Kinematics Unit 3

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OCx ecq 25% 321 4.013 m/s ee 2. Angular velocity of CD is 0.892 velocity of mid-point of BC is 5.45 m/s. Example 3.69 : The top view of an a window is as shown in Fig. 3.63 (a). During ‘motor drives are connected link CB, which is with an angular velocity aes = 0.5 rad/s. C velocity at the instant shown of the end A, ‘long the slotted guide. For ABD, AB = BD = 0 Example 3.68 : “In the four link mechanism; the crank AB ‘has a constant counter-clockwise speed of 3 rad/s. Determine the angular velocity of CD and the velocity of the mid-point of BC. 42m C} I 1 24m i ' (A ' of . tee te et Solution : (Bm Onsen fy tat Given data : ay = 0.5 rad/s, as shown i Solution : agit | To find : Velocity at point A. Given data : As shown in Fig. 3.62 (a). eae Az. To find : Angular velocity of CD, velocity of midpoint | of BC. anise ons: AB=3m Fig. 3.62 (6) = ABx oy=3x 3=9 m/s s MECHANICS (anryy Given data © Coc = B rad/s, 9 enn eae veanemanrics Jo find : Angular velocity fqn, 9.35919 alia = J et ris = 08 029% m3 =14 ea “14 x tne = ge = th a rads (D) Ans Me cn = 0.25 x 4.83 1.21 m/s po __Fig. 3.606) _ ‘Example 3.67: At the position shown, the 04 m long crack /s For rod DBE. ‘AB has a clockwise angular velocity of 3 rad/ Angular velocity of rod AB is 9.73 rad/s (3). DB = BE = 05 m. E moves on a horizontal groove 0.4 m “2Ans. | below A. Determine the velocity of point 8 counterclockwise. At the instant shown, determine ‘angular velocity of rod BC and the velocity of midpoint Fig. 3.61 (0) Solution: Fetter Gata; AS, = 04 1m Bim 0E = OS. Cea 9 Foe 30 rads. in Fi To find : Velocity at point B TGhson data : cig, = 80 rpmy as enown DTD 3.60 2) ey satan Voaty of 6c and veleity of Hie 22.393 rs To find : Angular ve! point of rod AB. By sine rule, vp = ODX cn 7 m/s eal ene. AB. zetiis F OA sin30 ~ sin45 cx = OB * 0305 20.73% 393 From equation (1), +e = ~2vy From the given condition, @ Ya=Ve = 300 Ye = va~300 and va~Ya = ~ 200 in Ye = va=200 Substituting the value of ye = Oy 200 in equation (2), 4300, and v, =v, ya- 200+ Va~ 300 = -2yp 4vq = 500 Ya = 125 mmys (ty From equation (3), o Ans, Yc = Ya 300 Ve = 125-300 = =175 mmvs Ye = 175 mmys (4) From equation (4), pans) Ye = va~200 Ve = 125-200 =~75 mmys Ye 5 72 Va) Ans. .9 INTRODUCTION : CURVILINEAR MOTION When a particle is moving along a cutve, the motion is said ‘to be curvilinear motion. In curvilinear motion, velocity is always tangential to the path of the particle. But if acceleration is also tangential, then the motion is said to be rectilinear motion. In order to follow the path of the particle, velocity vector swing inside, so the acceleration cannot remain tangent to the path. Acceleration is tangential to the hydrograph. RECTANGULAR ¢ eu. The motion of a particle can be described along a path that Isrepresented using a fixed x, y, Z axis of reference. * Position At any instant, the particle position is defined by the Position vector _ranemarics Fig. 3.28 = Velocity Differentiating position vector with time, a de = git y+ zo oy a at Jt dt & ee dt ivi Be tee BE po tomiedatek cS ae. es Pre eeiind ise ete acre aia ae ewig = dy dy dvz at it at i * a & dg dy ve ee edtue vie dt?) “Ao dt Direction vector of acceleration ayi+ayj + azk Set et Afaxt ay +22 Example 3.34 : A particle is constrained to move upward to the right along the path 2y = x° + 26, where x and y are in meters, The x co-ordinate ofthe particle at any time is x = — t + 4 Determine the y components of velocity and acceleration at x = 6 m. | ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) Solution : ‘Given data : vx = 900 mm/s, as shown in Fig, 357 (9). To find : Angular velociy of ADB and velocity at point 8 90 mms, (3.40) Vp = DEX Oe = 16155% ope = 6.68 rad/s is 6.68 rad/s (G). Example 3.75 : Knowing that at the angular velocity of bar DC is 18 rad/s. determine : (a) The angular velocity « angular velocity of bar BC, (¢) The ING MECHANICS ( Substituting ap = 8 mvs? in equation (2) 2m = 8 ag = dvs? onsideting motion of block B and using equation of (6) Considering the string connecting kinematics, ss uted at 1 3 = 2+> X4x¥ 3 = 2420 Solving quadratic equation, t= 182s Ines 2m = 0 Considering motion of block A and using equation o kinematics, Substituting value of vs = 0.9 in equation vy =utat 2x 09 = vo va = 044x182 vp = 18m/s() Va = 7.28 m/s (d) Relative velocity of portion D of cable Relative velocity of block A with respect to block B is to block B is given by, given by, Vos = Yo~¥s Yas = Yo, = -18-(-0.6) Wwe Example 3.32 : Block B moves downward with a constant velocity of 0.6 m/s. Determine (a) the velocity of block A, (b) the velocity of block C, (¢) the velocity of portion D of the cable, (d) the relative velocity of portion D of the cable with respect to block B. Solution = Given data: Constant velocity of block B = 0.6 m/s w. (@) Considering the string connecting block B and | block A, 2xq = 3X8 6 m/s in equation (i x06 vp = 0.9 m/s (1) Fro Frc Xp = 2Xe Ve = Wc ‘Substitutingva= 0.6 in equation (2), fe 06 = 2c ve = 0.3 mis (1) (0). Consider the string between block B , 2vp = Vo =12 m/s = 1.2 m/s (Y) Example 3.33 : The three blocks shown move with t velocities. Find the velocity of each block at the inst the relative velocity of A with respect to C is || upward and the relative velocity of B with 200 mm/s downward. From the concept of length of : Xqt Xo = constant by F=¥0 Xe- Xq + Ke~X0 = constant © Net vc = 20 () (SAIN MECHANICS (aqryy 9370: 2 or with the floor and ere fod rand Aa em, the angular votive sureth a) epectively Hed pe aa eae ends in he veociy of 22, Va rat vavesenn Point 5 V2 Fad, oa me [7a * 174 nap Bae ple 3.72 to The end A of a 10 mov ange A of a slender bar Ae eee ci se elocy of 2 m/s ind vloty of pam 8 Given data : As shown in Fig, 3.64 } 3.64 (a), eee DS, Ni rad/s, Me rere Solution : Fig. 366 (0) Given data: Fig. 3.64 (b) Velocity of point B = OB X a aes zen mn 7) os. (Mere Fxample 3.71 : Due to slipping points A and 8 on the rim of Hite she nies 9020 the disk, have the velocities as shown, Determine the velocity 8 = 436" ofthe centre point ¢ ‘ oce a 2 -2radls vp = OBX Oey= 2% 128 = 256m/s ents ere! Ss za Example 3.73: Knowing that at the instant shown, the velocity of collar Ais 300 mm/s tothe left, determine (a) the ye t.6ms angular velocity of 04. "ADB, (b) the velocity of point 8 20 mm Yo Fig. 3.65 (2) Given data : As shown in id: 3.65 (2). 3 mis MODULE m| tionship of displacement velo time for given motion, oe t id acceleration with without considering the forces Kinetics is the study of the relationship of displacement, city and acceleration with time for a given motion oe 2 ‘considering the force which causes the motion. Therefore, kinetics cen be used to predict the motion caused by a i force or to determine the Tequired force to produce ‘a prescribed motion. of Kinematics of, ye frigid body article rigid body _ dynamics is based on the Newton's laws governing the tion of a particle under the action of a given force. § particle is material point containing definite quantity of ter without dimension. In fact, there is no such thing in “a particle, since definite amount of matter ‘some space. However, when the motion of nit may be considered as a particle and ‘in rotation then it is considered as rigid igh space, it describes a curve path of @ particle may be ive. In the simplest form, the nd the particle is said to be in Iine path of the particle can be coordinate axis s as shown in Ga) KINEMATICS The origin © on the path is fixed point and. postion vector F is used to specify the position of particle P at any given instant. For analytical calculation it is convenient