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Justin Paule N.

Navarez BSCpE - 2A Life And Works Of Rizal

I Miss You, My Flower

The national hero of the Philippines, Jose Rizal, left a long-lasting mark by means of
his revolutionary actions and significant writings. One of his famous works is the deeply
moving poem “Flowers of Heidelberg”. This poem is not what it seems though, so we will
look deeper into layers hidden in Rizal’s verses such as longing, identity, beauty vs

“Flowers of Heidelberg'' was written to capture Rizal’s emotions about staying in that
picturesque city in Germany. It shows how much he yearned for home while facing physical
separation from the Philippines. From its very beginning passages, this piece takes us
immediately into an emotional landscape with Rizal lamenting: “Go to my country, go foreign
flowers sown by the traveler along the road and beneath that heaven blue watching over my
loved ones recount devotion toward his soil felt by pilgrim!’’

However, his longing for familiar scenes and sounds of his native land underlies the
beauty of Heidelberg that he captures in words. This poem goes through Heidelberg’s calm
images setting its tone with nostalgia.

I love this poem "Flowers of Heidelberg" because it is beautiful and speaks directly to
my heart about the poet’s love for his country and people. Despite being in Germany, this did
not prevent him from having a strong connection to home which was the Philippines. Rizal
himself says he was an admirer “of fragrant flowers”. In relation to such flowers back home,
says “he compared them”. Moreover, he wants them to give his family and compatriots a
message of love and faithfulness because he misses them so much. Also, Rizal reflects
upon his patriotism as well as readiness to sacrifice everything possible for his motherland;
“I’ll gladly give my life;/ For it is there freedom and happiness doth lie.”

I understand the poem because I am very attached to my home. Since I got into
college, I have also been away from home. It was challenging and yet a whole new learning
process for me. Initially it was hard being far from them for they were always there to give
me support. However, they are still behind me in everything that I do and wherever we are,
no matter how far apart. Particularly after observing nature’s beauty in alien lands do I
perceive the poet’s nostalgia and yearning for his native land. Just like him, I love and dream
of a peaceful prosperous country too. Rizal was such a versatile person; he wrote verses,
worked on reforms of society, took care of people as a physician, discovered many things
regarding human beings and also became an outstanding soldier of his nation. On the other
hand, I am simply another student who learns vicariously through this game called life.

The title alone is significant enough to tell one about its relevance not only to history
but also the present time when the Philippines confronts many problems and setbacks until
now. The writer uses the poem to stress why we must love our country more than anything
or anyone else. It also induces us into recognizing our cultural diversity and environmental
beauty as well as conserving what is left for posterity, plus refer to them.

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