Utthanasana: Squat and Rise

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Utthanasana (the squat and rise pose)

Stand erect with the feet 2 to 3 feet apart.
lnterlock the fingers in front of the abdomen and allow
the arms to hang freely. Slowly bend the knees and
lower the trunk about 8 inches. Return to the erect
position. Again descend, this time slightly lower, then
return to the erect position. Sink once more until the
hands are 1 foot above the floor and rise again. Lower
yourself to the fourth position with the hands touching
the floor. Rise and relax.
Repeat up to 1Otimes.
This asana strengthens the uterine muscles, inner
thighs, knees and ankles.
lt is very beneficial for women during pregnancy.

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Helps to release gas from the digestive system.
Like the previous exercise, this practice is good for the
nerves of the thighs, knees, shoulders and arms.


Exercise 7 : Udarakarshan asana (the abdominal

massage pose)
Assume a squatting pose, hands on the knees.
Bend the left knee to the ground while turning the
trunk as much as possible to the right.
Keep the hands on the knees and look over the right
Return the to the starting position.
Repeat the sarne procedure, twisting the body in the
opposite direction.
Twist the body 1 Otimes in each direction.
This is a very useful asana for those people with
abdominal ailments because it alternatelycompresses
and stretches the digestive organs and muscles.
lt is one of the asanas practised in the hatha yoga
technique called shankhaprakshalana.
Constipation sufferers should do this asana regularly.

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