to represent 7 by an algebraic scalar s representing the position coordinate of the particle o i -—+ Fig. 3.1 (0) Displacement : The change in position of a particle is known as displacement. If the particle moves from ® to P,, the displacement is As = 5; —5 as shown in Fig. 3. (0). o po —— *— teased Fig. 3.1 (6) Displacement is positive when the final position of particle is to the right of its initial position. If the final position of the particle to the left ofits initial position, the displacement is negative. Displacement of the particle is the vector quantity which gives magnitude as well as direction, Distance travelled is 2 scalar ‘quantity which represents total lenath of path travelled by the particle. For example, particle moves from © to ‘Aand A to B as shown in Fig. 3.1 (0 }-—_— 10m +4 o a -}——————_ 6m ———_4 . Fig. 3.1 (0) Displacement = 10-15 =-5m sme) Distance travelled = 10+ 15= 25m 3. Velocity : If the particle moves from P to Py through cerval At, then the avera isplacement At in time int ue val At is velocity of the particle during thetime inte (Bi avg. = At ———— | yGNEBRING MECHANICS (ry fon: Given data : As shown in Fig. 3.5 To find : Horizontal distance Let horizontal distance co oral vertical distance covered = “overed by the particle wered be x ang aay sawemaries iple 3.37 : The y co-ordinate of a particle in curvilinear is given by y = 4¢2 ~ 3t, where y's in meters and tin Also the particle has an acceleration inthe x- ction given by ay = 12t m/s. If the velocity of the article in the x-direction is 4 m/s when t = 0, calculate the magnitudes of the velocity 'v-and acceleration ‘a' of the Given data : Curvilinear motion, y = 40 — 3t Acceleration in x direction, ax = 12t m/s? ux = 4 m/s To find : Magnitude and acceleration of the particle at t=1s. y = 40=3t i Y Dee e a ea =~60 y= 100 mV/s, be 309 ip ca Ux = V cos & ie PO 1008 acon eae, uy = vsin30 = 100 Is be = 100 in 30 = som & = Ams 1 et Fae c=4 dx _ 128 x= 866t+ Saye hoo te ® 1 yeytetoe : ve = 10 m/s 60 = sott Sane & a =@) Ge = x= 220s 10#-50t-60=0 v= 6s ve lity aor oF Putt =6 sin equation (1, = 1345 mvs x = 8666-5 x4x (6? a= Va tay = Vas ae ane = 2683 m/s i Velocity and acceleration of particle at t= 1 sec , 2 Horizontal distance covered by the particle is | is 13.45 m/s and 26.83 m/s? respectively. Ans. 1.6m. Ans. = id Example 3.38 : The telescopic rod shown in the figure, forces the pin to move along the fixed path 225y = x, where x andyy are in mm. At any time t, the x co-ordinate of P given by x = 25t? ~ 125. Determine the y component of : velocity and acceleration of Pat x = 150 mm. ; 300 mm 1 Fig. 330 Solution: Given data : Path of the particle, 225y xco-ordinate of P, x = 25t?-125t To find : y component of velocity and acceleration dj atx = 150 mm. sgt = vy = Sims x = 25t-125t # x = 150mm ae = 2at 25t- 125t ; 6s oy _ a = 24 mist a? = of P Q Solution : are rag efeeese 228 Peter tes Pee eager ae x= Rte Atx = 6m, tis calculated as, 6 = t-t+4 p-ta2 23 Putt = 2in equation (2): 2t-1=2%2-1 = 3m/s ox ae i put & = 5 m/s and x = 6 min equation (2) 2-H 2 ax6x3 ap i at = 180s From equation (2), dx ae solution: Given data : Path of the particle, m/s (Constant velocity ve= B= Ams x = 32m 3 2x32 Ce i 16 BORON ce aa ‘ "i vw = 133 m/s ,6 MECHANICS (BATU) ust oxen (ye = Oe = 18 rad/s 35x18 : 7830 mvs x 350 = 32:32 rad/s (>) ae a S m/s. ee Foi os shown in Fig. 3.70, Determine with, what veel “ring should be pulled so that the wheel centre moves Given data : As shown in Fi To find : Velocity of string: The contact point of wheel and surface LCR. ae oc 10 05 20 rad/s = 05% Mick On, = 03% 20 Ans. Problem No. 1 ‘above the initial postion of the Top =I upwards, a ars ee gato intl it reaches 0 peed O78 rs wi oe te hie tor throw man with on ie we of 20 m/s. Deter When (after the elevator stors) (Refer Fig. 3.71 the ball will hit the ele Problem No.2: A motorists traveling at 54 KP™ when he observes that a traffic light 290m ahead Ms S2 turns re te non thatthe signal is timed t tay red for 285A the beginning, the motorist eaveleng with Fetareolcn after fttending minimum speed he will move with constant city for 8 § and then he will tr t at 54 kmph just as t© ravel with acceleration of green velo (0.6 m/s? to pass the signal again. Determine (o) The unifor (0) The minimum velocity 1m deceleration 1.22 mis Answer :~ 1.105 mvs BEA body travel 40m during ts 6 second Determine Problem No. ‘and. 38 m during its 108” second nd initial velocity: (a) Uniform acceleration 2” t= ows (p) Distance travelled by the body from seconds. (o, Velocity of y= 4275 mis, the body after 10 seconds. g2326m VEE problem No. 4:4 freight elevator F moving upwards with ity of 5 m/s, passes & passenger elevator P enger elevator 6 m/s should be pulled with 6 m/s. = Ans: constant velocit which is stopped. Three seconds later, the poss J sgneoarinenania SacheANICS (BATY) of nirude Of AE, For # smaller value of At the mad! defined J velocty 4 ‘becomes smile, the insiantaneo™ as fim az) aro (at ot Se: wit, dering vas a algebraic scalar, we 3” Considering 4 bo direction of Since, dt is always positive, the sign or dit velocity depends on ds or ds an When as is positive, the particle Is movin right and the velocity is positive a When 4s is negative, it indicates that the postion Particle towards left and the velocity is negative. The magnitude of the velocity is known as speed and its St unit is mys The average speed is a scalar quantity which is given by the total distance traveled by the particle during time interval At. s Averagespeed = 3 bea ay Fig. 3.1(¢) 4. Acceleration : The rate of change of velocity with respect to time is known as Acceleration, When the Particle moves from P to P,, if v is the velocity of Particle at P and v; is the velocity of particle at Py, then the average acceleration during the time At is given by Av sag At 4y represents the difference in the velocity during the time interval At ie. v;~y. The instantaneous acceleration at time t is as a dt The sign or ditection of acceleration depends on ay When Av is positive, it indicates increa the acceleration is positive, When Av is negative, it indicates decrease j ithe negative which js G2) Se in speed and in speed and known. as (2) By definition, a In equation (3.4), velocity is a function of (2) By definition, y = 9S dt s . t Integrating, f ds = ifs ° Substituting, Fig. 3.20) a differential relation involving dif “ina acceleration can be WEE and accel dv ds a= ds dt dv a= Wide a nis. uniform, be integrated to obtain the equation’ with uniform acceleration. dt adt = dy Integrating, t v aJadt = fav u at=veu vsutat ds = vat 0 Utat tion: Given data : As shown in Fig. 3.32 y wt-3 «9aixe -800 = a x 9BLx ey t= 1277s Put t = 1277 s in equation (2). z x = 277.78 +2450 = 3946.75 m y _ _ 800 tan® = y = 3946.75 @ = 1146° from hor 3.41: During a race, the di ‘up off the small hill at A at ar “If the point of landing 6m ich the bike was speed at which rizontal to the line of sight is it bike was observed to ‘angle of 60° with the ‘away, determine the To find : Angle 8 from horizontal tothe line of sight. Ux = 277.78 m/s, wy = 0 1 X= uxt+> at ® ee ere x = 27 78t+ 24502 2) = 277,78 x 1277 + 2.45 x (12.77? a Ans. traveling just before itl calculation 2UNd. Neglect the size ofthe Fig 33 Solution ; e Given data : As shown in Fig. 333, To find : Speed of the vehicle Let vo be the velocity at & Ux = Vx = Vocos 60° = 05 v9 Uy = vosin 60 = 0.866 vo Xn yyxt 6 = 05 vox _2 1 y = wt} ge o- 0266 vo x22 = 9.81 x! a2 vo 72 n2tx( Yo = 824 m/s with horizontal. with the vertical Fig. 334 Solution : Given data : As shown in Fig. 334 To find : vo just before ball bounces at B Ag 2gh Woy. bike forthe ¢ Approximate speed of vehicle is 8.24 m/s at 60° Example 3.42 : A ball is dropped onto a step at point A and rebounds with a velocity vo at an angle of 13° with the vertical Determine the value of vo knowing that just before the ball bounces at point B, its velocity forms an angle of 12° ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) Differentiating equation (), oO eoreaes: & . sori @ putt 6s In equation ye = SE = 50x6-125 = 175 mrs biferentiatng equation @) wit & a . 