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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 2% _, s, 2024 2024 REGIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (RSPC) ole Schools Division Superintendents Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 7079, otherwise known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991, and in compliance with DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2010, entitled Guidelines on Financial Subsidy for the Conduct of the Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC), its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) specifically Rule IX of Section 1, this Office, through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division, announces the conduct of the 2024 Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC) with the theme, "From Campus Journalism to Real-World Journalism: Shaping Minds from Schools to Societies" on May 20-22, 2024, where May 20 is a Day 0, both for the Elementary and Secondary levels in the Division of City of San Fernando, Pampanga. 2. The conference aims to: a, demonstrate understanding of the importance of Journalism by expressing it through different journalistic endeavors and approaches; b. sustain advocacy on social consciousness and environmental awareness; c. provide a venue for an enriching learning experience for students interested in Journalism as a career or those who intend to use skill sets learned through campus journalism to give them a better edge in their chosen careers; d. promote responsible journalism and fair and ethical use of social media; and e. enhance journalistic competence through healthy and friendly competitions. 3. ‘The conference acti a. Individual Contests i, News Writing Features Writing iii, Editorial Writing iv. Sports Writing v. Copyreading and Headline Writing vi. Science and Technology Writing ’s shall include the following: *) Address: Matalino St. 0.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IT-CENTRAL LUZON Photojournalism viii, Editorial Cartooning ix. Column Writing b. Group Contests Radio Script Writing and Broadcasting Contest Collaborative Desktop Publishing (CDP) Contest Online Publishing Contest (for secondary level) . TV Script Writing and Broadcasting Contests (for secondary level) c. School Paper Contests i, News Section Features Section Editorial Section . Science and Technology Section v. Sports Section vi. Layout and Page Design d. Awarding winners and Outstanding School Paper Advisers (SPAs) and Campus Journalists (CJs). 4. Recognizing and respecting Intellectual Property Rights, the Department adheres to the rule concerning plagiarism. The Department of Education reiterates its stand to disqualify school papers found to have copied and published texts, graphics, and other materials without duly acknowledging their sources. The disqualification covers all competition sections of the school paper. 5. __ Any form of plagiarism in all competitions as proven by the board of judges shall be grounds for disqualification. 6. The score sheets for the individual categories, group categories, and school paper contest, are found in Enclosures 3a-i, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, and 8a-f of the DepEd Memorandum No. 24, s. 2023, or the 2023 National Schools Press Conference. 7. The top ten winners in all events per contest category per medium shall be recognized and the points they will garner will be included in the computation of the overall scores. The guidelines on how to compute the overall scores are enumerated in Enclosure No. 10 of the cited DepEd Memorandum. 8. All schools divisions must strictly follow the No School Paper, No Student Contestant Policy. DOtED DepED MATATAG Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) & ) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Nera” Website: httpsi// Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 9. _ For the impartial and unbiased selection of contestants to participate in the RSPC, the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) must be conducted. A comprehensive DSPC report including the process and list of winners and judges must be submitted two weeks after the conduct through this email address 10. Below is the list of enclosures on the guidelines of the school paper, individual and group contests: Enclosure Content. Number ‘Enclosure No.1 | Program Matrix for RSPC 2024 Enclosure No.2 | Format for the List of Student Contestants and Division School Paper Entries Bnlosure No.3 | 2024 RSPC Confirmation Sheet Enclosure No.4 | General Guidelines for the Selection of Winners in the Different Individual Writing Contests Enclosure No.5 _| Guidelines for the Collaborative Publishing Enclosure No.6 | Guidelines for Online Publishing (Secondary Only) Enclosure No.7 | Guidelines for Radio Broadcasting & Script Writing Contests (Filipino and English) Enclosure No.8 | Guidelines for TV Script Writing and Broadcasting Contests (Filipino and English) nclosure No. 9 | General Guidelines for the Selection of the Best Sections and Lay-Out and Page Design Category Enclosure No. 10 | Search for 2024 Outstanding Campus Journalists and School Paper Adviser Enclosure No. 11 | Computation of the Overall Scores Enclosure No. 12 | List of RSPC Technical Working Group ‘Enclosure No. 13 | Preparatory Activities for the RSPC 11. _ Each division is expected to submit the required documents using the format provided in Enclosures No. 2 and No. 3. Documents duly signed (fresh signature) and endorsed by the division superintendent (printed and scanned) and saved in portable document format (PDF) must be submitted in the Microsoft 365 OneDrive through this link: on or before May 13, 2024, 5:00 p-m. Use only DepEd email in accomplishing the link. 12. This official list signed by the schools division superintendent shall also serve as the official travel authority of each division and this is the only Travel Authority that shall be honored by the Regional Office. DehED ly (Go ea "Y adaress: atalino St .M. Government Center, Maimpis Cty of an Fernando (P) Ey Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: pa @; ew ‘Website: Peed Bs Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 13. If there shall be any last-minute changes in the list of contestants, the replacement shall submit justification/certification duly signed by the Schools Division Superintendent upon arrival at the contest venue to the respective chair of the Regional Technical Working Committee (RTWG). 14, The printed documents and MOVs of division winners in Most Outstanding School Paper Advisers (MOSPA) and Most Outstanding Campus Journalist (MOCJ} shall be submitted to DepEd RO3-CLMD on or before May 13, 2024, until 5:00 p.m, only. Late submissions shall NOT be accepted. (Note: Blue folder for MOSPA; Yellow folder for MOCJ) 15. The division winners/entries for the Group (School Paper) Contests in portable document format (PDF) duly endorsed by the Schools Division Superintendent must be received by the DepEd RO3 to be submitted on the Microsoft 365 OneDrive links below on or before May 13, 2024, 5:00 p.m. Only the Top 10 school papers per medium per level shall be submitted. The judging will be on May 18-17, 2024. No extension of the due date/time will be allowed. Use DepEd email in accomplishing links. ‘Level/Medium ‘Shorten URL Elementary English Elementary Filipino ‘Secondary English hittps:// ‘Secondary Filipino https: // 16. Regional winners in the Group (School Paper) Contest shall be recognized during the Award. 17. Only the 296 official delegates who are the division winners shall be registered. They are also the only ones who will receive Certificates of Participation and Appearance. 18, The school paper advisers shall pay the amount of Php60.00 as a membership fee for the Regional School Paper Advisers Association and Php30.00 for the Campus Journalists as membership in the Editors Guild. All officers are advised to submit the Annual Report and Financial Statement of the association. All payments shall be made to the Landbank Account of the Regional Association of School Paper Advisers. ‘Only the Head of the Delegation shall be the one to deposit the payments of the entire SDO delegation. Details of payment will be issued in a separate advisory. 19, Presidents and Treasurers of the Regional School Paper Advisers both in the Elementary and Secondary levels are required to render their services in the conduct of interviews of Outstanding School Paper Advisers and Outstanding Campus DeRED wararae © ve @: ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) _g) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: Republic of sd Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Journalists, and the School Paper Evaluation. The interview for Most Outstanding School Paper Adviser (MOSPA) and Most Outstanding Campus Journalist (CJ) will be on May 20, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. onwards. 