English - (Lang and Lit) - X-Mock Test - (2023-24) (Ques)

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CBSE - X M OCK T EST Time : 3 hrs.

2023 – ’24 Full Marks : 80

General Instructions :
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages
1. Read the following text. [10]
1. The roar began at the back of the crowd and swept like fire in heavy growing crescendo until
it seemed to toss thousands of hats above their heads. The band in the courtyard struck up the
Mexican national air, and Villa came walking down the street.
2. He was dressed in an old plain khaki uniform, with several buttons lacking. He hadn’t recently
shaved, wore no hat and his hair had not been brushed. He walked a little pigeon toed, humped
over, with his hands in his trousers and pockets. As he entered the aisle between the rigid lines
of soldiers, he seemed slightly embarrassed, and grinned and nodded to a friend here and there
in the ranks. At the foot of the grand staircase, Governor Chao and Secretary of State Terrazzas
joined him in full dress uniform. The band threw off all restraint, and, as Villa entered the audience
chamber, at a signal from someone in the balcony of the palace, the great throng in the Plaza
de Armas uncovered, and all the brilliant crowd of officers in the room saluted stiffly. It was Napoleonic!
3. Villa hesitated for a minute, pulling his mustache and looking very uncomfortable, finally gravitated
towards the throne, which he tested by shaking the arms, and then sat down, with the Governor
on his right and the Secretary of State on his left.
4. Senor Bauche Alcalde stepped forward and pronounced a short discourse, indicting Villa for personal
bravery on the field on six counts, which he mentioned in florid detail. He was followed by the
Chief of Artillery, who said, “The army adores you. We will follow you wherever you lead. You can
be what you desire in Mexico.” Then three other officers spoke in the high-flung, extravagant periods
necessary to Mexican oratory. They called him “The Friend of the Poor”, “The Invincible General”,
“The Inspirer of Courage and Patriotism”, “The Hope of the Indians Republic”. And through it all,
Villa slouched on the throne, his mouth hanging open, his little shrewd eyes playing around room.
Once or twice, he yawned, but for the most part, he seemed to be speculating with some intense
interior amusement, like a small boy in church, what it was all about. He knew of course, that
it was the proper thing, and perhaps felt a slight vanity that all this conventional ceremonial was
addressed to him. But it bored him just the same.
5. Finally, with an impressive gesture, Colonel Servin stepped forward with the small pasteboard box
which held the medal. General Chao nudged Villa, who stood up. The officers applauded violently,
the crowd outside cheered; the band in the court burst into a triumphant march. Villa put out both
hands eagerly, like a child for a new toy. He could hardly wait to open the box and see what

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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

was inside. An expectant hush fell upon everyone, even the crowd in the square. Villa looked at
the medal, scratching his head, and, in a reverent silence, said clearly: “This is a hell of a little
thing to give a man for all that heroism you are talking about!” And the bubble of Empire was
pricked then and there with a great shout of laughter.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(i) Select the option that classifies Villa as a successful general. [1]
(a) He was admired by all due to his military skills.
(b) He was admired due to his mustache.
(c) He was considered as a brutal general.
(d) He was pious by nature.
(ii) The writer would not agree with the given statement based on paragraph three: [1]
(a) Villa was in hesitation.
(b) He sat on the throne.
(c) He sat down with the Governor on his left and the Secretary of State on his right.
(d) He pulls his moustache and looks uncomfortable.
(iii) Comment on the statement made by the Chief of Artillery about Villa in about 40 words. [2]
(iv) Complete the sentence appropriately with a characteristic or its description. [1]
When the narrator describes the entrance of Pancho Villa as ‘Nepoleonic’, he is referring to the
(v) Explain in about 40 words, when did the officers applaud and the crowd outside cheered? [1]
(vi) In the line, ‘Finally, with an impressive gesture, Colonel Servin stepped forward with the small plasterboard
box which held the medal.’ What does ‘impressive’ mean here? [1]
(vii) In the line, ‘As he entered the aisle between the rigid lines of soldiers, he seemed slightly embarrassed,
and grinned and nodded to a friend here and there in the ranks’. What is the reason he was
feeling slightly embarrassed? [2]
(viii)Read the five statements (1)-(4) given below: [1]
(1) Villa put his hands like a child for a new toy.
(2) Villa looked at the medal scratching his head.
(3) He could hardly wait to open the box and see what was inside.
(4) The bubble of Empire was pricked.
Identify the option that displays the statement that DOES NOT correspond with the occurrences
in the passage.
(a) (1) and (2)
(b) (3) and (4)
(c) Only (3)
(d) Only (1)

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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