50 a = Se so We have path ofthe parte 0, 225y = 2 oy Sa a5 = at a oa dk {x= 150 mm and 2 = 375 m/sin equation @) : , 225 -M - ax 150x175 4 wy = 2 = ziaamms Differentiating equation (3) wir, t, oy 5 oy oe 2S ge = ae 2 Gt dt “@ d& dx Put => = 50 mm/s’, 4, = 175 mm/s and x = 150 dt. tanga mm in equation (4). a SY | 2% 150 x50 + 2175x175 225-Ge = 2 ay = Gh = 388.89 mm/s? .y — component of velocity and acceleration at x = 150 mm is 233.33 mm/s and 388.89 mm/s’. ... Ans. Example 3.39 : The motion of a particle is defined by the ‘equation x = 4t* 6t and y ='6t° ~ 2t2, where x and y are expressed in millimeters and t is expressed in seconds. Determine the velocity and the acceleration when (a) t= 2s, (t= 4s. Solution : x = Att 6 y = 6t-2t? 162-6 y = 18t'-4t a ‘ay = 192 mm/s, ay = 70 mm/s?, a = 204,36 mm/s? 6 = 20.03 neeet® At t = 45, vq = 1018 mm/s, vy = 280 mm, y = 1055 mm/s, @ = 15.38" ax = 768 mm/s, ay = 142 mm/s, = 781 mm/s?, 8 = 10.48" We have been studied the motion of patices Unidirection only ie, only vertical or only horizon direction, But when partice is projected in the ale at certain angle, then particle falls on the ground ether than the point of projection. Thus the particle. with combingg effect of both vertical and horizontal direction, is called a: a projectile. In the motion of projectile factors such as wind effest air resistance effect and rotation of earth will be neglected, so projectile have constant dewnward acceleration (@). sol Time of Flight : The total time of motion of the particles known as time of flight. Range : The distance between the point of projection and the point where it strikes the surface or ground. The motion of projectile can be studied using rectanguler ‘components, Scalar analysis can be used because motion along x and y direction is rectilinear. ‘Motion of Projectile in Horizontal Direction : ‘Acceleration, ax = 0 Vx = Vox taxt = Vox tant is constant, during Velocity along x direction at any the motion. x foxt 1 Voit +5 a0 2 2 Yq = Yox * 28xX = Yox Ip | Lik : x 4B y = 36t-2 Pat ; At t =2s, w =122mm/s, w= 64 mm/s, oar: aly y = 139.67 mm/s, 0 = 29.13"... Ans. 9. a JcERING LENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) 5 t ne sane, fare Surana = e Integrating, J ute dae In equation (3.5), position is a func a s= Svat function of time a deey ty @ is = vdv s—10t0s. | 2 M4 _ pcceleration as a function of DP gstraas oon vcs cane ® u Integrating, Sade = Sav aN dv ds 8 = ds at tn equation (35), velocity is a function of position UNDER GRAVITY ONS ies tne parce i prtiecied vere = vertcaly inthe ait ten is | Integrating J a ds= f vel motion is under the action of gravitational force. The ep notion of particle under the action of gravitational force is, [nown as Motion under Gravity. Characteristics of Motion Under Gravity : PS = Throughout the motion of particle the gravitational a-i& acceleration is always in the downward direction. Go (g=-981 m/s a. ‘at the maximum height. velocity must be zero v = 0) os ‘The velocity of particle at any height must be same ins nat = cis magnitude in upward or downward direction. Double integrating, J S ade SS ‘The time of motion for upward or downward journey dv “ a = —pcceleraion as = function of re be seme with reference to datum When one or more of the above quantities are specified the other can be obtained by differentiation of integration. The equation of motion with constant gravitational | In the process of integration, the constant of integration acceleration (g) becomes can be find by giving specified condition such as att = 0 > viatu=ot 7) | s=dandv=0 1 eas of G2) NUMERICAL EXAMPLES ON CONSTANT ACCELERATION 3. 39) | gxample 3.1: A motorist is traveling at 72 mph atong a straight road when he observed a traffic {ight 187. 5m ahead ‘of him, turn red. The traffic light is timed to stay for 45 seconds, If the motorist wishes f0 Pass the light without stopping just as the signal turn gress determine * (0) uniform deceleration, (0) velocity of the motorist as he any times the acceleration of partie ma) rot be Be rs eae varies eran tiie tors tie ThE four ters-displacement, velocity, acceleration and time te passes the light, (2 how long ‘motorist will move with pe be — Velocity as a function of time: constant retardation ? 7 See RING MECHANICS (BATU) sey IPA oan soutlo pen = 220 mm : | - along x .-direction, (6-022) vo cos 30t is itl 3.048 m Usin '9 equation of kinem: 2. Fig. 3.37 along y-direction, ae sing equation of kinemati (3.048-2) = Vo sin 30x — 1 1 981 cay Yo =, 2 3424 Vp = 981% 55195? vo = 9.34 m/s b d = 420 mm : Using equation of kinematics along x-direction, cas Ans. 5.290 Yo (5-042) = vo cos 30 xt "Using equation of Kinematics ‘along y-direction, i 529 1 (.048-2) = Yo sin30% "V5 = 5x 98t 2 43194 ¥ = 981629)" Vo = 9:27 m/s it is convenient t© vormal to the path the path of particle is Known at that instant. ibe the motion along tangent ani ‘norm ne tangential axis is i to the “Tey ‘sg. The Let et be where, vis magnitude of velocty ave Fig. 338 s peceleration of a particle is rate of Acceleration change of veloc 2 WH dye Bee ety aye) are ae = dt ert dt & é Fig. 3.39 ‘Let d@ be the angle made by ‘ecand et. eee net 2 : og Aev2 Mt Shas magnitude 1. si" -= inde 2sin'y set we C8 det t= at a ro, tha vec ga me ‘ns do approaches © 2 magnitude and acting Pe ‘along normal ax's: cpendiculat t© tangential axis be. de de _——EE__—S E [ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) vat jude 0 magi ined For a smaller value of at. the MOTT ig defi ‘becomes smaller, the instantaneous as tim si) Pi at Considering v as.a algebraic scalar, we €2" = v= Since, dt is alvays positive, the sign or direct velocity depends on ds or ds. When as is positive, the particle is movin ‘ight and the velocity is positive. | When as is negative, it indicates that the postion particle towards left and the velocity is negative. The magnitude of the velocity is known as speed and its Sl unitis m/s. The average speed is a scalar quantity which is given by the total distance traveled by the particle during time interval At. or v rite, @n ion of 19 towards s Average speed = 3 bea | feds} Fig. 3.1 (4) 4. Acceleration : The rate of change of velocity with ‘fespect to time is known as Acceleration. When the Particle moves from P to P,, if v is the velocity of Particle at P and v, is the velocity of particle at Py, then the average acceleration during the time At is given by av avg = at 4y represents the difference in the velocity during the time interval At ie, v;~v. The instantaneous acceleration at time t is a aah += (8.2) The sign or direction of accelerstion depends on Av, When Av is it indicates increa the acceleration is positive, When Av is negative, it indicates decrease in speed and ‘the acceleration | Which vis known, ag s@ in speed and dei Fig. 3.2 (0) ifferential relation involving, adi q acceleration can be WrIED and accel dv ds a= ds “dt dv a= Vids When the acceleration is uniform, ds kinematic equations a = Gy + V be integrated to obtain the equation with uniform acceleration. dt adt = dv Integrating, (1) By definition, a a J i at=v-u % v= usa Ih equation (3.4), Velocity is a function (2) By definition, y = 98 dt _ ds = vdt Ss t Integrating, f ds — tee 6 oO Substituting, Wy = Wo.cor 15)?