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Additives used in Luncheon

By : Saif Nabil Salah

The level consumption of each additive (ADI)
1. The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of monosodium glutamate (MSG) :
• It is set at 30 mg per kilogram of body weight (bw) per day by several
health authorities including the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on
Food Additives (JECFA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and
the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Example :
• If someone weighs 70 kg (154 lbs), so that their ADI of MSG would be
30 mg/kg * 70 kg = 2100 mg/day. (2.1 gram/day)
2. The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of nitrite & nitrate :
• The ADI for nitrate is set at 3.7 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per
day (mg/kg bw/day), while The ADI for nitrite is set at 0.07 milligrams per
kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg bw/day). [1]
• If someone weighs 70 kg, their ADI of nitrate would be 3.7 mg/kg * 70 kg =
259 mg/day, while the ADI of nitrite would be 0.07 mg/kg * 70 kg = 4.9
3. The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of BHA & BHT :
• Both BHA and BHT are classified as GRAS by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) meaning they're considered safe for
their intended use in food , where BHA and BHT don't have a
formally established ADI (because there's no evidence of harmful
effects at the levels typically consumed in food).
• But some Studies suggest that the daily intake of BHA and BHT
from food is typically well below any potential safety concerns.
Estimates range from 0.01-0.04 mg/kg body weight per day.
The role of additives used in luncheon industry
1. MSG (monosodium glutamate) :
• can be used in luncheon meats to play a specific role as a flavor
enhancement , where MSG enhances the savory or "umami" taste
profile of foods and also can work synergistically with other
ingredients in luncheon meat, such as hydrolyzed proteins or
nucleotides, to create a more well-rounded and satisfying savory
2. nitrate and nitrite :
• Enhancing Color and Flavor: Nitrates and nitrites also contribute to
the desirable pink or red color associated with many luncheon meats.
Additionally, they can enhance the flavor profile by promoting the
development of certain desirable compounds during processing
• Preventing Bacterial Growth ,whereThe primary function of nitrates
and nitrites in luncheon meats is to inhibit the growth of harmful
3. BHA & BHT :
• Prevent Oxidation where , Luncheon meats are processed meats that
are susceptible to oxidation and Oxidation can lead to rancidity, off-
flavors, and discoloration so that we use BHA and BHT that act as
antioxidants, delaying the oxidation process and helping to extend
the shelf life of luncheon meats.

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