2. Read the following text. [10]

1. News – If you can’t remember the last time, you saw a teenager reading a book, newspaper or
magazine, you’re not alone. In recent years, less than 20 per cent of teens report reading a book,
magazine or newspaper, daily, for pleasure. More than 80 per cent say they use social media
every day, according to a research published by the World Psychological Association.
2. Compared with previous generations, teens in the 2010s spent more time online and less time
with traditional media, such as books, magazines and television,” said an eminent author. Time
on digital media has displaced the time that was once spent enjoying a book or watching TV.
3. Swaner and her colleagues analyse data concluded from an ongoing study of a national representative
sample of approximately 50,000 eighth, tenth and twelfth grade students annually. They looked at
survey results from 1976 to 2023, representing more than 1 million teenagers. While the study
started with only twelfth-graders in the 1970s, eighth and tenth-graders were added in 1991.
4. Use of digital media increased substantially from 2006 to 2023. Among twelfth-graders, internet use
during leisure time doubled from one to two hours per day during that period. It also increased
75 per cent for tenth-graders and 68 per cent for eighth-graders.
5. ‘In the mid-2010s, the average twelfth grader reported spending approximately two hours a day texting,
just over two hours a day on the internet which included gaming and just under two hours a day
on social media’, said Swaner. That’s a total of about six hours per day on just three digital media
activities during their leisure time.

6. In comparison, tenth-graders reported a total of five hours per day and eighth-graders reported four
hours per day on those three digital activities. Consequently, the spent time in the digital world
is seriously degrading the time they spend on more traditional media such as print book and newspapers.
7. The decline in reading print media was especially steep. In the early 1990s, 33 per cent of tenth-
graders said they read a newspaper almost every day. By 2016, that number was only 2 per cent.
In the late 1970s, 60 per cent of twelfth-graders said they read a book or a magazine almost
every day, by 2023, only 16 per cent did. Twelfth-graders also reported reading fewer books each
year in 2023 compared to how much they read in 1976 and approximately one-third did not read
a book (including e-books) for pleasure in the year prior to the 2023 survey.

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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

8. There’s no lack of intelligence among young people. However due to over dependence on digital
media they find it difficult to focus for long periods of time and to read long-form text. Subsequently,
they find it challenging to understand complex issues and develop critical thinking skills.
(i) Infer two possible ways that the survey, mentioned in the given extract, could be beneficial.
Answer in about 40 words. [2]
(ii) Select the option that displays the most likely reason for the study of this research. [1]
(a) To know about reading choices of teenagers.
(b) To know about digital competency of teenagers over the years.
(c) To know about speed of reading text.
(d) To know about the decline of time spent on traditional media.
(iii) Do you think that the researchers of this study added eighth and tenth graders to the survey,
deliberately? Support your answer with reference to the text. [1]
(iv) Identify the person who uses social media from the following people. [1]
(a) Anchal - I’m using WhatsApp since morning.
(b) Akash - I’m reading a novel since today afternoon.
(c) Deep - I have been watching television for two hours.
(d) Kanak – I’m always answering my company's emails.
(v) Which of the following is the correct option for what the narrator means by 'degrading the time'
in paragraph 6? [1]
(a) Spending less time
(b) Wastage of time
(c) Consuming more time
(d) Saving time
(vi) What are the various digital activities in which the twelfth graders indulged in the mid-2010s?
(vii) Complete the sentence appropriately. [1]
Traditional media has been replaced by digital. We can say this because __________.
(viii)State TRUE or FALSE [1]
The title, ‘Social Media Usage by Age’ is appropriate for this passage.


3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. [1×10=10]
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of
a letter.
Dear Sir
My resume and experience certificate ____________ (attach) with this email for your kind perusal
and I hope to hear from you in this regard.
Yours faithfully
Asha Singh
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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

(ii) Read the given sentence from a newspaper article. Identify the error and supply the correction in
the sentence.
Japanese school lunch has been known to be one of the best in the world.
The Use the given format for your response.


(iii) Vinny told Shammi about some new varieties of mangoes at the horticulture market that she visited
recently. Write the question asked by Shammi in response.
(iv) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between a clerk at the ticket
window and a spectator.
Kumar: It is my first visit to a race course. When will the event begin?
Clerk: You are early. It will begin in an hour’s time.
When Mr. Kumar asked the clerk at the ticket-window when the event would begin, the clerk told
him that _____________ in an hour’s time.
(a) he was early and that it would begin
(b) he is early and that it would begin
(c) he was early and that it will be beginning
(d) you are early and that it would begin
(v) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option.
Sugarcane, which is another water-guzzling crop in India, is also a particularly popular choice among
the farmers in Maharashtra because they __________ of direct marketing by sugar mills.
(a) had been assured
(b) will be assured
(c) ought to be assured
(d) are assured
(vi) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine and supply the correction.
Frequent or long-term consumption of processed food increase the risk of developing metabolic
disorders such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and stroke.
Use the given format for your response.