-2 = 9.81 x02) Wy = 093vq +392 Vx = Vo sin 15 Yq = 0.067 v 065, 0.93 vq + 3.92 0.0452 (093 vg + 392) = 0.067 vg Yo = 266 m/s Rebound velocity of ball is 2.66 m/s. Ans. Example 3.43:A milk is poured into a glass of height 140 mm and inside diameter 66 mm. Ifthe initial velocity of milk is 12 m/s at an angle of 40° with the horizontal, determine the range of values of height b for which the milk will enter the gloss. Solutio Given data : As shown in Fig. 3.35. To find : Range of height 'h'. 919.25 mm/s, uy = 771.34 mm/s ux ‘At point B: x = 80mm, y = —(h-140)mm = Uxxt 80 i t = ayggs = 00875 1 a y = wyt-39% 1 = (h—140) = - 771.34 x 0.087 ~> x 9810 x (0.0877? h = 244.23 mm 146 mm, y = ~(h~140) mm At point C: x = 146 a te gigas OS \ ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) a B24) - 7134x0159 ~ So range of height his 244.23 Example 3.46 ; The pin P moves along a curved path which &s determined by the motions of two slotted links A and B. At the instant shown, A has velocity of 300 mm/s and an acceleration of 250 mm/s? both towards right, While B has velocity of 400 mm/s and an. acceleration of 125 mm/s? both vertically downward, Find the radius of curvature of the path followed by P at this instant, In Fig. 3.40 Solution : Given data : Va = 300 mm/s (-»), aq = 250 mm/s? (+), Vp = 400 mms (1), a5 = 125 mm/s? (L) To find : Radius of curvature of the path. anak = V@00r + G00)? ( = 500 mm/s Ve ‘400° sear Oe) = 53.13° y vq = 300 mm/s 13° .v = 500 mm/s: vp = 400 mis Fig. 3.41 (a) Sfasoy + 125)» 27981 « = wns) « or a) & y ay = 260 ve —_ ar Sm 270.61 mee fay 126 mi” Fig. 3.43 (b) Yi Fig. 341 (0) an = asin 2657 = 1250 mm/s? “ eats 500? 125 = SOF ’ p = 2000 mm p=2m z_ Radius of curvature of path is 2m. Example 3.47: A particle moves along a circular path of radius r. The length s of the arc traversed in time t i § = = Determine the magnitudes of the normal components of the velocity and particle as a function oft. Solution : Given data:s = “j~ “To find : vt. Vn, at, an oe i Scag Gye a 2et at tam) 4 2 vp = 0 (always) &s ee) = at = ge dela) > 2 Yin = 4t3— 204 Span. = 4(1.29) ~20< 1.29 17.213 m/s 17.213 mise) (@) Equation of displacement Ans. 208 24, Att =o, Att = 1s, RES 28m Att =2s, 15m ° i At t = 22365, tens =1m 5 (Ata 3s Hehe = 24m a Ze ° t=0 {222365 | SRS ee -o}-——tsm___ ss Fig. 3.4 placement with respect to time is shown in Fig. 3.4 nce travelled by a particle in 3 s is given by, $= 24401401415 s = 41m Ans. ‘An expression for x in terms of ais, a = 12t?-20 a+20 12 a? + 40a + 400 iS 144 ing. values of (@) and (4) in displacement a? + 40a + 400 ral a? + 40a + 400 - 1202 ~ 2400 + 3456 Ans. ‘an object moving along 10 m/s? to zero in 6 m/s. Find its initial during the 12 second 3.12: The acceleration of Att sizes Equation of straight line i, y= mse ainmis’ 40 tine 12 Fig. 3.5 Equation of acceleration is, 10 5 t+10 dv at a= dv = adt \ 1 By integration fav f (334+ 10) ot 108 - 24 of integration 12s.v = 6 mis. Substituting values of t and v in velocity equation, 10x12? C= m4 cos (C-Constant +10t+c, At +10x12+G Equation of velocity, qo ay + 10t-54 At t = Ovo= ~S4mv/s v Ans. By definition of velocity, a mas at ds = vdt 10 2 iesoilere ST a =BE ysv-sat aaa 01-54) at s= atts Att = 12s Change in position during ee oa ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BAY) _— the sound of 5 Using equation of (3-1) be the time required to reach t plash at ‘ground with constant velocity kinematics, @ sesh ee wo : H = 3000-3) @ Using equation acceleration F Loe s t- 9 50 = gp xt-05% 981% g-asait+ 1019-0 Solving quadratic equation t= 16935 tidng_emuation of Herat. acceleration, Fig. 33 Equating equations 1) and @), 4905? = 330(3-t) 2+ 67791-20183 = 0 Solving quadratic equation, t= 2877s Fe ae feample 327A small part Ina mechani Se H = 40,59 m sreight line such that its postion relative tO @ the line is x = (1-102 + 24, where x is in mma “econds. Determine: (a) when the velocity & zero, (0) wp the acceleration is zero, (C) the minimum speed reaches the particle, () distance travelled by the particle ‘an expression for x in terms of a. Fzample 3.9:A baseballs thrown downward from 0 15m tower with an intial speed of 5 m/s, Determine the speed at which it hits the ground and the time of travel. Solution = Given data = Initial’ velocity, u = 5 m/s, dstance travelled, s = 15 m. Solution: Using equation of motion with gravitational Given: x = t'- 108+ 24 acceleration. (a) By definiti ox w-29h y definition, v= Gy ?-2x9.81x(-15) E v =F (te 17.9 m/s (downward) vo ANS. ot Oa =gt v = 48-20t 379 = $=9B1xt Substituting v= 0, 4° 20t = 0 131s Ans. t= 2236s Example 3.10:A boll is thrown vertically upward with an | (b) By definition moves initial speed of 80 m/s from the base of 50 m tower a td ny Determine the distance h by which the ball clear the top of a = 120-20 tower and the time t after release for the ball to land at Substituting a = base. Also calculate the velocity of impact with base. 12P-20= 0 é t= 129s oe An Solution = ‘Given data : Intal velocity, u = 80 m/s, height of | (€) Atzero acceleration, velocity is minimum. Substituting | t= 1.29 sin equation of velocity, : tower =50 m ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) v = 27,78-116x6 = (20.82? 163 Radius of curvature of track after t = 6 sec is 265.94 m, p= = 265.94 m Ans. Example 2.51 : The carth makes, orie complete revolation around the sun in 365.24 days. Assuming that the erbit of the earth is circular. and has\a radius of 150 4 108 km, determine the velocity of the earth: Solution : Given data : 6 = 27, t = 365.24 days, r= 150 108 km To find : Velocity and acceleration, $ = 1 = 150x10%x 2x 942.48 x 10° km s, 942.48 x 108 t > 36524%24 107.52 kon/hr ity of the earth is 107.52 km/h Example 3.52:A projectile is projected with an initial velocity of 40 m/s, at an angle of 60° with horizontal Determine radius of curvature of path of particle at an horizontal distance of 40 m from point A and also at the highest point of the trajectory. Vel Fig. 3.43 (a) Solution : Given data: u = 40 m/s, 6= 60° f At B, x= 40m Horizontal component of velocity, Yq = 40.cos 60 = 20 m/s Time required to travel, x = 40m f= 2s Vertical component of velocity tg w = uy-gt 40 sin 60-981 x2 15.02 m/s Ve = 25m/s, 0 = 36907 an = 981 cos 36.907 y = 782 m/s? * oat be Fig. 3.43 (b) an = 5, 252 Pe = 74g * Pa = 70S tf Pc Pc = 40.77m y Example 3.53 in outdoor track is 126 m in diametee 4 ‘runner increases her speed at a constant rate from 42 ta 72 m/s over a distance of 28.5 m. Determine the toa ‘acceleration of the runner 2s after she began to increase her speed. Solution : Tangential component of acceleration is given by using equation of kinematics, v2 = u? + 2as = 75? 