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Number: _____________
Re: Qualification Standards (QS) for Lateral Entry
Positions to the Ranks of Jail Senior 20 February 2024
Promulgated: _____________
Inspector and Jail Inspector in the Bureau
ofJail Management and Penology (BJMP)


The BJMP, through former Jail Director Allan S. Iral, requests the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) to approve the proposed QS for the twenty-six (26) lateral entry
positions to the ranks of Jail Inspector and Jail Senior Inspector in the BJMP.

In a letter dated 04 November 2020, former Jail Director Iral represented as follows:

“Since the BJMP was established as a separate line bureau of the

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), all appointments
and other human resource actions have been consistent with the rules and
regulations of the Commission. Thus, the appointment of Inspector and
Senior Inspector through Lateral Entry in the BJMP for highly specialized
and technical positions is in accordance to the Qualification Standards (QS)
set by the CSC pursuant to its issued Resolution No. 990226 dated January
19, 1999.

With the passing of RA 9263 or the BFP and BJMP Professionalization Act
of 2004, the provision on appointment through lateral entry became clear
by providing the modes of entry in the jail service and the minimum period
of work experience required for the technical field of specialization. In effect,
the Jail Bureau appoints applicants through Lateral Entry within the bureau,
who may be uniformed or non-uniformed or civilians who possess the
redeeming professions, education and eligibility.

The jail population continues to increase warranting the BJMP to diversify

its services which focus on the welfare and development programs for
Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL), hence, the BJMP’s proactive
management of identifying positions that are directly involved in the
implementation of said programs. x x x

It is in this line that we request the approval of the Commission of herein

proposed amendment to the Qualification Standards for appointment to the
ranks of Inspector and Senior Inspector incorporating the salient provisions
on lateral entry of RA 9263. Essential modification on the minimum
QS BJMP/ page 2 of 15

qualifications of identified highly technical profession needed is likewise for

approval to make the BJMP’s QS at par with other agencies.”

In a letter dated 22 December 2020, the CSC, through the Human Resource
Policies and Standards Office (HRPSO), apprised the BJMP of its initial observations and
recommendations on the proposed amendments to the QS for thirteen (13) lateral entry
positions. In addition, the CSC requested the BJMP to submit the Organizational and
Functional Charts of the Offices or units where the positions belong, the Plantilla of
Positions or staffing pattern approved by the Department of Budget and Management, the
statement of duties and responsibilities of each position indicated in the Position
Description Form or Job Description certified by the Human Resource Management
Officer, and the proposed QS in electronic copy.

In a letter dated 13 December 2021, the BJMP re-submitted their proposed

amendments to the QS of the said positions, incorporating the CSC’s suggestions in the
initial evaluation. They also submitted the Organizational and Functional Charts,
statement of duties and responsibilities of each position indicated in the Job Description,
and the enhanced proposed QS in electronic copy. In the same letter, it was mentioned
that the approved percentage of rank distribution was submitted in lieu of the Plantilla of
Positions or staffing pattern. However, the said document was not provided.

The BJMP sent a second letter dated 13 December 2021 presenting the proposed
QS for eight (8) newly identified lateral entry positions requiring highly specialized and
technical qualifications. In the said letter, the BJMP represented thus:

“In Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 990226 dated January 19,
1999, re: Qualification Standards, Lateral Entry in the BFP and BJMP,
DILG, the Commission adopted the QS for appointment through lateral
entry of graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy, existing
personnel of BFP and BJMP with technical qualifications and other persons
with highly technical qualifications.

In addition to the existing technical professions highly needed by the Jail

Bureau, nutritionist-dietitian, medical technologist, and pharmacist have
been identified as professions necessary to appoint as Jail Officer Ranks
(JORs) in keeping with its mandate of safekeeping and development of
Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL), particularly in the provision of medical

Likewise, with the advancements in digital and information technology,

automation and data processing through information system design are
becoming more important in jail management and operations; thus, the
need for computer programmers to be appointed to the initial rank of Jail
Inspector to perform the functions in identified positions the competencies
required of which are relevant to information technology and system
QS BJMP/ page 3 of 15

In a similar vein, we have included in the proposal the qualifications for

priest as chaplains for the Jail Bureau for the welfare and development
programs of PDL.

