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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

Science & Technology
2-1. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 3)
Example Reading-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.
When you look at a bamboo stem, you notice that it is
very thin, at most a couple of inches in diameter. But
When Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural
unlike trees, the stem does not thicken with age so you
selection, he created a picture of the evolutionary process
can’t tell how old a bamboo is by looking for tree rings in
➀ in which organismic adaptation was ultimately ➁ cause
the middle of it. It stays the same width throughout its
by competition for survival and reproduction. This
life (and this grass can live for hundreds of years). It
biological “struggle for existence” ➂ bears considerable
looks as though there are a lot of tubes piled up one on
resemblance to the human struggle between businessmen
top of the other. These tubes are calling culms and are
➃ who are striving for economic success in competitive
one of the main reasons what the bamboo is so strong.
markets. Long before Darwin published his work, social
Without these, the grass would be more likely to break.
scientist Adam Smith had already considered ➄ that in
On each of these culms a branch will grow on which
business life, competition is the driving force behind
leaves will form.
economic efficiency and adaptation. It is indeed very *diameter 지름 ** culm 대, 줄기
striking how similar the ideas ➅ are on which the
founders of modern theory in evolutionary biology and [ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 문장 전체를 옮겨적을 것 ]
economics ➆ base their main thoughts.
*organismic 유기체의

Reading1-1. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 2)

The use of computers in the arts surprises many people.

Professionals in fine arts that might appear to be beyond
the use of computers are making use of computers as
3-1. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 4)
much as other professionals.

[That is not to say that these are not learned behaviors.]

(A) Film studies, visual arts, theater, literature, dance,
photography, and music all benefit from computers.
① A mother rat will build a nest for her young even if
she has never seen another rat in her lifetime. ②
(B) Artists use computers to experiment with design and
Similarly, a spider will spin a web, a caterpillar will create
color, sometimes using 3D graphics software.
her own cocoon, and a beaver will build a dam, even if
no contemporary ever showed them how to accomplish
(C) Computers eliminate the cost of having to experiment
these complex tasks. ③ It is just that these animals did
using actual materials such as paint and clay by providing
not learn them in a single lifetime — they learned them
virtual artistic materials. Some artists have moved
over thousands of lifetimes. ④ The evolution of animal
completely to digital media, creating their artwork on
behavior does constitute a learning process, but it is
computers to be viewed and appreciated in its
learning by the species, not by the individual, and the
computer-generated form.
fruits of this learning process are encoded in DNA. ⑤
*cocoon 고치
→ →

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

4-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 5) 7-1. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 7)

Chemotherapy is the treatment of any disease ➀ used Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, creator of the Fahrenheit
chemicals or drugs, but the term is most commonly used temperature scale, discovered that salt mixed with ice
➁ to refer to the treatment of cancers. Drugs ➂ that are creates a solution with a lower freezing point than water
used to treat cancers attempt ➃ to interfere with the alone.
rapid rates of growth and cell division of most cancer
cells. However, at present few of these drugs can (A) Thus, salt causes snow and ice to melt. Most localities
distinguish between cancer cells and normal body cells. haven’t found a better way to remove ice from roadways
Some cells of the body, such as white blood cells and and sidewalks than salt. Salt is also effective in keeping
cells ➄ lining the digestive tract, normally reproduce hard packs of ice from forming in the first place.
rapidly. ➅ During chemotherapy these cells are destroyed
or damaged along with the cancerous cells. This results in (B) Salt also causes corrosion of vehicles, pavement,
the side effects, such as hair loss and nausea, ➆ are bridges, and any unprotected steel in surrounding
associated with this form of treatment. structures.
*chemotherapy 화학 요법 ** digestive tract 소화관
→ (C) While a number of chemicals have been developed to
melt ice, salt remains a much cheaper alternative. So why
→ don’t all localities use salt to treat icy roads? Ecological
problems have led some cities to ban the use of salt

→ →

8-1. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. 8)

There is a good chance that in a science class, or even on

a TV weather report, you have been told that it rains
when air cools because cold air “holds less water” than
warm air. Some textbooks have even shown the
atmosphere as a sponge being squeezed to cause rain.
This is not true because air does not “hold” water at all.
It is not even correct to speak of air being saturated. In
6-1. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 6)
reality, water in the atmosphere is constantly condensing
and evaporating. When the temperature of the water vapor
There is a way toward understanding how technology drops, (나) the energy of the molecules decrease so there
evolves, but to get there we need to ① shift our thinking. are more condensation than evaporation and water
What we should really be looking for is not how Darwin’s droplets form. The air itself does not play any part in the
mechanism should work to ② produce something entirely process besides carrying the molecules of water along with
new in technology, but how “heredity” might work in it.
technology. If evolution holds in technology, then all *saturate 흠뻑 적시다
technologies must ③ descend in some way from the [ 보기 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 것 ]
technologies that ④ preceded them. In other words,
evolution requires a mechanism of “heredity,” some
detailed connection that links the present to the past.
From the outside, it is ⑤ possible to see this mechanism.
Looked at as a black-boxed device, it is hard to say how
the laser has come into being from previous technologies.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

9-1. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 9) 11-1. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 11)

Given the personal nature of content often posted on [ The technology evolution that is still occurring is
social networking sites (including pictures and personal dramatically decreasing the costs of collaboration. ]
accounts of whereabouts), it’s very important that you ①
ensure that your teen or young adult is using privacy ① Before the advent of electronic and wireless
settings on these sites. That means people from outside communication, collaboration was actually more costly
your teen or young adult’s network of friends shouldn’t be because participants needed to spend a great deal of time
able to view his or her personal profile or ② obtain face-to-face, so they could share information and build on
identifying information or contact information. In our one another’s ideas. ② Before our current technology
experience, many teens and young adults need some ③ made communication easy, group members needed to
assistance from parents in setting up these privacy either be located relatively close to one another or spend
settings. So be prepared to become ④ awkward with these a great deal of time traveling if they needed to collaborate
social networking sites if you’re not already. Or consider in real time. ③ Technology changed everything. ④
enlisting help from another ⑤ supportive family member Although it’s still important for people to have
familiar with social networking sites. opportunities to meet one another in person, today’s
*enlist (협조 등을) 요청해서 얻다 collaborative groups use a wide range of technological
tools to help them communicate with one another
regularly and efficiently, even when members are in
different locations and different time zones. ⑤

10-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 10)

The Moon has only a negligible atmosphere, with no air

for humans ➀ to breathe. Its gravity is just one-sixth of 12-1. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 12)

Earth’s, and its temperature ranges ➁ is extreme — above

the boiling point of water in the sun, ➂ approaching A cornerstone of the scientific world view is that science
absolute zero in the shade. Everything Armstrong and often shows that phenomena occur because of processes
Aldrin ➃ did on the Moon depended on their space suits that are not ① apparent to the nonscientist. Some of
and their portable life-support systems — ➄ which these processes are ② visible and involve unseen entities,
provided the microenvironments they needed ➅ to survive. such as vapor, molecules, or atomic charges. Scientific
The suits insulated them from the Moon’s extreme theories postulate that the structure of the natural world
temperatures, provided protection from environmental is not what is seen by the lay person. The Sun does not
hazards and cosmic rays, enabled them to breathe, and ➆ rotate around the Earth, instead the Earth rotates around
allowed them to move about and do their work. The suits the Sun. Seemingly solid objects, such as a table, are in
hosted the equipment ➇ what allowed the astronauts to fact composed mainly of empty space with atoms ③
communicate with each other, with Collins in Columbia dispersed within it. Therefore scientific knowledge is
above the Moon, and with Mission Control back on Earth. esoteric. It reveals that the world is not how lay people
The suits also enabled Mission Control ➈ to monitor the think it is. In this way science frequently contradicts, and
bodily functions of the astronauts so they could head off ④ advances beyond, common sense. This is why science
or deal with stresses and dangers. enables humans to ⑤ predict and control the world more
than they can without science.
→ *entity 실체(實體) ** postulate 가정하다
*** esoteric 소수만 이해할 수 있는

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

1-1. 밑줄 친 (나)를 해석하여 쓰시오. 14)

Sports & Entertainment

Public relations opens the door to visibility. Restaurants
Example Reading-1. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시 across the country are full of waiters bursting with talent
오. 13) — real talent — singers, dancers, actors, and musicians.
* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음 (나) But we’ll see few of them on the screen or stage, of
course, because they won’t get The Big Break — that
Katherine Schreiber and Leslie Sim, experts on exercise meeting with an industry big shot, that article or TV spot
addiction, recognized that smartwatches and fitness that will attract the attention of someone who can elevate
trackers have probably inspired sedentary people to take them to success. The same goes for great companies and
up exercise, and encouraged people who aren’t very active other organizations. There are plenty of them out there
to exercise more consistently. But they were convinced the with wonderful products and services that you and I
devices were also quite dangerous. (가) Schreiber는 숫자에 would gladly pay for if only we knew about them. But
집중하는 것이 사람들을 자신의 몸과 조화를 이루는 것으로부터 without exposure to the right audiences, the companies
떼어놓는다고 설명했다. Exercising becomes mindless, which will remain unseen and, eventually, go under.
is ‘the goal’ of addiction. This ‘goal’ that she mentioned is *big break 결정적 기회 **TV spot 텔레비전 광고 방송

a sort of automatic mindlessness, the outsourcing of

decision making to a device. She recently sustained a
stress fracture in her foot because she refused to listen to
her overworked body, instead continuing to run toward an
unreasonable workout target. Schreiber has suffered from
addictive exercise tendencies, and vows not to use
wearable tech when she works out.
*sedentary 주로 앉아서 지내는

[보기] [body /explain /focused /in /Schreiber /separate /be

/tune /that /numbers /people /on /from /their /with ]
2-1. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 15)

Entertainment is amusement. Its purpose is to create a

relaxing, enjoyable environment in which to temporarily
escape the stresses of daily life.

(A) Entertainment can also take the form of everyday

activities, for example, gardening or cooking.

(B) In fact, the list of activities that could be considered

entertainment is virtually endless and differs from person
to person. The realm of possibilities is so grand as to
make it impossible to cover the subject thoroughly in one

(C) It has taken countless forms over the centuries,

ranging from recreational amusement such as jogging or
painting to passive entertainment like watching television
or listening to music.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

3-1. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 16) 5-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 18)

One of the opportunities that sport provides is the chance Many great athletes keep journals, especially in golf, tennis
for children to acquire and practice adult behaviors. An and bowling, but also in many team sports. Journal
essential part of growing up is accepting responsibility for writing is a very powerful tool for the athlete of any sport
one’s own behavior and decisions. (나) This can become a or any team. Some journal entries ① may be intended for
real challenge for parents because of once you invite your another reader, perhaps the coach, a captain, teammate, or
child nade decisions, you must support and to live with trainer. Other entries may be kept confidential, and ②
those decisions. As your child matures, you should offer used as a conversation with one’s self. In either case,
suggestions and guidance about sports. But ultimately, there ③ are many benefits to journal writing. Simply ④
within reasonable limits, you should let your child go his focused on the journal requires in-depth thinking and ⑤
or her own way. All parents have ambitions for their raised awareness. Through the journal, athletes can reflect
children, but they must accept the fact that they cannot on their experiences and ⑥ consider new perspectives.
dominate their children’s lives. Youth sports can offer an Journals also help the athlete ⑦ avoid previous mistakes
introduction to the major parental challenge of letting go. and sort out numerous other problems, such as fear of
failure or relationships with the coach and team.
[ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 밑줄 친 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 것 ]

6-1. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 19)

When Michael Jordan first retired from professional

basketball, he was the greatest player in the world. He
was a finely tuned athlete who had practiced basketball
for years. After he retired, he wanted to become a
professional baseball player, a sport that he has excelled
at in high school. Although he learned to become a good
fielder, he always had trouble with his batting. It wasn’t
that he didn’t practice enough, it was just a matter of
neurology and physiology. Michael had trained his brain,
nerves, and muscles to perform in a certain way, to play
4-1. 글의 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 17)
basketball. When he tried to teach them to perform a new
way, they just couldn’t respond quickly enough. Michael
The torch race was not part of any of the four major went back to playing basketball, where his years of
festivals, but an event that took place in many training paid off, and he again became the best player in
communities in ancient Greece. ① The race was a ritual the world!
performance in honor of various gods of fire, such as *neurology 신경학 ** physiology 생리학
Prometheus, Hephaestus, and Athena. ② In Athens, the
race started outside the city walls and ended in the ① Michael Jordan이 처음에 프로 농구에서 은퇴했을 때 그는
Parthenon where the winner lighted the sacred fire of 세계에서 가장 위대한 선수였다.
Athena. ③ During this race it sometimes proved difficult ② 은퇴한 후 Michael Jordan은 프로 야구 선수가 되기를 원했
to keep the torches burning. ④ The basis of the 다.
economics of ant factories is not different from that of ③ 야구는 Michael Jordan가 고등학교 때 뛰어났던 운동이었다.
human factories. ⑤ As a team event, it influenced both ④ Michael Jordan는 좋은 야수가 되는 것을 배웠지만 타격에
the modern relay race, where runners pass a baton rather 문제가 있었다.
than a torch, and the ceremonial carrying of the torch ⑤ Michael Jordan이 타격에 문제가 있던 이유는 그의 연습량이
from Olympia to the site of the next Olympic Games. 부족했기 때문이다.
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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 20) 9-1. 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 22)

Nature is an ideal setting for relaxation, by offering places The mountains rarely present a simple situation with just
where there is a perception that one does not have to one risk. ①A chosen solution to one problem must take
watch out for or focus much attention on the other problems into account. ②Imagine, for example, a
surroundings. stretch of delicate and exposed climbing that crosses an
area also exposed to rockfall. ③Belaying protects a
(A) That said, natural settings can be places for intense potential fall but slows the climb, increasing the amount
concentration and the development and application of of time spent in the rockfall zone. Yet the risk of falling
considerable skills in activities such as observing animal and the risk of being hit by a rock must both be
behavior (e.g. bird watching), fishing, and hunting. managed. ④There’s nothing more hygge than sitting
around a table, talking about the big and small things in
(B) By supporting feelings of ‘being away,’ nature is a life. ⑤Choosing a different route would be the best
place for self-reflection. option. If this is not possible, the risks may be managed
by climbing quickly, by placing only minimal or
(C) Nature offers opportunities to escape daily routine, time-efficient protection, and by seeking safe positions for
because natural settings vary much from the cultural pauses.
setting of the urban environment. Whether sitting in a *belay 밧줄을 감아 매다
garden or hiking in the mountains, both extremes are a
temporary step or escape outside of the known urban

→ →

8-1. 밑줄 친 (나)를 해석하여 쓰시오. 21)

Online gaming is a gateway to a hugely diverse

community. Millions of people log onto their given world 10-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 23)

every day, and a vast amount of these people also engage

in social interactions that deliberately surround or have The distinctive effect ① that digital games have may be
been created for each game. The media generalize about due to their immersive character: players actively control
the players of these games and still cannot resist the and ② identify with playable characters, and their actions
unfavorable nicknames — the young, obsessive player of typically shape situations within the game experience.
World of Warcraft; the 5-minute housewife or office Whether or not experiences of agency within digital games
worker player who loves Diner Dash; and the slightly transfer out into real-world contexts, at the very least such
overenthusiastic couple who met through a guild in agency ③ distinguishes the experience of game playing
EverQuest. Yet even though all of these people exist as from film or television viewing. Beyond role playing and
stereotypes, they are simply not an accurate portrayal of perspective taking, digital games offer players a dynamic
the player. (나) Nor is the often repeated definition of the engagement with content through cycles of effort,
‘average gamer’ as 35, lower middle class, white and of attention, and feedback. Unlike traditional forms of other
either gender particularly useful, since it is so bland as to media, ④ what do not respond to players’ journeys or to
be virtually meaningless. their readings and interpretations, digital games are
*bland 단조로운, 특징 없는 particularly ⑤ compelled environments ⑥ in which players
___________________________________________ explore and act ⑦ based on at least a partial
understanding of a system’s relational dynamics.
*immersive 몰입감을 주는

___________________________________________ →

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 24)

[ Shopping has only increased as a viable entertainment

activity in the preceding three decades. ]

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the act of

shopping has increasingly involved much more than simply
the purchasing of goods and services. ① From its
modern manifestation in the arcades and the department
store to the overwhelming atmosphere of the mall, the
notion of shopping has come to be an activity of leisure
and entertainment that is as popular as going to a movie,
having dinner out, or simply strolling in a park. ② An
array of organizations and institutions, designers and
retailers, manufacturers and marketers have made
contributions to this new form of activity. ③ Lizabeth
Cohen writes that in this new sphere of commerce, the
shopping center, consuming and leisure became
“inseparably intertwined.” ④ According to a special issue
of Consumer Reports, more than a third of those surveyed
said that they considered shopping their hobby. ⑤
*viable 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는

12-1. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 25)

Through sport, participants can ① socialize with others,

contribute to common team goals, gain mastery in a
variety of sport skills, and ② improve health and
well-being. One of the most exceptional, but less
recognized contributions to society by the sport world has
been the integration of groups that historically have been
③ included, in particular ethnic minorities and women.
The acceptance and inclusion of individuals from these
groups as athletes was an ④ exhausting process and
although the first formal sport opportunities were through
separate sport leagues, the fact remains that the sport
world has been a leading force for inclusion. Moreover,
sport has allowed people of color and women to take part
in a common life experience and ⑤ compete as equals
alongside all other athletes. In keeping with this ‘tradition’
of sport as a vehicle for inclusion, in recent years there
has been a surge in sport opportunities for another group
on the margin of society, people with disabilities.
*margin 주변부, 가장자리
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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

Art & Culture 1-1. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오.27)

Example Reading-1. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시

[ Twenty-first century museums stem from these earlier
methods of collecting, preserving, interpreting, and
displaying objects. ]
Painters have in principle an infinite range of colours at
their disposal, especially in modern times with the
① Everyone has been to a museum of some sort: natural
chromatic explosion of synthetic chemistry. And yet
history, science, fine art, tourist traps, or halls of fame. ②
painters don’t use all the colours at once, and indeed
The museum, which gets its name from the Greek word
many have used a remarkably restrictive selection.
mouseion, meaning “seat of the Muses,” originated as a
Mondrian limited himself mostly to the three primaries
place to discuss philosophy, mathematics, science, and
red, yellow and blue to fill his black-ruled grids, and
politics. ③ European museums of the 17th century
Kasimir Malevich worked with similar self-imposed
developed into fancy houses devoted to collecting and
restrictions. For Yves Klein, one colour was enough; Franz
categorizing noblemen’s scientific curiosities, from fossilized
Kline’s art was typically black on white. There was nothing
teeth and bones to cultural oddities collected during the
new in this: the Greeks and Romans tended to use just
exploration of the Age of Enlightenment. ④ Some cover
red, yellow, black and white. Why? It’s impossible to
an encyclopedic range while others became highly
generalize, but both in antiquity and modernity it seems
specialized. ⑤
likely that the limited palette aided clarity and
*tourist traps (관광객에게 바가지 씌우는) 명승지
comprehensibility, and helped to focus attention on the
components that mattered: shape and form.
*chromatic 유채색의 ** grid 격자무늬

2-1. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 28)

① 이론상으로는 화가들은 무한한 범위의 색을 마음대로 사용할

수 있다. According to Native American belief systems, music is
② 많은 화가들은 무한한 범위의 색을 골고루 사용하려고 노력하 intimately connected to everyday life and, especially, to the
였다. spiritual lives of Native peoples.
③ Mondrian은 자신의 검정 선이 그어진 격자무늬를 채우기 위
해 대개 빨강, 노랑, 파랑의 3원색으로 스스로를 제한했다. (A) Indeed, in most Native languages no words mean
④ Franz Kline의 예술 작품은 보통 흰색 바탕위에 검정색 이었 music in the sense that we know the word today. Instead,
다. music and singing are linked to their many functions in
⑤ 고대와 현대에 모두 범위가 제한된 팔레트가 명확성과 이해 가 Native cultures.
능성에 도움을 주고 중요한 구성 요소인 모양과 형태에 주의 집중
할 수 있도록 도움을 주었을 것이다. (B) The idea of music for art’s sake is not part of
traditional Native thinking. Although singing is sometimes
used as a form of artistic expression, there was no such
thing historically as attending a concert of Native
American music.

(C) Sacred music is an essential part of ceremonies and

other important traditional activities. Social music is
performed for personal enjoyment, at social events such as
community or family celebrations, or as accompaniment to
social dances.
→ →

- 8 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

3-1. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 29) 5-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 31)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]

Art calls to us to stop, to pause and step out of our own [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
personal dramas, and experience someone else’s life —
수 있음]
vicariously. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word
vicarious means “experienced in the imagination through
(A) 이민자들은 미국 문화와 관습을 습득하면서 흔히 자신의 문화
the feelings or actions of another person.” Art takes us
와 관습을 버린다. Some immigrants who are learning
through the ups and downs on someone else’s journey and
English attempt to abandon their native language in the
invites us to feel the empathy that is so vital to good
hope of learning English more quickly. When the native
comforting. Well-told stories — be they told in a book, a
language is abandoned by first-generation immigrants,
movie, or a beautifully drawn landscape as seen through
second-generation immigrants often never learn their
the eyes of the artist — teach us how to walk in someone
parents’native language and lose a part of their ethnic
else’s shoes, to identify with someone else’s challenges.
identity, adding to the potential for mental health issues.
When we allow ourselves to be moved by art, we are
Moreover, immigrants who are discouraged from speaking
opening ourselves to being inspired and nurtured by a
their native language may experience a sense that their
greater sense of humanity.
native language or culture is inferior. This is a potential
*vicariously 대신하여, 대리로(서)
problem given that their identity is already under assault
① 예술은 우리에게 하던 일을 멈추고 우리 자신의 개인 드라마
by the stresses they face in adapting to American society.
밖으로 나와서 다른 사람의 삶을 경험하라고 소리친다.
② 예술은 우리를 이끌어 자기 자신의 내면에 집중하도록 이끈다.
[ immigrants / on / culture / customs / frequently / their
③ 잘 표현된 이야기는 우리에게 다른 사람의 입장에서 생각하는
/ as / take / American / and / they / shed / own ]
방법, 공감하는 방법을 가르쳐준다.
④ 우리 자신이 예술에 의해 감동받도록 허용한다면 우리는 인류
애라는 더 커다란 인식에 의해 영감 받고 양성되는 것에 마음을
열고 있는 것이다.
6-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 32)
⑤ ‘vicarious’라는 단어의 의미는 다른 사람의 기분이나 행동을 [조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
통해 상상으로 경험되는 이라는 의미이다. [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]
4-1. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 30)

Vsevolod Pudovkin was one of the greatest film directors

In fashion you will always be working with other people of the Golden Age of Soviet cinema in the 1920s. (A) 그는
and will need other people to help you realize your ideas. 역사의 시련과 역경에 생소한 사람이 아니었다. — he was
called up, wounded and taken prisoner during the First
(A) Fashion is about appearances and selling your ideas so World War before being drawn to the cinema. He started
you need to have a good public interface; whether this is working in Kuleshov’s workshop in Moscow in 1920. He
your business card or your blog, it needs to reflect your developed theories on the art of silent films, and his ideas
style and professional persona. on editing, close-ups and slow motion, which he put into
practice in several films, made him one of the undisputed
(B) If you are a photographer you need to know good
pioneers of silent films. In the 1930s, subjected first to
stylists, hair and make-up people, and models. A buyer
the new demands of sound films and then to the strict
needs to maintain good relationships with suppliers and
instructions of “social realism,” he gradually became an
trend-information companies.
official film-maker, and his later works are all too often
mere illustrations of the regime’s propaganda
(C) Designers need a really wide network of people who
can help them to realize their ideas, from pattern cutters
[ be / stranger / the / and / adversities / history / he /
and fabric suppliers to trendsetters and journalists.
no / to / trials / of ]
Everyone in fashion should have a good address book. In
order to network you also need to consider your personal
- 9 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 33) 9-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 35)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] [조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할 [조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음] 수 있음]

(A) 그리스 극장의 거대함에도 불구하고, 시각의 초점은 명확하다. English speakers tend to talk about time using horizontal
Every line of sight leads to the circular orchestra with the spatial metaphors (e.g. “The best is ahead of us,” “The
altar in the center. From their height on the hillside, all worst is behind us”), whereas Mandarin speakers have a
spectators had an unobstructed view of the area of action, vertical metaphor for time (e.g. the next month is the
but at the same time, few spectators were close enough to “down month” and the last month is the “up month”).
see such things as facial expressions. As a consequence, Mandarin speakers talk about time vertically more often
the size and focus encouraged masks to typify the kind of than English speakers do, so do Mandarin speakers think
characters involved and the emotions they experienced. A about time vertically more often than English speakers do?
further consequence was that, acoustically, the actors Imagine this simple experiment. I stand next to you, point
needed considerable “projection” to cast their voices to the to a spot in space directly in front of you, and tell you,
back rows. Masks usually had large, somewhat circular “This spot, here, is today. Where would you put
mouth openings to magnify the sound of the actors’ yesterday? And where would you put tomorrow?” (A) 영어
voices. The structure of the best amphitheaters permits the 사용자가 이것을 하라고 요구받을 때, 그들은 거의 항상 (a) 수평
voice from within the circle to reach astonishing distances, 으로 점을 찍는다. But Mandarin speakers often point
even with fairly normal volume. vertically, about seven or eight times more often than do
English speakers.
[ all / immensity / the / theater / focus / vision / clear
/ for / of / Greek / be ] [ English / be / to / this / nearly / point / when /
speakers / ask / do / they / always / horizontally ]

10-1 올바른 순서대로 쓰시오. 36)

(A) For example, you can photograph the exterior of St

8-1 의미상 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 34) Paul’s Cathedral in London from almost any angle you
like, but you won’t be allowed to take photographs inside.
Cultures that favor ① individualism and success-seeking The same applies to most museums and art galleries.
behavior reward individuals who have high energetic Ultimately, if you can’t provide the necessary paperwork,
charges. This kind of culture ② reinforces body your images will be rejected or withdrawn.
phenomena such as holding one’s head high, keeping one’s
chin up, and having a hard, prominent chest. These bodily (B) Also, with works of art that are on someone’s private
behaviors require ③ maintaining a relatively high energy property, you definitely need permission to use a
level. Other cultures are more collective and support photograph of them, even if the sculpture or other
group-oriented behavior that would disapprove of an artwork can be seen from the street. Inside buildings the
individual striving for personal prominence or being ④ rules are different. What may be a public space on the
conforming. Such cultures often have a saying like “The outside isn’t inside.
head that sticks up gets chopped off.” In this case, the
head up, chin up, chest forward body is less likely to be (C) With sculptures and other works of art that are on
found. In effect, culture ⑤ normalizes body behaviors, public display, it is generally OK to include these in a
making those behaviors seem invisible, meaning people photograph, but if the image is principally of a
take them for granted to the extent that they are not copyrighted sculpture, then the photographer may run into
consciously noticed as long as they conform to the norm. copyright issues with the sculptor.

- 10 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 37)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]

[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]

(A) 노련한 무용수들은 일단 여러분이 리허설을 하고 충분히 연습

을 했다면, a dance performance is less a physical challenge
than a mental one. Later in the performance, when your
body starts to break down, you may struggle to remain
positive and motivated. The best way to tap into a last
reserve of energy and get to the final curtain is to use
your mind to encourage, cajole, and persuade your body
to keep going in the face of fatigue. You can say, for
example, “Keep at it. This is what I’ve worked so hard
for. I will not give up.” Or you might say, “I have
rehearsed this many times and was able to keep up. I can
certainly do it now.” When you use your mind to make
such a statement, your body listens, and you can dance
your best until the curtain falls.

[ dancers / tell / that / you / rehearse / practice /

experience / will / once / have / and / enough ]

12-1 의미상 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 38)

One cannot study Ancient Egyptian painting without

feeling ① sorry for the painters; for in all the enormous
amount of work done by them no one man was
recognized — no one is now ② remembered. We know
some of the names of great Egyptian architects which are
written in the historical rolls; but no painter’s name has
been thus ③ preserved. The fact that no greater progress
was made is proof of the discouraging influences that
must have been around these artists, for it is ④ possible
that none of them had imagination or originality: there
must have been some whose souls were filled with poetic
visions. But of what use could imagination be to artists
who were governed by the laws of a narrow priesthood,
and ⑤ restricted by a superstitious religion which even
laid down rules for art? For these reasons we know
something of Egyptian art and nothing of Egyptian

- 11 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

History & Education
1-1 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 40)

EXAMPLE READING-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용

Three-quarters of the babies in the world learn more than
하여 완성하시오. 39)
one language. Some learn four or five at the same time.
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
That amazes people who ① are used to living in a
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
community where only one language is spoken, but it’s all
수 있음] perfectly ② normal. We have to think of it from the
baby’s point of view. All they know is that people are
Children sometimes see and say things to please adults; talking to them. They have no idea that the words belong
(A) 교사들은 이 사실과, 그것이 암시하는 힘을 이해해야 한다. to ③ different languages. They won’t realize that until
Teachers who prefer that children see beauty as they they’re older. If ④ mummy speaks one way and daddy
themselves do are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics in speaks another and the lady in the shop speaks in a third
children. They are fostering uniformity and obedience. way, so what? They’re only words, after all. Babies pick it
Only children who choose and evaluate for themselves can all up ⑤ unnaturally, like breathing.
truly develop their own aesthetic taste. Just as becoming
literate is a basic goal of education, one of the key goals
of all creative early childhood programs is to help young
children develop the ability to speak freely about their
own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art. Each child
has a right to a personal choice of beauty, joy, and 2-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 41)

wonder. Aesthetic development takes place in secure [조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
settings free of competition and adult judgment. [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]
[ must / this / the / it / teachers / realize / and /
power / imply ]
There is an old Chinese proverb which says: ‘To teach is
to learn twice’. It is well known that various types of
teaching have various levels of effectiveness from passively
listening to actively doing. (A) 그러나 가장 효과적으로 배우는
방법은 다른 사람에게 여러분이 알고 있는 것을 가르치는 것이다.
If you can set up in your classroom frequent opportunities
for the students to teach each other, then it accelerates
what they learn. By making the nature of the work
interesting and dynamic, it automatically improves
behaviour management. By giving students teaching
opportunities it helps them to usefully channel their excess
energy and it also helps with confidence building.

[ the / effective / to / be / teach / else / you / but /

most / way / learn / someone / what / know ]





- 12 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

3-1 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 42) 5-1 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 44)

Since hair had ① spiritual connotations in many ancient Howard Zinn noted that historians are far from ①
cultures, people who worked with hair were trusted and subjective when they write about historical events.
important members of their communities. In Africa, where Presented with an ② infinite amount of information,
a person’s spirit was ② unbelieved to reside in his or her historians choose what to report, emphasize, and interpret
hair, hairdressers were held in high esteem. People with a about the past. The information historians leave out of
talent for hairdressing were ③ encouraged to develop their books may be just as ③ important as what they include.
skills so that they could serve others this way. In fact, the choice to exclude information may create
Hairdressers developed close ④ relationships with people stereotypes, myths, and cultural biases, or strengthen
as they spent hours washing, combing, oiling, styling, and stereotypes that are already common. Historians often ④
ornamenting their hair. Male hairdressers served men, emphasize historical information that supports their own
while women worked only with women. Before a master values and beliefs or that supports the beliefs that are ⑤
hairdresser died, he or she would give his or her combs dominant in their societies.
and other tools to a chosen ⑤ successor during a special

4-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 43)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] 6-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 45)

[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] [조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할 [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
수 있음] [조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]
(A) ‘Pocahontas’는 유명한 인디언 소녀가 일생에 걸쳐 가진 네
개의 이름 중 하나로 사실 애칭이었다. Although known today Painting, architecture, and sculpture often dominate our
as Pocahontas, meaning “mischievous one,” her given sense of the Renaissance. Yet this cultural movement
name was Amonute. Yet she also kept the secret spiritual became visible to many through a new world of fashion
name Matoaka, and when baptized and married she took fueled by a passion for innovative ideas in dialogue with
the name Rebecca. She was never able to tell her own classical traditions. In daily life, dress possessed immediate
story, but Pocahontas’s legend endures four hundred years visual appeal and increasingly offered choice. Clothes were
later and grows stronger with each new generation. As an immensely colorful, which made them attractive to look at.
eleven- or twelve-year-old girl in the early 1600s, and one New materials, cutting, and sewing techniques transformed
of the many children of the ruling chief Powhatan of tailoring. Clever merchants created wider markets for
present-day Virginia, Pocahontas lived during a time of innovations and chic accessories. Art depicted humans on
great change for her people — a time of war and struggle an unprecedented scale, paying tribute to real world
with the English colonists of the Jamestown settlement. experiences. (A) 거울은 더 많은 사람들이 자신들이 어떻게 보이
는지를 애써 생각해 보도록 했다.
[ be / a / one / four / that / famous / girl / throughout
/ life / Pocahontas / actually / nickname / of / names / [ lead / people / try / imagine / they / like / mirrors /
the / Indian / have / her ] more / to / what / look ]

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

- 13 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오46) 9-1 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오48)

No matter how it is presented, designed and ① (A) By not asking the fatal question “Who started it?” she
implemented, technology does play an ever-increasing and avoided her son’s usual recital of grievances and requests
necessary role in higher education. Nevertheless, every for revenge. By mirroring his inner mood, she avoided the
university teacher ② face at least four common areas of disagreeable role of becoming judge, prosecutor, and law
academic concern: ③ preparing and organizing courses; enforcer to her children.
teaching and providing assignments; assessing student
learning; and evaluating the ④ effectiveness of teaching. (B) When children get upset, they cannot be reached by
In the present day, in all areas of the curriculum, teachers reasoning. When angry, they respond only to emotional
must ⑤ teaching an information-based inquiry process to balm. Two young siblings were playing in the basement.
meet the demands of the technology age. Meeting this Suddenly a noise of destruction, followed by shouting and
challenge will be ⑥ impossible unless educators are accusation, was heard. Red with anger, Billy, age six, ran
willing to join the revolution and embrace the new up the stairs and exclaimed, “Betsy knocked over my fort.”
technology tools available. Higher education in general and
faculty members in particular must be the leaders in the (C) His mother sympathized: “Oh, that must have made
integration of technology in diverse ⑦ learning you very angry.” “It sure did.” He turned around and
environments. went back to play. This was the first time Billy’s mother
managed not to get involved in her children’s daily
8-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오47) *balm 연고, 위안 ** grievance 불평, 불만
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할 10-1 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오49)
수 있음]

The importance of Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492

In the middle of the seventeenth century Holland, with
cannot be exaggerated. It established a permanent link
the most powerful fleet in the world, was able to fully
between two entire ecosystems that had evolved in
develop a colonial system and reach the pinnacle of her
isolation from each another for almost 10,000 years. The
might. Soon her main rival, the rapidly-developing
initial impact on the inhabitants of the Americas was
England, possessed economic superiority over Holland. (A)
catastrophic. Eurasian diseases and the infamous brutality
이 나라들 사이의 싸움은 영국-네덜란드 전쟁으로 알려진 전쟁에서
of the Spanish conquistadors slaughtered the population. A
정점에 이르렀다. The arena of the main engagements was
remarkably small number of European invaders conquered
the North Sea. After several sea battles won by the
the most sophisticated American states with startling ease,
English, Holland was forced to concede defeat. She then
laying potentially the entire New World open to European
became a second-rate colonial power. In fact, her fate was
exploitation and colonization. However, the ___________
sealed by the victory of the industrial capital of England
of European sailors in Asia did not have the same
over the commercial capital of Holland, the military
dramatic impact. Powerful countries, including India,
expression of which was the superiority of the English
Imperial China, the Mughal Empire, and the Japanese
shogunate at first merely tolerated the Europeans as
*pinnacle 정점, 절정 ** concede 인정하다
traders, allowing them to control only a few islands or
enclaves along the coast, as long as they did not interfere
보기: [in / Anglo-Dutch wars / between / climax / as / its
or become too troublesome.
/ wars / these / struggle / reach / know / the /
*conquistador 정복자 **shogunate 막부 (시대)
countries] ***enclave 소수 민족 거주지
___________________________________________ ① board
② departure
③ conference
④ colleague
___________________________________________ ⑤ arrival
- 14 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오50)

Think of how you hold a pencil.

(A) Maybe your teacher was very strict with all her
students, and you could only hold the pencil one way or
you’d get in trouble. That pencil-holding technique was
likely ingrained, and you’d find it uncomfortable to hold a
pencil any other way.

(B) That’s because your muscles have learned a certain

way of skiing that you now have to unlearn in order to
pick up the correct form. So the next time you’re learning
something new, make sure you do it the correct way the
first time around. That way you don’t have to learn it

(C) Or maybe you like skiing and decide to take some

lessons — despite having skied already for a number of
years. You may be surprised to discover that your posture
and form aren’t good. Your instructor will have to work
harder to get you to change your form than if she was
teaching a person who never skied before.

12-1 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞

은 곳을 고르시오51)

> The emotional events remind participants of affection,

honesty, and the feeling of belonging to a family.

Rites of passage are not a rational activity. They are

designed to bring physical and emotional energy to a
climax, bonding a group. They produce an “experience,”
not an “ah-ha!” Corporations have produced ropes course
events to provide a physical challenge. (가) Some groups
have also included an emotional challenge of revealing
deep fears and significant life-changing events. (나) The
key here is that all candidates are on trial and are made
to believe their ordeal together is really tough. (다)
Whatever the “ordeal,” it should make good story-telling
material. (라) The physical events produce courage as a
by-product and an abiding sense that as a team anything
can be accomplished. (마) The combined result can be an
organization unafraid to face new challenges together and
able to communicate honestly about things that are not

- 15 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

Environment & Health
1-1 다음 중 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오53)

EXAMPLE READING-1 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게

Most Americans get more than ① enough protein. The ②
daily dietary requirement for an adult is 0.8 grams of
protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. That
In the 1930s the work of Sigmund Freud, the ‘father of
equates to about 64 grams a day of protein for a
psychoanalysis’, ① began to be widely known and
175-pound man and 47 grams a day for a 130-pound
appreciated. Less well known at the time was the fact that
woman. ③ Roughly, you can take your weight in pounds
Freud ② had found out, almost by accident, how ③ help
and divide that number in half, and that would be the
his pet dog Jofi was to his patients. He had only become
number of grams of protein ④ required in your diet.
a dog lover in later life when Jofi was ④ gave to him by
That’s really not very much protein, and many Americans
his daughter Anna. The dog sat in on the doctor’s therapy
get double this amount. For example, a one-pound steak,
sessions and Freud discovered ⑤ that his patients felt
not ⑤ usual in restaurants, supplies 100 grams of protein
much more comfortable talking about their problems if the
all by itself.
dog was there. Some of them even ⑥ preferred to talk to
*dietary requirement 권장 섭취량 ** equate to ~와 같다
Jofi, rather than the doctor! Freud noted that if the dog
sat near the patient, the patient found it easier to relax,
but if Jofi sat on the other side of the room, the patient
⑦ seemed more tense and distressed. He was surprised to
realize that Jofi seemed to sense this too. The dog’s
presence was an especially calming influence on child and
teenage patients.

2-1 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오54)

Excessive stress at work may produce a number of

diseases like heart attacks, high blood pressure, mental
stress, etc. Does it mean that we should avoid hard work
because it is stressful? The answer is a big ‘No.’ On the
contrary, people who do not work hard are lazy and catch
more diseases. Take the example of Mr. A. He was a busy
executive and worked hard to achieve his goals, but
sometime after reaching the top, he became rather
____________, took things easy and stopped taking care
of his diet and work routine. Before that he was a hard
worker and remained healthy, but now as he had left his
hard work routine, he became ill and suffered a heart
attack. Mr. A fell victim to illness not because of hard
work but due to a lack of work.

① diligent
② lazy
③ generous
④ patient
⑤ humble

- 16 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

3-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오55) 5-1 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오57)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] Unlike with asteroids, there’s no $2-to-3-billion, ten-year
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
NASA program to avoid the impact of storms and other
수 있음]
extreme climatic events like floods and droughts. Nor is
there a quick fix for less dramatic events like the ever
Water is a necessary resource to sustain life on this
faster rising seas. ① As a first line of defense, higher
planet. We are blessed to have 70% of our planet covered
seawalls would surely help. ② The baby planet was as
with this resource. However, at the same time, we are not
different from the grown-up planet as Earth today is from
so fortunate because only 3% of this is available as fresh
Mars. ③ But they can go only so far for so long. ④
water for human activity, in the household, agriculture,
Higher seas make storm waves more powerful, and higher
and industry. In the process industries, we use water, for
seas themselves come with plenty of costs of their own. ⑤
washing operations, for steam generation, and for other
Imagine standing in the harbor of your favorite coastal
process uses. This results in large quantities of wastewater,
city. Then imagine standing there at the end of the
(A) 그것은 또한 오염되어 있으므로 환경적인 피해를 유발하지 않
century with sea levels having risen by 1 meter. It will
고 처리하는 것이 어렵다. Thus, it is necessary to look at
only be a matter of time before higher seawalls won’t do,
ways to both reduce consumption of fresh water and
when the only option will be moving back.
minimize discharge — with the ultimate aim of zero
*asteroid 소행성
discharge — while minimizing the capital and operating
costs of doing so.

보기: [environmental / is / therefore / difficult / and / to

/ contaminate / dispose / cause / of / without / also /
which / damage]


6-1 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오58)

Box turtles are fairly small, having an adult maximum

length of 10–18 cm. Their range is restricted to North
4-1 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오56)
America, with the Eastern species located over most of the
eastern United States and the Western species located in
(A) According to Kunkel and Gantz’s 1992 paper, food
the Central and Southwestern United States and into
products make up roughly half the ads viewed by
Mexico. Both species are highly variable in coloration and
adolescents. Sugary cereals are the most frequently
pattern, ranging from a uniform tan to dark brown or
advertised product on television; other food products often
black, with yellow spots or streaks. They prefer a dry
marketed during youth television programming include
habitat such as woodlands or prairies. They typically
candy, snacks, cookies and sodas.
________ sandy soil, but are sometimes found in springs
or ponds during hot weather. During the winter, they
(B) Critics cite as problematic the volume of
hibernate in the soil below the frost line, often as deep as
advertisements children view on a daily basis, especially
60 cm. They feed on insects, earthworms, slugs, fruits,
television commercials. Recent estimates are that today’s
berries, leaves, and mushrooms.
child views between 20,000 and 40,000 television
*slug 민달팽이
commercials each year.

① approach
(C) In contrast, very few commercials promote healthy
② provide
food options such as fruits and vegetables. In summary,
③ inhabit
snack, convenience, and fast foods dominate advertising to
④ involve
children, especially during the television programs children
⑤ propose
watch the most.
- 17 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오59) 9-1. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 두 개를 찾아 바르게 고치시
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] 오. 61)

[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]

[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
In 2002, a landmark study ① was published in the
수 있음]
British Journal of Psychiatry by Bernard Gesch. “The
Young Prisoners Study” reported that offenders ② often
Warming winter temperatures, particularly in northern
were inclined to choose foods ③ lacking in essential
coastal areas, could be a boon for marine transportation.
nutrients which could influence their behaviors. Therefore,
Fewer days below freezing would reduce problems with ice
he conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of
accumulation on vessels and docks, the occurrence of
the effect of dietary supplementation with physiologically
dangerous ice fog, and the likelihood of ice jams in ports.
adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.
The striking thinning and overall downward trend in the
He divided a population of 231 prisoners ages of 18 and
extent of Arctic sea ice are regarded as a major
21 years into two groups, one receiving placebos and one
opportunity for shippers. In the short term, continued
④ receiving a selection of vitamins, minerals, and fatty
reduction in Arctic sea ice should result in more ice-free
acids (here referred to as “nutrients”) for 4 months.
ports, improved access to both ports and natural resources
Investigators then ⑤ track offenses among the inmates. At
in remote areas, and longer shipping seasons. In the
the conclusion of the study, prisoners receiving placebos
longer term, shippers are looking forward to new Arctic
showed no change in baseline behaviors, while prisoners
shipping routes (A) 해상 운송의 시간과 거리에서 커다란 비용
receiving nutrients improved markedly. Among those
절약을 가져올 수 있는.
receiving nutrients, there were 26% fewer violations
*boon 호재, 이익
overall, with serious breaches of conduct, ⑥ including
보기: [distances / that / provide / times / shipping / violence, reduced by 37%.
significant / in / can / savings / and / cost] *breach 문란, 파괴

10-1. [서답/서술형] 보기를 참고하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 62)
___________________________________________ *단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꾸어 사용할 것.
One of the first issues raised when it comes to eliminating
unhealthy fast food is whether it is necessary to
8-1 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오60)
completely remove it from the diet. Many people have
turned down my vice-busting approach to weight
The development of agriculture ① enabled the growth of
management because they don’t think they need to
human population; fields for crops and animals were able
completely give up the foods they like. While I’m not
to produce much larger yields per hectare than could be
saying you can’t enjoy food, the problem is that you may
② found through gathering and hunting. An increasing
have been enjoying it too much at the expense of healthy
population ③ requires the clearing of more land for
eating. You need to eat to fuel your body and its
agriculture. For millennia, the solution was to burn forests
functions, and while eating is pleasurable, I can’t tell you
and to turn them into fields. Thus, much of Europe’s
that it’s okay to have some of this or that food vice. If
temperate forest ④ was already destroyed by medieval
you allow yourself some, you’ll probably want more! (A) 따
times. However, the magnitude of agriculture before the
라서 나는 여러분에게 이 소위 적당히 먹는 것에 대해 내가 항상
year 1700 was so small ⑤ that the carbon cycle did not
말해 왔던 것을 상기시키고자 한다. It is very, very difficult to
clearly respond to this increasing destruction of forests.
have just one bite of the food you love without slipping
After the late 1700s, as a result of the Industrial
back to old habits and addictions.
Revolution, a slowly increasing trend in atmospheric  
*vice-busting 나쁜 버릇을 깨는
concentration can be ⑥ seen. And since that time,
industrialization ⑦ has been intense and almost always
보기 [ let/ remind /me /of /what /you /so /about /say
based on energy ⑧ releasing from fossil fuels. The
/always /so-call /this /in /moderation /eat]
atmosphere has responded very clearly; the  
concentration in the atmosphere has increased by 100
ppm since ⑨ those times. ___________________________________________

- 18 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 63) 12-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 64)

Numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of The Akimel O’odham and Tohono O’odham (the peoples
volunteering, which include lowered blood pressure, that European settlers called Pima and Papago) of Arizona
increased self-esteem, lessened feelings of social isolation, were virtually (a) free from diabetes until two generations
a strengthened immune system, and reduced stress. ago. Before the twentieth century, they had lived on desert
foods such as mesquite meal, wild greens, and cactus buds
(A) These people, who can easily become isolated, may and fruits and on traditional crops: maize, locally grown
reap the largest benefits because of the social connections wheat, beans, squash, and chiles. In the late nineteenth
gained through volunteering. What’s more, taking on an and early twentieth centuries, they lost most of their land
authority role may add esteem-boosting professionalism, and almost all the water needed to irrigate what land they
mastery, and competence to one’s sense of self. kept. After World War II, they were progressively
incorporated into the wider society of Arizona. This led to
(B) Volunteering is beneficial to everyone, but most the expected lifestyle and ______________. Alcoholism,
especially to those who are out of the workplace, such as previously very rare, became more common. Sugar and
retirees, the unemployed, and stay-at-home parents or white flour (b) replaced traditional foods. Today most
spouses. adults suffer from diabetes, and life expectancy is falling
as the disease extracts its dreadful toll in heart and
(C) Even a relatively small time commitment can make a kidney failure and in necrosis.
difference, according to a study that identified the health *mesquite 메스키트(남미산 콩과 식물) ** necrosis(생체 내 조직·세포의)
benefits to senior citizens of less than one hour of 괴사(壞死 )

volunteering per week.

① dietary changes
② traditional foods
③ clothing habits
④ residential habits
⑤ food cultures

- 19 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

Social Science
1-1. 문장의 알맞은 위치를 찾으시오. 66)

Example Reading-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 65)

▶ These changes generated new ways of thinking.

Car-sharing is now a familiar concept, but creative

Like the subjects it studies, sociology is itself a social
companies are making it possible for their clients to share
product. ① Sociology first emerged in western Europe
ownership and access to just about everything, such as
during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. ② In this
villas, handbags and even diamond necklaces. According to
period, the political and economic systems of Europe were
a Portuguese saying, “You should never have a yacht; you
rapidly changing. Monarchy, the rule of society by kings
should have a friend with a yacht.” By joining a yacht
and queens, was disappearing in western Europe. ③
sharing service, members can live the Portuguese dream
Religion as the system of authority and law was giving
by sharing a yacht with up to seven other people. In
way to scientific authority. At the same time, capitalism
describing the service, a recent newspaper article warned
grew. ④ Along with its growth, contact between different
consumers that sharing the yacht means “there is no
societies increased, and worldwide economic markets
guarantee you will always be able to use it when you
developed. The traditional ways of the past were giving
want.” This apparent limitation is precisely what helps
way to a new social order. ⑤ The time was ripe for a
consumers make it a treat. Limiting your access to
new understanding.
everything from sandwiches to luxury cars helps to reset
your cheerometer. That is, knowing you can’t have access
to something all the time may help you _________ it
more when you do.

① complain
2-1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 67)
② appreciate
③ remember
Collective memory is central to understanding how
④ conscious
identities are formed in society.
⑤ suspect

(A) Collective memory is therefore inherently political, as

dominant groups in society struggle over how collective
memory is produced and represented in official records
and in public spaces.

(B) Socializing into a group means adopting not only

shared norms, but also learning a group’s historical
memory. Whereas small-scale groups often transmit
historical memory orally, large-scale groups such as
nations rely on written texts to create, in Benedict
Anderson’s term, “imagined communities.”

(C) In speeches, monuments, ceremonies, and holidays,

national elites invoke a heroic version of the nation’s past.
This version inspires and unifies diverse and divided
citizens, encouraging patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice for
the national cause.