20. _ Billeting schools will be provided to the following schools divisions: Aurora, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, Cabanatuan City, San Jose City, Gapan City, Science City of Mufoz, City of San Jose Del Monte, Tarlac City, Zambales, and Tarlac Province. Participants and personnel who will use the billeting schools are requested to bring with them their own beddings, electric fans, other sleeping materials, and foods. They shall register on or before April 22, 2024, on the following links provided: 21. For security and safety purposes, student participants are advised (but not required) to wear their respective school uniforms and school IDs during the event. The coaches shall take responsibility for their learners’ safety for the duration of the event to avoid any encumbrances. 22. _ Bach participant is advised to bring a 2 x 2 picture which will be attached to the RSPC ID provided by the regional office. Any violation of the stipulated guidelines is subject to disqualification. 23, Learners in elementary and secondary (both junior and senior high school levels) are eligible to join the contests. The contestants will be fetched by the School Paper Advisers in the designated area after the contests. 24, ONLY the contestants, examiners/proctors, and RTWG are allowed to stay in the contest venue. All the contestants should be at the designated holding area an hour before the contest. 25. Non-contestants, parents, and other school officials shall stay in their designated holding area. 26. Should there be any questions, comments, or clarifications on the contest, individual, and group categories, kindly contact or submit a letter to the Committee Chair and Co-chair for them to properly respond. 27. There shall be NO Registration Fee. However, the division offices shall manage the food and transportation of the participants. 28. Travel and other expenses incurred during the conduct of the RSPC shall be charged against Division Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)/School MOOE/Iocal funds/Special Education Fund or the School Campus De BED gaicg AEN sezecrennes on commen cnet cy ssn et es 1@9 en ee ee en ‘teva Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Journalism Fund, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 29. Meanwhile, meals of RTWG, honoraria of the judges/evaluators, board and lodging, meals of the RTWG and resource speakers, rental of equipment, payment for utilities, and contingency, trophies, medals, and certificates, transportation expenses, IDs, supplies, and materials incurred during the conduct of RSPC shall be charged against the Regional MOOE and support funds to be downloaded by the DepEd Central Office. 30. For queries and clarifications, please contact Mr. Irenio A. Bucsit, Jr., President, Regional Association of Secondary School Paper Advisers, at email address, Dr. Ramil Ilustre, Regional Education Program Supervisor (EPS) in English/Focal Person in Journalism English at, and Dr. Marie Ann C. Ligsay, Regional EPS in Filipino/Focal Person in Journalism Filipino at marieann 31. Immediate and wide dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum are desired. MAY B, ECLAR, PhD, CESO IIT fegional Director Encl; As stated References: Republic Act (RA) No. 7079, DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2010 ‘Tobe indicated in the Perpetual index ‘under the following eubjects! campus JOURNALISTS REGIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE ‘SCHOOL PAPER ADVISER cinp1/cimaio March 20, 2024 Yo rnd feecbace ‘eesrting any of ‘or serens, aay scan the ‘Ok cote, Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No,__, s. 2024 PROGRAM MATRIX Time Activity Persons Involved 2. rake a DepED we @} ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) MATATAG Rees we jone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: httpsi// Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Day 0, May 20, 2024 (Monday) 7:00 - Arrival * Division delegation ee Checking of equipment |. Selected IT experts BOO Interview for MOSPA 5:00 and MOCJ 1:00 - 5:00 Day 1, May 21, 2024 (Thursday) Group Contests 7:00 - Checking of * Participants in the group 9:00 Equipment (if needed) contest. 9:00 — Opening Program * Regional Director 10:00 Heroes Hall * Regional Education Program Supervisors in English and Filipino * 20 attendees per division which includes the Division Superintendent, Division Education Program Supervisors in English and Filipino (in charge of Campus Journalism), and division journalism focal persons 8:00 — Start of Orientation * Participants/contestants 9:00 Mini-Press Conference | __ in all Collaborative at Pampanga High Desktop Publishing and School TV Broadcasting categories * Contest Evaluators * Guest Speaker for the presscon + Contest Facilitators 9:00 - Start of all group * Participants/contestants onwards | contests in all group categories 8:00 - * Participants in Sports Sia Orientation and sports | Writing and f coverage/photoshoot Photojournalism © Contest Evaluators / Speakers DepED MATATAG ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: SS Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON 9:00 - 10; | Sports Writing and * Contest Facilitators 00. Photojournalism 3:00 - ‘Awarding of Winners | Participants/contestants onwards | in the Group Contests | in all group categories, (if possible) SPAs Day 2, May 22, 2024 (Friday) 7:00 - Signing of Attendance |e Participants/contestants 8:00 (Registration) in all individual categories ‘* School Paper Advisers +All others concerned 8:00 - Start of Individual © Participants/contestants 9:00 Contests in all group categories * Contest Evaluators / 9:00 - Evaluation of papers Speakers 3:00 by Contest Evaluators |. Contest Facilitators 2:00 - Awarding of Winners |e Regional Director eararse * Regional Education Individual Categories Program Supervisors in English and Filipino Group Categories * Division Education Program Supervisors in English and Filipino (in School Paper Winners charge of Campus Journalism) MOSPA/MOCS * Regional Association of Elementary and Secondary School Paper Advisers * Participants/contestants in all categories * School Paper Advisers © Contest Evaluators / Speakers «All others concerned DepED Us @ serwesemees & | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG | NF Gao Website: htpsi// Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON: Enclosure No. 2 to Regional Memorandum No,___, s. 2024 FORMAT FOR THE LIST OF STUDENT CONTESTANTS AND DIVISION SCHOOL PAPER ENTRIES A. The List of Ten Division Entries for School Papers per Section/Category Division: Section/Category:. ‘Name of School Paper | School Paper Adviser_| Principal’s Name Division | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG Sag?) Website: tpsy/redion3 deped gouh/ epED [@ "Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Malmpls, City of San Fernando (P) x S Ap, wy Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 1 2 3 4-10 B, List of Contestants for the Individual Contests Category: Division: Level (Elementary or Secondary): Complete Name of Gender] School] Name of School| School Paper | Division ‘Student Paper Adviser 1 2 3 Complete Gender | Role/Assigned Task (indicate the | School | Team | Division Name of contestants who have dual roles) Coach Student 1 2 3 a DepED MATATAG ao ‘Website: ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 7 5 &. List of Online Publishing Contestants (for Secondary only) F, List of TV Broadcasting and Script Writing Contestants (for Secondary only) Complete | Gender] Role/Assigned Task (indicate the | School | Team | Division Name of contestants who have dual roles) Coach Student iI 2 3 7 = 6 it Head, Division Delegation Team ‘Signature over Printed Name Enclosure No. 3 to Regional Memorandum No.