Furthermore, the BJMP recognizes the importance of appointing

statisticians in some of its Directorates to engage in more data-driven
decision-making, explicitly applying statistical methods and procedures in
gathering, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to provide
usable information to ensure validity, applicability, efficiency and accuracy
in policy formulation, planning, and allocation of resources which will
translate to improved public service delivery.

Moreover, in the present Organizational Structure of the BJMP, among its

support offices is the Community Relations Service Office which is the
central communication and information arm of the BJMP. The appointment
of a Public Information Officer through lateral entry who is highly skilled in
technical writing shall enable the Bureau to formulate relevant policies and
literature that effectively respond to the community relations, public
information, image-building, and media management needs of the Bureau.”

On 16 August 2023, a meeting between the CSC, represented by the HRPSO, and
the BJMP, represented by Jail Chief Superintendent Dennis U. Rocamora, was held to
clarify certain issues regarding the request and to provide guidance on the enhancement
of the proposed QS to conform with existing policies. The BJMP also raised their concern
on the approval of QS for Jail Inspector positions to be filled via lateral entry by prospective
graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) and the Philippine Public
Safety Academy (PPSA), which was first represented in the letter of Jail Director, Chief
Ruel S. Rivera, dated 07 June 2023, to wit:

“The recent enactment of Republic Act No. 11279, which transferred to the
Philippine National Police the administrative and operational jurisdiction of
the PNPA, impelled the creation of the Philippine Public Safety Academy
(PPSA) to train incoming line officers for the BFP and BJMP. Graduates of
the PPSA will join the workforce of the BJMP through appointment via lateral
entry to the rank of Jail Inspector, and an approved QS specific to their
qualifications will therefore be necessary for the validity of the appointment
to the position.

As of the moment, the BJMP is bound to accommodate a total of fifty (50)

PPSA cadets undertaking their requisite mandatory training for the Degree
of Bachelor of Science in Penology and Corrections Administration. In this
regard, may we humbly request that the aforementioned qualification
standards be approved prior to their graduation in the 1st Quarter of CY

All observations and recommendations presented in the meeting were formally

communicated through the letter of the HRPSO dated 30 August 2023, addressed to Jail
Director, Chief Ruel S. Rivera, including the advice for the BJMP to submit their
QS BJMP/ page 4 of 15

Percentage Rank Distribution, Table of Organization, and other supporting documents

relevant to their request concerning the incoming PNPA and PPSA graduates.

In a letter dated 05 September 2023, the BJMP, thru Jail Chief Superintendent Milet
G. Batac, Director of Personnel and Records Management, submitted its enhanced
proposed QS for twenty-one (21) positions, the proposed QS for three (3) additional
positions, and the proposed QS for PNPA and PPSA graduates for lateral entry into the
Jail Inspector and Jail Senior Inspector positions in the BJMP. In support of its request,
the BJMP submitted the Table of Organization of the Technical Services for Lateral Entry
of the BJMP and the Memorandum, dated 28 May 2023, issued by the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG)-Office of the Undersecretary for Public Safety, on
the Modification of the Rank Structure of the BJMP Uniformed Personnel.

An evaluation of the proposed QS for the subject lateral entry positions to the ranks
of Inspector and Senior Inspector in the BJMP shows that they are compliant with the
existing rules and policies on the establishment of QS for positions in government.