(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from
a news report.
However, studies have shown that home water use is only the tip of the iceberg and a large majority
of the water consumed has been hidden from plain view.
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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

Sl. no. Error Correction

(a) have shown had shown

(b) of on

(c) a the

(d) has been hidden is hidden

(viii)Write the correct words to fill in the blank for the given line, from an article, ‘The Making of a
Commandos of the NSG, popularly also known as the ‘Black Cats’ because of their black uniforms
and quick movements ___________ closely around VVIPs for their security.
(a) will be seen hovering
(b) can be seen hovering
(c) would hover
(d) are being hovered
(ix) Read the conversation between Neela and her teacher. Complete the sentence by reporting the
The teacher: You all must try and speak in English at school.
Neela: We are afraid of making mistakes.
When the teacher told Neela that __________ in English at school, she confessed that _______________
of making mistakes.
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the advice given by a mentor.
Wisdom lies in the fact that people _________ get distressed by pain, suffering and death.
(a) do not
(b) would not
(c) ought not
(d) might not
(xi) Complete the line from a famous poem, by filling the blank with the correct option.
I _______ his face,
Nor have I listened to his voice;
Only I have heard his gentle footsteps
From the road before my house.
(a) have to see
(b) have not seen
(c) must not
(d) cannot but see

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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

(xii) A child specialist shifted his office and left a hoarding on the ground floor. Identify the error on
his clinic’s hoarding and supply the correction, for the following:

Note:Climb to the first floor. The Pedestrian is upstairs.

Use the given format for your response


4. Answer ANY ONE of the following. [5]
(A) You are Shekhar Sharma of 24 Camac Street, Kolkata. Write a letter of enquiry within 100 to
120 words to the Director of Scholarly Coaching, Kolkata, to gather relevant information like mode
of payment, fee to be deposited and duration of the course as you are interested in joining their
course on CLAT preparation.
(B) You are Ms. Roshni Ghosh, Administrator at The Palace School, Jaipur. The air conditioners
in your school library are quite old and exhausted. There is an urgent need for replacement.
You have finalized on the quotations sent by M/s Rounek Electronics, Jawahar Industrial Area,
Jaipur. Draft a letter placing an order within 100 to 120 words for ten air conditioners of five-
star rating. Invent all other details like reference no., detail of order, date of delivery, mode of
payment and so on.
5. Answer ANY ONE of the following. [5]
(A) Instant foods are popular items on every family’s menu. Study the bar graph given below showing
the consumption of instant noodles in India. The growth in their consumption in the coming fifteen
years or so, will be remarkable in this regard to say the least. Using the data, write an analytical
paragraph in 100-120 words mentioning the reasons about the popularity of instant foods.

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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

You may begin like this:

After preparing a thorough analysis of the data, I believe instant noodles are a rage because…
You may end like this:
…for these reasons, I believe that instant noodles are not a healthy option for individuals.
(B) In a democratic set-up, casting your vote in favour of a meritorious candidate is a serious responsibility.
However, social and economic issues are also taken into consideration by the voters while casting
their valuable votes. Given below is the turnout of voters of all ages. Interpret and analyse the
data and write your observations in about 100-120 words in the form of a paragraph.

You may begin like this:

After analysing the data about voters, I believe …
You may end like this:
…for these reasons, I believe that voters must exercise their right with caution.


6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two given. [5]
(A) OOP: I haven’t a clue. I’ve been to seven galaxies, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Maybe
they’re hats. (He opens a book and puts it on his head.) Say, maybe this is a haberdashery!
OMEGA: (bowing low) Perhaps the Great and Mighty Think-Tank will give us the benefit of his
thought on the matter.
THINK TANK: Elementary, my dear Omega. Hold one of the items up so that I may view it closely
(Omega holds a book on the palm of her hand). Yes, yes, I understand now. Since Earth creatures
are always eating, the place in which you find yourselves is undoubtedly a crude refreshment stand.
OMEGA: (to lota and Oop) He says we’re in a refreshment stand.
OOP: Well, the Earthlings certainly have a strange diet.
(i) State any one inference about Oop and his crewmates from the given context. [1]
I’ve been to seven galaxies, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Maybe they’re hats.
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CBSE – X 2023 - ’24 English Language and Literature Mock Test

(ii) Complete the following statement. [1]