___, s. 2024 2024 RSPC CONFIRMATION SHEET Division EPSvr In-charge of Journalism: Email Address.: Mobile No.: ‘Adress: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: DepED ) MATATAG ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 6 7 C. List of Radio Broadcasting and Script Writing Contestants Level (Elementary or Secondary): D. List of Collaborative Desktop Publishing Contestants Level (Elementary or Secondary): Complete Gender | Role/Assigned Task (indicate the | School | Team | Division Name of contestants who have dual roles) Coach Student a 2 3 4) 5 6 t Complete Gender | Role/ Assigned Task (indicate the | School | Team | Division Name of contestants who have dual roles) Coach Student 1 2 3 3) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) g)_ Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: 2 DepED é DehED Wy (Ge Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON Dear Sir/Madam: ‘This is to confirm the attendance of. delegates from the Schools Division of in the 2024 RSPC to be held on May 20-22, 2024 in the Division of City of San Fernando. Expected Delegates | Actual Delegates Delegates Elem. | Sec. | Total | Blem. | Sec. | Total ‘Campus Journalist Winners uM [MM Rank 1-3 in 9 Categories in 54 54 | 108 [F FOF: Individual Contests with 2 mediums Campus Journalist Winners M: M: | M: Rank 1 in Radio Broadcasting & 14 14 23 [F: F: F: Script Writing with 2 mediums ‘Campus Journalist Winners M: [M: [Mm Rank 1 in Collaborative Desktop 14 14 28 | F Fe Publishing with 2 mediums Campus Journalist Winners M [M: [M: Rank 1 in TV Broadcasting and N/A 14 14 fF Fg: Script Writing with 2 mediums Campus Journalist Winners M: M: Rank 1 in Online Publishing N/A 10 10 [F: 3 2 ‘with 2 mediums DebeD yy ( MATATAG) ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Msimpls, City of San Fernando (P) ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: Republic of Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON: Coaches of the CJ Winners M: M: M: 54 54 108 in Individual Contests ER rR F: Coaches of the CJ Winners M: M: 2 2 4 in Radio Broadcasting EB F EB Coaches of the CJ Winners M: M: 2 2 4 in Collaborative Desktop Publishing F F: FE Coaches of the CJ Winners M: N/A 2 2 in TV Broadcasting BR FR Fr Coaches of the CJ Winners M: M: M: N/A 2 2 in Online Publishing F: F F: Division In-Charge of M: z 2 Campus Journalism * F: F: Schools Division Superintendent M: M: M: 1 % or Assistant SDS BK F F: CID Chief Education Supervisor 1 Lt F: F: F: ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: htips:// ote Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON: Outstanding CJ and SPA A | 4 F: F: F: Presidents of the Division M: M: M: Association of School Paper Advisers x 1 a (elem. & sec.) FE FE: F: wee includi ng F F F: Division Delegates Total 143 | Divisio] 318 n Person, nel Very truly yours, Head, Division Delegation Team Signature over Printed Name a fen’ Adress: Mataino St. D.M, Government Center, Mlmps, City of San Frmando(P) r @ | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: crus” Website: https://region3.deped Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Enclosure No. 4 to Regional Memorandum No.__, s. 2024 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE SELECTION OF WINNERS IN DIFFERENT INDIVIDUAL WRITING CONTESTS The competition in Individual Writing Contest is designed to showcase the competencies of campus journalists, demonstrate their holistic skills and proficiency through media exposure, immersion, and press conferences, and promote free responsible journalism. Only learners from schools with school papers (digitized or PDF), both in English and Filipino for the school year and who won the top three spots in each category are allowed to compete in the various individual contests of the RSPC. The following will be strictly implemented and complied with: A, General guidelines 1. _ To facilitate proper identification, the participants may wear their school uniform with their valid school ID/RSFC IDs, especially during the contest Proper, except for TV and Radio Script Writing and Broadcasting contestants. 2. Should there be questions and assistance needed, the participants can only raise their concerns to the assigned proctor and/or examiner. The proctor shall refer them to Regional TWG for an appropriate response. 3. Contestants should not put any identifying mark on the contest entry or answer sheet. 4, School paper advisers, teachers, principals, parents, or guardians who will be found in and around the contest venue will be grounds for disqualification of their contestants. 5. The top ten (10) winners per category per medium shall be recognized via memorandum but only the top three (3) winners shall be awarded during the awarding ceremony and their points shall be included in the computation of the overall scores (combined scores of Individual and Group Contests). 6. Any violation of the stipulated guidelines will be grounds for disqualification of the participant. 7. The decision of the members of the board of judges in all aspects of the contest shall be deemed final and irrevocable. B. Pre- Contest _§/ Website: DepED GOB») ncsress ata st 0.M. covert center, Msp, Chy Sen Fernando) £ GB 3 Tetenhone number (35) 3568580 wo 89 mall Adres reer3@deped.g09h MATATAG A et Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IlI-CENTRAL LUZON 1, All contestants for individual categories shall be in their designated contest rooms 30 minutes before 8:00 AM. Contestants who will come after 8:00 am shall be accepted but orientation details will not be repeated for them. 2. Once inside the contest rooms, contestants shall not be allowed to use mobile phones and shall be required to turn them off or put them into silent mode. 3. __ The contest proctors will facilitate the signing of the registration in the contest rooms. 4, Contestants must check their names and contest codes carefully from the registration form. They have to make sure that their credentials are written correctly on the registration form. 5. _ Contestants in the individual writing categories shall use their own black- inked ballpen and the paper provided in the kit. Only outputs written in the official paper shall be accepted by the proctor for submission. 6. Contestants in the editorial cartooning shall only use the materials provided by the proctor. 7. Contestants must write their codes in the upper left corner of their output. No other identifying marks should be written in the output. Any identifying marks included in the output shall be subject to disqualification. 8, Contestants shall follow strictly the submission time set by the contest proctor. ©. Contest Proper 1. News, Feature, Column, and Editorial Writing: a, Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as a basis for writing the article. b. Contestants shall be given one (1) hour to write their article. 2. Sports Writing a. A pre-game conference shall be conducted for the introduction of the players, coaches, and tournament officials. Consequently, a post-game conference shall be held for further interviews and data gathering. b. Contestants shall watch an actual game where they can gather appropriate data and/or interview officials and athletes before and after the game. c. Mobile phones or any recording device shall not be allowed during the game and interview. d. Contestants shall return directly to the designated contest rooms after the game coverage. Any contestant caught communicating with coaches, 4 (& B™ >) naires atalino S01, Goverment eter, Mampi chy of en eran) eS Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Eee By Website: Republic of | the Philippines: Department of Education REGION I1]-CENTRAL LUZON parents, or teachers outside the contest rooms shall be subject to disqualification. ¢. Contestants shall be given one (1) hour to write their output. 3. Copy Reading and Headline Writing a. The contestants shall be provided with a fact sheet and shall be given one (1) hour to finish their output. b. The contestants shall use the 2018 Associated Press (AP) editing marks and follow directions given in the contest piece. c. The contestants shall provide the best two headlines for the article. 4. Editorial Cartooning a, RTWG shall provide all the contestants with the Oslo paper and pencil no. 2 for the contest. b. The cartoon must reflect the elements of editorial cartooning. c. The cartoon should be, at all times, compliant with the professional and ethical standards of the media. 5. Science and Technology Writing a. Contestants are expected to be well-versed in: Features, News, and Editorial. b. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as a basis for writing feature articles. ¢. Contestants shall be given one (1) hour to write their outputs. 6. Photojournalism a. Preparation: a.1 Contestants should be at the contest venue one (1) hour before the orientation on the guidelines and rubrics. a.2 The photojournalists are allowed to use any Digital Camera (point and shoot only) with a maximum of 24.3 megapixels. Contestants who will use any DSLR and other high-end cameras will not be permitted to join the contest. a.3 The contestants shall format their own memory card and camera to be checked by the examiner/s. a.4 The contestants must bring their own camera cable and card reader for uploading/ saving pictures. a.5 Cellular phones, extra digital cameras, extra storage cards, or any additional materials/equipment are not allowed in the contest area. a.6 Contestants shall bring their black ink ballpen while the RTWG will provide scratch papers where contestants can write down notes during the shooting. b. Photo Shoot, Uploading, and Captioning b.1 Control shot shall be the first shot. ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: https:/region3.dened DepED MATATAG feotol a leon) Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON b.2 Contestants are given one (1) hour to take pictures, which does not include the loading and unloading of the storage card in front of the proctor on a theme to be provided during the orientation. b.3 Contestants are allowed to take unlimited shots but will submit five (6) possible photos with captions for the given theme and the control shot. b.4 Contestants shall retain in the memory card photos to be submitted only. b.5 Contestants will be given 30 minutes to write captions for each of the five photos. b.6 Caption sheets (with lines and margins) will be provided by the RTWG. b.7 All entries with caption sheets shall be submitted to the proctor after the allotted time. b.8 The contestant, assisted by the proctor, shall upload his/ her outputs to the official laptop using his/ her own cable or card reader having his/ her code as the folder name. Enclosure No. 5 to Regional Memorandum No.__, s. 2024 GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLABORATIVE DESKTOP PUBLISHING CONTEST A, Pre- Contest 1. The competition is designed to encourage teamwork among campus journalists and simulate the workplace of an DepED giz nasarne OO "= address: Maalino St. DIM. Government Center, Maimpls, ity of San Fernando () “Tolophone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: https:/ Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON editorial department in a publishing house. 2, Each division shall organize a team of seven (7) members who shall not be competing in any of the individual writing contests. There will be one team for English and another for Filipino, both at the elementary and secondary levels. Contestants shall wear their uniform with identification cards. 3. All contestants must be at the contest rooms one hour before the orientation at 8 AM. 4, Allcontestants are required to attend the orientation before the actual competition, 5. During the orientation, the contest proctor will facilitate the signing of registration and assignment of the team code. 6. All contestants shall submit laptops cleared of stored documents including prepared templates or any pre- written files or references therein to the TWG on Day 0. 7. Each team is allowed to bring only the following: two (2) digital/DSLR cameras one (1) inijet printer with scanner one (1) card reader one (1) blank flash drive extension wires maximum of four (4) laptops installed with either PAGEMAKER or IN DESIGN and Photoshop (for the secondary level) and Microsoft Publisher (for the elementary level) for the layout of the group’s final output A4 size bond paper 8. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed except for digital/ DSLR cameras and laptops with disabled internet connection. B, Contest Proper 1. ‘The contest proper shalll start at exactly 9:00 a.m. Once the contest has started, members of each team shall no longer be allowed to go back to their quarters nor communicate in all forms (text, call, chat, etc.) with their respective advisers until the end of the contest. 2, Amini press conference will be held to become the basis for the actual writing of the editorial, feature, and news articles. The sports writers shall attend coverage of an Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Emel panes redions@deped gov ph ‘Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Ill-CENTRAL LUZON actual sports event. The photojournalists shall take pictures of the mini press conference and editorial cartoons will be produced while the rest of the team is doing write- ups, lay outings, and editing. 3. Sportswriters and photojournalists must be ready to watch an actual game where they shall gather appropriate data and/or conduct interviews before and after the game. A pre-game conference shall be conducted for the introduction of the players, coaches, and tournament officials. Consequently, a post-conference shall be held for further interviews and data gathering. 4. The team will be given one (1) hour for data gathering including mini-presscon and the actual game, and four (4) hours for writing, layout, editing, and printing. 5. Each team will be required to convert their output into PDF, print in A¢ size 80 gsm bond paper, and submit it to the contest committee. The collaborative desktop publishing team shall submit both hard and soft copies of their entries. They should ensure that no identifying marks about their school or division can be found on their output as it would be a ground for disqualification. 6. The output of the contest is an A4-sized four-page full- colored publication. 7. Output must strictly be submitted on time. No extension shall be given. Outputs not submitted on time shall be subject to disqualification. 8. The top ten (10) teams shall be recognized in the Regional Memorandum but only the Top 3 shall be awarded while the champion team shall advance to the NSPC. Their points will be included in the determination of the overall scores. No special awards will be given. 9. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. Enclosure No. 6 to Regional Memorandum No.__, s. 2024 GUIDELINES FOR THE ONLINE PUBLISHING CONTEST Pre- Contest 1, The competition is designed to encourage teamwork among campus journalists and simulate the workplace of an editorial department in a publishing house. 2. Each division shall organize a team of five (5) members who shall not be competing in any of the individual writing contests. There will be one team for English and another DeRED «i MATATAG ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, + p) St Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: (ep ancone ows ey City of San Fernando (P) Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON for Filipino, both at the elementary and secondary levels. Contestants shall wear their uniform with identification cards. 3. All contestants must be at the contest rooms one hour before the orientation at 8 AM. 4. All contestants are required to attend the orientation before the actual competition. 5. During the orientation, the contest proctor will facilitate the signing of registration and assignment of the team code. 6. All contestants shall submit laptops cleared of stored documents including prepared templates or any pre- written files or references therein to their designated partner team for peer checking. 7. One hour shall be allotted to the teams for peer checking of laptops and other equipment as supervised by the contest proctors. 8. After the peer checking, the teams shall sign and submit to the contest proctor a certificate of clearance. Laptops with files shall not be allowed during the competition. 9. Each team will be required to bring one scanner, at least two digital/DSLR cameras, and a maximum of (4) laptops installed with Photoshop for image enhancement. Bringing tablets for digital art is optional, provided it has no internet connection. 10.Bach team shall bring two (2) pocket WIFI or routers (preferably with two different networks) and an extension cord. Contest Proper 1. The contest proper shall start at exactly 9 AM. Once the contest has started, members of each team shall no longer be allowed to go back to their quarters nor communicate in all forms (text, call, chat, etc.) with their respective advisers until the end of the contest. 2. Amini press conference will be held to become the basis for the actual writing of the editorial, feature, and news articles. The sports writers shall attend coverage of an actual sports event. The photojournalists shall take pictures/ videos of the mini press conference while the rest of the team is doing write-ups, layout and editing. The team will be given three (3) hours for layout and editing. Sportswriters and photojournalists must be ready to watch DepED MATATAG: po pa Website: GB» address Matsino St. 044, Government centr, Malm, Cy ofan Ferman (°) Is Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON an actual game where they shall gather appropriate data and/or conduct interviews before and after the game. A pre-game conference shall be conducted for the introduction of the players, coaches, and tournament officials. Consequently, a post- conference shall be held for further interviews and data gathering. 3. A total of four (4) hours is allotted for data gathering, writing, lay outing, editing of articles online after the creation of an online publication using the official platform determined by the organizers. 