engagement, and usually take several hours or days to Once per round a ship can take the Fly action to adjust
complete. Normally, they can only be repaired while their Heading. A ship must reduce a heading speed to 0
docked or landed, but if a ship has access to salvage or before it can accelerate in the opposite direction.
other resources, repairs may be attempted while in flight. For simplicity, it's recommended that you designate one
▘BREAKDOWNS: Breakdowns represent acute damage that ship a ‘focus’ (usually the PC’s) and move other ships
inhibit a ship’s operation. Limited and Severe Breakdowns, relative to their location. Despite the fly action occurring on
require both time and resources to completely remove. the pilots turn, ships do not MOVE until the end of the
Temporary Breakdowns, on the other hand, can be repaired round.
at any time, even by non-officers, and takes just an action ▘NOTE: It may be beneficial to go last when adjusting
on a character’s turn. your heading, In this case, Pilots can ‘Hold’ their action. In
To repair a ships wounds or breakdowns, engineers make the case multiple pilots are holding, all pilots can make a
a repair roll modified by the ships wound penalties and piloting roll at the end of the round, with pilots acting in
repair mod. A success repairs one wound or breakdown and order of lowest to highest (i.e. the higher you roll, the later
a raise removes 2 (max), or reduces the total time to you can choose to act).
complete repairs. Severe breakdowns cannot be repaired
until after all wounds are removed. SHIP MOVEMENT: AN EXAMPLE
A failed attempt only wastes the time but does not At the start of a round, Ship A has a Heading of N3/W2, an Ship

further harm to the ship and can be retried again the next B, enemy vessel (3 squares behind Ship A), has a Heading of

day without further penalty. On a critical failure, however, N4/W2. If neither ship alters their heading, Ship B will move
North 1 unit at the end of each round, eventually overtaking
the ship gains a new flaw, determined by the GM.
and passing Ship A.
Each attempt to repair a wound or breakdown (except
If, on its turn, Ship B takes the Fly action to increase it’s N
temporary) takes a number of hours equal to 5 x the ships
speed by 2, it now has a heading of N6/W2, meaning it will
Strength die and costs 1 Trade Credit. A larger crew or hired
close the distance in one round. On the table top, you would
workforce can reduce the time to complete repairs. only move that ship N 2 units, representing the difference
between the headings. If Ship B instead had a heading of
S6/W2, it would instead move 9 units south.

If a third ship joins the fray, both it and B adjust their Maneuvers
position on the map relative to the ‘focus’ ship A A ship may not use the same maneuver more than once per
round. Whenever you suffer a critical failure on a maneuver,

Starship Actions the ship suffers the normal effects of failure, and is also
Vulnerable until the end of the next turn.
On their turn, an officer can take certain actions as part of a
▘HARD BREAK: The starship modulates its ME field to quickly
ship crew depending on their current station. Characters
reduces its speed without inverting. Make a Piloting roll at -2.
must follow the normal limits on actions (such as Multi-
Success: You may reduce one or both heading speeds by a
Action Penalty), as well as limitations on specific station
total amount equal to your Acceleration +2 (or +4 with a raise).
actions, as listed below.
Failure: As above, but your Acceleration is reduced by half
Note: Skills marked in (*) are the skills used by Ship AI until the end of your next turn.
when making trait rolls to take station or support rolls. ▘EVADE: The Pilot attempts to evade fire. Gain 1 heat point
and make a Piloting roll at -2.

Helm Actions Success: The ship my fly as normal and gains a +2 to its
▘FLY: Pilots adjusting one of the ships heading by their Defense (or +4 on a raise) until the start of the next round..

Acceleration. A ship that does not take the fly action keeps Failure: The Ship gains no defense benefits.
▘FLIP AND BURN: The ship flips 180oalong one axis,. Gain 1
its current heading.
heat point and make a Piloting roll at -4.
▘MANEUVER (0+ HEAT): Pilots may make a Piloting roll to
Success: Reduce one heading speed by twice your
attempt complex maneuvers (see Maneuvers).
acceleration. If reduced to 0, gain 1d6 in opposite heading.
Failure: As success, but ship become shaken.
▘STRAFE: You maneuver to gain an advantageous sightline
against an enemy vessel. Make an opposed Piloting roll.
Success: The ship gains a +2 bonus (+4 on a raise) on the next
tactical action before the start of the next round..
Failure: The ship takes -2 on Tactical actions until the end of
the round.
▘SPIRAL: You maneuver the ship to stall for time, or setup
another +maneuver. Make an opposed Piloting roll.
Success: You gain a +2 bonus on your next piloting roll
before the end of your next turn..
Failure: The ship becomes shaken.
▘REDLINE: You quickly accelerate the ship along one heading.
Gain 1 heat point and make a Piloting roll at -2.
Success: Immediately move the ship up to half its

Acceleration along one current heading, and the ship makes a
Ship Scan
Vigor roll. On a success, increase the ships Acceleration by 1
When one ship scans another, it can learn valuable intel
(or 2 on a raise). On a failure, it takes damage equal to 2d6 plus
regardings its capabilities and limitations. For each
your current Acceleration.
Failure: You immediately move the ship up to half your success and raise, a Science officer can learn one of the