- 20 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

3-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오, 68) 5-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 70)

▶ However, in general the flood of people into cities ▶ Because of this advantage, any stream soon attracts
destroyed existing social bonds. more people to join it, making it bigger and still more
attractive to others.
Half of the world’s people who now live in cities
experience the most artificial environment ever created by Go to a public square during a big protest or concert and
humans. ① Large areas of countryside have been you’ll see something apparently very different, yet
destroyed by the spread of houses, roads, and shopping conceptually quite similar. ① If you watch closely, you’ll
centers across what were once fields and woodland. ② In see that how people move through a densely packed
the 1990s alone, over 800,000 hectares of European land square really has less to do with individual inclinations
was built on. ③ Cities also depend on very high energy than with patterns. ② As individuals try to avoid
use in building and sustaining them and in moving collisions with each other, as one person follows another,
millions of people to and from work every day. ④ Cities who in turn follows someone else, they automatically begin
have many benefits — they are usually centers of cultural to form coherent streams of movement. ③ A person has
activity and have a much wider range of facilities than good reason to move within these streams, as moving in
rural areas. ⑤ Cities, as Henry David Thoreau wrote, tend other directions is a lot more difficult. ④ The pattern
to be places characterized by ‘millions of people being constrains people’s choices, making them more likely to
lonely together.’ act in a way that reinforces the pattern, boosting its
energy and influence. ⑤

6-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 71)

4-1. 다음 중 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 69) There is one key difference between dream thoughts and
our thinking while awake. One of the lessons we learn in
Consider a political map of the world: its most striking life is that certain actions, even thoughts, are not
feature is the division of the entire earth’s surface into permissible in the real world. For example, we learn that
over 190 neatly defined territorial units, namely states. ① we cannot immediately fulfill our ____. There are rules
To a student of politics in the Middle Ages, such a against grabbing the money in the cash register at a store,
representation of the world, which gave primacy to and constraints on interacting with a person to whom we
borders and boundaries, would make little sense. ② may be physically attracted. We also learn that certain
Historically, borders are a relatively recent invention, as is thoughts are not permissible because they are culturally
the idea that states are completely independent, forbidden. As we learn professional skills, we learn the
self-governing, territorially defined political communities or ways of thinking that are recognized and rewarded in our
organizations. ③ Recent research on borders is still professions, and thereby avoid patterns of thought that
underway. Although today a convenient fiction, this might betray the methods and norms of that profession.
presumption remains central to traditional state-centric Many of these taboos are worthwhile, as they enforce
conceptions of world politics as the pursuit of power and social order and consolidate progress.
interests between independent states. ④ Globalization,
however, calls this state-centric conception of world ① ideas
politics into question. ⑤ Taking globalization seriously ② desires
therefore requires a conceptual shift in the way we think ③ emotions
about world politics. ④ anxieties
*presumption 가정, 추정 ⑤ depressions

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1. 제시된 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 72) 9-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 74)

▶ So the government stepped in. But people receiving In a study, participants viewed photographs of a library
those benefits typically paid for them, either directly or reading room or a train station interior after learning they
indirectly, through contributions they or their employer would have to visit the setting afterward (Aarts &
made on their behalf to these insurance funds. Dijksterhuis, 2003).

An efficient system of social protection is an important (A) Parallel effects occurred for participants primed with
part of any modern society. ① The market failed to the goal of visiting an exclusive restaurant and behaving
provide adequate insurance, for instance, for in a well-mannered way. Primed participants ate crackers
unemployment or disability. ② Aside from a person’s right during unrelated experimental tasks and actually tidied up
to draw benefits from programs they helped fund, social more often if they had been primed.
protection can make for a more productive society. ③
Individuals can take on more high-return, high-risk (B) Other participants viewed the library without the goal
activities if they know there is a safety net that will of going there. Presumably, when the goal of going to a
protect them if things don’t work out. ④ It’s one of the social environment is active, the relevant norms are
reasons that some economies with better social protection activated to cue conformity.
have been growing much more rapidly than that of the
United States, even during the recent recession. ⑤ (C) And, indeed, only those people primed with the goal
to visit the library did more rapidly recognize words
related to silence (silent, quiet, still, whisper) than
unrelated control words. In a subsequent study,
participants primed in the same way also spoke more
softly, even on an unrelated task.
8-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 73) *prime 언질을 주다, 미리 알려 주다

Ethical and moral systems are different for every culture.

According to cultural relativism, all of these systems are 10-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 75)

equally valid, and no system is better than another. The

basis of cultural relativism is the notion that no true You could easily be impressed, say, by the practices of
standards of good and evil actually exist. Therefore, certain business leaders, and try to follow their example,
judging whether something is right or wrong is based on measure by measure. Jack Welch, whose books on
individual societies’ beliefs, and any moral or ethical leadership have made him an icon, is known as an
opinions are affected by an individual’s cultural executive who connects on a person-to-person basis in
_____________. There exists an inherent contradiction part because he remembers the name of everyone he
in cultural relativism, however. If one embraces the idea meets. This astounds and impresses everyone, and makes
that there is no right or wrong, then there exists no way them feel important. Wouldn’t you want to do that? But
to make judgments in the first place. To deal with this Welch’s gift is a rare one, not easily copied. The point is
contradiction, cultural relativism creates “tolerance.” not to wish you were like someone else but to play your
However, with tolerance comes intolerance, which means singular strength as a leader. That’s what I’m talking
that tolerance must imply some sort of ultimate good. about — determining where you will find yourself on a
Thus, tolerance also goes against the very notion of wide spectrum of leadership styles, _________ how your
cultural relativism. own unique mix of strengths can serve you best in an
organizational context. But there is one element that can’t
① difference be missing from your leadership solution — it’s the
② experience authentic you.
③ idea
④ perspective ① supplementing ② strengthening
⑤ opinion ③ criticizing ④ searching
⑤ understanding
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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 76) 12-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 77)

Do not assume that trusting your opponents is essential ▶ The parents had made deep sacrifices so their children
for a proper negotiation process, collaboration and an could go to college.
integrative outcome.
Sociologist Steph Lawler found that British women who
(A) Thus, try to maintain the right balance between a had moved from the working class to the middle class
certain amount of trust on the one hand, and a certain were caught between two worlds — their working-class
amount of suspicion — and even distrust — on the other. background and their current middle-class life. ① The
This way you will benefit from both the advantages of women’s mothers found their daughters’ middle-class ways
distrust and suspicions, as well as the advantages of trust. “uppity,” and they criticized their daughters’ preferences in
furniture and food, their speech and even the way they
(B) It is possible that suspicion and distrust may motivate reared their children. ② As you can expect, this strained
you to search for essential information about your the mother-daughter relationships. ③ Studying
opponents and, at the same time, serve as a defense working-class parents in Boston, sociologists Richard
mechanism and coping strategy against your opponents’ Sennett and Jonathan Cobb found something similar. ④
potential manipulations. In this sense, suspicions and They, of course, expected their children to appreciate their
distrust may be valuable to you before and during the sacrifice. But again, the result was two worlds of
negotiation process. experience. ⑤ The children’s educated world was so unlike
that of their parents that even talking to one another
(C) Trustfulness may make you vulnerable; thus, your became difficult. Not surprisingly, the parents felt betrayed
opponents’ behavior may become harmful and damaging. and bitter. Their sacrifices had ripped their children from
Being trusting may also “blind” you to the possible them.
manipulation of your opponents. *uppity 거만한, 건방진

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

Human Life
1-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 79)

EXAMPLE READING-1. 글과 관련되지 않은 문장을 고르시오.

Discipline and habit. Honestly, most people never really
want to talk about these. And who can blame them? I
don’t either. The images these words bring up in our
When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or scary
heads are of something hard and unpleasant. Just reading
moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense emotions
the words is exhausting. But there’s good news. The right
and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. ① When
discipline goes a long way, and habits are hard only in
this happens, we as parents can help bring the left
the beginning. Over time, the habit you’re after becomes
hemisphere into the picture so that the child can begin to
easier and easier to sustain. It’s true. Habits require much
understand what’s happening. ② One of the best ways to
less energy and effort to _______ than to begin. Put up
promote this type of integration is to help retell the story
with the discipline long enough to turn it into a habit,
of the frightening or painful experience. ③ However,
and the journey feels different. The hard stuff becomes
children can be left traumatized by their experiences and
habit, and habit makes the hard stuff easy-.
memories. ④ Bella, for instance, was nine years old when
the toilet overflowed when she flushed, and the experience
① react
of watching the water rise and pour onto the floor left
② remember
her unwilling to flush the toilet afterward. ⑤ When Bella’s
③ refuse
father, Doug, learned about the “name it to tame it”
④ give up
technique, he sat down with his daughter and retold the
⑤ maintain
story of the time the toilet overflowed. He allowed her to
tell as much of the story as she could and helped to fill
in the details. After retelling the story several times,
Bella’s fears lessened and eventually went away.

2-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 80)

▶ This rule holds that feelings are best reciprocated with

feelings, because much nonverbal behavior appears
automatic, and nonverbal communication is less direct
than verbal communication.

Despite its importance, people rarely comment on other

people’s nonverbal behavior; rarely do they ask, “Why are
you standing so far away from me?” or say, “Thank you
for squeezing my hand.” ① Instead, they respond
nonverbally, for example by moving closer or squeezing
back. ② Meeting nonverbal communication with nonverbal
communication is the rule of nonverbal reciprocity. ③
Thus, when people are feeling vulnerable, it provides a
safer way to communicate attraction or rejection, with less
risk of being called to account. ④ In various ways, then,
nonverbal channels facilitate social attachment and
belonging as people understand each other. ⑤
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3-1. 어법상 틀린 3곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 81) 5-1. 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 83)

* 동명사를 주어로 할 것
Even high-achieving sports superstars like Tiger Woods or * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
* 보기의 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음.
Gabby Douglas need coaches. Every great achiever needs
to be pushed ① find what he or she is ② truly capable
It’s been my experience that complaining about deadlines
of, ③ which means achievers need someone to instruct,
— even if the complaints are justified — takes an
guide, and push them. Achievers should choose a mentor,
enormous amount of mental energy and time! The turmoil
whether it is their boss, someone else in the organization
you go through simply within your own head is rarely
or even someone outside work. They need ④ ensure ⑤
worth it. (A) 마감일에 대한 추가되는 강박적인 생각은 그 자체
that there is trust in the relationship, the mentor has
의 내적 불안을 만들어 낸다. I know that deadlines can
sufficient time to invest, and there is good chemistry.
create quite a bit of stress and that sometimes it doesn’t
Then, week by week, the achiever should ask the coach ⑥
seem fair. However, working toward your goal without the
help her understand ⑦ what success looks like, honestly
interference of negative mental energy makes any job
assessing strengths and weaknesses. The pace at which
more manageable. See if you can notice how often you
achievers work is often supersonic, so it’s important they
tend to worry or complain about deadlines. Then, try to
and their coach get their aim right, and then adjust as
catch yourself in the act of doing so. When you do, gently
remind yourself that your energy would be better spent
elsewhere. Who knows, perhaps you can ultimately make
peace with deadlines altogether.

보기 [anxiety /the deadline /add /the /obsessive /think

/create /about /its own /internal]





4-1. 글과 가장 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 82)

6-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 84)

Making small talk allows participants to sprinkle plenty of

key words, free information, self-disclosures, and new ▶ In Colombia, for example, children of the poor often
topics into their conversation. ① This provides more are expected to support themselves by the age of 8 or 10.
opportunities for you and the other person to choose
topics of mutual interest. ② This will extend your Parents used to have little responsibility for their children
conversation because you’ll have more things to talk about. beyond providing food, clothing, shelter, and moral
Of course, some of the small-talk topics you choose may guidance. ① And they needed to do this for only a short
only yield a minute or two of conversation. ③ The one- time, because children began to contribute to the support
or two-minute conversation can change your image. ④ of the family early in life. ② Among many people,
However, by applying good listening and questioning skills, parenthood is still like this. ③ In industrial societies,
others will lead you to “conversational gold” — that is, a however, we assume that children are vulnerable beings
person’s hot button. The information you pick up during who must depend on their parents for financial and
small talk can also pay off for you in later conversations. emotional support for many years — often until they are
⑤ Be sure to give your chat your full attention and well into their 20s. ④ In some cases, this is now being
remember what the other person tells you so you can extended into the 30s. ⑤ The greater responsibilities that
refer to it at another time. we assign to parenthood place heavier burdens on today’s
*hot button 중요 문제 couples and, with them, more strain on marriage.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 85) 9-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 87)

In the past few years, the brain and behavioral sciences, If we want to be wealthy, but we believe that the
and even medical research, have begun paying opportunity to be wealthy does not exist for us, then we
considerable attention to purpose and related concepts will abandon our dreams of wealth.
such as “intentional goal” and “ultimate concerns,” and the
roles they play in well-being. (A) We will abandon our dream, rather than abandon the
thoughts that discourage us. However, Einstein said to do
(A) Study after study has found a person’s sense of life the opposite. He said that we must abandon what we hold
purpose to be closely connected to virtually all dimensions true.
of well-being.
(B) We will not seek wealth. Instead, we will hold on to
(B) Studies of aging have shown that one of the prime the belief that opportunity is scarce, because this is the
predictors of health and well-being in old age is whether concept that appears true to us. If we dream of writing a
a person continues to be purposeful. Researchers studying book, but believe we are not capable, then we will not
people with mental health problems and disabilities have take the steps necessary to write the book.
found that helping them find a sense of purpose can
assist them in overcoming their psychological deficits. (C) For example, we should disregard what appears to be
a fact of our condition, such as I do not have the skills
(C) Recent studies in neuroscience, for example, have to write a book, and instead focus on our ability to write
found that certain areas of the brain that govern social the book.
and moral judgments show a strong response when people
observe or engage in intentional activities.

10-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 순서를 고르시오. 88)

8-1. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 어색한 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

86) ▶ This is to allow for the fact that the very young child
will be less active than you are.
We all do it. We have that ① few voice in our heads that
only knows ② how say negative things. It’s our ‘inner A lot of parents don’t know how to decide how warmly to
critic.’ However, you have control over that voice. You dress their children for going outside. ① A good rule is
want to learn ③ to stop the unproductive negative for you to dress the young child in the same number of
self-talk and instead, focus on what you can do ④ to items you would wear for the day — with perhaps one
move past the situation. Focus on how you can solve extra coat, sweater or blanket in cold weather. ② As
problems, make a better choice next time, or take any children get older and more active they begin to want to
other kind of action ⑤ that will help you focus on the have some say about what they should wear. ③ Often
positive rather than the negative. You can even create a they can predict what they need to wear better than you
STOP sign and post it on your wall so that every time can. No child chooses to freeze to death. ④ In general,
you have a negative thought you can look up at it and parents tend to dress children at a level that seems
say to ⑥ yourself, “Stop!” Then convert that negative comfortable for them, the parents, rather than for the
thought ⑦ into something positive. For example, “I’m so children. ⑤ Active children who spend a good deal of
stupid!” becomes “OK, I made a mistake. Next time I’ll their outdoor time running, jumping and climbing need
know not to do the same.” less clothing than the slower moving adult.

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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 89)

Standing up for something that is important to you in the

face of all of the challenges and temptations that we face
in life takes a great deal of _______. You may have to
negotiate with your spouse or other loved ones to pursue
your goal, such as if you decide you want to go back to
school at night. Or, you might have to change your
behavior that others have come to expect from you. For
example, maybe you’ve always been the life of the party
and now you have decided to focus on eating right,
limiting alcohol, and getting a full-night’s sleep every
night, so your friends start wondering who you are.
There’s no guarantee that self-discipline will be easy. But
if you are committed to something important to you,
you’ll need to find the courage to say ‘no’ to things that
attempt to dissuade you from your course.
*the life of the party 파티에 참석해서 분위기를 띄우는 사람

① belief
② thought
③ courage
④ mind
⑤ stereotype

12-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 90)

▶ Additionally, your viewpoint will determine whether you

will see a smudge in the paint, a fingerprint, or brush

Each of us views reality through our own lens. ① While

we may share certain beliefs, you will never have the
same perspective as another because your mixture of
thoughts is unique to you. Consider as an example both
you and a friend observing a painted wall. ② Your
assessment of that wall, such as how brilliantly the sun
reflects off it or if the sun casts any shadows, will depend
on the position from which you view the wall. ③ Since
you and your friend cannot occupy the same position at
the same time from which you view the wall, you cannot
share the same view of the wall — ever. ④ The way in
which you view reality is much the same, except your
position is not a physical position. ⑤ Your position is a
mental position and each person’s view is unique.
*smudge 얼룩

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

Business & Economy
1-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 92)

EXAMPLE READING-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

In America today, there is an ever-growing need to know
more about money.

Are the different types of mobile device, smartphones and

(A) We spend our money with credit cards. And we have
tablets, substitutes or complements? Let’s explore this
our paychecks deposited into our bank account
question by considering the case of Madeleine and
automatically. We hardly ever see “money.” The way most
Alexandra, two users of these devices. Madeleine uses her
of us thought about money as children does not work in
tablet to take notes in class. These notes are synced to
our lives today.
her smartphone wirelessly, via a cloud computing service,
allowing Madeleine to review her notes on her phone
(B) When we were kids, most of us knew where our
during the bus trip home. Alexandra uses both her phone
money was. It was either in our pocket or in our
and tablet to surf the Internet, write emails and check
piggy-bank. So, we need some new ways to deal with
social media. Both of these devices allow Alexandra to
money we can’t see.
access online services when she is away from her desktop
computer. For Madeleine, smartphones and tablets are
(C) And money is different today than it was a few
complements. She gets greater functionality out of her two
decades ago. Today, it is more a concept than a reality.
devices when they are used together. For Alexandra, they
We don’t see silver dollars. Our government doesn’t issue
are substitutes. Both smartphones and tablets fulfil more
currency based on gold anymore.
or less the same function in Alexandra’s life. This case
illustrates the role that an individual consumer’s _______
plays in determining the nature of the relationship
between two goods or services.

① choice
② behavior
③ purpose
2-1. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 93)
④ interest
⑤ desire
▶ You should first visit retail stores and do some
research on the Internet to compare prices.

After you have decided to make a purchase, at least two

scarce resources are involved — income and time. ①
Before you spend your money, you need to invest time in
obtaining information about the product you wish to buy.
② Suppose, for example, that you wish to buy a mountain
bike. ③ How can you obtain information about the
characteristics of the numerous brands and models and
the prices of each bike? ④ The time spent researching
online or visiting stores to check models and prices is a
cost to you. ⑤ This time, and the money you eventually
spend on the mountain bike, cannot be used for anything

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3-1. 밑줄 친 문장 중 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오. 94) 5-1. 다음 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 96)

One of the ① greatest achievements of the honeybee is An item you buy each week goes on sale. ① The store
the ability ② acquire and retain knowledge, and then to adds to the discounting possibilities by running a
communicate ③ that information to others. Worker bees promotion, perhaps offering greater savings if you buy
learn ④ about the location of food sources, scout out new three or more. ② And you will save even more if you
ecosystems ⑤ that will sustain them, identify the presence have coupons for the item. To the strategic shopper, this
of danger, and then are able to communicate that is like New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July rolled into
knowledge to others through dance. The course of human one! Don’t light any firecrackers, but do celebrate by
evolution ⑥ has also selected the best storytellers and the stocking up when these off-price opportunities combine for
best listeners as the strongest survivors. The same is true ultimate savings. ③ This behavior can lead to
for business today. The ability ⑦ to understand the overspending. ④ If you stock up when prices are at their
lessons of your business and tell a story ⑧ what imparts lowest, you keep your costs consistent. ⑤ Even after
this wisdom to others in your company — as well as your prices return to normal, you’ll be able to “shop your
customers — is paramount to survival and success. Today’s freezer” and continue to enjoy items bought at the sale
businesses must ⑨ be able to learn, adjust, and then tell price. Once this becomes a habit, you’ll wince at the very
a story that inspires others to action. notion of paying the full price.
*wince at ~에 주춤하다

4-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 95)

In The Great Transformation, Polanyi wrote about the 6-1. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 97)

Trobriand Islands, off Papua New Guinea, whose tribal

economy was driven by non-economic behavior in striking ▶ The result was that widely different prices were
ways. charged for the same products.

(A) Tribal economies are, of course, different from those The practical impact on business of the growth in
of today’s industrialized countries. Polanyi argued that as technology is illustrated by the fact that as recently as ten
European nations developed, custom and tradition were years ago, information, including pricing on many different
replaced by the anonymity of the market. types of machinery and commodity products, was highly
inefficient. ① It was difficult to know exactly what each
(B) The gifts are not kept, but passed on. By showing firm would charge for its product and what the price
generosity, the islanders enhance their social standing. The would be for other firms. ② A businessperson could call
drive for status, not profit, is the motor of trade. and ask the price for that product. ③ Whether the price
was the same if you called a different salesperson in a
(C) Trade, even today, happens through gifts, not by different part of the month was not predictable. ④
bargaining. Islanders make dangerous voyages to Purchasing agents spent a lot of time looking for the best
neighboring tribes to give presents of red-shell necklaces price. However, changes in telecommunications have all
and white arm bands, and the practice is regulated by but eliminated this inefficiency. ⑤ Internet availability has
customs and magical rites known as kula. resulted in more transparent and efficient pricing for both
*anonymity 익명, 특색 없음 capital goods and commodity products today.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

7-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 98) 9-1. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 100)

*단어를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

_____________ have been used since the ancient past. *중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

For instance, the Roman Empire was once sold at auction.

Global companies specialize by producing a lot of one
Today, auctions are seemingly pervasive: the institution is
thing, which they then sell to communities who become
used to sell a variety of agricultural commodities and
dependent on distant sources of specialized production.
natural resources as well as fine art, real estate, and used
Distant companies seek only profitable investment of
cars. In addition, sealed-bid tenders (an auction format)
capital. There is no business interest in sustaining
are used extensively by both firms and governments to
communities. you can break it, but you may need a
procure a variety of goods and services such as weapons
sledgehammer. (A) ‘자유ʼ 무역의 시대에 세계 경제는 이 착취
systems and tree-planting services. The Internet auction
과정을 방해하는 어떤 제한도 단호히 제거하려 한다. Cobb asks
house eBay is an integral part of the American and world
an important question: “From what is this free market or
economies. By any measure, the volume of trade on eBay
free trade free?” The restrictions that the global economy
and similar sites is unparalleled in world history.
seeks to remove, he writes, “will make possible still higher
degrees of specialization and will further discourage efforts
① markets
of local communities or nations to supply most of their
② auctions
own needs.
③ fair trade
④ online shop
보기 [in /the global economy /“free” trade /any restrictions
⑤ secondhand
/determine /remove /that /the era /impede /this process
/of /exploitation]





10-1. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 101)

▶ When they offered consumers a choice of different

8-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 99)
digital devices (video players, PDAs, and the like) some
six in ten picked the option with the most features.
People choose ① become self-employed for a variety of
reasons, independence and flexibility being the primary Options are con artists. ① They seduce with a promise of
ones. Being your own boss can ② potentially offer you a joy, but often leave us confused and wanting. ② Consider
better work/life balance. It is also true ③ that improved this experiment conducted a few years ago by marketing
quality of life and ⑤ increased job satisfaction are professors Debora Viana Thompson, Rebecca Hamilton,
important aspects of going self-employed. ⑤ However, the and Roland Rust. ③ Also, when given the chance to
risk is ⑥ that there can be a huge amount of customize their device, the average person chose twenty
responsibility involved, and a regular pay cheque at the features out of a possible twenty-five. ④ But when
end of the month cannot ⑦ be guaranteed. Running a actually using their new gizmos, most consumers quickly
business has lots of responsibilities and pressures. People fell prey to what the researchers call “feature fatigue”; that
creating a start-up especially need to work a lot harder ⑧ is, they quickly tired of using all those extras (if they even
to establish themselves than those ⑨ which are already in figured out how to). ⑤ In their paper, the researchers
the market, until they are seen and heard well enough for discuss our tendency, when buying, to value capability
the consumer to buy from them. Therefore, you need to over usability.
work as hard as it takes to become known. *con artist 사기꾼 **gizmo (간단한) 장치

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

11-1. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 102) 12-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 103)

Consumer perceptions play an important role in the use of The old wisdom about first impressions — that they’re so
price-related tactics. important because you never get a second chance to make
one — is even truer than most people realize. Once an
(A) Remember that for consumers to perceive two prices idea sets in your head, it often sets in concrete; you can
as different, the variation must be at or above the just break it, but you may need a sledgehammer. In fact, we’d
noticeable difference. Thus, consumers might not care if guess that ‘_______ bias’ might have a lot to do with
one brand of toothpaste is priced at $1.95 and another at the commonly held retailing wisdom that shoppers usually
$1.99. end up buying the first item they look at when they are
out shopping. We don’t know for certain if that’s actually
(B) In addition, perceptual processes play a role in the true, but if it is, there’s a good chance that it’s because
consumer’s reaction to different price points. Research has an initial attraction to, say, a particular pair of pants
consistently indicated that consumers perceive odd prices results in a subsequent dismissal of other pants as you
(those ending with an odd number) as significantly lower walk through the aisles. Perhaps the next pair you
than even prices (those ending with an even number). examine, though it has the same color, doesn’t seem to
have as attractive a cut.
(C) Consumers also compare a product’s price with an
internal reference price for such products that is based on ① impulse buying
past prices paid, competing product prices, and other ② confirmation
factors, including incidental products in some cases. ③ saving
Typically, consumers use a range of prices rather than a ④ reduction
single price point when they think of products. ⑤ comparison
*just noticeable difference 변별역(같은 종류의 두 자극의 차이를
변별하는 데 필요한 자극의 최소량)

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 1 회

44) ①
45) Mirrors led more people to try to imagine what
정 답 they looked like.
46) ② faces⑤ teach
47) The struggle between these countries reached its
1) ➁ caused ➆ based
2) B-C-A climax in the wars known as the Anglo-Dutch wars.
3) These tubes are called culms and are one of the 48) (B)-(C)-(A)
49) ⑤
main reasons that the bamboo is so strong. 50) (A)-(C)-(B)
4) ③ 51) (마)
5) ➀ using ➆ associated 52) ③ helpful④ given
6) ⑤ 53) ⑤
7) A-C-B 54) ②
8) the energy of the molecules decreases so there is 55) which is also contaminated and therefore difficult
more condensation than evaporation and water to dispose of without causing environmental damage
droplets form. 56) (B)-(A)-(C)
9) ④ 57) ②
10) ➁ are ➇ that 58) ③
11) ② 59) that could provide significant cost savings in
12) ② shipping times and distances
13) Schreiber explained that focusing on numbers 60) ③ required⑧ released
separate people from being in tune with their body. 61) ② : were often inclined, ⑤ : tracked
14) 하지만 물론 그들 중 우리가 스크린이나 무대에서 보게 62) So let me remind you of what I’ve always said
될 사람은 거의 없을 것인데, 왜냐하면 그들이 ‘결정적 기 about this so-called eating in moderation.
회’, 즉 업계 거물과의 그런 만남, 그들을 등용해서 성공시 63) (C)-(B)-(A)
킬 수 있는 누군가의 주목을 끌어줄 그런 기사나 텔레비전 64) ①
65) ②
광고 방송을 얻지 못할 것이기 때문이다. 66) ③
15) C-A-B 67) (B)-(C)-(A)
16) This can become a real challenge for parents 68) ⑤
because once you invite your child to make 69) ③
decisions, you must support and live with those 70) ④
71) ②
decisions. 72) ②
17) ④ 73) ④
18) ④ focusing ⑤ raises 74) (B)-(C)-(A)
19) ⑤ 75) ⑤
20) C-B-A 76) (C)-(B)-(A)
21) 35 세, 하위 중산층, 백인 그리고 어느 성별로서든 ‘평균 77) ④
적인 게임 참가자’에 관한, 흔히 반복적으로 하는 정의도 78) ③
역시 특별히 유용하지 않은데, 그것이 사실상 의미가 없을 79) ⑤
80) ③
만큼 매우 단조롭기 때문이다. 81) ① : to find, ④ : to ensure, ⑥ : to help
82) ③
22) ④ 83) The added obsessive thinking about the deadline
23) ④ which ⑤ compelling creates its own internal anxiety.
24) ② 84) ③
25) ② 85) (A)-(C)-(B)
26) ② 86) ① : little, ② : how to
27) ④ 87) (B)-(A)-(C)
28) C-B-A 88) ②
29) ②
30) B-C-A 89) ③
31) As immigrants take on American culture and 90) ③
91) ②
customs, they frequently shed their own. 92) (C)-(A)-(B)
32) He was no stranger to the trials and the 93) ④
adversities of history 94) ② : to acquire, ⑧ : that
33) For all the immensity of the Greek theater, the 95) (C)-(B)-(A)
focus of vision is clear. 96) ③
34) ② 97) ④
35) When English speakers are asked to do this, they 98) ②
99) ① : to become, ⑨ : who
nearly always point horizontally. 100) In the era of “free” trade, the global economy is
36) (C) - (B) - (A)
37) Experienced dancers will tell you that once you determined to remove any restrictions that impede this
have rehearsed and practiced enough, process of exploitation.
38) ④ 101) ③
39) teachers must realize this and the power it 102) (A)-(C)-(B)
103) ②
40) ⑤
41) But the most effective way to learn is to teach
someone else what you know.
42) ②
43)“Pocahontas” was actually a nickname, one of four
names that the famous Indian girl had throughout
her life.
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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

Science & Technology
2-2. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 3)
Example Reading-2. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 1)

When you look at a bamboo stem, you notice that it is

When Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural
very ① thick, at most a couple of inches in diameter. But
selection, he created a picture of the evolutionary process
unlike trees, the stem does not thicken with age so you
in which organismic adaptation was ultimately caused by
can’t tell how ② old a bamboo is by looking for tree
competition for survival and reproduction.
rings in the middle of it. It ③ stays the same width
throughout its life (and this grass can live for hundreds of
(A) This biological “struggle for existence” bears
years). It looks as though there are a lot of tubes piled
considerable resemblance to the human struggle between
up one on top of the other. These tubes are called culms
businessmen who are striving for economic success in
and are one of the main reasons that the bamboo is so ④
competitive markets.
strong. Without these, the grass would be more likely to
⑤ break. On each of these culms a branch will grow on
(B) It is indeed very striking how similar the ideas are on
which leaves will form.
which the founders of modern theory in evolutionary
*diameter 지름 ** culm 대, 줄기
biology and economics based their main thoughts.

(C) Long before Darwin published his work, social scientist

Adam Smith had already considered that in business life,
competition is the driving force behind economic efficiency
and adaptation.
*organismic 유기체의
3-2. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 4)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음

→ →

A mother rat will build a nest for her young even if she
READING has never seen another rat in her lifetime. Similarly, a
1-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 2) spider will spin a web, a caterpillar will create her own
cocoon, and a beaver will build a dam, even if no
The use of computers in the arts ➀ surprise many people. contemporary ever showed them how to accomplish these
Professionals in fine arts that might appear ➁ to be complex tasks. That is not to say that these are not
beyond the use of computers are making use of computers learned behaviors. (가) 그것은 단지 이 동물들이 단 한 번의 생
as ➂ much as other professionals. Artists use computers 애에 그것들을 학습한 것이 아니다. — they learned them over
to experiment with design and color, sometimes ➃ using thousands of lifetimes. The evolution of animal behavior
3D graphics software. Computers eliminate the cost of does constitute a learning process, but it is learning by
having ➄ to experiment using actual materials such as the species, not by the individual, and the fruits of this
paint and clay by providing virtual artistic materials. Some learning process are encoded in DNA.
artists have moved completely to digital media, creating *cocoon 고치
their artwork on computers ➅ to view and appreciated in
its computer-generated form. Film studies, visual arts, [보기] [lifetime /do /a single /it /just /not /these /be
theater, literature, dance, photography, and music all ➆ /learning /animals /that /them]
benefit from computers.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

4-2. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 5) 7-2. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 7)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음

Chemotherapy is the treatment of any disease using * 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음

chemicals or drugs, but the term is most ① commonly

used to refer to the treatment of cancers. Drugs that are Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, creator of the Fahrenheit
used to treat cancers attempt to ② interfere with the temperature scale, discovered that salt mixed with ice
rapid rates of growth and cell division of most cancer creates a solution with a lower freezing point than water
cells. However, at present few of these drugs can ③ alone. Thus, salt causes snow and ice to melt. Most
ignore between cancer cells and normal body cells. Some localities haven’t found a better way to remove ice from
cells of the body, such as white blood cells and cells roadways and sidewalks than salt. (가) 소금은 또한 무엇보다
lining the digestive tract, normally ④ reproduce rapidly. 도 딱딱한 얼음 덩어리가 형성되지 못하게 하는 데 효과적이기도
During chemotherapy these cells are destroyed or ⑤ 하다. While a number of chemicals have been developed to
damaged along with the cancerous cells. This results in melt ice, salt remains a much cheaper alternative. So why
the side effects, such as hair loss and nausea, associated don’t all localities use salt to treat icy roads? Ecological
with this form of treatment. problems have led some cities to ban the use of salt
*chemotherapy 화학 요법 ** digestive tract 소화관 completely. Salt also causes corrosion of vehicles,
pavement, bridges, and any unprotected steel in
surrounding structures.

[보기] [effect /keep /of /the first /form /place /salt /in
/packs /ice /hard /from /in /also /be ]

8-2. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 8)

There is a good chance that in a science class, or even on

6-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 6) a TV weather report, you have been told that it rains
when air cools because cold air “holds less water” than
There ➀ is a way toward understanding how technology warm air.
evolves, but ➁ to get there we need to shift our thinking.
What we should really be ➂ looking for ➃ are not how (A) In reality, water in the atmosphere is constantly
Darwin’s mechanism should work to produce something condensing and evaporating. When the temperature of the
entirely new in technology, but how “heredity” might work water vapor drops, the energy of the molecules decreases
in technology. If evolution ➄ holds in technology, then all so there is more condensation than evaporation and water
technologies ➅ must descend in some way from the droplets form.
technologies that preceded them. In other words, evolution
requires a mechanism of “heredity,” some detailed (B)The air itself does not play any part in the process
connection that links the present to the past. From the besides carrying the molecules of water along with it.
outside, it is impossible ➆ to see this mechanism. ➇
Looking at as a black-boxed device, it is hard to say how (C) Some textbooks have even shown the atmosphere as a
the laser has come into being from previous technologies. sponge being squeezed to cause rain. This is not true
because air does not “hold” water at all. It is not even
→ correct to speak of air being saturated.
*saturate 흠뻑 적시다

→ → →
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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

9-2. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. 9) 11-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 11)

Given the personal nature of content often posted on Before the advent of electronic and wireless
social networking sites (including pictures and personal communication, collaboration was actually more ➀ costly
accounts of whereabouts), (나) it’s very important that you because participants needed to spend a great deal of time
ensure what your teen or young adult using privacy face-to-face, so they could share information and ➁ built
settings on these sites. That means people from outside on one another’s ideas. The technology evolution that is
your teen or young adult’s network of friends shouldn’t be still occurring ➂ is dramatically decreasing the costs of
able to view his or her personal profile or obtain collaboration. Before our current technology made
identifying information or contact information. In our communication easy, group members needed to either ➃
experience, many teens and young adults need some be located relatively close to one another or spend a great
assistance from parents in setting up these privacy deal of time traveling if they needed ➄ collaborate in real
settings. So be prepared to become familiar with these time. Technology changed everything. Although it’s still
social networking sites if you’re not already. Or consider important for people ➅ to have opportunities to meet one
enlisting help from another supportive family member another in person, today’s collaborative groups use a wide
familiar with social networking sites. range of technological tools to help them communicate
*enlist (협조 등을) 요청해서 얻다 with one another regularly and ➆ efficiently, even when
members are in different locations and different time
[ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 밑줄 친 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 zones.
것 ]

10-2. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 10) 12-2. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 12)

[ The suits insulated them from the Moon’s extreme [ The Sun does not rotate around the Earth, instead the
temperatures, provided protection from environmental Earth rotates around the Sun. ]
hazards and cosmic rays, enabled them to breathe, and
allowed them to move about and do their work. ] A cornerstone of the scientific world view is that science
often shows that phenomena occur because of processes
The Moon has only a negligible atmosphere, with no air that are not apparent to the nonscientist. ① Some of
for humans to breathe. ① Its gravity is just one-sixth these processes are invisible and involve unseen entities,
of Earth’s, and its temperature ranges are extreme — such as vapor, molecules, or atomic charges. ② Scientific
above the boiling point of water in the sun, approaching theories postulate that the structure of the natural world
absolute zero in the shade. ② Everything Armstrong and is not what is seen by the lay person. ③ Seemingly solid
Aldrin did on the Moon depended on their space suits objects, such as a table, are in fact composed mainly of
and their portable life-support systems — which provided empty space with atoms dispersed within it. ④ Therefore
the microenvironments they needed to survive. ③ The scientific knowledge is esoteric. It reveals that the world is
suits hosted the equipment that allowed the astronauts to not how lay people think it is. ⑤ In this way science
communicate with each other, with Collins in Columbia frequently contradicts, and advances beyond, common
above the Moon, and with Mission Control back on Earth. sense. This is why science enables humans to predict and
④ The suits also enabled Mission Control to monitor the control the world more than they can without science.
bodily functions of the astronauts so they could head off *entity 실체(實體) ** postulate 가정하다

or deal with stresses and dangers. ⑤ *** esoteric 소수만 이해할 수 있는

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

1-2. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 14)

Sports & Entertainment Public relations opens the door to visibility. Restaurants
across the country are full of waiters bursting with talent
Example Reading-2. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시 — real talent — singers, dancers, actors, and musicians.
오. 13)

(A) The same goes for great companies and other

[ This ‘goal’ that she mentioned is a sort of automatic organizations. There are plenty of them out there with
mindlessness, the outsourcing of decision making to a wonderful products and services that you and I would
device. ] gladly pay for if only we knew about them.

Katherine Schreiber and Leslie Sim, experts on exercise (B) But we’ll see few of them on the screen or stage, of
addiction, recognized that smartwatches and fitness course, because they won’t get The Big Break — that
trackers have probably inspired sedentary people to take meeting with an industry big shot, that article or TV spot
up exercise, and encouraged people who aren’t very active that will attract the attention of someone who can elevate
to exercise more consistently. ① But they were convinced them to success.
the devices were also quite dangerous. ② Schreiber
explained that focusing on numbers separate people from (C) But without exposure to the right audiences, the
being in tune with their body. ③ Exercising becomes companies will remain unseen and, eventually, go under.
mindless, which is ‘the goal’ of addiction. ④ She recently *big break 결정적 기회 **TV spot 텔레비전 광고 방송
sustained a stress fracture in her foot because she refused
to listen to her overworked body, instead continuing to → →
run toward an unreasonable workout target. ⑤ Schreiber
has suffered from addictive exercise tendencies, and vows
not to use wearable tech when she works out.
*sedentary 주로 앉아서 지내는

2-2. A와 B에 들어갈 연결사로 적절한 것을 쓰시오. 15)

Entertainment is amusement. Its purpose is to create a

relaxing, enjoyable environment in which to temporarily
escape the stresses of daily life. It has taken countless
forms over the centuries, ranging from recreational
amusement such as jogging or painting to passive
entertainment like watching television or listening to
music. Entertainment can also take the form of everyday
activities, ___(A)___, gardening or cooking. ___(B)___,
the list of activities that could be considered entertainment
is virtually endless and differs from person to person. The
realm of possibilities is so grand as to make it impossible
to cover the subject thoroughly in one volume.

A :

B :

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 16) 5-2. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 18)

One of the opportunities that sport provides is the chance [ In either case, there are many benefits to journal
for children to acquire and practice adult behaviors. writing. ]

(A) An essential part of growing up is accepting Many great athletes keep journals, especially in golf, tennis
responsibility for one’s own behavior and decisions. and bowling, but also in many team sports. ① Journal
writing is a very powerful tool for the athlete of any sport
(B) All parents have ambitions for their children, but they or any team. ② Some journal entries may be intended for
must accept the fact that they cannot dominate their another reader, perhaps the coach, a captain, teammate, or
children’s lives. Youth sports can offer an introduction to trainer. ③ Other entries may be kept confidential, and
the major parental challenge of letting go. used as a conversation with one’s self. ④ Simply focusing
on the journal requires in-depth thinking and raises
(C) This can become a real challenge for parents because awareness. ⑤ Through the journal, athletes can reflect on
once you invite your child to make decisions, you must their experiences and consider new perspectives. Journals
support and live with those decisions. As your child also help the athlete avoid previous mistakes and sort out
matures, you should offer suggestions and guidance about numerous other problems, such as fear of failure or
sports. But ultimately, within reasonable limits, you should relationships with the coach and team.
let your child go his or her own way.

→ →

6-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 19)

When Michael Jordan first retired from professional

4-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 17) basketball, he was the greatest player in the world. He
was a finely ① tuned athlete who ② had practiced
The torch race was not part of any of the four major basketball for years. After he retired, he wanted ③ to
festivals, but an event ① that took place in many become a professional baseball player, a sport ④ that he
communities in ancient Greece. The race was a ritual has excelled at in high school. Although he learned ⑤ to
performance in honor of various gods of fire, such as become a good fielder, he always had trouble with his
Prometheus, Hephaestus, and Athena. In Athens, the race batting. It wasn’t that he didn’t practice enough, it was
started outside the city walls and ② ended in the just a matter of neurology and physiology. Michael had
Parthenon ③ what the winner lighted the sacred fire of trained his brain, nerves, and muscles to perform in a
Athena. ④ During this race it sometimes proved difficult certain way, ⑥ to play basketball. When he tried to teach
⑤ to keep the torches burning. As a team event, it them ⑦ to perform a new way, they just couldn’t respond
influenced both the modern relay race, ⑥ where runners ⑧ quick enough. Michael went back to ⑨ play basketball,
pass a baton rather than a torch, and the ceremonial ⑦ where his years of training paid off, and he again became
carried of the torch from Olympia to the site of the next the best player in the world!
Olympic Games. *neurology 신경학 ** physiology 생리학

→ →

→ →

- 5 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

7-2. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 20) 9-2. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 22)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음 * 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음
* 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음 * 단어를 중복하여 이용할 수 있음

Nature is an ideal setting for relaxation, by offering places The mountains rarely present a simple situation with just
where there is a perception that one does not have to one risk. A chosen solution to one problem must take
watch out for or focus much attention on the other problems into account. Imagine, for example, a
surroundings. Nature offers opportunities to escape daily stretch of delicate and exposed climbing that crosses an
routine, (가) 이는 자연적 배경이 도시 환경의 문화적 배경과는 area also exposed to rockfall. Belaying protects a potential
매우 다르기 때문이다. Whether sitting in a garden or hiking fall but slows the climb, increasing the amount of time
in the mountains, both extremes are a temporary step or spent in the rockfall zone. (가) 하지만 추락하는 위험과 돌에
escape outside of the known urban culture. By supporting 맞는 위험은 둘 다 처리되어야 한다.
feelings of ‘being away,’ nature is a place for
self-reflection. That said, natural settings can be places for [보기][be /the risk /yet /hit /both /manage /of /and
intense concentration and the development and application /must /fall /a rock /by ]
of considerable skills in activities such as observing animal
behavior (e.g. bird watching), fishing, and hunting.

[보기] [naturally /the cultural /the urban /because

/settings /much /environment /vary /from /of ] 10-2. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 23)

The distinctive effect that digital games have may be due

to their immersive character: players actively control and
identify with playable characters, and their actions
typically shape situations within the game experience.
8-2. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 21) Whether or not experiences of agency within digital games
transfer out into real-world contexts, at the very least such
Online gaming is a gateway to a hugely diverse agency distinguishes the experience of game playing from
community. film or television viewing. Beyond role playing and
perspective taking, digital games offer players a dynamic
(A) Millions of people log onto their given world every engagement with content through cycles of effort,
day, and a vast amount of these people also engage in attention, and feedback. Unlike traditional forms of other
social interactions that deliberately surround or have been media, which do not respond to players’ journeys or to
created for each game. their readings and interpretations, digital games are
particularly compelling environments in which players
(B) Yet even though all of these people exist as explore and act based on at least a partial understanding
stereotypes, they are simply not an accurate portrayal of of a system’s relational dynamics.
the player. Nor is the often repeated definition of the *immersive 몰입감을 주는
‘average gamer’ as 35, lower middle class, white and of
either gender particularly useful, since it is so bland as to ① 디지털 게임이 가지고 있는 독특한 효과는 몰입감을 주는 특성
be virtually meaningless. 때문 일 수도 있다.
② 디지털 게임 내에서의 대리 행위의 경험이 실제 세계의 상황으
(C) The media generalize about the players of these games 로 전이되어 나가든지 않든지, 적어도 그런 대리행위는 게임하는
and still cannot resist the unfavorable nicknames — the 경험을 영화 시청이나 텔러비전 시청과 비슷하다.
young, obsessive player of World of Warcraft; the ③ 역할 놀이를 하고 관점을 취하는 것을 넘어서 디지털 게임은
5-minute housewife or office worker player who loves 경기자들에게 콘텐츠에의 역동적인 참여를 제공한다.
Diner Dash; and the slightly overenthusiastic couple who ④ 여정이나 그들의 해석과 이해에 반응하지 않는 전통적인 형태
met through a guild in EverQuest. 의 다른 매체와 디지털 게임은 다르다.
*bland 단조로운, 특징 없는 ⑤ 디지털 게임은 적어도 시스템의 관계 역학에 대한 부분적인 이
해를 기반으로 탐색하고 행동하는 특별히 흥미로운 환경이다.
- 6 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

11-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 24) 12-2. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 25)

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the act of Through sport, participants can socialize with others,
shopping ① has increasingly involved ② much more than contribute to common team goals, gain mastery in a
simply the purchasing of goods and services. From its variety of sport skills, and improve health and well-being.
modern manifestation in the arcades and the department One of the most exceptional, but less recognized
store to the overwhelming atmosphere of the mall, the contributions to society by the sport world has been the
notion of shopping ③ has come to be an activity of integration of groups that historically have been excluded,
leisure and entertainment that is as ④ popularly as going in particular ethnic minorities and women. The acceptance
to a movie, having dinner out, or simply ⑤ strolling in a and inclusion of individuals from these groups as athletes
park. Shopping has only increased as a viable was an exhausting process and although the first formal
entertainment activity in the preceding three decades. An sport opportunities were through separate sport leagues,
array of organizations and institutions, designers and the fact remains that the sport world has been a leading
retailers, manufacturers and marketers ⑥ have made force for inclusion. Moreover , (나) sport have allowed
contributions to this new form of activity. Lizabeth Cohen people of color and women took part in a common life
writes ⑦ that in this new sphere of commerce, the experience and compete as equals alongside all other
shopping center, ⑧ consumes and leisure became athletes. In keeping with this ‘tradition’ of sport as a
“inseparably intertwined.” According to a special issue of vehicle for inclusion, in recent years there has been a
Consumer Reports, more than a third of those surveyed surge in sport opportunities for another group on the
said that they considered shopping their hobby. margin of society, people with disabilities.
*viable 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는 *margin 주변부, 가장자리

[ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 것 ]

- 7 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

Art & Culture 1-2. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 27)

Example Reading-2. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시

Everyone has been to a museum of some sort: natural
history, science, fine art, tourist traps, or halls of fame.
* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음
* 단어를 중복하여 이용할 수 있음
(A) Twenty-first century museums stem from these earlier
Painters have in principle an infinite range of colours at methods of collecting, preserving, interpreting, and
their disposal, especially in modern times with the displaying objects. Some cover an encyclopedic range while
chromatic explosion of synthetic chemistry. And yet others became highly specialized.
painters don’t use all the colours at once, and indeed
many have used a remarkably restrictive selection. (B) The museum, which gets its name from the Greek
Mondrian limited himself mostly to the three primaries word mouseion, meaning “seat of the Muses,” originated
red, yellow and blue to fill his black-ruled grids, and as a place to discuss philosophy, mathematics, science,
Kasimir Malevich worked with similar self-imposed and politics.
restrictions. For Yves Klein, one colour was enough; Franz
Kline’s art was typically black on white. There was nothing (C) European museums of the 17th century developed into
new in this: the Greeks and Romans tended to use just fancy houses devoted to collecting and categorizing
red, yellow, black and white. Why? (가) 일반화하는 것은 불 noblemen’s scientific curiosities, from fossilized teeth and
가능하지만, 고대와 현대에 모두 범위가 제한된 팔레트가 명확성과 bones to cultural oddities collected during the exploration
이해가능성에 도움을 주었을 것이다 , and helped to focus of the Age of Enlightenment.
attention on the components that mattered: shape and *tourist traps (관광객에게 바가지 씌우는) 명승지

*chromatic 유채색의 ** grid 격자무늬 → →

[보기] [ generalized /both /but /it's /seeming /that

/comprehensibility /aid /impossible /in /to /modernity
/and /it /palette /antiquity /clarity /like /the limited]
2-2. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 28)

[ Social music is performed for personal enjoyment, at

social events such as community or family celebrations, or
as accompaniment to social dances. ]

According to Native American belief systems, music is

intimately connected to everyday life and, especially, to the
spiritual lives of Native peoples. ① Sacred music is an
essential part of ceremonies and other important
traditional activities. ② The idea of music for art’s sake is
not part of traditional Native thinking. ③ Although singing
is sometimes used as a form of artistic expression, there
was no such thing historically as attending a concert of
Native American music. ④ Indeed, in most Native
languages no words mean music in the sense that we
know the word today. ⑤ Instead, music and singing are
linked to their many functions in Native cultures.

