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Name {Aman};
Address {Gachibowli,Hyderabad};
Phone {8790746311};
Github {};
Mail {};
College {Vignan Institute of Technology and Science} ;

Languages { C, C++, PYTHON, MATLAB, C#};
Development tools{Esp-Idf ,Arduino ide ,Unity ,Matlab,
Kicad ,LTSpice , STM32CubeIDE};
Development Boards {Esp32 boards ,Stm32
boards,Nrf52840 board,atmega 328p boards} ;
Skills {FreeRtos , Embedded C,BLE ,WIFI ,Led Systems
,Firmware development ,SW/HW debugging, FreeRtos,
OTA, Iot data communication ,Https-server, control systems ,
sensor fusion,Tcp/Udp protocol,Wireshark,Putty, Postman,
Matlab, Unity , Lora ,Rapid prototyping, Jtag debugging};
1. Mpu9250 sensor driver library for arduino ide in c.
2. Implementing madgwick filter in c .
3. Drone simulation in unity.
4. Flight simulations in simulink.

1. Summer research intern :Naxatra Sciences[february
2022 - june 2022]
Design and analysis of a 2-element radio interferometer
for observing the transit of the sun.
Adc of the continuous signals from the interferometer to
the controller.

2. Firmware intern:Yolabs pvt ltd [April 2023 - june

Rapid prototyping of War bots using Esp32 and mit app
Debugging electronic circuits for various motors and
motor drivers .
Teaching Unity, Lego ,robotics (theory and practical) to
college students .
3. Embedded software intern: Onivart design studios
pvt ltd [July 2023- October 2023]
Rapid prototyping using esp32, Nrf52840, Arduino.
Iot development in Esp idf and server connectivity to
controllers , BLE mesh , Wifi (all modes), sensor
Controller circuits prototyping on vero pcb.
Sensor integration , i2c programming,spi programming,
Lora, algorithm development, software debugging
hardware debugging .

Hackathon winner : designing pedometer using imu and
filtering data using FIR butterworth filter.


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