422+ 2x at x 285 a = 06ms The velocity att =25, using v = u+at V=42406x2 = v= 5am, 5 p= 63m Q @n = 0.463 myst Tat afin +a = \08 + o4ax a = 0.758 m/s Ans. Example 3.54 : The driver of an automobile decreases her ‘speed at a constant rate from 72 kmph to 48 kmph yer g distance of 230 m along a curve of 460 m radius of curvature. Determine the magnitude of the total ‘acceleration of the automobile after the atomayite joe 40 = 40.cos 60t_ travelled 150 m along the curve. san ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) Example 3.13 : The acceleration of a particle is defined by 0.4 v, where a is expressed in mm/s? and v in mm/s. If 30 mm/s at t = 0, determine the distance the particle ill travel before coming to rest Solution : Given data: a = —0.4y, ads = vay -O4vds = vdv vdv =oav v = 30mm/s att 0, = ds By integration, Zi vdv. [oay 2 fee ns. Example 3.14 : The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x = 4t*- 6¢° + 2t~ 1, where x and t are expressed in m and second respectively. Determine the position, the velocity and the acceleration of the particle when t = 25 Solution : a) ‘The time t at which the sphere is come to rest equation v = 0 0 =-30+27 1-35 Ale da By definition, v = $e ds = vdt s=-P+27t t=3s 54m [3.6 MOTION CURVE. ‘The graphical representation of displacement, vel acceleration with time is known as motion curve, 1. Displacement-Time Curve (s-t Curve) : If the position of the particle is known during th interval 't; the s-t curve for the particle can be pl shown in Fig, 3.6 (a). The slope of s-t curve at any j gives the particle velocity as a function of time t v-t curve is drawn by measuring the slope (ds/dt) o curve at various times and plotting the result. Substituting, he oe Ga tee Given data: x= 4t'— 6? + 2t-1, att-25 “ x= 19m s+ Ans, s ox By definition, v = 5 = 16t'-18t7 +2, att=2s Vv = 58m/s i By definition, a = oF = 48t°- 36t, att =2s 120 m/s? ‘xample 3.15 : A sphere is fired into medium with a initial peed of 27 m/s. If it experience a deceleration a = (~ 61) Vs where tis in seconds, determine the distance traveled sfore it stop, olution : Given data : Initial velocity, u celeration, a = ~ 6t 27 m/s and By definition, a = St =~ 6t dv = C6ydt | 3C + 27 Fig. 36 (a) 2. Velocity-Time Curve (v-t Curve) : If the velocity of the particle is known during the interval 't, the v-t curve for the particle can be plot shown in Fig. 3.6 (b). The siope of the v-t curve instant gives the particle acceleration at that insta function of ime, Therefore a-t curve is drawn by a slope (dv/dt) of the v-t curve and plotting the area. under the v-t curve at any. instant. gi displacement of the particle at that instant. ee 7a kmph = 20 m/s, y = 48 ky ue From equation (2 —_tnemamics v= 3972 mis uation (1), at = 6574 m/s? ae 133: =u? + 2as ae 3 mis, a 202 at = — 0.483 mys? +2xa Vs 230 atocty of automobile when ity els 150 m aloy Normal com mate al component of acceleration is given by n= an = 19:72 myst 20 ane . vi = 202-2%0483x 31 = 15972 ee anal component of accel Norn: or eration is given yy, | Total ee by, acceleration, 460 a = [esr 187? an = 0.555 m/s? a = 20.79 m/s?, = tat Rie 079 m/s, @ ee = 184" Example 2.56: A boy «its on 0 merry-go-round so tor he is always located at r= 3.1m from the centre of rotation The ie go-round is originally at rst and due to rotation, We WE spect Increased at. constant rate of OS NS iDetermane the time needed for his acceleration to become 12 m/s Solution : In curvilinear motion, magi by, otal acceleration is et tion is given by, 2 a in a = NO4RR? + OSE 7 a = 0.735 mst 585: 55: The aute hee eomple 3 utomobile is originally at rest ats = 0 enc starts to increase hi is speed at v = x in seconds, determine the igs ee eration ats = 180m. Bests ne t i ude of acceleration is given Gevaty an occ 0.022 0, v = 0, s=0 at dv & 002? at Where a = 06 mys? which is constant and an v Bie oc of boy ot ive tial vloay of =) © 7210. tant Pees at iy ost? y= 06% an= — = an = 0d2e 72 a= \2tt en a2 = oss + 0328" og = 00148 2) 144 = 036+ oat @-75, t= 2948 Ans. Meaty atte t= 2555 y 20+ 06x29, mimis Ans. A truck is travelling along the horizontal 60 m with © constant speed | mine the angular rate of rotation ® of he magnitude of 2: ‘celeration and ‘which increasing ot 3 m/s ar components Of ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) Solution Given data: Initial velocity, vo = 0, intial displacement, xo = 0. ve? atx = 60m vey va = 8 vay = acs Integrating on both sides i 2 pa = Savas “ 7 = Area of ax curve (1) From Fig: 38, Equation of acceleration is given by a = 225-015x At x = 60m a = 135 m/s? ‘Area of a-x curve upto x = 60 m 1 = 135% 60 +5 60x (225-135) = 1080 From equation (2), a 5 = 1080 vy = 46.48 m/s An: Example 3.18 : A car starting from rest moves along a straight track with an acceleration shown in Fig. 3.9 (a). Determine time t for the car to reach a speed of 50 m/s and construct the v-t diagram that describes the motion until the time't ain mis v = 50m/s, From the property of a-t curve the area of a-t curve at ime t, gives the velocity at that time. 50 = Area ofat 1 = x10x8+8x4 50 = 5 x10 ty = 1255 Time to reach the carat a speed of SO mvs t= 104225 = 10.255 vinmis ts 3 2B Fig. 39 (6) Velocity att = 10s is given by area of a-tcurve att 2 vyo = 5 X10%8 = 40 m/s Vanas = 50 m/s yt diagram is shown in Fig. 3.9 (©). Example 3.19 : A bus starts from rest at ‘accelerates at the rate of 0.8 m/s till it reaches a spe m/s It then proceeds at 12 m/s till the brakes are app comes to rest at point B, 42 m beyond the brakes are applied. Assuming the uniform d that the total time of travel from A to B is 365 det the distance between A and 8 using v-t diagra v-t diagram, Solution : + Given data : Initial velocity of car at to, Vo = 0. Uniform velocity, v = 12 m/s. Final velocity at tag: vag = 0. Acceleration of car, a = 0.8 m/s. Distance travelled by the car after the b applied, 42m. Time required for acceleration ‘ty’ is given v=u+at V = vot at, : 12 = 08t, i h = 15s Deceleration a) after the brakes are applied is g ve = P+ 2as 2 Vas_= v2 + 2aps [pores MEcHs md vo = 66 Velocity component rent alon, 19 radial ai rection velocity component along transv INSVerse direction Fer+regd +r0eg+rieg Trelcenel i =r8) r+ Grd +r8)e0 “=. Acceleration component along radial direction, ar = i =r cceleration component along transverse direction, ag = 2r8 +18 Zee ie a ar +39 + Cylindrical Co-Ordinates In three dimensional system, the position of particle may tbe defined by cylindrical co-ordinates "© 2 The position vector is given by (er+ 2k) [pero ebeal +28 Groner +28 sripeot 2k ay Example 3.58 :A link AB rotates th Be re Bona ugh a limited range of s end A causes the slotted link AC ‘rotate, For the in Instant represented where 6 = 60° ond 22 06 ra /s, determine the corresponding values of CAs BA= 150 mm Fig. 347 Solution : ven dats +o, = 0610s 1500.6 = 90 mm/s dr =f = vaneo = 90sin 60 = 77.94 mm/s oo vo = 9¢ = veos 60 = 90 cos 60 = 30. mm/s de a The values of Sf and ‘qe IS 77:94 mavs and 30 m/s respectively» Ans. Example 3.59 At the instant shown, the water sprinkle aa rotating with an angular speed ge = 2 rad/s and an angucr ee 2 acceleration G2 = 3 rad/s. If the nozzle ies in the verticat plane and water flowing through # 0 constant rate of 3 Fm determine the magnitudes of the velocity and rrceleration of a water partce ast leaves °P5” end A _grnG MECHANICS (BATU) Time Cacia et Curve (@-t Curve) ‘ elera + ceteration oF the part yee, the at cle Is knw ve curve ‘can dur __ | (ROMeRicar Exam He re ors Unde be plotted ee she tne | Example LES ON MOTION CURVE f° ocr otto a aes Erample 236: An eto sors fon and oe ae aoMe 3 ay instant of 54 km/h in 15 seconds. The accel (ony ac a thom tons ae Eel uricle ethno lation recs anomby 2 in the next sic seconds Find the dsplacement in fist 25 seconds interot Solution : Biven data: Time tor acceleration Time for deceleration Thevelocity at t = 155 y = 54 km/h = 1s mvs 2c te Fig. 3.6 (6) eristics of Motion Curve : tion curve passes thre ‘ough thi represents initial Chae ates nation must be zera (16. at t= 0, st chart When the mot tins Fig. 3.7 the motion curve makes intercept on y-axis, the cave at .cement, velocity and acceleration sea of 24 when particle initial displas should not be ZeFO, : ‘as per the property of at CHNG: t= 15s, gives velocity att = 155 displacement of particle increases with respect to ty of partie is postive and fe i © ag 2 BxaxataxO™? a = 2m time, the veloc aisplacement of the particle decreases, the velocity of the particle is neget ie Paiva «I peplecement oft cove > 4s is given by takNg Sif the velocity Of the parti moment of area of 3-t ‘curve at t = 155) 1 a $ Ligxaxeaegeere’ Ans. time, then the particle e velocity of the Pat 05m a from restat x = 0 0nd S 3, Determine time, then the particle moves with ve in ‘Example 3-17 ‘Ajet plane sta! vated to the acceleration S when it he \ Zero degree CUE: | or ectangulat. triangular. Ildegree curve OF parabolic. ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) 3.30) Solution : ro. 202606, (@) v= 20m/s, r= 60m vo 6 = 0.33 rad/s Since the truck is travelling with constant velocity, tangential component of acceleration ie. at =0, 1.3.45 (6) Normal component of acceleration is given by 202 an ne oe an = 6.67 m/s Track acceleration, a = 6.67 m/s? os Ans. (©) a = 3m/s4, an = 667 m/s, ag = 3 m/s, In some engineering problems, it is convenient to describe the path of motion of a particle in terms of cylindrical components. In case of ‘plane motion, the polar co- ordinates r and 6 are used. In case of space, , @ and z are used, y Polar Co-Ordinates In certain problems of plane motion, the position of particle P is defined by its polar co-ordinates r, 8 as shown in Fig. 3.46 (a). : a In this type of motion, it is convenient to resolve the velocity and acceleration along OP and perpendicular to OP. These components are known as radial and transverse ‘components Let, er = Unit vector along OP %@ = Unit vector along the direction perpendicular to OP. ° Fig. 3.46 (0) ‘These unit vectors are shown in Fig. 346 (b). Resolving ey and @g along x and y axes, S = (cos01+ sin op Be = (sin 81 + cos 0) Differentiating éy and Gg w.rt 8, oe «(sino caso) & Go = (005 0i-sin 8) = e rexis Fig. 3.46 (b) Differentiating e; and eg wart. t, ai Ter + rb ee vr @r + v8.60 ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) 535 The (@) at diagram vinmis 1087 “333 (b) v-tdiagram Fig. 3.12 When a=" velocity must be maximum and is given by ‘area of a-t diagram at t = 5.33 5 tins i vmax = 3 X4%533 = 1067 m/s ‘Time required to attain maximum velocity is t: = 5338 Distance travelled in 5.33 sis given by area of v-t diagram 2 esp = 5 X533%1067 = 379m rime required to travel remaining distance of (100 379) with constant velocity of 10.67 mvs is given By, 100 -37.9= 10.67 ty ty = 5828 Total time required to travel 100 m,t = t+ "2 t = 5334582 = 1115s Ans, 3.7 RELATIVE | Vs saNeMarics Ps i ——_ ae purpose, the fixed system THY be taken a5 any $yslem, rps olure mation is nego fF Ne problem, Representation of Retative MoCo Tonaider ro particles A ord © Wn To have sepa fn plane as shown in Fig. 333, oul curvilinear motion in a give! sve wl arora attach the. org OF © OE of translating We wily wo pacice © 90d COPE aan of & fom ‘our moving position on B. ‘The position vector of Aas meas, relative to the frame sey is Ew = vi + 9h where the cubscript A/B represents A ‘elative to Bor A with respect to 8 Fee ik vector slong the aN Ree and j-and and y are the co-ordinates of A ‘measured in the 29 aves, Be Fa congo postin obj Bite Cotte the vector Ty treasured rom the origin ofthe fted 5 SH The absolute postion of Ais determines PY the vector, | G0) Differentiating vector equation with respect tO time y= Tet tas Va = Vet Yue or Wwe ‘Again differentiating vector equation swith respect t0| or We have described motion using co-ordinate 3 The displacement, velocity and acceleration determined for co- Grdinate axis are termed as absolute, It is not always possible to use a fixed set of axes f0 describe the motion. There are many engineering problems in ‘which the analysts of motion is simplified by using measurements. with respect to moving reference system: These measurements, when combined with the absolute motion of the moving Co-ordinate system, help us to determine the absolute motion of the problem. This approach Is called a Relative Motion Analysis. The motion of the moving co-ordinate system Is specified with respect to fixed ‘co-ordinate system. For engineering, ‘Example 3.22: A body 'P’ has a relative velocity of 20 km/h from Wes to East with respect to body °Q’ The body ‘Q hos 1 retatve velocity of 48 km/h from North-East with respect to body ‘R’, Determine the velocity of body relative © body R' Solution : Given data: Vejq = 20 krn/h along West-East Vox = 48 kmh along North-East Relative velocity of P* with respect 10°R vem = ver¥a= Yor? YOR a a = 398.16 x 001. 30 = 4.6 m/s? F = 162 28 mys jon vat oo Me vo = 28.29 m/s? ar = FF 8% ar 16 +200, The various types of the dassified as below 1. Translation : A motion straight line inside the 2420 1367-39817 , “or a 2 distance the For a short distance they ae rain ra a arg te shape of pir (200 @): where @ the angular rate ig * iosian. Hf gular rate is constant @ = = — 5.43 m/s? a8 is said to De body keeps # Jn a translation 0.048, vels Jaemine the radial and transvers 02 rad/s "€ component ts By ar excciertion when pace ea a solution = 0. =F = 7.0686, 6 7 = 70CGH slelos aaig _ 1000 r= "9 when @ = 7.0686 rad, r = 14147m 7 = —100062-8, ¢ = 2006 a at 8 = 7.0686 rad, =a mys? 7 = —1000 [-26366 +626], 62 pil, © = 0.2265 m/s? 4 m/s? ve = 10, ve = 141.47 % 0.2, = 0.2265 - 141.47 x 0.2? = 04 2x4) x02 184) 0.04, slong a soe Ans. a tranclation if any fhe same direction ‘all the particles arallel paths. In shown in Fig. 351, () Rectitinear (©) Corvin : Fig. 3.51: Translation Rotation about a Fixed Axis : In this motion the Particles forming the rigid tody move in paral along circles centred on the same fixed axis call ‘axis of rotation. If the axis of rotation intersects th Figid body, the particles located on the axis hav velocity and zero acceleration, Rotation about the fixed axis is shown in Fig. 352 ica (jaa is tren | —>! @ Fig. 3.52 : Rotation about the fixed axis. 3. General Plane Motion : Any plane motion, either translation nor a rotation, is referred to as & general plane motion. The motion of a rolling wheel, 25, Shown in Fig. 3.53 (2), is an example of general plane (7 ~ d ET cease roten 4. Motion about a Fixed Point : The three dimensional motion of a rigid body, such as a top attached at & fixed point O, js an example of the motion about 2 fixed point. Fig. 3,53 (b) shows such @ motion. eS which is mation. ‘about a fixed point eae during the motion. renrita forming the rigid body move ee have the same Ganslation all points of te ven instant _giGISRING MECHANICS (aay NICS (BATU) ea on = ~17343 mvet oe 15, —_. Fig. 3.10 (a) ime of deceleration is given by, v=utat : Vso = V+ ats 12-17143 ty th = 75 0 ime ty for uniform velocity is, t = 36-5 +7) b= 14s \-t diagram is shown in Fig. 3.10 (b) pisplacement att = 15 5, pisplacement at t = 295, 1 2 % 12x15 412% 14 = 258m Displacement att = 365. ty 4 5 Ip 4 1zxld +5 x7 x12 $36 = 300m sinm ayy Fig. 3.11: A-taurve Solutio Given data : a-t diagram, Vo = 9, Yo = 9 (@) Velocity att = (b) Velocity att eo = t Solving equi Example 3.21 velocity, it mai total di From similar triangles, given by a = 4-0 ‘motion and hence calc travel 200:m from starting Point 405, = Area of at curve att = 405, = 05%40 = 20. m/s = 605; = Area of a-t curve att = = 05x404+> 25 m/s {0 Distance travelled during first 40 seco ~~ Moment of area of a-t curve @ 05x 40%20 400 m = 40f 1 Vp = 05% 4045 ations A car starts from rest wi 75 t. When the car hat velocity constant t intains th jistance of 200 m Dra ulate the time t required (a) and @) f= Li2mist __vaneanarics Ans. 605 x05%20 nds, a Ans. a L x20x05-5 xtf = 0 @ ith on acceleration reaches maximum i it has gone @ w a-t and v-t curves for the for the car to Solution : Guan date 48 re a = 4-075t mie 0) a ame ENGINEERING MECHANICS (8 Solutior Given di = 3s =0 To find : Magnitude of velocity and acceleration. v = vrert+veeo = ver +10 eo = 30, +0.2x2eq = 3er +04.