Acceleration along a heading and the ship becomes shaken. following traits of their choice. Some options may be
harder to discern than others, however.
Science Actions
▘JUMP (2 HEAT): Science officers can make a Science roll ▘Current Heat Points

to quickly plot an FTL course and jump to a new region, ▘Maximum Heat Points

system or relay while in a battle or chase. ▘Signature

On a failure, a ship may still jump, but may be off course, ▘Missile Defense

depending on distance (and may have to jump again). ▘Total Defense

▘BOOST SHIELDS: Science officers monitor a ships kinetic ▘Shield Strength (die)

barriers and can use their action to recharge those shields ▘One Attribute Die

by making a Ship Ops roll or using the Ship’s Shield Die. ▘System Breakdown (Main group only)

▘STEALTH: Science officers can make a Ship Ops (Stealth) ▘Sensor Status (Active, Passive, Offline)

roll to modulate emissions to hide from passive and active ▘Heading (Alerted if changed before the end of round)

sensors, just as characters do (see SWADE p 35). ▘Jump Destination (When tracking a fleeing ship)

Once engaged, a ship cannot attempt to hide unless it Engineering

finds cover behind a celestial body or stellar phenomena ▘ROUTE POWER: Engineers can make Ship Ops rolls to

(i.e. nebula), or it jumps out of range of other ship’s sensors. divert power from one station to another. On a success,

▘ELECTRONIC WARFARE: Science officers can make choose two stations: Officers and crew gain a +1 bonus (+2

Hacking rolls to utilize electronic jamming and AI software on a raise) to all rolls at one station, and take -1 penalty (-2

to disrupt communications and increase ship defenses on a raise) to all rolls at the other station. A station cannot

against enemy sensor and targeting systems. have a penalty less than -4 from this feature.

The target ship takes a -2 (or -4 on a raise) on rolls that ▘OVERLOAD REACTORS (1 HEAT): Engineers can make

target your ship, until the start of the next round. Hacking rolls to override safety limiters and provide a +1

▘SCAN: Signal Officers can make Science (Notice) rolls to bonus (+2 on a raise) to all officer and crew rolls at a

detect hostile or hidden ships in a region, or directly scan station, without routing power.

visible ships for detailed information on current ▘VENT HEAT: Once per round, Engineers can make Science

capabilities. A ship passively scan other ships (and not rolls to reduce heat build up. Doing so reduces the ships

reveal themselves if hidden), but they take a -4 on the roll. acceleration (but not current speed) by half and causes the

ship to become Vulnerable until the start of the next turn. Ops or Shooting rolls caused by size, range, or EW by 2 on a
The ship loses one heat point for every success and raise. success, or 4 on a raise until the start of the next round.

▘DAMAGE CONTROL: Engineering officers can make ▘SALVO (1 HEAT): Tactical officers can make Ship Ops

Repair rolls to negate the breakdown effects from critical (Shooting) rolls to make a single attack with a ship weapon.

hits during engagements (GM’s call). Damage control can ▘BARRAGE (2 HEAT): Tactical officers can make a Ship Ops

be attempted remotely, but the Officer suffers a penalty (Shooting) roll to fire one ship weapon up to its rate of fire.

based on the distance and/or severity. ▘FLIGHT CONTROL: Tactical officers can make a Battle

For each success and raise, the breakdown’s effects are roll to support friendly spacecraft in the nearby region.

ignored until the end of the following round. ▘MISSILE DEFENSE: Tactical officers can take manual
control of missile targeting controls, and make a Battle roll

Tactical Actions to replace their default MD for the round.

▘FIRE SOLUTION: Tactical officers can make a Hacking roll

to increase accuracy, reducing penalties to Tactical Ship

Starship Critical Hits

When a ship suffers a wound, it rolls on the critical hit table. First roll 1d12 to determine location, then roll 2d6 to determine the effect. (If
location not available, reroll). Regardless of the effect, the damage to the ship can only be repaired from that location.
2d6 System