Section 6 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9263, also known as the “Bureau of Fire
Protection and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004”,
states that:

“Sec. 6. Lateral Entry of Officer into the BFP and the BJMP. – In
general, all original appointments of officers in the Fire Bureau and Jail
Bureau shall commence with the rank of fire/jail inspector wherein
applicants for lateral entry into the BFP shall include all those with highly
specialized and technical qualifications such as, but not limited to, civil
engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, chemical
engineers, chemists, architects, criminologists, certified public
accountants, nurses, physical therapists, and dentists, while applicants for
lateral entry into the BJMP shall include all those with highly specialized
and technical qualifications such as, but not limited to, social workers,
psychologists, teachers, nurses, dentists and engineers. Doctor of
Medicine, members of the Philippine Bar and chaplains shall be appointed
to the rank of fire/jail senior inspector in the particular technical service.
Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) shall be
automatically appointed to the initial rank of fire/jail inspector.”

However, with the enactment of R.A. No. 112791 which amended R.A. No. 6975,
also known as the DILG Act of 1990, transferring the PNPA and the National Police
Training Institute (NPTI) from the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) to the Philippine
National Police (PNP), graduates of the PNPA shall be appointed/absorbed exclusively in
the PNP starting Calendar Year 2024. Thus, the DILG established the Philippine Public

1 An Act Transferring the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) and the National Police Training
Institute (NPTI) From the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) to the Philippine National Police (PNP),
Amending for the Purpose Sections 24, 35, 66, 67 and 68 of Republic Act No. 6975, Otherwise Known as
the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990”, as Amended, Appropriating Funds
Therefore and for Other Purposes”.
QS BJMP/ page 5 of 15

Safety Academy (PPSA) under the PPSC, through DILG Circular No. 2022-092 dated 4
March 2022. The goal of the PPSA is to become the training institution that will produce
officers for the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and the BJMP. The PPSA currently offers
a Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Administration (BSFPA) degree program for fire
officers and a Bachelor of Science in Penology and Correction Administration (BSPCA)
degree program for jail officers.

Item 1.3 of the DILG Circular states that:

“To effectively implement the provisions of R.A. No. 11279 and to facilitate
and accelerate the smooth transition process within the period of five (5)
years with an end in view of harmonizing the transfer of PNPA from the
PPSC to the PNP free from any disruption in the continuity of the flow of
commissioned officers released to the BFP and BJMP coming from the
graduating class of PNPA, there is a need to create and operationalize the
Philippine Public Safety Academy (PPSA) for the BFP and BJMP to facilitate
the transition of education and training of BFP and BJMP that eventually
produce their own commissioned officers separate from the PNPA within a
period of five (5) years pending the approval by the Department of Budget
and Management (DBM) of the Table of Organization, Staffing Pattern and
Plantilla Positions of the Philippine Public Safety Academy.”

Section 22 (2), Chapter 5, Title I-A, Book V of Executive Order No. 292, s. 1987
(Administrative Code of 1987) provides:

“(2) The establishment, administration and maintenance of qualification

standards shall be the responsibility of the department or agency, with the
assistance and approval of the Civil Service Commission and in consultation
with the Wage and Position Classification Office.” (Underscoring supplied)

Such responsibility is echoed in Paragraph 3, Section 31, Part I (General

Policies), Rule VIII (Qualification Standards) of the 2017 Omnibus Rules on
Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA),3 as amended,
which states:

“Agencies are encouraged to set specific or higher standards for their

positions, including the required competencies. These standards shall be
submitted to the Commission for approval, and once approved, the agency
shall uniformly and consistently adopt these in the selection and
appointment of employees. The approved qualification standards shall be
adopted by the Civil Service Commission in the attestation of appointments
of the agency concerned”.