¢9 vy = 3.03 m/s a = arer +29 = G7 er +18 +20 [0-02 Ql er+ 2x3 +2x3x2) 9 = - 08 er + 126€9 a = 1263 m/s? m/s and 12.63 m/s? respectively. 2 ‘Example 3.60: A particle 'P’ moves along the spiral path a. speed of v = 6 m/s, determine the magnitude of Vr and vaas @ function of @and evaluate each at @= 1 radian. G= emis Solution Given data : As shown in Fig. 3.49. To find : vr and va. = 2 rad/s, 6 = 3 rad/s?, ¢ = 02 mm 300 x6? , 10068 a, ieee ato=iradiany = 6 mm/s = 100 6? + 100 # Values of vr and ve at © = _m/s respectively. 31 The car travels aroun ‘transverse component is 0 = Determine the cars Magnitude of velocity and acceleration is 3.03, where t is in seconds 42) 22) im, where 0/8 in radi i (22) m where o's in radans. 1 mainteins aconstant | troneyese components of veloc” a Given data: @ = (0.006 t?) rad at t (400 cos @) at 6 = 7 = (-400sine) 6, 0917 +46), V9 = 398.16 sé pam rack radi dete sol il ear) ee) —__— ‘Solution : (a) Vspis = Y52 “St “a Given data ; Relative velocity of stone with respect 10 ‘C 2k cos 40 |~24 sin 40))~ 32608 451 train is Ver = 20 m/s, velocity of train, vr = 36 km/h = 20 ) 323in 45). ‘m/s. Vector diagram of velocity is shown in Fig. 3:16, where {24 cos 40 + 32 cos 45) + € 24 sin 40) ‘O's the postion of passenger, which throws the stone in asl horizontal direction and velocity of train along Nor Gatton osty of train along Nor = 4241-3805) Vey sy = 383 km/h Relative velocity of stone with respect to train is given ape by, Ni va 30h ‘Component of velocity along ¥-direction, wee 20.cos@ = Vs reo) fi oe a ae J Fig. 3.16 ‘Component of velocity along y-direction, wr = Yt 20sin@ = 10 wn (2) From equation (2), _ sin@ = 20 @ = 30° - Ans. From equation (1), vs = 20.cos 30 ‘17.32 m/s ve Ans. Bik els Maes E82 SA Example 3.25: 1wo ships leave a port at the same time. The first streams N-W at 32 km/h and second streams 40° South of West at 24 km/h. ( Determine the relative velocity of the second ship with respect to first ship. (ig After what time they will be 160 km apart ? Solution : Given data: Velocity of first ship N-W at 32 km/h. Velocity of second ship 40° South of West at 24 km/h, Distance between two ships, $a 160, km/h. | Relative velocity of secon ship. 1d ship with respect to first Fig. 3.17 (0) Fig. 327 0) 38.05 - 9 = tart jog = 8364 {b) Relative velocity of second ship with ‘hip is shown in Fig. 3.17 (b). ‘Attime t, distance between two ships is 160 km, 160 t = 9g3 7 428 hours ‘Example 3.26: At an instant ship A is streams ‘at 20 km/h and ship B at that instant is 80 km ‘and is streaming at 16 km/h. Determine = @ shortest distance between them, (3) time to @ shortest distance. Solution : Given data : Velocity of ship A due East at 20 km/h. Velocity of ship B along N-W at 16 kr ‘At t = 0, distance between them 30) (@) Relative velocity of ship B with respect te 16 cos 451 + 16 sin4s Vesa = Ve~Va = (C3131) i + 1131j = 33.3 km/h tar SE 3131 (b) Shortest distance between them : AC is the distance between two ships. From Fig. 3.18 (b) 8 = 19.86" Gx Fis the tang ax ential coy Gas component of * magnitude ra a5 Fand Gare ©. oy and has a Perpendi cular to each following form, S = @x tes Ox Gxt where, et and en are unit vecrons ig eh ‘and the normal respectivel slong the ta G23) sngent awa rane rei Eesation fal isin oe the combination of sr, can be proved consisting a Eeeamotve Paton about 2 fixed axis nonnal we the placer inc ron, Fusing trough 2 fixed point inside of ousne the boy ee ajuced to pure rotation, is called the centre of rotation. At ‘very instant, the position of the centre of rotation fae rd hence, itis called as instantaneous centre of oe @cR) ‘The locations of I. C. R. is called the centroid. Instantaneous Centre of Rotation : Many times a body may be subjected to translation as wel ‘as rotation. Consider a link AB. Due to translation and rotation, let its position be changed to A’ ‘armas changed to A’ and velocity as v,~B moves to 6 ving velocity v,. SO LGR is the Intersecton of the and v, as 0’. circular motion is perpendicular to the velocities V, point ina rpendicular to the radius. = Linear velocity of A (perpendicular to OA) = Radius x Al We know that velocity of any ‘always tangent to the path oF Pet where, Ya. ingular velocity of A = OAX = Linear vel t0 08) 7 = Radius x Angular veloc OB x locity of B (perpendicular of B __vamenaarics Fig. 355 But as A and B are two points on the same rod, their angular velocities are same [3.17 LOCATION OF LCR. Tf vw the linear velocity of the point A and « the angular velocity of the body are known, then C, the instantaneous centre of rotation is located on the fine perpendicular to vat Aa 2 dtance d gen by 25 shown in Fig. 356 (3) Iygand ve the linear velocities at A and B respectively ‘are known, we draw perpendiculars at A and 8 to the Tine of action of respective velocities, The intersection point of the two perpendiculars glve LCR at ©. This is shown in Fig. 356 (b) fe @ Fig. 356 ) Fig. 356 @ va OA vq = 20140), ay Yon = ~48 cos.a5 sittin Siac sings Substoting value of veg and vain equation Yon = 2014 peaton (48 c05 45 |-48 sin asp = 20i-3394)-3309, = ~ 13941-3394) IN ag 48 ko Yom i Ans. 6 ° Ans. Example 3.23 : As observed from a ship moving due East at ‘9 km/h, the wind appears to blow from South. After the ship thas changed course and speed moving due North at 6 km/h, the wind appears to blow from the South-West, Assuming that the direction and velocity of the wind is constant during the entire period of observation, compute the magnitude ‘and direction of true wind velocity. Solution : Given data : Velocity of ship, vs = 9 km/h... towards East. Relative velocity of wind, yw/s ~ from South. Velocity of ship, vs = 6 km/h... due North. Relative velocity of wind, vw/s = South-West Case 1 Relative velocity of wind with respect to ship is given by ww ¥s yy cos @i- ww sin 6) - 91 w/s (vw cor 0-9) i= vw sin 8} ity of wind with respect t0 ship's As the relative veloc! ust be zero. om South its component along ¥-liection ww cos 0-9 =0 saNemarics Fig. 3.15 (0) Fig. 3.15 (b) Case Il: Relative velocity of wind with respect to: ship is given by, = vw=Vs = Yw 60s 8) — yw 5 8) 6) vy £08 8} — (vw sin @—6)} ww/s ‘The direction of relative velocity is given by no -6) Ww c05 8 tan 45 = From equation (1), wwcos ® = 9 tan 45 x9= —wy sin 8-6 15 -wwsin From equations (1) and (2) 1s wweosd 6 =wwsin@ @ = -5903" (position of vw in fourth quadrant). ... Ans. From equation (1), pest) W = [955903 vw = 27.49 ken/h a Ans. Example 3.24: A passenger travelling in a train ties to hit tone with o nearby the track by throwing @ st the pole train. Knowing horizontal velocity of 20 m/s relative to the that the speed of train is 36 km/h, determine (a) The direction in which the passenger must throw the stone. to ground. (1) yweos 0 = 9 2) The horizontal velocity of stone with respect ENGINEERING MECHANICS (@ATU)_— a rigid body, which mentioned in (2) 5. General Motion : Any motion of does rot fall in any of the catagories 10 (4) above, is referred to as general motion, [als ROTATION ABOUT A FIXED AXIS Consider a body in xy plane rotating about a fixed z-axis passing through © as shown in Fig. 3.54. Any point Pin the Cody at r from © will come at P’ after rotating about z-axis from © in time &t describing an angle 00, PP’ may be ‘assumed perpendicular to OP and will have a length equal 10 r88, The angle described by all points, such as P in the rigid body in a given duration of time is same. However, the length such as PP’, which is d-function of 1, will differ in each case depending upon the distance of the point from (©. The angular quantities such as angle described, angular velocity, and angular acceleration, will