REACTOR FAILURE: A major reactor fails, inflicting a critical shipwide system. Roll 1d6:
(1) FTL Drive: The ship loses 1d6 FTL jumps. If reduced to 0, the ship must be repaired before it can jump again.
(2) Sublight Engines: The ships Acceleration is reduced by 1d10 until repaired.
(3) Processor Overload: The Ships AI is fried, and inflicts a -2 penalty to all station rolls until repaired.
(4) Life Support: All crew suffer one level of fatigue from crippled life support systems while on the ship, until
(5) Radiator: The Ships gains 1d6 heat points, and its maximum is reduced by the same amount.
(6) Shields: The ships shields lose 1d4 levels, and its maximum is reduced by the same amount.
STATION FAILURE: A critical hit affects all stations of one category across the ship. Roll 1d4.
(1) Science: All science stations rolls are made at -2 until repaired.
3 (2) Tactical: All tactical stations rolls are made at -2 until repaired.
(3) Engineering: All engineering stations rolls are made at -2 until repaired.
(4) Helm: All helm stations rolls are made at -2 until repaired.
4 HULL BREACH. Treat as a direct hit, and damage has breached the hull, exposing a location to vacuum. Roll 1d6.
(1) Hole: Victims must make a Strength roll at -4 or be ejected into outer space with debris. Location immediately loses
all air, and anyone without emergency life support asphyxiate.
(2-3) Tear: Location loses air pressure in 1 round. Afterward, any creature that doesn’t have emergency life support
asphyxiate. Creatures in location must make Strength roll at -2 or are killed
(4-6) Puncture: Location loses air pressure in 1d4 rounds. Afterward, any creature that doesn’t have emergency life
support asphyxiate.
EXTERIOR HIT: Reroll on this table. The damage is located on the exterior of the ship, and can only be repaired by
DIRECT HIT: Severe damage is dealt to ship modules or stations in one location. Any crew in the target location are dealt
6-8 4d6 damage, and all crew take 2d6 damage. Station rolls, and certain module-based actions (GM’s call) in that location
suffer a -2 penalty to rolls until repaired.
INDIRECT HIT: A minor hit strikes the ship. Roll 1d6
9-10 (1-3) Glancing Hit: Crew at target location suffer n3d6 damage and station rolls take a -1 penalty
(4-6) Ricochet: All ship crew in target location take 2d6 damage, but no other effects.
POWER SURGE: A minor subsystem malfunctions shipwide. Roll 1d6:
(1) Comm Relay: Ship cannot communicate with other vessels.
(2) Control Links: Characters must succeed on a Hacking roll (free action at the start of turn) to use station actions.
(3) Emergency Seals: All bulkhead doors switch to standby mode, limiting movement. Athletics rolls to change
11 locations are made at a -4. Characters can alternatively make a Hacking roll to change locations until repaired.
(4) Artificial Gravity: Ship loses gravity, and all crew suffer effects of Zero-G until repaired. Whenever the ship
performs a maneuver, all crew must succeed on an Agility roll or take 3d6 damage.
(5) Maneuvering Thrusters: Characters must succeed on a Piloting roll to use the Fly action.
(6) Circuit Breaker: The ship suffers intermittent power failure, and takes a -2 to recover from Shaken.
STRUCTURAL DAMAGE: The ship suffers damage to a core support structure. Roll 1d4.
(1) Maneuvering: Agility die reduced by one die type.
12 (2) Datacore: Smarts die reduced by one die type.
(3) Hull Frame: Vigor die reduced by one die type.
(4) Armor: Reduce maximum Armor by 2.
Ship Traits
Ship traits function just like character traits, ranging from
d4 to a d12, and can be advanced at character creation and
afterward with advancement points.
Creating a Ship
The following rules treat starships as characters, and have
rules for creating or advancing them, like characters. Wild Cards
Ships are Wildcards and receive 3 bennies

Your ship starts with a d4 in each attribute and has 5
attribute points with which to raise them. Raising an Ship equipment costs Trade Credits (TC) and usually
attribute one die type cost 1 attribute point each. requires downtime to install while a ship is docked in port.

Skills Derived Statistics

Ships, unlike characters, have no core skills. Ship skills Ships have several statistics that are derived from attributes
represent dedicated AI systems that allow a ship to take and skills, and/or modified by equipment.
actions semi-autonomously. Acceleration (Acc) represents the speed a ship moves
Ships start with 8 skill points that can be used to increase through subspace relative to other ships. All ships have a
a ships skill die. Unlike characters, ship skills are all linked Top Speed of 50, after which a ship is considered FTL.
to the Smarts die, and cost two points each step beyond the Jumps represent the number FTL jumps a ship can make
attribute die. A ship has a maximum number of skills based before it needs to refuel. A ship that runs out of jumps can
on the ships Smarts die. still travel FTL, but it must take time to skim makeshift fuel
from a system before it can limp back to port.

Hindrances & Edges Crew Factor represents the amount of crew (including
Ships possess Hindrances and Edges, just like characters. officers) needed to operate a ship station, default of 3.
These traits represent a ship’s ‘personality’ and encompass Officers on stations that have less than the crew factor
the overall synergies of various subsystems, patches, and suffer a -1 penalty per each crew missing. Conversely, each
tweaks a ship has accrued during its construction and crew above the crew factor for a station provides a +1
operation. Ships can also gain Edges through advancement. bonus to the officers station roll.
Repair Mod represents the basic redundancies and support
Value systems on a ship, and modifies repair rolls.
You gain 50 TC (Trade Credits) to buy attributes and Signature represents how easy a ship is to target with trait
modules. It shows what your ship is worth should you ever rolls. Base number is 4, and modified by a ships Size, as well
decide to sell it. Depending on the GM this is also the price as some Hindrances, Edges, or modules.
you have to pay if you need to buy it first. Missile Defense (MD) represents a ships ability to evade or
If you want to buy a used ship roll a d12 on the hindrance destroy enemy missiles or drones. Base missile defense is 2
table and add that hindrance to your ship in addition to the + Agility/2. Size and equipment also modify this value.
ones you have already picked, and does not count against Toughness is the base resilience a ship has to damage, and
your normal hindrance limit. You gain 2 less advancement is equal to 2 + Vigor/2.
points as well. On the plus side the price is halved! Defense is the total resilience a ship has to damage, and is
Equipment & Modules the total of a ships Toughness plus any Armor.
Ships equipment consists primarily of modules and
Slots represent the amount of room available on a ship to
weapons that are installed on a ship, taking up slot space.
install modules and equipment. A ship has a total number
of slots determined by its Strength x 7. Each location has
space for up to 10 slots. Starship Attributes
Attributes represent the overall strengths and weaknesses
Stations (Stat) represent the maximum number of Ship
of your ship. Each ship is different. Once chosen attributes
Stations (and therefore officer actions) a ship can hold.
are unlikely to be raised during the game as it is expensive.
Ships can have a maximum number of stations equal to 2 +
Every ship starts with d4 in all attributes. With ships of the
half the Ship’s Strength die.
same type, you can easily relate to the numbers and can
Locations (Loc) represent the number of separate sections
make calls based on your knowledge of playing a
of a ship that are used for stations, storage, or equipment..
Ships have a number of available locations equal to their
▘AGILITY: Agility determines a ship’s base Acceleration
Strength die.
(Acc), Number of jumps between refuel, and allows ships to
Starship Advancement
Advancement represents the little tweaks and tunings the gain access to certain maneuverability-based Edges.