Moreover, Section 34, Part I (General Policies), Rule VIII (Qualification

Standards) of the 2017 ORAOHRA, as amended, provides:

2Creation and Operationalization of Philippine Public Safety Academy (PPSA) Pursuant to R.A. No. 11279.
3CSC Resolution No. 1800692 promulgated on 03 July 2018 and disseminated thru CSC Memorandum
Circular (MC) No. 14, s. 2018 dated 30 August 2018.
QS BJMP/ page 6 of 15

“Qualification standards (QS) for certain positions that are prescribed by a

special law, such as Foreign Service Act (RA No. 7157), PNP Act (RA No.
8551), BFP/BJMP Act (RA No. 9263, as amended by RA No. 9592), Local
Government Code of 1991 (RA No. 7160), shall prevail. However, in
instances when any of the education, training, experience, or civil service
eligibility is not provided under the law, the lacking requirement/s shall be
proposed and submitted by the agency concerned to CSC for approval.“

WHEREFORE, the CSC RESOLVES to APPROVE the amendments to the QS

for thirteen (13) existing positions, the QS for the eleven (11) newly identified
professions, and the QS for graduates of the PNPA and PPSA for lateral entry to the
ranks of Jail Inspector and Jail Senior Inspector in the BJMP as follows:

Amendments to the QS for Thirteen (13) Existing Positions

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
Jail Senior 23 Doctor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of relevant RA 1080, as
Inspector Medicine practice of practice of training in amended
(Medical medicine medicine occupational (Physician)
Doctor) medicine, health
promotion, primary
health care,
medicine and other
related field

15 Continuing
(CPD) Credit Units
for Medicine

Jail Senior 23 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 36 hours of RA 1080, as

Inspector Laws or Juris relevant relevant Mandatory amended
(Attorney) Doctor experience in experience or Continuing Legal (Attorney)
drafting of designation to Education (MCLE)
pleadings, positions with
petitions, functions that
motions, involve
resolutions drafting of
and other pleadings,
legal works petitions,
resolutions or
motions and
other legal
Jail Inspector 22 Master’s degree 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as
(Psychologist) in Psychology relevant relevant on psychological amended
QS BJMP/ page 7 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
experience experience or screening, clinical (Psychologist)
involving the designation to practice,
delivery of positions with psychological
psychological functions that interventions,
services involve psychological
delivery of assessment and
psychological behavioral therapy,
services and other related

15 CPD Credit
Units for
Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as
(Civil Science in Civil relevant relevant in construction amended
Engineer) Engineering experience in experience or safety, construction (Civil
planning, designation to supervision, Engineer)
designing and positions with structural designs,
overseeing functions that construction project
construction involve management and
and planning, statutory and
maintenance of designing and regulation
buildings or overseeing compliance,
facilities construction training on
and Construction
maintenance Occupational
of buildings or Safety and Health,
facilities and other related

15 CPD Credit
Units for Civil
Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as
(Electrical Science in relevant relevant relevant to amended
Engineer) Electrical experience in experience or electrical (Electrical
Engineering the design, designation to engineering, like Engineer)
planning and positions with training on
supervision of functions that Construction
electrical power involve Occupational
systems, solar designing, Safety and Health,
system, water planning and and other related
system supervision of courses/trainings
powered by electrical
solar energy, power 15 CPD Credit
and other systems, solar Units for
related works system, water Professional
system Electrical Engineer
QS BJMP/ page 8 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
powered by and Registered
solar system, Electrical Engineer
and other
related works
Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as
(Electronics Science in relevant relevant in electronics amended
Engineer) Electronics and experience experience or engineering (Electronics
Communications involving the designation to science, designs Engineer)
Engineering/ practice of positions with and planning in
Electronics electronics functions that electronic
Engineering engineering involves the operations and
practice of other related
electronics trainings
15 CPD Credit
Units for
Engineer and

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as

(Accountant) Science in relevant relevant in financial amended
Accountancy/ experience in experience or accounting, (Certified
Bachelor of examination, designation to auditing and Public
Science in analysis, and positions with statutory Accountant)
Business interpretation of functions that compliance,
Administration accounting data involve taxation and other
major in and reports examination, related trainings
Accounting analysis and
interpretation 15 CPD Credit
of accounting Units for
data and Accountancy