- 8 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 29) 5-2 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은
곳을 고르시오. 31)

Art calls to us to stop, to pause and step out of our own

personal dramas, and ① experienced someone else’s life — ▶ Moreover, immigrants who are discouraged from
vicariously. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word speaking their native language may experience a sense
vicarious means “experienced in the imagination through that their native language or culture is inferior.
the feelings or actions of another person.” Art takes us
through the ups and downs on someone else’s journey and As immigrants take on American culture and customs,
② invites us to feel the empathy ③ that is so vital to they frequently shed their own. (가) Some immigrants who
good comforting. Well-told stories — be they told in a are learning English attempt to abandon their native
book, a movie, or a beautifully ④ drawn landscape as language in the hope of learning English more quickly.
seen through the eyes of the artist — teach us how to (나) When the native language is abandoned by
walk in someone else’s shoes, ⑤ to identify with someone first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants
else’s challenges. When we allow ourselves ⑥ to move by often never learn their parents’native language and lose a
art, we are opening ourselves to being inspired and ⑦ part of their ethnic identity, adding to the potential for
nurtured by a greater sense of humanity. mental health issues. (다) This is a potential problem
*vicariously 대신하여, 대리로(서) given that their identity is already under assault by the
→ stresses they face in adapting to American society. (라) In
addition, they may find themselves ostracized from their
→ ethnic group, as fellow immigrants sometimes view
abandoning one’s native culture as an insult. (마)

4-2. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 30)

6-2 의미상 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 32)

[ A buyer needs to maintain good relationships with

suppliers and trend-information companies. ] Vsevolod Pudovkin was one of the greatest film directors
of the Golden Age of Soviet cinema in the 1920s. He was
In fashion you will always be working with other people no ① stranger to the trials and the adversities of history
and will need other people to help you realize your ideas. — he was called up, ② wounded and taken prisoner
① If you are a photographer you need to know good during the First World War before being drawn to the
stylists, hair and make-up people, and models. ② cinema. He ③ stopped working in Kuleshov’s workshop in
Designers need a really wide network of people who can Moscow in 1920. He developed theories on the art of
help them to realize their ideas, from pattern cutters and silent films, and his ideas on editing, close-ups and slow
fabric suppliers to trendsetters and journalists. ③ motion, which he put into practice in several films, made
Everyone in fashion should have a good address book. ④ him one of the ④ undisputed pioneers of silent films. In
In order to network you also need to consider your the 1930s, subjected first to the new demands of sound
personal brand. ⑤ Fashion is about appearances and films and then to the strict instructions of “social realism,”
selling your ideas so you need to have a good public he gradually became an official film-maker, and his later
interface; whether this is your business card or your blog, works are all too often ⑤ mere illustrations of the
it needs to reflect your style and professional persona. regime’s propaganda

- 9 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

7-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 33) 9-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 35)

For all the immensity of the Greek theater, the focus of English speakers tend to talk about time using horizontal
vision is clear. Every line of sight leads to the circular ______________ metaphors (e.g. “The best is ahead of
orchestra with the altar in the center. From their height us,” “The worst is behind us”), whereas Mandarin speakers
on the hillside, all spectators had an unobstructed view of have a vertical metaphor for time (e.g. the next month is
the area of action, but at the same time, few spectators the “down month” and the last month is the “up month”).
were close enough to see such things as facial expressions. Mandarin speakers talk about time vertically more often
As a consequence, the size and focus encouraged masks to than English speakers do, so do Mandarin speakers think
typify the kind of characters involved and the emotions about time vertically more often than English speakers do?
they experienced. A further consequence was that, Imagine this simple experiment. I stand next to you, point
acoustically, the actors needed considerable to a spot in space directly in front of you, and tell you,
“__________” to cast their voices to the back rows. “This spot, here, is today. Where would you put
Masks usually had large, somewhat circular mouth yesterday? And where would you put tomorrow?” When
openings to magnify the sound of the actors’ voices. The English speakers are asked to do this, they nearly always
structure of the best amphitheaters permits the voice from point horizontally. But Mandarin speakers often point
within the circle to reach astonishing distances, even with vertically, about seven or eight times more often than do
fairly normal volume. English speakers.

① evaporation ② condensation ① abstract ② prior ③ spatial

③ disposition ④ projection ④ miserable ⑤ racial
⑤ temperature

10-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오.

8-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 34) 36)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] [조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할 [조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음] 수 있음]

Cultures that favor individualism and success-seeking With sculptures and other works of art that are on public
behavior reward individuals who have high energetic display, it is generally OK to include these in a
charges. This kind of culture reinforces body phenomena photograph, but if the image is principally of a
such as holding one’s head high, keeping one’s chin up, copyrighted sculpture, then the photographer may run into
and having a hard, prominent chest. (A) 이러한 신체 행동은 copyright issues with the sculptor. Also, with works of art
상대적으로 높은 에너지 수준을 유지하는 것을 필요로 한다. that are on someone’s private property, you definitely need
Other cultures are more collective and support permission to use a photograph of them, even if the
group-oriented behavior that would disapprove of an sculpture or other artwork can be seen from the street.
individual striving for personal prominence or being Inside buildings the rules are different. (A) 외부에서는 공적
nonconforming. Such cultures often have a saying like 공간일 수 있는 것이 내부에서는 그렇지 않다. For example, you
“The head that sticks up gets chopped off.” In this case, can photograph the exterior of St Paul’s Cathedral in
the head up, chin up, chest forward body is less likely to London from almost any angle you like, but you won’t be
be found. allowed to take photographs inside.

[ bodily / require / a / high / level / these / behaviors / [ may / a / space / the / is / inside / what / be /
maintaining / relatively / energy ] public / on / outside / not ]

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

- 10 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

11-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 37) 12-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 38)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]

Experienced dancers will tell you that once you have [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
rehearsed and practiced enough, a dance performance is
수 있음]
less a physical challenge than a mental one. Later in the
performance, when your body starts to break down, you
One cannot study Ancient Egyptian painting without
may struggle to remain positive and motivated. The best
feeling sorry for the painters; for in all the enormous
way to tap into a last reserve of energy and get to the
amount of work done by them no one man was
final curtain is to use your mind to encourage, cajole, and
recognized — no one is now remembered. We know some
persuade your body to keep going in the face of fatigue.
of the names of great Egyptian architects which are
You can say, for example, “Keep at it. This is what I’ve
written in the historical rolls; but no painter’s name has
worked so hard for. I will not ______________.” Or
been thus preserved. The fact that no greater progress was
you might say, “I have rehearsed this many times and was
made is proof of the discouraging influences that must
able to keep up. I can certainly do it now.” When you use
have been around these artists, for it is not possible that
your mind to make such a statement, your body listens,
none of them had imagination or originality: (A) 즉 분명히
and you can dance your best until the curtain falls.
영혼이 시적인 상상력으로 가득 차 있는 몇몇은 존재했을 것이다.
But of what use could imagination be to artists who were
① practice
governed by the laws of a narrow priesthood, and
② struggle
restricted by a superstitious religion which even laid down
③ explain
rules for art? For these reasons we know something of
④ give up
Egyptian art and nothing of Egyptian painters.
⑤ support

[ must / be / whose / with / visions / there / have /

some / souls / fill / poetic ]





- 11 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

History & Education
1-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 40)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]

EXAMPLE READING-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
단어를 고르시오. 39)
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]
Children sometimes see and say things to please adults;
teachers must realize this and the power it implies. Three-quarters of the babies in the world learn more than
Teachers who prefer that children see beauty as they one language. Some learn four or five at the same time.
themselves do are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics in That amazes people who are used to living in a
children. They are fostering uniformity and obedience. community where only one language is spoken, but it’s all
Only children who choose and evaluate for themselves can perfectly normal. We have to think of it from the baby’s
truly develop their own aesthetic taste. Just as becoming point of view. (A) 그들이 알고 있는 것은 사람들이 그들에게 말
literate is a basic goal of education, one of the key goals 하고 있다는 것뿐이다. They have no idea that the words
of all creative early childhood programs is to help young belong to different languages. They won’t realize that until
children develop the ability to speak freely about their they’re older. If mummy speaks one way and daddy
own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art. Each child speaks another and the lady in the shop speaks in a third
has a right to a personal choice of beauty, joy, and way, so what? They’re only words, after all. Babies pick it
wonder. Aesthetic development takes place in all up naturally, like breathing.
______________ settings free of competition and adult
judgment. [they /be /people /talk /them /all /know /that /to]

① insecure
② uncertain
③ secure ___________________________________________
④ exploited
⑤ disabled 2-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 41)

There is an old Chinese proverb which says: ‘To teach is

to learn twice’. It is well known that various types of
teaching have various levels of effectiveness from passively
listening to actively doing. But the most effective way to
learn is to teach someone else what you know. If you can
set up in your classroom frequent opportunities for the
students to teach each other, then it ____________
what they learn. By making the nature of the work
interesting and dynamic, it automatically improves
behaviour management. By giving students teaching
opportunities it helps them to usefully channel their excess
energy and it also helps with confidence building.

① transfers
② displays
③ accelerates
④ estimates
⑤ follows

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 42) 5-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오. 44)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] [조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할 [조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음] 수 있음]

(A) 많은 고대 문화에서는 머리카락에 영적인 함축된 의미가 있었 Howard Zinn noted that historians are far from objective
기 때문에, people who worked with hair were trusted and when they write about historical events. Presented with an
important members of their communities. In Africa, where infinite amount of information, historians choose what to
a person’s spirit was believed to reside in his or her hair, report, emphasize, and interpret about the past. (A) 역사가
hairdressers were held in high esteem. People with a 가 책에서 빼는 정보는 포함하는 것(정보)만큼 똑같이 중요할 수
talent for hairdressing were encouraged to develop their 있다. In fact, the choice to exclude information may
skills so that they could serve others this way. create stereotypes, myths, and cultural biases, or
Hairdressers developed close relationships with people as strengthen stereotypes that are already common. Historians
they spent hours washing, combing, oiling, styling, and often emphasize historical information that supports their
ornamenting their hair. Male hairdressers served men, own values and beliefs or that supports the beliefs that
while women worked only with women. Before a master are dominant in their societies.
hairdresser died, he or she would give his or her combs
and other tools to a chosen successor during a special [ information / leave / of / may / just / important /
ceremony. what / include / the / historians / out / books / be / as
/ they ]
[ hair / spiritual / in / ancient / since / have /
connotations / many / cultures ]


6-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 45)

4-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 43)

Painting, architecture, and sculpture often dominate our

“Pocahontas” was actually a nickname, one of four names sense of the Renaissance. Yet this cultural movement
that the famous Indian girl had throughout her life. became visible to many through a new world of fashion
Although known today as Pocahontas, meaning fueled by a passion for innovative ideas in dialogue with
“mischievous one,” her given name was Amonute. Yet she classical traditions. In daily life, dress possessed immediate
also kept the secret spiritual name Matoaka, and when visual appeal and increasingly offered choice. Clothes were
baptized and married she took the name Rebecca. She was immensely colorful, which made them __________ to
never able to tell her own story, but Pocahontas’s legend look at. New materials, cutting, and sewing techniques
endures four hundred years later and grows stronger with transformed tailoring. Clever merchants created wider
each new generation. As an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl markets for innovations and chic accessories. Art depicted
in the early 1600s, and one of the many children of the humans on an unprecedented scale, paying tribute to real
ruling chief Powhatan of present-day Virginia, Pocahontas world experiences. Mirrors led more people to try to
lived during a time of great change for her people — a imagine what they looked like.
time of war and ____________ with the English
colonists of the Jamestown settlement. ① subjective
② objective
① struggle ② attribute ③ attractive
③ distribute ④ estimate ④ fundamental
⑤ determine ⑤ significant

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

7-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오46) 9-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오48)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
No matter how it is presented, designed and implemented, [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
technology does play an ever-increasing and necessary role
수 있음]
in higher education. Nevertheless, every university teacher
faces at least four common areas of academic concern:
When children get upset, they cannot be reached by
preparing and organizing courses; teaching and
reasoning. When angry, they respond only to emotional
__________ assignments; assessing student learning; and
balm. Two young siblings were playing in the basement.
evaluating the effectiveness of teaching. In the present
Suddenly a noise of destruction, followed by shouting and
day, in all areas of the curriculum, teachers must teach an
accusation, was heard. Red with anger, Billy, age six, ran
information-based inquiry process to meet the demands of
up the stairs and exclaimed, “Betsy knocked over my fort.”
the technology age. Meeting this challenge will be
His mother sympathized: “Oh, that must have made you
impossible unless educators are willing to join the
very angry.” “It sure did.” He turned around and went
revolution and embrace the new technology tools available.
back to play. This was the first time Billy’s mother
Higher education in general and faculty members in
managed not to get involved in her children’s daily
particular must be the leaders in the integration of
quarrels. By not asking the fatal question “Who started
technology in diverse learning environments.
it?” (A) 그녀는 아들이 평상시에 불만을 늘어놓으며 복수를 요청
하는 것을 피했다. By mirroring his inner mood, she avoided
① reducing
the disagreeable role of becoming judge, prosecutor, and
② expecting
law enforcer to her children.
③ providing
*balm 연고, 위안 ** grievance 불평, 불만
④ avoiding
⑤ interfering
보기: [son’s / grievance / her / of / revenge / avoid / for
/ recital / request / usual / and / she]




8-2 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은
곳을 고르시오47)

> After several sea battles won by the English, Holland

was forced to concede defeat.

(가) In the middle of the seventeenth century Holland,

with the most powerful fleet in the world, was able to
fully develop a colonial system and reach the pinnacle of
her might. (나) Soon her main rival, the rapidly-developing
England, possessed economic superiority over Holland. The
struggle between these countries reached its climax in the
wars known as the Anglo-Dutch wars. (다) The arena of
the main engagements was the North Sea. (라) She then
became a second-rate colonial power. In fact, her fate was
sealed by the victory of the industrial capital of England
over the commercial capital of Holland, the military
expression of which was the superiority of the English
fleet. (마)
*pinnacle 정점, 절정 ** concede 인정하다

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

10-2 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오49) 12-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오51)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
The importance of Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492 [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
cannot be exaggerated. It established a permanent link
수 있음]
between two entire ecosystems ① that had evolved in
isolation from each another for almost 10,000 years. The
(A) 통과 의례는 이성적 활동이 아니다. They are designed to
initial impact on the inhabitants of the Americas ② was
bring physical and emotional energy to a climax, bonding
catastrophic. Eurasian diseases and the infamous brutality
a group. They produce an “experience,” not an “ah-ha!”
of the Spanish conquistadors ③ slaughtered the
Corporations have produced ropes course events to provide
population. A remarkably small number of European
a physical challenge. Some groups have also included an
invaders conquered the most sophisticated American states
emotional challenge of revealing deep fears and significant
with startling ease, ④ laying potentially the entire New
life-changing events. The key here is that all candidates
World open to European exploitation and colonization.
are on trial and are made to believe their ordeal together
However, the arrival of European sailors in Asia ⑤ did
is really tough. Whatever the “ordeal,” it should make
not have the same dramatic impact. Powerful countries, ⑥
good story-telling material. The physical events produce
includes India, Imperial China, the Mughal Empire, and
courage as a by-product and an abiding sense that as a
the Japanese shogunate at first merely tolerated the
team anything can be accomplished. The emotional events
Europeans as traders, allowing them to control only a few
remind participants of affection, honesty, and the feeling
islands or enclaves along the coast, as long as they did
of belonging to a family. The combined result can be an
not interfere or ⑦ became too troublesome.
organization unafraid to face new challenges together and
*conquistador 정복자 **shogunate 막부 (시대) ***enclave
able to communicate honestly about things that are not
소수 민족 거주지

보기: [ a / passage / activity / rational / of / not / rites

/ be ]





11-2 다음 중 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오50)

Think of how you hold a pencil. Maybe your teacher was

very ① generous with all her students, and you could only
hold the pencil one way or you’d get in ② trouble. That
pencil-holding technique was likely ingrained, and you’d
find it uncomfortable to hold a pencil any other way. Or
maybe you like skiing and decide to take some lessons —
despite having skied ③ already for a number of years.
You may be surprised to discover that your posture and
form aren’t good. Your instructor will have to work harder
to get you to change your form than if she was teaching
a person who never skied before. That’s because your
muscles have learned a certain way of skiing that you now
have to ④ unlearn in order to pick up the correct form.
So the next time you’re learning something new, make
sure you do it the ⑤ correct way the first time around.
That way you don’t have to learn it twice.

- 15 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

Environment & Health
1-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오53)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
EXAMPLE READING-2 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오52) [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
In the 1930s the work of Sigmund Freud, the ‘father of 수 있음]
psychoanalysis’, began to be widely known and
appreciated. ① Less well known at the time was the fact (A) 대부분의 미국인은 너무 많은 단백질을 섭취한다. The daily
that Freud had found out, almost by accident, how helpful dietary requirement for an adult is 0.8 grams of protein
his pet dog Jofi was to his patients. ② He had only per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. That equates to
become a dog lover in later life when Jofi was given to about 64 grams a day of protein for a 175-pound man
him by his daughter Anna. ③ The dog sat in on the and 47 grams a day for a 130-pound woman. Roughly,
doctor’s therapy sessions and Freud discovered that his you can take your weight in pounds and divide that
patients felt much more comfortable talking about their number in half, and that would be the number of grams
problems if the dog was there. ④ The history of dogs of protein required in your diet. That’s really not very
living with humans goes back a long time. ⑤ Some of much protein, and many Americans get double this
them even preferred to talk to Jofi, rather than the amount. For example, a one-pound steak, not unusual in
doctor! Freud noted that if the dog sat near the patient, restaurants, supplies 100 grams of protein all by itself.
the patient found it easier to relax, but if Jofi sat on the *dietary requirement 권장 섭취량 ** equate to ~와 같다
other side of the room, the patient seemed more tense
and distressed. He was surprised to realize that Jofi 보기: [enough / more / protein / most / american / than
seemed to sense this too. The dog’s presence was an / get]
especially calming influence on child and teenage patients. ___________________________________________




2-2 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오54)

Excessive stress at work may ① produce a number of

diseases like heart attacks, high blood pressure, mental
stress, etc. ② Does it mean that we should avoid hard
work because it is ③ stressful? The answer is a big ‘No.’
On the contrary, people who do not work hard are lazy
and catch more diseases. Take the example of Mr. A. He
was a busy executive and ④ worked hard to achieve his
goals, but sometime after ⑤ reach the top, he became
rather lazy, took things easy and stopped taking care of
his diet and work routine. Before that he was a hard
worker and remained healthy, but now as he ⑥ has left
his hard work routine, he became ill and suffered a heart
attack. Mr. A fell victim to illness not because of hard
work but due to a ⑦ lack of work.
- 16 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2 다음 중 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오55) 5-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오57)

Water is a ① necessary resource to sustain life on this Unlike with asteroids, there’s no $2-to-3-billion, ten-year
planet. We are blessed to have 70% of our planet covered NASA program to avoid the impact of storms and other
with this resource. However, at the same time, we are not extreme ________ events like floods and droughts. Nor
so ② fortunate because only 3% of this is available as is there a quick fix for less dramatic events like the ever
fresh water for human activity, in the household, faster rising seas. As a first line of defense, higher
agriculture, and industry. In the ③ process industries, we seawalls would surely help. But they can go only so far
use water, for washing operations, for steam generation, for so long. Higher seas make storm waves more powerful,
and for other process uses. This results in large ④ and higher seas themselves come with plenty of costs of
qualities of wastewater, which is also contaminated and their own. Imagine standing in the harbor of your favorite
therefore difficult to dispose of without causing coastal city. Then imagine standing there at the end of
environmental damage. Thus, it is necessary to look at the century with sea levels having risen by 1 meter. It will
ways to both reduce consumption of fresh water and ⑤ only be a matter of time before higher seawalls won’t do,
minimize discharge — with the ultimate aim of zero when the only option will be moving back.
discharge — while minimizing the capital and operating *asteroid 소행성
costs of doing so.
① annual ② humorous
③ formal ④ climatic
⑤ sentimental

6-2 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오58)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]

4-2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오56)

Box turtles are fairly small, having an adult maximum
length of 10–18 cm. Their range is restricted to North
Critics cite as problematic the volume of advertisements
America, with the Eastern species located over most of the
children view on a daily basis, especially television
eastern United States and the Western species located in
commercials. Recent estimates are that today’s child views
the Central and Southwestern United States and into
between 20,000 and 40,000 television commercials each
Mexico. Both species are highly variable in coloration and
year. According to Kunkel and Gantz’s 1992 paper, food
pattern, ranging from a uniform tan to dark brown or
products make up roughly half the ads viewed by
black, with yellow spots or streaks. (A) 그들은 삼림지대나 대
adolescents. Sugary cereals are the most frequently
초원 같은 건조한 서식지를 선호한다. They typically inhabit
________ product on television; other food products
sandy soil, but are sometimes found in springs or ponds
often marketed during youth television programming
during hot weather. During the winter, they hibernate in
include candy, snacks, cookies and sodas. In contrast, very
the soil below the frost line, often as deep as 60 cm.
few commercials promote healthy food options such as
They feed on insects, earthworms, slugs, fruits, berries,
fruits and vegetables. In summary, snack, convenience, and
leaves, and mushrooms.
fast foods dominate advertising to children, especially
*slug 민달팽이
during the television programs children watch the most.

보기: [as / habitat / woodlands / prairies / they / or /

① specified
dry / prefer / a / such]
② subsequent
③ extensive ___________________________________________
④ advertised ___________________________________________
⑤ inadequate

- 17 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

7-2 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 9-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 61)

곳을 고르시오59)
In 2002, a landmark study was published in the British
> The striking thinning and overall downward trend in Journal of Psychiatry by Bernard Gesch.
the extent of Arctic sea ice are regarded as a major
opportunity for shippers. (A) He divided a population of 231 prisoners ages of 18
and 21 years into two groups, one receiving placebos and
(가) Warming winter temperatures, particularly in northern one receiving a selection of vitamins, minerals, and fatty
coastal areas, could be a boon for marine transportation. acids (here referred to as “nutrients”) for 4 months.
(나) Fewer days below freezing would reduce problems
with ice accumulation on vessels and docks, the (B) Investigators then tracked offenses among the inmates.
occurrence of dangerous ice fog, and the likelihood of ice At the conclusion of the study, prisoners receiving
jams in ports. (다) In the short term, continued reduction placebos showed no change in baseline behaviors, while
in Arctic sea ice should result in more ice-free ports, prisoners receiving nutrients improved markedly. Among
improved access to both ports and natural resources in those receiving nutrients, there were 26% fewer violations
remote areas, and longer shipping seasons. (라) In the overall, with serious breaches of conduct, including
longer term, shippers are looking forward to new Arctic violence, reduced by 37%.
shipping routes that could provide significant cost savings
in shipping times and distances. (마) (C) “The Young Prisoners Study” reported that offenders
*boon 호재, 이익 were often inclined to choose foods lacking in essential
nutrients which could influence their behaviors. Therefore,
he conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of
the effect of dietary supplementation with physiologically
adequate am ounts of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.
*breach 문란, 파괴
8-2 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오60)

The development of agriculture enabled the growth of

human population; fields for crops and animals were able
to produce much larger yields per hectare than could be 10-2. 다음 글과 관련없는 문장을 고르시오. 62)

found through gathering and hunting.

(A) However, the magnitude of agriculture before the year One of the first issues raised when it comes to eliminating
1700 was so small that the carbon cycle did not clearly unhealthy fast food is whether it is necessary to
respond to this increasing destruction of forests. After the completely remove it from the diet. ① Many people have
late 1700s, as a result of the Industrial Revolution, a turned down my vice-busting approach to weight
slowly increasing trend in atmospheric   concentration management because they don’t think they need to
can be seen. completely give up the foods they like. ② But the meal is
not a regretful one. ③ While I’m not saying you can’t
(B) And since that time, industrialization has been intense enjoy food, the problem is that you may have been
and almost always based on energy released from fossil enjoying it too much at the expense of healthy eating. ④
fuels. The atmosphere has responded very clearly; the You need to eat to fuel your body and its functions, and
  concentration in the atmosphere has increased by while eating is pleasurable, I can’t tell you that it’s okay
to have some of this or that food vice. If you allow
100 ppm since those times.
yourself some, you’ll probably want more! So let me
remind you of what I’ve always said about this so-called
(C) An increasing population required the clearing of more
eating in moderation. ⑤ It is very, very difficult to have
land for agriculture. For millennia, the solution was to
just one bite of the food you love without slipping back to
burn forests and to turn them into fields. Thus, much of
old habits and addictions.
Europe’s temperate forest was already destroyed by
*vice-busting 나쁜 버릇을 깨는
medieval times.

- 18 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

11-2. 글의 알맞은 제목을 고르시오. 63) 12-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 64)

*동사의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

Numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of
volunteering, which include lowered blood pressure, The Akimel O’odham and Tohono O’odham (the peoples
increased self-esteem, lessened feelings of social isolation, that European settlers called Pima and Papago) of Arizona
a strengthened immune system, and reduced stress. Even were virtually free from diabetes until two generations ago.
a relatively small time commitment can make a difference, Before the twentieth century, they had lived on desert
according to a study that identified the health benefits to foods such as mesquite meal, wild greens, and cactus buds
senior citizens of less than one hour of volunteering per and fruits and on traditional crops: maize, locally grown
week. Volunteering is beneficial to everyone, but most wheat, beans, squash, and chiles. In the late nineteenth
especially to those who are out of the workplace, such as and early twentieth centuries, they lost most of their land
retirees, the unemployed, and stay-at-home parents or and almost all the water needed to irrigate what land they
spouses. These people, who can easily become isolated, kept. (A) 제2차 세계대전 후에 그들은 점진적으로 더 넓은
may reap the largest benefits because of the social Arizona 주 사회에 통합되었다. This led to the expected
connections gained through volunteering. What’s more, lifestyle and dietary changes. Alcoholism, previously very
taking on an authority role may add esteem-boosting rare, became more common. Sugar and white flour
professionalism, mastery, and competence to one’s sense of replaced traditional foods. Today most adults suffer from
self. diabetes, and life expectancy is falling as the disease
extracts its dreadful toll in heart and kidney failure and in
① Health Benefits Of Volunteer Activities necrosis.
*mesquite 메스키트(남미산 콩과 식물) ** necrosis(생체 내 조직·세포의)
② Volunteer Activities That Anyone Can Participate In
괴사(壞死 )
③ A New Volunteer Program For Retirees And The
보기 [ after /they /World War II /very /be /incorporate
④ Changes In The Health Of The Subject Due To The
/progressively /the /into /wide /of /society /Arizona]
Health of The Volunteer
⑤ Social Benefits Of Volunteer Activities ___________________________________________




- 19 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

Social Science
1-2. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 바르지 않은 두 개를 찾아 고치시오.
Example Reading-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 65)

Like the subjects it studies, sociology is ① its a social

Car-sharing is now a familiar concept, but creative
product. Sociology first emerged in western Europe during
companies are making it possible for their clients to share
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this period,
ownership and access to just about everything, such as
the political and economic systems of Europe were rapidly
villas, handbags and even diamond necklaces.
② changing. Monarchy, the rule of society by kings and
queens, was ③ disappearing in western Europe. These
(A) This apparent limitation is precisely what helps
changes generated new ways of thinking. Religion as the
consumers make it a treat. Limiting your access to
system of authority and law ④ was giving way to
everything from sandwiches to luxury cars helps to reset
scientific authority. At the same time, capitalism grew.
your cheerometer. That is, knowing you can’t have access
Along with its growth, contact between different societies
to something all the time may help you appreciate it more
increased, and worldwide economic markets ⑤ developed.
when you do.
The traditional ways of the past were giving way to a new
social order. The time was ripe for a new ⑥ understand.
(B) According to a Portuguese saying, “You should never
have a yacht; you should have a friend with a yacht.” By
joining a yacht sharing service, members can live the
Portuguese dream by sharing a yacht with up to seven
other people.

(C) In describing the service, a recent newspaper article

warned consumers that sharing the yacht means “there is
no guarantee you will always be able to use it when you

2-2. 글과 관련없는 문장을 고르시오. 67)

Collective memory is central to understanding how

identities are formed in society. ① Socializing into a group
means adopting not only shared norms, but also learning
a group’s historical memory. ② Whereas small-scale
groups often transmit historical memory orally, large-scale
groups such as nations rely on written texts to create, in
Benedict Anderson’s term, “imagined communities.” ③ In
speeches, monuments, ceremonies, and holidays, national
elites invoke a heroic version of the nation’s past. ④ This
version inspires and unifies diverse and divided citizens,
encouraging patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice for the
national cause. ⑤ However, when people hear this version,
they criticize the country as socialism. Collective memory
is therefore inherently political, as dominant groups in
society struggle over how collective memory is produced
and represented in official records and in public spaces.

- 20 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 68) (C) To a student of politics in the Middle Ages, such a
* 현재완료 수동태의 형태를 사용할 것. representation of the world, which gave primacy to
* 동사의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. borders and boundaries, would make little sense.
* 중복되는 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
Historically, borders are a relatively recent invention, as is
the idea that states are completely independent,
Half of the world’s people who now live in cities
self-governing, territorially defined political communities or
experience the most artificial environment ever created by
humans. (A) 시골의 많은 지역들은 한때 들판과 삼림지였던 곳
*presumption 가정, 추정
전역에 걸쳐 집, 도로, 그리고 쇼핑센터가 확산한 것으로 인해 파
괴되었다. In the 1990s alone, over 800,000 hectares of
European land was built on. Cities also depend on very
high energy use in building and sustaining them and in
moving millions of people to and from work every day.
Cities have many benefits — they are usually centers of
cultural activity and have a much wider range of facilities
than rural areas. However, in general the flood of people
into cities destroyed existing social bonds. Cities, as Henry
David Thoreau wrote, tend to be places characterized by
‘millions of people being lonely together.’

보기 [ area /have /be /large /of /countryside /by /spread

/destroyed /road /house /and /across /shopping center
/once /what /field /the]





5-2. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 두 개를 찾아 바르게

고치시오. 70)

Go to a public square ① during a big protest or concert

and you’ll see something apparently very different, yet
4-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 69) conceptually quite similar. If you watch closely, you’ll see
② that how people move through a densely ③ packing
Consider a political map of the world: its most striking square really has less to do with individual inclinations
feature is the division of the entire earth’s surface into than with patterns. As individuals try ④ to avoid
over 190 neatly defined territorial units, namely states. collisions with each other, as one person follows another,
who in turn follows someone else, they automatically begin
(A) Although today a convenient fiction, this presumption ⑤ to form coherent streams of movement. A person has
remains central to traditional state-centric conceptions of good reason to move within these streams, as moving in
world politics as the pursuit of power and interests other directions is a lot more difficult. ⑥ Because this
between independent states. advantage, any stream soon attracts more people to join
it, making it bigger and still more attractive to others.
(B) Globalization, however, calls this state-centric The pattern constrains people’s choices, making them more
conception of world politics into question. Taking likely to act in a way ⑦ that reinforces the pattern,
globalization seriously therefore requires a conceptual shift boosting ⑧ its energy and influence.
in the way we think about world politics.

- 21 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

6-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 참고하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 71) 8-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 73)

* 관계대명사를 사용할 것. * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. * 중복되는 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

There is one key difference between dream thoughts and Ethical and moral systems are different for every culture.
our thinking while awake. One of the lessons we learn in According to cultural relativism, all of these systems are
life is that certain actions, even thoughts, are not equally valid, and no system is better than another. The
permissible in the real world. For example, we learn that basis of cultural relativism is the notion that no true
we cannot immediately fulfill our desires. There are rules standards of good and evil actually exist. Therefore,
against grabbing the money in the cash register at a store, judging whether something is right or wrong is based on
and constraints on interacting with a person to whom we individual societies’ beliefs, and any moral or ethical
may be physically attracted. We also learn that certain opinions are affected by an individual’s cultural
thoughts are not permissible because they are culturally perspective. There exists an inherent contradiction in
forbidden. As we learn professional skills, (A) 우리는 우리의 cultural relativism, however. If one embraces the idea that
직종에서 인정받고 보상받는 사고방식을 학습하고, and thereby there is no right or wrong, then there exists no way to
avoid patterns of thought that might betray the methods make judgments in the first place. To deal with this
and norms of that profession. Many of these taboos are contradiction, cultural relativism creates “tolerance.” (A) 하
worthwhile, as they enforce social order and consolidate 지만 관용에는 불관용이 수반되는데, 이는 관용이 어느 정도의 궁
progress. 극적 선을 함축해야 한다는 것을 의미한다. Thus, tolerance also
goes against the very notion of cultural relativism.
보기 [ we /the ways /be /of /think /that /in /recognize
/and /our professions /learn /reward] 보기 [ however /tolerance /with /which /come /intolerance
/that /must /some /of /sort /good /ultimate /imply ]

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

9-2. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 74)

7-2. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 옳지 않은 두 개를 찾아 고치시오.

72) In a study, participants viewed photographs of a library
reading room or a train station interior after learning they

An efficient system of social protection is an important would have to visit the setting afterward (Aarts &

part of any modern society. The market failed ① to Dijksterhuis, 2003). ① Other participants viewed the

provide adequate insurance, for instance, for library without the goal of going there. ② Presumably,

unemployment or disability. So the government stepped in. when the goal of going to a social environment is active,

But people ② receiving those benefits typically paid for ③ the relevant norms are activated to cue conformity. And,

them, either directly or indirectly, through contributions indeed, only those people primed with the goal to visit

they or their employer made on their behalf to these the library did more rapidly recognize words related to

insurance funds. Aside from a person’s right ④ drawing silence (silent, quiet, still, whisper) than unrelated control

benefits from programs they helped fund, social protection words. ③ Different from the relevance, people naturally

can make for a more productive society. Individuals can considered the rules of the library. ④ In a subsequent

take on more high-return, high-risk activities if they know study, participants primed in the same way also spoke

there is a safety net that will protect them if things don’t more softly, even on an unrelated task. ⑤ Parallel effects

work out. It’s one of the reasons ⑤ that some economies occurred for participants primed with the goal of visiting

with better social protection ⑥ has been grew much more an exclusive restaurant and behaving in a well-mannered

rapidly than that of the United States, even during the way. Primed participants ate crackers during unrelated

recent recession. experimental tasks and actually tidied up more often if

they had been primed.
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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

10-2. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 75) 12-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 77)

▶ The point is not to wish you were like someone else Sociologist Steph Lawler found that British women who
but to play your singular strength as a leader. had moved from the working class to the middle class
were caught between two worlds — their working-class
You could easily be impressed, say, by the practices of background and their current middle-class life.
certain business leaders, and try to follow their example,
measure by measure. ① Jack Welch, whose books on (A) The women’s mothers found their daughters’
leadership have made him an icon, is known as an middle-class ways “uppity,” and they criticized their
executive who connects on a person-to-person basis in daughters’ preferences in furniture and food, their speech
part because he remembers the name of everyone he and even the way they reared their children. As you can
meets. ② This astounds and impresses everyone, and expect, this strained the mother-daughter relationships.
makes them feel important. ③ Wouldn’t you want to do
that? But Welch’s gift is a rare one, not easily copied. ④ (B) But again, the result was two worlds of experience.
That’s what I’m talking about — determining where you The children’s educated world was so unlike that of their
will find yourself on a wide spectrum of leadership styles, parents that even talking to one another became difficult.
understanding how your own unique mix of strengths can Not surprisingly, the parents felt betrayed and bitter. Their
serve you best in an organizational context. ⑤ But there sacrifices had ripped their children from them.
is one element that can’t be missing from your leadership
solution — it’s the authentic you. (C) Studying working-class parents in Boston, sociologists
Richard Sennett and Jonathan Cobb found something
similar. The parents had made deep sacrifices so their
children could go to college. They, of course, expected
their children to appreciate their sacrifice.
11-2. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 76) *uppity 거만한, 건방진

Do not assume that trusting your opponents is essential

for a proper negotiation process, collaboration and an
integrative outcome. Trustfulness may make you
vulnerable; thus, your opponents’ behavior may become
harmful and damaging. Being trusting may also “blind”
you to the possible manipulation of your opponents. It is
possible that suspicion and distrust may motivate you to
search for essential information about your opponents and,
at the same time, serve as a defense mechanism and
coping strategy against your opponents’ potential
manipulations. In this sense, _________________ may
be valuable to you before and during the negotiation
process. Thus, try to maintain the right balance between a
certain amount of trust on the one hand, and a certain
amount of suspicion — and even distrust — on the other.
This way you will benefit from both the advantages of
distrust and suspicions, as well as the advantages of trust.

① suspicions and distrust

② breakdown of negotiation
③ collaboration
④ the cost of trust
⑤ negotiating relationship

- 23 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

Human Life
1-2. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 79)

EXAMPLE READING-2. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르

Discipline and habit. Honestly, most people never really
시오. 78)
want to talk about these. ① And who can blame them? I
don’t either. The images these words bring up in our
▶ One of the best ways to promote this type of
heads are of something hard and unpleasant. ② Just
integration is to help retell the story of the frightening or
reading the words is exhausting. But there’s good news.
painful experience.
The right discipline goes a long way, and habits are hard
only in the beginning. ③ Most people, however, can't
When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or scary
stand the beginning and give up. ④ Over time, the habit
moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense emotions
you’re after becomes easier and easier to sustain. It’s true.
and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. ① When
Habits require much less energy and effort to maintain
this happens, we as parents can help bring the left
than to begin. ⑤ Put up with the discipline long enough
hemisphere into the picture so that the child can begin to
to turn it into a habit, and the journey feels different. The
understand what’s happening. ② Bella, for instance, was
hard stuff becomes habit, and habit makes the hard stuff
nine years old when the toilet overflowed when she
flushed, and the experience of watching the water rise and
pour onto the floor left her unwilling to flush the toilet
afterward. ③ When Bella’s father, Doug, learned about the
“name it to tame it” technique, he sat down with his
daughter and retold the story of the time the toilet
2-2. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 곳은? 80)
overflowed. ④ He allowed her to tell as much of the story
as she could and helped to fill in the details. ⑤ After
Despite its importance, people rarely comment on other
retelling the story several times, Bella’s fears lessened and
people’s nonverbal behavior; rarely do they ask, “Why are
eventually went away.
you standing so far away from me?” or say, “Thank you
for squeezing my hand.” Instead, they respond
nonverbally, for example by moving closer or squeezing
back. Meeting nonverbal communication with nonverbal
communication is the rule of nonverbal reciprocity. This
rule holds that feelings are best reciprocated with feelings,
because much nonverbal behavior appears automatic, and
nonverbal communication is less direct than verbal
communication. Thus, when people are feeling vulnerable,
it provides a safer way to communicate attraction or
rejection, with less risk of being called to account. In
various ways, then, nonverbal channels _________ social
attachment and belonging as people understand each

① have nothing to do with

② suppress
③ facilitate
④ get rid of
⑤ reject

- 24 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 81) 5-2. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 83)

* 보기에 나오는 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음. It’s been my experience that complaining about deadlines
* 분사구문을 사용할 것
— even if the complaints are justified — takes an
enormous amount of mental energy and time! The turmoil
Even high-achieving sports superstars like Tiger Woods or
you go through simply within your own head is
Gabby Douglas need coaches. Every great achiever needs
__________. The added obsessive thinking about the
to be pushed to find what he or she is truly capable of,
deadline creates its own internal anxiety. I know that
which means achievers need someone to instruct, guide,
deadlines can create quite a bit of stress and that
and push them. Achievers should choose a mentor,
sometimes it doesn’t seem fair. However, working toward
whether it is their boss, someone else in the organization
your goal without the interference of negative mental
or even someone outside work. (A) 성취자는 코치에게 강점과
energy makes any job more manageable. See if you can
약점을 정직하게 평가해서 성공이 어떠할지를 자신이 이해하도록
notice how often you tend to worry or complain about
도와주라고 요청해야 한다. Then, week by week, the achiever
deadlines. Then, try to catch yourself in the act of doing
should ask the coach to help her understand what success
so. When you do, gently remind yourself that your energy
looks like, honestly assessing strengths and weaknesses.
would be better spent elsewhere. Who knows, perhaps you
The pace at which achievers work is often supersonic, so
can ultimately make peace with deadlines altogether.
it’s important they and their coach get their aim right,
and then adjust as needed.
① really worth it
② rarely worth it
보기 [the /should /she /ask /achiever /coach /what /look
③ your driving force
/success /understand /help /honestly /strengths /and
④ increasing
/assess /like /weaknesses]
⑤ your goal




4-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 82) 6-2. 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오. 84)

① Making small talk allows participants to sprinkle plenty Parents ① used to have little responsibility for their
of key words, free information, self-disclosures, and new children beyond providing food, clothing, shelter, and
topics ② into their conversation. This provides more moral guidance. And they needed to do this for only a
opportunities for you and the other person ③ choose short time, ② because of children began to contribute to
topics of mutual interest. This will extend your the support of the family early in life. Among many
conversation because you’ll have more things ④ to talk people, parenthood is still like this. In Colombia, for
about. Of course, some of the small-talk topics you choose example, children of the poor often ③ are expected to
may only ⑤ yield a minute or two of conversation. support themselves by the age of 8 or 10. In industrial
However, by ⑥ apply good listening and questioning societies, however, we assume ④ that children are
skills, others will lead you to “conversational gold” — that vulnerable beings ⑤ whom must depend on their parents
is, a person’s hot button. The information you pick up for financial and emotional support for many years —
during small talk can also pay off for you in later often until they are well into their 20s. In some cases,
conversations. Be sure ⑦ to give your chat your full this ⑥ is now being extended into the 30s. The greater
attention and remember ⑧ what the other person tells responsibilities ⑦ that we assign to parenthood place
you so you can refer to it at another time. heavier burdens on today’s couples and, with them, more
*hot button 중요 문제 strain on marriage.

- 25 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

7-2. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 85) 9-2. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 바르지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오.

▶ Recent studies in neuroscience, for example, have found

that certain areas of the brain that govern social and If we want to be wealthy, but we believe ① that the
moral judgments show a strong response when people opportunity ② to be wealthy does not exist for us, then
observe or engage in intentional activities. we will abandon our dreams of wealth. We will not seek
wealth. Instead, we will hold on to the belief ③ which
In the past few years, the brain and behavioral sciences, opportunity is scarce, because this is the concept that
and even medical research, have begun paying appears true to us. If we dream of ④ writing a book, but
considerable attention to purpose and related concepts believe we are not ⑤ capable, then we will not take the
such as “intentional goal” and “ultimate concerns,” and the steps necessary ⑥ to write the book. We will abandon our
roles they play in well-being. ① Study after study has dream, rather than abandon the thoughts that discourage
found a person’s sense of life purpose to be closely us. However, Einstein said to do the opposite. He said
connected to virtually all dimensions of well-being. ② that we must abandon ⑦ what we hold true. For example,
Studies of aging have shown that one of the prime we should disregard what appears to be a fact of our
predictors of health and well-being in old age is whether condition, such as I do not have the skills to write a
a person continues to be purposeful. ③ Researchers book, and instead focus on our ability ⑧ wrote the book.
studying people with mental health problems and
disabilities have found that helping them find a sense of
purpose can assist them in overcoming their psychological
deficits. ④

8-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 86) 10-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 88)

We all do it. We have that little voice in our heads that A lot of parents don’t know how to decide how warmly to
only knows how to say negative things. dress their children for going outside.

(A) Focus on how you can solve problems, make a better (A) A good rule is for you to dress the young child in the
choice next time, or take any other kind of action that same number of items you would wear for the day —
will help you focus on the positive rather than the with perhaps one extra coat, sweater or blanket in cold
negative. weather. This is to allow for the fact that the very young
child will be less active than you are.
(B) You can even create a STOP sign and post it on your
wall so that every time you have a negative thought you (B) In general, parents tend to dress children at a level
can look up at it and say to yourself, “Stop!” Then that seems comfortable for them, the parents, rather than
convert that negative thought into something positive. For for the children. Active children who spend a good deal of
example, “I’m so stupid!” becomes “OK, I made a mistake. their outdoor time running, jumping and climbing need
Next time I’ll know not to do the same.” less clothing than the slower moving adult.

(C) It’s our ‘inner critic.’ However, you have control over (C) As children get older and more active they begin to
that voice. You want to learn to stop the unproductive want to have some say about what they should wear.
negative self-talk and instead, focus on what you can do Often they can predict what they need to wear better than
to move past the situation. you can. No child chooses to freeze to death.

- 26 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

11-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 89) 12-2. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오.
* 단어의 알맞은 형태를 바꿔 사용할 것. 90)

* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

Each of us views reality through our own lens. While we

Standing up for something that is important to you in the
may share certain beliefs, you will never have the same
face of all of the challenges and temptations that we face
perspective as another ① because of your mixture of
in life takes a great deal of courage. You may have to
thoughts is unique to you. ② Consider as an example
negotiate with your spouse or other loved ones to pursue
both you and a friend ③ observing a painted wall. Your
your goal, such as if you decide you want to go back to
assessment of that wall, such as how brilliantly the sun
school at night. Or, you might have to change your
reflects off it or if the sun casts any shadows, will depend
behavior that others have come to expect from you. For
on the position from ④ which you view the wall.
example, maybe you’ve always been the life of the party
Additionally, your viewpoint will determine whether you
and now you have decided to focus on eating right,
will see a smudge in the paint, a fingerprint, or brush
limiting alcohol, and getting a full-night’s sleep every
stroke. ⑤ Since you and your friend cannot occupy the
night, so your friends start wondering who you are.
same position at the same time from which you view the
There’s no guarantee that self-discipline will be easy. But
wall, you cannot share the same view of the wall — ever.
if you are committed to something important to you, (A)
The way ⑥ which you view reality is much the same, ⑦
여러분이 여러분의 행동 방침을 단념하게 하려고 애쓰는 것들을
except your position is not a physical position. Your
‘거부’할 용기를 찾아낼 필요가 있을 것이다.
position is a mental position and each person’s view is
*the life of the party 파티에 참석해서 분위기를 띄우는 사람
*smudge 얼룩
보기 [you /need /will /the /to /‘no’ /say /find /that /thing
/course /attempt /dissuade /from /courage]





- 27 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

Business & Economy
1-2. 밑줄 친 문장 중 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치
시오. 92)
EXAMPLE READING-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를
완성하시오. 91)
In America today, there is an ever-growing need ① to
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
know more about money. And money is different today
* 중복되는 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
than it was ② few decades ago. Today, it is more a
Are the different types of mobile device, smartphones and concept than a reality. We don’t see silver dollars. Our
tablets, substitutes or complements? Let’s explore this government doesn’t issue currency ③ based on gold
question by considering the case of Madeleine and anymore. We spend our money with credit cards. And we
Alexandra, two users of these devices. Madeleine uses her have our paychecks ④ depositing into our bank account
tablet to take notes in class. These notes are synced to automatically. We ⑤ hardly ever see “money.” The way
her smartphone wirelessly, via a cloud computing service, most of us thought about money as children does not
allowing Madeleine to review her notes on her phone work in our lives today. When we were kids, most of us
during the bus trip home. Alexandra uses both her phone knew where our money was. It was either in our pocket
and tablet to surf the Internet, write emails and check or in our piggy-bank. So, we need some new ways ⑥ to
social media. (A) 이러한 두 기기 모두 Alexandra가 데스크톱 deal with money we can’t see.
컴퓨터로부터 떨어져 있을 때 그녀가 온라인 서비스에 접근하도록
해 준다. For Madeleine, smartphones and tablets are
complements. She gets greater functionality out of her two
devices when they are used together. For Alexandra, they
are substitutes. Both smartphones and tablets fulfil more
or less the same function in Alexandra’s life. This case
illustrates the role that an individual consumer’s behavior
plays in determining the nature of the relationship
between two goods or services.
2-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 93)

보기 [both /these /allow /device /of /Alexandra /online

/access /when /service /desktop /computer /away /she /be After you have decided to make a purchase, at least two
/from] scarce resources are involved — income and time.

(A) Before you spend your money, you need to invest
___________________________________________ time in obtaining information about the product you wish
___________________________________________ to buy. Suppose, for example, that you wish to buy a
mountain bike.

(B) The time spent researching online or visiting stores to

check models and prices is a cost to you. This time, and
the money you eventually spend on the mountain bike,
cannot be used for anything else.

(C) How can you obtain information about the

characteristics of the numerous brands and models and
the prices of each bike? You should first visit retail stores
and do some research on the Internet to compare prices.

- 28 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

3-2. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 94) 5-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 96)

One of the greatest achievements of the honeybee is the An item you buy each week goes on sale.
ability to acquire and retain knowledge, and then to
communicate that information to others. Worker bees (A) The store adds to the discounting possibilities by
learn about the location of food sources, scout out new running a promotion, perhaps offering greater savings if
ecosystems that will sustain them, identify the presence of you buy three or more. And you will save even more if
danger, and then are able to communicate that knowledge you have coupons for the item.
to others through dance. The course of human evolution
has also selected the best storytellers and the best (B) Even after prices return to normal, you’ll be able to
listeners as the strongest survivors. The same is true for “shop your freezer” and continue to enjoy items bought at
business today. The ability to understand the lessons of the sale price. Once this becomes a habit, you’ll wince at
your business and tell a story that imparts this _____ to the very notion of paying the full price.
others in your company — as well as your customers — is
paramount to survival and success. Today’s businesses (C) To the strategic shopper, this is like New Year’s Eve
must be able to learn, adjust, and then tell a story that and the Fourth of July rolled into one! Don’t light any
inspires others to action. firecrackers, but do celebrate by stocking up when these
off-price opportunities combine for ultimate savings. If you
① information stock up when prices are at their lowest, you keep your
② wisdom costs consistent.
③ perspective *wince at ~에 주춤하다
④ knowledge
⑤ strategy

6-2. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 97)

The practical impact on business of the growth in

_______ is illustrated by the fact that as recently as ten
years ago, information, including pricing on many different
4-2. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 95) types of machinery and commodity products, was highly
inefficient. It was difficult to know exactly what each firm
▶ The drive for status, not profit, is the motor of trade. would charge for its product and what the price would be
for other firms. A businessperson could call and ask the
In The Great Transformation, Polanyi wrote about the price for that product. Whether the price was the same if
Trobriand Islands, off Papua New Guinea, whose tribal you called a different salesperson in a different part of the
economy was driven by non-economic behavior in striking month was not predictable. The result was that widely
ways. ① Trade, even today, happens through gifts, not by different prices were charged for the same products.
bargaining. ② Islanders make dangerous voyages to Purchasing agents spent a lot of time looking for the best
neighboring tribes to give presents of red-shell necklaces price. However, changes in telecommunications have all
and white arm bands, and the practice is regulated by but eliminated this inefficiency. Internet availability has
customs and magical rites known as kula. ③ The gifts are resulted in more transparent and efficient pricing for both
not kept, but passed on. ④ By showing generosity, the capital goods and commodity products today.
islanders enhance their social standing. ⑤ Tribal
economies are, of course, different from those of today’s ① technology
industrialized countries. Polanyi argued that as European ② product
nations developed, custom and tradition were replaced by ③ stock
the anonymity of the market. ④ profit
*anonymity 익명, 특색 없음 ⑤ management staff

- 29 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

7-2. 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 98) 9-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 100)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음. Global companies specialize by producing a lot of one
thing, which they then sell to communities who become
(A) 경매는 고대 이래로 이용되어 왔다. For instance, the
dependent on distant sources of specialized production.
Roman Empire was once sold at auction. Today, auctions
are seemingly pervasive: the institution is used to sell a
(A) Capital will move freely throughout the world to those
variety of agricultural commodities and natural resources
places where it can be most profitably invested. Labor,
as well as fine art, real estate, and used cars. In addition,
which cannot move as freely, will be at an increasing
sealed-bid tenders (an auction format) are used extensively
by both firms and governments to procure a variety of
goods and services such as weapons systems and
(B) Distant companies seek only profitable investment of
tree-planting services. The Internet auction house eBay is
capital. There is no business interest in sustaining
an integral part of the American and world economies. By
communities. In the era of “free” trade, the global
any measure, the volume of trade on eBay and similar
economy is determined to remove any restrictions that
sites is unparalleled in world history.
impede this process of exploitation.