4. _ Specific instructions on the number of articles to be produced will be given during the orientation. 5. Each group shall submit its URL to the assigned submission link and shall be confirmed by the contest proctor. 6. Output links must strictly be submitted on time. No extension shall be given. Outputs not submitted on time shall be subject to disqualification. 7. The top ten (10) teams shall be recognized in the Regional Memorandum but only the Top 3 shall be awarded while the champion team shall advance to the NSPC. Their points will be included in the determination of the overall scores. No special awards will be given. 8. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. Enclosure No. 7 of Regional Memorandum No.___, s. 2024 GUIDELINES FOR RADIO BROADCASTING & SCRIPTWRITING CONTESTS (FILIPINO AND ENGLISH) A. General Guidelines 1. Each division shall have two (2) separate teams composed of seven (7) members for the English and Filipino categories. The members should not be participants in any individual contest. 2. The team members should wear a white T-shirts and maong pants. 3. Individual awards inchide the best anchor and best news presenter, while group awards include best technical application, best infomercial, and best script. ree DehED Wig ‘Address: Matalino St, D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) 3) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: 4) Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION I11-CENTRAL LUZON 4. In getting the overall results for the best radio production, accumulated points from the individual and group awards shall be considered. 5. Any breach or violation of the stipulated guidelines shall be valid grounds for disqualification. 6. The top ten (10) teams shall be recognized in the Regional Memorandum but only the Top 3 shall be awarded while the champion team shall advance to the NSPC. Their points will be included in the determination of the overall scores. Special awards will be given. 7. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. B. Pre-Contest 1. All contestants must be in the contest rooms one hour before the orientation at 8:00 a.m. 2. All contestants are required to attend the orientation before the actual competition. 3. During the orientation, the contest proctor will facilitate the signing of registration and assignment of the team code. 4. All contestants shall submit laptops cleared of stored documents including prepared templates or any pre-written files or references therein to their designated TWG on Day 0. 5. _ All laptops shalll be cleared of stored documents including pre- written files or references therein except music or sound effects files. Laptops with files other than music or sound effects files shall not be allowed during the competition. 6. Each team may use up to four (4) official laptops, cleared of stored documents, and an inkjet printer and A4 size bond paper in preparing and printing the script. 7. Bach team is required to bring its own extension wires and other ‘equipment for rehearsal. C. Contest Proper 1. Scriptwriting fe ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) DehED . Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG & =) website: htps//region3 Se egpeeee ascone rains Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON a. The students will be given (1) hour and 30 minutes to prepare a script for a 5-minute radio broadcast, that includes an infomercial, which may depict health, environment, politics, and social issues, and four (4) news articles, which may be based on press releases, raw data, or any other option given by the RTWG. The infomercial shall have a maximum length of one ()) minute and shall use the language that the group is competing in. Another 30 minutes will be allotted for the printing of the output. b. Once the script writing has commenced, the contestants will no longer be allowed to leave the contest rooms. For personal necessities, a member of the contest committee shall accompany them to the restrooms. ¢. The script should not bear any information that may identify the school, division or region, but it should include the names of the members of the team with their job assignment/contribution (i.e. anchor, news presenter, etc.) 4. Scripts should be: - encoded using Arial font size 12. - with directorial instructions in capital letters. - double-spaced with normal margin (Linch on all sides). -_ printed in A4 bond paper (8.27x1 1.69 inches) ¢. Each team should submit four (4) copies of the script. Three (3) will be submitted to the judges and one (1) for the chairperson. The team may print extra copies for their own use. 2. Broadcast Simulation a. A broadcast room for the presentation shall be identified in the testing center or contest venue. Only the contestants, judges, and members of the contest committee shall be allowed inside. The student broadcasters shall be concealed from the judges throughout their presentation. b. ‘The organizers /host division shall commission an independent sound system provider to ensure quality audio output. The technical operator shall only set the sound system before the simulation. A jack/auxiliary cord will be provided for the laptops and other sources of sound effects. c. Except for the volume meter, contestants technical directors shall not be allowed to change, adjust, and manipulate the main control board during their presentation. G. Mobile phones and reference books shalll not be allowed in the contest area. St, D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) 4 (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG gg): in resins deped eouph/ Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON fe. Incase of power failure, the affected team shall be allowed to perform again. f, Loudspeakers may be set up outside the broadcast room. g. The order of presentation will be identified through the drawing of lots by the directors before the script writing. h. Each team shall be given nine (9) minutes: three (3) minutes of which for preparation, five (5) minutes for the actual broadcast, and one (1) minute for the exit. Provided running time shall be applied. i. ‘The organizers shall provide a wall clock or a timer, which will serve as the official time that can be seen by the contestants and the judges. There will be an official timekeeper. (Consider having a digital timer visible to both the judges and contestants.) j. Ayellow flag shall then be raised to signal the team that they have one ()) minute left for preparation. The green flag shall then be raised to signal the team to start. The yellow flag shalll be raised again to wam. the team that they only have one (1) minute remaining and followed by the red flag to indicate that their time is up. k, The team who complied with the 5-minute production shall be given a perfect score (5 points). In case of overtime or undertime, the following scheme of deductions shall be followed: Undertime / Overtime J second - 20 seconds - 1 point 21 seconds - 40 seconds - 2 points 41 seconds - 60 seconds - 3 points 61 seconds and above - 4 points ‘The contestants shall leave the broadcast room right after their presentation. |. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) > Oa ema DepED GOB > adress: Matalin F GQ) § Telephone umber: (043) 59885801 89 Emal Address reqlon3@deped go. ch MATATAG Vee Website: https// Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IlI-CENTRAL LUZON Enclosure No. 8 to Regional Memorandum No. + 8. 2024 GUIDELINES FOR TV SCRIPT WRITING AND BROADCASTING A. Pre-Contest 1. Each division shall field a team of seven (7) members. ‘The team shall decide who shall act as: anchor/ s (not more than 2) reporter/ s (not more than 3) producer/ director who could also act as floor director. video graphics editor (1) video researcher /floor director/ prod. Assistant - 1 video journalist/ cameraman - 1 “Note: Any of the team members can assume one or two positions/tasks as long as this would not be conflicting or awkward in relation to the outcome of the broadcast (for example: an anchor can't be a reporter at the same time. But an anchor can also be a news or infomercial writer). repogp 2. The following materials and equipment will be brought by the team: a. four laptops with one backup laptop with at least 10 GB free space for video editing software (Adobe Premier, Adobe After Effects, Filmora, Sony Vegas, Final Cut, OBS) b. two empty USB flash drives c. at most two (2) digital cameras/DSLR/ phone DepED G >) Address: Mataino St. .M. Government Center, Maimpis, ity of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Emall Address: \TATAG Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON cameras (without sim) which are compatible with the laptop for the downloading of media d. at most three wired lapels e. A4 bond paper and one printer with ink f. at most three broadband sticks/pocket Wi-Fi, or one wireless router g. extension cord h. additional materials for tv production (teleprompter, at most three soft box, green screen, reflector) 3. All contestants must be in the contest rooms one hour before the orientation at 8:00 a.m. 4. All contestants are required to attend the orientation before the actual competition. 