crew make to the ship in their spare time or simply their ▘SMARTS: Smarts determines how much crew is needed to

growing familiarity with the ship. Ships only gain one operate a ship, how many ship skills can be installed, and

advance ever 5 sessions. The advances are limited because allows ships to gain access to certain skills-based Edges.

a ship is a machine and not as adaptable as a living being. ▘SPIRIT: Spirit represents a ships general durability against

In order to increase an attribute or skill die, the crew assault, and allows a ship to recover from being shaken.

must pay the difference in cost between their current die ▘STRENGTH: Strength represents a ships overall size, as

and the improved die step (minimum of 1 TC). well as its carrying capacity for modules and equipment.

When the ship gets an Advance, it gets 2 advancement Note: Strength cannot be altered after ship creation.

points, which may be used on any of the following options: ▘VIGOR: Vigor represents a ships resilience, such as the

▘ATTRIBUTE: Spend 2 advancement points to increase one number of wounds it can take before risking destruction, as

attribute die (except Strength) by one step. well as how easy or hard a ship is to repair.

▘EDGE: Spend 2 advancement points to gain a new Edge.

▘SKILLS: You may spend 1 advancement to increase a skill
that is lower than its linked attribute by one die type, or you Agility

may spend 2 advancement points to increase a skill that is Represents speed and travel endurance

equal to or higher than its linked attribute by one die type. Agility Acc Jumps Cost

To gain a new skill, you must first purchase the requisite d4 2 6 2

equipment (and AI system) to have it operate with the ship. d6 3 7 3

d8 4 8 5
Afterward, your ship gains that skill, starting at a d4.
d10 6 9 7
d12 7 10 10

Starship Skills
SmARTS Basic functionality is already represented by the attributes
Represents ship autonomous operation and support ability. which contain everything needed to fly. A ship does not
Smarts Crew Factor Skills Cost need to have a single skill to be functional. However skills
d4 +1 2 2 represent a specialization of the ship.
d6 +1 4 3 Usually the relevant skills of a player character is used
d8 0 6 5 instead of the ship's own. However, a ship with a skill can
d10 0 8 7
act as an officer or support crew.
d12 -1 10 10

List of Starship Skills

▘BATTLE: The Battle skill represents a ships ability to
Some say that every ship has a soul. If you can talk to your ship
coordinate aircraft, and destroy incoming ordinance.
and if you just listen to what it has to say it will help you?
Others claim that the computer systems installed the ships ▘HACKING: This represents the ships ability to use

create their own ghost in the machine and develop a mind of Electronic Warfare, signal jamming, and comms hacking.
their own. -- Spirit rolls allow ships to recover from being ▘HEALING: This represents automated medigel drones and
shaken more quickly. There is no cost to increase a ship’s spirit. medical bays on the ship.
▘NOTICE: This skill stand for the installed scanning
devices, radars and other detectors. If the player is on board
Represents ship size and equipment capacity
his skill is used. The ship can support as usual. If no player is
Strength Class Slots Size Cost
present the ship uses this skill to detect danger.
d4 Shuttle 28 +2 2
▘PILOTING: If the player switches on the autopilot this skill
d6 Cutter 42 +1 3
is used.
d8 Sm. Freighter 56 0 5
▘REPAIR: Repair represents the automated repair systems,
d10 Corvette 70 -1 7
d12 Lg. Freighter 84 -2 10
installed repair bots or redundancy systems of a ship. If no
engineer is on hand the ship will attempt to repair itself
Vigor with this skill.
Vigor represents ship wound capacity and repair efficiency. ▘SCIENCE: Science represents large data banks and
Vigor Wounds Repair Mod Cost archives that contain extensive research on stellar
d4 2 -1 2 anomalies, and astrogation charts.
d6 3 0 3
▘SHIP OPS: Ship Ops skill represents advanced automation
d8 4 0 5
for a variety of ship subsystems, designed to run
d10 5 +1 7
concurrently or autonomously with ship personnel.
d12 6 +2 10
▘SHOOTING: The shooting skill represents the targeting

computer of the ship. When a player is present their skill in
Ship Ops is used. If no player is available to man the Hindrances and Edges
weapons the ships skill is used instead. Despite being complex machines, Starship crews consider

▘STEALTH: This represents the ability of the ship to stay ships they are apart of to have their own personality - both

undetected. If a player character wants to hide his ship he positive and negative. Below are a list of Hindrances and

will roll piloting while the ship will support with stealth. If Edges available to ships when they are first built, as well as

there is no pilot the stealth skill of the ship is used to earned through certain deeds or injuries.

determine whether an observer detects it.