보기 [use /the ancient /since /auctions /past]

(C) Cobb asks an important question: “From what is this
___________________________________________ free market or free trade free?” The restrictions that the

___________________________________________ global economy seeks to remove, he writes, “will make

possible still higher degrees of specialization and will
further discourage efforts of local communities or nations
to supply most of their own needs.

10-2. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 101)

Options are con artists.

8-2. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 99)

(A) But when actually using their new gizmos, most
consumers quickly fell prey to what the researchers call
▶ It is also true that improved quality of life and “feature fatigue”; that is, they quickly tired of using all
increased job satisfaction are important aspects of going those extras (if they even figured out how to). In their
self-employed. paper, the researchers discuss our tendency, when buying,
to value capability over usability.
People choose to become self-employed for a variety of
reasons, independence and flexibility being the primary (B) They seduce with a promise of joy, but often leave us
ones. ① Being your own boss can potentially offer you a confused and wanting. Consider this experiment conducted
better work/life balance. ② However, the risk is that there a few years ago by marketing professors Debora Viana
can be a huge amount of responsibility involved, and a Thompson, Rebecca Hamilton, and Roland Rust.
regular pay cheque at the end of the month cannot be
guaranteed. ③ Running a business has lots of (C) When they offered consumers a choice of different
responsibilities and pressures. ④ People creating a start-up digital devices (video players, PDAs, and the like) some
especially need to work a lot harder to establish six in ten picked the option with the most features. Also,
themselves than those who are already in the market, when given the chance to customize their device, the
until they are seen and heard well enough for the average person chose twenty features out of a possible
consumer to buy from them. ⑤ Therefore, you need to twenty-five.
work as hard as it takes to become known. *con artist 사기꾼 **gizmo (간단한) 장치

- 30 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

11-2. 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오. 102)

Consumer perceptions play an important role in the use of

price-related tactics. Remember ① that for consumers ②
perceive two prices as different, the variation must be at
or above the just noticeable difference. Thus, consumers
might not care if one brand of toothpaste ③ is priced at
$1.95 and another at $1.99. Consumers also compare a
product’s price ④ to an internal reference price for such
products that is based on past prices paid, ⑤ competing
product prices, and other factors, including incidental
products in some cases. Typically, consumers use a range
of prices rather than a single price point ⑥ when they
think of products. In addition, perceptual processes play a
role in the consumer’s reaction to different price points.
Research has consistently indicated ⑦ that consumers
perceive odd prices (those ending with an odd number) as
significantly lower than even prices (those ending with an
even number).

12-2. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 103)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 조동사를 추가할 것

The old wisdom about first impressions — that they’re so

important because you never get a second chance to make
one — is even truer than most people realize. Once an
idea sets in your head, it often sets in concrete; (A) 여러분
은 그것을 부술 수 있지만 (잘 안 부서져서) 대형 망치가 필요할
지도 모른다. In fact, we’d guess that ‘confirmation bias’
might have a lot to do with the commonly held retailing
wisdom that shoppers usually end up buying the first item
they look at when they are out shopping. We don’t know
for certain if that’s actually true, but if it is, there’s a
good chance that it’s because an initial attraction to, say,
a particular pair of pants results in a subsequent dismissal
of other pants as you walk through the aisles. Perhaps the
next pair you examine, though it has the same color,
doesn’t seem to have as attractive a cut.

보기 [you /it /break /sledgehammer /need]





- 31 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 2 회

54) ⑤ reaching⑥ had
55) ④
정 답 56)

58) They prefer a dry habitat such as woodlands or
1) A-C-B prairies
2) ➀ surprises ➅ to be viewed 59) (다)
3) ① 60) (C)-(A)-(B)
4) It is just that these animals did not learn them in 61) (C)-(A)-(B)
a single lifetime 62) ②
5) ③ 63) ①
6) ➃ is ➇ Looked 64) After World War II, they were progressively
7) Salt is also effective in keeping hard packs of ice incorporated into the wider society of Arizona.
from forming in the first place. 65) (B)-(C)-(A)
8) C-A-B 66) ① : itself ⑥ : understanding
9) it’s very important that you ensure that your teen 67) ⑤
or young adult is using privacy settings on these 68) Large areas of countryside have been destroyed by
sites. the spread of houses, roads, and shopping centers
10) ③ across what were once fields and woodland.
11) ➁ build ➄ to collaborate 69) (C)-(A)-(B)
12) ③ 70) ③ : packed, ⑥ : because of
13) ④ 71) we learn the ways of thinking that are recognized and
14) B-A-C rewarded in our professions
15) A : for example , B : In fact 72) ④ : to draw, ⑥ : have been growing
16) A-C-B 73) However, with tolerance comes intolerance, which
17) ③ where ⑦ carrying
18) ④ means that tolerance must imply some sort of
19) ⑧ quickly ⑨ playing ultimate good.
20) because natural settings vary much from the 74) ③
cultural setting of the urban environment. 75) ④
21) A-C-B 76) ①
22) Yet the risk of falling and the risk of being hit by 77) (A)-(C)-(B)
78) ②
a rock must both be managed. 79) ③
23) ② 80) ③
24) ④ popular ⑧ consuming 81) the achiever should ask the coach to help her
25) (나) sport has allowed people of color and women
understand what success looks like, honestly
to take part in a common life experience and
assessing strengths and weaknesses.
compete as equals alongside all other athletes. 82) ③ : to choose, ⑥ : applying
26) It’s impossible to generalize, but both in antiquity 83) ②
and modernity it seems likely that the limited 84) ② : because, ⑤ : whom
palette aided clarity and comprehensibility 85) ②
27) B-C-A 86) (C)-(A)-(B)
28) ② 87) ③ : that ⑧ : to write
29) ① experience ⑥ to be moved 88) (A)-(C)-(B)
30) ② 89) you’ll need to find the courage to say ‘no’ to
31) (다) things that attempt to dissuade you from your
32) ③ course.
33) ④ 90) ① : because, ⑥ : in which
34) These bodily behaviors require maintaining a 91) Both of these devices allow Alexandra to access
relatively high energy level. online services when she is away from her desktop
35) ③
36) What may be a public space on the outside isn’t computer.
92) ② : a few ④ : deposited
inside. 93) (A)-(C)-(B)
37) ④ 94) ②
38) there must have been some whose souls were 95) ⑤
filled with poetic visions. 96) (A)-(C)-(B)
39) ③ 97) ①
40) All they know is that people are talking to them. 98) Auctions have been used since the ancient past.
41) ③ 99) ②
42) Since hair had spiritual connotations in many 100) (B)-(C)-(A)
ancient cultures, 101) (B)-(C)-(A)
43) ① 102) ② : to perceive ④ : with
44) The information historians leave out of books may 103) you can break it, but you may need a sledgehammer.
be just as important as what they include.
45) ③
46) ③
47) (라)
48) she avoided her son’s usual recital of grievances
and requests for revenge
49) ⑥ including⑦ become
50) ①
51) Rites of passage are not a rational activity
52) ④
53) Most Americans get more than enough protein

- 32 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

Science & Technology
Example Reading-3. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시 2-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 3)

오. 1)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음 When you look at a bamboo stem, you notice ➀ that it is
very thin, at most a couple of inches in diameter. But
When Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural unlike trees, the stem ➁ do not thicken with age so you
selection, he created a picture of the evolutionary process can’t tell how old a bamboo ➂ is by looking for tree
in which organismic adaptation was ultimately caused by rings in the middle of it. It stays the same width
competition for survival and reproduction. This biological throughout its life (and this grass can live for hundreds of
“struggle for existence” bears considerable resemblance to years). It looks as though there ➃ is a lot of tubes piled
the human struggle (가)경쟁 시장에서 경제적 성공을 얻으려고 up one on top of the other. These tubes ➄ are called
애쓰고 있는 사업자들 사이에서. Long before Darwin culms and are one of the main reasons ➅ that the
published his work, social scientist Adam Smith had bamboo is so strong. Without these, the grass would be
already considered that in business life, competition is the more likely to break. On each of these culms a branch
driving force behind economic efficiency and adaptation. It will grow ➆ on which leaves will form.
is indeed very striking how similar the ideas are on which *diameter 지름 ** culm 대, 줄기

the founders of modern theory in evolutionary biology and

economics based their main thoughts. →
*organismic 유기체의

[보기] [whose /success /competitive /between /businessmen
/in /be /for /strive /economic /markets]

3-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 4)

A mother rat will build a nest for her young even if she
has never seen another rat in her lifetime.
1-3. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2)

(A) That is not to say that these are not learned

[ 보기 ] [ Professionals in fine arts that might appear to behaviors. It is just that these animals did not learn them
be beyond the use of computers are making use of in a single lifetime — they learned them over thousands
computers as much as other professionals. ] of lifetimes.

The use of computers in the arts surprises many people. (B)The evolution of animal behavior does constitute a
① Artists use computers to experiment with design and learning process, but it is learning by the species, not by
color, sometimes using 3D graphics software. ② the individual, and the fruits of this learning process are
Computers eliminate the cost of having to experiment encoded in DNA.
using actual materials such as paint and clay by providing
virtual artistic materials. ③ Some artists have moved (C) Similarly, a spider will spin a web, a caterpillar will
completely to digital media, creating their artwork on create her own cocoon, and a beaver will build a dam,
computers to be viewed and appreciated in its even if no contemporary ever showed them how to
computer-generated form. ④ Film studies, visual arts, accomplish these complex tasks.
theater, literature, dance, photography, and music all *cocoon 고치

benefit from computers. ⑤ → →

- 1 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

4-3. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 5) the use of salt completely. Salt also ➈ cause corrosion of
vehicles, pavement, bridges, and any unprotected steel in
[Some cells of the body, such as white blood cells and surrounding structures.
cells lining the digestive tract, normally reproduce rapidly.]

Chemotherapy is the treatment of any disease using
chemicals or drugs, but the term is most commonly used →
to refer to the treatment of cancers. ① Drugs that are
used to treat cancers attempt to interfere with the rapid
rates of growth and cell division of most cancer cells. ② 8-3. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 8)

However, at present few of these drugs can distinguish

between cancer cells and normal body cells. ③ During [Some textbooks have even shown the atmosphere as a
chemotherapy these cells are destroyed or damaged along sponge being squeezed to cause rain.]
with the cancerous cells. ④ This results in the side
effects, such as hair loss and nausea, associated with this There is a good chance that in a science class, or even
form of treatment. ⑤ on a TV weather report, you have been told that it rains
*chemotherapy 화학 요법 ** digestive tract 소화관 when air cools because cold air “holds less water” than
warm air. ① This is not true because air does not “hold”
water at all. It is not even correct to speak of air being
6-3. 글의 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 6)
saturated. ② In reality, water in the atmosphere is
constantly condensing and evaporating. ③ When the
There is a way toward understanding how technology temperature of the water vapor drops, the energy of the
evolves, but to get there we need to shift our thinking. ① molecules decreases so there is more condensation than
What we should really be looking for is not how Darwin’s evaporation and water droplets form. ④ The air itself does
mechanism should work to produce something entirely not play any part in the process besides carrying the
new in technology, but how “heredity” might work in molecules of water along with it. ⑤
technology. ② If evolution holds in technology, then all *saturate 흠뻑 적시다
technologies must descend in some way from the
technologies that preceded them. ③ Good posture helps 9-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 9)

you reduce back and neck pain. ④ In other words ,

evolution requires a mechanism of “heredity,” some Given the personal nature of content often posted on
detailed connection that links the present to the past. ⑤ social networking sites (including pictures and personal
From the outside, it is impossible to see this mechanism. accounts of whereabouts), it’s very important that you
Looked at as a black-boxed device, it is hard to say how ensure that your teen or young adult is using privacy
the laser has come into being from previous technologies. settings on these sites.

(A) In our experience, many teens and young adults need

7-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 7) some assistance from parents in setting up these privacy
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, creator of the Fahrenheit
temperature scale, discovered ➀ that salt mixed with ice (B) That means people from outside your teen or young
creates a solution with a lower freezing point than water adult’s network of friends shouldn’t be able to view his or
alone. Thus, salt causes snow and ice ➁ melted. Most her personal profile or obtain identifying information or
localities ➂ haven’t found a better way ➃ to remove ice contact information.
from roadways and sidewalks than salt. Salt is also
effective in ➄ keeping hard packs of ice from forming in (C) So be prepared to become familiar with these social
the first place. ➅ While a number of chemicals ➆ have networking sites if you’re not already. Or consider
been developed to melt ice, salt remains a much cheaper enlisting help from another supportive family member
alternative. So why don’t all localities use salt to treat icy familiar with social networking sites.
roads? Ecological problems ➇ have led some cities to ban *enlist (협조 등을) 요청해서 얻다
- 2 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

10-3. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 10) opportunities to meet one another in person, today’s
collaborative groups use a wide range of technological
The Moon has only a negligible atmosphere, with no air tools to help them communicate with one another
for humans to breathe. Its gravity is just one-sixth of regularly and efficiently, even when members are in
Earth’s, and its temperature ranges are extreme — above different locations and different time zones.
the boiling point of water in the sun, approaching
absolute zero in the shade. Everything Armstrong and [ 보기 ] group members (n ) to (e )
Aldrin did on the Moon depended on their space suits (b ) (l ) (r ) close to (o )
and their portable life-support systems — which provided (a ) or (s ) a great deal of time
the microenvironments they needed to survive. The suits (t ) if they needed to (c ) (i )
insulated them from the Moon’s extreme temperatures, (r ) (t ).
provided protection from environmental hazards and
cosmic rays, enabled them to breathe, and allowed them
to move about and do their work. The suits hosted the
equipment that allowed the astronauts to communicate
with each other, with Collins in Columbia above the
Moon, and with Mission Control back on Earth. The suits
also enabled Mission Control to monitor the bodily
functions of the astronauts so they could head off or deal
with stresses and dangers.

① 달에는 인간이 숨 쉴 공기가 없다.

② 달의 중력은 지구의 1/6밖에 되지 않고, 그것의 기온 범위는
극단적이어서 해가 비치는 곳에서는 물이 끓는 점 이상이고 그늘
에서는 절대 영도에 근접한다.
③ 우주복은 달의 극심한 기온으로부터 보호해주고, 환경상의 위험
과 우주선으로부터 보호를 해주었다. 12-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 12)

④ 우주복을 입으면 우주 비행 관제 센터와의 의사소통이 어려웠

다. A cornerstone of the scientific world view ➀ is that
⑤ 우주복은 우주 비행 관제 센터가 우주비행사들이 스트레스와 science often shows ➁ that phenomena occur ➂ because
위험을 저지하거나 처리할 수 있도록 그들의 신체 기능을 감시할 of processes that are not apparent to the nonscientist.
수 있게 해주었다. Some of these processes ➃ are invisible and involve
unseen entities, such as vapor, molecules, or atomic
charges. Scientific theories postulate ➄ that the structure
of the natural world is not what ➅ is seen by the lay
person. The Sun does not rotate around the Earth, instead
11-3. 밑줄 친 (가)를 참고하여 보기의 빈칸을 채우시오. 11) the Earth rotates around the Sun. Seemingly solid objects,
such as a table, are in fact ➆ composed mainly of empty
Before the advent of electronic and wireless space with atoms dispersed within it. Therefore scientific
communication, collaboration was actually more costly knowledge is esoteric. It reveals that the world is not how
because participants needed to spend a great deal of time lay people think it ➇ are. In this way science frequently
face-to-face, so they could share information and build on contradicts, and advances beyond, common sense. This is
one another’s ideas. The technology evolution that is still why science enables humans to predict and ➈ controling
occurring is dramatically decreasing the costs of the world more than they can without science.
collaboration. Before our current technology made *entity 실체(實體) ** postulate 가정하다
communication easy, (가) 집단 구성원들이 실시간으로 협력해 *** esoteric 소수만 이해할 수 있는

야 할 경우에 서로 비교적 가까운 곳에 위치하거나 이동하는 데 →

많은 시간을 써야 했다. Technology changed everything.
Although it’s still important for people to have →

- 3 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

Sports & Entertainment
1-3. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 14)

Example Reading-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 13)

[ There are plenty of them out there with wonderful
products and services that you and I would gladly pay for
Katherine Schreiber and Leslie Sim, experts on exercise
if only we knew about them. ]
addiction, recognized that smartwatches and fitness
trackers have probably inspired sedentary people to take
Public relations opens the door to visibility. ① Restaurants
up exercise, and encouraged people who aren’t very active
across the country are full of waiters bursting with talent
to exercise more consistently.
— real talent — singers, dancers, actors, and musicians. ②
But we’ll see few of them on the screen or stage, of
(A) Exercising becomes mindless, which is ‘the goal’ of
course, because they won’t get The Big Break — that
addiction. This ‘goal’ that she mentioned is a sort of
meeting with an industry big shot, that article or TV spot
automatic mindlessness, the outsourcing of decision
that will attract the attention of someone who can elevate
making to a device.
them to success. ③ The same goes for great companies
and other organizations. ④ But without exposure to the
(B) But they were convinced the devices were also quite
right audiences, the companies will remain unseen and,
dangerous. Schreiber explained that focusing on numbers
eventually, go under. ⑤
separate people from being in tune with their body.
*big break 결정적 기회 **TV spot 텔레비전 광고 방송

(C) She recently sustained a stress fracture in her foot

because she refused to listen to her overworked body,
instead continuing to run toward an unreasonable workout
target. Schreiber has suffered from addictive exercise
tendencies, and vows not to use wearable tech when she
works out.
*sedentary 주로 앉아서 지내는
→ →

2-3. 글의 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 15)

Entertainment is amusement. ① Its purpose is to create a

relaxing, enjoyable environment in which to temporarily
escape the stresses of daily life. ② It has taken countless
forms over the centuries, ranging from recreational
amusement such as jogging or painting to passive
entertainment like watching television or listening to
music. ③ People who have studied the behavior of ants
often compare ant colonies to factories because ants have
developed elaborate divisions of labor in their colonies. ④
Entertainment can also take the form of everyday
activities, for example, gardening or cooking. ⑤ In fact,
the list of activities that could be considered entertainment
is virtually endless and differs from person to person. The
realm of possibilities is so grand as to make it impossible
to cover the subject thoroughly in one volume.

- 4 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 16) 5-3. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 18)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음

One of the opportunities ① that sport provides is the
chance for children to acquire and ② practices adult Many great athletes keep journals, especially in golf, tennis
behaviors. An essential part of growing up ③ is accepting and bowling, but also in many team sports. Journal
responsibility for one’s own behavior and decisions. This writing is a very powerful tool for the athlete of any sport
can become a real challenge for parents ④ because once or any team. Some journal entries may be intended for
you invite your child to make decisions, you must support another reader, perhaps the coach, a captain, teammate, or
and ⑤ to live with those decisions. As your child matures, trainer. Other entries may be kept confidential, and used
you should offer suggestions and guidance about sports. as a conversation with one’s self. In either case, there are
But ultimately, within reasonable limits, you should let many benefits to journal writing. Simply focusing on the
your child ⑥ go his or her own way. All parents have journal requires in-depth thinking and raises awareness.
ambitions for their children, but they must accept the fact Through the journal, athletes can reflect on their
⑦ that they cannot dominate their children’s lives. Youth experiences and consider new perspectives. (가) 일기는 또한
sports can offer an introduction to the major parental 운동선수가 이전의 실수를 피하고 많은 다른 문제들을 처리하도록
challenge of letting go. 돕는다 , such as fear of failure or relationships with the
coach and team.

[보기] [also /the athlete /mistaken /sort out /other
→ /Journals /helped /avoiding /problems /previous /and

4-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 17)

The torch race was not part of any of the four major
festivals, but an event that took place in many
communities in ancient Greece. 6-3. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 19)

(A) During this race it sometimes proved difficult to keep When Michael Jordan first retired from professional
the torches burning. basketball, he was ① the greatest player in the world. He
was a finely tuned athlete who had practiced basketball
(B) The race was a ritual performance in honor of various for years. After he retired, he wanted to become a
gods of fire, such as Prometheus, Hephaestus, and Athena. professional baseball player, a sport that he has ②
In Athens, the race started outside the city walls and excelled at in high school. Although he learned to become
ended in the Parthenon where the winner lighted the a good fielder, he always had ③ trouble with his batting.
sacred fire of Athena. It wasn’t that he didn’t practice enough, it was just a
matter of neurology and physiology. Michael had trained
(C) As a team event, it influenced both the modern relay his brain, nerves, and muscles to perform in ④ a certain
race, where runners pass a baton rather than a torch, and way, to play basketball. When he tried to teach them to
the ceremonial carrying of the torch from Olympia to the perform a new way, they just couldn’t respond ⑤
site of the next Olympic Games. unhurriedly enough. Michael went back to playing
basketball, where his years of training paid off, and he
→ → again became the best player in the world!
*neurology 신경학 ** physiology 생리학
- 5 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 20) 9-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 22)

Nature is an ideal setting for relaxation, by ① offering The mountains rarely present a simple situation with just
places where there ② is a perception ③ that one does not one risk. A chosen solution to one problem must take
have to watch out for or ④ focuses much attention on the other problems into account.
surroundings. Nature offers opportunities ⑤ to escape
daily routine, because natural settings vary much from the (A) Yet the risk of falling and the risk of being hit by a
cultural setting of the urban environment. Whether sitting rock must both be managed. Choosing a different route
in a garden or ⑥ hiking in the mountains, both extremes would be the best option.
are a temporary step or escape outside of the known
urban culture. By supporting feelings of ‘being away,’ (B) Imagine, for example, a stretch of delicate and
nature ⑦ are a place for self-reflection. That said, natural exposed climbing that crosses an area also exposed to
settings can be places for intense concentration and the rockfall. Belaying protects a potential fall but slows the
development and application of considerable skills in climb, increasing the amount of time spent in the rockfall
activities such as observing animal behavior (e.g. bird zone.
watching), fishing, and ⑧ hunting.
(C) If this is not possible, the risks may be managed by
→ climbing quickly, by placing only minimal or time-efficient
protection, and by seeking safe positions for pauses.
→ *belay 밧줄을 감아 매다

→ →

8-3. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 21)

10-3. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 23)

[ Yet even though all of these people exist as stereotypes,

they are simply not an accurate portrayal of the player. ] The ① distinctive effect that digital games have may be
due to their immersive character: players actively control
① Online gaming is a gateway to a hugely diverse and identify with playable characters, and their actions
community. ② Millions of people log onto their given typically shape situations within the game experience.
world every day, and a vast amount of these people also Whether or not experiences of agency within digital games
engage in social interactions that deliberately surround or transfer out into real-world contexts, at the very least such
have been created for each game. ③ The media generalize agency ② resembles the experience of game playing from
about the players of these games and still cannot resist film or television viewing. Beyond role playing and
the unfavorable nicknames — the young, obsessive player perspective taking, digital games offer players a dynamic
of World of Warcraft; the 5-minute housewife or office ③ engagement with content through cycles of effort,
worker player who loves Diner Dash; and the slightly attention, and feedback. ④ Unlike traditional forms of
overenthusiastic couple who met through a guild in other media, which do not respond to players’ journeys or
EverQuest. ④ Nor is the often repeated definition of the to their readings and interpretations, digital games are
‘average gamer’ as 35, lower middle class, white and of particularly ⑤ compelling environments in which players
either gender particularly useful, since it is so bland as to explore and act based on at least a partial understanding
be virtually meaningless. ⑤ of a system’s relational dynamics.
*bland 단조로운, 특징 없는 *immersive 몰입감을 주는

- 6 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

11-3. 밑줄 친 (가)를 참고하여 보기를 완성하시오. 24) 12-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 25)

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the act of Through sport, participants can socialize with others, ①
shopping has increasingly involved much more than simply contributing to common team goals, gain mastery in a
the purchasing of goods and services. From its modern variety of sport skills, and improve health and well-being.
manifestation in the arcades and the department store to One of the most exceptional, but less recognized
the overwhelming atmosphere of the mall, (가) 쇼핑이라는 contributions to society by the sport world ② have been
개념은 영화 보러 가기, 외식하기 혹은 단순히 공원에서 산책하기 the integration of groups ③ that historically have been
만큼이나 인기 있는 여가와 오락의 활동이 되었다. Shopping excluded, in particular ethnic minorities and women. The
has only increased as a viable entertainment activity in acceptance and inclusion of individuals from these groups
the preceding three decades. An array of organizations and as athletes ④ was an exhausting process and although the
institutions, designers and retailers, manufacturers and first formal sport opportunities were through separate
marketers have made contributions to this new form of sport leagues, the fact remains ⑤ that the sport world has
activity. Lizabeth Cohen writes that in this new sphere of been a leading force for inclusion. Moreover, sport ⑥ has
commerce, the shopping center, consuming and leisure allowed people of color and women to take part in a
became “inseparably intertwined.” According to a special common life experience and ⑦ compete as equals
issue of Consumer Reports, more than a third of those alongside all other athletes. In keeping with this ‘tradition’
surveyed said that they considered shopping their hobby. of sport as a vehicle for inclusion, in recent years there
*viable 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는 has been a surge in sport opportunities for another group
on the margin of society, people with disabilities.
[ 보기 ] *margin 주변부, 가장자리
the n of shopping h c t →
b an activity of l and e

t is as popular as going to a movie,
h d o , or simply strolling in a park

- 7 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회


Art & Culture 1-3. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. 27)

Example Reading-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 26)

Everyone has been to a museum of some sort: natural
history, science, fine art, tourist traps, or halls of fame.
Painters have in principle an infinite range of colours at
(나) The museum, which get its name from the Greek
their disposal, especially in modern times with the
word mouseion, meant “seat of the Muses,” originate as a
chromatic explosion of synthetic chemistry.
place to discuss philosophy, mathematics, science, and
politics. European museums of the 17th century developed
(A) And yet painters don’t use all the colours at once, and
into fancy houses devoted to collecting and categorizing
indeed many have used a remarkably restrictive selection.
noblemen’s scientific curiosities, from fossilized teeth and
Mondrian limited himself mostly to the three primaries
bones to cultural oddities collected during the exploration
red, yellow and blue to fill his black-ruled grids, and
of the Age of Enlightenment. Twenty-first century
Kasimir Malevich worked with similar self-imposed
museums stem from these earlier methods of collecting,
preserving, interpreting, and displaying objects. Some cover
an encyclopedic range while others became highly
(B) It’s impossible to generalize, but both in antiquity and
modernity it seems likely that the limited palette aided
*tourist traps (관광객에게 바가지 씌우는) 명승지
clarity and comprehensibility, and helped to focus
attention on the components that mattered: shape and
[ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 것 ]

(C) For Yves Klein, one colour was enough; Franz Kline’s
art was typically black on white. There was nothing new
in this: the Greeks and Romans tended to use just red,
yellow, black and white. Why?

→ →
2-3. 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오.28)

According to Native American belief systems, music is

intimately connected to everyday life and, especially, to the
spiritual lives of Native peoples. ① Sacred music is an
essential part of ceremonies and other important
traditional activities. ② Social music is performed for
personal enjoyment, at social events such as community or
family celebrations, or as accompaniment to social dances.
The idea of music for art’s sake is not part of traditional
Native thinking. ③ You may think that they shouldn’t
have had their own monetary system because they were
not modernized. ④ Although singing is sometimes used as
a form of artistic expression, there was no such thing
historically as attending a concert of Native American
music. Indeed , in most Native languages no words mean
music in the sense that we know the word today. ⑤
Instead, music and singing are linked to their many
functions in Native cultures.

- 8 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 29) 5-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 31)

Art calls to us to stop, to pause and step out of our own As immigrants take on American culture and customs,
personal dramas, and experience someone else’s life — they frequently _______________. Some immigrants
vicariously. who are learning English attempt to abandon their native
language in the hope of learning English more quickly.
(A) According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word vicarious When the native language is abandoned by first-generation
means “experienced in the imagination through the immigrants, second-generation immigrants often never
feelings or actions of another person.” Art takes us learn their parents’native language and lose a part of their
through the ups and downs on someone else’s journey and ethnic identity, adding to the potential for mental health
invites us to feel the empathy that is so vital to good issues. Moreover, immigrants who are discouraged from
comforting. speaking their native language may experience a sense
that their native language or culture is inferior. This is a
(B) When we allow ourselves to be moved by art, we are potential problem given that their identity is already under
opening ourselves to being inspired and nurtured by a assault by the stresses they face in adapting to American
greater sense of humanity. society. In addition, they may find themselves ostracized
from their ethnic group, as fellow immigrants sometimes
(C) Well-told stories — be they told in a book, a movie, view abandoning one’s native culture as an insult.
or a beautifully drawn landscape as seen through the eyes
of the artist — teach us how to walk in someone else’s ① are distracted by eye movement
shoes, to identify with someone else’s challenges. ② control the quality of information
*vicariously 대신하여, 대리로(서) ③ shed their own
④ are accomplished by better wages
→ → ⑤ remain a low priority in many factories

6-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 32)

Vsevolod Pudovkin was one of the greatest film directors

4-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 30)
of the Golden Age of Soviet cinema in the 1920s. He was
no stranger to the trials and the adversities of history —
In fashion you will always be ① working with other he was called up, wounded and taken prisoner during the
people and will need other people ② helped you realize First World War before being drawn to the cinema. He
your ideas. If you are a photographer you need to know started working in Kuleshov’s workshop in Moscow in
good stylists, hair and make-up people, and models. A 1920. He developed theories on the art of silent films, and
buyer needs ③ to maintain good relationships with his ideas on editing, close-ups and slow motion, which he
suppliers and trend-information companies. Designers need put into practice in several films, made him one of the
a really wide network of people ④ who can help them ⑤ undisputed pioneers of silent films. In the 1930s,
to realize their ideas, from pattern cutters and fabric subjected first to the new demands of sound films and
suppliers to trendsetters and journalists. Everyone in then to the strict instructions of “______________,” he
fashion should have a good address book. In order to gradually became an official film-maker, and his later
network you also need to consider your personal brand. works are all too often mere illustrations of the regime’s
Fashion is about appearances and ⑥ selling your ideas so propaganda
you need to have a good public interface; whether this is
your business card or your blog, it needs ⑦ reflecting ① propriety
your style and professional persona. ② ultrasound
③ social realism
→ ④ transition
⑤ ingenuity

- 9 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 33) 9-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은
곳을 고르시오. 35)

For all the immensity of the Greek theater, the focus of

vision is clear. Every line of sight ① lead to the circular ▶ When English speakers are asked to do this, they
orchestra with the altar in the center. From their height nearly always point horizontally.
on the hillside, all spectators ② had an unobstructed view
of the area of action, but at the same time, ③ few English speakers tend to talk about time using horizontal
spectators were close enough to see such things as facial spatial metaphors (e.g. “The best is ahead of us,” “The
expressions. As a consequence, the size and focus ④ worst is behind us”), whereas Mandarin speakers have a
encouraged masks to typify the kind of characters involved vertical metaphor for time (e.g. the next month is the
and the emotions they experienced. A further consequence “down month” and the last month is the “up month”).
was that, acoustically, the actors ⑤ needed considerable (가) Mandarin speakers talk about time vertically more
“projection” to cast their voices to the back rows. Masks often than English speakers do, so do Mandarin speakers
usually had large, somewhat circular mouth openings ⑥ to think about time vertically more often than English
magnify the sound of the actors’ voices. The structure of speakers do? (나) Imagine this simple experiment. (다) I
the best amphitheaters ⑦ permit the voice from within stand next to you, point to a spot in space directly in
the circle to reach astonishing distances, even with fairly front of you, and tell you, “This spot, here, is today.
normal volume. Where would you put yesterday? (라)And where would you
put tomorrow?” (마) But Mandarin speakers often point
vertically, about seven or eight times more often than do
English speakers.

10-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어를 고르시오. 36)

8-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 34)

Cultures that favor individualism and success-seeking With sculptures and other works of art that are on public
behavior reward individuals who have high energetic display, it is generally OK to include these in a
charges. This kind of culture reinforces body phenomena photograph, but if the image is principally of a
such as holding one’s head high, keeping one’s chin up, copyrighted sculpture, then the photographer may run into
and having a hard, prominent chest. These bodily copyright issues with the sculptor. Also, with works of art
behaviors require maintaining a relatively high energy that are on someone’s private property, you definitely need
level. Other cultures are more collective and support ____________ to use a photograph of them, even if the
group-oriented behavior that would disapprove of an sculpture or other artwork can be seen from the street.
individual striving for personal prominence or being Inside buildings the rules are different. What may be a
nonconforming. Such cultures often have a saying like public space on the outside isn’t inside. For example, you
“The head that sticks up gets chopped off.” In this case, can photograph the exterior of St Paul’s Cathedral in
the head up, chin up, chest forward body is less likely to London from almost any angle you like, but you won’t be
be found. In effect, culture normalizes ____________, allowed to take photographs inside. The same applies to
making those behaviors seem invisible, meaning people most museums and art galleries. Ultimately, if you can’t
take them for granted to the extent that they are not provide the necessary paperwork, your images will be
consciously noticed as long as they conform to the norm. rejected or withdrawn.

① circumstances ① therapy
② body behaviors ② procedure
③ mental maturity ③ institute
④ response ④ permission
⑤ condition ⑤ representative

- 10 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

11-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞
은 곳을 고르시오. 37)

▶ The best way to tap into a last reserve of energy and

get to the final curtain is to use your mind to encourage,
cajole, and persuade your body to keep going in the face
of fatigue.

(가) Experienced dancers will tell you that once you have
rehearsed and practiced enough, a dance performance is
less a physical challenge than a mental one. (나) Later in
the performance, when your body starts to break down,
you may struggle to remain positive and motivated. (다)
You can say, for example, “Keep at it. This is what I’ve
worked so hard for. I will not give up.” Or you might say,
“I have rehearsed this many times and was able to keep
up. (라) I can certainly do it now.” When you use your
mind to make such a statement, your body listens, and
you can dance your best until the curtain falls. (마)

12-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 38)

One cannot study Ancient Egyptian painting without

feeling sorry for the painters; for in all the enormous
amount of work done by them no one man was
recognized — no one is now ____________. We know
some of the names of great Egyptian architects which are
written in the historical rolls; but no painter’s name has
been thus preserved. The fact that no greater progress was
made is proof of the discouraging influences that must
have been around these artists, for it is not possible that
none of them had imagination or originality: there must
have been some whose souls were filled with poetic
visions. But of what use could imagination be to artists
who were governed by the laws of a narrow priesthood,
and restricted by a superstitious religion which even laid
down rules for art? For these reasons we know something
of Egyptian art and nothing of Egyptian painters.

① remembered
② conducted
③ suggested
④ yielded
⑤ proceeded

- 11 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

History & Education
1-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 40)

EXAMPLE READING-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이

Three-quarters of the babies in the world learn more than
들어가기에 가장 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 39)
one language. Some learn four or five at the same time.
That amazes people who are used to living in a
▶ They are fostering uniformity and obedience.
community where only one language is spoken, but it’s all
perfectly __________. We have to think of it from the
Children sometimes see and say things to please adults;
baby’s point of view. All they know is that people are
teachers must realize this and the power it implies. (가)
talking to them. They have no idea that the words belong
Teachers who prefer that children see beauty as they
to different languages. They won’t realize that until they’re
themselves do are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics in
older. If mummy speaks one way and daddy speaks
children. (나) Only children who choose and evaluate for
another and the lady in the shop speaks in a third way,
themselves can truly develop their own aesthetic taste. (다)
so what? They’re only words, after all. Babies pick it all
Just as becoming literate is a basic goal of education, one
up naturally, like breathing.
of the key goals of all creative early childhood programs is
to help young children develop the ability to speak freely
① impressive
about their own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art.
② magnificent
(라) Each child has a right to a personal choice of beauty,
③ spectacular
joy, and wonder. Aesthetic development takes place in
④ extraordinary
secure settings free of competition and adult judgment.
⑤ normal

2-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은

곳을 고르시오. 41)

▶ But the most effective way to learn is to teach

someone else what you know.

There is an old Chinese proverb which says: ‘To teach is

to learn twice’. (가) It is well known that various types of
teaching have various levels of effectiveness from passively
listening to actively doing. (나) If you can set up in your
classroom frequent opportunities for the students to teach
each other, then it accelerates what they learn. (다) By
making the nature of the work interesting and dynamic, it
automatically improves behaviour management. (라) By
giving students teaching opportunities it helps them to
usefully channel their excess energy and it also helps with
confidence building. (마)

- 12 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 42) 5-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 44)

Since hair had _____________ connotations in many Howard Zinn noted that historians are far from objective
ancient cultures, people who worked with hair were when they write about historical events. Presented with an
trusted and important members of their communities. In infinite amount of information, historians choose what to
Africa, where a person’s spirit was believed to reside in report, emphasize, and interpret about the past. The
his or her hair, hairdressers were held in high esteem. information historians leave out of books may be just as
People with a talent for hairdressing were encouraged to important as what they include. In fact, the choice to
develop their skills so that they could serve others this exclude information may create stereotypes, myths, and
way. Hairdressers developed close relationships with people cultural biases, or strengthen stereotypes that are already
as they spent hours washing, combing, oiling, styling, and common. Historians often _________ historical
ornamenting their hair. Male hairdressers served men, information that supports their own values and beliefs or
while women worked only with women. Before a master that supports the beliefs that are dominant in their
hairdresser died, he or she would give his or her combs societies.
and other tools to a chosen successor during a special
ceremony. ① estimate
② proceed
① temporal ③ emphasize
② spiritual ④ progress
③ reckless ⑤ promote
④ prudent
⑤ deliberate

4-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은

곳을 고르시오. 43) 6-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은
곳을 고르시오. 45)

▶ Although known today as Pocahontas, meaning

“mischievous one,” her given name was Amonute. ▶ New materials, cutting, and sewing techniques
transformed tailoring.
(가) “Pocahontas” was actually a nickname, one of four
names that the famous Indian girl had throughout her Painting, architecture, and sculpture often dominate our
life. (나) Yet she also kept the secret spiritual name sense of the Renaissance. (가) Yet this cultural movement
Matoaka, and when baptized and married she took the became visible to many through a new world of fashion
name Rebecca. (다) She was never able to tell her own fueled by a passion for innovative ideas in dialogue with
story, but Pocahontas’s legend endures four hundred years classical traditions. (나) In daily life, dress possessed
later and grows stronger with each new generation. (라) immediate visual appeal and increasingly offered choice.
As an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl in the early 1600s, Clothes were immensely colorful, which made them
and one of the many children of the ruling chief attractive to look at. (다) Clever merchants created wider
Powhatan of present-day Virginia, Pocahontas lived during markets for innovations and chic accessories. (라) Art
a time of great change for her people — a time of war depicted humans on an unprecedented scale, paying
and struggle with the English colonists of the Jamestown tribute to real world experiences. Mirrors led more people
settlement. (마) to try to imagine what they looked like. (마)

- 13 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3 다음 중 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오46) 9-3 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오48)

No matter how it is ① presented, designed and When children get upset, they cannot be reached by ①
implemented, technology does play an ever-increasing and reasoning. When angry, they respond only to emotional
necessary role in higher education. Nevertheless, every balm. Two young siblings were playing in the basement.
university teacher faces at ② most four common areas of Suddenly a noise of destruction, ② following by shouting
academic concern: preparing and organizing courses; and accusation, was heard. Red with anger, Billy, age six,
teaching and providing assignments; assessing student ran up the stairs and ③ exclaimed, “Betsy knocked over
learning; and ③ evaluating the effectiveness of teaching. my fort.” His mother sympathized: “Oh, that must ④ have
In the present day, in all areas of the curriculum, teachers made you very angry.” “It sure did.” He turned around
must teach an information-based inquiry process to meet and went back to play. This was the first time Billy’s
the demands of the technology age. Meeting this challenge mother managed not to get ⑤ involves in her children’s
will be ④ impossible unless educators are willing to join daily quarrels. By not ⑥ asking the fatal question “Who
the revolution and embrace the new technology tools started it?” she avoided her son’s usual recital of
available. Higher education in general and faculty grievances and requests for revenge. By mirroring his
members in particular must be the leaders in the inner mood, she avoided the disagreeable role of ⑦
integration of technology in ⑤ diverse learning becoming judge, prosecutor, and law enforcer to her
environments. children.
*balm 연고, 위안 ** grievance 불평, 불만

8-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오47)

In the middle of the seventeenth century Holland, with

the most powerful fleet in the world, was able to fully
develop a colonial system and reach the pinnacle of her
might. Soon her main rival, the rapidly-developing
England, possessed economic superiority over Holland. The
struggle between these countries reached its climax in the
wars known as the Anglo-Dutch wars. The arena of the
main __________ was the North Sea. After several sea
battles won by the English, Holland was forced to concede
defeat. She then became a second-rate colonial power. In
fact, her fate was sealed by the victory of the industrial
capital of England over the commercial capital of Holland,
the military expression of which was the superiority of the
English fleet.
*pinnacle 정점, 절정 ** concede 인정하다

① engagements
② obstacle
③ betrayal
④ contemplate
⑤ rationalization

- 14 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

10-3 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오49) was ⑥ teaching a person who never skied before. That’s
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] because your muscles have learned a certain way of skiing
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] that you now ⑦ had to unlearn in order to pick up the
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
correct form. So the next time you’re learning something
수 있음]
new, make sure you do it the correct way the first time
around. ⑧ That way you don’t have to learn it twice.
The importance of Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492
cannot be exaggerated. It established a permanent link
between two entire ecosystems that had evolved in
isolation from each another for almost 10,000 years. The
initial impact on the inhabitants of the Americas was
catastrophic. Eurasian diseases and the infamous brutality
of the Spanish conquistadors slaughtered the population. A
remarkably small number of European invaders conquered
the most sophisticated American states with startling ease,
laying potentially the entire New World open to European
exploitation and colonization. However, (A) 유럽 선원들의
아시아 도착은 그와 동일하게 큰 영향을 주지는 않았다. Powerful
countries, including India, Imperial China, the Mughal
Empire, and the Japanese shogunate at first merely
tolerated the Europeans as traders, allowing them to
control only a few islands or enclaves along the coast, as
long as they did not interfere or become too troublesome.
*conquistador 정복자 **shogunate 막부 (시대) ***enclave
소수 민족 거주지
12-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오51)

보기: [dramatic / European / Asia / not / arrival / the /

Rites of passage are not a rational activity. They are
impact / of / sailors / same / have / in / do]
designed to bring physical and emotional energy to a
climax, bonding a group. They produce an “experience,”
not an “ah-ha!” Corporations have produced ropes course
events to provide a physical challenge. Some groups have
also included an emotional challenge of revealing deep
fears and significant life-changing events. The key here is
that all candidates are on trial and are made to believe
their ordeal together is really tough. Whatever the
“ordeal,” it should make good story-telling material. The
physical events produce courage as a by-product and an
11-3 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오50) abiding sense that as a team anything can be
accomplished. The emotional events remind participants of
Think of how you hold a pencil. Maybe your teacher was ____________, honesty, and the feeling of belonging to
very strict with all her students, and you ① could only a family. The combined result can be an organization
hold the pencil one way or you’d ② get in trouble. That unafraid to face new challenges together and able to
pencil-holding technique was likely ③ ingrained, and you’d communicate honestly about things that are not working.
find it uncomfortable to hold a pencil any other way. Or
maybe you like skiing and ④ deciding to take some ① hatred
lessons — despite having skied already for a number of ② sympathy
years. You may be surprised to ⑤ discover that your ③ affection
posture and form aren’t good. Your instructor will have to ④ prejudice
work harder to get you to change your form than if she ⑤ disgust

- 15 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

Environment & Health
1-3 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오53)

EXAMPLE READING-3 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오52)

① Most Americans get more than enough protein. The
daily dietary requirement for an adult is 0.8 grams of
In the 1930s the work of Sigmund Freud, the ‘father of
protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. That ②
psychoanalysis’, began to be widely known and
equate to about 64 grams a day of protein for a
175-pound man and 47 grams a day for a 130-pound
woman. Roughly, you can ③ taken your weight in pounds
(A) Freud noted that if the dog sat near the patient, the
and divide ④ that number in half, and that would ⑤ be
patient found it easier to relax, but if Jofi sat on the
the number of grams of protein ⑥ required in your diet.
other side of the room, the patient seemed more tense
That’s really not very much protein, and many Americans
and distressed. He was surprised to realize that Jofi
get double this amount. For example, a one-pound steak,
seemed to sense this too. The dog’s presence was an
not unusual in restaurants, ⑦ supplies 100 grams of
especially calming influence on child and teenage patients.
protein all by itself.
*dietary requirement 권장 섭취량 ** equate to ~와 같다
(B) The dog sat in on the doctor’s therapy sessions and
Freud discovered that his patients felt much more
comfortable talking about their problems if the dog was
there. Some of them even preferred to talk to Jofi, rather
than the doctor!

(C) Less well known at the time was the fact that Freud
had found out, almost by accident, how helpful his pet
dog Jofi was to his patients. He had only become a dog
lover in later life when Jofi was given to him by his
daughter Anna.
2-3 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오54)

(A) Before that he was a hard worker and remained

healthy, but now as he had left his hard work routine, he
became ill and suffered a heart attack. Mr. A fell victim
to illness not because of hard work but due to a lack of

(B) Excessive stress at work may produce a number of

diseases like heart attacks, high blood pressure, mental
stress, etc. Does it mean that we should avoid hard work
because it is stressful? The answer is a big ‘No.’

(C) On the contrary, people who do not work hard are

lazy and catch more diseases. Take the example of Mr. A.
He was a busy executive and worked hard to achieve his
goals, but sometime after reaching the top, he became
rather lazy, took things easy and stopped taking care of
his diet and work routine.

- 16 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오55) 5-3 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오57)

Water is a necessary resource to sustain life on this Unlike with asteroids, there’s no $2-to-3-billion, ten-year
planet. We are blessed to have 70% of our planet covered NASA program to ① avoid the impact of storms and
with this resource. However, at the same time, we are not other extreme climatic events like floods and droughts.
so fortunate because only 3% of this is ________ as Nor ② are there a quick fix for less dramatic events like
fresh water for human activity, in the household, the ever faster ③ rising seas. As a first line of defense,
agriculture, and industry. In the process industries, we use higher seawalls ④ would surely help. But they can go only
water, for washing operations, for steam generation, and so far for so long. Higher seas make storm waves more
for other process uses. This results in large quantities of powerful, and higher seas ⑤ themselves come with plenty
wastewater, which is also contaminated and therefore of costs of their own. Imagine standing in the harbor of
difficult to dispose of without causing environmental your favorite coastal city. Then imagine standing there at
damage. Thus, it is necessary to look at ways to both the end of the century with sea levels ⑥ had risen by 1
reduce consumption of fresh water and minimize discharge meter. It will only be a matter of time before higher
— with the ultimate aim of zero discharge — while seawalls won’t do, when the only option will ⑦ be moving
minimizing the capital and operating costs of doing so. back.
*asteroid 소행성
① enhanced
② comparable
③ available
④ vulnerable
⑤ entitled

6-3 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오58)

4-3 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 Box turtles are fairly small, having an adult maximum
곳을 고르시오56) length of 10–18 cm.