5. During the orientation, the contest proctor will facilitate the signing of registration and assignment of the team code. 6. All contestants shall submit laptops cleared of stored documents including prepared templates or any pre- written files or references therein to their designated partner team for peer checking. 7. One hour shalll be allotted to the teams for peer checking of laptops and other equipment as supervised by the contest proctors. 8. After the peer checking, the teams shall sign and submit to the contest proctor a certificate of clearance. Laptops with files shall not be allowed during the competition. Contest Proper Scriptwriting, Shooting and Editing 1. The team shall have the following components in their script: Cover page: This shall contain the group's name (mock TV network name) News Articles: The contest organizers will provide five news articles. The team may cover five (5) of these articles. Each news script should have video and audio components and must not exceed 45 seconds when read during the contest proper. Infomercial /Developmental Communication: The team is required to produce one (1) infomercial or developmental communication plug which shall not exceed 30 seconds. This shail be pre- produced during the GBD 5 Teleohone umber: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Emall Address: regionS@deped Website: DepED e J fer ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Bepartment of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON actual contest and should be relevant to the topic which will be given by the judges. The script should contain video and audio components. Field Report: To be included in the production is a live field report with canned video support. Headlines: This will contain a brief lead/ summary of the news articles. OBB/CBB: Opening Billboard and Closing Billboard will contain the group's assumed TV network name. The script for the OBB / CBB should be included in the main script which will be submitted to the judges. 2. One hour will be given for the data gathering, which may include attendance at the mini-press conference and coverage of the actual games for sports. 3. Once the scriptwriting contest has started, no member shall be allowed to leave the contest area. In case of personal necessity, a member of the contest management/proctor shall accompany the participant outside the contest area. 4. Four hours will be allotted for the preparation of the output: 1.5 hours for the writing and printing of the script 2.5 hours for the shooting and editing of the videos, production of the infomercial and rehearsals, and rendering of videos. The teams will only be allowed 1.5 hours to access the internet during the scriptwriting. 5. OBB/ CBB can be pre-produced. 6. The script should not bear any information that may identify the school, division, or region, but it should include the names of the members of the team with their job assignment/contribution (ie. anchor, news presenter, etc.) 7. Scripts should be: - encoded using Arial font size 12. - with directorial instructions in capital letters. - double-spaced with normal margin (1inch on all sides) - printed in A4-sized bond paper (8.27x1 1.69 inches) 8. Each team shall prepare four copies of the script: 3 copies for the judges and 1 copy for the team. Late ‘Address: Matalino St, D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) + (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ai DepED MATATAG Ee Apzsaee ancone iomas Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON submission of the script will entail one point deduction for every 3 minutes. 9. Output is a six (6) minute video production saved as MP4 in an empty flash drive with the file name Code and name of Production ex. SWIVB-EO1-The Frontier 10. The TV broadcast must be delivered in six minutes. In case of overtime, the following scheme of deductions shall be followed: 1 second - 20 seconds - 1 point 21 seconds - 40 seconds - 2 points 41 seconds - 60 seconds - 3 points 61 seconds and above - 4 points 11.Qutput must strictly be submitted on time. No extension shall be given. Outputs not submitted on time shall be subject to disqualification. 12. The top ten (10) teams shall be recognized in the Regional Memorandum but only the Top 3 shall be awarded while the champion team shall advance to the NSPC. Their points will be included in the determination of the overall scores. Special awards will be given. 13.The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. DepED ee ‘Address: Matalino St.D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) F 3} Telephone Number: (043) 598-8580 to 89 Emall Address: MATATAG SEZ 4) website: https://region3.deped Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Il]-CENTRAL LUZON Enclosure No. 9 to Regional Memorandum No. s. 2024 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOL PAPER CONTESTS A. The School Paper Contest is open to all public and private elementary and secondary schools whose school papers belong to the top ten per section per category in the division. B. The top seven (7) highest pointers both in English and Filipino shall be declared as the best school papers in the region but the points of their ranking shall not be added to the determination of the overall best-performing division. Consequently, the top- performing divisions in this category will be recognized during the awarding ceremony. C. Any school paper found to have copied and published texts, images, and other materials without duly acknowledging their sources shall be disqualified in the contest. D If the school paper shall join again the following year and found to have committed the same offense, the following sanctions shall be applied. 1+ Offense: A formal notification shall be sent to the Division Superintendent who shall issue a written reprimand to the school paper adviser/s and the school principal. The concerned school paper adviser shall undergo a refresher course on Plagiarism organized by the Division. The principal shall be asked to implement plans to teach their students about the ills of plagiarism and its consequences. 2e4 Offense: Disqualification from the School Paper Contests for three (3) consecutive years. DepED iy 68 Adress Matalin St DM. Government Certer, Moinpis Cty of San Fernando (P) 7] | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG J) Website: E. RE ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON ‘The decision of the Board of Judges in all aspects of the contest shall be deemed final and irrevocable. The school paper shall be submitted in digital / portable document format (PDF) only. Each division shall submit ten (10) entries per category. Schools that will submit entries should include a Certificate of Circulation from the school principal duly noted by the Schools Division Superintendent that the digital copy was widely circulated to at least two-thirds (2/3) of students’ population of the current school year. A scanned copy of the signed certification should be included in the digital copy of the school paper submitted to the Regional Office before the regional judging of the school papers. ‘The Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) reserves the right to disqualify entries without Certificate of Endorsement from the Division Schools Superintendent. All entries submitted to the Regional Office shall become property of the DepEd Region III which shall exercise copyright and other intellectual property rights including storage, exhibition, derivation and distribution. The different SECTIONS/CATEGORY to be judged for the school paper contest are as follows: 1. News Section/Pahinang Balita 2. Editorial Section/Pahinang Editoryal 3. Features Section/Pahinang Lathalain 4. Sports Section/Pahinang Pampalakasan. 