have the same magnitude for all points of the rigid body and all angular quantities will be directed along z-axis if the rigid body is in-xy plane. Fig. 3.54 Note «88's the angle described by all paints in the time 6t. Its unit is radian. «Bis average angular velocity. In the limiting case when &t > 0, we get instantaneous angular velocity Gr = 8 = ots unit rad/s. _The rate of change of instantaneous angular velocity is the instantaneous angular acceleration, do _ #6 Thus o& = Ge = ge Its unit is rad/s? Equations Governing the Rotation : «Uniform Rotation : In uniform rotation, the angular velocity w remains constant and therefore there is no angular acceleration. @, the angle described in time tis Following ea! va similar to the equation which : nor octneat sc une crates ovation: In tis Urry Aeon af cortant. = sl ena ecteated ration ysons are applcable Gy + at o This equation particle undergor"’ tee Olax +5 2 and oF = ey t 200 2 similar to equations deri These equations sre C 0 particle undergoing 2 rectiinest motion Onth = ee (o- acceleration, 4 i ceenetation between Rectilinear and Quantities : 3. Sealars + Referring 19 ngle 88 and comes: when P describes an a! ineor distance &t the point P moves ali pp’ = 88 perpendicular to f- if pp = 85, following scalar relation can be written = as = 150 as__d0 v= Gz tars dvd a= ea att The equations given in (3. 18), (3.19) and different rectilinear quantities to the rotational quantities. It should be noted ‘above equations that any rectilinear quanti 85, v; and a are equal to r times the rotational quantities such as 8, @ and @. 2. Vectors : We start with the basic relation found by the equation V¥ = xT «(Cross product) A bar over the letter is given to identify the -_W d- - | a= ea Ox oa a i aE FOX Ge % a =axt+oxy . a = ax t+ox (xr) , ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) a9) eats Solution OG = 543.485 2h Case (a): © = 90%, vp = ~100 mm/s va'= 75 min/s Wyse vicvy = = 1001~75)= 425 mm/s Ans. on 75 8 = tan* 39 ~ 3687 ‘The motion of one particle depends on the co Case (b) : @ = 180%, p= — 100 mm/s, vy = 75 mm/s notion of another particle. This dependency —25 mm/s = 25mm/s (1) Ans. Vora = (- 100 + 75). ae ‘Example 3.29:A man can row a boat at a speed of 0.22 m/s in still water. He wants to cross a river and reach a point on the other bank, exactly opposite to his starting point. Speed of the water current is 0.12 m/s. Find the direction in which the boat should be headed, with reference to the direction of the current. If the width of river is 100 m, ‘how long will it take for the man to reach the other bank ? Solution : Vw = 0.12 m/s Vector diagram of velocity is shown in Fig. 3.21. Relative velocity of boat with respect to water is given by, Yerw = Vs~ Vw Component of velocity along x-axis, (Wepw)x = (0- 0.12) = 022 cos a= - 0.12 Component of velocity along y-axis, (any = ve : 0.22 sin a= Vp From equation (1), cosa = 22 022 a = 56.94" (or 123.06") ‘rom equation (2), ve = 0.22 sin 56.94 = 0184 m/s 4 he time required fc ven by, or the man to reach at other bank is ‘occurs if the particles are interconnected by an string which is wrapped around the pulley. Fi the movement of block A downward along th plane will cause a corresponding movement of Bi the other inclined plane as shown in Fig. 3.22: If the total length of the string is constant ie, 7 satse = b Differentiating with respect to time, Va+Va = 0 vp = Va of Ya =—Vs Fig. 3.22 ‘Another example: involving dependent blocks is shown in Fig. 3.23 (a). tg Consider upper pulley as a reference. ME: Total length of the string must be const ! 25,4 h + Sq = constant Differentiating with respect to time t, if 2Wvat+ Vp = 0 2v, = —Ve Piven and he ! Fig. 3.23 (a) "Consider lower pulley as a reference. Total length of the string must be constant. [ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) S eas vaeMarics Solution Given data: Velocity of car Pvp = 40 Peasy cs cra tex da beset Bent a 10m os shown in Fig, 3.19 Ti al Seater tert intersection of roads. ee Distance travelled by corP nS # = 40 x05 = 20m tative veloc of car Q wth respect toca? Fig, 3.8 @) (@ Time required to attain the shortest dis km, ship B travelled from point B S eae eee ‘A Distance BC is given by, Felative to ship vor = Ya-¥ Component of relative velocity along x-direction snagac - 8S enh = 0-48 Say = ve? ® @): line of relative velocity of Q rant at an angle © with BC = 10.19 km 10.19 Required time = "335" equired time = "333 From equations (1) and with respect to P lies in second quad x-axis Shorten distance of 10 musa line perpendicuss line sclative velocty of Q with respect to P from POF Pp ig atationary and car Qs traveling with relauNe velocity) 10 sin® = 99 of P = Required time = 0.306 hours re s oo Ans. a= tan i) and y direction in ubsttuting value of Yor 21079 * equation (3), ve a3) = 3 ee ane == vp = 23.09 m/s a Ans. Example 3.27 : Two straight roads poss at right angles at | Fromeduations and @) pis moving on one road and A) Vege = NGO? + 5? veling at 40, en/s and POS the ene feast astance | Example 3.28:Pin P moves with constant speed of 200 cular slot which Jockwise sense 0109 & der block A show, Ifthe sider mnstant speed of 75:™"TV5 pin with respect 1 he slot ‘mm/s in counter cl between Pand Q is 10 17 relative velocity of Q with Fe5 ward at a CF slocity of the (0) 8= 180° 8 block travels Up' determine the vel when (a) = 90°, oS = ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BATU) + points A and Bare on the the extremities of these velocities Va vmon perpendicular at A and hei anown in Fig. 3:56 (b) we join This line meets the com’ in point C which is LCR. Th if vaand vp are paraliel in Fig. 3.56 (0) equal in Fig. 356 (d), C the LCR. is at infinite distanc and angular velocity 0 pure translatory motion. —_ perpendicular t0 Vy and Vp and Vy ‘or vq and Vp are a is zero. It means the motion is 030), ‘Example 3.64 : At the instont shown, the 8C ts horizontal, whereas 500 mm long | | counterclockwise with an angular velocity Determine the angular velocity of link BC collar at. ‘Example 3.63 : The velocity of the slider block C is 4 m/s up the 45° inciined groove. Determine the angular velocity of links AB ond BC. each of 1 m length, and the velocity of point B Fig. 3.57 (@) Solution Given data : As shown in Fig. 3.57 (a). e find = Angular velocities of rod and velocity at point OC = 142m,0B=1m oe aie Mex = OC = yap = 2.82 rad/s xc = Oca = 2.82 rad/s (G) Ye = OB x oxy = 1x 282 = 2.82 m/s (3) Solution : Given data : As shownin Fig. 3.58 (a). To find : Angular velocity of BC and ve c. MECHANICS (onruy h=254, +h sym constant h=28,+ Si = constant, a7) 3.30: the motor draws in cable such that point ee acceleration of ay = (3t2) m/s?, where ‘determine how. ‘tgs the load at B travels in srawemanies: ae 4 Integrating with respect to t, Sa = S79 aes ory ae 2 Integrating with respect to t, ives pe pdt t0t0y ae 48 Load B travelled in t =15 s, starting from rest is given by substituting t = 15 s in equation (2) 3xasyt 48 Xp = 0.316 m Example 3.31 : The motor draws in the cable at C with o ‘constant velocity of vc = 4 m/s. The motor draws in the cable at D with a constant acceleration of op = & m/s If Vp = Oand h = 3 mwhen t = 0, determine the time needed for h = 0. Also find the relative velocity of block A with respect to block B when this occurs. @. Xe = a \ Fig. 3.25, Solution : Given data: Vo= 41/5, a = 8vs*. Att <0, vp = 0, h=3m mh=ot= 4 Vaya =? From concept of length of string, for the cable at C 2x = % 2va = Vo » Substituting ve = 4 m/s in equation (), ve = 4 vp = 2m/s ‘| similarly, for the cable at O. 2xq = Xo 2, = YO 2aq = 20

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