> Recent estimates are that today’s child views between (A) Their range is restricted to North America, with the
20,000 and 40,000 television commercials each year. Eastern species located over most of the eastern United
States and the Western species located in the Central and
Critics cite as problematic the volume of advertisements Southwestern United States and into Mexico.
children view on a daily basis, especially television
commercials. (가) According to Kunkel and Gantz’s 1992 (B) They typically inhabit sandy soil, but are sometimes
paper, food products make up roughly half the ads viewed found in springs or ponds during hot weather. During the
by adolescents. (나) Sugary cereals are the most frequently winter, they hibernate in the soil below the frost line,
advertised product on television; other food products often often as deep as 60 cm. They feed on insects,
marketed during youth television programming include earthworms, slugs, fruits, berries, leaves, and mushrooms.
candy, snacks, cookies and sodas. (다) In contrast, very
few commercials promote healthy food options such as (C) Both species are highly variable in coloration and
fruits and vegetables. (라) In summary, snack, convenience, pattern, ranging from a uniform tan to dark brown or
and fast foods dominate advertising to children, especially black, with yellow spots or streaks. They prefer a dry
during the television programs children watch the most. habitat such as woodlands or prairies.
(마) *slug 민달팽이

- 17 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오59) 9-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 61)

Warming winter temperatures, particularly in northern ▶ prisoners receiving placebos showed no change in
coastal areas, could ① be a boon for marine baseline behaviors, while prisoners receiving nutrients
transportation. ② Fewer days below freezing would reduce improved markedly.
problems with ice accumulation on vessels and docks, the
occurrence of dangerous ice fog, and the ③ likelihood of In 2002, a landmark study was published in the British
ice jams in ports. The striking thinning and overall Journal of Psychiatry by Bernard Gesch. ① “The Young
downward trend in the extent of Arctic sea ice ④ are Prisoners Study” reported that offenders were often
regarded as a major opportunity for shippers. In the short inclined to choose foods lacking in essential nutrients
term, ⑤ continue reduction in Arctic sea ice should result which could influence their behaviors. Therefore, he
in more ice-free ports, improved access to both ports and conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the
natural resources in remote areas, and longer shipping effect of dietary supplementation with physiologically
seasons. In the longer term, shippers are ⑥ looked adequate am ounts of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.
forward to new Arctic shipping routes ⑦ that could ② He divided a population of 231 prisoners ages of 18
provide significant cost savings in shipping times and and 21 years into two groups, one receiving placebos and
distances. one receiving a selection of vitamins, minerals, and fatty
*boon 호재, 이익 acids (here referred to as “nutrients”) for 4 months. ③
Investigators then tracked offenses among the inmates. At
the conclusion of the study, ④ Among those receiving
nutrients, there were 26% fewer violations overall, with
8-3 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오60) serious breaches of conduct, including violence, reduced by
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음] 37%. ⑤
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] *breach 문란, 파괴
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]

10-3. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 62)

(A) 농업의 발달은 인구의 성장을 가능하게 했는데; fields for
crops and animals were able to produce much larger
One of the first issues raised when it comes to eliminating
yields per hectare than could be found through gathering
unhealthy fast food is whether it is necessary to
and hunting. An increasing population required the
completely remove it from the diet.
clearing of more land for agriculture. For millennia, the
solution was to burn forests and to turn them into fields.
(A) Many people have turned down my vice-busting
Thus, much of Europe’s temperate forest was already
approach to weight management because they don’t think
destroyed by medieval times. However, the magnitude of
they need to completely give up the foods they like. While
agriculture before the year 1700 was so small that the
I’m not saying you can’t enjoy food, the problem is that
carbon cycle did not clearly respond to this increasing
you may have been enjoying it too much at the expense
destruction of forests. After the late 1700s, as a result of
of healthy eating.
the Industrial Revolution, a slowly increasing trend in
atmospheric   concentration can be seen. And since
(B) So let me remind you of what I’ve always said about
that time, industrialization has been intense and almost this so-called eating in moderation. It is very, very
always based on energy released from fossil fuels. difficult to have just one bite of the food you love without
slipping back to old habits and addictions.
보기: [human / development / population / enable / of /
growth / agriculture / the] (C) You need to eat to fuel your body and its functions,
and while eating is pleasurable, I can’t tell you that it’s
okay to have some of this or that food vice. If you allow
yourself some, you’ll probably want more!
*vice-busting 나쁜 버릇을 깨는

- 18 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

11-3. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 63) 12-3. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 두 개를 찾아 고치
* 관계대명사절을 삽입구로 사용할 것. 시오. 64)

* 최상급을 사용할 것.
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
The Akimel O’odham and Tohono O’odham (the peoples
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
① that European settlers called Pima and Papago) of
Arizona were virtually free from diabetes until two
Numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of
generations ago. ② Before the twentieth century, they ③
volunteering, which include lowered blood pressure,
lived on desert foods such ④ as mesquite meal, wild
increased self-esteem, lessened feelings of social isolation,
greens, and cactus buds and fruits and on traditional
a strengthened immune system, and reduced stress. Even
crops: maize, locally grown wheat, beans, squash, and
a relatively small time commitment can make a difference,
chiles. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
according to a study that identified the health benefits to
they lost most of ⑤ their land and almost all the water
senior citizens of less than one hour of volunteering per
needed to irrigate what land they kept. After World War
week. Volunteering is beneficial to everyone, but most
II, they were progressively incorporated into the wider
especially to those who are out of the workplace, such as
society of Arizona. This led to the expected lifestyle and
retirees, the unemployed, and stay-at-home parents or
dietary changes. Alcoholism, previously very rare, became
spouses. (A) 쉽게 고립될 수 있는, 이 사람들은 봉사 활동을 통
more common. Sugar and white flour replaced traditional
해 얻는 사회적 관계로 인해 가장 커다란 혜택을 거둘 수 있을 것
foods. Today most adults suffer from diabetes, and life
이다. What’s more, taking on an authority role may add
expectancy is ⑥ falling as the disease extracts ⑦ it
esteem-boosting professionalism, mastery, and competence
dreadful toll in heart and kidney failure and in necrosis.
to one’s sense of self.
*mesquite 메스키트(남미산 콩과 식물) ** necrosis(생체 내 조직·세포의)
괴사(壞死 )
보기 [ who /can /these /people /become /easily /isolate
/reap /the /large /may /benefit /social /because of /gain
/through /volunteer /connection]

- 19 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

Social Science
1-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 66)

Example Reading-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시

Like the subjects it studies, sociology is itself a
오. 65)
____________. Sociology first emerged in western
Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In
▶ This apparent limitation is precisely what helps
this period, the political and economic systems of Europe
consumers make it a treat.
were rapidly changing. Monarchy, the rule of society by
kings and queens, was disappearing in western Europe.
Car-sharing is now a familiar concept, but creative
These changes generated new ways of thinking. Religion as
companies are making it possible for their clients to share
the system of authority and law was giving way to
ownership and access to just about everything, such as
scientific authority. At the same time, capitalism grew.
villas, handbags and even diamond necklaces. ① According
Along with its growth, contact between different societies
to a Portuguese saying, “You should never have a yacht;
increased, and worldwide economic markets developed.
you should have a friend with a yacht.” ② By joining a
The traditional ways of the past were giving way to a new
yacht sharing service, members can live the Portuguese
social order. The time was ripe for a new understanding.
dream by sharing a yacht with up to seven other people.
③ In describing the service, a recent newspaper article
① historical evidence
warned consumers that sharing the yacht means “there is
② historical value
no guarantee you will always be able to use it when you
③ historical material
want.” ④ Limiting your access to everything from
④ social foundation
sandwiches to luxury cars helps to reset your cheerometer.
⑤ social product
⑤ That is, knowing you can’t have access to something all
the time may help you appreciate it more when you do.

2-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 67)

▶ This version inspires and unifies diverse and divided

citizens, encouraging patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice for
the national cause.

Collective memory is central to understanding how

identities are formed in society. ① Socializing into a group
means adopting not only shared norms, but also learning
a group’s historical memory. ② Whereas small-scale
groups often transmit historical memory orally, large-scale
groups such as nations rely on written texts to create, in
Benedict Anderson’s term, “imagined communities.” ③ In
speeches, monuments, ceremonies, and holidays, national
elites invoke a heroic version of the nation’s past. ④
Collective memory is therefore inherently political, as
dominant groups in society struggle over how collective
memory is produced and represented in official records
and in public spaces. ⑤

- 20 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3. 어법상 올바르지 않은 두 개를 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 68) 5-3. [서답/서술형] 보기를 참고하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 70)

* to 부정사를 사용할 것.
Half of the world’s people ① who now live in cities * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 사용할 것.

experience the most artificial environment ever created by

Go to a public square during a big protest or concert and
humans. Large areas of countryside ② have been
you’ll see something apparently very different, yet
destroyed by the spread of houses, roads, and shopping
conceptually quite similar. If you watch closely, you’ll see
centers across ③ where were once fields and woodland. In
that how people move through a densely packed square
the 1990s alone, over 800,000 hectares of European land
really has less to do with individual inclinations than with
④ built on. Cities also depend on very high energy use in
patterns. As individuals try to avoid collisions with each
building and sustaining them and in moving millions of
other, as one person follows another, who in turn follows
people to and from work every day. Cities have many
someone else, (A) 그들은 자동으로 응집성 있는 이동의 흐름을
benefits — they are usually centers of cultural activity and
형성하기 시작한다. A person has good reason to move
have a much wider range of facilities than rural areas.
within these streams, as moving in other directions is a
However, in general the flood of people into cities
lot more difficult. Because of this advantage, any stream
destroyed existing social bonds. Cities, as Henry David
soon attracts more people to join it, making it bigger and
Thoreau wrote, ⑤ tend to be places characterized by
still more attractive to others. The pattern constrains
‘millions of people ⑥ being lonely together.’
people’s choices, making them more likely to act in a way
that reinforces the pattern, boosting its energy and

보기 [ begin /coherent /they /automatically /form /stream

/movement /of]

4-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 69)

Consider a political map of the world: its most striking

feature is the division of the entire earth’s surface into
over 190 neatly defined territorial units, namely states. To
a student of politics in the Middle Ages, such a
representation of the world, which gave primacy to
borders and boundaries, would make little sense. 6-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 71)
Historically, borders are a relatively recent invention, as is
the idea that states are completely independent, ▶ One of the lessons we learn in life is that certain
self-governing, territorially defined political communities or actions, even thoughts, are not permissible in the real
organizations. Although today a convenient fiction, this world.
presumption remains central to traditional state-centric
conceptions of world politics as the pursuit of power and There is one key difference between dream thoughts and
interests between independent states. Globalization, our thinking while awake. ① For example, we learn that
however, calls this state-centric conception of world we cannot immediately fulfill our desires. ② There are
politics into question. __________ globalization seriously rules against grabbing the money in the cash register at a
therefore requires a conceptual shift in the way we think store, and constraints on interacting with a person to
about world politics. whom we may be physically attracted. ③ We also learn
*presumption 가정, 추정 that certain thoughts are not permissible because they are
culturally forbidden. ④ As we learn professional skills, we
① Taking learn the ways of thinking that are recognized and
② Criticizing rewarded in our professions, and thereby avoid patterns of
③ Despising thought that might betray the methods and norms of that
④ Studying profession. ⑤ Many of these taboos are worthwhile, as
⑤ Experienced they enforce social order and consolidate progress.

- 21 -
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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 72) 9-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 74)

An efficient system of ___________ is an important part In a study, participants viewed photographs of a library
of any modern society. The market failed to provide reading room or a train station interior after learning they
adequate insurance, for instance, for unemployment or would have to visit the setting afterward (Aarts &
disability. So the government stepped in. But people Dijksterhuis, 2003). Other participants viewed the library
receiving those benefits typically paid for them, either without the goal of going there. Presumably, when the
directly or indirectly, through contributions they or their goal of going to a social environment is active, the
employer made on their behalf to these insurance funds. ____________ norms are activated to cue conformity.
Aside from a person’s right to draw benefits from And, indeed, only those people primed with the goal to
programs they helped fund, social protection can make for visit the library did more rapidly recognize words related
a more productive society. Individuals can take on more to silence (silent, quiet, still, whisper) than unrelated
high-return, high-risk activities if they know there is a control words. In a subsequent study, participants primed
safety net that will protect them if things don’t work out. in the same way also spoke more softly, even on an
It’s one of the reasons that some economies with better unrelated task. Parallel effects occurred for participants
social protection have been growing much more rapidly primed with the goal of visiting an exclusive restaurant
than that of the United States, even during the recent and behaving in a well-mannered way. Primed participants
recession. ate crackers during unrelated experimental tasks and
actually tidied up more often if they had been primed.
① trade union *prime 언질을 주다, 미리 알려 주다
② industrial accident
③ unemployment benefit ① relevant
④ social protection ② unrelated
⑤ social welfare ③ complex
④ excellent
⑤ exact

8-3. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 옳지 않은 세 개를 찾아 고치시오.


Ethical and moral systems are different for every culture.

① Accorded to cultural relativism, all of these systems are
equally valid, and no system is better than another. The
basis of cultural relativism is the notion ② that no true
standards of good and evil actually exist. Therefore,
judging whether something is right or wrong is ③ based
on individual societies’ beliefs, and any moral or ethical
opinions ④ are affected by an individual’s cultural
perspective. There ⑤ exists an inherent contradiction in
cultural relativism, however. If one embraces the idea ⑥
that there is no right or wrong, then there exists no way
⑦ making judgments in the first place. To deal with this
contradiction, cultural relativism creates “tolerance.”
However, with tolerance comes intolerance, ⑧ that means
that tolerance must imply some sort of ultimate good.
Thus, tolerance also goes against the very notion of
cultural relativism.

- 22 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

10-3. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장(A)를 완성하시오. 75) be valuable to you before and during the negotiation
*주격 관계대명사 that을 사용할 것. process. Thus, try to maintain the right balance between a
*단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. certain amount of trust on the one hand, and a certain
*중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
amount of suspicion — and even distrust — on the other.
This way you will benefit from both the advantages of
You could easily be impressed, say, by the practices of
distrust and suspicions, as well as the advantages of trust.
certain business leaders, and try to follow their example,
measure by measure. Jack Welch, whose books on
leadership have made him an icon, is known as an
executive who connects on a person-to-person basis in
part because he remembers the name of everyone he
meets. This astounds and impresses everyone, and makes
them feel important. Wouldn’t you want to do that? But
Welch’s gift is a rare one, not easily copied. The point is
not to wish you were like someone else but to play your
singular strength as a leader. That’s what I’m talking
about — determining where you will find yourself on a
wide spectrum of leadership styles, understanding how
your own unique mix of strengths can serve you best in
an organizational context. (A) 하지만 여러분의 리더십 해법에
서 빠질 수 없는 하나의 요소가 있는데, 그것은 본연의 여러분이
12-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 77)

보기 [ but /one /element /can /be /there /not /miss /you

Sociologist Steph Lawler found that British women who
/from /solution /leadership /it /the /authentic]
had moved from the working class to the middle class
were caught between two worlds — their working-class
background and their current middle-class life. The
women’s mothers found their daughters’ middle-class ways
“uppity,” and they _________________ their daughters’
preferences in furniture and food, their speech and even
the way they reared their children. As you can expect, this
strained the mother-daughter relationships. Studying
working-class parents in Boston, sociologists Richard
Sennett and Jonathan Cobb found something similar. The
parents had made deep sacrifices so their children could
go to college. They, of course, expected their children to
11-3. 어법상 틀린 2개를 골라 바르게 고치시오. 76) appreciate their sacrifice. But again, the result was two
worlds of experience. The children’s educated world was
Do not assume that ① trusted your opponents is essential so unlike that of their parents that even talking to one
for a proper negotiation process, collaboration and an another became difficult. Not surprisingly, the parents felt
integrative outcome. Trustfulness may make you betrayed and bitter. Their sacrifices had ripped their
vulnerable; thus, your opponents’ behavior may ② become children from them.
harmful and damaging. Being ③ trusting may also “blind” *uppity 거만한, 건방진
you to the possible manipulation of your opponents. It is
possible ④ that suspicion and distrust may motivate you ① protected
⑤ search for essential information about your opponents ② encouraged
and, at the same time, serve as a defense mechanism and ③ criticized
⑥ coping strategy against your opponents’ potential ④ stimulated
manipulations. In this sense, suspicions and distrust may ⑤ humbled

- 23 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

Human Life
1-3. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 79)

EXAMPLE READING-3. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를

Discipline and habit. Honestly, most people never really
완성하시오. 78)
want to talk about these.
* 단어를 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 사용할 것.

(A) Put up with the discipline long enough to turn it into

When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or scary
a habit, and the journey feels different. The hard stuff
moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense emotions
becomes habit, and habit makes the hard stuff easy-.
and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. When this
happens, we as parents can help bring the left hemisphere
(B) The right discipline goes a long way, and habits are
into the picture so that the child can begin to understand
hard only in the beginning. Over time, the habit you’re
what’s happening. One of the best ways to promote this
after becomes easier and easier to sustain. It’s true. Habits
type of integration is to help retell the story of the
require much less energy and effort to maintain than to
frightening or painful experience. Bella, for instance, was
nine years old when the toilet overflowed when she
flushed, and the experience of watching the water rise and
(C) And who can blame them? I don’t either. The images
pour onto the floor left her unwilling to flush the toilet
these words bring up in our heads are of something hard
afterward. When Bella’s father, Doug, learned about the
and unpleasant. Just reading the words is exhausting. But
“name it to tame it” technique, he sat down with his
there’s good news.
daughter and retold the story of the time the toilet
overflowed. (A) 그는 그녀가 할 수 있는 한 그 이야기를 최대한
많이 말하게 해주었고, 세부적인 내용을 채우는 데 도움을 주었다.
After retelling the story several times, Bella’s fears
lessened and eventually went away.

보기 [he /she /as /of /the story /allow /much /tell /can
/fill /the detail /in /help /and]
2-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 80)

Despite its importance, people rarely comment on other

people’s nonverbal behavior; rarely do they ask, “Why are
you standing so far away from me?” or say, “Thank you
for ① squeezing my hand.” Instead, they respond
nonverbally, for example by moving closer or squeezing
back. Meeting nonverbal communication with nonverbal
communication ② is the rule of nonverbal reciprocity.
This rule holds ③ what feelings are best reciprocated with
feelings, because much nonverbal behavior appears
automatic, and nonverbal communication is less direct
than verbal communication. Thus, when people are feeling
④ vulnerable, it provides a safer way ⑤ to communicate
attraction or rejection, with less risk of ⑥ calling to
account. In various ways, then, nonverbal channels
facilitate social attachment and belonging as people
understand each other.

- 24 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3. 글과 가장 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 81) 5-3. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 83)

Even high-achieving sports superstars like Tiger Woods or It’s been my experience that complaining about deadlines
Gabby Douglas need coaches. ① Every great achiever — even if the complaints are justified — takes an
needs to be pushed to find what he or she is truly enormous amount of mental energy and time!
capable of, which means achievers need someone to
instruct, guide, and push them. ② Achievers should (A) Then, try to catch yourself in the act of doing so.
choose a mentor, whether it is their boss, someone else in When you do, gently remind yourself that your energy
the organization or even someone outside work. ③ would be better spent elsewhere. Who knows, perhaps you
However, incorrect statements could have the opposite can ultimately make peace with deadlines altogether.
effect. ④ They need to ensure that there is trust in the
relationship, the mentor has sufficient time to invest, and (B) The turmoil you go through simply within your own
there is good chemistry. Then, week by week, the achiever head is rarely worth it. The added obsessive thinking
should ask the coach to help her understand what success about the deadline creates its own internal anxiety. I
looks like, honestly assessing strengths and weaknesses. ⑤ know that deadlines can create quite a bit of stress and
The pace at which achievers work is often supersonic, so that sometimes it doesn’t seem fair.
it’s important they and their coach get their aim right,
and then adjust as needed. (C) however, working toward your goal without the
interference of negative mental energy makes any job
more manageable. See if you can notice how often you
tend to worry or complain about deadlines.

4-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 82) 6-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 84)

Making small talk allows participants to sprinkle plenty of Parents used to have little responsibility for their children
key words, free information, self-disclosures, and new beyond providing food, clothing, shelter, and moral
topics into their conversation. This provides more guidance. And they needed to do this for only a short
opportunities for you and the other person to choose time, because children began to _______ to the support
topics of mutual interest. This will extend your of the family early in life. Among many people,
conversation because you’ll have more things to talk about. parenthood is still like this. In Colombia, for example,
Of course, some of the small-talk topics you choose may children of the poor often are expected to support
only yield a minute or two of conversation. However, by themselves by the age of 8 or 10. In industrial societies,
applying good listening and questioning skills, others will however, we assume that children are vulnerable beings
lead you to “conversational gold” — that is, a person’s who must depend on their parents for financial and
__________. The information you pick up during small emotional support for many years — often until they are
talk can also pay off for you in later conversations. Be well into their 20s. In some cases, this is now being
sure to give your chat your full attention and remember extended into the 30s. The greater responsibilities that we
what the other person tells you so you can refer to it at assign to parenthood place heavier burdens on today’s
another time. couples and, with them, more strain on marriage.

① weakness ① protect
② trivial ② contribute
③ strength ③ object
④ vocabulary ④ give up
⑤ hot button ⑤ evaluate

- 25 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3. 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 85) 9-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 87)

In the past few years, the brain and behavioral sciences, If we want to be wealthy, but we believe that the
and even medical research, ① have begun paying opportunity to be wealthy does not exist for us, then we
considerable attention to purpose and related concepts will abandon our dreams of wealth. We will not seek
such as “intentional goal” and “ultimate concerns,” and the wealth. Instead, we will hold on to the belief that
roles they play in well-being. Study after study ② has opportunity is scarce, because this is the concept that
found a person’s sense of life ③ purpose to be closely appears true to us. If we dream of writing a book, but
connected to ④ virtual all dimensions of well-being. believe we are not capable, then we will not take the
Recent studies in neuroscience, for example, have found steps necessary to write the book. We will abandon our
that certain areas of the brain ⑤ that govern social and dream, rather than ______ the thoughts that discourage
moral judgments show a strong response when people us. However, Einstein said to do the opposite. He said
observe or engage in intentional activities. Studies of aging that we must abandon what we hold true. For example,
⑥ have shown that one of the prime predictors of health we should disregard what appears to be a fact of our
and well-being in old age is whether a person continues condition, such as I do not have the skills to write a
to be purposeful. Researchers ⑦ study people with mental book, and instead focus on our ability to write the book.
health problems and disabilities have found that helping
them find a sense of purpose can assist them in ① abandon
overcoming their psychological deficits. ② give up
③ promise
④ recall
⑤ trust

8-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 86)

We all do it. We have that little voice in our heads that

only knows how to say negative things. It’s our ‘inner
critic.’ However, you have control over that voice. You 10-3. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 88)

want to learn to stop the unproductive negative self-talk

and instead, focus on what you can do to move past the A lot of parents don’t know how to decide how warmly to
situation. Focus on how you can solve problems, make a dress their children for going outside. ① A good rule is
better choice next time, or take any other kind of action for you to dress the young child in the same number of
that will help you focus on the positive rather than the items you would wear for the day — with perhaps one
negative. You can even create a STOP sign and post it on extra coat, sweater or blanket in cold weather. ② This is
your wall so that every time you have a negative thought to allow for the fact that the very young child will be less
you can look up at it and say to yourself, “Stop!” Then active than you are. ③ As children get older and more
___________ that negative thought into something active they begin to want to have some say about what
positive. For example, “I’m so stupid!” becomes “OK, I they should wear. ④ Some children even seek their
made a mistake. Next time I’ll know not to do the same.” parents' fashion. Often they can predict what they need to
wear better than you can. No child chooses to freeze to
① convert death. ⑤ In general, parents tend to dress children at a
② look level that seems comfortable for them, the parents, rather
③ put than for the children. Active children who spend a good
④ spend deal of their outdoor time running, jumping and climbing
⑤ get need less clothing than the slower moving adult.

- 26 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

11-3. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 89)

Standing up for something that is important to you in the

face of all of the challenges and temptations that we face
in life takes a great deal of courage.

(A) For example, maybe you’ve always been the life of the
party and now you have decided to focus on eating right,
limiting alcohol, and getting a full-night’s sleep every
night, so your friends start wondering who you are.

(B) There’s no guarantee that self-discipline will be easy.

But if you are committed to something important to you,
you’ll need to find the courage to say ‘no’ to things that
attempt to dissuade you from your course.

(C) You may have to negotiate with your spouse or other

loved ones to pursue your goal, such as if you decide you
want to go back to school at night. Or, you might have to
change your behavior that others have come to expect
from you.

12-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 90)

Each of us views reality through our own lens. While we

may share certain beliefs, you will never have the same
___________ as another because your mixture of
thoughts is unique to you. Consider as an example both
you and a friend observing a painted wall. Your
assessment of that wall, such as how brilliantly the sun
reflects off it or if the sun casts any shadows, will depend
on the position from which you view the wall.
Additionally, your viewpoint will determine whether you
will see a smudge in the paint, a fingerprint, or brush
stroke. Since you and your friend cannot occupy the same
position at the same time from which you view the wall,
you cannot share the same view of the wall — ever. The
way in which you view reality is much the same, except
your position is not a physical position. Your position is a
mental position and each person’s view is unique.
*smudge 얼룩

① insight
② knowledge
③ personality
④ perspective
⑤ individuality

- 27 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

Business & Economy
1-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 92)

EXAMPLE READING-3. 다음 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오.

▶ We spend our money with credit cards. And we have
our paychecks deposited into our bank account
Are the different types of mobile device, smartphones and
tablets, substitutes or complements? ① Let’s explore this
In America today, there is an ever-growing need to know
question by considering the case of Madeleine and
more about money. ① And money is different today than
Alexandra, two users of these devices. Madeleine uses her
it was a few decades ago. ② Today, it is more a concept
tablet to take notes in class. ② These notes are synced to
than a reality. ③ We don’t see silver dollars. Our
her smartphone wirelessly, via a cloud computing service,
government doesn’t issue currency based on gold anymore.
allowing Madeleine to review her notes on her phone
④ We hardly ever see “money.” The way most of us
during the bus trip home. Alexandra uses both her phone
thought about money as children does not work in our
and tablet to surf the Internet, write emails and check
lives today. When we were kids, most of us knew where
social media. ③ As a result, Alexandra became seriously
our money was. ⑤ It was either in our pocket or in our
addicted to electronic products Both of these devices allow
piggy-bank. So, we need some new ways to deal with
Alexandra to access online services when she is away from
money we can’t see.
her desktop computer. For Madeleine, smartphones and
tablets are complements. ④ She gets greater functionality
out of her two devices when they are used together. For
Alexandra, they are substitutes. Both smartphones and
tablets fulfil more or less the same function in Alexandra’s
life. ⑤ This case illustrates the role that an individual
consumer’s behavior plays in determining the nature of
the relationship between two goods or services.
2-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 93)

After you have decided to make a purchase, at least two

scarce resources are involved — income and time. Before
you spend your money, you need to _____ time in
obtaining information about the product you wish to buy.
Suppose, for example, that you wish to buy a mountain
bike. How can you obtain information about the
characteristics of the numerous brands and models and
the prices of each bike? You should first visit retail stores
and do some research on the Internet to compare prices.
The time spent researching online or visiting stores to
check models and prices is a cost to you. This time, and
the money you eventually spend on the mountain bike,
cannot be used for anything else.

① supplement
② consider
③ manage
④ compare
⑤ invest
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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

3-3. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 94) 5-3. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 96)

One of the greatest achievements of the honeybee is the ▶ To the strategic shopper, this is like New Year’s Eve
ability to acquire and retain knowledge, and then to and the Fourth of July rolled into one!
communicate that information to others.
An item you buy each week goes on sale. ① The store
(A) The course of human evolution has also selected the adds to the discounting possibilities by running a
best storytellers and the best listeners as the strongest promotion, perhaps offering greater savings if you buy
survivors. The same is true for business today. three or more. ② And you will save even more if you
have coupons for the item. ③ Don’t light any firecrackers,
(B) Worker bees learn about the location of food sources, but do celebrate by stocking up when these off-price
scout out new ecosystems that will sustain them, identify opportunities combine for ultimate savings. ④ If you stock
the presence of danger, and then are able to communicate up when prices are at their lowest, you keep your costs
that knowledge to others through dance. consistent. Even after prices return to normal, you’ll be
able to “shop your freezer” and continue to enjoy items
(C) The ability to understand the lessons of your business bought at the sale price. ⑤ Once this becomes a habit,
and tell a story that imparts this wisdom to others in you’ll wince at the very notion of paying the full price.
your company — as well as your customers — is *wince at ~에 주춤하다
paramount to survival and success. Today’s businesses
must be able to learn, adjust, and then tell a story that
inspires others to action.
6-3. 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 97)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음

The practical impact on business of the growth in

technology is illustrated by the fact that as recently as ten
years ago, information, including pricing on many different
types of machinery and commodity products, was highly
inefficient. It was difficult to know exactly what each firm
would charge for its product and what the price would be
for other firms. A businessperson could call and ask the
4-3. 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 95)
price for that product. Whether the price was the same if
you called a different salesperson in a different part of the
In The Great Transformation, Polanyi wrote about the
month was not predictable. (A) 그 결과 동일한 제품에 대해
Trobriand Islands, off Papua New Guinea, ① what tribal
매우 상이한 가격이 매겨졌다. Purchasing agents spent a lot
economy ② was driven by non-economic behavior in ③
of time looking for the best price. However, changes in
striking ways. Trade, even today, happens through gifts,
telecommunications have all but eliminated this
not by bargaining. Islanders make dangerous voyages to
inefficiency. Internet availability has resulted in more
neighboring tribes ④ give presents of red-shell necklaces
transparent and efficient pricing for both capital goods
and white arm bands, and the practice ⑤ is regulated by
and commodity products today.
customs and magical rites known as kula. The gifts are
not kept, but passed on. By ⑥ showing generosity, the
보기 [result /be /the /that /different /wide /price /charge
islanders enhance ⑦ their social standing. The drive for
/for /product /same]
status, not profit, is the motor of trade. Tribal economies
are, of course, different from those of today’s
industrialized countries. Polanyi argued ⑧ that as
European nations developed, custom and tradition ⑨ were
replaced by the anonymity of the market.
*anonymity 익명, 특색 없음

- 29 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

7-3. 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오. 98) 9-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 100)

Auctions ① are used since the ancient past. For instance, Global companies specialize by producing a lot of one
the Roman Empire ② was once sold at auction. Today, thing, ① that they then sell to communities ② who
auctions are ③ seemingly pervasive: the institution is used become dependent on distant sources of specialized
to sell a variety of agricultural commodities and natural production. Distant companies seek only profitable
resources ④ as well as fine art, real estate, and used cars. investment of capital. There is no business interest in
In addition, sealed-bid tenders (an auction format) are sustaining communities. In the era of “free” trade, the
used ⑤ extensively by both firms and governments ⑥ global economy ③ determine to remove any restrictions ④
procuring a variety of goods and services such as weapons that impede this process of exploitation. Cobb asks an
systems and tree-planting services. The Internet auction important question: “From what is this free market or free
house eBay is an integral part of the American and world trade free?” The restrictions that the global economy seeks
economies. By any measure, the volume of trade on eBay ⑤ to remove, he writes, “will make possible still higher
and similar sites ⑦ is unparalleled in world history. degrees of specialization and will further discourage efforts
of local communities or nations ⑥ to supply most of their
own needs. Capital will move freely throughout the world
to those places ⑦ where it can be most profitably
invested. Labor, which cannot move as freely, will be at
an increasing disadvantage.”
*impede 방해하다

10-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 101)

8-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 99)

Options are con artists. They seduce with a promise of

People choose to become ________ for a variety of joy, but often leave us confused and wanting. Consider
reasons, independence and flexibility being the primary this experiment conducted a few years ago by marketing
ones. Being your own boss can potentially offer you a professors Debora Viana Thompson, Rebecca Hamilton,
better work/life balance. It is also true that improved and Roland Rust. When they offered consumers a choice
quality of life and increased job satisfaction are important of different digital devices (video players, PDAs, and the
aspects of going self-employed. However, the risk is that like) some six in ten picked the option with the most
there can be a huge amount of responsibility involved, features. Also, when given the chance to customize their
and a regular pay cheque at the end of the month cannot device, the average person chose twenty features out of a
be guaranteed. Running a business has lots of possible twenty-five. But when actually using their new
responsibilities and pressures. People creating a start-up gizmos, most consumers quickly fell prey to what the
especially need to work a lot harder to establish researchers call “feature fatigue”; that is, they quickly tired
themselves than those who are already in the market, of using all those extras (if they even figured out how to).
until they are seen and heard well enough for the In their paper, the researchers discuss our tendency, when
consumer to buy from them. Therefore, you need to work buying, to value capability over _______.
as hard as it takes to become known. *con artist 사기꾼 **gizmo (간단한) 장치

① self-employed ① usability
② homeless people ② practicality
③ salaried workers ③ efficiency
④ credit defenders ④ effectiveness
⑤ atheist ⑤ visual element

- 30 -
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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

11-3. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 102)

▶ Consumers also compare a product’s price with an

internal reference price for such products that is based on
past prices paid, competing product prices, and other
factors, including incidental products in some cases.

Consumer perceptions play an important role in the use of

price-related tactics. ①Remember that for consumers to
perceive two prices as different, the variation must be at
or above the just noticeable difference. ② Thus,
consumers might not care if one brand of toothpaste is
priced at $1.95 and another at $1.99. ③ Typically,
consumers use a range of prices rather than a single price
point when they think of products. ④ In addition,
perceptual processes play a role in the consumer’s reaction
to different price points. ⑤ Research has consistently
indicated that consumers perceive odd prices (those ending
with an odd number) as significantly lower than even
prices (those ending with an even number).

12-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 103)

The old wisdom about first impressions — that they’re so

important because you never get a second chance to make
one — is even truer than most people realize.

(A) Perhaps the next pair you examine, though it has the
same color, doesn’t seem to have as attractive a cut.

(B) Once an idea sets in your head, it often sets in

concrete; you can break it, but you may need a
sledgehammer. In fact, we’d guess that ‘confirmation bias’
might have a lot to do with the commonly held retailing
wisdom that shoppers usually end up buying the first item
they look at when they are out shopping.

(C) We don’t know for certain if that’s actually true, but if

it is, there’s a good chance that it’s because an initial
attraction to, say, a particular pair of pants results in a
subsequent dismissal of other pants as you walk through
the aisles.

- 31 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 3 회

57) ② is⑥ having
58) (A)-(C)-(B)
정 답 59)
⑤ continued⑥ looking
The development of agriculture enabled the growth
of human population
1) between businessmen who are striving for economic 61) ④
success in competitive markets. 62) (A)-(C)-(B)
2) ① 63) These people, who can easily become isolated, may
3) ➁ does ➃ are reap the largest benefits because of the social
4) C-A-B
5) ③ connections gained through volunteering.
6) ③ 64) ③ : had lived ⑦ : its
7) ➁ to met ➈ cause 65) ④
8) ① 66) ⑤
9) B-A-C 67) ④
10) ④ 68) ③ : what ④ : was built
11) group members needed to either be located 69) ①
70) they automatically begin to form coherent streams
relatively close to one another or spend a great
of movement.
deal of time traveling if they needed to collaborate 71) ①
in real time. 72) ④
73) ① : accorded, ⑦ : to make, ⑧ : which
12) ➇ is ➈ control 74) ①
13) B-A-C 75) But there is one element that can’t be missing
14) ④ from your leadership solution — it’s the authentic
15) ③ you.
16) ② practice ⑤ live 76) ① : trusting, ⑤ : to search
17) B-A-C 77) ③
18) Journals also help the athlete avoid previous 78) He allowed her to tell as much of the story as she
mistakes and sort out numerous other problems could and helped to fill in the details.
19) ⑤ 79) (C)-(B)-(A)
20) ④ focus ⑦ is 80) ③ that, ⑥ being called
21) ④ 81) ③
22) B-A-C 82) ⑤
23) ② 83) (B)-(C)-(A)
24) the notion of shopping has come to be an activity 84) ②
of leisure and entertainment that is as popular as 85) ④ : virtually, ⑦ : studying
going to a movie, having dinner out, or simply 86) ①
strolling in a park. 87) ①
25) ① contribute ② has been 88) ④
26) A-C-B 89) (C)-(A)-(B)
27) (나) The museum, which gets its name from the 90) ④
91) ③
Greek word mouseion, meaning “seat of the Muses,” 92) ④
originated as a place to discuss philosophy, 93) ⑤
mathematics, science, and politics. 94) (B)-(A)-(C)
28) ③ 95) ① : whose, ④ : to give
29) A-C-B 96) ③
30) ② to help ⑦ to reflect 97) The result was that widely different prices were
31) ③ charged for the same products.
32) ③ 98) ① : have been used, ⑥ : to procure
33) ① lead -> leads ⑦ permit -> permits 99) ①
34) ② 100) ① : which, ③ : is determined
35) (마) 101) ①
36) ④ 102) ③
37) (다) 103) (B)-(C)-(A)
38) ①
39) (나)
40) ⑤
41) (나)
42) ②
43) (나)
44) ③
45) (다)
46) ②
47) ①
48) ② followed⑤ involved
49) the arrival of European sailors in Asia did not
have the same dramatic impact.
50) ④ decide⑦ have
51) ③
52) (C)-(B)-(A)
53) ② equates③ take

54) (B)-(C)-(A)
55) ③
56) (가)
- 32 -
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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

Science & Technology
2-4. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 3)
Example Reading-4. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 1)

When you look at a bamboo stem, you notice that it is

When Charles Darwin ① developed his theory of natural
very thin, at most a couple of inches in diameter.
selection, he created a picture of the evolutionary process
in which organismic adaptation was ultimately caused by
(A) But unlike trees, the stem does not thicken with age
② competition for survival and reproduction. This
so you can’t tell how old a bamboo is by looking for tree
biological “struggle for existence” bears considerable ③
rings in the middle of it. It stays the same width
resemblance to the human struggle between businessmen
throughout its life (and this grass can live for hundreds of
who are ④ striving for economic success in competitive
markets. Long before Darwin published his work, social
scientist Adam Smith had already considered that in
(B) Without these, the grass would be more likely to
business life, competition is the driving force behind
break. On each of these culms a branch will grow on
economic efficiency and adaptation. It is indeed very
which leaves will form.
striking how ⑤ different the ideas are on which the
founders of modern theory in evolutionary biology and
(C) It looks as though there are a lot of tubes piled up
economics based their main thoughts.
one on top of the other. These tubes are called culms and
*organismic 유기체의
are one of the main reasons that the bamboo is so strong.
*diameter 지름 ** culm 대, 줄기


1-4. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 2)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음

The use of computers in the arts surprises many people.

Professionals in fine arts that might appear to be beyond 3-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 4)

the use of computers are making use of computers as

much as other professionals. Artists use computers to A mother rat will build a nest for her young even if she
experiment with design and color, sometimes using 3D has never ➀ seen another rat in her lifetime. Similarly, a
graphics software. (가) 컴퓨터는 가상의 미술 재료를 제공함으 spider will spin a web, a caterpillar will create her own
로써 실제 재료를 사용해서 시험해야 하는 비용이 들지 않게 한다. cocoon, and a beaver ➁ will built a dam, even if no
such as paint and clay by providing virtual artistic contemporary ever ➂ shown them how to accomplish
materials. Some artists have moved completely to digital these complex tasks. That is not to say ➃ that these are
media, creating their artwork on computers to be viewed not ➄ learning behaviors. It is just that these animals ➅
and appreciated in its computer-generated form. Film did not learn them in a single lifetime — they learned
studies, visual arts, theater, literature, dance, photography, them over thousands of lifetimes. The evolution of animal
and music all benefit from computers. behavior ➆ does constitute a learning process, but it is
learning by the species, not by the individual, and the
[보기] [of /materials /the cost /experiment /computers fruits of this learning process are encoded in DNA.
/used /eliminating /had /actual /to] *cocoon 고치

- 1 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

4-4. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. 5) 7-4. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 7)

Chemotherapy is the treatment of any disease using Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, creator of the Fahrenheit
chemicals or drugs, but the term is most commonly used temperature scale, discovered that salt mixed with ice
to refer to the treatment of cancers. (나) Drugs what used creates a solution with a lower freezing point than water
to treat cancers attempt interfering with the rapid rates of alone. Thus, salt causes snow and ice to melt. Most
growth and cell division of most cancer cells. However, at localities haven’t found a better way to remove ice from
present few of these drugs can distinguish between cancer roadways and sidewalks than salt. Salt is also effective in
cells and normal body cells. Some cells of the body, such keeping hard packs of ice from forming in the first place.
as white blood cells and cells lining the digestive tract, While a number of chemicals have been developed to melt
normally reproduce rapidly. During chemotherapy these ice, salt remains a much cheaper alternative. So why don’t
cells are destroyed or damaged along with the cancerous all localities use salt to treat icy roads? Ecological
cells. This results in the side effects, such as hair loss and problems have led some cities to ban the use of salt
nausea, associated with this form of treatment. completely. Salt also causes corrosion of vehicles,
*chemotherapy 화학 요법 ** digestive tract 소화관 pavement, bridges, and any unprotected steel in
surrounding structures.
[ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 밑줄 친 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을
것 ] ① Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit는 얼음과 섞인 소금은 더 낮은
빙점의 용액을 만든다는 것을 발견했다.
② 소금은 눈과 얼음을 녹게 만든다.
③ 소금은 딱딱한 얼음 덩어리가 형성되지 못하게 하는 데 효과적
④ 소금을 대체하기 위한 많은 화학 약품들이 개발했고, 소금보다
나은 화학 약품을 만들어냈다.
⑤ 소금은 차량, 포장도로, 다리 등 강철의 부식을 초래한다.

6-4. 밑줄 친 (나)를 해석하여 쓰시오. 6)

8-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 8)

There is a way toward understanding how technology

evolves, but to get there we need to shift our thinking. There ➀ are a good chance ➁ that in a science class, or
What we should really be looking for is not how Darwin’s even on a TV weather report, you ➂ have been told that
mechanism should work to produce something entirely it rains when air cools ➃ because cold air “holds less
new in technology, but how “heredity” might work in water” than warm air. Some textbooks have even shown
technology. (나) If evolution holds in technology, then all the atmosphere as a sponge being squeezed ➄ to cause
technologies must descend in some way from the rain. This is not true because air does not “hold” water at
technologies that preceded them. In other words, evolution all. It is not even correct to speak of air ➅ being
requires a mechanism of “heredity,” some detailed saturated. In reality, water in the atmosphere is constantly
connection that links the present to the past. From the condensing and ➆ evaporating. When the temperature of
outside, it is impossible to see this mechanism. Looked at the water vapor drops, the energy of the molecules
as a black-boxed device, it is hard to say how the laser decreases so there ➇ is more condensation than
has come into being from previous technologies. evaporation and water droplets form. The air itself does
not play any part in the process besides ➈ carry the
molecules of water along with it.
*saturate 흠뻑 적시다

- 2 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

9-4. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 9) 11-4. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 11)

[In our experience, many teens and young adults need Before the advent of electronic and wireless
some assistance from parents in setting up these privacy communication, collaboration was actually more ① costly
settings.] because participants needed to spend a great deal of time
face-to-face, so they could share information and build on
① Given the personal nature of content often posted on one another’s ideas. The technology evolution that is still
social networking sites (including pictures and personal occurring is dramatically ② increasing the costs of
accounts of whereabouts), it’s very important that you collaboration. Before our current technology made
ensure that your teen or young adult is using privacy communication easy, group members needed to either be
settings on these sites. ② That means people from outside located ③ relatively close to one another or spend a great
your teen or young adult’s network of friends shouldn’t be deal of time traveling if they needed to collaborate in real
able to view his or her personal profile or obtain time. Technology ④ changed everything. Although it’s still
identifying information or contact information. ③ So be important for people to have opportunities to meet one
prepared to become familiar with these social networking another in person, today’s collaborative groups use a wide
sites if you’re not already. ④ Or consider enlisting help range of technological tools to help them communicate
from another supportive family member familiar with with one another regularly and ⑤ efficiently, even
social networking sites. ⑤ when members are in different locations and different
*enlist (협조 등을) 요청해서 얻다 time zones.

10-4. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 10)

The Moon has only a negligible atmosphere, with no air 12-4. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 12)

for humans to breathe.

A cornerstone of the scientific world view is that science
(A) Its gravity is just one-sixth of Earth’s, and its often shows that phenomena occur because of processes
temperature ranges are extreme — above the boiling point that are not apparent to the nonscientist.
of water in the sun, approaching absolute zero in the
shade. Everything Armstrong and Aldrin did on the Moon (A) The Sun does not rotate around the Earth, instead the
depended on their space suits and their portable Earth rotates around the Sun. Seemingly solid objects,
life-support systems — which provided the such as a table, are in fact composed mainly of empty
microenvironments they needed to survive. space with atoms dispersed within it.

(B)The suits hosted the equipment that allowed the (B) Therefore scientific knowledge is esoteric. It reveals
astronauts to communicate with each other, with Collins that the world is not how lay people think it is. In this
in Columbia above the Moon, and with Mission Control way science frequently contradicts, and advances beyond,
back on Earth. The suits also enabled Mission Control to common sense. This is why science enables humans to
monitor the bodily functions of the astronauts so they predict and control the world more than they can without
could head off or deal with stresses and dangers. science.

(C) The suits insulated them from the Moon’s extreme (C) Some of these processes are invisible and involve
temperatures, provided protection from environmental unseen entities, such as vapor, molecules, or atomic
hazards and cosmic rays, enabled them to breathe, and charges. Scientific theories postulate that the structure of
allowed them to move about and do their work. the natural world is not what is seen by the lay person.

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- 3 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

Sports & Entertainment
1-4. 글의 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 14)

Example Reading-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

13) Public relations opens the door to visibility. ① Restaurants
across the country are full of waiters bursting with talent
— real talent — singers, dancers, actors, and musicians. ②
Katherine Schreiber and Leslie Sim, experts on exercise
With each eruption, lava built up, and the mountains got
addiction, recognized ① that smartwatches and fitness
taller and taller, forming volcanic islands. ③ But we’ll see
trackers have probably inspired sedentary people ② took
few of them on the screen or stage, of course, because
up exercise, and ③ encouraged people who ④ aren’t very
they won’t get The Big Break — that meeting with an
active to exercise more ⑤ consistently. But they were
industry big shot, that article or TV spot that will attract
convinced the devices ⑥ were also quite dangerous.
the attention of someone who can elevate them to success.
Schreiber explained that focusing on numbers separate
④ The same goes for great companies and other
people from being in tune with their body. Exercising ⑦
organizations. ⑤ There are plenty of them out there with
become mindless, which is ‘the goal’ of addiction. This
wonderful products and services that you and I would
‘goal’ that she mentioned is a sort of automatic
gladly pay for if only we knew about them. But without
mindlessness, the outsourcing of decision making to a
exposure to the right audiences, the companies will remain
device. She recently sustained a stress fracture in her foot
unseen and, eventually, go under.
⑧ because she refused to listen to her overworked body,
*big break 결정적 기회 **TV spot 텔레비전 광고 방송
instead continuing to run toward an unreasonable workout
target. Schreiber has suffered from addictive exercise
tendencies, and vows not ⑨ to use wearable tech when
she works out.
*sedentary 주로 앉아서 지내는

2-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 15)

Entertainment is amusement. Its purpose ① are to create

a relaxing, enjoyable environment ② in which to
temporarily escape the stresses of daily life. It has taken
countless forms over the centuries, ③ ranging from
recreational amusement such as jogging or painting to
passive entertainment like watching television or ④
listening to music. Entertainment can also take the form
of everyday activities, for example, gardening or cooking.
In fact, the list of activities ⑤ that could be considered
entertainment is virtually endless and ⑥ differ from
person to person. The realm of possibilities is so grand as
⑦ to make it impossible to cover the subject thoroughly
in one volume.

- 4 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

3-4. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 16) 5-4. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 18)

[ An essential part of growing up is accepting Many great athletes keep journals, especially in golf, tennis
responsibility for one’s own behavior and decisions. ] and bowling, but also in many team sports.

One of the opportunities that sport provides is the chance (A) Other entries may be kept confidential, and used as a
for children to acquire and practice adult behaviors. ① conversation with one’s self. In either case, there are
This can become a real challenge for parents because once many benefits to journal writing. Simply focusing on the
you invite your child to make decisions, you must support journal requires in-depth thinking and raises awareness.
and live with those decisions. ② As your child matures,
you should offer suggestions and guidance about sports. ③ (B) Through the journal, athletes can reflect on their
But ultimately, within reasonable limits, you should let experiences and consider new perspectives. Journals also
your child go his or her own way. ④ All parents have help the athlete avoid previous mistakes and sort out
ambitions for their children, but they must accept the fact numerous other problems, such as fear of failure or
that they cannot dominate their children’s lives. ⑤ Youth relationships with the coach and team.
sports can offer an introduction to the major parental
challenge of letting go. (C) Journal writing is a very powerful tool for the athlete
of any sport or any team. Some journal entries may be
intended for another reader, perhaps the coach, a captain,
teammate, or trainer.

→ →

4-4. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 17)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음 6-4. 밑줄 친 (나)를 해석하여 쓰시오. 19)

The torch race was not part of any of the four major When Michael Jordan first retired from professional
festivals, but an event that took place in many basketball, he was the greatest player in the world. He
communities in ancient Greece. The race was a ritual was a finely tuned athlete who had practiced basketball
performance in honor of various gods of fire, such as for years. After he retired, he wanted to become a
Prometheus, Hephaestus, and Athena. In Athens, (가) 경주 professional baseball player, a sport that he has excelled
는 도시 성벽 밖에서 시작하여 우승자가 아테나의 성화를 점화하 at in high school. Although he learned to become a good
는 파르테논에서 끝났다. During this race it sometimes fielder, he always had trouble with his batting. (나) It
proved difficult to keep the torches burning. As a team wasn’t that he didn’t practice enough, it was just a matter
event, it influenced both the modern relay race, where of neurology and physiology. Michael had trained his
runners pass a baton rather than a torch, and the brain, nerves, and muscles to perform in a certain way, to
ceremonial carrying of the torch from Olympia to the site play basketball. When he tried to teach them to perform a
of the next Olympic Games. new way, they just couldn’t respond quickly enough.
Michael went back to playing basketball, where his years
[보기] [outside /the Parthenon /the winner /ending /where of training paid off, and he again became the best player
/lightes /of /start /the race /walls /the city /and /in /fire in the world!
/the sacred /Athena ] *neurology 신경학 ** physiology 생리학

- 5 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4. 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 20) 9-4. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 22)

Nature is an ideal setting for relaxation, by offering places The mountains ① simply present a simple situation with
where there is a perception that one does not have to just one risk. A chosen solution to one problem must take
watch out for or focus much attention on the other problems into account. Imagine, for example, a
surroundings. ① Nature offers opportunities to escape stretch of delicate and exposed climbing that crosses an
daily routine, because natural settings vary much from the area also exposed to rockfall. Belaying protects a potential
cultural setting of the urban environment. ② Whether fall but slows the climb, ② increasing the amount of time
sitting in a garden or hiking in the mountains, both spent in the rockfall zone. Yet the risk of falling and the
extremes are a temporary step or escape outside of the risk of being hit by a rock must ③ both be managed.
known urban culture. ③ Ultimately, new generations of Choosing ④ a different route would be the best option. If
queen ants and reproductive males are the manufactured this is not ⑤ possible, the risks may be managed by
products. ④ By supporting feelings of ‘being away,’ nature climbing quickly, by placing only minimal or time-efficient
is a place for self-reflection. ⑤ That said, natural settings protection, and by seeking safe positions for pauses.
can be places for intense concentration and the *belay 밧줄을 감아 매다
development and application of considerable skills in
activities such as observing animal behavior (e.g. bird
watching), fishing, and hunting.