5. Science & Technology Section/Pahinang Agham at Teknolohiya 6. Layout and Page Design Category/Kategoryang Pag-aanyo at Disenyo ng Pahina . The Technical Specifications for both Elementary and Secondary levels are as follows: No. of pages: minimum of 12 and maximum of 20 News Section — at least 3 Sports Section — at least 2 Features Section — at least 3 Editorial Section — at least 2 Science & Technology Section — at least 2 Process: Digital Color: Front and back cover in full color Inside pages in black and white Size: 9°x12” (Elementary) s opepe ges wd ee 2) ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) @m | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: % Qo a ‘Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 12°x18” (High School) I. Each section will be judged according to the guidelines /criteria set for the section/category. J. After a thorough three-to-five-day evaluation by a set of judges, each di ion will submit ten (10) winners per section and for each medium (English and Filipino) to the Regional Office. The school paper entries should be properly labeled per section. K. No school is allowed to submit the digital copy of their school paper entry(ies) directly to the Regional Office. L. Failure to comply with the set guidelines in evaluating school papers will be a ground for disqualification. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE SELECTION OF THE BEST SECTIONS AND LAYOUT AND PAGE DESIGN CATEGORY A. Editorial Section 1. The section should have at least two (2) pages and should include the following: main editorial, editorial cartoon, columns, letters to the editor, and commentaries. Opinion polls or surveys maybe included but are not required. 2. The treatment of the issues must demonstrate fair and balanced presentation of both sides of each issue tackled, clear moral purpose, logical reasoning, and proper citation /attributions of sources. 3. Topics found in the section should tackle various international, national or local issues that may directly or indirectly affect the school or the community the school serves. 4. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. B. News Section 1, The section shall consist of at least three (3) pages. 2. The content and scope of the news stories shall include a balanced coverage of international, national, regional, community and school-based news stories. 3. The content of the section may include straight or spot news, advance/follow-up reports, news bits, news feature, news analysis, and in-depth news/investigate news. DepED MATATAG oe Ry ve Address: Matalino St. D.IM. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) = Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Sw Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IlI-CENTRAL LUZON 4. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. C. Feature Section 1. The section should have at least three (3) pages. 2. The feature articles should display unique and creative presentation of topics, logical organization and progression of ideas and facts, writers’ facility of the language and proper citations/attributions of sources. 3. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. D. Sports Section 1. The section shall consist of at least two (2) pages. 2. The content and scope of the sports articles may include a balanced coverage/scope of international, national, regional, community and school-based sports news stories. 3. The content of the section may include straight or spot news, advance/follow-up report; news bits; news feature/news analysis; in-depth news, features and editorial/column concerning or pertaining to sports. 4, The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. E. Science and Technology Section 1. The Science and Technology Section should have at least two (2) pages and may include health, environmental, scientific, technological and innovative stories written in news, feature, or scientific commentary style. This should also include the economic impact of Science and Technology on the lives of the Filipinos. 2. The articles should be well-researched and should observe proper citation of sources, pictures and graphics. 3. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. F, Layout and Page Design Category 1. This category shall conform to the principles of layout and design. The layout and page design category should include any or a combination of the following: balanced coverage/scope of stories about the community and school- based events, including those of international, national and >) ress: Matlino St D.M, Government Center, oimpl, ity of San Fernando () Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Website: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION IlI-CENTRAL LUZON regional significance which document or are related to the school or its members’ involvement and participation. Proper evaluation or grading events based on their importance should be evident in the layout. 2. The layout and page design should include headlines, body text, cuts/captions, balance, harmony, and proportionate to length of articles and the entire page. 3. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable. ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: region3@deped ‘Website: rile DehED yy Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Enclosure No. 10 to Regional Memorandum No. __. S. 2024 SEARCH FOR 2024 OUTSTANDING CAMPUS JOURNALISTS AND SCHOOL PAPER ADVISER Name of Candidate: Division: A, ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE .. 20% (for the past two years up to the 2=4 quarter of the current school year) Rank (in elas: with Highest Honors or its equivalent 20% with High Honors or its equivalent -15% ‘with Honors or its equivalent 710% SCORE: 3B. ACHIEVEMENTS IN JOURNALISM on 45 % (highest possible score: 162+84+66 = 312) > WINNINGS TO THE WSPC/RSPC/DSPC ‘The candidate shall earn the corresponding points for every year of winning: 1. Individual Contests (highest possible score — 54x3 = 162) Rank Points per level ‘Wational Regional Division rc 25. 18 I ae 24. 17 10 3a 23: 16 9 ae 22: 15 a ea 21 it 7 em 20, 13 © 7a 19 12 5. SCORE: 2. Group Contests (highest possible score - 28x8 = 84 Rank Points National 18 14 13 12 iT 10 3 DepED ey ALB, naires sin S04, orermen Cente, Mm, 5a Fernand) fe @® 5) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG J) Website: Sees eacowcoumnas Republic of the Whilippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON a sts (highest possible score ~ : i is] lee] orl ©. LEADERSHIP fr 10% (highest possible score - 673 = 201) Position of the Nominee in the School Publication Editor-in-Chief 15 Associate Editor 2 Section Editor 10 Writer /Contributor/Others 8 SCORE: Editors’ Guild Leadership Position ‘National Regional Division President 20 17 15 Vice President 15 2 8 Sec., Treas. And other positions 10 3 5 SCORE: *Note: A contestant shall earn points for every position held at every level from 2017 to 2023 with roofs of accomplishment, (highest possible score ~ 24x3~72 ) Services National. Regional Division Committee Chairperson 10 S 6 Facilitator 8 6 4 ‘Trainings Attended 6 4 By é Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 88 Email Address: ‘Website: DehED uy Republic of the Dhiippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON E, PUBLISHED WORKS . (highest possible score - 9x3 ‘National Regional Division Articles Written in National ‘and Local Dailies, Editors Guild Newsletters, Palazo 5 3 1 News Letter and DepEd website, GSP/BSP and Documentaries F. PANEL INTERVIEW with the SELECTION COMMITTEE ... SCORE: ‘TOTAL SCORE: EVALUATORS: (Signature Over Printed Name} SEARCH FOR 2024 OUTSTANDING SCHOOL PAPER ADVISERS (ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY} DedED s “a BY, dares: Maan & Da, Goverment ere, sims Cy ofan Fernando) y *, Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG 7] Website: htps:// Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Namo of Candidate: Division: > LENGTH OF SERVICE and PERFORMANCE RATING 1, Must be a practicing school paper adviser for from 2017 to 2023, 2. Must have a performance rating of not lower than Very Satisfactory (VS) from 2017 to 2023, > ACHIEVEMENTS IN JOURNALISM CONTESTS FROM 2017 TO 2022 NOTE: The candidate shall earn the corresponding points of all his/her winnings at all levels for the last 5 years, in all instances. ‘A. Winnings (DepEd Schools Press Conferences) — 40% 1. Individual Contests (max. 13 points) Rank Wational Regional Division T 13 € = 2 iz 5 2 3 it a T + 10 T = o 3 3 t z 2 6 3 T 0 7 7 o SCORE: 2. Group Contests Rank National Regional Division T ro € a z a = z z i = 7 + 70 z o 3s 2 o 6 T o z = o SCORE: 3. Special Awards in Group Contests DepED «i Stata Waiee ame senierenr sre wns cuca reer Fr] & ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG he 7 Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Ill-CENTRAL LUZON ‘SCORE: 4, School Paper Contest (add division level starts and include the over-all ranking) “points per section and overall best school paper National Rey 13 z 12 6 7 5 30 4 9 3 8 2 7 iz SCORE: B. LEADERSHIP RELATED TO JOURNALISM — 15% Position National Regional Division President 25 20 15 Vice President 20 15 10 Sec. /Treas. /other positions 18 2 8 SCORE: 3. Special Awards in Group Contests National 4. School Paper Contest (add division level starts and include the over-all ranking) ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Fernando (P) «¢) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: J) Website: https://reglon3.deped MATATAG Se Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON “points per section and overall best school paper ‘National Re 13 7 32 6 ii 5 10. 