This skill represents not only a computer program but
Brittle Hull (Major)
also energy emissions, stealth coating, hull form etc.
This starship seems prone to damage despite extensive
armor modifications and repairs. The ships suffers a -1
penalty to its toughness.

Clunky Flyer (Minor/Major)

This ship is not known for its maneuverability. You take a -1
penalty to Maneuvering station rolls as a minor hindrance,
or -2 as a Major hindrance.

Common Ship (Major)

This type of ship is very well known across the galaxy,
having been built in numerous quantities. Enemies have a
+1 bonus on trait rolls against this ship.

Corrupt Navmaps (Minor)

The navmap memory of the ship has been garbled.
Whatever you try , navigation is always off by a small
amount. Officers suffer a -2 to Jump station rolls.

Defunct Scanner (Minor)

The scanners have seen better days, the wiring seems to be
a bit fickle. Officers suffer a -2 to Scan station rolls.

Failing Subsystems (Major) Quirk (Minor)
What do you mean the hyperdrive isn´t working? We just The turbolift door is stuck again and the nav computer
fixed it! -2 repair rating. Officers that suffer a critical failure always has to be hit with a fist before working! Something is
on a station roll causes that location to suffer a temporary always dysfunctional.
breakdown until it is repaired.

Defective Auxiliary Nodes (Major)

Faulty Drive (Minor/Major) The ships secondary terminals and control links are
Something got dislodged in the drive. The Ship seems to be notoriously unreliable. Support rolls by crew and ship AI
slower than it should be. Acceleration reduced by 1/2. suffer a -2 penalty.

Fickle Radiator (Major) Unlucky Ship (Major)

This ship has poor heat management systems. Its heat point Somehow you seem to be shot at, have more near crashes
maximum is reduced by 2, and Officers suffer a -2 to Vent and are inspected more often than should be the case.
Heat rolls. Remove a ship Bennie.

Fuel Drinker (Minor) Wanted (Minor/Major)

OK, someone must have wired the reactor wrong, it burns This ship was either stolen or someone really wants to own
fuel very inefficiently. The ship suffers suffers a -2 penalty it. The ship is wanted for some reason. (See edge of same
to the number of jumps it can perform between refuels. name in SWD)
Labyrinthine Design (Minor) Adaptive Emissions System
This ships interior passageways were poorly designed. Crew Requirements: Seasoned, Stealth d10+

suffer a -2 penalty to Athletics rolls to move locations. Fine-tuned adjustments to your ship reduce its profile by
altering its base emissions spectrum. Increase your

Old Pot (Major) Signature by 1, and gain +2 bonus to Stealth rolls.

This is a really old model. But it has character! The ship
loses a die type each in Vigor and Agility but receives 2 Advanced Auto-repair System
extra skill points, and increases is skill maximum by 1. Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d10+, Repair d8+
Small repair bots and self healing computer routines

Poor Insulation (Major) enable the ship repair itself. +1 on the ships repair rolls, ½
This ship has poor heat insulation, and is easy to spot on repair time with a raise.
ship scanners. Your ship’s signature is reduced by 1.

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Piloting d6+

The Engine is modified to prove an incredible short term attack and damage rolls with a specific ship weapon.
boost to speed. The Pilot can utilize one jump fuel to gain a
bonus to acceleration equal to the Agility Die. Fuel Efficient
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+

Caring Crew Either the drive itself or the core are modified or so well
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ worn in that it uses a lot less fuel for FTL travel. When you
The Crew truly loves it's ship, and work hard to keep her jump, roll a d6. On a 6, no fuel is expended.
flying. The crew can use their own bennies on the ship rolls.

Improved Firing Line

Combat Circuitry Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d10+
Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Vigor d6+, Repair d6+ The efficiency of the weapon has been increased to better
The wiring of the ship is enhanced for combat and far less output levels. The ship can use bennies on damage rolls.
prone to fail. Ship gains +2 on rolls to recover from shaken.