10-4. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 23)

The distinctive effect that digital games have may be due

8-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 21) to their immersive character: players actively control and
identify with playable characters, and their actions
Online gaming is a gateway to a hugely diverse typically shape situations within the game experience.
community. Millions of people log onto their ① given
world every day, and a vast amount of these people also (A) Unlike traditional forms of other media, which do not
engage in social interactions ② that deliberately surround respond to players’ journeys or to their readings and
or ③ have been created for each game. The media interpretations, digital games are particularly compelling
generalize about the players of these games and still environments in which players explore and act based on
cannot resist the unfavorable nicknames — the young, at least a partial understanding of a system’s relational
obsessive player of World of Warcraft; the 5-minute dynamics.
housewife or office worker player who ④ love Diner Dash;
and the slightly overenthusiastic couple ⑤ what met (B) Whether or not experiences of agency within digital
through a guild in EverQuest. Yet even though all of these games transfer out into real-world contexts, at the very
people exist as stereotypes, they are simply not an least such agency distinguishes the experience of game
accurate portrayal of the player. Nor ⑥ is the often playing from film or television viewing.
repeated definition of the ‘average gamer’ as 35, lower
middle class, white and of either gender ⑦ particularly (C) Beyond role playing and perspective taking, digital
useful, since it is so bland as to be virtually meaningless. games offer players a dynamic engagement with content
*bland 단조로운, 특징 없는 through cycles of effort, attention, and feedback.
→ *immersive 몰입감을 주는

→ → →

- 6 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

11-4. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 24) 12-4. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 25)

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the act of Through sport, participants can socialize with others,
shopping has increasingly ① involved much more than contribute to common team goals, gain mastery in a
simply the purchasing of goods and services. From its variety of sport skills, and improve health and well-being.
modern manifestation in the arcades and the department
store to the ② overwhelming atmosphere of the mall, the
notion of shopping has come to be an activity of leisure (A) The acceptance and inclusion of individuals from these
and entertainment that is as popular as going to a movie, groups as athletes was an exhausting process and although
having dinner out, or simply strolling in a park. Shopping the first formal sport opportunities were through separate
has only ③ decreased as a viable entertainment activity in sport leagues, the fact remains that the sport world has
the preceding three decades. An array of organizations and been a leading force for inclusion.
institutions, designers and retailers, manufacturers and
marketers have made contributions to this new form of (B) One of the most exceptional, but less recognized
activity. Lizabeth Cohen writes that in this ④ new sphere contributions to society by the sport world has been the
of commerce, the shopping center, consuming and leisure integration of groups that historically have been excluded,
became “inseparably intertwined.” According to a special in particular ethnic minorities and women.
issue of Consumer Reports, more than a third of those
surveyed said that they considered shopping their ⑤ (C) Moreover, sport has allowed people of color and
hobby. women to take part in a common life experience and
*viable 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는 compete as equals alongside all other athletes. In keeping
with this ‘tradition’ of sport as a vehicle for inclusion, in
recent years there has been a surge in sport opportunities
for another group on the margin of society, people with
*margin 주변부, 가장자리

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- 7 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

Art & Culture 1-4. 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 27)

Example Reading-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

Everyone has been to a museum of some sort: natural
history, science, fine art, tourist traps, or halls of fame. ①
The museum, which gets its name from the Greek word
Painters have in principle an infinite range of colours at
mouseion, meaning “seat of the Muses,” originated as a
their disposal, especially in modern times with the
place to discuss philosophy, mathematics, science, and
chromatic explosion of synthetic chemistry. And yet
politics. ② European museums of the 17th century
painters don’t use all the colours at once, and indeed
developed into fancy houses devoted to collecting and
many ① had used a remarkably restrictive selection.
categorizing noblemen’s scientific curiosities, from fossilized
Mondrian limited himself mostly to the three primaries
teeth and bones to cultural oddities collected during the
red, yellow and blue ② to fill his black-ruled grids, and
exploration of the Age of Enlightenment. ③ They are very
Kasimir Malevich worked with similar self-imposed
similar to human industries trying to make their profits
restrictions. For Yves Klein, one colour was enough; Franz
bigger. ④ Twenty-first century museums stem from these
Kline’s art was typically black on white. There ③ was
earlier methods of collecting, preserving, interpreting, and
nothing new in this: the Greeks and Romans tended to
displaying objects. ⑤ Some cover an encyclopedic range
use just red, yellow, black and white. Why? It’s impossible
while others became highly specialized.
④ to generalize, but both in antiquity and modernity it
*tourist traps (관광객에게 바가지 씌우는) 명승지
seems likely ⑤ that the limited palette aided clarity and
comprehensibility, and ⑥ helps to focus attention on the
components ⑦ that mattered: shape and form.
*chromatic 유채색의 ** grid 격자무늬

2-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 28)

According to Native American belief systems, music is

intimately ① connected to everyday life and, especially, to
the spiritual lives of Native peoples. Sacred music is an
essential part of ceremonies and other important
traditional activities. Social music ② is performed for
personal enjoyment, at social events such as community or
family celebrations, or as accompaniment to social dances.
The idea of music for art’s sake ③ is not part of
traditional Native thinking. Although singing ④ is
sometimes used as a form of artistic expression, there ⑤
were no such thing historically as attending a concert of
Native American music. Indeed, in most Native languages
no words mean music in the sense ⑥ that we know the
word today. Instead, music and singing ⑦ linked to their
many functions in Native cultures.

- 8 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

3-4. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. 29) 5-4 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 31)

Art calls to us to stop, to pause and step out of our own (A) This is a potential problem given that their identity is
personal dramas, and experience someone else’s life — already under assault by the stresses they face in adapting
vicariously. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word to American society. In addition, they may find themselves
vicarious means “experienced in the imagination through ostracized from their ethnic group, as fellow immigrants
the feelings or actions of another person.” Art takes us sometimes view abandoning one’s native culture as an
through the ups and downs on someone else’s journey and insult.
invites us to feel the empathy that is so vital to good
comforting. Well-told stories — be they told in a book, a (B) When the native language is abandoned by
movie, or a beautifully drawn landscape as seen through first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants
the eyes of the artist — teach us how to walk in someone often never learn their parents’native language and lose a
else’s shoes, to identify with someone else’s challenges. part of their ethnic identity, adding to the potential for
(나) When we allow ourselves to move by art, we are mental health issues. Moreover, immigrants who are
open ourselves to being inspired and nurturing by a discouraged from speaking their native language may
greater sense of humanity. experience a sense that their native language or culture is
*vicariously 대신하여, 대리로(서) inferior.

[ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 것 ] (C) As immigrants take on American culture and customs,

they frequently shed their own. Some immigrants who are
learning English attempt to abandon their native language
in the hope of learning English more quickly.

4-4. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 30)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음

* 단어를 중복하여 이용할 수 있음

In fashion you will always be working with other people

and will need other people to help you realize your ideas.
6-4 어법상 틀린 두 곳을 찾아 바르게 고쳐쓰시오. 32)
If you are a photographer you need to know good stylists,
hair and make-up people, and models. (가) 구매자는 공급자
Vsevolod Pudovkin was one of the ① greatest film
와 유행 정보를 다루는 회사들과 좋은 관계를 유지해야한다.
directors of the Golden Age of Soviet cinema in the 1920s.
Designers need a really wide network of people who can
He was no stranger to the trials and the adversities of
help them to realize their ideas, from pattern cutters and
history — he was ② called up, wounded and taken
fabric suppliers to trendsetters and journalists. Everyone in
prisoner during the First World War before ③ be drawn
fashion should have a good address book. In order to
to the cinema. He started ④ working in Kuleshov’s
network you also need to consider your personal brand.
workshop in Moscow in 1920. He developed theories on
the art of silent films, and his ideas on editing, close-ups
[보기] [needs /relationships /and /companies /a buyer
and slow motion, ⑤ in which he put into practice in
/supply /and /maintaining /good /with /trend-information
several films, made him one of the undisputed pioneers of
silent films. In the 1930s, ⑥ subjected first to the new
demands of sound films and then to the strict instructions
of “social realism,” he gradually became an official
film-maker, and his later works are all too often mere ⑦
illustrations of the regime’s propaganda

- 9 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 9-4 의미상 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오. 35)

곳을 고르시오. 33)

English speakers tend to talk about time using ①

▶ A further consequence was that, acoustically, the actors horizontal spatial metaphors (e.g. “The best is ahead of
needed considerable “projection” to cast their voices to the us,” “The worst is behind us”), ② whereas Mandarin
back rows. speakers have a ③ vertical metaphor for time (e.g. the
next month is the “down month” and the last month is
For all the immensity of the Greek theater, the focus of the “up month”). Mandarin speakers talk about time
vision is clear. Every line of sight leads to the circular vertically more often than English speakers do, so do
orchestra with the altar in the center. (가) From their Mandarin speakers think about time vertically ④ less
height on the hillside, all spectators had an unobstructed often than English speakers do? Imagine this simple
view of the area of action, but at the same time, few experiment. I stand next to you, point to a spot in space
spectators were close enough to see such things as facial directly in front of you, and tell you, “This spot, here, is
expressions. (나) As a consequence, the size and focus today. Where would you put yesterday? And where would
encouraged masks to typify the kind of characters involved you put tomorrow?”When English speakers are asked to
and the emotions they experienced. (다) Masks usually had do this, they nearly always point horizontally. But
large, somewhat circular mouth openings to magnify the Mandarin speakers ⑤ often point vertically, about seven
sound of the actors’ voices. (라) The structure of the best or eight times more often than do English speakers.
amphitheaters permits the voice from within the circle to
reach astonishing distances, even with fairly normal
volume. (마)

8-4 내용과 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 34)

10-4 내용과 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 36)

Cultures that favor individualism and success-seeking

behavior reward individuals who have high energetic With sculptures and other works of art that are on public
charges. ① This kind of culture reinforces body display, it is generally OK to include these in a
phenomena such as holding one’s head high, keeping one’s photograph, but if the image is principally of a
chin up, and having a hard, prominent chest. These bodily copyrighted sculpture, then the photographer may run into
behaviors require maintaining a relatively high energy copyright issues with the sculptor. ① Also, with works of
level. ② Other cultures are more collective and support art that are on someone’s private property, you definitely
group-oriented behavior that would disapprove of an need permission to use a photograph of them, even if the
individual striving for personal prominence or being sculpture or other artwork can be seen from the street.
nonconforming. Such cultures often have a saying like Inside buildings the rules are different. ② What may be a
“The head that sticks up gets chopped off.” ③ In this public space on the outside isn’t inside. ③ For example,
case, the head up, chin up, chest forward body is less you can photograph the exterior of St Paul’s Cathedral in
likely to be found. ④ Humans can improve their health London from almost any angle you like, but you won’t be
through walking exercises. ⑤ In effect, culture normalizes allowed to take photographs inside. ④ In order to take a
body behaviors, making those behaviors seem invisible, good picture, you need to have a good angle. ⑤ The same
meaning people take them for granted to the extent that applies to most museums and art galleries. Ultimately, if
they are not consciously noticed as long as they conform you can’t provide the necessary paperwork, your images
to the norm. will be rejected or withdrawn.

- 10 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

11-4 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 37)

(A) You can say, for example, “Keep at it. This is what
I’ve worked so hard for. I will not give up.” Or you might
say, “I have rehearsed this many times and was able to
keep up. I can certainly do it now.” When you use your
mind to make such a statement, your body listens, and
you can dance your best until the curtain falls.

(B) The best way to tap into a last reserve of energy and
get to the final curtain is to use your mind to encourage,
cajole, and persuade your body to keep going in the face
of fatigue.

(C) Experienced dancers will tell you that once you have
rehearsed and practiced enough, a dance performance is
less a physical challenge than a mental one. Later in the
performance, when your body starts to break down, you
may struggle to remain positive and motivated.

12-4 내용과 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 38)

① One cannot study Ancient Egyptian painting without

feeling sorry for the painters; for in all the enormous
amount of work done by them no one man was
recognized — no one is now remembered. ② We know
some of the names of great Egyptian architects which are
written in the historical rolls; but no painter’s name has
been thus preserved. ③ The fact that no greater progress
was made is proof of the discouraging influences that
must have been around these artists, for it is not possible
that none of them had imagination or originality: there
must have been some whose souls were filled with poetic
visions. ④ It is important to develop children's
imagination and poetic visions. ⑤ But of what use could
imagination be to artists who were governed by the laws
of a narrow priesthood, and restricted by a superstitious
religion which even laid down rules for art? For these
reasons we know something of Egyptian art and nothing
of Egyptian painters.

- 11 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

History & Education
1-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 40)

EXAMPLE READING-4 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 39)

Three-quarters of the babies in the world learn more than
one language. ① Some learn four or five at the same
(A) Each child has a right to a personal choice of beauty,
time. That amazes people who are used to living in a
joy, and wonder. Aesthetic development takes place in
community where only one language is spoken, but it’s all
secure settings free of competition and adult judgment.
perfectly normal. ② We have to think of it from the
baby’s point of view. All they know is that people are
(B) Only children who choose and evaluate for themselves
talking to them. ③ Babies usually laugh when they hear
can truly develop their own aesthetic taste. Just as
their mother's voice. ④ They have no idea that the words
becoming literate is a basic goal of education, one of the
belong to different languages. They won’t realize that until
key goals of all creative early childhood programs is to
they’re older. ⑤ If mummy speaks one way and daddy
help young children develop the ability to speak freely
speaks another and the lady in the shop speaks in a third
about their own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art.
way, so what? They’re only words, after all. Babies pick it
all up naturally, like breathing.
(C) Children sometimes see and say things to please
adults; teachers must realize this and the power it implies.
Teachers who prefer that children see beauty as they
themselves do are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics in
children. They are fostering uniformity and obedience.

2-4 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 41)

(A) But the most effective way to learn is to teach

someone else what you know. If you can set up in your
classroom frequent opportunities for the students to teach
each other, then it accelerates what they learn.

(B) By making the nature of the work interesting and

dynamic, it automatically improves behaviour management.
By giving students teaching opportunities it helps them to
usefully channel their excess energy and it also helps with
confidence building.

(C) There is an old Chinese proverb which says: ‘To teach

is to learn twice’. It is well known that various types of
teaching have various levels of effectiveness from passively
listening to actively doing.

- 12 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

3-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 42) 5-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 44)

Since hair had spiritual connotations in many ancient

cultures, people who worked with hair were trusted and Howard Zinn noted that historians are far from objective
important members of their communities. ① In Africa, when they write about historical events. ① Presented with
where a person’s spirit was believed to reside in his or an infinite amount of information, historians choose what
her hair, hairdressers were held in high esteem. ② Today, to report, emphasize, and interpret about the past. ② The
doctors who deal with human life are highly respected. ③ information historians leave out of books may be just as
People with a talent for hairdressing were encouraged to important as what they include. ③ In fact, the choice to
develop their skills so that they could serve others this exclude information may create stereotypes, myths, and
way. ④ Hairdressers developed close relationships with cultural biases, or strengthen stereotypes that are already
people as they spent hours washing, combing, oiling, common. ④ It is important to know our history in
styling, and ornamenting their hair. ⑤ Male hairdressers chronological order.⑤ Historians often emphasize historical
served men, while women worked only with women. information that supports their own values and beliefs or
Before a master hairdresser died, he or she would give his that supports the beliefs that are dominant in their
or her combs and other tools to a chosen successor societies.
during a special ceremony.

4-4 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 43) 6-4 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 45)

(A) Yet she also kept the secret spiritual name Matoaka, (A) Clever merchants created wider markets for
and when baptized and married she took the name innovations and chic accessories. Art depicted humans on
Rebecca. She was never able to tell her own story, but an unprecedented scale, paying tribute to real world
Pocahontas’s legend endures four hundred years later and experiences. Mirrors led more people to try to imagine
grows stronger with each new generation. what they looked like.

(B) As an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl in the early (B) In daily life, dress possessed immediate visual appeal
1600s, and one of the many children of the ruling chief and increasingly offered choice. Clothes were immensely
Powhatan of present-day Virginia, Pocahontas lived during colorful, which made them attractive to look at. New
a time of great change for her people — a time of war materials, cutting, and sewing techniques transformed
and struggle with the English colonists of the Jamestown tailoring.
(C) Painting, architecture, and sculpture often dominate
(C) “Pocahontas” was actually a nickname, one of four our sense of the Renaissance. Yet this cultural movement
names that the famous Indian girl had throughout her became visible to many through a new world of fashion
life. Although known today as Pocahontas, meaning fueled by a passion for innovative ideas in dialogue with
“mischievous one,” her given name was Amonute. classical traditions.

- 13 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오46) 9-4 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오48)

No matter how it is presented, designed and implemented, When children get upset, they cannot be reached by
technology does play an ever-increasing and necessary role reasoning. When angry, they respond only to emotional
in higher education. ① Nevertheless, every university balm. Two young siblings were playing in the basement.
teacher faces at least four common areas of academic Suddenly a noise of destruction, followed by shouting and
concern: preparing and organizing courses; teaching and accusation, was heard. Red with anger, Billy, age six, ran
providing assignments; assessing student learning; and up the stairs and exclaimed, “Betsy knocked over my fort.”
evaluating the effectiveness of teaching. ② In the present His mother _________: “Oh, that must have made you
day, in all areas of the curriculum, teachers must teach an very angry.” “It sure did.” He turned around and went
information-based inquiry process to meet the demands of back to play. This was the first time Billy’s mother
the technology age. ③ Meeting this challenge will be managed not to get involved in her children’s daily
impossible unless educators are willing to join the quarrels. By not asking the fatal question “Who started
revolution and embrace the new technology tools available. it?” she avoided her son’s usual recital of grievances and
④ Experts, however, argue that the importance of basic requests for revenge. By mirroring his inner mood, she
literacy education should not be underestimated. ⑤ Higher avoided the disagreeable role of becoming judge,
education in general and faculty members in particular prosecutor, and law enforcer to her children.
must be the leaders in the integration of technology in *balm 연고, 위안 ** grievance 불평, 불만
diverse learning environments.
① convinced ② acquired
③ emerged ④ sympathized
⑤ accommodated

10-4 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞

은 곳을 고르시오49)

> Eurasian diseases and the infamous brutality of the

Spanish conquistadors slaughtered the population.

The importance of Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492

8-4 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오47) cannot be exaggerated. It established a permanent link
between two entire ecosystems that had evolved in
In the middle of the seventeenth century Holland, with isolation from each another for almost 10,000 years. (가)
the most powerful fleet in the world, ① is able to fully The initial impact on the inhabitants of the Americas was
develop a colonial system and reach the pinnacle of her catastrophic. (나) A remarkably small number of European
might. Soon her main rival, the rapidly-developing invaders conquered the most sophisticated American states
England, ② possessed economic superiority over Holland. with startling ease, laying potentially the entire New
The struggle between ③ these countries reached its climax World open to European exploitation and colonization. (다)
in the wars ④ known as the Anglo-Dutch wars. The arena However, the arrival of European sailors in Asia did not
of the main engagements was the North Sea. After several have the same dramatic impact. (라) Powerful countries,
sea battles won by the English, Holland was forced to ⑤ including India, Imperial China, the Mughal Empire, and
conceded defeat. She then became a second-rate colonial the Japanese shogunate at first merely tolerated the
power. In fact, her fate was sealed by the victory of the Europeans as traders, allowing them to control only a few
⑥ industrial capital of England over the commercial islands or enclaves along the coast, as long as they did
capital of Holland, the military expression of which was not interfere or become too troublesome. (마)
the ⑦ superiority of the English fleet. *conquistador 정복자 **shogunate 막부 (시대) ***enclave
*pinnacle 정점, 절정 ** concede 인정하다 소수 민족 거주지

- 14 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

11-4 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오50)

Think of how you hold a pencil. Maybe your teacher was

very strict with all her students, and you could only hold
the pencil one way or you’d get in trouble. That
pencil-holding technique was likely ingrained, and you’d
find it uncomfortable to hold a pencil any other way. Or
maybe you like skiing and decide to take some lessons —
despite having skied already for a number of years. You
may be surprised to discover that your posture and form
aren’t good. Your instructor will have to work harder to
get you to ________ your form than if she was teaching
a person who never skied before. That’s because your
muscles have learned a certain way of skiing that you now
have to unlearn in order to pick up the correct form. So
the next time you’re learning something new, make sure
you do it the correct way the first time around. That way
you don’t have to learn it twice.

① evaporate
② change
③ explode
④ improvise
⑤ increase

12-4 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오51)

Rites of passage are not a rational activity.

(A) Some groups have also included an emotional

challenge of revealing deep fears and significant
life-changing events. The key here is that all candidates
are on trial and are made to believe their ordeal together
is really tough. Whatever the “ordeal,” it should make
good story-telling material.

(B) They are designed to bring physical and emotional

energy to a climax, bonding a group. They produce an
“experience,” not an “ah-ha!” Corporations have produced
ropes course events to provide a physical challenge.

(C) The physical events produce courage as a by-product

and an abiding sense that as a team anything can be
accomplished. The emotional events remind participants of
affection, honesty, and the feeling of belonging to a
family. The combined result can be an organization
unafraid to face new challenges together and able to
communicate honestly about things that are not working.

- 15 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

Environment & Health
1-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오53)

EXAMPLE READING-4 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은

Most Americans get more than enough protein. ① The
단어를 고르시오52)
daily dietary requirement for an adult is 0.8 grams of
protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. ② That
In the 1930s the work of Sigmund Freud, the ‘father of
equates to about 64 grams a day of protein for a
psychoanalysis’, began to be widely known and
175-pound man and 47 grams a day for a 130-pound
appreciated. Less well known at the time was the fact that
woman. ③ Roughly, you can take your weight in pounds
Freud had found out, almost by accident, how helpful his
and divide that number in half, and that would be the
pet dog Jofi was to his patients. He had only become a
number of grams of protein required in your diet. ④ This
dog lover in later life when Jofi was given to him by his
study shows that excessive dieting can cause heart disease.
daughter Anna. The dog sat in on the doctor’s therapy
⑤ That’s really not very much protein, and many
sessions and Freud discovered that his patients felt much
Americans get double this amount. For example, a
more comfortable talking about their problems if the dog
one-pound steak, not unusual in restaurants, supplies 100
was there. Some of them even preferred to talk to Jofi,
grams of protein all by itself.
rather than the doctor! Freud noted that if the dog sat
*dietary requirement 권장 섭취량 ** equate to ~와 같다
near the patient, the patient found it easier to relax, but
if Jofi sat on the other side of the room, the patient
seemed more tense and distressed. He was surprised to
2-4 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오54)
realize that Jofi seemed to sense this too. The dog’s
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
presence was an especially _________ influence on child [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
and teenage patients. [조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]
① serious
② embarrassing Excessive stress at work may produce a number of
③ anxious diseases like heart attacks, high blood pressure, mental
④ frustrating stress, etc. (A) 그것은 힘든 일이 스트레스를 주기 때문에 우리
⑤ calming 가 그 일을 피해야 한다는 것을 의미하는가? The answer is a
big ‘No.’ On the contrary, people who do not work hard
are lazy and catch more diseases. Take the example of
Mr. A. He was a busy executive and worked hard to
achieve his goals, but sometime after reaching the top, he
became rather lazy, took things easy and stopped taking
care of his diet and work routine. Before that he was a
hard worker and remained healthy, but now as he had
left his hard work routine, he became ill and suffered a
heart attack. Mr. A fell victim to illness not because of
hard work but due to a lack of work.

보기: [mean / hard / work / because / that / stressful /

it / should / avoid / do / be / we]

- 16 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

3-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오55) 5-4 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오57)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
Water is a necessary resource to sustain life on this [조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
planet. We are blessed to have 70% of our planet covered
수 있음]
with this resource. ① Water is the most neglected nutrient
in your diet but one of the most vital. ② However, at the
Unlike with asteroids, there’s no $2-to-3-billion, ten-year
same time, we are not so fortunate because only 3% of
NASA program to avoid the impact of storms and other
this is available as fresh water for human activity, in the
extreme climatic events like floods and droughts. (A) 계속
household, agriculture, and industry. ③ In the process
하여 더 빠르게 상승하는 해수면과 같은 덜 극적인 사건에 대한
industries, we use water, for washing operations, for steam
빠른 해결책도 또한 없다. As a first line of defense, higher
generation, and for other process uses. ④ This results in
seawalls would surely help. But they can go only so far
large quantities of wastewater, which is also contaminated
for so long. Higher seas make storm waves more powerful,
and therefore difficult to dispose of without causing
and higher seas themselves come with plenty of costs of
environmental damage. ⑤ Thus, it is necessary to look at
their own. Imagine standing in the harbor of your favorite
ways to both reduce consumption of fresh water and
coastal city. Then imagine standing there at the end of
minimize discharge — with the ultimate aim of zero
the century with sea levels having risen by 1 meter. It will
discharge — while minimizing the capital and operating
only be a matter of time before higher seawalls won’t do,
costs of doing so.
when the only option will be moving back.
*asteroid 소행성

보기: [there / be / seas / fix / a / for / events / ever /

the / less / like / quick / nor / dramatic / rise / fast]

6-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오58)

4-4 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오56)
Box turtles are fairly small, having an adult maximum
Critics cite as ① problematic the volume of advertisements length of 10–18 cm. ① Their range is restricted to North
children view on a daily basis, especially television America, with the Eastern species located over most of the
commercials. Recent estimates are ② that today’s child ③ eastern United States and the Western species located in
view between 20,000 and 40,000 television commercials the Central and Southwestern United States and into
each year. According to Kunkel and Gantz’s 1992 paper, Mexico. ② Both species are highly variable in coloration
food products make up ④ roughly half the ads viewed by and pattern, ranging from a uniform tan to dark brown or
adolescents. Sugary cereals are the most frequently black, with yellow spots or streaks. ③ They prefer a dry
advertised product on television; other food products often habitat such as woodlands or prairies. ④ Trees and
marketed ⑤ during youth television programming ⑥ woodlands need to be an integral part of any green space
include candy, snacks, cookies and sodas. In contrast, very strategy. ⑤ They typically inhabit sandy soil, but are
few commercials promote healthy food options such as sometimes found in springs or ponds during hot weather.
fruits and vegetables. In summary, snack, convenience, and During the winter, they hibernate in the soil below the
fast foods dominate ⑦ advertisement to children, frost line, often as deep as 60 cm. They feed on insects,
especially during the television programs children watch earthworms, slugs, fruits, berries, leaves, and mushrooms.
the most. *slug 민달팽이

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오59) 9-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 61)

Warming winter temperatures, particularly in northern In 2002, a landmark study was published in the British
coastal areas, could be a boon for marine transportation. Journal of Psychiatry by Bernard Gesch. “The Young
① The diet of the Emperor penguin includes krill, fish Prisoners Study” reported that offenders were often
and squid. ② Fewer days below freezing would reduce inclined to choose foods lacking in essential _______
problems with ice accumulation on vessels and docks, the which could influence their behaviors. Therefore, he
occurrence of dangerous ice fog, and the likelihood of ice conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the
jams in ports. ③ The striking thinning and overall effect of dietary supplementation with physiologically
downward trend in the extent of Arctic sea ice are adequate am ounts of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.
regarded as a major opportunity for shippers. ④ In the He divided a population of 231 prisoners ages of 18 and
short term, continued reduction in Arctic sea ice should 21 years into two groups, one receiving placebos and one
result in more ice-free ports, improved access to both receiving a selection of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids
ports and natural resources in remote areas, and longer (here referred to as “nutrients”) for 4 months.
shipping seasons. ⑤ In the longer term, shippers are Investigators then tracked offenses among the inmates. At
looking forward to new Arctic shipping routes that could the conclusion of the study, prisoners receiving placebos
provide significant cost savings in shipping times and showed no change in baseline behaviors, while prisoners
distances. receiving nutrients improved markedly. Among those
*boon 호재, 이익 receiving nutrients, there were 26% fewer violations
overall, with serious breaches of conduct, including
violence, reduced by 37%.
*breach 문란, 파괴
① vitamins
8-4 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오60) ② nutrients
③ proteins
The development of agriculture enabled the growth of ④ minerals
human population; fields for crops and animals were able ⑤ carbohydrates
to produce much larger yields per hectare than could be
found through gathering and hunting. An increasing
population required the clearing of more land for 10-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 62)

agriculture. For millennia, the solution was to burn forests

and to turn them into fields. Thus, much of Europe’s ▶ You need to eat to fuel your body and its functions,
temperate forest was already destroyed by medieval times. and while eating is pleasurable, I can’t tell you that it’s
However, the magnitude of agriculture before the year okay to have some of this or that food vice. If you allow
1700 was so small that the carbon cycle did not clearly yourself some, you’ll probably want more!
respond to this increasing ___________ of forests. After
the late 1700s, as a result of the Industrial Revolution, a One of the first issues raised when it comes to eliminating
slowly increasing trend in atmospheric   concentration unhealthy fast food is whether it is necessary to
can be seen. And since that time, industrialization has completely remove it from the diet. ① Many people have
been intense and almost always based on energy released turned down my vice-busting approach to weight
from fossil fuels. The atmosphere has responded very management because they don’t think they need to
clearly; the   concentration in the atmosphere has completely give up the foods they like. ② While I’m not
saying you can’t enjoy food, the problem is that you may
increased by 100 ppm since those times.
have been enjoying it too much at the expense of healthy
eating. ③ So let me remind you of what I’ve always said
① destruction
about this so-called eating in moderation. ④ It is very,
② industry
very difficult to have just one bite of the food you love
③ economy
without slipping back to old habits and addictions. ⑤
④ growth
*vice-busting 나쁜 버릇을 깨는
⑤ influence

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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

11-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 63)

Numerous studies demonstrate the ___________ of

volunteering, which include lowered blood pressure,
increased self-esteem, lessened feelings of social isolation,
a strengthened immune system, and reduced stress. Even
a relatively small time commitment can make a difference,
according to a study that identified the health benefits to
senior citizens of less than one hour of volunteering per
week. Volunteering is beneficial to everyone, but most
especially to those who are out of the workplace, such as
retirees, the unemployed, and stay-at-home parents or
spouses. These people, who can easily become isolated,
may reap the largest benefits because of the social
connections gained through volunteering. What’s more,
taking on an authority role may add esteem-boosting
professionalism, mastery, and competence to one’s sense of

① the inconvenience felt by the elderly

② social advantage
③ the benefits of psychological change
④ mental advantage
⑤ health benefit

12-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 64)

▶ Alcoholism, previously very rare, became more

common. Sugar and white flour replaced traditional

The Akimel O’odham and Tohono O’odham (the peoples

that European settlers called Pima and Papago) of Arizona
were virtually free from diabetes until two generations ago.
① Before the twentieth century, they had lived on desert
foods such as mesquite meal, wild greens, and cactus buds
and fruits and on traditional crops: maize, locally grown
wheat, beans, squash, and chiles. ② In the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries, they lost most of their land
and almost all the water needed to irrigate what land they
kept. ③ After World War II, they were progressively
incorporated into the wider society of Arizona. This led to
the expected lifestyle and dietary changes. ④ Today most
adults suffer from diabetes, and life expectancy is falling
as the disease extracts its dreadful toll in heart and
kidney failure and in necrosis. ⑤
*mesquite 메스키트(남미산 콩과 식물) ** necrosis(생체 내 조직·세포의)
괴사(壞死 )
- 19 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

CHAPTER 6 보기 [ religion /the /of /system /as /and /authority /be

/give /law /to /scientific]

Social Science
Example Reading-4. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 65)

Car-sharing is now a familiar concept, but creative

companies are making it possible for their clients to share
ownership and access to just about everything, such as
villas, handbags and even diamond necklaces. ① According
to a Portuguese saying, “You should never have a yacht;
you should have a friend with a yacht.” ② By joining a
yacht sharing service, members can live the Portuguese
dream by sharing a yacht with up to seven other people.
③ But we must not stop dreaming. We must yearn for
dreams. In describing the service, a recent newspaper
article warned consumers that sharing the yacht means
“there is no guarantee you will always be able to use it
when you want.” ④ This apparent limitation is precisely
what helps consumers make it a treat. Limiting your
access to everything from sandwiches to luxury cars helps
to reset your cheerometer. ⑤ That is, knowing you can’t
have access to something all the time may help you
appreciate it more when you do.
2-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 67)

Collective memory is central to understanding how

_______ are formed in society. Socializing into a group
Reading means adopting not only shared norms, but also learning
a group’s historical memory. Whereas small-scale groups
1-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 66)
often transmit historical memory orally, large-scale groups
* 과거 진행형을 사용할 것.
such as nations rely on written texts to create, in Benedict
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
Anderson’s term, “imagined communities.” In speeches,
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
monuments, ceremonies, and holidays, national elites
invoke a heroic version of the nation’s past. This version
Like the subjects it studies, sociology is itself a social
inspires and unifies diverse and divided citizens,
product. Sociology first emerged in western Europe during
encouraging patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice for the
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this period,
national cause. Collective memory is therefore inherently
the political and economic systems of Europe were rapidly
political, as dominant groups in society struggle over how
changing. Monarchy, the rule of society by kings and
collective memory is produced and represented in official
queens, was disappearing in western Europe. These
records and in public spaces.
changes generated new ways of thinking. (A) 권위와 법의
제도로서 종교는 과학적 권위에 자리를 내주고 있었다. At the
① specificities
same time, capitalism grew. Along with its growth, contact
② differentiations
between different societies increased, and worldwide
③ identities
economic markets developed. The traditional ways of the
④ cooperatives
past were giving way to a new social order. The time was
⑤ individualities
ripe for a new understanding.
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3-4. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 68)

Half of the world’s people who now live in cities

experience the most artificial environment ever created by

(A) Large areas of countryside have been destroyed by the 5-4. 다음 글과 관련없는 문장을 고르시오. 70)

spread of houses, roads, and shopping centers across what

were once fields and woodland. In the 1990s alone, over Go to a public square during a big protest or concert and
800,000 hectares of European land was built on. you’ll see something apparently very different, yet
conceptually quite similar. ① If you watch closely, you’ll
(B) However, in general the flood of people into cities see that how people move through a densely packed
destroyed existing social bonds. Cities, as Henry David square really has less to do with individual inclinations
Thoreau wrote, tend to be places characterized by ‘millions than with patterns. ② Because of the behavior, people
of people being lonely together.’ who don't join the group tend to feel inconvenienced. ③
As individuals try to avoid collisions with each other, as
(C) Cities also depend on very high energy use in building one person follows another, who in turn follows someone
and sustaining them and in moving millions of people to else, they automatically begin to form coherent streams of
and from work every day. Cities have many benefits — movement. ④ A person has good reason to move within
they are usually centers of cultural activity and have a these streams, as moving in other directions is a lot more
much wider range of facilities than rural areas. difficult. Because of this advantage, any stream soon
attracts more people to join it, making it bigger and still
more attractive to others. ⑤ The pattern constrains
4-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 69) people’s choices, making them more likely to act in a way
* 동명사를 사용할 것. that reinforces the pattern, boosting its energy and
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. influence.

Consider a political map of the world: its most striking

feature is the division of the entire earth’s surface into 6-4. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 71)

over 190 neatly defined territorial units, namely states. To

a student of politics in the Middle Ages, such a There is one key difference between dream thoughts and
representation of the world, which gave primacy to our thinking while awake.
borders and boundaries, would make little sense.
Historically, borders are a relatively recent invention, as is (A) As we learn professional skills, we learn the ways of
the idea that states are completely independent, thinking that are recognized and rewarded in our
self-governing, territorially defined political communities or professions, and thereby avoid patterns of thought that
organizations. Although today a convenient fiction, this might betray the methods and norms of that profession.
presumption remains central to traditional state-centric Many of these taboos are worthwhile, as they enforce
conceptions of world politics as the pursuit of power and social order and consolidate progress.
interests between independent states. Globalization,
however, calls this state-centric conception of world (B) One of the lessons we learn in life is that certain
politics into question. (A) 그러므로 세계화를 진지하게 받아들 actions, even thoughts, are not permissible in the real
이는 것은 세계 정치에 대해 우리가 생각하는 방식에 개념상의 변 world. For example, we learn that we cannot immediately
화를 요구한다. fulfill our desires.
*presumption 가정, 추정
(C) There are rules against grabbing the money in the
cash register at a store, and constraints on interacting
보기 [ globalization /therefore /serious /take /a /require
with a person to whom we may be physically attracted.
/shift /in /conceptual /way /the /we /think /world politics
We also learn that certain thoughts are not permissible
because they are culturally forbidden.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4. 다음 글과 관련 없는 문장을 찾으시오. 72) 9-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 74)

* 수동태를 사용할 것.
An efficient system of social protection is an important * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
* 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음.
part of any modern society. ① The market failed to
provide adequate insurance, for instance, for
In a study, participants viewed photographs of a library
unemployment or disability. So the government stepped in.
reading room or a train station interior after learning they
② But people receiving those benefits typically paid for
would have to visit the setting afterward (Aarts &
them, either directly or indirectly, through contributions
Dijksterhuis, 2003). Other participants viewed the library
they or their employer made on their behalf to these
without the goal of going there. Presumably, (A) 하나의 사
insurance funds. ③ Aside from a person’s right to draw
회적 환경에 간다는 목적이 작용할 때, 관련된 규범이 작동되어 순
benefits from programs they helped fund, social protection
응하라는 신호를 보내는 듯하다. And, indeed, only those
can make for a more productive society. Individuals can
people primed with the goal to visit the library did more
take on more high-return, high-risk activities if they know
rapidly recognize words related to silence (silent, quiet,
there is a safety net that will protect them if things don’t
still, whisper) than unrelated control words. In a
work out. ④ Safety is not a great value in the market. ⑤
subsequent study, participants primed in the same way
It’s one of the reasons that some economies with better
also spoke more softly, even on an unrelated task. Parallel
social protection have been growing much more rapidly
effects occurred for participants primed with the goal of
than that of the United States, even during the recent
visiting an exclusive restaurant and behaving in a
well-mannered way. Primed participants ate crackers
during unrelated experimental tasks and actually tidied up
more often if they had been primed.
*prime 언질을 주다, 미리 알려 주다

보기 [ the goal /cue /go /a /environment /active /when

/the relevant norms /activated /be /conformity]

8-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 73)

▶ Therefore, judging whether something is right or wrong

is based on individual societies’ beliefs, and any moral or
ethical opinions are affected by an individual’s cultural

Ethical and moral systems are different for every culture.

① According to cultural relativism, all of these systems
are equally valid, and no system is better than another. ②
The basis of cultural relativism is the notion that no true
standards of good and evil actually exist. ③ There exists
an inherent contradiction in cultural relativism, however. If
one embraces the idea that there is no right or wrong,
then there exists no way to make judgments in the first
place. ④ To deal with this contradiction, cultural
relativism creates “tolerance.” ⑤ However, with tolerance
comes intolerance, which means that tolerance must imply
some sort of ultimate good. Thus, tolerance also goes
against the very notion of cultural relativism.

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내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

10-4. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 75) 12-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 77)

* 과거완료의 형태를 쓰시오.

You could easily be impressed, say, by the practices of * 보기의 단어는 변형할 수 있음.
* 조동사 can을 사용할 것.
certain business leaders, and try to follow their example,
measure by measure.
Sociologist Steph Lawler found that British women who
had moved from the working class to the middle class
(A) This astounds and impresses everyone, and makes
were caught between two worlds — their working-class
them feel important. Wouldn’t you want to do that? But
background and their current middle-class life. The
Welch’s gift is a rare one, not easily copied. The point is
women’s mothers found their daughters’ middle-class ways
not to wish you were like someone else but to play your
“uppity,” and they criticized their daughters’ preferences in
singular strength as a leader.
furniture and food, their speech and even the way they
reared their children. As you can expect, this strained the
(B) Jack Welch, whose books on leadership have made
mother-daughter relationships. Studying working-class
him an icon, is known as an executive who connects on a
parents in Boston, sociologists Richard Sennett and
person-to-person basis in part because he remembers the
Jonathan Cobb found something similar. (A) 부모들은 자녀
name of everyone he meets.
가 대학에 갈 수 있도록 크나큰 희생을 했다. They, of course,
expected their children to appreciate their sacrifice. But
(C) That’s what I’m talking about — determining where
again, the result was two worlds of experience. The
you will find yourself on a wide spectrum of leadership
children’s educated world was so unlike that of their
styles, understanding how your own unique mix of
parents that even talking to one another became difficult.
strengths can serve you best in an organizational context.
Not surprisingly, the parents felt betrayed and bitter. Their
But there is one element that can’t be missing from your
sacrifices had ripped their children from them.
leadership solution — it’s the authentic you.
*uppity 거만한, 건방진

보기 [have /deep /make /they /can /the parent /to /go

/college /sacrifice /children]

11-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 76)

▶ In this sense, suspicions and distrust may be valuable

to you before and during the negotiation process.

Do not assume that trusting your opponents is essential

for a proper negotiation process, collaboration and an
integrative outcome. ① Trustfulness may make you
vulnerable; thus, your opponents’ behavior may become
harmful and damaging. ② Being trusting may also “blind”
you to the possible manipulation of your opponents. ③ It
is possible that suspicion and distrust may motivate you
to search for essential information about your opponents
and, at the same time, serve as a defense mechanism and
coping strategy against your opponents’ potential
manipulations. ④ Thus, try to maintain the right balance
between a certain amount of trust on the one hand, and a
certain amount of suspicion — and even distrust — on the
other. ⑤ This way you will benefit from both the
advantages of distrust and suspicions, as well as the
advantages of trust.

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리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

Human Life
1-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 79)

EXAMPLE READING-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Discipline and habit. Honestly, most people never really
want ① to talk about these. And ② who can blame them?
I don’t either. The images these words bring up in our
When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or scary
heads are of something hard and unpleasant. Just ③ read
moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense emotions
the words is ④ exhausting. But there’s good news. The
and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. When this
right discipline ⑤ goes a long way, and habits are hard
happens, we as parents can help bring the left hemisphere
only in the beginning. Over time, the habit you’re ⑥ after
into the picture so that the child can begin to understand
becomes easier and easier to sustain. It’s true. Habits
what’s happening. One of the best ways to promote this
require much less energy and effort to maintain than ⑦
type of integration is to help ______________ the story
begin. Put up with the discipline long enough ⑧ to turn
of the frightening or painful experience. Bella, for
it into a habit, and the journey feels different. The hard
instance, was nine years old when the toilet overflowed
stuff becomes habit, and habit makes the hard stuff easy-.
when she flushed, and the experience of watching the
water rise and pour onto the floor left her unwilling to
flush the toilet afterward. When Bella’s father, Doug,
2-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 80)
learned about the “name it to tame it” technique, he sat
* 보기의 단어는 변형하여 사용할 수 있으며, 중복 사용 가능
down with his daughter and retold the story of the time * 의미에 맞게 단어를 추가하여 작성할 것
the toilet overflowed. He allowed her to tell as much of
the story as she could and helped to fill in the details. Despite its importance, people rarely comment on other
After retelling the story several times, Bella’s fears people’s nonverbal behavior; rarely do they ask, “Why are
lessened and eventually went away. you standing so far away from me?” or say, “Thank you
for squeezing my hand.” Instead, they respond
① forget nonverbally, for example by moving closer or squeezing
② retell back. Meeting nonverbal communication with nonverbal
③ imagine communication is the rule of nonverbal reciprocity. This
④ shocked rule holds that feelings are best reciprocated with feelings,
⑤ remember (A) 많은 비언어적 행동이 무의식적인 듯 보이기 때문에, 그리고
비언어적 의사소통이 말에 의한 의사소통보다 덜 직접적이기 때문
에. Thus, when people are feeling vulnerable, it provides a
safer way to communicate attraction or rejection, with less
risk of being called to account. In various ways, then,
nonverbal channels facilitate social attachment and
belonging as people understand each other.

보기 [because /much /behavior /appear /nonverbal /and

/communication /be /direct /than /verbal communication

- 24 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

3-4. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 81) 5-4. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 83)

Even high-achieving sports superstars like Tiger Woods or It’s been my experience that complaining about deadlines
Gabby Douglas need coaches. — even if the complaints are justified — takes an
enormous amount of mental energy and time! ① The
(A) Then, week by week, the achiever should ask the turmoil you go through simply within your own head is
coach to help her understand what success looks like, rarely worth it. The added obsessive thinking about the
honestly assessing strengths and weaknesses. The pace at deadline creates its own internal anxiety. ② I know that
which achievers work is often supersonic, so it’s important deadlines can create quite a bit of stress and that
they and their coach get their aim right, and then adjust sometimes it doesn’t seem fair. However, working toward
as needed. your goal without the interference of negative mental
energy makes any job more manageable. ③ See if you can
(B) Every great achiever needs to be pushed to find what notice how often you tend to worry or complain about
he or she is truly capable of, which means achievers need deadlines. Then, try to catch yourself in the act of doing
someone to instruct, guide, and push them. so. ④ Looking at that, you can gain passion and sense of
accomplishment and live a life full of vitality. ⑤ When
(C) Achievers should choose a mentor, whether it is their you do, gently remind yourself that your energy would be
boss, someone else in the organization or even someone better spent elsewhere. Who knows, perhaps you can
outside work. They need to ensure that there is trust in ultimately make peace with deadlines altogether.
the relationship, the mentor has sufficient time to invest,
and there is good chemistry.
6-4. 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 84)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* that을 제외한 접속사를 사용할 것

4-4. 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 82)

Parents used to have little responsibility for their children
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
* 보기의 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음.
beyond providing food, clothing, shelter, and moral
guidance. And they needed to do this for only a short
Making small talk allows participants to sprinkle plenty of time, because children began to contribute to the support
key words, free information, self-disclosures, and new of the family early in life. Among many people,
topics into their conversation. This provides more parenthood is still like this. In Colombia, for example,
opportunities for you and the other person to choose children of the poor often are expected to support
topics of mutual interest. This will extend your themselves by the age of 8 or 10. In industrial societies,
conversation because you’ll have more things to talk about. however, (A) 우리는 아이들이 오랜 기간 동안, 부모들에게 재정
Of course, (A) 여러분이 고른 가벼운 대화의 주제 중 몇몇은 단 적, 정서적 후원을 의존해야 하는 연약한 존재라고 가정한다 —
지 일 분이나 이 분 정도의 대화를 만들어 낼 수도 있다. often until they are well into their 20s. In some cases,
However, by applying good listening and questioning skills, this is now being extended into the 30s. The greater
others will lead you to “conversational gold” — that is, a responsibilities that we assign to parenthood place heavier
person’s hot button. The information you pick up during burdens on today’s couples and, with them, more strain
small talk can also pay off for you in later conversations. on marriage.

보기 [some /the /small-talk /you /topic /of course /of 보기 [financial /assume /that /we /be /vulnerable beings
/may /a /or /two /conversation /choose /only /yield /children /must /depend /their parents /for /for /on /and
/minute /two] /emotional /support /many years]

- 25 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 85) 9-4. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 87)

In the past few years, the brain and behavioral sciences, If we want to be wealthy, but we believe that the
and even medical research, have begun paying opportunity to be wealthy does not exist for us, then we
considerable attention to purpose and related concepts will abandon our dreams of wealth. ① We will not seek
such as “intentional goal” and “ultimate concerns,” and the wealth. ② Instead, we will hold on to the belief that
roles they play in well-being. Study after study has found opportunity is scarce, because this is the concept that
a person’s sense of ____________ to be closely appears true to us. ③ If we dream of writing a book, but
connected to virtually all dimensions of well-being. Recent believe we are not capable, then we will not take the
studies in neuroscience, for example, have found that steps necessary to write the book. ④ But those who have
certain areas of the brain that govern social and moral the ability to write do not give up on writing. We will
judgments show a strong response when people observe or abandon our dream, rather than abandon the thoughts
engage in intentional activities. Studies of aging have that discourage us. However, Einstein said to do the
shown that one of the prime predictors of health and opposite. He said that we must abandon what we hold
well-being in old age is whether a person continues to be true. ⑤ For example, we should disregard what appears to
purposeful. Researchers studying people with mental health be a fact of our condition, such as I do not have the
problems and disabilities have found that helping them skills to write a book, and instead focus on our ability to
find a sense of purpose can assist them in overcoming write the book.
their psychological deficits.

① self-confidence ② satisfaction
③ well-being ④ life purpose
⑤ happiness

8-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 86)

*과거완료 시제를 사용할 것.

*단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. 10-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 88)
*중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

A lot of parents don’t know how to decide how warmly to

We all do it. We have that little voice in our heads that
dress their children for going outside. A good rule is for
only knows how to say negative things. It’s our ‘inner
you to dress the young child in the same number of items
critic.’ However, you have control over that voice. (A) 여러
you would wear for the day — with perhaps one extra
분은 그 비생산적인 부정적인 혼잣말을 그만두고, 그 대신 그 상황
coat, sweater or blanket in cold weather. This is to allow
을 넘어서기 위해 여러분이 할 수 있는 것에 집중하기를 배우기
for the fact that the very young child will be less active
원한다. Focus on how you can solve problems, make a
than you are. As children get older and more active they
better choice next time, or take any other kind of action
begin to want to have some say about what they should
that will help you focus on the positive rather than the
wear. Often they can ______ what they need to wear
negative. You can even create a STOP sign and post it on
better than you can. No child chooses to freeze to death.
your wall so that every time you have a negative thought
In general, parents tend to dress children at a level that
you can look up at it and say to yourself, “Stop!” Then
seems comfortable for them, the parents, rather than for
convert that negative thought into something positive.
the children. Active children who spend a good deal of
their outdoor time running, jumping and climbing need
보기 [learn /you /want /unproductive /self-talk /instead
less clothing than the slower moving adult.
/and /stop /what /can /do /past /move /the /situation]

① abandon
② criticize
③ consider
④ contribute
⑤ predict

- 26 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

11-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 89)

▶ You may have to negotiate with your spouse or other

loved ones to pursue your goal, such as if you decide you
want to go back to school at night.

Standing up for something that is important to you in the

face of all of the challenges and temptations that we face
in life takes a great deal of courage. ① Or, you might
have to change your behavior that others have come to
expect from you. ② For example, maybe you’ve always
been the life of the party and now you have decided to
focus on eating right, limiting alcohol, and getting a
full-night’s sleep every night, so your friends start
wondering who you are. ③ There’s no guarantee that
self-discipline will be easy. ④ But if you are committed to
something important to you, you’ll need to find the
courage to say ‘no’ to things that attempt to dissuade you
from your course. ⑤
*the life of the party 파티에 참석해서 분위기를 띄우는 사람

12-4. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 90)

Each of us views reality through our own lens.