4 2 3 s 2 z i SCORE: B. LEADERSHIP RELATED TO JOURNALISM — 15% Position National Regional Division President 25 20 15 Vice President 20 15 10 Sec. Treas. other positions 18 2 8 SCORE: Enclosure No. 11 to Regional Memorandum No. _. S. 2024 DeRED «i ea 0 SSIS SeeS Sa ele | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: 4) Website: https:// matatas y @) bate: hp regor.eped aon Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON COMPUTATION OF THE OVERALL SCORES 1. To determine the top seven winners in the individual and group categories for secondary /elementary level, the following point system shall be used: Rank Equivalent Point/s First Place 10 pts. Second Place 9 pts. ‘Third Place 8 pts. Fourth Place 7pts. Fifth Place 6 pts. Sixth Place 5 pts. Seventh Place 4 pts. Eight Place 3 pts. Ninth Place 2pts. ‘Tenth Place 1 pts. 2. In case of ties within a category, the sum of raw scores shall serve as basis of the ranking. *Raw Score is the average score given by the judges. 3, The sum of equivalent points in the individual category shall be ranked and given the following equivalent points The following point system shall be used: Rank Equivalent Point/s First Place 17 pts. Second Place 16 pts. Third Place 15 pts. Seventeenth Place 1 pt. ‘The same scheme shall be applied to group category. 4. The total equivalent points of the individual and group categories shall determine the ranking of the divisions in clementary/secondary. Equivalent points shall be assigned to each rank using the system in item number 3. 5. To determine the overall top ten performing divisions, the equivalent points in elementary and secondary shall be added and then ranked. 6. In case of ties in the overall ranking or within the two levels (clementary and secondary), their raw Scores earned in individual ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) @ Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: me WE Republic of the Pbilfppines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON and group contests shall be added to determine the final ranking. 7. The overall top ten performing divisions shall be announced though a memorandum. Enclosure No. 12 to Regional Memorandum No. __. S. 2024 List of RSPC 2024 Technical Working Group ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: _g/ Website: DepED ws MATATAG ==: i“) Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Committees/Regional ‘Officers-in-Charge ‘Technical Working Group Regional Technical Chair: Working Group Ramil G. Iustre PhD Education Program Supervisor in English CLMD, DepEd Regional Office IIT Co-chair: Marie Ann C. Ligsay PhD Education Program Supervisor in Filipino CLMD, DepEd Regional Office III Members: ‘Ma. Checilia S. Bagsic PhD Acting President, Regional Association of Supervisors of Journalism (RASJ) Rosalind P. De Mesa Secretary, RASJ Loreta D. Figueroa ‘Treasurer, RASS Rowena D. Tiamzon Auditor, RASJ Alfred A. Correa President, Regional Association of Elementary School Paper Advisers (RAESPA) Irenio A. Bucsit Jr. President, Regional Association of Secondary ‘School Paper Advisers (RASSPA) Marc Arvi V. Quiroz Head Teacher Ill Division of Nueva Ecija Richard C. Agustin Principal IV Division of City of San Fernando ‘Mica C. Yalung Address: Matalino St. D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, ity of San Fernando (P) | Telephone Number; (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: me Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IlI-CENTRAL LUZON Administrative Staff/COS CLMD, DepEd Regional Office III Chantelle S. Tapnio Administrative Staff CLMD, DepEd Regional Office III Committees on Registration, Officers of RAESPA Logistics, Accommodation, and | Nurses of Division of City of San Fernando Health and Safety Protocols Committees on Awards and Officers of RASPPA Certificates, Food and Snacks, Results and Tabulation, and Officers of RASJ Program and Invitation Committee Chairs on the Chair: Monitoring and Supervision for | Errol P. Manalastas Individual Contests Principal I Division of City of San Fernando Co-chair: Alfred Correa President, RAESPA Division of Bulacan Members: Jovert G. Tafote Secretary, RASSPA Division of Tarlac Province John Kevin B. Gamiao Auditor, RASSPA Division of Balanga City Alona T. Bauto Principal II Division of Nueva Ecija Nancy N. Quiambao Principal Il Division of City of San Fernando BRS rose uictaes stp il exvernarerecarter, Waimes, city of San Fernando () DepED gi GZ) Tetenhone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG ha] icine ia Fepensaianed av i) Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON ‘Ma. Isabel B. Cruz Vice-President, RASSPA Proctors from the Host Division Committee on the Monitoring and | Chair: Supervision for Group Contests | Vismark T. Manuel Education Program Supervisor Division of San Jose City Co-chair: Joey R. Silva Head Teacher Ill Division of Bataan Members: Iris May C. Honrado ‘Treasurer, RAESPA Division of Nueva Ecija Bryan S. Silvestre Teacher II Division of Bataan Proctors from the Host Division Committee on the Monitoring and | Chair: Supervision for School Paper __| Dharly C. Bucad PhD Evaluation Education Program Supervisor Division of City of San Fernando Co-cha’ Michelin G. Danan Head Teacher IIT Division of Pampanga Members: Ireneo O. Bucsit, Jr. President, RASSPA June M. Malaca Head Teacher III Division of City of San Fernando DepED wy GBS, adress: Matalin St 0.M. Government Center, Mampi, Cty of San Fernando (0) & GB 5) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: MATATAG ey Website: Eeeseg sso onconemumas Cs Bepartment of Education REGION IIL-CENTRAL LUZON Paolo Luigi Macaryo Head Teacher III Division of City of San Fernando Proctors from the Host Division Committee on the Monitoring and | Chair: Supervision of the Search for the | Ma. Checilia S. Bagsic PhD Most Outstanding School Paper | Acting President, RASJ Adviser and Campus Journalist Co-chair: Rowena D. Tiamzon Auditor, RASJ ‘Members: Mare Arvi V. Quiroz Head Teacher Ill Division of Nueva Ecija Mica C. Yalung Administrative Staff CLMD, DepEd Regional Office IIL Chantelle S. Tapnio Administrative Staff CLMD, DepEd Regional Office III Chair: Evaluators of the Search for | Ramil G. Iustre PhD the Most Outstanding School | Education Program Supervisor Paper Adviser and Campus _| CLMD, DepEd Regional Office III Journalist Co-chair: Marie Ann C. Ligsay PhD Education Program Supervisor in Filipino CLMD, DepEd Regional Office III Members: Atty. Angeline P. Rogel Legal Officer DepEd Regional Office II Michelle Lacson Unit Head Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) =| Telephone Number; (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Hg) ee: deped.g915h/ g — Be Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Public Affairs Unit DepEd Regional Office IIT Diosalyn A. Azarcon PhD Education Program Supervisor QAD, DepEd Regional Office III Eugene S. Yango EdD Education Program Supervisor HRDD, DepEd Regional Office IIt ‘Committee on the Preparation of | Chair: Reports and Compendium Cindy P. Sicat Master Teacher I Division of Pampanga Members: Julie Ann Villanueva. ‘Teacher IIL Division of Zambales Liezel L, Cruz Master Teacher IT Division of Zambales Vergel Bundoc Teacher I Division of Nueva Ecija Allen Ray M. Belisario Teacher IT Division of City of San Jose del Monte Enclosure No. 13 to Regional Memorandum No. _. s. 2024 DATE ACTIVITY PERSONS INVOLVED ‘April 5, 2024 | Coordination Meeting RTIWG the Host Division April 12 and | Final Inspection for the Conduct | RTWG, RASJ, 19, 2024 | of 2024 Regional Schools Press | RAESPA, RASSPA, Conference ~ Individual & Host Division May 15-17, | Categories Committees 2024 6.) ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) t S) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Zz Website: htps:// Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON April 12 and | Final Inspection for the Conduct RTWG, RASJ, 19, 2024 | of 2024 Regional Schools Press | RAESPA, RASSPA, Conference ~ Group Categories & Host Division May 15-17, Committees 2024 May 20, 2024 | inspection and Sealing of Gadgets| _ RTWG, RASJ, and Equipment for the Group RAESPA, & Contest RASSPA_ May 16, | Orientation of Committees and RTWG 2024 Proctors PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES FOR THE RSPC 2024 ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Website: MATATAG

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