Position Paper

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Delegation- Belgium

Committee: Cold War Historic Crisis 1949

Agenda- To Contain or Counter communism without causing World War III


My committee is a meeting of countries gathered to discuss the rising influence of communism. The country's
delegates will discuss what to do about the spread of communism. A few delegates will support communism
and a few will support to counter and the countries present in the meeting will be unhappy if the next World
War starts, so the delegates know to handle the meeting in a peaceful manner. The delegates will have to team
up and discuss against each other to gain in order to gain what they want. This meeting was an important one
because they had to decide the leadership style, if they wanted and this also can cause a war. In this meeting, I
want to counter communism without causing World War III.


Belgium was a calm nation with a moderate amount of population and it remained a neutral nation throughout
many wars which were fought. Belgium remained as a neutral country since 1839. The country did not interfere
the international politics neither they did not break the laws that they were not supposed to. Belgium's major
allies were The United States, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Luxembourg, The United Kingdom,
Norway, and Portugal after signing the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation also known as the "NATO" on 2nd
June 1949 and it was signed by the Prime Minister of Belgium, Paul-Henri Spaak. But France and The United
States always remained Belgium's great allies. Throughout the greater part of the Cold War, Belgium was the
only NATO country that underwent a constant annual increase in its defence budget as a percent of its GNP
also known as the Gross National Product. Now, in this meeting, I would like to counter communism as support
and follow democracy and I would not want to support my rivals. I would like to follow the same leadership
style, that I was following earlier and would not expect a change in the leadership style that I was using and if I
do not counter communism now, it becomes difficult for us to rule the country as they might compete with us
to rule the country, so for it to not happen I have to counter against communism without causing the World
War III.


I was countering the communist style of leadership as they were my rivals as well as my threat as the
communist influenced all the workers and farmers by their way of leading the country is just way different from
the way that we had been ruling previously as there are many minor differences between us both. So, because
of this I wanted counter communism.

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