(A) Since you and your friend cannot occupy the same
position at the same time from which you view the wall,
you cannot share the same view of the wall — ever. The
way in which you view reality is much the same, except
your position is not a physical position. Your position is a
mental position and each person’s view is unique.

(B) Your assessment of that wall, such as how brilliantly

the sun reflects off it or if the sun casts any shadows, will
depend on the position from which you view the wall.
Additionally, your viewpoint will determine whether you
will see a smudge in the paint, a fingerprint, or brush

(C) While we may share certain beliefs, you will never

have the same perspective as another because your
mixture of thoughts is unique to you. Consider as an
example both you and a friend observing a painted wall.
*smudge 얼룩

- 27 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

Business & Economy
1-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 92)

EXAMPLE READING-4. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시

In America today, there is an ever-growing need to know
오. 91)
more about money. And money is different today than it
was a few decades ago. Today, it is more a ______ than
▶ She gets greater functionality out of her two devices
a reality. We don’t see silver dollars. Our government
when they are used together.
doesn’t issue currency based on gold anymore. We spend
our money with credit cards. And we have our paychecks
Are the different types of mobile device, smartphones and
deposited into our bank account automatically. We hardly
tablets, substitutes or complements? ① Let’s explore this
ever see “money.” The way most of us thought about
question by considering the case of Madeleine and
money as children does not work in our lives today.
Alexandra, two users of these devices. ② Madeleine uses
When we were kids, most of us knew where our money
her tablet to take notes in class. ③ These notes are
was. It was either in our pocket or in our piggy-bank. So,
synced to her smartphone wirelessly, via a cloud
we need some new ways to deal with money we can’t see.
computing service, allowing Madeleine to review her notes
on her phone during the bus trip home. ④ Alexandra
① topic ② knowledge ③ concept
uses both her phone and tablet to surf the Internet, write
④ computerized ⑤ substantively
emails and check social media. Both of these devices allow
Alexandra to access online services when she is away from
her desktop computer. For Madeleine, smartphones and
tablets are complements. ⑤ Both smartphones and tablets
2-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 93)
fulfil more or less the same function in Alexandra’s life.
* 단어의 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 사용할 것.
This case illustrates the role that an individual consumer’s
behavior plays in determining the nature of the
After you have decided to make a purchase, at least two
relationship between two goods or services.
scarce resources are involved — income and time. Before
you spend your money, you need to invest time in
obtaining information about the product you wish to buy.
Suppose, for example, that you wish to buy a mountain
bike. How can you obtain information about the
characteristics of the numerous brands and models and
the prices of each bike? (A) 여러분은 가격을 비교하기 위해
먼저 소매점을 방문해야 하고 인터넷에서 약간의 조사를 해야 한
다. The time spent researching online or visiting stores to
check models and prices is a cost to you. This time, and
the money you eventually spend on the mountain bike,
cannot be used for anything else.

보기 [you /visit /first /and /store /should /do /research

/some /the /internet /on /compare /price]

- 28 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

3-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 94) 5-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 96)

*단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

▶ Worker bees learn about the location of food sources, *중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음

scout out new ecosystems that will sustain them, identify

An item you buy each week goes on sale. The store adds
the presence of danger, and then are able to communicate
to the discounting possibilities by running a promotion,
that knowledge to others through dance.
perhaps offering greater savings if you buy three or more.
And you will save even more if you have coupons for the
One of the greatest achievements of the honeybee is the
item. To the strategic shopper, this is like New Year’s Eve
ability to acquire and retain knowledge, and then to
and the Fourth of July rolled into one! Don’t light any
communicate that information to others. ① The course of
firecrackers, but do celebrate by stocking up when these
human evolution has also selected the best storytellers and
off-price opportunities combine for ultimate savings. (A) 가
the best listeners as the strongest survivors. ② The same
격이 최저일 때 많이 구매해 두면, 여러분은 비용을 일관되게 유지
is true for business today. ③ The ability to understand
한다. Even after prices return to normal, you’ll be able to
the lessons of your business and tell a story that imparts
“shop your freezer” and continue to enjoy items bought at
this wisdom to others in your company — as well as your
the sale price. Once this becomes a habit, you’ll wince at
customers — is paramount to survival and success. ④
the very notion of paying the full price.
Today’s businesses must be able to learn, adjust, and then
*wince at ~에 주춤하다
tell a story that inspires others to action. ⑤

보기 [if /when /stock /price /up /they /at /you /cost

/keep /consistent /low]

4-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 95)

In The Great Transformation, Polanyi wrote about the 6-4. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 97)

Trobriand Islands, off Papua New Guinea, whose tribal

economy was driven by non-economic behavior in striking The practical impact on business of the growth in
ways. Trade, even today, happens through gifts, not by technology is illustrated by the fact that as recently as ten
bargaining. Islanders make dangerous voyages to years ago, information, including pricing on many different
neighboring tribes to give presents of red-shell necklaces types of machinery and commodity products, was highly
and white arm bands, and the practice is regulated by inefficient.
customs and magical rites known as kula. The gifts are
not kept, but passed on. By showing generosity, the (A) Purchasing agents spent a lot of time looking for the
islanders enhance their ________. The drive for status, best price. However, changes in telecommunications have
not profit, is the motor of trade. Tribal economies are, of all but eliminated this inefficiency. Internet availability has
course, different from those of today’s industrialized resulted in more transparent and efficient pricing for both
countries. Polanyi argued that as European nations capital goods and commodity products today.
developed, custom and tradition were replaced by the
anonymity of the market. (B) It was difficult to know exactly what each firm would
*anonymity 익명, 특색 없음 charge for its product and what the price would be for
other firms. A businessperson could call and ask the price
① individual profit for that product.
② individual cognition
③ social standing (C) Whether the price was the same if you called a
④ social desire different salesperson in a different part of the month was
⑤ social image not predictable. The result was that widely different prices
were charged for the same products.
- 29 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

7-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 98) 9-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 100)

▶ Today, auctions are seemingly pervasive: the institution Global companies specialize by producing a lot of one
is used to sell a variety of agricultural commodities and thing, ① that they then sell to communities ② who
natural resources as well as fine art, real estate, and used become dependent on distant sources of specialized
cars. production. Distant companies seek only profitable
investment of capital. There is no business interest in
Auctions have been used since the ancient past. ① For sustaining communities. In the era of “free” trade, the
instance, the Roman Empire was once sold at auction. ② global economy ③ determine to remove any restrictions ④
In addition, sealed-bid tenders (an auction format) are that impede this process of exploitation. Cobb asks an
used extensively by both firms and governments to important question: “From what is this free market or free
procure a variety of goods and services such as weapons trade free?” The restrictions that the global economy seeks
systems and tree-planting services. ③ The Internet auction ⑤ to remove, he writes, “will make possible still higher
house eBay is an integral part of the American and world degrees of specialization and will further discourage efforts
economies. ④ By any measure, the volume of trade on of local communities or nations ⑥ to supply most of their
eBay and similar sites is unparalleled in world history. ⑤ own needs. Capital will move freely throughout the world
to those places ⑦ where it can be most profitably
invested. Labor, which cannot move as freely, will be at
an increasing disadvantage.”
*impede 방해하다

8-4. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 99)

* 분사구문을 사용할 것 10-4. 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 101)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. * 분사구문을 사용할 것

* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음. * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
(A) 사람들은 다양한 이유로 자영업자가 되는 것을 선택하는데, 자
립과 융통성이 주된 이유이다. Being your own boss can Options are con artists. They seduce with a promise of
potentially offer you a better work/life balance. It is also joy, but often leave us confused and wanting. Consider
true that improved quality of life and increased job this experiment conducted a few years ago by marketing
satisfaction are important aspects of going self-employed. professors Debora Viana Thompson, Rebecca Hamilton,
However, the risk is that there can be a huge amount of and Roland Rust. When they offered consumers a choice
responsibility involved, and a regular pay cheque at the of different digital devices (video players, PDAs, and the
end of the month cannot be guaranteed. Running a like) some six in ten picked the option with the most
business has lots of responsibilities and pressures. People features. (A) 또한, 장치를 자기 취향에 맞도록 설정을 바꿀 기회
creating a start-up especially need to work a lot harder to 가 주어졌을 때 평균적인 사람은 25개의 가능한 기능 중 20개의
establish themselves than those who are already in the 기능을 선택했다. But when actually using their new gizmos,
market, until they are seen and heard well enough for the most consumers quickly fell prey to what the researchers
consumer to buy from them. Therefore, you need to work call “feature fatigue”; that is, they quickly tired of using
as hard as it takes to become known. all those extras (if they even figured out how to).

보기 [people /self-employed /for /a variety of /choose 보기 [the average person /also /when /give /a possible
/independence /and /reasons /flexibility /become /being twenty-five /choose /customize /their device /the chance
/the /primary /ones] /twenty features /out of]

- 30 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 4 회

11-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 102)

Consumer _____________ play an important role in the

use of price-related tactics. Remember that for consumers
to perceive two prices as different, the variation must be
at or above the just noticeable difference. Thus, consumers
might not care if one brand of toothpaste is priced at
$1.95 and another at $1.99. Consumers also compare a
product’s price with an internal reference price for such
products that is based on past prices paid, competing
product prices, and other factors, including incidental
products in some cases. Typically, consumers use a range
of prices rather than a single price point when they think
of products. In addition, perceptual processes play a role
in the consumer’s reaction to different price points.
Research has consistently indicated that consumers
perceive odd prices (those ending with an odd number) as
significantly lower than even prices (those ending with an
even number).

① purchases
② comparisons
③ desires
④ preferences
⑤ perceptions

12-4. 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 103)

The old wisdom about first impressions — ① that they’re

so important ② because of you never get a second chance
③ making one — is even truer than most people realize.
Once an idea sets in your head, it ④ often sets in
concrete; you can break it, but you may need a
sledgehammer. In fact, we’d guess that ‘confirmation bias’
might have a lot ⑤ to do with the commonly held
retailing wisdom ⑥ that shoppers usually end up buying
the first item they look at ⑦ when they are out shopping.
We don’t know for certain if that’s actually true, but if it
is, there’s a good chance that it’s because an initial
attraction to, say, a particular pair of pants results in a
subsequent dismissal of other pants as you walk through
the aisles. Perhaps the next pair you examine, ⑧ though
it has the same color, doesn’t seem to have as attractive a

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59) ①
60) ①
정 답 61)

63) ⑤
1) ⑤ 64) ④
2) Computers eliminate the cost of having to 65) ③
experiment using actual materials 66) Religion as the system of authority and law was
3) A-C-B giving way to scientific authority.
4) ➂ showed ➄ learned 67) ③
5) Drugs that are used to treat cancers attempt to 68) (A)-(C)-(B)
interfere with the rapid rates of growth and cell 69) Taking globalization seriously therefore requires a
division of most cancer cells. conceptual shift in the way we think about world
6) 만약 기술에서 진화가 유효하다면, 모든 기술은 어떤 식으 politics.
로든 그에 선행하는 기술들의 계통을 이어야한다. 70) ②
7) ④ 71) (B)-(C)-(A)
8) ➀ is ➈ carrying 72) ④
9) ③ 73) ③
10) A-C-B 74) when the goal of going to a social environment is
11) ② active, the relevant norms are activated to cue
12) C-A-B conformity.
13) ② to take ⑦ becomes 75) (B)-(A)-(C)
14) ② 76) ④
15) ① is ⑥ differs 77) The parents had made deep sacrifices so their
16) ①
17) the race started outside the city walls and ended children could go to college.
78) ②
in the Parthenon where the winner lighted the 79) ③ : reading, ⑦ : to begin
sacred fire of Athena. 80) because much nonverbal behavior appears
18) C-A-B automatic, and nonverbal communication is less
19) 그가 충분히 연습을 하지 않았던 것이 아니라, 그것은 단
direct than verbal communication
지 신경학과 생리학의 문제였다. 81) (B)-(C)-(A)
20) ③ 82) some of the small-talk topics you choose may only
21) ④ loves ⑤ who
22) ① yield a minute or two of conversation.
23) B-C-A 83) ④
24) ③ 84) we assume that children are vulnerable beings who
25) B-A-C must depend on their parents for financial and
26) ① have used ⑥ helped emotional support for many years
27) ③ 85) ④
28) ⑤ was ⑦ are linked 86) You want to learn to stop the unproductive
29) When we allow ourselves to be moved by art, we
negative self-talk and instead, focus on what you
are opening ourselves to being inspired and
can do to move past the situation.
nurtured by a greater sense of humanity. 87) ④
30) A buyer needs to maintain good relationships with 88) ⑤
suppliers and trend-information companies. 89) ①
31) (C)-(B)-(A) 90) (C)-(B)-(A)
32) ③ be -> being ⑤ in which -> which 91) ⑤
33) (다) 92) ③
34) ④ 93) You should first visit retail stores and do some
35) ④ research on the Internet to compare prices.
36) ④ 94) ①
37) (C)-(B)-(A) 95) ③
38) ④ 96) If you stock up when prices are at their lowest, you
39) (C)-(B)-(A)
40) ③ keep your costs consistent.
41) (C)-(A)-(B) 97) (B)-(C)-(A)
42) ② 98) ②
43) (C)-(B)-(A) 99) People choose to become self-employed for a variety
44) ④ of reasons, independence and flexibility being the
45) (C)-(B)-(A) primary ones.
46) ④ 100) ① : which, ③ : is determined
47) ① was⑤ concede 101) Also, when given the chance to customize their
48) ④
49) (나) device, the average person chose twenty features out of
50) ② a possible twenty-five.
51) (B)-(A)-(C) 102) ⑤
52) ⑤ 103) ② : because, ③ : to make
53) ④
54) Does it mean that we should avoid hard work
because it is stressful
55) ①
56) ③ views⑦ advertising
57) Nor is there a quick fix for less dramatic events
like the ever faster rising seas
58) ④

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2-5. 주어진 문장의 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 3)

CHAPTER 1 [ 보기 ] [ It stays the same width throughout its life (and

Science & Technology this grass can live for hundreds of years). ]

When you look at a bamboo stem, you notice that it is

Example Reading-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오.
1) very thin, at most a couple of inches in diameter. ① But
unlike trees, the stem does not thicken with age so you
can’t tell how old a bamboo is by looking for tree rings in
When Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural
the middle of it. ② It looks as though there are a lot of
selection, he created a picture of the evolutionary process
tubes piled up one on top of the other. ③ These tubes
in which organismic adaptation was ultimately caused by
are called culms and are one of the main reasons that the
competition for survival and reproduction. This biological
bamboo is so strong. ④ Without these, the grass would be
“struggle for existence” bears considerable to
more likely to break. ⑤ On each of these culms a branch
the human struggle between businessmen who are striving
will grow on which leaves will form.
for economic success in competitive markets. Long before
*diameter 지름 ** culm 대, 줄기
Darwin published his work, social scientist Adam Smith
had already considered that in business life, competition is
the driving force behind economic efficiency and
adaptation. It is indeed very striking how similar the ideas
are on which the founders of modern theory in
evolutionary biology and economics based their main
*organismic 유기체의

① dissimilarity ② contrast ③ resemblance

④ variation ⑤ discrepancy

3-5. 글의 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 4)

1-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 2)

A mother rat will build a nest for her young even if she
The use of computers in the arts ① surprises many has never seen another rat in her lifetime. ① Similarly , a
people. Professionals in fine arts that might appear to be spider will spin a web, a caterpillar will create her own
beyond the use of computers are making use of computers cocoon, and a beaver will build a dam, even if no
as much as other professionals. Artists use computers to contemporary ever showed them how to accomplish these
② experiment with design and color, sometimes using 3D complex tasks. ② That is not to say that these are not
graphics software. Computers ③ generate the cost of learned behaviors. ③ Many questions are yet unanswered,
having to experiment using actual materials such as paint and even more are yet unasked. ④ It is just that these
and clay by providing virtual artistic materials. Some animals did not learn them in a single lifetime — they
artists have ④ moved completely to digital media, creating learned them over thousands of lifetimes. ⑤ The evolution
their artwork on computers to be viewed and appreciated of animal behavior does constitute a learning process, but
in its computer-generated form. Film studies, visual arts, it is learning by the species, not by the individual, and
theater, literature, dance, photography, and music all ⑤ the fruits of this learning process are encoded in DNA.
benefit from computers. *cocoon 고치

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4-5. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 5) 7-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 7)

Chemotherapy is the treatment of any disease using Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, creator of the Fahrenheit
chemicals or drugs, but the term is most commonly used temperature scale, discovered that salt mixed with ice
to refer to the treatment of cancers. creates a solution with a ① lower freezing point than
water alone. Thus, salt causes snow and ice to melt. Most
(A) However, at present few of these drugs can distinguish localities haven’t found a better way to ② make ice from
between cancer cells and normal body cells. Some cells of roadways and sidewalks than salt. Salt is also ③ effective
the body, such as white blood cells and cells lining the in keeping hard packs of ice from forming in the first
digestive tract, normally reproduce rapidly. place. While a number of chemicals have been developed
to melt ice, salt remains a much ④ cheaper alternative.
(B) During chemotherapy these cells are destroyed or So why don’t all localities use salt to treat icy roads?
damaged along with the cancerous cells. This results in Ecological problems have led some cities to ban the use of
the side effects, such as hair loss and nausea, associated salt completely. Salt also causes ⑤ corrosion of vehicles,
with this form of treatment. pavement, bridges, and any unprotected steel in
surrounding structures.
(C) Drugs that are used to treat cancers attempt to
interfere with the rapid rates of growth and cell division
of most cancer cells.
*chemotherapy 화학 요법 ** digestive tract 소화관

→ →
8-5. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 8)

There is a good chance that in a science class, or even on

a TV weather report, you have been told that it rains
when air cools because cold air “holds less water” than
6-5. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 6)
warm air. Some textbooks have even shown the
atmosphere as a sponge being squeezed to cause rain.
There is a way toward understanding how technology This is not true because air does not “hold” water at all.
evolves, but to get there we need to shift our thinking. It is not even correct to speak of air being saturated. In
reality, water in the atmosphere is constantly condensing
(A) If evolution holds in technology, then all technologies and evaporating. When the temperature of the water vapor
must descend in some way from the technologies that drops, the energy of the molecules decreases so there is
preceded them. In other words, evolution requires a more condensation than evaporation and water droplets
mechanism of “heredity,” some detailed connection that form. The air itself does not play any part in the process
links the present to the past. besides carrying the molecules of water along with it.
*saturate 흠뻑 적시다
(B) What we should really be looking for is not how
Darwin’s mechanism should work to produce something ① 차가운 공기는 따듯한 공기보다 수분을 덜 함유하고 있기 때문
entirely new in technology, but how “heredity” might work 에 공기가 냉각되면 비가 내린다고 과학 수업이나 일기예보에서
in technology. 들어봤을 가능성이 크다.
② 일부 교과서에는 대기를 쥐어짜면 비를 내리는 스펀지로 보여
(C) From the outside, it is impossible to see this 주기도 한다.
mechanism. Looked at as a black-boxed device, it is hard ③ 공기는 수분을 함유하고 있기 때문에 공기가 수분을 흠뻑 적셔
to say how the laser has come into being from previous 진다고 말하는 것은 정확하지 않은 말이다.
technologies. ④ 대기 속의 수분은 끊임없이 응결되고 증발한다.
⑤ 공기 자체는 공기와 함께 물 분자를 운반하는 것 외에 어떤 역
→ → 할도 하지 않는다.

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9-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 9) 11-5. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 11)

➀ Giving the personal nature of content often posted on Before the advent of electronic and wireless
social networking sites (including pictures and personal communication, collaboration was actually more costly
accounts of whereabouts), it’s very important ➁ that you because participants needed to spend a great deal of time
ensure that your teen or young adult ➂ is using privacy face-to-face, so they could share information and build on
settings on these sites. That means people from outside one another’s ideas.
your teen or young adult’s network of friends shouldn’t be
able to view his or her personal profile or ➃ obtained (A) Although it’s still important for people to have
identifying information or contact information. In our opportunities to meet one another in person, today’s
experience, many teens and young adults need some collaborative groups use a wide range of technological
assistance from parents in setting up these privacy tools to help them communicate with one another
settings. So ➄ be prepared to become familiar with these regularly and efficiently, even when members are in
social networking sites if you’re not already. Or consider different locations and different time zones.
enlisting ➅ help from another supportive family member
familiar with social networking sites. (B) Before our current technology made communication
*enlist (협조 등을) 요청해서 얻다 easy, group members needed to either be located relatively
→ close to one another or spend a great deal of time
traveling if they needed to collaborate in real time.
→ Technology changed everything.

(C) The technology evolution that is still occurring is

dramatically decreasing the costs of collaboration.

→ →

12-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 12)

10-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 10)

A cornerstone of the scientific world view is that science
often shows that phenomena occur because of processes
The Moon has only a ① negligible atmosphere, with no that are not apparent to the nonscientist. Some of these
air for humans to breathe. Its gravity is just one-sixth of processes are invisible and involve unseen entities, such as
Earth’s, and its temperature ranges are ② extreme — vapor, molecules, or atomic charges. Scientific theories
above the boiling point of water in the sun, approaching postulate that the structure of the natural world is not
absolute zero in the shade. Everything Armstrong and what is seen by the lay person. The Sun does not rotate
Aldrin did on the Moon ③ depended on their space suits around the Earth, instead the Earth rotates around the
and their portable life-support systems — which provided Sun. Seemingly solid objects, such as a table, are in fact
the microenvironments they needed to survive. The suits composed mainly of empty space with atoms dispersed
insulated them from the Moon’s extreme temperatures, within it. Therefore scientific knowledge is ___________.
provided ④ protection from environmental hazards and It reveals that the world is not how lay people think it is.
cosmic rays, enabled them to breathe, and allowed them In this way science frequently contradicts, and advances
to move about and do their work. The suits hosted the beyond, common sense. This is why science enables
equipment that ⑤ prohibited the astronauts to humans to predict and control the world more than they
communicate with each other, with Collins in Columbia can without science.
above the Moon, and with Mission Control back on Earth.
The suits also enabled Mission Control to monitor the ① esoteric ② simple ③ familiar
bodily functions of the astronauts so they could head off ④ ordinary ⑤ accustomed
or deal with stresses and dangers.
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Sports & Entertainment 1-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 14)

Public relations opens the door to visibility. Restaurants

Example Reading-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 13) across the country are full of waiters ① bursted with
talent — real talent — singers, dancers, actors, and
Katherine Schreiber and Leslie Sim, experts on exercise musicians. But we’ll see few of them on the screen or
addiction, recognized that smartwatches and fitness stage, of course, ② because they won’t get The Big Break
trackers have probably inspired sedentary people to take — that meeting with an industry big shot, that article or
up exercise, and ① encouraged people who aren’t very TV spot that will attract the attention of someone ③ who
active to exercise more consistently. But they were can elevate them ④ to success. The same goes for great
convinced the devices were also quite ② dangerous. companies and other organizations. There ⑤ are plenty of
Schreiber explained that focusing on numbers ③ combine them out there with wonderful products and services ⑥
people from being in tune with their body. Exercising that you and I would gladly pay for if only we ⑦ know
becomes ④ mindless, which is ‘the goal’ of addiction. This about them. But without exposure to the right audiences,
‘goal’ that she mentioned is a sort of automatic the companies will remain unseen and, eventually, go
mindlessness, the outsourcing of decision making to a under.
device. She recently ⑤ sustained a stress fracture in her *big break 결정적 기회 **TV spot 텔레비전 광고 방송
foot because she refused to listen to her overworked body, →
instead continuing to run toward an unreasonable workout
target. Schreiber has suffered from addictive exercise →
tendencies, and vows not to use wearable tech when she
works out.
*sedentary 주로 앉아서 지내는 2-5. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 15)

* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음

* 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음

Entertainment is amusement. Its purpose is to create a

relaxing, enjoyable environment in which to temporarily
escape the stresses of daily life. It has taken countless
forms over the centuries, ranging from recreational
amusement such as jogging or painting to passive
entertainment like watching television or listening to
music. Entertainment can also take the form of everyday
activities, for example, gardening or cooking. In fact, (가)
오락으로 여겨질 수 있는 활동의 목록은 거의 무한하며 사람마다

[보기] [person /from /to /person /entertainment /endless

/differ /the list /activities /be /of /could /that /considered
/virtual /and]


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3-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 16) 5-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 18)

One of the opportunities that sport provides is the chance Many great athletes keep journals, especially in golf, tennis
for children to ① acquire and practice adult behaviors. An and bowling, but also in many team sports. Journal
essential part of growing up is ② accepting responsibility writing is a very ① powerful tool for the athlete of any
for one’s own behavior and decisions. This can become a sport or any team. Some journal entries may be intended
real challenge for parents because once you ③ invite your for another reader, perhaps the coach, a captain,
child to make decisions, you must support and live with teammate, or trainer. Other entries may be kept ②
those decisions. As your child matures, you should offer coordinated, and used as a conversation with one’s self. In
suggestions and guidance about sports. But ultimately, either case, there are many ③ benefits to journal writing.
within ④ irrational limits, you should let your child go his Simply focusing on the journal requires in-depth thinking
or her own way. All parents have ambitions for their and raises awareness. Through the journal, athletes can ④
children, but they must accept the fact that they cannot reflect on their experiences and consider new perspectives.
⑤ dominate their children’s lives. Youth sports can offer Journals also help the athlete ⑤ avoid previous mistakes
an introduction to the major parental challenge of letting and sort out numerous other problems, such as fear of
go. failure or relationships with the coach and team.

4-5. 글의 내용으로 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오. 17) 6-5. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 19)

The torch race was not part of any of the four major When Michael Jordan first retired from professional
festivals, but an event that took place in many basketball, he was the greatest player in the world. He
communities in ancient Greece. The race was a ritual was a finely tuned athlete who had practiced basketball
performance in honor of various gods of fire, such as for years.
Prometheus, Hephaestus, and Athena. In Athens, the race
started outside the city walls and ended in the Parthenon (A) After he retired, he wanted to become a professional
where the winner lighted the sacred fire of Athena. During baseball player, a sport that he has excelled at in high
this race it sometimes proved difficult to keep the torches school. Although he learned to become a good fielder, he
burning. As a team event, it influenced both the modern always had trouble with his batting.
relay race, where runners pass a baton rather than a
torch, and the ceremonial carrying of the torch from (B) When he tried to teach them to perform a new way,
Olympia to the site of the next Olympic Games. they just couldn’t respond quickly enough. Michael went
back to playing basketball, where his years of training
① 횃불 경주는 고대 그리스에서 네 개의 주요 축제 중 하나였다. paid off, and he again became the best player in the
② 횃불 경주는 프로메테우스, 헤파이스토스, 그리고 아테나와 같 world!
은 다양한 불의 신에게 경의를 표하는 의식 행위였다.
③ 아테나에서 횃불 경주는 도시 성벽 밖에서 시작하여 우승자가 (C) It wasn’t that he didn’t practice enough, it was just a
아테나의 성화를 점화하는 파르테논에서 끝났다. matter of neurology and physiology. Michael had trained
④ 횃불 경주를 하는 동안 횃불을 계속 타게 하는 것은 어렵다. his brain, nerves, and muscles to perform in a certain
⑤ 팀 경기로서 횃불 경주는 주자들이 횃불이 아닌 배턴을 넘기는 way, to play basketball.
현대의 릴레이 경주와 올림피아에서 다음 올림픽 경기 개최지까지 *neurology 신경학 ** physiology 생리학
이어지는 의식적인 횃불 봉송에 영향을 미쳤다. → →

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7-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 20) 9-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 22)

Nature is an ideal setting for ① relaxation, by offering The mountains rarely present a simple situation with just
places where there is a perception that one does not have one risk. A chosen solution to one problem must take
to watch out for or focus much attention on the other problems into account. Imagine, for example, a
surroundings. Nature offers opportunities to ② encourage stretch of delicate and ① exposed climbing that ② cross
daily routine, because natural settings vary much from the an area also exposed to rockfall. ③ Belaying protects a
cultural setting of the urban environment. Whether sitting potential fall but slows the climb, ④ increasing the
in a garden or hiking in the mountains, both extremes are amount of time spent in the rockfall zone. Yet the risk of
a temporary step or escape outside of the known urban falling and the risk of being ⑤ hit by a rock must both
culture. By ③ supporting feelings of ‘being away,’ nature ⑥ managed. ⑦ Choosing a different route would be the
is a place for self-reflection. That said, natural settings can best option. If this is not possible, the risks may be
be places for ④ intense concentration and the ⑤ managed by climbing quickly, by ⑧ placing only minimal
development and application of considerable skills in or time-efficient protection, and by seeking safe positions
activities such as observing animal behavior (e.g. bird for pauses.
watching), fishing, and hunting. *belay 밧줄을 감아 매다

10-5. 밑줄 친 (나)에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.


The distinctive effect that digital games have may be due

to their immersive character: players actively control and
identify with playable characters, and their actions
typically shape situations within the game experience.
8-5. 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 21) Whether or not experiences of agency within digital games
transfer out into real-world contexts, at the very least such
Online gaming is a gateway to a hugely diverse agency distinguishes the experience of game playing from
community. ① Millions of people log onto their given film or television viewing. Beyond role playing and
world every day, and a vast amount of these people also perspective taking, digital games offer players a dynamic
engage in social interactions that deliberately surround or engagement with content through cycles of effort,
have been created for each game. ② The marathon attention, and feedback. Unlike traditional forms of other
organizers gave Dozer a special award. ③ The media media, which do not respond to players’ journeys or to
generalize about the players of these games and still their readings and interpretations, (나) digital games are
cannot resist the unfavorable nicknames — the young, particularly compelled environments which players explore
obsessive player of World of Warcraft; the 5-minute and act base on at least a partial understanding of a
housewife or office worker player who loves Diner Dash; system’s relational dynamics.
and the slightly overenthusiastic couple who met through *immersive 몰입감을 주는
a guild in EverQuest. ④ Yet even though all of these
people exist as stereotypes, they are simply not an [ 조건 ] [ 두 군데 이상 찾을 것, 문장 전체를 옮겨 적을 것 ]
accurate portrayal of the player. ⑤ Nor is the often
repeated definition of the ‘average gamer’ as 35, lower
middle class, white and of either gender particularly
useful, since it is so bland as to be virtually meaningless.
*bland 단조로운, 특징 없는

- 6 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

11-5. 글의 순서를 쓰시오. 24) 12-5. 흐름상 무관한 문장을 고르시오. 25)

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the act of Through sport, participants can socialize with others,
shopping has increasingly involved much more than simply contribute to common team goals, gain mastery in a
the purchasing of goods and services. variety of sport skills, and improve health and well-being.
① One of the most exceptional, but less recognized
(A) Shopping has only increased as a viable entertainment contributions to society by the sport world has been the
activity in the preceding three decades. An array of integration of groups that historically have been excluded,
organizations and institutions, designers and retailers, in particular ethnic minorities and women. ② The
manufacturers and marketers have made contributions to acceptance and inclusion of individuals from these groups
this new form of activity. as athletes was an exhausting process and although the
first formal sport opportunities were through separate
(B) Lizabeth Cohen writes that in this new sphere of sport leagues, the fact remains that the sport world has
commerce, the shopping center, consuming and leisure been a leading force for inclusion. ③ They also examine
became “inseparably intertwined.” According to a special the decisions companies must make about how to
issue of Consumer Reports, more than a third of those maintain the balance between supply and demand. ④
surveyed said that they considered shopping their hobby. Moreover, sport has allowed people of color and women
to take part in a common life experience and compete as
(C) From its modern manifestation in the arcades and equals alongside all other athletes. ⑤ In keeping with this
the department store to the overwhelming atmosphere of ‘tradition’ of sport as a vehicle for inclusion, in recent
the mall, the notion of shopping has come to be an years there has been a surge in sport opportunities for
activity of leisure and entertainment that is as popular as another group on the margin of society, people with
going to a movie, having dinner out, or simply strolling in disabilities.
a park. *margin 주변부, 가장자리
*viable 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는

→ →

- 7 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

Art & Culture 1-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 27)

Example Reading-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Everyone ① have been to a museum of some sort: natural
history, science, fine art, tourist traps, or halls of fame.
The museum, ② which gets its name from the Greek
Painters have in principle an infinite range of colours at
word mouseion, meaning “seat of the Muses,” ③
their disposal, especially in modern times with the
originating as a place ④ to discuss philosophy,
chromatic explosion of synthetic chemistry. And yet
mathematics, science, and politics. European museums of
painters don’t use all the colours at once, and indeed
the 17th century developed into fancy houses devoted to
many have used a remarkably ___________________
collecting and categorizing noblemen’s scientific curiosities,
selection. Mondrian limited himself mostly to the three
from fossilized teeth and bones to cultural oddities
primaries red, yellow and blue to fill his black-ruled grids,
collected ⑤ during the exploration of the Age of
and Kasimir Malevich worked with similar self-imposed
Enlightenment. Twenty-first century museums stem from
restrictions. For Yves Klein, one colour was enough; Franz
these earlier methods of collecting, preserving, interpreting,
Kline’s art was typically black on white. There was nothing
and ⑥ displaying objects. Some cover an encyclopedic
new in this: the Greeks and Romans tended to use just
range while others became highly ⑦ specialized.
red, yellow, black and white. Why? It’s impossible to
*tourist traps (관광객에게 바가지 씌우는) 명승지
generalize, but both in antiquity and modernity it seems

likely that the limited palette aided clarity and
comprehensibility, and helped to focus attention on the

components that mattered: shape and form.
*chromatic 유채색의 ** grid 격자무늬

2-5. 밑줄 친 (가)를 보기를 이용하여 완성하시오. 28)

① abstract ② various ③ diverse
* 보기에 주어진 단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음
④ assorted ⑤ restrictive
* 단어를 중복하여 이용할 수 있음

According to Native American belief systems, music is

intimately connected to everyday life and, especially, to the
spiritual lives of Native peoples. (가) 신성한 음악은 의식과
다른 중요한 전통적인 활동의 필 수 부분이다. Social music is
performed for personal enjoyment, at social events such as
community or family celebrations, or as accompaniment to
social dances. The idea of music for art’s sake is not part
of traditional Native thinking. Although singing is
sometimes used as a form of artistic expression, there was
no such thing historically as attending a concert of Native
American music.

[보기] [ be /important /traditional /sacre /an /part

/essentially /and /music /activities /ceremonies /of /other]

- 8 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

3-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 29) 5-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 31)

Art calls to us to stop, to ① keep and step out of our As immigrants take on American culture and customs,
own personal dramas, and experience someone else’s life they frequently ① shed their own. Some immigrants who
— vicariously. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the ② are learning English attempt to abandon their native
word vicarious means “experienced in the imagination language in the hope of learning English ③ more quickly.
through the feelings or actions of another person.” Art When the native language ④ are abandoned by
takes us through the ups and downs on someone else’s first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants
journey and ② invites us to feel the empathy that is so often never learn their parents’native language and lose a
vital to good comforting. Well-told stories — be they told part of their ethnic identity, ⑤ adding to the potential for
in a book, a movie, or a beautifully drawn landscape as mental health issues. Moreover, immigrants who are
seen through the eyes of the artist — ③ teach us how to discouraged from speaking their native language may
walk in someone else’s shoes, to identify with someone experience a sense that their native language or culture is
else’s challenges. When we ④ allow ourselves to be moved inferior. This is a potential problem ⑥ giving that their
by art, we are opening ourselves to being inspired and ⑤ identity is already under assault by the stresses they face
nurtured by a greater sense of humanity. in adapting to American society. In addition, they may
*vicariously 대신하여, 대리로(서) find themselves ostracized from their ethnic group, as
fellow immigrants sometimes view ⑦ abandoning one’s
native culture as an insult.

6-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기

를 고르시오. 32)

Vsevolod Pudovkin was one of the greatest film directors

of the Golden Age of Soviet cinema in the 1920s. He was
no stranger to the trials and the adversities of history —
he was called up, wounded and taken prisoner during the
First World War before being drawn to the cinema. He
started working in Kuleshov’s workshop in Moscow in
1920. He developed theories on the art of silent films, and
his ideas on editing, close-ups and slow motion, which he
4-5. 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 30)
put into practice in several films, made him one of the
undisputed pioneers of silent films. In the 1930s,
In fashion you will always be working with other people subjected first to the new demands of sound films and
and will need other people to ① help you realize your then to the strict instructions of “social realism,” he
ideas. If you are a photographer you need to know good gradually became an official film-maker, and his later
stylists, hair and make-up people, and models. A buyer works are all too often mere illustrations of the regime’s
needs to ② cease good relationships with suppliers and propaganda
trend-information companies. Designers need a really ③
wide network of people who can help them to realize ① Vsevolod Pudovkin은 1920년대 소비에트 영화의 황 금기의
their ideas, from pattern cutters and fabric suppliers to 가장 위대한 영화감독 중 한 명이었다.
trendsetters and journalists. Everyone in fashion should ② 그는 역사의 시련 과 역경에 생소한 사람이 아니었다.
have a good address book. In order to ④ network you ③ 그는 영화계로 가기 전 제1차 세계대전 동안 군대에 소집되었
also need to consider your personal brand. Fashion is 고, 부상을 당했으며 포로로 잡혔다.
about appearances and selling your ideas so you need to ④ 그는 1920년에 뉴욕에 있는 Kuleshov의 작업실에서 일하기
have a good public interface; whether this is your business 시작했다.
card or your blog, it needs to ⑤ reflect your style and ⑤ 1930년대에, 먼저 유성 영화에 대한 새로운 요구를 받고 그 후
professional persona. 에 ‘사회적 리얼리즘’의 엄격한 지시사항들을 받았다.

- 9 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

7-5 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 33)

① 개인주의와 성공 추구 행동을 지지하는 문화는 높은 활력 충전

(A) Masks usually had large, somewhat circular mouth 량을 가진 개인들에게 보상을 준다.
openings to magnify the sound of the actors’ voices. The ② 개인주의 종류의 문화는 고개를 꼿꼿이 세우고, 턱을 치켜들며,
structure of the best amphitheaters permits the voice from 당당하게 가슴을 내미는 것과 같은 신체 현상을 강화한다.
within the circle to reach astonishing distances, even with ③ 집단주의 문화는 흔히 ‘모 난 돌이 (석공의) 정 맞는다.’와 같은
fairly normal volume. 격언을 가지고 있다.
④ 사실상, 문화는 신체 행동을 표준에 맞추어 그러한 행동이 눈
(B) As a consequence, the size and focus encouraged 에 띄지 않는 것처럼 보이게 만드는데, 그것(신체 행동)이 규범을
masks to typify the kind of characters involved and the 따르는 한 의식적으로 주목받지 않을 정도로 사람들이 그것을 당
emotions they experienced. A further consequence was 연시한다는 것을 의미한다.
that, acoustically, the actors needed considerable ⑤ 개인주의 문화의 신체 행동은 상대적으로 낮은 에너지 수준을
“projection” to cast their voices to the back rows. 유지하는 것을 필요로 한다.

(C) For all the immensity of the Greek theater, the focus
of vision is clear. Every line of sight leads to the circular
orchestra with the altar in the center. From their height
on the hillside, all spectators had an unobstructed view of
the area of action, but at the same time, few spectators
were close enough to see such things as facial expressions.

8-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기

를 고르시오. 34) 9-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 35)

Cultures that favor individualism and success-seeking English speakers ① tend to talk about time using
behavior reward individuals who have high energetic horizontal spatial metaphors (e.g. “The best is ahead of
charges. This kind of culture reinforces body phenomena us,” “The worst is behind us”), whereas Mandarin speakers
such as holding one’s head high, keeping one’s chin up, ② having a vertical metaphor for time (e.g. the next
and having a hard, prominent chest. These bodily month is the “down month” and the last month is the “up
behaviors require maintaining a relatively high energy month”). Mandarin speakers talk about time ③ vertically
level. Other cultures are more collective and support more often than English speakers do, so do Mandarin
group-oriented behavior that would disapprove of an speakers think about time vertically ④ more often than
individual striving for personal prominence or being English speakers do? Imagine this simple experiment. I ⑤
nonconforming. Such cultures often have a saying like standing next to you, point to a spot in space directly in
“The head that sticks up gets chopped off.” In this case, front of you, and tell you, “This spot, here, is today.
the head up, chin up, chest forward body is less likely to Where would you put yesterday? And where would you
be found. In effect, culture normalizes body behaviors, put tomorrow?”When English speakers are ⑥ asked to do
making those behaviors seem invisible, meaning people this, they nearly always point horizontally. But Mandarin
take them for granted to the extent that they are not speakers often point vertically, about seven or eight times
consciously noticed as long as they conform to the norm. more often than ⑦ do English speakers.

- 10 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

10-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기 ⑦ listening, and you can dance your best until the curtain
를 고르시오. 36) falls.

With sculptures and other works of art that are on public

display, it is generally OK to include these in a
photograph, but if the image is principally of a
copyrighted sculpture, then the photographer may run into
copyright issues with the sculptor. Also, with works of art
that are on someone’s private property, you definitely need
permission to use a photograph of them, even if the
sculpture or other artwork can be seen from the street.
Inside buildings the rules are different. What may be a
public space on the outside isn’t inside. For example, you
can photograph the exterior of St Paul’s Cathedral in
London from almost any angle you like, but you won’t be
allowed to take photographs inside. The same applies to
most museums and art galleries. Ultimately, if you can’t
provide the necessary paperwork, your images will be 12-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기
rejected or withdrawn. 를 고르시오. 38)

① 공개 전시되는 조각 작품과 그 밖의 다른 예술 작품의 경우, One cannot study Ancient Egyptian painting without
이 작품들을 사진에 넣는 것은 대개 괜찮다. feeling sorry for the painters; for in all the enormous
② 어떤 사람의 사유지에 있는 예술 작품의 경우, 그 조각 작품이 amount of work done by them no one man was
나 다른 예술 작품을 거리에서 볼 수 있다 하더라도, 그 작품들의 recognized — no one is now remembered. We know some
사진 사용에 대한 허가는 분명히 필요하다. of the names of great Egyptian architects which are
③ 런던에 있는 세인트폴 대성당의 외부는 거의 모든 각도에서 사 written in the historical rolls; but no painter’s name has
진을 찍는 것이 허용되지 않을 것이다. been thus preserved. The fact that no greater progress was
④ 필요한 서류를 제공할 수 없으면, 여러분이 찍은 이미지는 거 made is proof of the discouraging influences that must
부되거나 회수될 것이다. have been around these artists, for it is not possible that
⑤ 이미지가 주로 저작권이 있는 조각 작품을 찍은 것이라면, 사 none of them had imagination or originality: there must
진작가는 조각가와 저작권 문제를 겪을 수 있다. have been some whose souls were filled with poetic
visions. But of what use could imagination be to artists
who were governed by the laws of a narrow priesthood,
and restricted by a superstitious religion which even laid
11-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 37) down rules for art? For these reasons we know something
of Egyptian art and nothing of Egyptian painters.
① Experienced dancers will tell you that once you have
rehearsed and practiced enough, a dance performance is ① 어떠한 사람도 화가들에 대한 안타까움을 느끼지 않고는 고 대
② less a physical challenge than a mental one. Later in 이집트의 그림을 연구할 수 없다.
the performance, when your body starts to break down, ② 우리는 역사적 명부에 적혀 있는 위대한 이집트 건축가의 이름
you may struggle to ③ remaining positive and motivated. 중 몇몇은 알고 있지만, 그러나 어떠한 화가의 이름도 이와같이 보
The best way to tap into a last reserve of energy and ④ 존되지 않았다.
get to the final curtain is to use your mind to encourage, ③ 한정된 사제직의 법률에 의해 지배받고, 심지어 예술을 위한
cajole, and persuade your body to keep ⑤ going in the 규칙을 정했던 미신적인 종교에 의해 통제되었던 화가들에게 상상
face of fatigue. You can say, for example, “Keep at it. This 력이 소용이 없었을 것이다.
is what I’ve worked so hard for. I will not give up.” Or ④ 우리는 이집트의 미술에 대해서도, 이집트 화가들에 대해서도
you might say, “I have ⑥ rehearsed this many times and 아무것도 알지 못하는 것이다.
was able to keep up. I can certainly do it now.” When ⑤ 이집트 시대에도 분명히 영혼이 시적인 상상력으로 가득 차 있
you use your mind to make such a statement, your body 는 몇몇은 존재했을 것이다.

- 11 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

History & Education
1-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기
를 고르시오. 40)
EXAMPLE READING-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게
고치시오. 39)
Three-quarters of the babies in the world learn more than
one language. Some learn four or five at the same time.
Children ① sometimes see and say things to please adults;
That amazes people who are used to living in a
teachers must realize this and the power it ② implies.
community where only one language is spoken, but it’s all
Teachers who prefer that children see beauty as they
perfectly normal. We have to think of it from the baby’s
themselves ③ do are not encouraging a sense of aesthetics
point of view. All they know is that people are talking to
in children. They are fostering uniformity and obedience.
them. They have no idea that the words belong to
Only children ④ which choose and evaluate for themselves
different languages. They won’t realize that until they’re
can truly develop their own aesthetic taste. Just as
older. If mummy speaks one way and daddy speaks
becoming literate is a basic goal of education, one of the
another and the lady in the shop speaks in a third way,
key goals of all creative early childhood programs ⑤ are
so what? They’re only words, after all. Babies pick it all
to help young children develop the ability to speak freely
up naturally, like breathing.
about their own attitudes, feelings, and ideas about art.
Each child ⑥ has a right to a personal choice of beauty,
① 세계의 아기들 중 5분의 3이 둘 이상의 언어를 배운다.
joy, and wonder. Aesthetic development ⑦ takes place in
② 일부는 동시에 네다섯 언어를 배우는데 그것은 오직 한 가지
secure settings free of competition and adult judgment.
언어가 쓰이는 공동체 사회에서 사는 데 익숙한 사람들을 놀라게
하지만, 그것은 정말 완전히 정상이다.
③ 아기들이 알고 있는 것은 사람들이 그들에게 말하고 있다는 것
④ 설령 엄마가 한 가지 방식으로 말하고 아빠가 다른 방식으로
말하며 상점에 있는 여성이 세 번째 방식으로 말한다 해도 아기들
에게 그것들은 어쨌든 말일 뿐이다.
⑤ 아기들은 그 모든 것을 숨 쉬는 것처럼 자연스럽게 습득한다.

2-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 41)

There is an old Chinese proverb ① which says: ‘To teach

is to learn twice’. It is well ② knowing that various types
of teaching have various levels of effectiveness from ③
passively listening to actively doing. But the most effective
way to learn is to teach someone else ④ what you know.
If you can set up in your classroom frequent opportunities
for the students to teach each other, then it accelerates
what they learn. By ⑤ making the nature of the work
interesting and dynamic, it automatically improves
behaviour management. By giving students ⑥ teach
opportunities it helps them to usefully channel their ⑦
excess energy and it also helps with confidence building.
- 12 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

3-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기 5-5 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 내용이나 틀린 내용을 담은 보기
를 고르시오. 42) 를 고르시오. 44)

Since hair had spiritual connotations in many ancient Howard Zinn noted that historians are far from objective
cultures, people who worked with hair were trusted and when they write about historical events. Presented with an
important members of their communities. In Africa, where infinite amount of information, historians choose what to
a person’s spirit was believed to reside in his or her hair, report, emphasize, and interpret about the past. The
hairdressers were held in high esteem. People with a information historians leave out of books may be just as
talent for hairdressing were encouraged to develop their important as what they include. In fact, the choice to
skills so that they could serve others this way. exclude information may create stereotypes, myths, and
Hairdressers developed close relationships with people as cultural biases, or strengthen stereotypes that are already
they spent hours washing, combing, oiling, styling, and common. Historians often emphasize historical information
ornamenting their hair. Male hairdressers served men, that supports their own values and beliefs or that supports
while women worked only with women. Before a master the beliefs that are dominant in their societies.
hairdresser died, he or she would give his or her combs
and other tools to a chosen successor during a special ① Howard Zinn은 역사가들이 역사적 사건에 관하여 기록 할
ceremony. 때 결코 객관적이지 않다는 것에 주목했다.
② 유한한 양의 정보를 제공받기 때문에, 역사가들은 과거에 대해
① 많은 고대 문화에서는 머리카락에 영적인 함축된 의미가 있었 무엇을 보고하고, 강조하며, 해석할지를 고른다.
기 때문에, 미용 일을 했던 사람들은 자신들이 속했던 공동체의 신 ③ 역사가가 책에서 빼는 정보는 포함하는 것(정보)만큼 똑같이 중
임을 받는 중요한 구성원이었다. 요할 수 있다.
② 한 사람의 영혼이 그 사람의 머리카락에 존재한다고 믿었던 아 ④ 사실, 정보를 제외하는 선택은 고정관념, 잘못된 생각, 문화적
프리카에서는, 미용사들이 매우 존경받았다. 편견을 야기할지도 모르며, 혹은 이미 일반적인 고정관념을 강화할
③ 미술에 재능이 있는 사람들은 이런 방식으로 다른 사람들을 위 지도 모른다.
해 일할 수 있도록 자신들의 기술을 개발하도록 권장되었다. ⑤ 역사가는 자기 자신의 가치관과 믿음을 지지하거나 자신이 속
④ 미용사들은 사람들의 머리를 감겨 주고, 빗질해 주고, 기름 발 한 사회에서 지배적인 믿음을 지지하는 역사적 정보를 흔히 강조
라 주고, 특정한 스타일로 만들어 주고, 꾸며 주면서 여러 시간을 한다.
보냈기 때문에, 그들과 친밀한 관계를 이루었다.
⑤ 미용의 대가는 죽기 전에 특별한 의식을 치르면서 자신의 빗과
그 밖의 다른 도구들을 선택된 후계자에게 주곤 했다.

4-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 43)

“Pocahontas” was actually a nickname, one of four names 6-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 45)

① that the famous Indian girl had throughout her life.