Improved Sensor Array

Dedicated Control Links Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Notice d8+
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Ship Ops d6+ The sensors have adapted through repeated use and can
The ship has specialized control links and auxiliary efficiently detect patterns in the surroundings. +1 to officer
terminals for support crew. One station type of your choice Science rolls to Scan.
gains a +2 to support rolls. You can choose this edge
multiple times, each time selecting a different station. Lucky Ship
Requirements: Novice

Diffuse Radiator Array The ship is famous for getting out of scraps every other ship
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Science d6+ would have been vaporized in. It gains an extra bennie
This ship has diffuse ceramic heat sink panels installed
along its hull, allowing for more efficient heat dispersion. Machine Learning Matrix
The ship’s toughness is reduced by 1 (as these panels are Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d10+, Ship Ops d8+

brittle), but the ship no longer suffers a penalty to Machine learning software allow this ship to adapt to

acceleration when using Vent Heat. Also, the ship loses 1 almost any situation. Once per round, as a free action

heat each round, even if it generates heat during the round. during an engagement, the ship can roll a d10 in place of its

Famous Weapon normal skill die for one skill of its choice.
Requirements: Novice, Shooting d8+
A specific ship weapon is well known in all of space for its Improved Maneuver Jets
ability to destroy enemy Spacecraft. Officers gain +1 on Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Piloting d8+

The ship handles easier and moves in ways not normal for
its design. Ship gains +1 on piloting rolls for maneuvers. Prototype Astrograph
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Science d8+
The astrograph has been heavily modified from his original
design. Science officers gain a +2 on station rolls to Jump.

Proximity Alert
Requirements: Novice, Notice d10+
The ship's scanners are very finely tuned. The ship can roll
Notice at -2 to detect surprise attacks or imminent danger

Sturdy Hull
Requirements: Seasoned, Vigor d6+
Extensive study of combat damage allows you to reinforce
critical systems with no additional weight or cost. Ship
gains +1 Toughness.

Ship Destroyer
Requirements: Novice, Strength d8+, Battle d8+
The Guns and Targeting mechanism of the ship are tuned to
attack larger ships. Add 1d10 (instead of 1d6) damage when
you score a raise on a Salvo or Barrage roll.

Synchronized Turrets
Requirements: Novice, Strength d8+, Smarts d8+, Battle d8+
The ships targeting systems are optimized to conduct
synchronized bursts. Officers reduce a multi-action penalty
for Tactical actions by half.

Trusty Old Ship

Requirements: Veteran, Spirit d8+
The crew trusts the ship to carry them through anything and
keep on flying. Ship can give bennies to players.

Well Built
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+
The ship is very well built and has more slots than an
average ship of the same size. Slots are calculated as
Strength x 10, instead of Strength x 7.

Starship Equipment not give their defensive benefit on the same round they are
used to attack enemy vessels.
Many modules (particular station modules) have a capacity,
with represents operation space for characters in that This equipment is part of the ships entire hull. It takes up no
module. In the case of stations, capacity is particularly slots on the ship (but may have other requirements).
important when determining whether a station is under-
crewed and suffers penalties.
Storage modules have a load value, which represents the
Cost Per Size storage space a ship can hold for transporting goods.
These items costs more when installed on larger sized
Mass Effect Field Grappler
ships. Increase the cost by 1 TC for Strength die step above The field grappler only has a very short range of 1 Inch
a d4 the ship has. (Melee range during a chase). Instead of shooting the
grappler uses Ship Ops. To successfully grapple an enemy
Fixed Mounts ship you must succeed on a Ship Ops roll opposed by the
Fixed Turrets are usually fitted along the spine or length of targets Piloting roll. On a success you have grappled the
a hull. Their longer length gives them greater power and ship. If it is a smaller size category you have disabled and
effective range, but reduces their tracking, limiting their use grappled It successfully. If the targeted ship is the same size
to long range “bombardment” range. When making Ship category the Ship Ops roll is at -2. If it is a larger size
Ops/Shooting rolls, treat all attacks as if fired from long category your roll is at – 4 and the victim will free itself on a
range (-4 penalty), regardless of actual distance. The range club on the operators initiative card until you have
listed is the long range for the weapon. successfully boarded or otherwise fully disabled it.

GARDIAN Missiles
General ARea Defense Integration Anti-spacecraft Network Missiles are designed for shorter ranged engagements.
(consists of anti-missile and anti-fighter laser turrets on the Designed with built in mass effect fields, they can
exterior hull. Because these are under computer control, overpower kinetic shields, despite their slower velocity.
the gunnery control officer needs to do little beyond turn Combined with guidance systems, they cannot usually be
the system on and designate targets as hostile. dodged, and must be destroyed in flight. Missiles target
GARDIAN systems are primarily a passive defense system, starship missile defenses, which are primarily increased by
however they can be used offensively against other small ship agility, ECM, and point defense weapons.
ships -- while extremely accurate, they operate at a
relatively short distance. Importantly, GARDIAN systems do

Missile Defense runs the length of the ship. This means ships are either
MIssile Defense is a seperate defense stat, similar to parry limited to a long-range spinal cannon, or Bow/Stern Turrets.
for individual characters. Attacks with Mass Accelerators
normally only need to hit a TN of 4, but missiles can be Shields
defeated by good EW and point defense. Better equipment Ships have Kinetic Shields, just like characters, providing
or crew can also improve Missile Defense. additional soak levels, and recharging on the ships turn.
Ship shields cannot soak damage from direct-energy
Spine weapons (i.e. GARDIAN lasers) or Disruptor Missiles.
Ships can only have one Spine mounted weapon, which

Starship Modules
Slots: A starship has a total number of slots and locations determined by its Strength die. Each location has room for 10 slots worth of
modules. Modules cannot exceed total ship slots, even if locations have space remaining, and modules’ slots cannot be split up.