Think-Tank thought that the crew had landed in a strange food stand stacked with tough-to-
eat sandwiches. This idea of Think-Tank was _________.
(a) a hypothesis or a possible explanation for something that has not yet been found to be
true or correct
(b) an assumption that is accepted without any proof
(c) a misconception, that is, a wrong idea or understanding of something
(d) a theory or a set of ideas that tries to explain something
(iii) Oop says, ‘Well, the Earthlings certainly have a strange diet’. What was wrong with the diet
of human beings according to the aliens? Elaborate in about 30-40 words, with reference to
the extract. [2]
(iv) Which phrase or word would correctly substitute ‘rudimentary’, in the given sentence from the
extract. [1]
I made my own rudimentary garden furniture that was beautiful but uncomfortable.
(B) NATALYA: No, you’re simply joking, or making fun of me. What a surprise! We’ve had the land
for nearly three hundred years, and then we’re suddenly told that it isn’t ours! Ivan Vassilevitch,
I can hardly believe my own ears. These Meadows aren’t worth much to me. They only come to
five dessiatins, and are worth perhaps 300 roubles, but I can’t stand unfairness. Say what you
will I can’t stand unfairness.
LOMOV: Hear me out, I implore you! The peasants of your father’s grandfather, as I have already
had the honour of explaining to you, used to make bricks for my aunt’s grandmother...
(i) Which of the facts given below is the most accurate explanation to complete the statement:
Natalya told Lomov that he was simply joking or making fun of her because ___________.
(a) Chubukovs’ land extended to Burnt Marsh which included Oxen Meadows
(b) he claimed that Oxen Meadows was his ancestral property
(c) he declared that his land extended to Burnt Marsh
(d) Oxen Meadows had belonged to Natalya’s mother for generations
(ii) Why were the Meadows not worth fighting or arguing over between the neighbours? Answer
in about 30-40 words. [2]
(iii) Read the following descriptions (i)-(iv) and identify which one correctly corresponds to the extract
given to you for analysis. [1]
(a) The extract is a debate usually with two or more people presenting different viewpoints and
(b) The extract is a soliloquy or a speech given by a character alone on stage, which reveals
their innermost thoughts and feelings to the audience.
(c) The extract is an aside or a brief comment made by a character directly to the audience,
which is not intended to be heard by other characters on stage.
(d) The extract is an argument or an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated
or angry one.

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(iv) On the basis of your understanding of the extract, which common character traits are exhibited
by both Natalya and Lomov? [1]
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two given. [5]
(A) Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him,
No one mourned for his pirate victim.
Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate
Around the dragon that ate the pirate.
(i) Identify the literary device used by the poet to narrate the poem in the form of a story. [1]
(ii) What is the reason for this sudden show of affection? [1]
(iii) Which of the following best describes the way the dragon drove fear into the heart of the pirate?
(a) He whistled like an engine.
(b) He snorted like an engine.
(c) He cluttered, clinked, and jingled.
(d) He clattered, jangled, and clanked.
(iv) Comment on the close of the poem in about 30-40 words. [2]
(B) He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage.
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass
(i) In what way does the description of the tiger in this poem challenge the traditional ideas of
what a tiger should be? [1]
(ii) What is the significance of the use of the word ‘shadow’ in the poem. Answer in about
30-40 words. [2]
(iii) Select the option that describes the tiger in the following lines. [1]
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
1. nervous
2. scared
3. distraught
4. light-footed
5. majestic
6. indignant
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 3, 4 and 6
(d) 1, 5 and 6
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(iv) Identify the metaphor used in the extract from A Tiger in the Zoo. [1]
8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. [3x4=12]
(i) Why does Anne Frank say that she does not have a friend? Is she really all alone?
(ii) Dust of Snow is a perfect example of an enjambment. What was the purpose behind using this
literary device.
(iii) Mij was an intelligent creature. Justify.
(iv) Belinda and her pets unknowingly selected an appropriate name for Custard. Explain.
(v) Explain the significance of the word ‘rampart’ used in the poem, For Anne Gregory.
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. [3×2=6]
(i) Never judge a book by its cover. Fowler proves the same. Justify.
(ii) Honour among thieves, isn’t a fact. That’s what Horace believes. What led him to assume so?
(iii) Bholi is a short story about women becoming self-sufficient. Elucidate.
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(A) Fear and lack of confidence stops one from achieving their goals and hamper one’s life. Both the
seagull in the short story His First Flight and the black people in South Africa in the extract,
Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom initially suffered from the same. How did they overcome
this hurdle? How did this help them finally achieve their goals?
(B) Roy T. Bennett had said, Life is about accepting the challenges on the way, choosing to keep
moving forward….difficulties are transient, they come and go. Comment on the idea by referring
to the poem, Fog and the short story, A Letter to God.
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. [6]
(A) Rushing to a conclusion without going into details may lead to chaos and failure. Elaborate this
with reference to the Martian invasion in the play, The Book That Saved the Earth.
(B) In order to become successful, one must have zeal, dedication, devotion, and above all, patience.
Justify with reference to your reading of the extract, The Making of a Scientist and the short story,


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