Although ② known today as Pocahontas, meaning Painting, architecture, and sculpture often ① dominate our
“mischievous one,” her ③ giving name was Amonute. Yet sense of the Renaissance. Yet this cultural movement ②
she also kept the secret spiritual name Matoaka, and became visible to many through a new world of fashion ③
when baptized and ④ married she took the name fueled by a passion for innovative ideas in dialogue with
Rebecca. She was never able to tell her own story, but classical traditions. In daily life, dress ④ possess
Pocahontas’s legend ⑤ endures four hundred years later immediate visual appeal and increasingly offered choice.
and grows stronger with each new generation. As an Clothes were immensely colorful, ⑤ which made them
eleven- or twelve-year-old girl in the early 1600s, and one attractive to look at. New materials, cutting, and sewing
of the many children of the ruling chief Powhatan of techniques transformed tailoring. Clever merchants ⑥
present-day Virginia, Pocahontas ⑥ living during a time of created wider markets for innovations and chic accessories.
great change for her people — a time of war and ⑦ Art depicted humans on an unprecedented scale, paying
struggle with the English colonists of the Jamestown tribute to real world experiences. Mirrors led more people
settlement. to try to imagine ⑦ which they looked like.

- 13 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

7-5 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오46) 9-5 다음 중 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오48)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] When children get upset, they cannot be reached by
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
reasoning. When angry, they respond only to ① emotional
수 있음]
balm. Two young siblings were playing in the basement.
Suddenly a noise of destruction, followed by shouting and
No matter how it is presented, designed and implemented,
② accusation, was heard. Red with ③ amusement, Billy,
(A)기술은 진정 고등 교육에서 날로 증가하며 없어서는 안 될 역
age six, ran up the stairs and exclaimed, “Betsy knocked
할을 한다. Nevertheless, every university teacher faces at
over my fort.” His mother sympathized: “Oh, that must
least four common areas of academic concern: preparing
have made you very angry.” “It sure did.” He turned
and organizing courses; teaching and providing
around and went back to play. This was the first time
assignments; assessing student learning; and evaluating the
Billy’s mother managed not to get ④ involved in her
effectiveness of teaching. In the present day, in all areas
children’s daily quarrels. By not asking the fatal question
of the curriculum, teachers must teach an
“Who started it?” she avoided her son’s usual recital of
information-based inquiry process to meet the demands of
grievances and requests for ⑤ revenge. By mirroring his
the technology age. Meeting this challenge will be
inner mood, she avoided the disagreeable role of becoming
impossible unless educators are willing to join the
judge, prosecutor, and law enforcer to her children.
revolution and embrace the new technology tools available.
*balm 연고, 위안 ** grievance 불평, 불만
Higher education in general and faculty members in
particular must be the leaders in the integration of
technology in diverse learning environments.

보기: [do / education / higher / play / ever-increasing /

10-5 다음 글을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오49)
role / an / in / and / necessary / technology]

The importance of Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492

cannot be exaggerated.

(A) Powerful countries, including India, Imperial China,

the Mughal Empire, and the Japanese shogunate at first
merely tolerated the Europeans as traders, allowing them
to control only a few islands or enclaves along the coast,
8-5 내용과 가장 무관한 문장을 고르시오47) as long as they did not interfere or become too
In the middle of the seventeenth century Holland, with
the most powerful fleet in the world, was able to fully (B) A remarkably small number of European invaders
develop a colonial system and reach the pinnacle of her conquered the most sophisticated American states with
might. ① Soon her main rival, the rapidly-developing startling ease, laying potentially the entire New World
England, possessed economic superiority over Holland. ② open to European exploitation and colonization. However,
There was an air of confidence in the England camp. ③ the arrival of European sailors in Asia did not have the
The struggle between these countries reached its climax in same dramatic impact.
the wars known as the Anglo-Dutch wars. ④The arena of
the main engagements was the North Sea. ⑤After several (C) It established a permanent link between two entire
sea battles won by the English, Holland was forced to ecosystems that had evolved in isolation from each
concede defeat. She then became a second-rate colonial another for almost 10,000 years. The initial impact on the
power. In fact, her fate was sealed by the victory of the inhabitants of the Americas was catastrophic. Eurasian
industrial capital of England over the commercial capital diseases and the infamous brutality of the Spanish
of Holland, the military expression of which was the conquistadors slaughtered the population.
superiority of the English fleet. *conquistador 정복자 **shogunate 막부 (시대)
*pinnacle 정점, 절정 ** concede 인정하다 ***enclave 소수 민족 거주지

- 14 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

11-5 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오50)
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]

Think of how you hold a pencil. Maybe your teacher was

very strict with all her students, and you could only hold
the pencil one way or you’d get in trouble. That
pencil-holding technique was likely ingrained, and you’d
find it uncomfortable to hold a pencil any other way. Or
maybe you like skiing and decide to take some lessons —
despite having skied already for a number of years. You
may be surprised to discover that your posture and form
aren’t good. Your instructor will have to work harder to
get you to change your form than if she was teaching a
person who never skied before. That’s because your
muscles have learned a certain way of skiing that you now
have to unlearn in order to pick up the correct form. So
the next time you’re learning something new, (A) 반드시 처
음에 그것을 올바른 방식으로 하도록 하라.. That way you don’t
have to learn it twice.

보기: [it / correct / first / around / you / sure / make /

way / do / time / the]

12-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오51)

Rites of passage are not a rational activity. They are

designed to ① bring physical and emotional energy to a
climax, bonding a group. They produce an “experience,”
not an “ah-ha!” Corporations ② has produced ropes
course events to provide a ③ physical challenge. Some
groups have also included an emotional challenge of
revealing ④ deep fears and significant life-changing events.
The key here is that all candidates are on trial and are
made to believe their ordeal together is really tough.
Whatever the “ordeal,” it ⑤ should make good
story-telling material. The physical events produce courage
as a by-product and an abiding sense that as a team
anything can be ⑥ accomplished. The emotional events
remind participants of affection, honesty, and the feeling
of belonging to a family. The ⑦ combine result can be an
organization unafraid to face new challenges together and
able to communicate honestly about things that are not

- 15 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

Environment & Health
1-5 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오53)

EXAMPLE READING-5 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용

Most Americans get more than enough protein. The daily
하여 완성하시오52)
dietary requirement for an adult is 0.8 grams of protein
[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음] per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. That equates to
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할 about 64 grams a day of protein for a 175-pound man
수 있음] and 47 grams a day for a 130-pound woman. Roughly,
you can take your weight in pounds and divide that
In the 1930s the work of Sigmund Freud, the ‘father of number in half, and that would be the number of grams
psychoanalysis’, began to be widely known and of protein _______ in your diet. That’s really not very
appreciated. Less well known at the time was the fact that much protein, and many Americans get double this
Freud had found out, almost by accident, (A) 자신의 애완견 amount. For example, a one-pound steak, not unusual in
Jofi가 자기 환자들에게 매우 도움이 되었다는 것. He had only restaurants, supplies 100 grams of protein all by itself.
become a dog lover in later life when Jofi was given to *dietary requirement 권장 섭취량 ** equate to ~와 같다
him by his daughter Anna. The dog sat in on the doctor’s
therapy sessions and Freud discovered that his patients ① involved
felt much more comfortable talking about their problems if ② required
the dog was there. Some of them even preferred to talk to ③ established
Jofi, rather than the doctor! Freud noted that if the dog ④ proved
sat near the patient, the patient found it easier to relax, ⑤ refused
but if Jofi sat on the other side of the room, the patient
seemed more tense and distressed. He was surprised to
realize that Jofi seemed to sense this too. The dog’s
presence was an especially calming influence on child and
teenage patients.
2-5 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은
보기: [to / helpful / he / patients / dog / how / Jofi / be 곳을 고르시오54)
/ pet]
> On the contrary, people who do not work hard are lazy
and catch more diseases.

Excessive stress at work may produce a number of

diseases like heart attacks, high blood pressure, mental
stress, etc. (가) Does it mean that we should avoid hard
work because it is stressful? (나) The answer is a big ‘No.’
(다) Take the example of Mr. A. (라) He was a busy
executive and worked hard to achieve his goals, but
sometime after reaching the top, he became rather lazy,
took things easy and stopped taking care of his diet and
work routine. (마) Before that he was a hard worker and
remained healthy, but now as he had left his hard work
routine, he became ill and suffered a heart attack. Mr. A
fell victim to illness not because of hard work but due to
a lack of work.

- 16 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

3-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오55) 5-5 다음 글의 (가)~(마) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은
곳을 고르시오57)
Water is a necessary resource to sustain life on this
planet. We are ① blessed to have 70% of our planet ② > Higher seas make storm waves more powerful, and
covering with this resource. However, at the same time, higher seas themselves come with plenty of costs of their
we are not so ③ fortunate because only 3% of this is own.
available as fresh water for human activity, in the
household, agriculture, and industry. In the process Unlike with asteroids, there’s no $2-to-3-billion, ten-year
industries, we use water, for washing operations, for steam NASA program to avoid the impact of storms and other
generation, and for other process ④ uses. This results in extreme climatic events like floods and droughts. (가) Nor
large quantities of wastewater, ⑤ which is also is there a quick fix for less dramatic events like the ever
contaminated and therefore difficult to ⑥ disposes of faster rising seas. (나) As a first line of defense, higher
without causing environmental damage. Thus, it is seawalls would surely help. (다) But they can go only so
necessary to look at ways to both reduce consumption of far for so long. (라) Imagine standing in the harbor of
fresh water and minimize discharge — with the ultimate your favorite coastal city. (마) Then imagine standing there
aim of zero discharge — while minimizing the capital and at the end of the century with sea levels having risen by 1
operating costs of ⑦ doing so. meter. It will only be a matter of time before higher
seawalls won’t do, when the only option will be moving
*asteroid 소행성

4-5 (A)에 들어갈 말을 보기의 단어를 이용하여 완성하시오56)

[조건1: 보기에 주어진 단어를 중복하여 사용할 수 있음]
[조건2: 보기단어의 형태를 필요시 바꿀 수 있음]
[조건3: 보기 단어 외 필요시 다른 단어를 추가로 사용하여 문장을 완성할
수 있음]

Critics cite as problematic the volume of advertisements

children view on a daily basis, especially television
commercials. Recent estimates are that today’s child views
between 20,000 and 40,000 television commercials each
year. According to Kunkel and Gantz’s 1992 paper, food
products make up roughly half the ads viewed by
6-5 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오58)
adolescents. (A) 설탕이 들어간 시리얼이 텔레비전에서 가장 자
주 광고되는 상품이고; other food products often marketed
Box turtles are fairly small, ① have an adult maximum
during youth television programming include candy,
length of 10–18 cm. Their range is ② restricted to North
snacks, cookies and sodas. In contrast, very few
America, with the Eastern species located over most of the
commercials promote healthy food options such as fruits
eastern United States and the Western species located in
and vegetables. In summary, snack, convenience, and fast
the Central and Southwestern United States and into
foods dominate advertising to children, especially during
Mexico. Both species ③ are highly variable in coloration
the television programs children watch the most.
and pattern, ranging from a uniform tan to dark brown or
black, with yellow spots or streaks. They ④ prefer a dry
보기: [advertise / the / sugary / frequently / most / be /
habitat ⑤ such as woodlands or prairies. They typically
television / product / cereals / on]
inhabit sandy soil, but ⑥ is sometimes found in springs
or ponds during hot weather. During the winter, they
hibernate in the soil ⑦ below the frost line, often as deep
as 60 cm. They feed on insects, earthworms, slugs, fruits,
berries, leaves, and mushrooms.
*slug 민달팽이

- 17 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

7-5 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오59) 9-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 61)

* 과거 완료시제를 사용할 것.
Warming winter temperatures, particularly in northern * to 부정사의 형용사적 용법을 사용할 것.
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꾸어 사용할 것.
coastal areas, could be a boon for marine transportation.
Fewer days below freezing would reduce problems with ice
In 2002, a landmark study was published in the British
accumulation on vessels and docks, the occurrence of
Journal of Psychiatry by Bernard Gesch. (A) ‘젊은 수감자 연
dangerous ice fog, and the likelihood of ice jams in ports.
구ʼ는 범법자들이 흔히 자신들의 행동에 영향을 줄 수 있는 필수
The striking thinning and overall downward trend in the
영양소가 부족한 음식을 선택하는 경향이 있다고 보고했다.
extent of Arctic sea ice are regarded as a major
Therefore, he conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled
opportunity for shippers. In the short term, continued
study of the effect of dietary supplementation with
________ in Arctic sea ice should result in more ice-free
physiologically adequate am ounts of vitamins, minerals,
ports, improved access to both ports and natural resources
and fatty acids. He divided a population of 231 prisoners
in remote areas, and longer shipping seasons. In the
ages of 18 and 21 years into two groups, one receiving
longer term, shippers are looking forward to new Arctic
placebos and one receiving a selection of vitamins,
shipping routes that could provide significant cost savings
minerals, and fatty acids (here referred to as “nutrients”)
in shipping times and distances.
for 4 months. Investigators then tracked offenses among
*boon 호재, 이익
the inmates. At the conclusion of the study, prisoners
receiving placebos showed no change in baseline behaviors,
① performance
while prisoners receiving nutrients improved markedly.
② production
Among those receiving nutrients, there were 26% fewer
③ application
violations overall, with serious breaches of conduct,
④ operation
including violence, reduced by 37%.
⑤ reduction
*breach 문란, 파괴

보기 [ “The Young Prisoners Study” /that /which

/offenders /report /to /choose /be /often /lack /in
/nutrients /food /incline /can /they /influence /behave]

8-5 다음 중 의미상 가장 적절하지 않은 낱말을 고르시오60)

The development of agriculture enabled the growth of

human population; fields for crops and animals were able
to produce much ① larger yields per hectare than could
be found through gathering and hunting. An increasing
population required the ② clearing of more land for
agriculture. For millennia, the solution was to burn forests
and to turn them into fields. Thus, much of Europe’s
temperate forest was already destroyed by ③ medieval
times. However, the magnitude of agriculture before the
year 1700 was so small that the carbon cycle did not
clearly respond to this increasing destruction of forests.
After the late 1700s, as a result of the Industrial
Revolution, a slowly increasing trend in atmospheric  
concentration can be seen. And since that time,
industrialization has been ④ intense and almost always
based on energy released from fossil fuels. The atmosphere
has responded very clearly; the   concentration in the
atmosphere has ⑤ decreased by 100 ppm since those

- 18 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

10-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. 62) 12-5. 다음 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 64)

One of the first issues raised when it comes to _______ The Akimel O’odham and Tohono O’odham (the peoples
unhealthy fast food is whether it is necessary to that European settlers called Pima and Papago) of Arizona
completely remove it from the diet. Many people have were virtually free from diabetes until two generations ago.
turned down my vice-busting approach to weight ① Before the twentieth century, they had lived on desert
management because they don’t think they need to foods such as mesquite meal, wild greens, and cactus buds
completely give up the foods they like. While I’m not and fruits and on traditional crops: maize, locally grown
saying you can’t enjoy food, the problem is that you may wheat, beans, squash, and chiles. In the late nineteenth
have been enjoying it too much at the expense of healthy and early twentieth centuries, they lost most of their land
eating. You need to eat to fuel your body and its and almost all the water needed to irrigate what land they
functions, and while eating is pleasurable, I can’t tell you kept. ② After World War II, they were progressively
that it’s okay to have some of this or that food vice. If incorporated into the wider society of Arizona. ③ This led
you allow yourself some, you’ll probably want more! So let to the expected lifestyle and dietary changes. Alcoholism,
me remind you of what I’ve always said about this previously very rare, became more common. Sugar and
so-called eating in moderation. It is very, very difficult to white flour replaced traditional foods. ④ So people started
have just one bite of the food you love without slipping eating traditional food again. ⑤ Today most adults suffer
back to old habits and addictions. from diabetes, and life expectancy is falling as the disease
*vice-busting 나쁜 버릇을 깨는 extracts its dreadful toll in heart and kidney failure and in
① diffusing *mesquite 메스키트(남미산 콩과 식물) ** necrosis(생체 내 조직·세포의)
② improving 괴사(壞死 )

③ criticizing
④ eliminating
⑤ defending

11-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 63)

▶ These people, who can easily become isolated, may

reap the largest benefits because of the social connections
gained through volunteering.

Numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of

volunteering, which include lowered blood pressure,
increased self-esteem, lessened feelings of social isolation,
a strengthened immune system, and reduced stress. ①
Even a relatively small time commitment can make a
difference, according to a study that identified the health
benefits to senior citizens of less than one hour of
volunteering per week. ② Volunteering is beneficial to
everyone, ③ but most especially to those who are out of
the workplace, such as retirees, the unemployed, and
stay-at-home parents or spouses. ④ What’s more, taking
on an authority role may add esteem-boosting
professionalism, mastery, and competence to one’s sense of
self. ⑤

- 19 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

Social Science
1-5. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 66)

Example Reading-5. 보기를 참고하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오.

Like the subjects it studies, sociology is itself a social
product. Sociology first emerged in western Europe during
* 동명사를 주어로 사용할 것.
* 보기의 단어를 중복하여 사용할 것. the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
* to 부정사를 사용할 것.
(A) These changes generated new ways of thinking.
Car-sharing is now a familiar concept, but creative Religion as the system of authority and law was giving
companies are making it possible for their clients to share way to scientific authority. At the same time, capitalism
ownership and access to just about everything, such as grew.
villas, handbags and even diamond necklaces. According to
a Portuguese saying, “You should never have a yacht; you (B) Along with its growth, contact between different
should have a friend with a yacht.” By joining a yacht societies increased, and worldwide economic markets
sharing service, members can live the Portuguese dream developed. The traditional ways of the past were giving
by sharing a yacht with up to seven other people. In way to a new social order. The time was ripe for a new
describing the service, a recent newspaper article warned understanding.
consumers that sharing the yacht means “there is no
guarantee you will always be able to use it when you (C) In this period, the political and economic systems of
want.” This apparent limitation is precisely what helps Europe were rapidly changing. Monarchy, the rule of
consumers make it a treat. (A) 샌드위치부터 값비싼 자동차까 society by kings and queens, was disappearing in western
지 모든 것에 여러분의 이용권을 제한하는 것이 여러분의 활기 온 Europe.
도계[즐거움 측정기]를 재설정하도록 돕는다. That is, knowing
you can’t have access to something all the time may help
you appreciate it more when you do. 2-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 67)

* 수동태를 사용할 것.
보기 [ limit /reset /luxury cars /your access /from * 동사의 형태를 알맞게 사용할 것.
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
/sandwiches /to /help /your cheerometer /everything]

(A) 집단 기억은 사회에서 정체성이 형성되는 방식을 이해하는 데

가장 중요하다. Socializing into a group means adopting not
only shared norms, but also learning a group’s historical
memory. Whereas small-scale groups often transmit
historical memory orally, large-scale groups such as
nations rely on written texts to create, in Benedict
Anderson’s term, “imagined communities.” In speeches,
monuments, ceremonies, and holidays, national elites
invoke a heroic version of the nation’s past.

보기 [ collective memory /central /be /understand /to

/identity /form /in /how /society]

- 20 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

3-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 68) 5-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 70)

Half of the world’s people who now live in cities Go to a public square during a big protest or concert and
experience the most artificial environment ever created by you’ll see something apparently very different, yet
humans. Large areas of countryside have been destroyed conceptually quite similar. If you watch closely, you’ll see
by the spread of houses, roads, and shopping centers that how people move through a densely packed square
across what were once fields and woodland. In the 1990s really has less to do with _____________ than with
alone, over 800,000 hectares of European land was built patterns. As individuals try to avoid collisions with each
on. Cities also depend on very high energy use in building other, as one person follows another, who in turn follows
and sustaining them and in moving millions of people to someone else, they automatically begin to form coherent
and from work every day. Cities have many benefits — streams of movement. A person has good reason to move
they are usually centers of cultural activity and have a within these streams, as moving in other directions is a
much wider range of facilities than rural areas. However, lot more difficult. Because of this advantage, any stream
in general the flood of people into cities destroyed existing soon attracts more people to join it, making it bigger and
_________. Cities, as Henry David Thoreau wrote, tend still more attractive to others. The pattern constrains
to be places characterized by ‘millions of people being people’s choices, making them more likely to act in a way
lonely together.’ that reinforces the pattern, boosting its energy and
① social cultures
② social bonds ① individual perspective
③ individual relationships ② individual personality
④ individual areas ③ individual inclinations
⑤ eco-friendly spaces ④ organization recognition
⑤ organization ideas

4-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 69)

▶ Globalization, however, calls this state-centric 6-5. 다음 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 71)

conception of world politics into question.

There is one key difference between dream thoughts and
Consider a political map of the world: its most striking our thinking while awake. ① One of the lessons we learn
feature is the division of the entire earth’s surface into in life is that certain actions, even thoughts, are not
over 190 neatly defined territorial units, namely states. ① permissible in the real world. For example, we learn that
To a student of politics in the Middle Ages, such a we cannot immediately fulfill our desires. ② Sometimes
representation of the world, which gave primacy to we tend to satisfy and satisfy our needs immediately. ③
borders and boundaries, would make little sense. ② There are rules against grabbing the money in the cash
Historically, borders are a relatively recent invention, as is register at a store, and constraints on interacting with a
the idea that states are completely independent, person to whom we may be physically attracted. ④ We
self-governing, territorially defined political communities or also learn that certain thoughts are not permissible
organizations. ③ Although today a convenient fiction, this because they are culturally forbidden. ⑤ As we learn
presumption remains central to traditional state-centric professional skills, we learn the ways of thinking that are
conceptions of world politics as the pursuit of power and recognized and rewarded in our professions, and thereby
interests between independent states. ④ Taking avoid patterns of thought that might betray the methods
globalization seriously therefore requires a conceptual shift and norms of that profession. Many of these taboos are
in the way we think about world politics. ⑤ worthwhile, as they enforce social order and consolidate
*presumption 가정, 추정 progress.

- 21 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

7-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 72) (C) According to cultural relativism, all of these systems
* 보기의 단어를 중복하여 사용 가능 are equally valid, and no system is better than another.
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. The basis of cultural relativism is the notion that no true
standards of good and evil actually exist.
An efficient system of social protection is an important
part of any modern society. The market failed to provide
adequate insurance, for instance, for unemployment or
9-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 74)
disability. So the government stepped in. But people
receiving those benefits typically paid for them, either ▶ Parallel effects occurred for participants primed with
directly or indirectly, through contributions they or their the goal of visiting an exclusive restaurant and behaving
employer made on their behalf to these insurance funds. in a well-mannered way.
Aside from a person’s right to draw benefits from
programs they helped fund, social protection can make for In a study, participants viewed photographs of a library
a more productive society. Individuals can take on more reading room or a train station interior after learning they
high-return, high-risk activities (A) 만약 일이 잘 풀리지 않을 would have to visit the setting afterward (Aarts &
경우 그들을 보호해 줄 안전망이 있다는 것을 안다면 It’s one of Dijksterhuis, 2003). ① Other participants viewed the
the reasons that some economies with better social library without the goal of going there. ② Presumably,
protection have been growing much more rapidly than when the goal of going to a social environment is active,
that of the United States, even during the recent the relevant norms are activated to cue conformity. ③
recession. And, indeed, only those people primed with the goal to
visit the library did more rapidly recognize words related
보기 [ they /if /know /be /a safety net /will /work out to silence (silent, quiet, still, whisper) than unrelated
/things /protect /them /that /don’t /there] control words. ④ In a subsequent study, participants
primed in the same way also spoke more softly, even on
an unrelated task. ⑤ Primed participants ate crackers
during unrelated experimental tasks and actually tidied up
more often if they had been primed.
*prime 언질을 주다, 미리 알려 주다

10-5. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 두 개를 찾아 바르

게 고치시오. 75)

8-5. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 73)

You could easily be ① impressed, say, by the practices of
certain business leaders, and try ② following their
Ethical and moral systems are different for every culture.
example, measure by measure. Jack Welch, ③ who books
on leadership ④ have made him an icon, is known as an
(A) Therefore, judging whether something is right or
executive who connects on a person-to-person basis in
wrong is based on individual societies’ beliefs, and any
part because he remembers the name of everyone he
moral or ethical opinions are affected by an individual’s
meets. This astounds and impresses everyone, and makes
cultural perspective. There exists an inherent contradiction
⑤ them feel important. Wouldn’t you want to do that?
in cultural relativism, however. If one embraces the idea
But Welch’s gift is a rare one, not easily copied. The
that there is no right or wrong, then there exists no way
point is not ⑥ to wish you were like someone else but to
to make judgments in the first place.
play your singular strength as a leader. That’s what I’m
talking about — determining ⑦ where you will find
(B) To deal with this contradiction, cultural relativism
yourself on a wide spectrum of leadership styles,
creates “tolerance.” However, with tolerance comes
understanding how your own unique mix of strengths can
intolerance, which means that tolerance must imply some
serve you best in an organizational context. But there is
sort of ultimate good. Thus, tolerance also goes against
one element ⑧ that can’t be missing from your leadership
the very notion of cultural relativism.
solution — it’s the authentic you.

- 22 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

11-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 76) 12-5. 글의 올바른 제목을 쓰시오. 77)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 중복되는 단어를 사용할 수 있음. Sociologist Steph Lawler found that British women who
had moved from the working class to the middle class
Do not assume that trusting your opponents is essential
were caught between two worlds — their working-class
for a proper negotiation process, collaboration and an
background and their current middle-class life. The
integrative outcome. Trustfulness may make you
women’s mothers found their daughters’ middle-class ways
vulnerable; thus, your opponents’ behavior may become
“uppity,” and they criticized their daughters’ preferences in
harmful and damaging. Being trusting may also “blind”
furniture and food, their speech and even the way they
you to the possible manipulation of your opponents. It is
reared their children. As you can expect, this strained the
possible that suspicion and distrust may motivate you to
mother-daughter relationships. Studying working-class
search for essential information about your opponents and,
parents in Boston, sociologists Richard Sennett and
at the same time, serve as a defense mechanism and
Jonathan Cobb found something similar. The parents had
coping strategy against your opponents’ potential
made deep sacrifices so their children could go to college.
manipulations. (A) 이러한 의미에서, 의심과 불신은 협상 과정
They, of course, expected their children to appreciate their
이전과 협상 과정 동안에 여러분에게 유익할 수 있다. Thus, try
sacrifice. But again, the result was two worlds of
to maintain the right balance between a certain amount of
experience. The children’s educated world was so unlike
trust on the one hand, and a certain amount of suspicion
that of their parents that even talking to one another
— and even distrust — on the other. This way you will
became difficult. Not surprisingly, the parents felt betrayed
benefit from both the advantages of distrust and
and bitter. Their sacrifices had ripped their children from
suspicions, as well as the advantages of trust.
*uppity 거만한, 건방진
보기 [in this sense /and /may /before /the negotiation
process /be /to /you /valuable /during /suspicions]
① Conflict between adolescent parent and child
② Discussion between parent and child due to hierarchical
③ Cass-based home education
④ Weakness of excessive parenting
⑤ A change in the feelings of children caused by
excessive parental admonition

- 23 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

Human Life
1-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 79)

* 등위접속사를 사용할 것.
EXAMPLE READING-5. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 78)
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or scary
moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense emotions Discipline and habit. Honestly, most people never really
and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. want to talk about these. And who can blame them? I
don’t either. The images these words bring up in our
(A) Bella, for instance, was nine years old when the toilet heads are of something hard and unpleasant. Just reading
overflowed when she flushed, and the experience of the words is exhausting. But there’s good news. The right
watching the water rise and pour onto the floor left her discipline goes a long way, and habits are hard only in
unwilling to flush the toilet afterward. the beginning. Over time, the habit you’re after becomes
easier and easier to sustain. It’s true. Habits require much
(B) When this happens, we as parents can help bring the less energy and effort to maintain than to begin. Put up
left hemisphere into the picture so that the child can with the discipline long enough to turn it into a habit,
begin to understand what’s happening. One of the best and the journey feels different. (A) 그 힘든 일은 습관이 되는
ways to promote this type of integration is to help retell 데, 습관은 그 힘든 일을 쉽게 만든다.
the story of the frightening or painful experience.
보기 [the /stuff /habit /and /become /easy /make /hard]
(C) When Bella’s father, Doug, learned about the “name it
to tame it” technique, he sat down with his daughter and
retold the story of the time the toilet overflowed. He
allowed her to tell as much of the story as she could and
helped to fill in the details. After retelling the story
several times, Bella’s fears lessened and eventually went
2-5. 다음 글에서 가장 관련이 없는 문장을 고르시오. 80)

Despite its importance, people rarely comment on other

people’s nonverbal behavior; rarely do they ask, “Why are
you standing so far away from me?” or say, “Thank you
for squeezing my hand.” ① Instead, they respond
nonverbally, for example by moving closer or squeezing
back. ② Meeting nonverbal communication with nonverbal
communication is the rule of nonverbal reciprocity. ③
This rule holds that feelings are best reciprocated with
feelings, because much nonverbal behavior appears
automatic, and nonverbal communication is less direct
than verbal communication. ④ Emotions can be expressed
nonverbally and verbally, and are also found in animals.
⑤ Thus, when people are feeling vulnerable, it provides a
safer way to communicate attraction or rejection, with less
risk of being called to account. ⑥ In various ways, then,
nonverbal channels facilitate social attachment and
belonging as people understand each other.

- 24 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

3-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 81) 5-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 83)

Even high-achieving sports superstars like Tiger Woods or ▶ See if you can notice how often you tend to worry or
Gabby Douglas need ______. Every great achiever needs complain about deadlines.
to be pushed to find what he or she is truly capable of,
which means achievers need someone to instruct, guide, It’s been my experience that complaining about deadlines
and push them. Achievers should choose a mentor, — even if the complaints are justified — takes an
whether it is their boss, someone else in the organization enormous amount of mental energy and time! ① The
or even someone outside work. They need to ensure that turmoil you go through simply within your own head is
there is trust in the relationship, the mentor has sufficient rarely worth it. ② The added obsessive thinking about the
time to invest, and there is good chemistry. Then, week deadline creates its own internal anxiety. I know that
by week, the achiever should ask the coach to help her deadlines can create quite a bit of stress and that
understand what success looks like, honestly assessing sometimes it doesn’t seem fair. ③ However, working
strengths and weaknesses. The pace at which achievers toward your goal without the interference of negative
work is often supersonic, so it’s important they and their mental energy makes any job more manageable. ④ Then,
coach get their aim right, and then adjust as needed. try to catch yourself in the act of doing so. ⑤ When you
do, gently remind yourself that your energy would be
① followers better spent elsewhere. Who knows, perhaps you can
② bosses ultimately make peace with deadlines altogether.
③ rivals
④ friends
⑤ coaches

6-5. 글의 알맞은 제목을 고르시오. 84)

Parents used to have little responsibility for their children

beyond providing food, clothing, shelter, and moral
guidance. And they needed to do this for only a short
time, because children began to contribute to the support
of the family early in life. Among many people,
4-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳을 고르시오. 82) parenthood is still like this. In Colombia, for example,
children of the poor often are expected to support
▶ However, by applying good listening and questioning themselves by the age of 8 or 10. In industrial societies,
skills, others will lead you to “conversational gold” — that however, we assume that children are vulnerable beings
is, a person’s hot button. who must depend on their parents for financial and
emotional support for many years — often until they are
Making small talk allows participants to sprinkle plenty of well into their 20s. In some cases, this is now being
key words, free information, self-disclosures, and new extended into the 30s. The greater responsibilities that we
topics into their conversation. ① This provides more assign to parenthood place heavier burdens on today’s
opportunities for you and the other person to choose couples and, with them, more strain on marriage.
topics of mutual interest. ② This will extend your
conversation because you’ll have more things to talk about. ① A way of giving food, clothing, shelter, and moral
③ Of course, some of the small-talk topics you choose instruction to children
may only yield a minute or two of conversation. ④ The ② Parents' expectations of their children's early
information you pick up during small talk can also pay off independence
for you in later conversations. ⑤ Be sure to give your ③ Financial burden of parental care
chat your full attention and remember what the other ④ Role of parents until their children become independent
person tells you so you can refer to it at another time. ⑤ Parental child-rearing responsibility

- 25 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

7-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 85) 9-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 87)

* 과거완료 시제를 사용할 것. * 조동사 will을 사용할 것.

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음. * 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

In the past few years, the brain and behavioral sciences, If we want to be wealthy, but we believe that the
and even medical research, have begun paying opportunity to be wealthy does not exist for us, then we
considerable attention to purpose and related concepts will abandon our dreams of wealth. We will not seek
such as “intentional goal” and “ultimate concerns,” and the wealth. (A) 그 대신 우리는 기회가 매우 부족하다는 믿음을 고수
roles they play in well-being. (A) 거듭된 연구는 한 개인의 삶 할 것인데, 왜냐하면 이것이 우리에게 진실인 것처럼 보이는 생각
의 목적의식이 사실상 행복의 모든 차원에 밀접하게 연결되어 있 이기 때문이다. If we dream of writing a book, but believe
음을 밝혀냈다. Recent studies in neuroscience, for example, we are not capable, then we will not take the steps
have found that certain areas of the brain that govern necessary to write the book. We will abandon our dream,
social and moral judgments show a strong response when rather than abandon the thoughts that discourage us.
people observe or engage in intentional activities. Studies However, Einstein said to do the opposite. He said that
of aging have shown that one of the prime predictors of we must abandon what we hold true. For example, we
health and well-being in old age is whether a person should disregard what appears to be a fact of our
continues to be purposeful. condition, such as I do not have the skills to write a
book, and instead focus on our ability to write the book.
보기 [after /study /find /life purpose /a person’s sense /of
/be /closely /to /connect /virtually /all /dimensions 보기 [instead /hold /will /we /to /belief /the /on
/well-being] /opportunity /that /be /concept /because /scarce /this
/appear /true /us]

8-5. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 86)

▶ Focus on how you can solve problems, make a better

choice next time, or take any other kind of action that
will help you focus on the positive rather than the

We all do it. We have that little voice in our heads that

only knows how to say negative things. ① It’s our ‘inner
critic.’ However, you have control over that voice. ② You
want to learn to stop the unproductive negative self-talk
and instead, focus on what you can do to move past the
situation. ③ You can even create a STOP sign and post it
on your wall so that every time you have a negative
thought you can look up at it and say to yourself, “Stop!”
Then convert that negative thought into something
positive. ④ For example, “I’m so stupid!” becomes “OK, I
made a mistake. Next time I’ll know not to do the same.”

- 26 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

10-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 88) 12-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 90)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. * 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음. * 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음

A lot of parents don’t know how to decide how warmly to Each of us views reality through our own lens. While we
dress their children for going outside. A good rule is for may share certain beliefs, you will never have the same
you to dress the young child in the same number of items _________ as another because your mixture of thoughts
you would wear for the day — with perhaps one extra is unique to you. Consider as an example both you and a
coat, sweater or blanket in cold weather. This is to allow friend observing a painted wall. Your assessment of that
for the fact that the very young child will be less active wall, such as how brilliantly the sun reflects off it or if
than you are. As children get older and more active they the sun casts any shadows, will depend on the position
begin to want to have some say about what they should from which you view the wall. Additionally, your viewpoint
wear. Often they can predict what they need to wear will determine whether you will see a smudge in the
better than you can. No child chooses to freeze to death. paint, a fingerprint, or brush stroke. Since you and your
In general, parents tend to dress children at a level that friend cannot occupy the same position at the same time
seems comfortable for them, the parents, rather than for from which you view the wall, you cannot share the same
the children. Active children who spend a good deal of view of the wall — ever. (A) 여러분의 위치가 물리적 위치가
their outdoor time running, jumping and climbing need 아니라는 것을 제외하고는, 여러분이 현실을 바라보는 방식도 거의
less clothing than the slower moving adult. 마찬가지다. Your position is a mental position and each
person’s view is unique.
보기 [often /predict /what /they /than /good /you /can *smudge 얼룩
/wear /need]
보기 [the /in which /way /view /you /be /reality /much
/same /except /position /a /physical /position]

11-5. 밑줄 친 문장 중 어법상 옳지 않는 2곳을 찾아 고치시오.


Standing up for something ① that is important to you in

the face of all of the challenges and temptations that we
face in life takes a great deal of courage. You may have
to negotiate with your spouse or other loved ② ones to
pursue your goal, such as if you decide you want to go
back to school at night. Or, you might have to change
your behavior ③ what others have come ④ to expect
from you. For example, maybe you’ve always been the life
of the party and now you have decided to focus on ⑤
eating right, limiting alcohol, and getting a full-night’s
sleep every night, so your friends start wondering ⑥ who
you are. There’s no guarantee that self-discipline will be
easy. But if you are committed to something important to
you, you’ll need ⑦ finding the courage to say ‘no’ to
things ⑧ that attempt to dissuade you from your course.

- 27 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

Business & Economy
1-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 92)

* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

EXAMPLE READING-5. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 91)
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

Are the different types of mobile device, smartphones and

In America today, there is an ever-growing need to know
tablets, substitutes or complements? Let’s explore this
more about money. And money is different today than it
question by considering the case of Madeleine and
was a few decades ago. Today, it is more a concept than
Alexandra, two users of these devices. Madeleine uses her
a reality. We don’t see silver dollars. Our government
tablet to take notes in class. These notes are synced to
doesn’t issue currency based on gold anymore. We spend
her smartphone wirelessly, via a cloud computing service,
our money with credit cards. And we have our paychecks
allowing Madeleine to review her notes on her phone
deposited into our bank account automatically. We hardly
during the bus trip home.
ever see “money.” The way most of us thought about
money as children does not work in our lives today. (A)
(A) Both smartphones and tablets fulfil more or less the
우리가 어린아이였을 때, 우리 대부분은 우리의 돈이 어디에 있는
same function in Alexandra’s life. This case illustrates the
지 알고 있었다. It was either in our pocket or in our
role that an individual consumer’s behavior plays in
piggy-bank. So, we need some new ways to deal with
determining the nature of the relationship between two
money we can’t see.
goods or services.

보기 [when /be /kids /we /of /where /money /most

(B) Alexandra uses both her phone and tablet to surf the
Internet, write emails and check social media. Both of
these devices allow Alexandra to access online services
when she is away from her desktop computer.

(C) For Madeleine, smartphones and tablets are

complements. She gets greater functionality out of her two
devices when they are used together. For Alexandra, they
are substitutes.

2-5. 밑줄 친 단어 중 어법상 옳지 않은 2곳을 찾아 고치시오. 93)

After you have decided ① to make a purchase, at least

two scarce resources ② involved — income and time. ③
Before you spend your money, you need to invest time in
④ obtaining information about the product you wish ⑤ to
buy. Suppose, for example, ⑥ that you wish to buy a
mountain bike. How can you obtain information about the
characteristics of the numerous brands and models and
the prices of each bike? You should first visit retail stores
⑦ and do some research on the Internet to compare
prices. The time spent researching online or ⑧ visiting
stores to check models and prices is a cost to you. This
time, and the money you eventually spend on the
mountain bike, cannot ⑨ use for anything else.

- 28 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

3-5. 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)를 완성하시오. 94) 보기 [that /argue /as /Polanyi /nation /European /custom
* 최상급 표현을 사용할 것. /develop /by /and /be /tradition /replace /the /anonymity
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것. /market]
* 중복되는 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

One of the greatest achievements of the honeybee is the

ability to acquire and retain knowledge, and then to
communicate that information to others. Worker bees
learn about the location of food sources, scout out new
ecosystems that will sustain them, identify the presence of
danger, and then are able to communicate that knowledge
to others through dance. (A) 인간의 진화 과정 또한 생존 가
능성이 가장 큰 사람으로 이야기를 가장 잘하는 사람과 가장 잘
경청하는 사람을 선택해 왔다. The same is true for business
today. The ability to understand the lessons of your
business and tell a story that imparts this wisdom to
others in your company — as well as your customers — is
paramount to survival and success. Today’s businesses
must be able to learn, adjust, and then tell a story that
inspires others to action.

보기 [the /of /course /evolution /human /select /have

/good /and /storytellers /as /listeners /strong /survivors

5-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 96)

An item you buy each week goes on sale. The store adds
to the discounting possibilities by running a promotion,
perhaps offering greater savings if you buy three or more.
4-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 문장 (A)룰 완성하시오. 95)
And you will save even more if you have coupons for the
* 단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.
item. To the strategic shopper, this is like New Year’s Eve
* 중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.
and the Fourth of July rolled into one! Don’t light any
In The Great Transformation, Polanyi wrote about the firecrackers, but do celebrate by stocking up when these
Trobriand Islands, off Papua New Guinea, whose tribal off-price opportunities combine for ultimate savings. If you
economy was driven by non-economic behavior in striking stock up when prices are at their lowest, you keep your
ways. Trade, even today, happens through gifts, not by costs _______. Even after prices return to normal, you’ll
bargaining. Islanders make dangerous voyages to be able to “shop your freezer” and continue to enjoy items
neighboring tribes to give presents of red-shell necklaces bought at the sale price. Once this becomes a habit, you’ll
and white arm bands, and the practice is regulated by wince at the very notion of paying the full price.
customs and magical rites known as kula. The gifts are *wince at ~에 주춤하다
not kept, but passed on. By showing generosity, the
islanders enhance their social standing. The drive for ① deceive
status, not profit, is the motor of trade. Tribal economies ② rashly
are, of course, different from those of today’s ③ damaged
industrialized countries. (A) Polanyi는 유럽 국가들이 발달함에 ④ consistent
따라 관습과 전통이 시장의 익명성에 의해 대체되었다고 주장했다. ⑤ recklessly

- 29 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

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6-5. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 97) 8-5. 글의 제목을 고르시오. 99)

The practical impact on business of the growth in People choose to become self-employed for a variety of
technology is illustrated by the fact that as recently as ten reasons, independence and flexibility being the primary
years ago, information, including pricing on many different ones. Being your own boss can potentially offer you a
types of machinery and commodity products, was highly better work/life balance. It is also true that improved
inefficient. ① It was difficult to know exactly what each quality of life and increased job satisfaction are important
firm would charge for its product and what the price aspects of going self-employed. However, the risk is that
would be for other firms. ② Recently, however, there can be a huge amount of responsibility involved,
professional planners appeared to solve the problem. ③ A and a regular pay cheque at the end of the month cannot
businessperson could call and ask the price for that be guaranteed. Running a business has lots of
product. ④ Whether the price was the same if you called responsibilities and pressures. People creating a start-up
a different salesperson in a different part of the month especially need to work a lot harder to establish
was not predictable. ⑤ The result was that widely themselves than those who are already in the market,
different prices were charged for the same products. ⑥ until they are seen and heard well enough for the
Purchasing agents spent a lot of time looking for the best consumer to buy from them. Therefore, you need to work
price. ⑦ However, changes in telecommunications have all as hard as it takes to become known.
but eliminated this inefficiency. Internet availability has
resulted in more transparent and efficient pricing for both ① Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment
capital goods and commodity products today. ② Complaints from self-employed people
③ A realistic self-employed person
④ Self-employed people's feelings of hiring employees
⑤ Things that are necessary to run a shop

9-5. 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오. 100)

▶ There is no business interest in sustaining

7-5. 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 98) communities.

Auctions have been used since the ancient past. Global companies specialize by producing a lot of one
thing, which they then sell to communities who become
(A) For instance, the Roman Empire was once sold at dependent on distant sources of specialized production. ①
auction. Today, auctions are seemingly pervasive: the Distant companies seek only profitable investment of
institution is used to sell a variety of agricultural capital. ② In the era of “free” trade, the global economy
commodities and natural resources as well as fine art, real is determined to remove any restrictions that impede this
estate, and used cars. process of exploitation. ③ Cobb asks an important
question: “From what is this free market or free trade
(B) The Internet auction house eBay is an integral part of free?” The restrictions that the global economy seeks to
the American and world economies. By any measure, the remove, he writes, “will make possible still higher degrees
volume of trade on eBay and similar sites is unparalleled of specialization and will further discourage efforts of local
in world history. communities or nations to supply most of their own
needs. ④ Capital will move freely throughout the world to
(C) In addition, sealed-bid tenders (an auction format) are those places where it can be most profitably invested. ⑤
used extensively by both firms and governments to Labor, which cannot move as freely, will be at an
procure a variety of goods and services such as weapons increasing disadvantage.”
systems and tree-planting services. *impede 방해하다

- 30 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

10-5. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 101) 12-5. 글과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 103)

Options are con artists. They seduce with a promise of The old wisdom about first impressions — that they’re so
joy, but often leave us confused and wanting. ① Consider important because you never get a second chance to make
this experiment conducted a few years ago by marketing one — is even truer than most people realize. ① Once an
professors Debora Viana Thompson, Rebecca Hamilton, idea sets in your head, it often sets in concrete; you can
and Roland Rust. When they offered consumers a choice break it, but you may need a sledgehammer. ② However,
of different digital devices (video players, PDAs, and the most people tend to prepare other ideas. ③ In fact, we’d
like) some six in ten picked the option with the most guess that ‘confirmation bias’ might have a lot to do with
features. ② Also, when given the chance to customize the commonly held retailing wisdom that shoppers usually
their device, the average person chose twenty features out end up buying the first item they look at when they are
of a possible twenty-five. ③ But when actually using their out shopping. ④ We don’t know for certain if that’s
new gizmos, most consumers quickly fell prey to what the actually true, but if it is, there’s a good chance that it’s
researchers call “feature fatigue”; that is, they quickly tired because an initial attraction to, say, a particular pair of
of using all those extras (if they even figured out how to). pants results in a subsequent dismissal of other pants as
④ After all, options are only options. ⑤ In their paper, you walk through the aisles. ⑤ Perhaps the next pair you
the researchers discuss our tendency, when buying, to examine, though it has the same color, doesn’t seem to
value capability over usability. have as attractive a cut.
*con artist 사기꾼 **gizmo (간단한) 장치

11-5. [서답/서술형] 보기를 이용하여 (A)를 완성하시오. 102)

*단어의 형태를 알맞게 바꿔 사용할 것.

*중복된 단어를 사용할 수 있음.

Consumer perceptions play an important role in the use of

price-related tactics. (A) 소비자들이 두 가지 가격을 다르게 인
식하기 위해서는 그 차이가 변별역에 있거나 그 이상이어야 한다
는 것을 기억하라. Thus, consumers might not care if one
brand of toothpaste is priced at $1.95 and another at
$1.99. Consumers also compare a product’s price with an
internal reference price for such products that is based on
past prices paid, competing product prices, and other
factors, including incidental products in some cases.
Typically, consumers use a range of prices rather than a
single price point when they think of products. In
addition, perceptual processes play a role in the
consumer’s reaction to different price points. Research has
consistently indicated that consumers perceive odd prices
(those ending with an odd number) as significantly lower
than even prices (those ending with an even number).

보기 [that /for /perceive /two prices /as /different

/consumers /must /be at /or /above /remember /just /the
/noticeable /difference/the variation]

- 31 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

lacking in essential nutrients which could influence
their behaviors.
정 답 62) ④
63) ④
64) ④
1) ③ 65) Limiting your access to everything from
2) ③
3) ② sandwiches to luxury cars helps to reset your
4) ③ cheerometer.
5) C-A-B 66) (C)-(A)-(B)
6) B-A-C 67) Collective memory is central to understanding how
7) ② identities are formed in society.
8) ③ 68) ②
9) ➀ Given ➃ obtain 69) ④
10) ⑤ 70) ③
11) C-B-A 71) ②
12) ① 72) if they know there is a safety net that will protect
13) ③
14) ① bursting ⑦ knew them if things don’t work out.
15) the list of activities that could be considered 73) (C)-(A)-(B)
74) ⑤
entertainment is virtually endless and differs from 75) ② : to follow, ③ : whose
person to person. 76) In this sense, suspicions and distrust may be
16) ④ valuable to you before and during the negotiation
17) ①
18) ② process.
19) A-C-B
20) ② 77) ②
21) ②
22) ② crosses ⑥ be managed 78) (B)-(A)-(C)
23) digital games are particularly compelling
environments in which players explore and act 79) The hard stuff becomes habit, and habit makes
based on at least a partial understanding of a the hard stuff easy-.
system’s relational dynamics.
24) C-A-B 80) ④
25) ③ 81) ⑤
26) ⑤
27) ① has been ③ originated
28) Sacred music is an essential part of ceremonies 82) ⑤
and other important traditional activities.
29) ① 83) ④
30) ②
31) ④ are -> is ⑥ giving -> given 84) ⑤
32) ④
33) (C)-(B)-(A) 85) Study after study has found a person’s sense of
34) ⑤ life purpose to be closely connected to virtually all
35) ② having->have ⑤ standing -> stand
36) ③ dimensions of well-being.
37) ③ remaining -> remain ⑦ listening -> listens
38) ④ 86) ③
39) ④ which -> who ⑤ are->is
40) ① 87) Instead, we will hold on to the belief that
41) ② knowing->known ⑥ teach -> teaching
42) ③ opportunity is scarce, because this is the concept
43) ③ giving -> given ⑥ living ->lived that appears true to us.
44) ②
45) ④ possess -> possessed ⑦ which -> what 88) Often they can predict what they need to wear
46) technology does play an ever-increasing and
better than you can.
necessary role in higher education
47) ②
48) ③ 89) ③ : that, ⑦ : to find
49) (C)-(B)-(A)
50) make sure you do it the correct way the first time 90) The way in which you view reality is much the
around same, except your position is not a physical
51) ②have⑦ combined position.
52) how helpful his pet dog Jofi was to his patients
53) ②
54) (다) 91) (B)-(C)-(A)
55) ② covered⑥ dispose
56) Sugary cereals are the most frequently advertised 92) When we were kids, most of us knew where our
product on television money was.
57) (라)
58) ① having⑥ are 93) ② : are involved, ⑨ : be used
59) ⑤
60) ⑤ 94) The course of human evolution has also selected
61) “The Young Prisoners Study” reported that
the best storytellers and the best listeners as the
offenders were often inclined to choose foods
- 32 -
내신대비 100% 최종 점검 전범위(도표, 광고문, 장문제외)

리딩파워 주제별 독해완성 변형문제 5 회

strongest survivors.
95) Polanyi argued that as European nations developed,
custom and tradition were replaced by the anonymity
of the market.
96) ④
97) ②
98) (A)-(C)-(B)
99) ①
100) ②
101) ④
102) Remember that for consumers to perceive two prices
as different, the variation must be at or above the just
noticeable difference.
103) ②

- 33 -

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