Whenever you choose a station module, select one of the following types: Science, Engineering, Tactical, or Helm. While in a location
this module, officers can take station actions linked to its type. Note: Ships must have 1 (and only 1) Helm Station.

Type Slots Cost

Primary Station 3 1

Note: Capacity 5.
Secondary Station 2 1

Note: Capacity 3.
Auxiliary Station 1 1

Note: Capacity 2. Does not allow station actions, only useful for support crew rolls.

These modules include options to alter a ships environmental access flexibility, as well as maneuverability and endurance

Type Slots Cost

Atmospheric Design 2/4/6/8/10 3*

Note: Can enter into planet atmospheres. Cost per size.

AT Landing Gear 1/2/3/4/5 2*
Note: Ship can land on rough ground or water, rather than a spaceport. Requires Atmospheric Design. Cost per size.

High-Performance Engine 1 2

Note: +1 to Ship Acceleration. Cost per Size. (Max 4).

Stabilizing Thrusters 2 3
Note: Ship gains a +1 bonus to piloting rolls. Cost Per Size. (Max 2).
Reserve Fuel Stores 1 1
Note: Ship gains a +1 bonus to max jumps. Cost per Size. (Max 4).

Auxiliary Systems
These modules provide miscellaneous equipment, such as heat management and sensors.

Type Slots Cost

Deep Hull Heat Sinks 1 8*

Note: Integrated. Cumulative +2 to station rolls to Hide. Cost per Size. (Max 3).
High Capacity Heat Storage 1 1

Note: Cumulative +2 to maximum heat points. Cost per Size. (Max 5).
Droplet Heat Sink System 3 8*
Note: Ship gains +4 to Vent Heat rolls, and no longer is Vulnerable while doing so. Cost per Size.
LADAR Sensor Array 1 1
Note:Required for ‘Ship Scan Action. Cumulative +1 to Ship Notice/ Science station rolls to Scan. Maximum +4. Cost per Size.
Mass Effect Field Tractor 6/7/8/9/10 5*
Note: Allows grappling of another ship. Cost per size. Special
Repair Drone 5 10

Note: Allows for remote repairs outside a spaceport

storage & Living Space

These modules include structures for crew living space, passengers, supplies, and cargo storage.

Type Slots Cost

Living Quarters 1 1

Note: Capacity 2. Efficient personal space for crew members

Guest Quarters 2 2
Note: Capacity 2. Luxurious space for passengers or crew.
Barracks/Bunk 2
Note: Capacity 5. Hot Bunks designed for shared use, minimal recovery
Specialized Storage 3 3

Note: Load Special. Storage for one of the following: (Livestock, Weapons, Secret, Chemical, Industrial, Cryo, Ship Supplies, Medical)
Medical Bay 2 3
Note: Capacity 3. Dedicated medical section that allows for automated treatment & limited intensive care. Supplies not included.
Cargo Hold 5 2
Note: Load 20. General storage, less efficient, but useful for most
Shuttle Bay 5/10 5
Note: Requires d10+ Strength, allows space for d4/d6 strength ship to dock inside.
Central Lift 3 2

Note: +2 to all Athletics rolls to change locations during engagements. (Max 1).
Access Corridor 1 1
Note: Choose two locations. +4 to Athletics rolls to move between those locations during engagements.

Defense systems
These modules provide options for improved armor, shields, point-defense and EW platforms.

Type Slots Cost

Electronic Warfare Array 2 4*

Note: Required for ‘Electronic Warfare’ Action. Cost per Size. (Max 3).
GARDIAN (Missile Point-Defense) -- 2

Note: Integrated. Increases Missile Defense (MD) by 1. (Max Strength/2).

ECCM Systems -- 3

Note: Integrated. Increases Missile Defense by 2. (Max 3)

Shield Emitters 1 2*

Note: Ship gains d4/d6/d8/d10/d12 shield die per purchase. Cost per Size.
Cyclonic Kinetic Shielding 2 4*
Note: Ship gains +2 to shield rolls. Cost per Size. (Max 1).
Backup Shield Generator 2 3
Note: Ship gains +1 Shield level. Cost per Size. (Max 3)
Advanced Armor Plating -- 2*
Note: Integrated. Cost per Size. Increase Armor by 3. Reduce total Acceleration by 2. (Max 2 between Advanced and Ablative).
Ablative Armor Plating -- 5*

Note: Integrated. Cost per Size. Increase Armor by 5. Reduce total Acceleration by 3. (Max 2 between Advanced and Ablative).
Reinforced Bulkheads 3 1*

Note: Cost per Size. Increase Armor by 2. (Max 2, between Reinforced and Armored).

Armored Bulkheads 5 3*

Note: Cost per Size. Increase Armor by 4. (Max 2, between Reinforced and Armored).

