(The Sexual Self)

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What is Sex?

Sex refers to the physical and physiological differences between males and
females including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and
the secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity ( Diamond 2022).
3 Sex Variation:
1: Male

Male is a person with the penis or the

male reproductive organ, with XY
chromosomes in his cells and the body is
capable of producing high levels of
2: Female

Female is a person with vagina or

the female reproductive organ ,
with XX chromosomes and is
capable of releasing high levels of
3: Intersex

Intersex is a person born with the sexual

anatomy or chromosomes that do not fit the
traditional definition of male or female. The
person has the combination of reproductive
sex organs , including internal sex organs,
chromosomes and hormones
What is Gender?

According to Diamond (2002), Gender refers to

social or cultural roles played by male or female in
the society. Gender also an identity is the extent to
which one identifies as being masculine or feminine,
or how someone feels on the inside(WAAC 2020).
What is Gender Expression?

Gender Expression describes how someone

prefers to express his or her gender to the world.
Example: From childhood, we give dolls for baby
girls and trucks or plastic guns in boys.
Color pink for girls and blue for boys
3 Gender Variations:
1: Cisgender

Cisgender is a person identifying himself or

herself with the sex assigned to them at birth
For Example, A person who was assigned as a
male at birth and identifies as male or vice
2: Transgender

Transgender whose gender identity does

not match the sex that they were
assigned at birth.
For example, a person who was assigned
as a male at birth, but identifies as
female or vice versa
3: Gender Fluid

Gender Fluid referring to a person whose

gender identity is not fixed and/or shifts
depending on the situation.
For example, , a person who was designated
female on their original birth certificate may
identify as a girl until adolescence, then identify as
a boy for the rest of their life.
What is Sexuality?

Sexuality pertains to the part of a

person expressed through sexual
activities and relationships.
What is Sexual Identity?

Sexual Identity is how a person chooses to describe

or label his or her sexuality. There are many labels a
person can choose. Among these are the
heterosexual, homosexual , bisexual, asexual,
pansexual and questioning among others.
 Heterosexual- a person who is attracted to the people of the opposite
 Homosexual- a person who is attracted to the people of the same sex
 Bisexual- a person who is attracted to both genders- male and females
 Asexual- is a person having no sexual attraction.
 Pansexual- refers to a person’s attraction to multiple genders.
 Lastly,Questioning- refers to some people who may be unsure about
their sexuality and/or are exploring it.
3 Common Aspects used to describe sexuality
 Feelings and fantasies, this also includes the
center of affection or the person we
attracted to and we are indimately
 Behaviors, expresed through any form of
sexual contact, example flirting
 Identity,that corresponds to the label or
description of someone’s sexuality
Queer Theory

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