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as

(Architect) Science in relevant relevant relevant to the amended
Architecture experience in experience or planning and (Architect)
planning and designation to development of
development positions with architectural
of architectural functions that designs for building
designs for involve and facility,
building and planning and construction and
facility development repair, project
construction of management,
and repair architectural training on
designs for Construction
QS BJMP/ page 9 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
building and Occupational
facility Safety and Health,
construction and other related
and repair courses/trainings

15 CPD Credit
Units for

Jail Inspector 22 Doctor of Dental 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Dentist) Medicine or practice of practice of relevant training in amended
Doctor of Dental dental dental dentistry and (Dentist)
Surgery medicine medicine practice

15 CPD Credit
Units for Dentist

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as

(Nurse) Science in relevant relevant in basic nursing amended
Nursing experience in experience or practice, (Nurse)
the practice of designation to community health,
nursing positions with patient physiologic
functions that and psychosocial
involve the care and other
practice of related trainings
15 CPD Credit
Units for Nursing

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor’s 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of training RA 1080, as

(Social degree in Social relevant relevant in case amended
Worker) Work experience in experience or management (Social
handling designation to handling, Worker)
specific positions with documentation and
clientele group functions that recording,
involve capability building,
handling case, basic
specific counseling and
clientele other related
group trainings

45 CPD Credit
Units for Social

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor’s 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Teacher) degree in relevant relevant relevant training in amended
Education experience in experience or teaching and
QS BJMP/ page 10 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
the teaching designation to strategy, (Professional
profession positions with professional Teacher)
functions that practice
involve the management and
practice of other related
teaching trainings
15 CPD Credit
Units for

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Criminologist) Science in relevant relevant relevant training in amended
Criminology experience in experience or criminal behavior (Criminologist)
the practice of designation to analysis, crime
criminology positions with prevention and
functions that other related
involve the trainings
practice of
criminology 15 CPD Credit
Units for

QS for Eleven (11) Newly Identified Professions

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
Jail Senior 23 Bachelor’s 3 years of 3 years of service 1 year of pastoral Career
Inspector degree in service as a as a Priest in a training from the Service
(Roman Classical Priest in a particular Military Ordinariate Professional/
Catholic Philosophy, particular Catholic and of the Philippines Second Level
Chaplain) Bachelor’s Catholic and Christian Religion or other religious Eligibility
degree in Christian institutions and 16
Theology or other Religion hours of relevant
allied courses training in theology
and other related

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 6 months of Career

(Muslim Science in service as service as Imam training Service
Chaplain) Islamic Studies Imam in a Imam in a Professional/
particular particular Second
mosque mosque Level
Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of CSC
(Computer Science in relevant relevant training in Electronic
Programmer) Computer experience in experience or information and Data
QS BJMP/ page 11 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
Science, system designation to communications Processing
Bachelor of development, positions with technology, Specialist
Science in information and functions that system Eligibility
Information technology involve system development, (EDPSE)
Technology, or system and development, programming,
other allied software information and other related
courses programming technology and trainings

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Medical Science in relevant relevant training in amended
Technologist) Medical experience in experience or clinical (Medical
Technology or the medical designation to laboratory Technologist)
Bachelor of technology positions with practice,
Science in profession functions that diagnostics,
Public Health involve the biosafety and
practice of biosecurity, and
medical other related
technology trainings
15 CPD Credit
Units for

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor’s 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Nutritionist- degree in relevant relevant practice training in food amended
Dietitian) Nutrition, practice of or designation to service (Nutritionist-
Dietetics or nutrition and positions with management, Dietitian)
Community dietetics functions that food safety,
Nutrition involve the basic nutrition
practice of and other
nutrition and related trainings
15 CPD Credit
Units for

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Pharmacist) Science in relevant relevant training in amended
Pharmacy experience in experience or pharmacy (Pharmacist)
the practice of designation to practice, clinical
pharmacy positions with pharmacy,
functions that medication
involve the safety and basic
nutrition, and
QS BJMP/ page 12 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
practice of other related
pharmacy trainings

15 CPD Credit
Units for

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor’s 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of Career Service