Starship Weapons
Standard starship armaments consist of large mass accelerators, able to accelerate hardened metal slugs via electromagnetic attraction and repulsion.
Standard turrets have a radial firing arc, while some ships sport fixed turrets. All turrets are sized for their ship, and deal damage proportional to the ships
strength. | Tactical Module: Each weapon counts as one module, and requires one or more Tactical stations to utilize.

Type Range (hex) Damage RoF SP Str. Req Slots TC

Pivot Turret 4/8/16 Str + d6 +1 2 -- d4 3 5
Note: Radial (+2 to Shooting rolls)

Broadside Turret 6/12/24 Str + d8 + 2 3 -- d6 5 6

Spinal Gun 60/60/60 Str + d10 + 4 -- 2 d8 8 7

Note: Fixed, Spine

Bow/Stern Turret 6/12/24 Str + d8 + 2 3 -- d6 7 7

Note: Radial (+2 Shooting), Spine

Wing Turrets 40/40/40 Str + d8 +4 -- 1 d8 6 7

Note: Fixed

Disruptor Torpedo, Light 2/4/8 4d8 -- 4 d6 5 5

Note: Missile (+2 to Shooting Rolls)

Disruptor Torpedo, Heavy 3/6/12 5d10 -- 6 d10 7 8

Note: Missile (+2 to Shooting Rolls)

GARDIAN Lasers 1/2/4 2d6+1 -- 20 -- Special Special

Note: Laser (+4 Shooting rolls), GARDIAN weapons size/cost determined by module list. +2 damage for each additional laser used (Max 1/2 total lasers).

Turret weapons can have up to two different upgrades. Unlike personal firearms, starship upgrades cannot be installed afterward [the whole module must
be replaced]. Most upgrades are not available for missiles, unless indicated with (M) for missile.
Die: Whenever an entry says (+/-die), you increase/decrease the original die entry for that weapon by one step (e.g. 2d6 becomes 2d8).

Type Range (hex) Damage RoF SP Str. Req Slots TC

Light Weapon Mount (M) -- -die -- -- -- -4 Special

Heavy Weapon Mount (M) -- +die -- -- +die +2 5

Thanix Cannon -- +4 -1 20 -- +2 5

Rotary Turret -die 2 1 -- +1 4

Integrated Capacitor +2 -- -- -- +3 4

Ionized Shells -- +1 -- 2 -- +1 4

Dedicated Thermal Array -- -- +1 -- +die +2 4

Note: Only available on turrets with RoF of 2+

Adaptable Turret Joints -- -- -- -- -- +1 4

Note: Gain +1 to Shooting Rolls when using the Fire Solution Action

Frictionless Turret Bearings -- -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Reduce penalty with Barrage or Salvo Fire Actions by 1.

Predictive AI Targeting (M) +50% -- -- -- -- -- 4

Note: Reduce Range penalty by 1.

Javelin Launcher (M) d4 -3 -3

Note: Torpedo Only. Remove Str requirement. Can only be reloaded while docked.

Ship Modifiers Electronic Warfare

Below are a list of all modifiers you can potentially have Officers that use the Electronic Warfare science action can

during a ship engagement. These modifiers do not include impose a direct penalty on ships targeting them. For each

effects that affect characters individually (such as certain success and raise, the target ship takes a -2 penalty to Ship

edges, equipment, or powers). Ops (Shooting), Hacking, Science (Notice), or Battle rolls
that target your ship.

Ship weapons suffer a -2 to Ship Ops (Shooting) rolls when Fire Solution
using the Barrage action to autofire. Station officers that take the Fire Solution tactical action
reduce penalties to shooting that result from Range, Size,

Breakdown Electronic Warfare, or Evasive Maneuvers. This cannot

Several breakdowns impose penalties on various ship rolls. negate more than 4 points worth of penalties, or 6 on a

See Starship Critical Hits (p 39) for details. raise.

Crew Factor Heat Points

+/-1 per missing or extra support crew at each station Ships that exceed their maximum heat points inflict a -1
penalty to all Ship trait rolls for each point above the

Several Maneuver helm actions have a default penalty to
the Piloting roll, representing their innate difficulty. In turn, Small and Large ships or other stellar vessels have a size
several of these maneuvers also provide a bonus to rolls for modifier between -2 and +2
other aspects of the ship. See Maneuvers (p 37) for details.

Modules Unstable Platform

Several ship modules provide a modifier to ship or station Ships that become shaken become Unstable, and impose a
rolls. See Starship Modules (p 46) for details. -2 to all actions while the ship is Shaken.

Multi-Action Wounds
Characters can take up to three actions on their turn. For Ships with wounds take a -1 penalty to all ship trait rolls per
each action beyond the first, they take a -2 to all rolls that wound. This penalty is also applied to any characters
turn. engineering rolls when attempting to engineering the ship.

Range Zero-G
Ships suffer a -2/-4 to Ship Ops (Shooting) rolls for Ship Characters in Zero-G suffer a -2 to all Strength and Agility-
Weapons or to Science (Notice) for Scanning based trait rolls.

Route Power/Overload Reactor

Officers that use the Route Power or Overload Reactor
Engineering actions can grant bonuses (and inflict
penalties) on one or more other station officer rolls. See
Actions (p 37) for details.


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