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217 Case Study

 For Week 9 – 10 Assignment (100 pts)

 Submit a Case Study.
 Choose only one from the following Cases:
1. Postpartum Depression
2. Cryptorchidism
3. Epispadias or Hypospadias
4. Down syndrome
5. Multiple Pregnancy
6. Kernicterus
 Submit to the Faculty Rm B206 on or before April 06, 2024 5pm.
 Use short bond paper or A4 size with folder.
 Late submission will not be graded

Student Case Study Format

I - Title Page

 Case Study Title: Clear and descriptive title

 Prepared by: Name of the student preparing the case study.
 Submitted to: Name of the Professor
 School Name: Name of the educational institution.
 Date: Date of completion or submission.

II - Abstract of the Study (2nd page)

III - Introduction (3rd Page)

 Background Information: Briefly describe the case study, provide sample or

 Purpose of the Case Study: State the reason for conducting this case study or
the importance of the study

IV - Analysis

 Problem Analysis: Analyze the situation or challenge, identifying potential

causes or contributing factors.

V - Intervention Strategies
 Action Taken: Describe any interventions or strategies implemented

 Therapeutic Management
 Nursing Management
 Nursing Care Plan (in table)
 List of Drug Studies used

Conclusion and Recommendations

 Summary of Findings: Summarize the key insights gained from the case study.
 Recommendations: Offer suggestions for future actions or strategies to further
support the student. This might include recommendations for teachers, parents,
or the student themselves.

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