(Statistician) degree in relevant relevant training on Professional/
Statistics, experience in experience or statistical Second Level
Mathematics, data analysis designation to methods, tools, Eligibility
Economics, and project positions with project
Engineering, management, functions that management,
Computer data involve data processes
Science, or visualization analysis and and/or other
other allied and statistical project related fields
courses surveys management, and other
data related trainings
visualization and

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor’s 3 years of work 3 years of 16 hours of Career Service

(Information degree in Mass experience relevant training relevant Professional/
Officer) Communication, relevant to the experience in to the job Second Level
Journalism, or job position with Eligibility
any degree functions that
relevant to the involve public
job services
and community
and media

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Mechanical Science in relevant relevant training relevant amended
Engineer) Mechanical experience in experience or to mechanical (Mechanical
Engineering the design, designation to engineering, like Engineer)
planning and positions with training on
supervision of functions that Construction
the following: involve the Occupational
implementation design, Safety and
of Sewage planning, and Health, and
Treatment supervision of other related
Plant (STP), the courses/
maintenance of implementation trainings
fire protection, of Sewage
generator sets, Treatment Plant 15 CPD Credit
motor vehicles, (STP), Units for
QS BJMP/ page 13 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
air conditioning maintenance of Professional
units (ACUs), fire protection, Mechanical
and other generator sets, Engineer and
related motor vehicles, Registered
equipment air conditioning Mechanical
units (ACUs), Engineer
and other

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Geodetic Science in relevant relevant training relevant amended
Engineer) Geodetic experience in experience or to geodetic (Geodetic
Engineering land surveying, designation to engineering, like Engineer)
zoning, titling of positions with Construction
lots, soil functions that Occupational
exploration, involve land Safety and
topographic surveying, Health, and
mapping, and zoning, titling of other related
other related lots, soil courses/
works exploration, trainings
mapping, and 15 CPD Credit
other related Units for
works Geodetic

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of 3 years of 3 years of 16 hours of RA 1080, as

(Sanitary Science in relevant relevant training relevant amended
Engineer) Sanitary experience in experience or to sanitary (Sanitary
Engineering the design, designation to engineering, like Engineer)
planning and positions with training on
supervision of functions that Construction
the involve the Occupational
implementation design, planning Safety and
of hygienic and supervision Health, and
projects such of the other related
as waterworks, implementation courses/
sewage, of hygienic trainings
garbage and projects such as
trash disposal, waterworks, 15 CPD Credit
i.e., design and sewage, Units for
implementation garbage and Sanitary
of Sewage trash disposal, Engineering
Treatment Plan i.e., design and
(STP), implementation
designing of of Sewage
water treatment Treatment Plan
plant, designing (STP), designing
QS BJMP/ page 14 of 15

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
and proposing of water
systems for treatment plant,
disposal and designing and
treatment of proposing
waste products, systems for
managing disposal and
waste system treatment of
construction, waste products,
and other managing waste
related works system
and other
related works

QS for the Graduates of the PNPA and PPSA

Position SG Education Experience Training Eligibility

Title Lateral Entry Lateral Entry
From Outside From Within
Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of None None None Career
(PPSA Science in Service
Graduate) Penology and Professional/
Corrections Second
Administration Level
or other allied Eligibility
courses of the

Jail Inspector 22 Bachelor of None None None Career

(PNPA Science in Service
Graduates) Public Safety Professional/

The CSC RESOLVES FURTHER that the abovementioned QS shall be the bases
of the CSC in attesting appointments and in evaluating other human resource actions for
the subject positions in the BJMP.

Copies of this Resolution shall be disseminated to the CSC Regional and Field
Offices concerned.

Quezon City.
QS BJMP/ page 15 of 15




Commissioner Commissioner

Attested by:
2024.02.20 14:48:15 +08'00'

Director IV
Commission Secretariat and Liaison Office

BJMP – QS Lateral Entry 26 Positions

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